Exegesis Hebrews 12 2

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Exegesis Essay Hebrews 12: 1-3 Peter Roberts

Introduction to back ground The background to which the letter was written seems to be Jewish Christians who are under persecution and maybe in serious danger of apostasy. But in saying that there is enough evidence to suggest that many of the illustrations given could be understood by Jewish and Gentile readers alike.1 It seems the strongest argument for Jewish readership is the various uses of rabbinical practices in the interpretation of the book of Hebrews.2 Vos suggests that the readership could not have been Jewish because of the elementary things that must be taught again (Hebrews 6:1-2; 9:14). He argues that Jews would have already known those elementary truths.3 Vos sees the acts that lead to death or dead works that must be left behind attributed to gentiles. However as Trotter points out, the writer is as much concerned about the dead works of Judaism (Hebrews 8:5, 9:23 and 10:1)4. The elementary things are about Christ and they would still be elementary to Jews. And it is about Christ that our text is concerned with, the author and protector of our faith. There is no doubt that this letter is written to a particular group of people, as seen in 13:245, and while a Jewish audience cannot be proven, it is our understanding that it was the most likely option and a better way of interpreting Hebrews 12:1-3. Therefore we find this concept in Hebrews 12:2 where the writer draws on a traditional view of seated at the right hand of God (Psalm 110:1) and the historical survey of Hebrews 11 that Hebrews 12:1 uses as

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Ellingworth, Paul. The Epistle to the Hebrews. Michigan : Eerdmanns, 1993. 24-25. Trotter, Andrew, H. Jr. Interpreting the Epistle to the Hebrews. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1997. 29. Vos, G. The teaching of the Epistle to the Hebrews. Eugene, Origen: Wepf and Stock, 1998. 18 (Trotter 1997, 30) (Ellingworth 1993, 26)

Exegesis Essay Hebrews 12: 1-3 Peter Roberts

examples of why Christian Jews and all who would read these verses should persevere. Literary context
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We are called to persevere in the faith using a series of examples taken from the history of Gods people. The reader is being exhorted to persevere in the will of God (10:36) and in our perseverance we are not without witness or example.6 The theme of perseverance is highlighted through 12:1-13, has a literary pattern (Vanhoye) that is similar to other homiletical complexes in Hebrews. The following chiastic structure is an example:7 A A Call to run with endurance (vv. 1-3) B A Explanation of the role of suffering (vv. 4-11)

A call to renew commitment to endure (vv.12-13)

Our pericope (vs.1-3) also introduces and summarises chapter 11:1-40 and is followed by a citation of scripture, which in turn is followed by an explanation of the image of that scripture.8 We quickly move from using the third person in chapter 11:1-40 to using the verb in the first or second person, moving from historical canvas of faith and perseverance of Hebrews 11 to personal application and pastoral exhortation in chapter 12.9 The emphasis of verse put on Jesus the perfecter of our faith is seen in Hornings chiastic structure of Hebrews 12:1-2:

Kistemaker, S.J. Hebrews. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic , 1984. 365 (Ellingworth 1993, 637) Attridge, H.W. The Epistle to the Hebrews Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1989. 354

Lane, William L. Word Biblical Commentary: Hebrews 9-13. Dallas : Word, Incorporated, 2002 (Word Biblical Commentary 47B), S. 403

Exegesis Essay Hebrews 12: 1-3 Peter Roberts

Therefore we, A having seated around us such a cloud of witnesses B setting aside every weight and every clinging sin C with patient endurance D let us run the race that is set before us E keeping our eyes on Jesus the pioneer and perfecter of the faith, D who for the joy that was set before him C patiently endured a cross B despising shame A and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God. The single central element (E) The portrayal of Jesus as Pathfinder, 2:10, 12:2) and (Pioneer or
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(Forerunner, 6:20) fits the theme.10

As Hornung points out, this center point changes the focus of the passage from we in the first half to Jesus in the second. The second half develops the example of Jesus which believers are to follow: His patient endurance (C), which is parallel to the patient endurance enjoined of them in the first half (C). Thus the chiasm with its central element emphasizes Jesus as the One who is the Model of the patient endurance God desires from believers; they are not expected to go it alone.11 Verse 1 The introduction of this new section is developed by a change in genre and mood. The previous chapter (11:1-40) was mainly historical; chapter (12:1) introduces a pastoral exhortation. The previous section was composed entirely

Man, Ronald E. "The Value of Chiasm for New Testament Interpretation." Bibliotheca Sacra (Dallas Theological Seminary) 141 (1084-2002): 146-154.:297 (Man 1084-2002, 297-298)


Exegesis Essay Hebrews 12: 1-3 Peter Roberts

in the indicative mood; this unit is marked by the use of the imperative and the hortatory subjunctive12 This literary structure brings the reader into the picture painted in chapter 11 where on the basis of those that preserved in faith Therefore we are exhorted to endure. (inferential particle) for that very reason, then, therefore as in 1 Thessalonians 4:8; Therefore connects what is to come with the previous chapter,13 and it gives emphasis being placed at the beginning of the sentence.14 Ellingworth says that this is irregular in classical Greek, but common in the Greek bible.15 Now the focus is brought into the present, the past are spectators, witnesses and an example to those who competing in this glorious race.16 we also is emphatic, again there is a brief return to the we languagea language of identificationwhich has surfaced regularly throughout the letter (2:1ff.; 4:14ff.; 6:1ff.; 8:1; 10:19ff.; 10:39).17 Note that the writer identifies himself with those who are competing.18 passive have around oneself, be surrounded by; figuratively speaking or have something placed around oneself bound (Acts 28:20) literally having spread about us.19 When a word is torn out of its natural context and made more independent it becomes emphatic. This occurs, says Lane, with , it becomes emphatic where modifies . 20

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(Lane 2002, 403)

Girdwood, James, Verkruyse, Peter. Hebrews. Joplin, Mo. : College Press, 1997 (The College Press NIV Commentary), S. Heb 12:1


(Ellingworth 1993, 637) (Ellingworth 1993, 637) (Guthrie 1983, 248) (Girdwood and Verkruyse 1997, Heb 12:1) (Guthrie 1983, 248) (Westcott 1977, 392) (Lane 2002, 398)







Exegesis Essay Hebrews 12: 1-3 Peter Roberts

cloud of witnesses Brown sees two meanings to these witnesses 1) a person who give testimony, 2) a spectator. 21 But there is a clear association of witnesses as martyrs as can also be seen in chapter 11; they testify to an active, faithful witness.22 The witnesses are called a cloud of Witnesses. Souza says that this Greek word for cloud is one that never ends; it does not have defined boarders.23 They are witness that tell us the meaning of struggling and who bear testimony to the certainty of success (2timothy 2:5). so many or so great a number that have triumphed through faith that they are uncountable.24 But the question is in what sense are they called witnesses? These witnesses watch from the stands of a mighty arena, but not as mere spectators, they are called to inspire us on to the finish. 25 MacArthur likes to see these great witnesses as motivation, that as creatures of flesh we need motivation and encouragement. 26 Yet they are not there to have us compete or run, all who belong to Christ will compete, they will run. They are there to cheer us on to persevere, to keep going, for the race we run concerns the cause of Christ and the gospel. 27 Bruce is probably right to suggest that they are witnesses not in the sense of spectators but in the sense that the endurance of their own race or life bears testimony to certainty of faith, it is not so much that they look to us, but we look to them.28 weight, burden this word is emphasized by its position, as with it becomes emphatic. This is the second time this structure happens in verse 1 where modifies . The expressions , 29 so great, and , excess weight, are emphatic. The thought is of an athlete stripping clothing that may hinder his performance.30 Girdwood says that

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(Brown 1961, 601) (Lane 1991, 408) Souza, Scott. "Consider Him." Reformation and Revival Ministries 8 (1999-2003): 108. (Souza 1999-2003, 108) (Guthrie 1983, 248-249) McArthur, John. The MacArthur New Testament Commentary Hebrews. Chicago: The Moody Bible Intstitute , 1983. 374. (Kistemaker 1984,366-367) (Bruce 1990, 333) (Lane 2002 , 398) (Ellingworth 1993, 683)










Exegesis Essay Hebrews 12: 1-3 Peter Roberts

this is a metaphor that describes the effect of sin on the body, it weighs the body down and hinders your ability to run; (as well as the feelings of guilt which accompany it, cf. 9:9, 14; 10:2) these all effect the Christians ability to persevere or endure until the end of the race.31
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Laying aside all/ every we are to lay aside or throw off everything that hinders. But it is sin that is particularly identified.32 the ..Sin despite the use of the definite article and the verbal objective between the definite article between the nouns, the writer does not indicate a particular sin or the nature of this sin, but he points to Sin itself.33 It is the Sin itself that we need to avoid, it weighs us down, entangles us and prevents us from competing effectively.34 easily entangling This word is difficult to translate or as F.F Bruce says, it defies easy translation.35 It points to something that surrounds and constricts the runner; Trotter suggests this term might have been coined to avoid having to use an entire phrase as an adjective.36 It seems to be there to help the reader focus on the word (sin as the weight that restricts us as we run). Brown sees even non sinful actions that may even be praiseworthy as entangling the Christian from running with diligence.37 This view may be fuelled by Vaccaris understanding of this word (Bib 39 (1958) 473-77, and RevistB 6 (1958) 235-41). He translates: Let us also set aside every encumbrance and superfluous equipment, and run the race this is other

(Girdwood and Verkruyse 1997 , Heb 12:1) ( Brown 1961, 607) (Kistemaker 1984, 371) (Kistemaker 1984, 367) (Bruce 1990, 336) (Trotter 1997, 140) (Brown 1961, 607-608)







Exegesis Essay Hebrews 12: 1-3 Peter Roberts

than sin. This has also been accepted by Vanhoyes 38 considerations of context, and problems associated with the conjecture indicate that must be the more genuine reading, it is sin that entangles and all that can be related to sin. 39
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let us run with perseverance this is the positive side of shedding of the unassay burdens of sin.40 The emphasis is that the Christian will complete the race, finish, not competing against others. 41 The image of the race is common in St Paul: 1 Cor. 9:24 ff.; Gal. 2:2; Phil. 2:16; 3:12; 2 Tim. 4:7. Compare Acts 13:25; 20:24; Rom. 9:16.42 The race is in this text is more of a marathon rather than a sprint as seen in the phrase ( ) persevere; we 43 need to have sustainable effort that can go the distance. set before us a participle that linguistically may be understood to define the race as laid out, prescribed, appointed, or alternatively as lying before, ahead.44 This race has been put before all believers in Jesus Christ. We are not just competing in a race or any race but a particular event set before us. 45 Verse 2 We have been encouraged by the cloud of great witnesses, we have seen their faith under trials and tribulations, and we have been exhorted to put off all that hinders that sin that easily entangles and run the race set before us.46 But we are not to look back at this great cloud and be distracted, no, they cheer us forward and our eyes are fixed on Jesus as we run. Jesus becomes the ultimate

(Lane 2002, 398) (Lane 2002,398) (Guthrie 1983, 249) (Ellingworth 1993, 639) (Westcott 1977, 396) Guthrie, George H. Hebrews. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1998. 398. (Lane 2002 , 399) (Ellingworth 1993, 639) (MacArthur 1983, 378-379)









Exegesis Essay Hebrews 12: 1-3 Peter Roberts

encouragement he is the author and perfecter of this enduring faith.47 We also see the fulfillment of something better, Hebrews 11:40, those that are the great cloud of witnesses did not yet receive the promise, Hebrews 11:39.We are then exhorted to look to Jesus who is that fulfillment and the promise.
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to fix ones eyes this compound present active participle from (away) and aw ((I see) signifies that we should look to (Jesus 48 ) and not be distracted. (Jesus) is the chief witness our eyes are to be on Him who is above the cloud of witness, to Him every eye should be turn while we look away from other distractions.49 We need to look to Jesus and away from distractions, we will see everything clearly if our eyes are on Him.50 Kistemaker notes that the name of Jesus is introduced so the reader will concentrate on his earthly life.51 The writer does not put Jesus among the heroes of the faith from chapter 11, but gives him special prominence above all else.52 founder, perfector, faith we look to Jesus because he is the founder and perfecter of our faith. You could translate as author; he is the champion, leader, forerunner and initiator.53 He is also the one who not only begins our faith but also brings it to a successful conclusion.54 This understanding helps to clarify the significance of . implies priority or preeminence in the exercise of faith precisely because of Jesus supremacy in bringing faith to complete realization and giving it a perfect basis through his suffering. 55 also has the idea of completeness, to be fulfilled, it emphasises the fact that Jesus is the very essence of completeness and perfection.56 Therefore (faith) is an

47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55

(Westcott 1977, 396) (Kistemaker 1984, 371) (Souza 1999-2003, 111) (MacArthur 1983, 379) (Kistemaker 1984, 376) (Kistemaker 1984, 378) (Guthrie 1998, 398) (Souza 1999-2003, 111-112) (Lane 1991, 412) (Trotter 1997, 142)


Exegesis Essay Hebrews 12: 1-3 Peter Roberts

attachment to Jesus, not a series of propositions, we look to Jesus who is the beginning and end the completion of faith. 57 Instead of should be given a substitutionary sense instead of, in place of. It underscores the fortitude of faith demonstrated in the choice that Jesus made58 joy set before It is hard to understand joy and suffering being uttered in the same breath. Yet at the eve of Jesus death Jesus spoke of his joy and anticipation, his desire to go to the cross (John 15:11; 17:13).59 This joy was because Jesus was doing the will of the Father, God destined a path of suffering for Jesus (Isaiah 53: 4-6). It was also Gods will to crush him and afterward he would see fulfillment and joy (Isaiah 53:10; Psalm 16:11; Acts 2: 28).60 endured In Hebrews the noun , endurance, is used in the formal announcement of the subject in 10:36, and in 12:1, but not elsewhere.61 This is a positive action not a passive endurance; Jesus took the burden to the cross on himself.62 Jesus endured the cross and was obedient unto death even death on a cross (Philippians 2:8).63

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a cross, despise, shame To die on a cross was not only a terrible way to die, but it was also the lowest depth of disgrace. A punishment that was given to those considered subhuman.64 Jesus is the subject of endurance as despised the shame of the cross65 To Jews there was particular shame to dying on a cross (Deuteronomy 21:23). The cross here is not metaphoric as in take up your cross daily (Luke 9:23) but this is clearly an historical reference to His death on a literal cross. 66
57 58

(Ellingworth 1993, 640-641) (Lane 1991, 413)

59 60

(Guthrie 1983, 250-251) (Kistemaker 1984, 368) 61 (Lane 1991, 405)

62 63

(Ellingworth 1993, 642) (Brown 1961, 612) 64 (Bruce 1990, 338) 65 (Attridge 1989, 357) 66 (Ellingworth 1993, 641-642)

Exegesis Essay Hebrews 12: 1-3 Peter Roberts

and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God It is finished, Jesus has triumphed for believers. The author wants to convey the permanence of Christs victory.67 The result is glorification, the writer provides us with a complete picture of Calvary. The death, resurrection and ascension, and now we see Jesus at the right hand of God. 68 The author also alludes once again to Psalm 110:1: sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet.69 Verse 3 consider We are called by the writer of Hebrews to consider Christ, and the focus of consideration is what Jesus had to endure. 70 The writer does this by making the switch from first person we to the imperative making it more urgent. Souza takes this consideration to the whole life of Jesus; from the early life in his ministry, up to his death.71 The use of the definite article directs our attention to Jesus in verse 2, it is in the perfect active indicating Jesus endured opposition in the past, but that even in the present the effects are evident. 72 hostility an accusative noun, according to the context was beyond verbal hostility or abuse, it was physical, murderous hostility that began at the beginning of his ministry (Matthew 12: 14; 26: 4) and continued till they crucified Him.73 by sinners against himself His endurance was against sinners, Jesus came to fulfil messianic prophesies, he came to his own but his own did not receive him (John 17:14).74 Jesus was exposed to the opposition from sinful men, but he endured it 75 . It seems there is dispute over this word, manuscripts favor the reading
67 68

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(Ellingworth 1993, 242) (Kistemaker 1984, 369) 69 (Kistemaker 1984, 369) 70 (Kistemaker 1984, 369) 71 (Souza 1999-2003, 116-123) 72 (Kistemaker 1984, 371-372) 73 (Souza 1999-2003, 123) 74 (Kistemaker 1984, 369) 75 (Brown 1961, 616)

Exegesis Essay Hebrews 12: 1-3 Peter Roberts

however the reading of the reflexive pronoun in the singular, although poorly supported by manuscripts, fits the context of the passage.76 in order, do not, grow weary, faint, the purpose of this clause and subjunctive is to consider Jesus in order that you will not become weary ingressive aorist. 77 It seems that many are being persecuted by unbelievers and they are losing heart, gives the idea of fainting or giving up.78 your souls as a dative of respect to, must be construed with the participle, not the verb. The Christian should take courage and do not become weary and become faint or give up your despairing souls, because we have Jesus who has done it. 79 Conclusion This letter to the Hebrews is pastoral, with encouragement, warnings, and direction. Our greatest example in perseverance is Jesus Christ, the sinless Son of God, who exposed himself to sinful man that he might do the will of him who sent him and accomplish, and finish all that God prepared in advance for him. We are called in the trails of the Christian faith to endure, to keep our eyes on Jesus who accomplished the ultimate goal, our salvation. In the same way we are called to resist, throw off, and run the race, with all perseverance and when the going is tough consider him who endured to the end for us.80 Yet, because he endured, Jesus sat down at the right hand of God. His example is proof to the readers that if they too endure, they will also be richly rewarded (10:35). 81 This exulted position of Jesus Christ enables us to persist and endure and to be faithful to God and his word.

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76 77

(Kistemaker 1984, 372) (Lane 1991, 400) 78 (Guthrie 1998, 400) 79 (Kistemaker 1984, 379) 80 (Brown 1961, 616-617) 81 (Girdwood and Verkruyse 1997, Heb 12: 3)

Exegesis Essay Hebrews 12: 1-3 Peter Roberts

Bibliography Attridge, H.W. The Epistle to the Hebrews. Philedelphia: Fortress Press, 1989. Brown, John. An Exposition of Hebrews. Great Britian : The Banner of Truth Trust, 1961. Bruce, F.F. The Epistle to the Hebrews. Grand Rapids: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1990. Ellingworth, Paul. The Epistle to the Hebrews. Michigan : Eerdmanns, 1993. Girdwood, James, and Peter Verkruyse. Hebrews. Joplin: College Press, 1997. Guthrie, Donald. The Letter to the Hebrews. Leicester: Inter-Varsity Press, 1983. Guthrie, George H. Hebrews. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1998. Kistemaker, S.J. Hebrews. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic , 1984. Lane, William. World Biblical Commentary. Hebrews 9-13. Texas: Word Books, 1991. Man, Ronald E. "The Value of Chiasm for New Testament Interpretation." Bibliotheca Sacra (Dallas Theological Seminary) 141 (1084-2002): 146154. MacArthur, John. The MacArthur New Testament Commentary Hebrews. Chicago: The Moody Bible Intstitute , 1983. Souza, Scott. "Consider Him." Reformation and Revival Ministries 8 (19992003): 108-124. Trotter, Andrew H. Jr. Interpreting the Epistle to the Hebrews. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1997. Vos, G. The teaching of the Epistle to the Hebrews. Eugene, Origen: Wepf and Stock, 1998. Westcott, Brooke Foss. The Epistle to the Hebrews. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1977.

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Exegesis Essay Hebrews 12: 1-3 Peter Roberts

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