VEU Data Sheet
VEU Data Sheet
VEU Data Sheet
VEU-A00, VEU-A10
The VEU series of aspirating smoke detectors are the premium
detector of the VESDA-E range. An Ultra-wide sensitivity range; 15
times greater than VESDA VLP, and provision for more sampling
holes provide an increased coverage in high airflow applications by
at least 40%. Considerably longer linear pipe runs and extended
branched pipe network configurations cater perfectly to applications
with higher ceilings providing an increased coverage by up to 80%
whilst allowing convenient detector mounting for ease of service
and maintenance. A range of revolutionary new features provide
unsurpassed detection performance, flexibility, field programmability,
connectivity and reduced total cost of ownership.
VESDA devices communicate on VESDAnet which provides a robust bi-directional communication network allowing
continued redundant operation even during single point wiring failures. VESDAnet enables primary reporting,
centralized configuration, control, maintenance and monitoring.
Ethernet Connectivity
VESDA-E detectors offer connectivity to corporate networks via Ethernet, allowing for devices installed with Xtralis
monitoring and configuration software to connect to the detector.
Backward Compatibility
VESDA-E VEU is fully compatible with existing VESDA installations. The detector occupies the same mounting
footprint, pipe, conduit and electrical connector positioning as VESDA VLP. VEU is also compatible with existing
VESDAnet installations allowing monitoring of both VESDA-E and legacy detectors via the latest iVESDA application.
IP rating IP40
Detector OK
Cable access 4 x 26 mm (1.02 in) cable entries
Detector Fault
Cable termination Screw Terminal blocks 0.2–2.5 sq mm (24–14 AWG)
Measurement Range 0.0000% to 32% obs/m (0.0000 to 10% obs/ft) Aspirator Fault
Sensitivity Range 0.001% - 20.0% obs/m (0.0003 to 6.25% obs/ft)
Airflow Fault
Alert: 0.001%-2.0% obs/m (0.0003%-0.625% obs/ft)
Action: 0.001%-2.0% obs/m (0.0003%-0.625% obs/ft)
Threshold setting range Power Fault
Fire1: 0.001%-2.0% obs/m (0.0003%-0.625% obs/ft)
Fire2: 0.001%-20.0% obs/m (0.0003%-6.25% obs/ft)
Filter Fault
Event log: Up to 20,000 events
Smoke level, user actions, alarms and faults with time and date
Software features stamp Smoke Chamber Fault
AutoLearn: Detector learns Alarm Thresholds and Flow Fault
thresholds by monitoring the environment. VESDAnet Fault
* Sampled Air temperature shall reach Ambient Detector temperature upon entry into Detector. Refer to Xtralis
Design Guides & Application Notes for sampled air pre-conditioning. StaX Module Fault
** System design and regulatory requirements may restrict the monitoring area to a lesser amount.
Ordering Information
Spare Parts Ordering
VESDA-E Flow Sensor Code
VSP-956 VSP-963 VESDA-E Aspirator
Manifold VESDA-E VEU with LED’s, Aluminium
VESDA-E Smoke Detection Enclosure
VSP-960 VESDA-E Mounting Bracket VSP-964-03
Chamber – MK3 VESDA-E VEU with 3.5” Display, Aluminium
VESDA-E Exhaust adaptor Enclosure
VSP-961 VSP-965 VESDA-E Sampling Module
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Part No. AD30278-004 document without the express prior written consent of Xtralis. Installation information: In order to ensure full
July 2023 functionality, refer to the installation instructions as supplied. © Xtralis