0e Orkney Public Bus Guide Winter 24-25

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WINTER 2024/25

From 28th October 2024


Promoting sustainable travel in and around Orkney, all mainland public bus services are operated by
Stagecoach using their low-floored accessible Euro 6 low emission fleet.
With the exception of the X1 route, public bus services in Orkney are operated under a contracted basis
and are funded by Orkney Islands Council. If you have any comments or feedback regarding public
transport, please contact the Transportation Team at transport@orkney.gov.uk or call 01856 873535.
All bus timetable information can be found online at: www.orkney.gov.uk/bus
Orkney Mainland - Hail and Ride
All you need to do to catch a bus is wait at a safe point on the route and hail the driver as the
bus approaches. When you wish to leave the bus, ring the bell once in good time as the bus
approaches your stop.

Public Bus Operators Telephone Website

Stagecoach, Orkney Mainland 01856 870555 stagecoachbus.com

Westray Public Bus

07789 034 289 westraybusservice.co.uk
M & J Harcus, Westray

Sanday Public Bus

07513 084 777 Facebook: Sanday Bus
Sanday Development Trust

Hoy Public Bus 01856 701 356 hoyorkney.com

Island of Hoy Development Trust 07833 777 760

Dial-a-Bus 01856 871515 orkneycommunities.co.uk/ODF

Provides on demand, door to door accessible
transport on the Orkney Mainland (conditions
apply). Membership Required.
Operated by: Orkney Disability Forum

Partner Operators Telephone Website

Orkney Ferries Ltd. 01856 872044 orkneyferries.co.uk

Internal Orkney ferry services between
Orkney Mainland and 13 islands

Note: winter and summer bus timetables for Houton and Tingwall ferries (services 2 & 6) coincide
with Orkney Ferries timetables - summer period operates from first Sunday in May to last Sunday
in September each year.

Loganair Ltd. 01856 872494 loganair.co.uk

Internal air service to six outer loganair.co.uk/destinations/
north isles. Scotland/orkney-inter-island

Route Destination Page
X1 Stromness - Kirkwall - St Margaret’s Hope 1
2 Houton Ferry 9
3 Deerness - Tankerness & East Mainland Evening Bus 10

4 Kirkwall Airport 11

5 Houton Ferry 13

6 Tingwall Ferry - Evie 14

7 Birsay - Dounby & West Mainland Evening Bus 16

8 Stromness & Secondary School services * 17

8S Quoyloo - Skara Brae 18

9 Kirkwall Town Centre & Kirkwall / Orphir Evening Bus 19

X10 Hatston Ferry Link 21

Islands Sanday / Westray / Hoy 23

Community Transport 24

The public bus services across Orkney Mainland are timetabled to avoid school transport times so that the
same driver and bus can operate both services for efficiency and Best Value. Therefore, some timetables
are highlighted to show amendments during school term time, or school holidays (Easter, Summer, October
and Christmas). School term dates can be found online at: orkney.gov.uk/schools
* Some Secondary School buses are currently registered to carry fare paying passengers during term-time
subject to available capacity. Therefore these services may be subject to change.

Thistle Assistance Card - Thistle Assistance is an initiative to help you feel safer and more comfortable
when using public transport. It's free to use for anyone who needs it. The card is recognised by
a wide range of public transport providers across Scotland. Cards are available to pick-up from
various locations including Kirkwall & Stromness Travel Centres and various Transport Operators.
For more info go to thistleassitance.com

Free Bus Travel - If you are Under 22, over 60 or have a disability and live in Scotland, you are eligible to
apply for free public bus travel. You can apply online at getyournec.scot or contact the Transport Team at
Orkney Islands Council, email: transport@orkney.gov.uk

Service X1 operates commercially by Stagecoach without financial support from Orkney Islands Council,
X1 therefore we have no control over changes or amendments to the timetable. However, we work with the operator
and pass on timetabling suggestions for consideration.

E Friday and Saturday evening bus services now operate in the East Mainland, West Mainland and Kirkwall
and Orphir areas. Continuation of these services will be subject to external grant funding and usage.

Note: Bus timetables may be subject to change to coincide with local events / ferry timetable changes.
Timetables are correct at the time of going to print (October 2024), however, in the event that timings may
change, we recommend that you contact the appropriate operator.

X1 Service X1 St Margaret’s Hope - Kirkwall - Operated by Stagecoach
Stromness Tel. 01856 870555 www.stagecoachbus.com

Monday to Friday
St Margaret’s Hope Ferry Terminal - - - - - 0700 - 0812 - 0850 0950 - 1050 - 1150 1250 - 1350 -

Burray Village Bus Shelter - - - - - 0708 - 0820 - 0858 0958 - 1058 - 1158 1258 - 1358 -

St Mary’s Village Bus Shelter - - - - - 0717 - 0829 - 0907 1007 - 1107 - 1207 1307 - 1407 -

Balfour Hospital - - 0606 - - 0729 - 0841 - 0919 1019 1049 1119 1149 1219 1319 - 1419 1449

Kirkwall Travel Centre arr - - 0609 - - 0732 - 0844 - 0922 1022 1052 1122 1152 1222 1322 - 1422 1452

Kirkwall Travel Centre dep 0510 - 0610 0656 - 0736 0816 0849 - 0926 1026 1056 1126 1156 1226 1326 1358 1426 1456

Hatston Stagecoach Depot 0515 0610 0615 0701 0707 0741 0821 0854 0900 0931 1031 1101 1131 1201 1231 1331 1401 1431 1501

Finstown Allan’s of Gillock 0525 0620 0625 0711 0717 0751 0831 0904 0910 0941 1041 1111 1141 1211 1241 1341 1411 1441 1511

Stenness Garage Bus Shelter 0533 0628 0633 0719 0725 0759 0839 0912 0918 0949 1049 1119 1149 1219 1249 1349 1419 1449 1519

Stromness Travel Centre arr 0540 - 0640 - 0732 - - 0919 0925 0956 1056 - 1156 - 1256 1356 - 1456 -

Stromness Travel Centre dep 0541 - 0641 - 0733 - - 0923 - 1000 1100 - 1200 - 1257 1400 - 1457 -

Stromness Hamnavoe Estate 0544 0635 0644 0726 0735 0806 0846 0926 - 1003 1103 1126 1203 1226 1300 1403 1426 1500 1526

Services in green operate school holidays only.

Term dates can be found at www.orkney.gov.uk/schools
5 No change required, on arrival at Stromness
the bus continues as Service 5.

Daily evening connectivity to / from Kirkwall – Stromness

This service leaves from Stance 2 at Kirkwall Travel Centre. via Service X10. See page 21 for more details.

For up to the minute information

download the Stagecoach Bus App. SCAN ME FOR X1
X1 Service X1 St Margaret’s Hope - Kirkwall - Operated by Stagecoach
Stromness Tel. 01856 870555 www.stagecoachbus.com

Monday to Friday - Continued only
St Margaret’s Hope Ferry Terminal 1450 1550 - 1650 1820 1950 2210 0053

Burray Village Bus Shelter 1458 1558 - 1658 1828 1958 2218 0101

St Mary’s Village Bus Shelter 1507 1607 - 1707 1837 2007 2227 0110

Balfour Hospital 1519 1619 1619 1719 1849 2019 - -

Kirkwall Travel Centre arr 1522 1622 1622 1722 1852 2022 2239 0122

Kirkwall Travel Centre dep 1526 1626 1626 1726 1856 2026 - 0122

Hatston Stagecoach Depot 1531 1631 1631 1731 1901 2031 - -

Finstown Allan’s of Gillock 1541 1641 1641 1741 1911 2041 - 0135

Stenness Garage Bus Shelter 1549 1649 1649 1749 1919 2049 - 0143

Stromness Travel Centre arr 1556 1656 1656 1756 1926 2056 - 0150

Stromness Travel Centre dep 1557 1657 1657 1757 1927 - - -

Stromness Hamnavoe Estate 1600 1700 1700 1800 1930 - - -

Services in green operate school holidays only. Daily evening connectivity to / from Kirkwall – Stromness
St Margaret’s Hope 1550, Fridays during school term. via Service X10. See page 21 for more details.
Term dates can be found at www.orkney.gov.uk/schools

For up to the minute information

download the Stagecoach Bus App. SCAN ME FOR X1
X1 Service X1 St Margaret’s Hope - Kirkwall - Operated by Stagecoach
Stromness Tel. 01856 870555 www.stagecoachbus.com

St Margaret’s Hope Ferry Terminal - - 0700 - 0812 - 1005 1050 1150 1250 1350 1450 - 1620 1820 1950 2210 0053

Burray Village Bus Shelter - - 0708 - 0820 - 1013 1058 1158 1258 1358 1458 - 1628 1828 1958 2218 0101

St Mary’s Village Bus Shelter - - 0717 - 0829 - 1022 1107 1207 1307 1407 1507 - 1637 1837 2007 2227 0110

Balfour Hospital - - 0729 - 0841 - 1034 1119 1219 1319 1419 1519 - 1649 1849 2019 - -

Kirkwall Travel Centre arr - - 0732 - 0844 - 1037 1122 1222 1322 1422 1522 - 1652 1852 2022 2239 0122

Kirkwall Travel Centre dep 0603 0703 0736 0816 0849 0956 1041 1126 1226 1326 1426 1526 1611 1656 1856 2026 - 0122

Hatston Stagecoach Depot 0607 0707 0741 0821 0854 1001 1046 1131 1231 1331 1431 1531 1616 1701 1901 2031 - -

Finstown Allan’s of Gillock 0617 0717 0751 0831 0904 1011 1056 1141 1241 1341 1441 1541 1626 1711 1911 2041 - 0135

Stenness Garage Bus Shelter 0625 0725 0759 0839 0912 1019 1104 1149 1249 1349 1449 1549 1634 1719 1919 2049 - 0143

Stromness Travel Centre arr 0632 0732 - - 0919 - 1111 1156 1256 1356 1456 1556 1641 1726 1926 2056 - 0150

Stromness Travel Centre dep 0633 0733 - - 0923 - 1115 1200 1300 1400 1457 1557 1645 1727 1927 - - -

Stromness Hamnavoe Estate 0635 0735 0806 0846 0926 1026 1118 1203 1303 1403 1500 1600 1648 1730 1930 - - -

Daily evening connectivity to / from Kirkwall – Stromness

via Service X10. See page 21 for more details.

For up to the minute information

download the Stagecoach Bus App. SCAN ME FOR X1
X1 Service X1 - St Margaret’s Hope - Kirkwall - Operated by Stagecoach
Stromness Tel. 01856 870555 www.stagecoachbus.com

St Margaret’s Hope Ferry Terminal - - - 1220 - - 1536 - - 2210

Burray Village Bus Shelter - - - 1228 - - 1544 - - 2218

St Mary’s Village Bus Shelter - - - 1237 - - 1553 - - 2227

Balfour Hospital - - - 1249 - - 1605 - - -

Kirkwall Travel Centre arr - - - 1252 - - 1608 - - 2239

Kirkwall Travel Centre dep 0756 0926 1126 - 1326 1526 - 1726 2026 -

Hatston Stagecoach Depot 0801 0931 1131 - 1331 1531 - 1731 2031 -

Finstown Allan’s of Gillock 0811 0941 1141 - 1341 1541 - 1741 2041 -

Stenness Garage Bus Shelter 0819 0949 1149 - 1349 1549 - 1749 2049 -

Stromness Travel Centre arr 0826 0956 1156 - 1356 1556 - 1756 2056 -

Stromness Travel Centre dep 0827 0957 1157 - 1357 1557 - 1757 - -

Stromness Hamnavoe Estate 0830 1000 1200 - 1400 1600 - 1800 - -

Daily evening connectivity to / from Kirkwall – Stromness

via Service X10. See page 21 for more details.

For up to the minute information

download the Stagecoach Bus App.
X1 Service X1 Stromness - Kirkwall - Operated by Stagecoach
St Margaret’s Hope Tel. 01856 870555 www.stagecoachbus.com

Monday to Friday
Stromness Hamnavoe Estate 0545 0645 0727 0807 0847 0927 1005 - 1105 1127 1205 1227 1332 1405 1427 1505 1527 1601 1701

Stromness Travel Centre arr 0548 0648 0730 0810 0850 0930 - - - 1130 - 1230 1335 - 1430 - 1530 1604 1704

Stromness Travel Centre dep 0550 0650 0735 0815 0855 0935 - 1037 - 1135 - 1235 1337 - 1435 - 1535 1605 1705

Stenness Garage Bus Shelter 0557 0657 0742 0822 0902 0942 1012 1044 1114 1142 1212 1242 1343 1412 1442 1512 1542 1612 1712

Finstown Allan’s of Gillock 0605 0705 0750 0830 0910 0950 1020 1052 1120 1150 1220 1250 1352 1420 1450 1520 1550 1620 1720

Hatston Stagecoach Depot 0615 0715 0800 0840 0920 1000 1030 1102 1130 1200 1230 1300 1402 1430 1500 1530 1600 1630 1730

Kirkwall Travel Centre arr 0620 0720 0805 0845 0925 1005 1035 1107 1135 1205 1235 1305 1407 1435 1505 1535 1605 1635 1735

Kirkwall Travel Centre dep 0625 0725 0810 0850 - 1010 1040 1110 1140 1210 1240 1310 1410 1440 1510 - 1610 1640 1740

Balfour Hospital 0628 0728 0813 0853 - 1013 1043 1113 1143 1213 1243 1313 1413 1443 1513 - 1613 1643 1743

St Mary’s Village Bus Shelter 0639 0739 0824 0904 - 1024 - 1124 - 1224 - 1324 1424 - 1524 - 1624 - 1754

Burray Village Bus Shelter 0648 0748 0833 0913 - 1033 - 1133 - 1233 - 1333 1433 - 1533 - 1633 - 1803

St Margaret’s Hope Ferry Terminal 0657 0757 0842 0922 - 1042 - 1142 - 1242 - 1342 1442 - 1542 - 1642 - 1812

Services in green operate Fridays during school term and

Monday to Friday during school holidays only. This service leaves from Stance 2 at Kirkwall Travel Centre.
Term dates can be found at www.orkney.gov.uk/schools

For up to the minute information

download the Stagecoach Bus App. SCAN ME FOR X1
X1 Service X1 Stromness - Kirkwall - Operated by Stagecoach
St Margaret’s Hope Tel. 01856 870555 www.stagecoachbus.com

Fri Fri
Monday to Friday - Continued only only

Stromness Hamnavoe Estate 1801 1836 1936 - - -

Stromness Travel Centre arr 1804 1839 1939 - - -

Stromness Travel Centre dep 1805 1840 1940 2100 - 0151

Stenness Garage Bus Shelter 1812 1847 1947 2107 - 0158

Finstown Allan’s of Gillock 1820 1855 1955 2115 - 0205

Hatston Ferry Terminal - - - 2121 - -

Hatston Stagecoach Depot 1830 1905 2005 2128 - -

Kirkwall Travel Centre arr 1834 1909 2009 2132 - 0215

Kirkwall Travel Centre dep - 1910 - 2135 0025 0220

Balfour Hospital - 1913 - - - -

St Mary’s Village Bus Shelter - 1924 - 2147 0037 -

Burray Village Bus Shelter - 1933 - 2156 0045 -

St Margaret’s Hope Ferry Terminal - 1942 - 2205 0052 -

Daily evening connectivity to / from Kirkwall – Stromness

via Service X10. See page 21 for more details.

For up to the minute information

download the Stagecoach Bus App. SCAN ME FOR X1
X1 Service X1 Stromness - Kirkwall - Operated by Stagecoach
St Margaret’s Hope Tel. 01856 870555 www.stagecoachbus.com

Stromness Hamnavoe Estate - - 0807 0847 0927 1027 1127 1227 1327 1427 1501 1601 1701 1731 1836 1936 - - -

Stromness Travel Centre arr - - 0810 0850 0930 1030 1130 1230 1330 1430 1504 1604 1704 1734 1839 1939 - - -

Stromness Travel Centre dep - - 0815 0855 0935 1035 1135 1235 1335 1435 1505 1605 1705 1735 1840 1940 2100 - 0151

Stenness Garage Bus Shelter - - 0822 0902 0942 1042 1142 1242 1342 1442 1512 1612 1712 1742 1847 1947 2107 - 0158

Finstown Allan’s of Gillock - - 0830 0910 0950 1050 1150 1250 1350 1450 1520 1620 1720 1750 1855 1950 2115 - 0205

Hatston Ferry Terminal - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2121 - -

Hatston Stagecoach Depot 0615 0725 0840 0920 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1530 1630 1730 1800 1905 2000 2128 - -

Kirkwall Travel Centre arr 0620 0730 0845 0925 1005 1105 1205 1305 1405 1505 1535 1635 1735 1804 1909 2004 2132 - 0215

Kirkwall Travel Centre dep 0625 0735 0846 - 1010 1110 1210 1310 1410 - 1540 - 1740 - 1910 - 2135 0025 0220

Balfour Hospital 0628 0738 0849 - 1013 1113 1213 1313 1413 - 1543 - 1743 - 1913 - - - -

St Mary’s Village Bus Shelter 0639 0749 0900 - 1024 1124 1224 1324 1424 - 1554 - 1754 - 1924 - 2147 0037 -

Burray Village Bus Shelter 0648 0758 0909 - 1033 1133 1233 1333 1433 - 1603 - 1803 - 1933 - 2156 0045 -

St Margaret’s Hope Ferry Terminal 0657 0807 0918 - 1042 1142 1242 1342 1442 - 1612 - 1812 - 1942 - 2205 0052 -

For up to the minute information

download the Stagecoach Bus App. SCAN ME FOR X1
X1 Service X1 Stromness - Kirkwall - Operated by Stagecoach
St Margaret’s Hope Tel. 01856 870555 www.stagecoachbus.com

Stromness Hamnavoe Estate 0831 1001 - 1201 1401 - 1601 1801 -

Stromness Travel Centre arr 0834 1004 - 1204 1404 - 1604 1804 -

Stromness Travel Centre dep 0835 1005 - 1205 1405 - 1605 1805 2100

Stenness Garage Bus Shelter 0842 1012 - 1212 1412 - 1612 1812 2107

Finstown Allan‘s of Gillock 0850 1020 - 1220 1420 - 1620 1820 2115

Hatston Ferry Terminal - - - - - - - - 2121

Hatston Stagecoach Depot 0900 1030 - 1230 1430 - 1630 1835 2128

Kirkwall Travel Centre arr 0905 1035 - 1235 1435 - 1635 1840 2132

Kirkwall Travel Centre dep - - 1145 - - 1503 - - 2135

Balfour Hospital - - 1148 - - 1506 - - -

St Mary‘s Village Bus Shelter - - 1159 - - 1517 - - 2147

Burray Village Bus Shelter - - 1208 - - 1525 - - 2155

St Margaret‘s Hope Ferry Terminal - - 1217 - - 1534 - - 2204

Daily evening connectivity to / from Kirkwall – Stromness via

Service X10. See page 21 for more details.

For up to the minute information

download the Stagecoach Bus App. SCAN ME FOR X1
2 Service 2 Operated by Stagecoach Tel. 01856 870555 www.stagecoachbus.com

Houton Ferry Terminal for Orkney Islands Council Transportation Service Tel 01856 873535

Monday to Friday only Saturday
Kirkwall Travel Centre 0715 0925 1055 - 1250 1430 1707 2205 Kirkwall Travel Centre 0830 0915 1055 1345 1545 1707 2110

Pickaquoy Centre - - - - - - - 2208 Pickaquoy Centre - - - - - - 2113

Sunnybank Road - - - - - - - 2211 Sunnybank Road - - - - - - -

New Scapa Road Balfour Hospital 0718 0928 1058 - 1253 1433 1710 - New Scapa Road Balfour Hospital 0833 0918 1058 1348 1548 1710 -

Orphir Community School 0730 0940 1110 - 1305 1445 1722 2227 Orphir Community School 0845 0930 1110 1400 1600 1722 2125

Orphir Clestrian Junction - - - - - 1450 - - Houton Ferry Terminal arr - 0935 1115 1405 1605 1727 -

Houton Ferry Terminal arr 0735 0945 1115 - 1310 1455 1727 - Houton Ferry Terminal dep - 0935 1135 1405 1605 1735 -

Houton Ferry Terminal dep 0745 0950 1140 - 1315 1505 1735 - Clestrain Junction - 0940 1140 1410 1610 1740 2139

Clestrain Junction 0750 0955 1145 - 1320 - 1740 2234 Orphir Community School 0845 0947 1147 1417 1617 1747 2146

Orphir Community School 0757 1002 1152 - 1327 1510 1747 2241 New Scapa Road Balfour Hospital 0857 0959 1159 1429 1629 1759 2158

New Scapa Road Balfour Hospital 0809 1014 1204 - 1339 1522 1759 2253 Kirkwall Travel Centre 0900 1002 1202 1432 1632 1802 2201

Kirkwall Grammar School 0815 - - 1245 - - - -

Papdale Hostel 0820 - - - - - - - Sunday

Kirkwall Travel Centre 0825 1017 1207 1250 1342 1525 1802 2256 Kirkwall Travel Centre 0925 1610

New Scapa Road Balfour Hospital 0928 1613

Orphir Community School 0940 1625 This service leaves from Stance 4
Operates Friday school days only. Term dates can be found at at Kirkwall Travel Centre.
Houton Ferry Terminal arr 0945 1630
Fri 2205 and Sat 2110 leaves
Houton Ferry Terminal dep 1000 1645
from Stance 3.
Orphir Community School 1005 1650
The inter-island ferry service is operated by Orkney Ferries Ltd. New Scapa Road Balfour Hospital 1017 1702
Kirkwall Travel Centre 1020 1705

Please note that all buses will wait up to 15 minutes to

connect with the arrival of the ferry from Houton. The
return leg to Kirkwall may therefore be subject to delays. SCAN ME FOR 2
3 Service 3 Operated by Stagecoach Tel. 01856 870555 www.stagecoachbus.com

Deerness - Tankerness
for Orkney Islands Council Transportation Service Tel 01856 873535

Fri E E E
Monday to Friday only Saturday
Pickaquoy Centre - - - - - - - 2200 Pickaquoy Centre - - - 2000 -

Kirkwall Travel Centre 0715 0745 0845 1255 1530 1555 1720 2203 Kirkwall Travel Centre 0745 1240 1720 2003 2203

New Scapa Road Balfour Hospital 0718 0748 0848 1258 - 1558 1723 2206 New Scapa Road Balfour Hospital 0748 1243 1723 2006 2206

Kirkwall Airport arr 0726 0756 0856 1306 - 1606 1731 2214 Kirkwall Airport arr 0756 1251 1731 2014 2214

Kirkwall Airport dep 0727 0757 0857 1307 - 1607 1732 2214 Kirkwall Airport dep 0757 1252 1732 2014 2214

Sheila Fleet Gallery 0731 0801 0901 1311 - 1611 1736 2218 Sheila Fleet Gallery 0801 1256 1736 2018 2218

Toab Council Houses 0736 0806 0906 1316 - 1616 1741 - Toab Council Houses 0806 1301 1741 - -

Deerness Dingieshowe 0739 0809 0909 1319 - 1619 1744 2226 Deerness Dingieshowe 0809 1304 1744 2026 2226

Deerness Lighthouse Corner arr 0745 0815 0915 1325 - 1625 1750 2232 Deerness Lighthouse Corner arr 0815 1310 1750 2032 2232

Deerness Lighthouse Corner dep - 0816 0916 1326 1616 1626 1751 2232 Deerness Lighthouse Corner dep 0816 1311 1751 2032 2232

Deerness Dingieshowe - 0822 0922 1332 1622 1632 1757 - Deerness Dingieshowe 0822 1317 1757 - -

Toab Council Houses - 0825 0925 1335 1625 1635 1800 2240 Toab Council Houses 0825 1320 1800 2040 2240

Sheila Fleet Gallery - 0830 0930 1340 1630 1640 1805 - Sheila Fleet Gallery 0830 1325 1805 - -

Kirkwall Airport arr - 0834 0934 1344 1634 1644 1809 - Kirkwall Airport arr 0834 1329 1809 - -

Kirkwall Airport dep - 0835 0935 1345 1635 1645 1810 - Kirkwall Airport dep 0835 1330 1810 - -

Wilderness Junction - - - - - - - 2252 Wilderness Junction - - - 2052 2252

New Scapa Road Balfour Hospital - 0843 0943 1353 1643 1653 1818 2303 New Scapa Road Balfour Hospital 0843 1338 1818 2103 2303

Kirkwall Travel Centre 0830 0846 0946 1356 1646 1656 1821 2306 Kirkwall Travel Centre 0846 1341 1821 2106 2306

Operates Friday school days and Monday to Operates Operates Monday The evening bus service on Friday
Friday during school holidays. Term dates can school days to Thursday and Saturday returns to Kirkwall
be found at www.orkney.gov.uk/schools only. school days only. via the B9052 (Moss Road) in Holm,
exiting the Wilderness Junction.

This Service leaves from Stance 2 at Kirkwall Travel Centre.

4 Service 4 Operated by Stagecoach Tel. 01856 870555 www.stagecoachbus.com

Kirkwall Airport
for Orkney Islands Council Transportation Service Tel 01856 873535

Monday to Friday
Kirkwall Travel Centre 0615 0645 0715 0745 0815 0845 0915 0945 1015 1045 1115 1145 1215 1245 1315 1345 1415 1445 1515 1545 1615 1645 1715 1745 1815 1845 1915

Palace Road 0618 0648 0718 0748 0818 0848 0918 0948 1018 1048 1118 1148 1218 1248 1318 1348 1418 1448 1518 1548 1618 1648 1718 1748 1818 1848 1918

New Scapa Road Balfour Hospital 0621 0651 0721 0751 0821 0851 0921 0951 1021 1051 1121 1151 1221 1251 1321 1351 1421 1451 1521 1551 1621 1651 1721 1751 1821 1851 1921

Kirkwall Airport arr 0628 0658 0728 0758 0828 0858 0928 0958 1028 1058 1128 1158 1228 1258 1328 1358 1428 1458 1528 1558 1628 1658 1728 1758 1828 1858 1928

Kirkwall Airport dep 0630 0700 0730 0800 0830 0900 0930 1000 1030 1100 1130 1200 1230 1300 1330 1400 1430 1500 1530 1600 1630 1700 1730 1800 1830 1900 1930

New Scapa Road Balfour Hospital 0636 0706 0736 0806 0836 0906 0936 1006 1036 1106 1136 1206 1236 1306 1336 1406 1436 1506 1536 1606 1636 1706 1736 1806 1836 1906 1936

Pickaquoy Road 0637 0707 0737 0807 0837 0907 0937 1007 1037 1107 1137 1207 1237 1307 1337 1407 1437 1507 1537 1607 1637 1707 1737 1807 1837 1907 1937

Kirkwall Travel Centre 0640 0710 0740 0810 0840 0910 0940 1010 1040 1110 1140 1210 1240 1310 1340 1410 1440 1510 1540 1610 1640 1710 1740 1810 1840 1910 1940

Kirkwall Travel Centre 0645 0715 0745 0815 0845 0915 0945 1015 1045 1115 1145 1215 1245 1315 1345 1415 1445 1515 1545 1615

Palace Road 0648 0718 0748 0818 0848 0918 0948 1018 1048 1118 1148 1218 1248 1318 1348 1418 1448 1518 1548 1618

New Scapa Road Balfour Hospital 0651 0721 0751 0821 0851 0921 0951 1021 1051 1121 1151 1221 1251 1321 1351 1421 1451 1521 1551 1621

Kirkwall Airport arr 0658 0728 0758 0828 0858 0928 0958 1028 1058 1128 1158 1228 1258 1328 1358 1428 1458 1528 1558 1628

Kirkwall Airport dep 0700 0730 0800 0830 0900 0930 1000 1030 1100 1130 1200 1230 1300 1330 1400 1430 1500 1530 1600 1630

New Scapa Road Balfour Hospital 0706 0736 0806 0836 0906 0936 1006 1036 1106 1136 1206 1236 1306 1336 1406 1436 1506 1536 1606 1636 SCAN ME FOR 4

Pickaquoy Road 0707 0737 0807 0837 0907 0937 1007 1037 1107 1137 1207 1237 1307 1337 1407 1437 1507 1537 1607 1637

Kirkwall Travel Centre 0710 0740 0810 0840 0910 0940 1010 1040 1110 1140 1210 1240 1310 1340 1410 1440 1510 1540 1610 1640

This service leaves from Operates Friday school days and Monday to Friday Please note that the last bus from the Airport will
Stance 4 at Kirkwall during school holidays. Term dates can be found at wait up to 20 minutes to assist with onward travel
Travel Centre. www.orkney.gov.uk/schools connections where possible.
4 Service 4 Operated by Stagecoach Tel. 01856 870555 www.stagecoachbus.com

Kirkwall Airport
for Orkney Islands Council Transportation Service Tel 01856 873535

Sunday *
Kirkwall Travel Centre 0945 1115 1230 1315 1415 1445 1545 1707 1900 1930 Please note that the last bus from the
Airport will wait up to 20 minutes to
Palace Road 0948 1118 1233 1318 1418 1448 1548 1710 1903 1933
assist with onward travel connections
New Scapa Road Balfour Hospital 0951 1121 1236 1321 1421 1451 1551 1713 1906 1936 where possible.
Kirkwall Airport arr 0958 1128 1243 1328 1428 1458 1558 1720 1913 1943

Kirkwall Airport dep 1000 1130 1245 1330 1430 1500 1600 1722 1915 1945
For the Airport route and
New Scapa Road Balfour Hospital 1006 1136 1251 1336 1436 1506 1606 1728 1921 1951
map please see page 20.
Pickaquoy Road 1007 1137 1252 1337 1437 1507 1607 1729 1922 1952

Kirkwall Travel Centre 1010 1140 1255 1340 1440 1510 1610 1732 1925 1955

5 Service 5 Operated by Stagecoach Tel. 01856 870555 www.stagecoachbus.com

Houton Ferry
for Orkney Islands Council Transportation Service Tel 01856 873535

Monday to Friday Monday to Friday

Stromness Travel Centre 0940 1257 Houton Ferry Terminal 1005 1317

Stromness Hamnavoe 0943 1300 Stromness Hamnavoe 1020 1332

Houton Ferry Terminal 0958 1315 Stromness Travel Centre 1023 1335

No change required, on arrival at Stromness Travel

Centre the bus continues as X1 to Kirkwall.

6 Service 6 Operated by Stagecoach Tel. 01856 870555 www.stagecoachbus.com

Tingwall Ferry Terminal - Evie

for Orkney Islands Council Transportation Service Tel 01856 873535

Fri E E E
Monday to Friday * * * * only Saturday * * * *

Balfour Hospital - - - 1110 1345 1527 1707 - Balfour Hospital - - - 1110 1345 1527 1707 - -

Kirkwall Travel Centre arr - - - 1113 1348 1530 1710 2200 Kirkwall Travel Centre arr - - - 1113 1348 1530 1710 2000 2200

Kirkwall Travel Centre dep 0646 0703 0942 1115 1349 1532 1712 2200 Kirkwall Travel Centre dep 0646 0703 0942 1115 1349 1532 1712 2000 2200

Pickaquoy Centre 2203 Pickaquoy Centre - - - - - - - 2003 -

Finstown Allan’s of Gillock 0659 0716 0955 1128 1402 1545 1725 2216 Finstown Allan’s of Gillock 0659 0716 0955 1128 1402 1545 1725 2016 2213

Tingwall Ferry Terminal arr - - - 1138 - 1555 1735 - Tingwall Ferry Terminal arr - - - 1138 - 1555 1735 - -

Evie Hillside Road 0712 0729 1008 - 1415 - 1740 2229 Evie Hillside Road 0712 0729 1008 - 1415 - 1740 2029 2226

Newton Road End arr 0717 0734 1013 - 1420 - 1745 2234 Newton Road End arr 0717 0734 1013 - 1420 - 1745 2034 2231

Swannay Hundland Road - 0739 - - - - 1750 - Swannay Hundland Road - 0739 - - - - 1750 - -

Birsay Palace - Road End arr - 0744 - - - - 1755 2244 Birsay Palace - Road End arr - 0744 - - - - 1755 2044 2241

Birsay Palace - Road End dep - 0746 - - - - 1757 - Birsay Palace - Road End dep - 0746 - - - - 1757 - -

Swannay Hundland Road - 0751 - - - - 1802 - Swannay Hundland Road - 0751 - - - - 1802 - -

Newton Road End dep 0719 0756 1015 - 1422 - 1807 - Newton Road End dep 0719 0756 1015 - 1422 - 1807 - -

Evie Hillside Road End 0724 0801 1020 - 1427 - 1812 - Evie Hillside Road End 0724 0801 1020 - 1427 - 1812 - -

Tingwall Ferry Terminal arr - 0809 1028 - 1435 - 1820 - Tingwall Ferry Terminal - 0809 1028 - 1435 - 1820 - -

Tingwall Ferry Terminal dep - 0814 1033 1143 1440 1600 1825 - Tingwall Ferry Terminal dep - 0814 1033 1143 1440 1600 1825 - -

Finstown Allan’s of Gillock 0737 0824 1043 1153 1450 1610 1835 2304 Finstown Allan’s of Gillock 0737 0824 1043 1153 1450 1610 1835 2104 2301

Kirkwall Grammar School via Clay Loan - 0840 - - - - - - Kirkwall Travel Centre arr 0750 0837 1053 1206 1503 1623 1848 2115 2312

Kirkwall Travel Centre arr 0750 0845 1056 1206 1503 1623 1848 2315 Kirkwall Travel Centre dep - 0838 1054 1207 1504 1624 - - -

Kirkwall Travel Centre dep - 0846 1057 1207 1504 - - - Balfour Hospital - 0841 1057 1210 1507 1627 - - -

Balfour Hospital - 0849 1100 1210 1507 - - -

Operates via Woodwick The evening bus service on This Service leaves from Please note that all buses will wait up to
Road on the inbound E Friday and Saturday returns Stance 3 at Kirkwall 15 minutes to connect with the arrival of
the ferry from Tingwall. The return leg to
journey and in both to Kirkwall via Twatt, Dounby Travel Centre.
directions at 1707. and Harray (see service 7E). Kirkwall may therefore be subject to delays.
6 Service 6 Operated by Stagecoach Tel. 01856 870555 www.stagecoachbus.com

Tingwall Ferry Terminal - Evie

for Orkney Islands Council Transportation Service Tel 01856 873535

Please note that all buses will wait up to 15 minutes to
Kirkwall Travel Centre dep 1015 1410 1610
connect with the arrival of the ferry from Tingwall. The return
Finstown Allan’s of Gillock 1028 1423 1623 leg to Kirkwall may therefore be subject to delays.

Tingwall Ferry Terminal arr 1038 1433 1633

Tingwall Ferry Terminal dep 1043 1438 1638

The inter-island ferry service operated by Orkney Ferries Ltd.
Finstown Allan’s of Gillock 1053 1448 1648

Kirkwall Travel Centre 1106 1501 1701

7 Service 7 Operated by Stagecoach Tel. 01856 870555 www.stagecoachbus.com
for Orkney Islands Council Transportation Service Tel 01856 873535
Birsay - Dounby www.orkney.gov.uk/bus

Monday to Saturday Monday to Saturday 7 Evening Fri Sat Sat

Stromness Hamnavoe Estate 0636 0736 - Balfour Hospital 1337 1727 Kirkwall Travel Centre 2200 2000 2200

Stromness Travel Centre dep 0640 0740 - Kirkwall Travel Centre arr 1340 1730 Pickaquoy Centre 2203 2003 -

Sandwick Road End 0643 0743 - Kirkwall Travel Centre dep 1341 1731 Finstown 2216 2016 2213

Orkney Brewery Rd End A967 0653 0753 - Pickaquoy Road 1342 1732 Evie Hillside Road End 2229 2029 2226

Twatt Crossroads 0658 0758 - Sunnybank Road 1344 1734 Newton Road End 2234 2034 2231

Birsay Palace Road End 0705 0805 1420 Old Finstown Road 1352 1742 Birsay Palace Road End 2244 2044 2241

Twatt Crossroads 0712 0812 1427 Finstown Allan’s of Gillock 1553 1743 Twatt Crossroads 2248 2048 2245

Dounby Store 0718 0818 1433 Harray Community Centre 1400 1750 Dounby 2253 2053 2250

Harray Community Centre 0723 0823 1438 Dounby Store 1405 1755 Harray Community Centre 2258 2058 2255

Finstown Allan’s of Gillock 0730 0830 1445 Twatt Crossroads 1409 1759 Finstown 2304 2104 2301

Old Finstown Road 0731 0831 1446 Birsay Palace Road End 1416 1805 Kirkwall Travel Centre 2315 2115 2312

Sunnybank Road 0737 0837 1452 Twatt Crossroads - 1813

Pickaquoy Road 0741 0841 1456 Orkney Brewery Rd End A967 - 1817

Kirkwall Travel Centre arr 0744 0844 1459 Sandwick Road End - 1827

Stromness Travel Centre - 1831

The X1 between Kirkwall and Stromness
connects with the Service 7 morning and
Kirkwall Travel Centre dep 0745 0845 1501 Stromness Hamnavoe Estate - 1835 evening (see X1 timetable)
Balfour Hospital - 0848 1504

New Scapa Rd at Hospital 0748 0848 -

Continues onto Hospital after
New route.
Kirkwall Travel Centre.
No change required, on arrival at Kirkwall
Travel Centre the bus continues as Service 3.
This Service leaves from Stance 4
The 0848 service from the Balfour Hospital
at Kirkwall Travel Centre.
operates Saturdays only.
8 Service 8 - Stromness Orkney Islands Council
Transportation Service Tel 01856 873535
Secondary School services - Term time only www.orkney.gov.uk/bus

No. 435 Tankerness - No. 436 Deerness (Lighthouse No. 437 Kirkwall -
Monday to Friday Kirkwall Travel Centre Corner) - Kirkwall Travel Centre Kirkwall (KGS)

Stromness Academy 0840 Groatsetter Road End 0750 - Deerness Lighthouse Corner 0800 - Hatston Stagecoach Depot 0750 -
Tankerness Sheila Fleet 0756 - Deerness Dingieshowe 0805 - Hatston Park 0751 -
Stromness Travel Centre 0855
Tankerness 0808 - Toab Council Houses 0808 - Sunnybank 0755 -
Stromness Academy 0858 Kirkwall Grammar School 0820 - Kirkwall Grammar School 0826 - Soulisquoy Loan 0810 -
Guardhouse Park 0905 Kirkwall Travel Centre 0830 - Kirkwall Grammar School 0831 -
No. 435 Kirkwall Travel Centre -
Stromness Primary School 0915 Tankerness No. 436 Kirkwall Travel Centre No. 437 Kirkwall (KGS) -
Stromness Travel Centre 0918 - Deerness (Lighthouse Corner) Kirkwall
Kirkwall Travel Centre 1235 1530
Kirkwall Grammar School 1245 1540 Kirkwall Travel Centre - 1530 Kirkwall Grammar School 1245 1540
Tankerness 1303 1558 Kirkwall Grammar School 1245 1540 Soulisquoy Loan 1305 1556
Shiela Fleet 1309 1604 Toab Council Houses 1303 1558 Sunnybank 1316 1607
Operates Monday to Friday. Groatsetter Road End 1317 1612 Deerness Dingieshowe 1306 1601 Kirkwall Travel Centre 1323 1614
Kirkwall Travel Centre 1332 1627 Deerness Lighthouse Corner 1321 1616

No. 448 Kirkwall - Stromness

No. 441 Swannay Junction - No. 443 Dounby (Store) -
Stromness (Stromness Academy) Hatston Stagecoach Depot 0758 -
Operates Monday to Thursday. Stromness (Stromness Academy)
Old Finstown Road 0801 -
Swannay Hundland Road 0749 - Dounby Store 0745 -
Finstown 0815 -
Birsay Palace 0756 - Twatt Crossroads 0750 -
Brig O’Waithe 0828 -
Marwick Junction 0810 - Birsay Hall 0755 -
Stromness Academy 0833 -
Quoyloo 0816 - Twatt Crossroads 0800 -
Operates Fridays only. Skaill Skara Brae 0820 - Dounby Store 0805 -
Stromness Academy 0830 - Vetquoy Road End 0810 - No. 448 Stromness - Kirkwall
Brodgar Junction 0813 -
Stromness Academy 1400 1540
No. 441 Stromness (Stromness Stromness Academy 0828 -
Academy) - Swannay Brig O’Waithe 1415 1555
Kirkwall Travel Centre 1428 1608
Stromness Academy 1400 1540 No. 443 Stromness (Stromness
Academy) - Dounby (Store)
Skaill Skara Brae 1410 1550
Quoyloo 1414 1554 Stromness Academy 1400 1540
Marwick Junction 1420 1600 Brodgar Junction 1415 1555
Birsay Palace 1434 1614 Vetquoy Road End 1418 1558
Swannay Hundland Road 1441 1621 Dounby Store 1423 1603
Twatt Crossroads 1428 1608
Birsay Hall 1433 1613
Twatt Crossroads 1438 1618
Dounby Store 1443 1623
8S Service 8S Operated by Stagecoach Tel. 01856 870555 www.stagecoachbus.com
for Orkney Islands Council Transportation Service Tel 01856 873535
Quoyloo - Skara Brae www.orkney.gov.uk/bus

Outbound Monday Thursday Saturday Return Monday Thursday Saturday

Balfour Hospital - 1225 - 1225 Balfour Hospital 1310 1640 1025 1640

Kirkwall Travel Centre arr - 1228 - 1228 Kirkwall Travel Centre arr 1313 1643 1028 1643

Kirkwall Travel Centre dep 0845 1230 0830 1230 Kirkwall Travel Centre dep 1315 1645 1029 1645

Pickaquoy Road 0847 1232 0832 1232 Pickaquoy Road 1317 1647 1031 1647

Finstown Allan’s of Gillock 0855 1240 0840 1240 Finstown Allan’s of Gillock 1325 1655 1039 1655

Stenness Ring of Brodgar 0904 1249 0849 1249 Harray Road End 1327 1657 1041 1657

Brodgar Junction 0910 1255 0855 1255 Stromness Travel Centre 1340 1710 1054 1710

Dounby Store 0915 1300 0900 1300 Lyking Sandwick Road 1346 1716 1100 1716

Twatt Crossroads 0922 1307 0907 1307 Skara Brae Visitor Centre 1351 1721 1105 1721

Marwick Junction 0926 1311 0911 1311 Quoyloo Road End 1357 1727 1111 1727

Quoyloo Road End 0932 1317 0917 1317 Marwick Junction 1401 1731 1115 1731

Skara Brae Visitor Centre 0937 1322 0922 1322 Twatt Crossroads 1408 1738 1122 1738

Lyking Sandwick Road 0943 1328 0928 1328 Dounby Store 1413 1743 1127 1743

Stromness Travel Centre 0949 1334 0934 1334 Brodgar Junction 1419 1749 1133 1749

Harray Road End 1002 1347 0947 1347 Stenness Ring of Brodgar 1425 1755 1139 1755

Finstown Allan’s of Gillock 1004 1349 0949 1349 Finstown Allan’s of Gillock 1434 1804 1148 1804

Kirkwall Travel Centre arr 1014 1359 0959 1359 Kirkwall Travel Centre arr 1444 1814 1158 1814

Kirkwall Travel Centre dep 1015 1400 1000 1400 Kirkwall Travel Centre dep - - 1159 -

Balfour Hospital 1018 1403 1003 1403 Balfour Hospital - - 1202 -

This Service leaves from Stance 3 at Kirkwall Travel Centre.

9 Service 9 Operated by Stagecoach Tel. 01856 870555 www.stagecoachbus.com

Kirkwall Town Centre

for Orkney Islands Council Transportation Service Tel 01856 873535

Monday to Saturday 9 Evening - Town and Orphir Fri Sat

Kirkwall Travel Centre 0730 0830 0930 1030 1130 1230 1330 1430 1530 1630 1730 Kirkwall Travel Centre 2205 2110
Papdale East 0737 0837 0937 1037 1137 1237 1337 1437 1537 1637 1737 Pickaquoy Centre 2208 2113
Orkney College 0741 0841 0941 1041 1141 1241 1341 1441 1541 1641 1741 Kirkwall Hatston Park / Sunnybank Road 2211 2116
Islands View Road 0745 0845 0945 1045 1145 1245 1345 1445 1545 1645 1745 Kirkwall Soulisquoy Place 2215 2120
Kirkwall Travel Centre arr 0748 0848 0948 1048 1148 1248 1348 1448 1548 1648 1748 Glaitness Road / Scapa Road End 2217 2122
Kirkwall Travel Centre dep 0750 0850 0950 1050 1150 1250 1350 1450 1550 1650 1750 Orphir Village 2227 2132
Hatston Park 0755 0855 0955 1055 1155 1255 1355 1455 1555 1655 1755 Clestrain Junction 2234 2139
Soulisquoy Place 0759 0859 0959 1059 1159 1259 1359 1459 1559 1659 1759 Orphir Village 2241 2146
Scapa Beach 0801 0901 1001 1101 1201 1301 1401 1501 1601 1701 1801 New Scapa Road 2253 2158
New Scapa Road Balfour Hospital 0805 0905 1005 1105 1205 1305 1405 1505 1605 1705 1805 Kirkwall Travel Centre 2256 2201
Kirklands Road 0807 0907 1007 1107 1207 1307 1407 1507 1607 1707 1807

Rope Walk 0810 0910 1010 1110 1210 1310 1410 1510 1610 1710 1810
Services in green operate Fridays during
Inganess Road 0812 0912 1012 1112 1212 1312 1412 1512 1612 1712 1812 school term and Monday to Friday during
Kirkwall Grammar School 0815 0915 1015 1115 1215 1315 1415 1515 1615 1715 1815
school holidays only. Term dates can be
found at www.orkney.gov.uk/schools
Kirkwall Travel Centre 0824 0924 1024 1124 1224 1324 1424 1524 1624 1724 1824

Service 9 Route - Monday to Saturday This Service leaves from Stance 3

at Kirkwall Travel Centre.
Kirkwall Travel Centre, West Castle Street, Castle Street, Broad Street, Palace Rd, Thoms Street, The Meadows,
Marwick Drive, Muir Drive (turn at Otterswick) Muir Drive, Marwick Drive, The Meadows, Berstane Rd, East Rd (Orkney
College) Work Rd, Craigiefield Rd, Carness Rd, Weyland Bay, Islands View Rd, Cromwell Rd, Shore Street, Harbour
Street, Burgh Rd, Kirkwall Travel Centre.

Kirkwall Travel Centre, West Castle Street, Junction Rd, Pickaquoy Rd, Hatston Brae, Sunnybank Rd, Old Finstown
Rd, Glaitness Rd, Old Scapa Rd, Scapa Beach, New Scapa Rd, Pipersquoy Rd, Kirklands Rd, Quoybanks Crescent,
Holm Rd, Bignold Park Rd, Deerness Rd, Watson Drive, Rope Walk, Deerness Rd, lnganess Rd, Berstane Loan,
Berstane Rd, The Meadows, Bignold Park Rd, Clay Loan, Union Street, Junction Rd, Pickaquoy Rd, Ayre Rd, Burgh
Rd, Kirkwall Travel Centre. SCAN ME FOR 9
9 Service 9 Operated by Stagecoach Tel. 01856 870555 www.stagecoachbus.com

Kirkwall Town Centre

for Orkney Islands Council Transportation Service Tel 01856 873535

Kirkwall Travel Centre 1045 1245 1445 1645 Kirkwall

Kirkwall Papdale East 1050 1250 1450 1650

Kirkwall Travel Centre arr 1055 1255 1455 1655 Ha

Kirkwall Travel Centre dep 1055 1255 1455 1655 rae


Kirkwall Hatston Park 1100 1300 1500 1700 East Rd

Kirkwall Soulisquoy Place 1105 1305 1505 1705

Service 9 Town Service

Kirkwall Kirklands Road 1110 1310 1510 1710



ce R

Kirkwall Rope Walk 1113 1313 1513 1713 Service 4 Kirkwall Airport


Kirkwall Travel Centre 1118 1318 1518 1718 Th
Clay om
Loa s
n St s

Junction Rd
Glaitness Rd ea
Service 9 Route - Sunday (does not service Berstane Loan / Carness / Scapa) M

Pipersquoy Rd e

Kirkwall Travel Centre, West Castle St, Castle St, Broad St, Palace Rd, Thoms St, The
Meadows, Papdale East (turn at Otterswick), Papdale East, The Meadows, Bignold Park Rd,
Clay Loan, Union St, Junction Rd, Pickaquoy Rd, Ayre Rd, Burgh Rd, Kirkwall Travel Centre. For
Rd Holm
Kirkwall Travel Centre, West Castle St, Junction Rd, Pickaquoy Rd, Hatston Brae, Sunnybank ch R
Rd, Old Finstown Rd, Glaitness Rd, Soulisquoy Pl, Old Scapa Rd, Foreland Rd, New Scapa Rd,
Pipersquoy Rd, Kirklands Rd, Quoybanks Cr, Holm Rd, Bignold Park Rd, Deerness Rd, Watson

Dr, Rope Walk, Deerness Rd, Bignold Park Rd, Clay Loan, Union St, Junction Rd, Pickaquoy Rd,

Ayre Rd, Burgh Rd, Kirkwall Travel Centre. Kirkwall Travel Centre

Service 4 Kirkwall Airport route Balfour Hospital
Outbound - Kirkwall Travel Centre, Junction Rd, Shore Street, Junction Rd, Castle Street, To Airport
Palace Rd, Dundas Crescent, Clay Loan, Junction Rd, New Scapa Rd Balfour Hospital, Holm Sca
Kirkwall Grammar School
Branch Rd, Holm Road, Easdale Loan, Deerness Road, Kirkwall Airport. ch
Orkney College
Inbound - Kirkwall Airport, Deerness Rd, Easdale Loan, Holm Rd, Holm Branch Rd, New Scapa
Rd, Junction Rd, Pickaquoy Rd, Ayre Rd, Burgh Rd, Kirkwall Travel Centre.
X10 Service X10 Operated by Stagecoach Tel. 01856 870555 www.stagecoachbus.com

Hatston Ferry Link

for Orkney Islands Council Transportation Service Tel 01856 873535

This service is subject to alteration at short notice depending on the arrival / departure of
Kirkwall Hotel 2245
the Northlink ferry service to Shetland or Aberdeen. If the ferry is late, the bus service will
Kirkwall Travel Centre dep 2250 depart 15 minutes after the arrival of the vessel. As a result, the service from Stromness will
operate late. For further information visit www.northlinkferries.co.uk Tel 0800 111 44 22
Hatston Long Stay Car Park 2255

Hatston Ferry Terminal arr 2300

Hatston Ferry Terminal dep 2310 The X10 takes the following route Kirkwall Hotel, Kirkwall Travel Centre, Junction Road,
Kirkwall Ayre Road 2313 Pickaquoy Road, Hatston Ferry Terminal, Shore Street, Pickaquoy Road, Hatston Brae,
A965, Finstown, Stromness Travel Centre returning to Kirkwall.
Finstown Allan’s of Gillock 2324

Stromness Travel Centre arr 2338

Stromness Travel Centre dep 2340

In the event of a major delay, Service X10 will run an additional run in both
Brig O’Waithe 2346 directions as required departing 15 minutes after the Ferry has docked.

Finstown Allan’s of Gillock 2354

Hatston Stagecoach Depot 0004

This Service leaves from Stance 2
Kirkwall Travel Centre 0009 at Kirkwall Travel Centre.




6 Tingwall

Skara Dounby

Finstown Hatston

X1 Kirkwall 3
2 Tankerness 3
Stromness 5
Kirkwall Deerness


St Margaret’s
Community Transport and Isles Bus Services

The Sanday Bus

The Sanday Bus operates to meet all ferry arrivals and
departures at Loth Pier between the first Sunday in May
until the last Monday in September. During the winter ferry
timetable the bus provides an on-demand service. You will
be delivered to any roadside location on the island. When
booking to go to the ferry, you will be given a collection time
for the location of your choice.
• Scottish National Concession cards valid on all services.
• All services fully wheelchair accessible.
• Please advise us of your accessibility needs when you book.
All bookings must be made by 6pm on the evening before travel and must be made
between the hours of 9am and 6pm.
• Please note the driver will be driving for up to an hour either side of the ferrytime.
To book - Facebook: Sanday Bus • Call: 07513 084 777

Westray Bus Service

The Westray Bus Service operates to meet all ferries at the

Rapness terminal. A fully scheduled service operates from the
first Sunday in May until the last Monday in September. For the
remainder of the year the service must be pre-booked (4 hours
notice required).
• Passengers may be picked up/dropped off anywhere on
• Scottish National Concession cards valid on all services.
• The Westray Bus Service operates all year round
- see website for details

Tel: 07789 034289 (phone / text / Whatsapp)

Community Transport and Isles Bus Services

The Hoy & Walls Community Bus

A regular weekday public bus service meeting most ferries
from Houton, travelling between Lyness Ferry Terminal and
Longhope Village (Hotels, Shop, Pier and other facilities). Also a
Sunday service extending to Moaness Ferry (North Hoy)
• Scottish National Concession cards valid on all services.
• Wheelchair accessible 24 Hours Notice.
For further details contact:
Office: 01856 701356
Mobile: 07833 777760
Email: office.iohdt@gmail.com
Detailed timetable available on the Community Website:

Community Transport
Dial-a-Bus offers accessible transport for people of all ages and abilities
around the Mainland, Burray and South Ronaldsay.
An annual membership fee is charged to use the bus as often as you
like, fares are charged for each journey unless eligible under the local
concessionary travel scheme. Fares are reviewed each year so please visit
or contact us for more information.
Tel: 01856 871515
Email: info@odforkney.com
Find us on Facebook

There are a number of newly established community transport services in

operation across the isles. For further information visit

Papa Ronaldsay






Airport Deerness
Houton Ferry

Hoy St Margaret’s Burray
Lyness Airports

South Bus
Ronaldsay Routes
To Scrabster


To Aberde


To Gills Bay

www.orkney.gov.uk/bus Design & layout by Derek Nixon Design

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