UPHESC history syllabus

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mÙkj izns”k mPprj f”k{kk lsok vk;ksx] bykgkckn

¼fo’k; dksM&30½
v& e/;dkyhu Hkkjrh; bfrgkl %
lzksr %
ys[k vkSj flDdk”kkL= lEcfU/kr lkexzh vkSj LekjdA
lkfgfR;d lzksr& Qkjlh] laLd`r vkSj {ks=h; Hkk’kk,aA
fons”kh ;k=h& o`ÙkkarA
jktuhfrd fodkl %
lYrur&xksjh] rqdZ] [kyth] rqxyd] lS;n vkSj yksnhA
eqxy lzkekT; dh uhao&ckcj] gqek;wa vkSj lwjh( vdcj ls vkSjaxtsc rd jkT;
eqxy lzkekT; dk iru&jktuhfrd] iz”kklfud vkSj vkfFkZd dkj.kA
ckn ds eqxy vkSj eqxy lzkekT; dk fo?kVuA
fot;uxj vkSj cgeuh jkT;&mRFkku] foLrkj vkSj fo?kVuA ejkBk vkUnksyu]
f”kokth }kjk Lojkt dh uhao( is”kokvksa ds v/khu bldk foLrkj( ejkBk
jkT;eaMy&iru ds dkj.kA
iz”kklu %
lYrur ds v/khu iz”kklu % vlSfud] U;kf;d] jktLo] jktdks’kh; vkSj lSfudA
“ksj”kkg ds iz”kklfud lq/kkj( eqxy iz”kklu % Hkw&jktLo vkSj vk; ds vU; lzksr(
eulcnkjh vkSj tkxhjnkjhA
nDdu esa iz”kklu i)fr&fot;uxj] cgeuh jkT; vkSj ejkBkA
c& vkfFkZd i{k %
d`f’k mRiknu &xzkeh.k vFkZO;oLFkk( d`’kd oxZ
“kgjh dsUnz vkSj tula[;kA
m|ksx&lwrh oL= m|ksx] gLrf”kYi] d`f’k&vk/kkfjr m|ksx( laxBu] dkj[kkuk]
O;kikj vkSj okf.kT;& jkT; dh uhfr;ka] vkUrfjd vkSj oká O;kikj( ;wjksih;
O;kikj] O;kikj dsUnz vkSj iru] ifjogu vkSj lapkjA
foÙkh;u O;kikj] okf.kT; vkSj m|ksx( gq.Mh ¼fofue; i=½ vkSj chekA
lkekftd&/kkfeZd vkUnksyu
lwQh& muds /kkfeZd la?k] fo”okl vkSj i)fr;ka] iz[;kr lwQh larA
HkfDr lEiznk;&”kSookn vkSj mldh “kk[kk,a( oS’.kookn vkSj mldh “kk[kk,aA
e/;dkyhu lar&mÙkj vkSj nf{k.k&mudk lkekftd&jktuhfrd vkSj /kkfeZd
thou ij izHkkoA
fl[k vkUnksyu&xq: ukud nso vkSj muds mins”k vkSj lk/kuk( vkfn xzaFk(
l& lekt %
oxhZdj.k&”kkld oxZ] izeq[k /kkfeZd oxZ] O;kikjh vkSj O;kolkf;d oxZA
xzkeh.k lekt&NksVs lkeUr] xzke deZPkkjh] d`’kd vkSj xSj&d`’kd oxZ] f”kYidkjA
efgykvksa dh fLFkfr vkSj e/;dkyhu Hkkjr esa jkfuoklA
U.P. Higher Education Services Commission, Allahabad/md.raj/Syllabus/History
lkaLd`frd thou
“kSf{kd i)fr vkSj mldh vfHkizsj.kkA
lkfgR;&Qkjlh] laLd`r vkSj {ks=h; Hkk’kk,aA
yfyr dyk,a&fp=dkjh ds izeq[k Ldwy( laxhrA
mÙkj vkSj nf{k.k Hkkjr dk okLrqijd fodkl( Hkkjrh; bLykfed okLrqdykA
n& fczfV”k “kfDr dk mn; %
17oha vkSj 18oha “krkfCn;ksa esa Hkkjr esa ;wjksih; O;kikjh&iqrZxkyh] Mp] Qzkalhlh
rFkk fczfV”kA
Hkkjr esa fczfV”k “kklu dh LFkkiuk rFkk foLrkjA
Hkkjr dh izeq[k “kfDr;ksa ds lkFk fczfV”k lEcU/k vkSj mudk vk/kqfudhdj.k&
caxky] vo/k] gSnjkckn] eSlwj] ejkBk rFkk fl[kA
dEiuh rFkk jktk ¼dzkmu½ dk iz”kklu
bZLV bafM;k dEiuh ds v/khu e/; rFkk izkUrh; <kaps dk fodkl] 1773&1853
dEiuh rFkk dzkmu ds v/khu ijeksPp “kfDr] flfoy lsok] U;kf;d] iqfyl lsok
rFkk lsukA
LFkkuh; Lo”kkluA
laoS/kkfud ifjorZu] 1909&1935
;& vkfFkZd bfrgkl %
O;kikj dk cnyrk gqvk la?kVu] O;kikj dk vk;ke rFkk fn”kk] ^fn fVªC;wV*A d`f’k
dk foLrkj rFkk okf.kT;hdj.k] Hkwfe lEcU/kh vf/kdkj] Hkwfe cankscLr] xzkeh.k _.k
xzLrrk] Hkwfeghu etnwjA
m|ksxksa dk iru % dkjhxjksa dh cnyrh gqbZ lkekftd&vkfFkZd n”kk,a(
vkS|ksfxd uhfr % izeq[k vk/kqfud m|ksx( QSDVjh dkuwu dk Lo:i( Jfed rFkk
etnwj la?k ds vkUnksyuA
ekSfnzd uhfr( cSafdax( eqnzk rFkk fofu;e( jsyos rFkk lM+d ifjoguA
u, “kgjh dsUnzksa dk fodkl( “kgj vk;kstu rFkk okLrqdyk dh ubZ fo”ks’krk,aA
nqfHkZ{k rFkk egkekjh vkSj ljdkj dh uhfrA
vkfFkZd fopkj % bafXy”k mi;ksfxrkoknh( Hkkjrh; vkfFkZd bfrgkldkj( fudkl
j& ladze.kk/khu Hkkjrh; lekt %
bZlkbZ /keZ ls lEidZ& fe”ku( Hkkjrh; lkekftd rFkk vkfFkZd i)fr;ksa ,oa
/kkfeZd fo”oklksa dh leh{kk( “kS{kf.kd rFkk vU; xfrfof/k;kaA
ubZ f”k{kk&ljdkjh uhfr( Lrj rFkk fo’k;( vaxzsth Hkk’kk( vk/kqfud foKku( f”k{kk esa
Hkkjrh; igyA
jktk jkeeksgu jk;( lkekftd&/kkfeZd lq/kkj( e/;oxZ dk mn;( tkfr la?k rFkk
tkfr xfr”khyrkA
efgykvksa dk iz”u&jk’Vªoknh dFku % efgyk laxBu( efgykvksa ls lEcfU/kr
fczfV”k dkuwu( lkafo/kkfud fLFkfrA
eqnz.kky; ¼fizafVax izsl½& i=dkfjrk lEcU/kh xfrfof/k rFkk tuerA
Hkkjrh; Hkk’kkvksa rFkk lkfgfR;d :iksa dk vk/kqfudhdj.k % fp=dyk dk
iqufoZU;kl] laxhr rFkk izn”kZu dyk,aA

U.P. Higher Education Services Commission, Allahabad/md.raj/Syllabus/History

y& jk’Vªh; vkUnksyu %
Hkkjrh; jk’Vªh;rk dk mn;( jk’Vªh;rk ds lkekftd rFkk vkfFkZd vk/kkjA
1857 dk fonzksg rFkk fHkUu&fHkUu lkekftd oxZA
tutkrh; rFkk fodkl vkUnksyuA
Hkkjrh; jk’Vªh; dkaxzsl dh fopkj/kkjk rFkk dk;Zdze] 1885&1920
Lons”kh vkUnksyu dh izo`fÙk;kaA
Hkkjr rFkk fons”k esa Hkkjrh; dzkfUrdkfj;ksa dh fopkj/kkjk ,oa dk;ZdzeA
xka/kh tu&vkUnksyuA
tfLVl tu&vkUnksyuA
tfLVl ikVhZ ¼U;k; ny½ dh fopkj/kkjk rFkk dk;ZdzeA
okeiaFkh jktuhfr
nfyr oxZ dk vkUnksyuA
lkEiznkf;d jktuhfr rFkk ikfdLrku dk mn~HkoA
Lok/khurk rFkk foHkktu dh vksjA
Lokra=;ksÙkj Hkkjr ¼1947&1964½
foHkktu ds ckn iquokZlA
Hkkjrh; jkT;ksa dk ,dhdj.k % d”ehj dk iz”uA
Hkkjrh; lafo/kku dk fuekZ.kA
ukSdj”kkgh rFkk iqfyl dk <kapkA
tukafddh; izo`fÙk;kaA
vkfFkZd uhfr;ka rFkk ;kstuk izfdz;kA
jkT;ksa dk Hkk’kkoSKkfud iquxZBuA
fons”k uhfr lEcU/kh igy dk;ZA
o& lalkj ds bfrgkl % ladYiuk,a] fopkj rFkk vof/k;ka %
lalnh; yksdra=
jk’VªeMa y
“kfDr larqyu
ekuo ds vf/kdkj
“khr ;q)
bfrgkl esa vuqla/kku
bfrgkl ds {ks= rFkk ewY;
bfrgkl esa oLrqfu’Brk rFkk vfHkufr
bfrgkl vkSj blds lgk;d foKku

U.P. Higher Education Services Commission, Allahabad/md.raj/Syllabus/History

(Subject Code-30)

A. Medieval Indian History :

Graphic and numismatic materials and monuments.
Literary sources- Persian, Sanskrit and Regional languages.
Foreign traveller’s accounts.
Political Developments
The Sultanate – the Ghorids, the Turks, the Khaljis, the Tughlaqs, the Sayyids and the
Foundation of the Mughal Empire – Babur, Humayun and the Suris ; expansion from
Akbar to Aurangzeb.
Decline of the Mughal empire – political, administrative and economic causes.
Later Mughals and disintegration of the Mughal empire.
The Vijayanagara and the Bahmanis – rise, expansion and disintegration. The Maratha
movement, the foundation of Swaraj by Shivaji ; its expansion under the Peshwas ;
Maratha Confederacy – causes of decline.
Administration under the Sultanate – civil, judicial, revenue, fiscal and military.
Sher Shah’s administrative reforms; Mughal administration – land revenue and other
sources of income; Mansabdari and Jagirdari.
Administrative system in the Deccan – the Vijayanagara, the Bahmanis and the Marathas.

B. Economic Aspects :
Agricultural production – village economy ; peasantry.
Urban centres and population.
Industries – cotton textiles, handicrafts, agro – based industries, organization, factories,
Trade and commerce – State policies, internal and external trade; European trade, trade
centres and ports, transport and communication.
Financing trade, commerce and industries; Hundi ( Bills of Exchange ) and Insurance.
Socio – religious Movements
The Sufis – their orders, beliefs and practices, the leading Sufi saints.
Bhakti cult – Shaivism and its branches; Vaishnavism and its branches.
The Saints of the medieval period – north and south – their impact on socio – political
and religious life.
The Sikh movement – Guru Nanak Dev and his teachings and practices, Adi Granth; the

C. Society :
Classification – ruling class, major religious groups, the mercantile and professional
Rural society – petty chieftains, village officials, cultivators and non – cultivating classes,
Position of women and the Harem in Medieval India.
Cultural Life
System of Educational and its motivations.
Literature – Persian, Sanskrit and Regional languages.
Fine Arts – Major schools of painting ; music.
U.P. Higher Education Services Commission, Allahabad/md.raj/Syllabus/History
Architectural developments of North and South India; Indo – Islamic architecture.

D. Rise of British Power :

European traders in India in the 17th and 18th centuries – Portuguese, Dutch, French and
the British.
The establishment and expansion of British dominion in India.
British relations with and subjugation of the principal Indian Powers – Bengal, Oudh,
Hyderabad, Mysore, Marathas and the Sikhs.
Administration of the Company and Crown
Evolution of central and provincial structure under the East India Company, 1773 – 1853.
Paramountcy, Civil Service, Judiciary, Police and the Army under the Company and
Local Self – Government.
Constitutional changes, 1909 – 1935.

E. Economic History :
Changing composition, volume and direction of trade; The Tribute. Expansion and
commercialisation of agriculture, land rights, land settlements, rural indebtedness,
landless labour.
Decline of industries – changing socio – economic conditions of artisans; De –
British Industrial Policy; major modern industries; nature of factory legislation; labour
and trade union movements.
Monetary policy, banking, currency and exchange, Railways and Road Transport.
Growth of new urban centres; new features of town planning and architecture.
Famines, and epidemics and the government policy.
Economic Thought – English utilitarians; Indian economic historians ; the Drain theory.

F. Indian Society in Transition :

Contact with Christianity – the Missions; critique of Indian social and economic practices
and religious beliefs; educational and other activities.
The New Education – Government policy; levels and contents. English language; modern
science; Indian initiatives in education.
Raja Rammohan Roy; socio – religious reforms; emergence of middle class; caste
associations and caste mobility.
Women’s Question – Nationalist Discourse; Women’s Organisations; British legislation
concerning women; Constitutional position.
The Printing Press – journalistic activity and the public opinion.
Modernisation of Indian languages and literary forms – reorientation in painting, music
and performing arts.

G. National Movement
Rise of Indian nationalism, social and economic bases of nationalism.
Revolt of 1857 and different social classes.
Tribal and peasant movements.
Ideologies and programmes of the Indian National Congress, 1885 – 1920.
Trends in Swadeshi movement.
Ideologies and programs of Indian revolutionaries in India and abroad.
Gandhian Mass Movements.
Ideology and program of the Justice Party.
Left Wing Politics.
Movement of the Depressed classes.
Communal politics and genesis of Pakistan.
U.P. Higher Education Services Commission, Allahabad/md.raj/Syllabus/History
Towards Independence and Partition.
Jndia after Independence ( 1947 – 1964 )
Rehabilitation after Partition.
Integration of the Indian States; The Kashmir Question.
The making of the Indian Constitution.
The structure of Bureaucracy and the Policy.
The demographic trends.
Economic policies and the planning process.
Linguistic reorganisation of States.
Foreign policy initiatives.

H. World History : Concepts, Ideas and Terms :

Non - alignment
Parliamentary Democracy
Balance of Power
Rights of Man
Cold War
Post - modernism
Research in History
Scope and value of History
Objectivity and Bias in History
History and its auxiliary sciences

Note- Minimum six question from each unit are compulsory.

U.P. Higher Education Services Commission, Allahabad/md.raj/Syllabus/History

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