2023 Jul Aug
2023 Jul Aug
2023 Jul Aug
1. Check that your question paper contains all the exhibits as mentioned in page 3. The consecutive page numbering
may be found under the base line at the foot of each page.
2. Use the answer script provided by the Institute. Write your name, roll no., registration no. and name of the subject
on the upper portion of the cover page of the answer script.
3. Candidates are asked not to write any particulars of identification in any other place of the answer script and
additional pages if taken.
6. Answer script and additional page(s) taken to write answer, used or unused, must not be removed or taken away
from the Examination Hall.
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Requirements & Marks Allocation:
You are Sarwoar Ahmed and recently joined as senior consultant at Chowdhury Rashid & Co., Chartered
Accountants (CRC). You report to Senior Partner of the Firm Mr. Rashid Chowdhury FCA. Recently your firm have
been awarded with an advisory engagement with PaperCraft Limited (PCL). Your reporting partner Mr. Rashid has
forwarded an email (Exhibit-1) to you which he received from Mr. Masum Ahmed, Managing Director of PaperCraft
Limited, regarding several advisory related matters. Mr. Rashid has asked you to prepare a report covering all the
requirements stated in the e-mail sent by Mr. Masum. Additionally, he forwarded some emails containing business
reports and news (Exhibit 7 and Exhibi-8) which he believes should be considered while preparing the report.
You are required to prepare a draft report for Mr. Rashid Chowdhury FCA which should comprise the following elements:
❖ An executive summary
❖ Your responses to the detailed requirements (a), (b) and (c) set out in Exhibit-1.
❖ State clearly any assumptions that you make.
Of the total marks, 10% are included for the relevant discussions of ethical issues within your answer to the requirements.
Marks Allocation:
All of the marks in the Case Study are awarded for the demonstration of professional skills, allocated broadly as follows:
Professional Skills
Assimilating Structuring Applying Conclusions and Integrative &
Requirements Total
and using Problems and Judgment making multidisciplinary
information solutions recommendations skills
Executive Summary 3 4 3 3 2 15
Requirement (a) (i) 3 4 3 3 2 15
(ii) 3 3 2 2 0 10
Requirement (b) (i) 2 2 2 2 0 8
(ii) 4 3 2 2 2 13
(iii) 4 3 2 2 0 11
(iv) 2 2 2 2 0 8
Requirement (c) (i) 2 2 2 2 2 10
(ii) 2 2 2 2 2 10
Total 25 25 20 20 10 100
In planning your report, you should be aware that not attempting one of the requirements, including an executive
summary, will have a significantly detrimental effect on your chances of success. In addition, as indicated above, all
skills areas will be assessed under each element of your report.
You should be clear that marks are awarded for demonstrating your professional skills, not for reproducing facts
from the case. To be successful, you will need to:
• Demonstrate your knowledge of the case material and make use of your analysis.
• Carryout relevant analysis of the problems and structure your proposed solutions.
• Apply your judgment based on the analysis that you have carried out
• Draw conclusions from your analysis and judgment in developing practical commercial recommendations.
• Ethical issues may cover the following topic-
- Lack of professional independence or objectivity
- Conflict of interest among stakeholders
- Doubtful accounting or commercial practice or market competition or Market proximity
- Inappropriate pressure to achieve a reported result.
- Compliance of local laws and regulations
• Integrative & multidisciplinary skills may cover the following areas-
- Depletion and wastage of natural resources and its impact on environment and climate change.
- Impact on pollution, on the public health and productivity and on the national health budget.
- Social impacts, e.g., social unrest for allowing use of alcohol, bar, etc.
- Economic impacts, e.g., on employment generation and improvement in connectivity using ICT.
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Exhibit Description
E-mail from Mr. Masum Ahmed, Managing Director, PaperCraft Limited to
1 Mr. Rashid Chowdhury FCA, Senior Partner of CRC, requesting a report to 4
the PCL Board on matters under advisory engagement
5 E-mail from Finance & Accounts Director on reporting & compliance issues. 12
E-mail from Operations Director regarding strategic investment options and
6 13 – 14
financing alternatives.
7 Environmental, Health and Ethical Issues in paper industry 15
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Yours sincerely,
Masum Ahmed
Managing Director, PaperCraft Limited
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A brief note on PaperCraft Limited and its business operations.
Company Background
PaperCraft Limited (PCL) was incorporated in the year 2000 as a private limited company. The company was founded
by Mr. Nasimul Hassan, Chairman of the board, who started his profession in trading of paper and paper-based products
under another company. Soon Mr. Hassan decided to start his own company and subsequently founded PaperCraft
Since inception, PaperCraft was focused on trading of paper and paper-based products. It purchased paper from the
paper mills and used to sell at wholesale market. Soon it realized it would have higher revenue if the product could be
branded. Soon after that PCL started to brand its inventories as PaperCraft product. This helped PCL to differentiate
itself from other companies dealing with the same products. PCL then focused on improving quality of the products it
was dealing and accordingly negotiated with the manufacturing paper mills. Because of higher quality and branding,
its demand increased significantly over the years.
In 2007, PCL set up its first paper mill in Gazipur which used to produce newsprint papers from recycled papers and
other materials. However, as the demand for newsprint paper decreased over time, the mill was upgraded to whiteprint
paper manufacturing plant. In 2016, PCL expanded its business by acquiring a small tissue manufacturing plant in
Narayangonj. This plant is producing hygiene products. Both of the plants are operated as separate business unit and
equipped with latest machineries for this industry. PCL has partnered with world best technology companies for
upgradation and maintenance of its plants. PCL is currently aiming to achieve ISO certification for its plants.
The company have built its reputation in more than two decades by offering diversified products ranging from different
types of Paper, Tissue & Hygiene portfolio. This has earned satisfaction and trust from both local and international
customers. At present, PCL is selling its products across the country and exporting its product to over 20 countries.
Furthermore, PCL is the preferred source of Government and commercial organization for paper and paper-based
Periodic renovation and modernization of the Plant machineries well foreseen by the skilled resources of home and
abroad have helped the plant to remain in healthy condition even after decades. PCL’s firm commitment and success
delivering high quality products and services to customers has been the major reason to attain and retain the leadership
position sector of this country.
PLC strive towards product quality and customer Satisfaction by understanding & fulfilling customer expectations.
This was the key factor in growth of hygiene product business and the advantage that it built over the years through
wide and loyal distribution network across the country.
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Mission & Vision
PCL is operating its business with the mission of “Enabling Communication, Education and Business of the world
by providing sustainable paper-based solutions” and it has vision “To be a world class paper company creating
positive impacts for customers”.
Key Management
Most of the board members are family members of Mr. Nasimul Hassan, Founder and Chairman of the company.
Records of the company shows following persons as member of the board and departmental heads.
Operational strategy
Current business model of the company includes importing pulp and raw materials as well as sourcing from local
market where possible. These raw materials are processed in PCL plants to produced finished products. Major
portions of the finished goods are distributed across the country through own distribution networks and sold to the
retailing and specialized shops. Some small portions of Finished products are sold at bulk to the wholesale market
and directly sold to corporate offices. In addition, 10%-15% of the finished products are exported to various
countries. On special request, PCL also delivers customized and designed products to the corporate house. However,
tailer product request is very small in quantity, but recent analysis shows trend will grow in future.
PCL is currently having problem in importing pulp due to foreign currency crisis the country is facing. PCL is
currently supporting its operations by sourcing pulp from local vendors. However, quality of these pulps is inferior
compared to the imported pulps. Furthermore, government duty has increased the import cost of the pulp leading to
increase in paper manufacturing costs. This is expected to impact sales in upcoming years. In order to address the
pulp related issue, PCL has partnered with local research institutes to find alternative source of raw materials. PCL
is considering starting its own pulp production company.
Future plans
PCL plans to be the largest paper company of the country. It has plan to expand its business horizontally and vertically
in both within and outside the country. Furthermore, it expects to be the most preferred paper brand in the country.
It has plans to introduce new product lines in near future. It is currently considering entering in the greeting card
market and sell premium paper-based gift items.
Financing strategy
PCL finance its business and assets from retained earnings and borrowings from loan & international banks. These
sources are used for financing working capital and short-term loan. In case of new long-term financing, PCL plans to
raise fund by issuing shares in IPO or taking loan from local and international bank. As the local borrowing cost is
increasing, PCL is planning to focus on foreign borrowing.
Financial reporting
PCL prepares its financial statement in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs). It maintains
its financial year matching with government fiscal year July to June. Its financial year has recently ended, and accounting
department has prepared its draft financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2023 (EXHIBIT – 3). The draft will be
shared with its auditor Ariful Islam & Co., Chartered Accountants (AIC). AIC has been auditor of the company for last
10 years. Its partner Mr. Arif has been the engagement partner since the beginning. AIC is also helping PCL in tax
planning, calculation of tax, filling of statutory and tax returns. On request of PCL board, AIC has provided internal audit
support in few cases and implementation guidance for newly issued accounting standards. AIC fees has not changed in
last four years. PCL Chairman has a good relationship with Mr. Arif and referred him as auditor to other companies. PCL
is satisfied with its auditor and do not have intention to change in next few years.
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HR Strategy
PCL believes in equal employment opportunities. At present PCL employs more than three thousand employees out
of which 25% are female. These female employs are mostly works at the factory premises. Although the gender ratio
is not at per but PCL plans to improve the gender balance in future. Gender ratio has decreased as female employee
turnover has increased in last few years. Most of the employees are recruited through employee referral program and
recruiting agencies. PCL has plans to introduce campus recruitment program in administrative positions. For its
factory level positions, it plans to recruit from nearby localities. This will help to boost local employment
opportunities. Furthermore, it will have positive impact on employee lifestyle as they will be able to work without
moving away from families.
Environmental policy
PCL is committed to run its operations by following environment friendly, ensuring continual improvement in the
utilization of resources and prevention of pollution or degradation of the environment. In pursuit of this, the Company
follows the policy to:
• Comply with all environmental related legislations and regulations of this country.
• Conserve mother nature by adopting environmentally safe production processes.
• Ensure appropriate treatment of all effluents prior to discharge.
• Create and maintain awareness on environmental issues within the Company.
• Ensure waste management system runs through continuous upgradation process.
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PaperCraft Limited
Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income
For the year ended 30 June 2023
30-Jun-23 30-Jun-22
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100 75.76 81.83 77.97 71.44
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
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In absence of quality pulp locally, paper mills import pulp to maintain quality standard of their products. Importing
of raw materials has become a significant drawback in developing paper industry in Bangladesh. Due to the import,
cost of production has increased. However, import of high-quality pulp has helped to increase production capacity
of private paper mills
Although paper is used throughout the year, its demand is at the peak during November to January. Demand for
paper increases in winter as school textbooks are printed for the new academic year, diary and calendar for new year,
and new publications hit the market for annual book fairs in February across the country. Paper mills operates days
and nights during this peak time to meet the demand. However, for the rest of the year, most paper mills remain shut
or runs at the very lower capacity. This makes papermills to maintain cash flows and survive in this industry.
Participants of the paper industry are trying to introduce innovative technology in the production facilitates with the
objective to protect nature and the environment. Many have introduced some environment-friendly technology to
improve the quality of our locally made papers. It also helps to produce export-quality paper products and make huge
profits. Paper mills are also developing technology to produce improved pulp locally to reduce production cost and
avoid dependency on import. New technologies used in the paper industry include organic acid pulping fractionation
of agricultural waste, potassium hydroxide-based pulping as a biorefinery concept, and fast-growing native species
pulping under social forestry program.
The biggest wholesale market for paper in the capital is located at Naya Bazar in Old Dhaka. The place remains
abuzz with traders from morning till late at night. People come here from different parts of the country to buy various
types of paper and paper products.
The paper industry is no longer limited to writing and printing in this day and age. Along with other paper mills of
the country, Paper Mills of Bangladesh has started exporting paper products in recent years. At present paper and
paper-based products are exported to around 40 countries. Primary exported paper products include A3, A4 and
legal-sized papers, exercise books and industrial paper, and hygiene products, like toilet paper, paper napkin, facial
tissue, kitchen towel, pocket tissue, paper towel, clinical bed sheets and jumbo roll tissue.
In addition to the export demand, local demand for disposable paper cups, plates and boxes has become popular,
especially among fast food outlets and street vendors. The market for paper cups and plates in Bangladesh is not that
big. However, the usage of these environment-friendly paper products has started to increase. However, price is
always a factor for increasing such demands. Due to the huge import duty on the raw materials, cost of paper products
is high and having difficulties to compete with the plastic industry. The widespread use of plastic cups and polybags
limits the demand for our environment-friendly paper products.
One of the positive aspects of the industry is that new entrepreneurs are investing a huge amount of money in the
sector and implementing modern technology. Furthermore, foreign buyers are also coming to Bangladesh to import
paper products because of the good quality. It is advisable to the new investors to obtain certain licenses life Fire
Licenses, Environment Clearance Certificate (ECC) and membership with Bangladesh Paper Mills Association
(BPMA) while setting up their business. The demand for sustainable products continues to increase, and paper
manufacturing is no exception. In the future, it is expected to see an increased focus on using renewable energy
sources, reducing waste and emissions, and sourcing raw materials responsibly.
Like every other business, paper industry is also impacted by digitalization. During the corona pandemic, entire
world shifted toward digital communications. Corporate houses already shifted paper communications to email
communications. Because of these demand for paper in corporate houses has decreased. Many educational
institutions have been moving to digital examination system which does not require papers to write on. Due to change
in preferences, readers now like to read their newspapers and books in digital devises. Newspaper companies are
gradually moving to online version reducing the printed copies. Book and magazine publishers are also experiencing
declining demand for their books and magazines. All these combines have decreased and further decreasing overall
demand for paper. Furthermore, people are now concern about environment and carbon emission. They believe
cutting trees for paper production is one of the reasons for deforestation and increase of carbon in air. There are
active campaigns to reduce usage of paper in order to save the earth and its forests.
Despite the demand for writing paper is decreasing, its alternative uses like paper bags, paper cup, packing boxes,
tissue etc. are rising. As paper is bio-degradable, it has become the most preferred alternative of single use plastic
products. So, demand for paper can be compensated by its alternative uses.
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E-mail on Reporting and Compliance issues
From : Aman Ullah FCA, Director of Finance & Accounts
To : Mr. Rashid Chowdhury FCA, Senior Partner at CRC
Subject : Current Reporting and Compliance issues.
Date : 18 July 2023
I like to congratulations you on your reappointment for the advisory services to the company. I am sure we will be
benefited greatly from the advisory engagement with your firm. I am writing today for your advice on some issues
we have been facing. We have prepared our draft financial statements in EXHIBIT-3 which will be shared with our
auditors. We have come across with issues while preparing the draft financial statements which need to be
incorporated in the final financial statements. We need your assistance to make corrections in the final financial
Assessment of carrying value:
PCL has acquired a machine in 2021 for BDT 15 million with expected useful life of 10 years. However, during the
year the machine was physically damaged due to an accident. Since then the machine is subject to regular
maintenance to keep it operational. If replaced with a newer machine with advance technology, the existing machine
will not fetch more than BDT 7 million taka.
Risk Free Rate : 7.5% Market Return : 12.5% Current Market beta : 1.5
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Post-acquisition Information relevant to Papyrus:
Equity in capital (post acquisition) : 100% Perpetual growth rate (after 2027) : 4%
Papyrus Limited
Forecasted Free Cash Flows (in Million BDT)
Financing options:
PCL is planning to finance the selected investment option(s) either by issuing new shares through IPO or taking a
bank loan. First financing strategy is enlisting with stock exchanges and issue new shares through IPO. It plans to
issue shares at 400% premium subject to approval of Bangladesh Securities & Exchange Commission (BSEC).
BSEC consider the NAV, EPS, and sectoral Market PE ratio, etc. while approving the premium rate. The market
capitalization of all securities listed in DSE Ltd. as on June 2023 was Tk. 7,720,780 million and market P/E Ratio
for all listed securities is 14.31, whereas sectoral Market Capitalization was Tk. 375 million and sector’s Price
earnings (P/E) ratio was 51.98. Market price and EPSs of other comparable companies of the sector were as follows:
Face NAV Market Price EPS on
SL Company Value (BDT) (6-month average till June 2023
(BDT) June 2023 June 2023) (BDT) (BDT)
1. Sahara Paper Mills Limited 10 60 94 2.98
2. Special Paper Manufacturing Limited 10 55 350 5.80
3. Premier Paper Processing Limited 10 42 266 4.20
4. Sheba Paper & Board Mills Ltd. 10 235 820 22.50
Based on the determined price, which is subject to approval from BSEC, PCL will issue new shares for the required
funds for financing the project. Approximately 5% of the IPO proceeds will be used up in IPO process.
Second financing option is to take a long-term loan from the bank equivalent to the total investment to be made for
the selected options. Under the new rules by Bangladesh Bank, which is effective from 01 July 2023, Banks will
issue loan at SMART (Six Month Moving Average Rate of Treasury Bill) rate plus 3% corridor. Current SMART
rate is 7% which is expected to increase to 8% in 2024 and 9% in 2025.
Year /
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
5% 0.9524 0.9070 0.8638 0.8227 0.7835 0.7462 0.7107 0.6768 0.6446 0.6139
6% 0.9434 0.8900 0.8396 0.7921 0.7473 0.7050 0.6651 0.6274 0.5919 0.5584
7% 0.9346 0.8734 0.8163 0.7629 0.7130 0.6663 0.6227 0.5820 0.5439 0.5083
8% 0.9259 0.8573 0.7938 0.7350 0.6806 0.6302 0.5835 0.5403 0.5002 0.4632
9% 0.9174 0.8417 0.7722 0.7084 0.6499 0.5963 0.5470 0.5019 0.4604 0.4224
10% 0.9091 0.8264 0.7513 0.6830 0.6209 0.5645 0.5132 0.4665 0.4241 0.3855
11% 0.9009 0.8116 0.7312 0.6587 0.5935 0.5346 0.4817 0.4339 0.3909 0.3522
12% 0.8929 0.7972 0.7118 0.6355 0.5674 0.5066 0.4523 0.4039 0.3606 0.3220
13% 0.8850 0.7831 0.6931 0.6133 0.5428 0.4803 0.4251 0.3762 0.3329 0.2946
14% 0.8772 0.7695 0.6750 0.5921 0.5194 0.4556 0.3996 0.3506 0.3075 0.2697
15% 0.8696 0.7561 0.6575 0.5718 0.4972 0.4323 0.3759 0.3269 0.2843 0.2472
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