HR The Key Elements tutorial 1st Edition Zinurova R.
Virus Host Cell Genetic Material Transport Computational
ODE PDE Modeling with R 1st Edition William E. Schiesser
Class X
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From among hundreds of questions being made available in this Book, the Student would be able to extensively practice
in each concept exclusively, throughout that Chapter. At the end of each Chapter, two or three Worksheets are provided
with questions which shall cover the entire Chapter, helping each Student consolidate his / her learning.
This Book help students prepare for their respective Examinations including but not limited to i.e. CBSE, ICSE, various
State Boards and Competitive Examinations like IIT, NEET, NTSE, Science Olympiads etc. It is compiled by our in-
house team of experts who have a collective experience of more than 40 years in their respective subject matter /
academic backgrounds.
This books help students understand concepts and their retention through constant practice. It enables them solve
question which are ‘fundamental / foundational’ as well questions which needs ‘higher order thinking’. Students gain the
ability to concentrate, to be self-reliant, and hopefully become confident in the subject matter as they traverse through
this Book.
1. Lucidly presented Concepts: For ease of understanding, the ‘Concepts’ are briefly presented in simple, easy
and comprehensible language.
2. Learning Outcomes: Each chapter starts with ‘Learning Outcomes’ grid conveying what the student is going to
learn / gain from this chapter.
3. Bold-faced Key Terms: The key words, concepts, definitions, formulae, statements, etc., are presented in ‘bold
face’, indicating their importance.
4. Tables and Charts: Numerous strategically placed tables & charts, list out etc. summarizes the important
information, making it readily accessible for effective study.
5. Box Items: Are ‘highlighted special topics’ that helps students explore / investigate the subject matter thoroughly.
6. Photographs, Illustrations: A wide array of visually appealing and informative photographs are used to help the
students understand various phenomena and inculcate interest, enhance learning in the subject matter.
7. Flow Diagrams: To help students understand the steps in problem-solving, flow diagrams have been included as
needed for various important concepts. These diagrams allow the students visualize the workflow to solve such
8. Summary Charts: At the end of few important concepts or the chapter, a summary / blueprint is presented which
includes a complete overview of that concept / chapter. It shall help students review the learning in a snapshot.
9. Formative Worksheets: After every concept / few concepts, a ‘Formative Worksheet’ / ‘Classroom Worksheet’
with appropriate questions are provided from such concept/s. The solutions for these problems shall ideally be
discussed by the Teacher in the classroom.
10. Conceptive Worksheets: These questions are in addition the above questions and are from that respective
concept/s. They are advised to be solved beyond classroom as a ‘Homework’. This rigor, shall help students
consolidate their learning as they are exposed to new type of questions related to those concept/s.
11. Summative Worksheets: At the end of each chapter, this worksheet is presented and shall contain questions
based on all the concepts of that chapter. Unlike Formative Worksheet and Conceptive Worksheet questions, the
questions in this worksheet encourage the students to apply their learnings acquired from that entire chapter and
solve the problems analytically.
12. HOTS Worksheets: Most of the times, Summative Worksheet is followed by an HOTS (Higher Order Thinking
Skills) worksheet containing advanced type of questions. The concepts can be from the same chapter or as many
chapters from the Book. By solving these problems, the students are prepared to face challenging questions that
appear in actual competitive entrance examinations. However, strengthening the foundation of students in
academics is the main objective of this worksheet.
13. IIT JEE Worksheets: Finally, every chapters end with a IIT JEE worksheet. This worksheet contains the questions
which have appeared in various competitive examinations like IIT JEE, AIEEE, EAMCET, KCET, TCET, BHU,
CBSE, ICSE, State Boards, CET etc. related to this chapter. This gives real-time experience to students and helps
them face various competitive examinations.
14. Different Types of Questions: These type of questions do appear in various competitive examinations. They
We would like to thank all members of different departments at BeTOPPERS who played a key role in bringing out
this student-friendly Book.
We sincerely hope that this Book will prove useful to the students who wish to build a strong Foundation in
Mathematics and aim to achieve success in various boards / competitive examinations.
Further, we believe that as there is always scope for improvement, we value constructive criticism of the subject
matter, as well as suggestions for improving this Book. All suggestions hopefully, shall be duly incorporated in
the next edition.
1. Real Numbers .......... 01 – 16
2. Polynomials .......... 17 – 28
5. Progressions .......... 61 – 74
6. Functions .......... 75 – 90
Chapter - 1
By the end of this chapter, you will understand
Euclid’s Division Lemma
The Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic
Revisiting Irrational Numbers
Revisiting Rational Numbers and Their Decimal Expansions
Example 1: Use Euclid’s algorithm to find the HCF of 4052 and 12576.
Solution : Step 1 : Since 12576 > 4052, we apply the division lemma to 12576 and 4052, to get
12576 = 4052 × 3 + 420
Step 2 : Since the remainder 420 0, we apply the division lemma to 4052 and 420, to get
4052 = 420 × 9 + 272
Step 3 : We consider the new divisor 420 and the new remainder 272, and apply the division lemma
to get 420 = 272 × 1 + 148
Real Numbers 3
We consider the new divisor 272 and the new Example 3: Show that any positive odd integer is of the
remainder 148, and apply the division form 4q + 1 or 4q + 3, where q is some
lemma to get 272 = 148 × 1 + 124 integer.
We consider the new divisor 148 and the new Solution : Let us start with taking a, where a is a
remainder 124, and apply the division positive odd integer. We apply the division
lemma to get 148 = 124 × 1 + 24 algorithm with a and b = 4.
We consider the new divisor 124 and the new Since 0 r < 4, the possible remainders
remainder 24, and apply the division lemma to get are 0, 1, 2 and 3.
124 = 24 × 5 + 4 That is, a can be 4q, or 4q + 1, or 4q + 2, or
We consider the new divisor 24 and the new 4q + 3, where q is the quotient.
remainder 4, and apply the division lemma to get However, since a is odd, a cannot be 4q or
24 = 4 × 6 + 0 4q + 2 (since they are both divisible by 2).
The remainder has now become zero, so our Therefore, any odd integer is of the form
procedure stops. Since the divisor at this 4q + 1 or 4q + 3.
stage is 4, the HCF of 12576 and 4052 is 4. Example 4: A sweetseller has 420 kaju barfis and 130
Notice that 4 = HCF (24, 4) = HCF (124, 24) badam barfis. She wants to stack them in
= HCF (148, 124) = HCF such a way that each stack has the same
(272, 148) = HCF (420, 272) = HCF (4052, 420) number, and they take up the least area of
= HCF (12576, 4052). the tray. What is the maximum number of
Euclid’s division algorithm is not only useful for barfis that can be placed in each stack for
calculating the HCF of very large numbers, but this purpose?
also because it is one of the earliest examples of Solution : This can be done by trial and error. But to
an algorithm that a computer had been do it systematically, we find HCF (420, 130).
programmed to carry out. Then this number will give the maximum
number of barfis in each stack and the
Remarks : number of stacks will then be the least. The
1. Euclid’s division lemma and algorithm are so area of the tray that is used up will be the
closely interlinked that people often call former as least. Now, let us use Euclid’s algorithm to
the division algorithm also. find their HCF. We have :
2. Although Euclid’s Division Algorithm is stated for 420 = 130 × 3 + 30
only positive integers, it can be extended for all 130 = 30 × 4 + 10
integers except zero, i.e., b < 0. However, we 30 = 10 × 3 + 0
shall not discuss this aspect here. So, the HCF of 420 and 130 is 10.
Euclid’s division lemma/algorithm has several Therefore, the sweetseller can make stacks
applications related to finding properties of of 10 for both kinds of barfi.
numbers. We give some examples of these
applications below: Formative Worksheet
1. Use Euclid’s division algorithm to find the HCF
Example 2: Show that every positive even integer is of of:
the form 2q, and that every positive odd (i) 135 and 225 (ii) 196 and 38220
integer is of the form 2q + 1, where q is (iii) 867 and 255
some integer. 2. Show that any positive odd integer is of the form
Solution : Let a be any positive integer and b = 2. 6q + 1 or 6q + 3, or 6q + 5, where q is some
Then, by Euclid’s algorithm, a = 2q + r, for integer.
some integer q 0, and r = 0 or r = 1, 3. An army contingent of 616 members is to march
because 0 r < 2. So, a = 2q or 2q + 1. behind an army band of 32 members in a parade.
If a is of the form 2q, then a is an even The two groups are to march in the same number
integer. of columns. What is the maximum number of
Also, a positive integer can be either even columns in which they can march?
or odd. Therefore, any positive odd integer
is of the form 2q + 1.
4 10th Class Mathematics
4. Use Euclid’s division lemma to show that the
square of any positive integer is either of form
3. The Fundamental Theorem of
3m or 3m + 1 for some integer m. Arithmetic
Every composite number can be expressed
[Hint: Let x be any positive integer then it is of
( factorised) as a product of primes, and this
the form 3q, 3q + 1 or 3q + 2. Now square each
factorisation is unique, apart from the order in
of these and show that they can be rewritten in
which the prime factors occur.
the form 3m or 3m +1.]
The Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic says that
5. Use Euclid’s division lemma to show that the cube every composite number can be factorised as a
of any positive integer is of the form 9m, 9m + 1 product of primes. Actually it says more. It says
or 9m + 8. that given any composite number it can be
6. Use Euclid’s division lemma to show that the cube factorised as a product of prime numbers in a
of any positive integer is of the form 9m, 9m + 1 ‘unique’ way, except for the order in which the
or 9m + 8. primes occur. That is, given any composite number
there is one and only one way to write it as a
7. Prove that the square of any positive integer of
product of primes, as long as we are not particular
the form 5q + 1 is of the same form.
about the order in which the primes occur.
8. If the H.C.F. of 657 and 963 is expressible in the So, for example, we regard 2 × 3 × 5 × 7 as the
form 657x + 963 × (–15), find x. same as 3 × 5 × 7 × 2, or any other possible order
9. What is the largest number that divides 626, 3127 in which these primes are written. This fact is also
and 15628 and leaves remainders of 1, 2 and 3 stated in the following form:
respectively. The prime factorisation of a natural number is
unique, except for the order of its factors.
10. 144 cartons of coke cans and 90 cartons of Pepsi
In general, given a composite number x, we
cans are to be stacked is a canteen. If each stack
factorise it as x = p1p2 ... pn, where p1, p2,..., pn
is of same height and is to contains cartons of the
are primes and written in ascending order,
same drink, what would be the greatest number
i.e., p1 p2 . . . pn. If we combine the same
of cartons each stack would have ?
primes, we will get powers of primes. For example,
32760 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 3 × 3 × 5 × 7 × 13 = 23 × 32
Conceptive Worksheet × 5 × 7 × 13
Once we have decided that the order will be
1. Using Euclid Division Lemma, find H.C.F. of
ascending, then the way the number is factorised,
180670 and 2937.
is unique.The Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic
2. Using Euclid Division Lemma, find H.C.F. of has many applications, both within mathematics
274170 and 17017. and in other fields. Let us look at some examples.
3. Using Euclid Division Lemma, find H.C.F. of
92690, 7378 and 7161. SOLVED EXAMPLES
4. Show that every positive even integer is in the Example 5: Consider the numbers 4n, where n is a
form 2n, and that every positive odd interger is of natural number. Check whether there is any
the form 2n+1, where n is some integer. value of n for which 4n ends with the digit
5. Show that any positive odd integer is in the form zero.
4n + 1 or 4n + 3, where n is integer. Solution : If the number 4n, for any n, were to end
with the digit zero, then it would be divisible
6. Find the H.C.F. of 65 and 117 and express it in by 5. That is, the prime factorisation of 4n
the form 65m + 117n. would contain the prime 5. This is not
7. Using Euclid Division Lemma, find H.C.F. of possible because 4n = (2)2n; so the only
36575, 2223 and 1330. prime in the factorisation of 4n is 2. So, the
8. Using Euclid Division Lemma, find H.C.F. of uniqueness of the Fundamental Theorem of
26565, 25806 and 20930. Arithmetic guarantees that there are no
other primes in the factorisation of 4n. So,
there is no natural number n for which 4n
ends with the digit zero.
Real Numbers 5
1 1
You have already learnt how to find the So, HCF (6, 72, 120) = 2 × 3 = 2 × 3 = 6
HCF and LCM of two positive integers 23, 32 , 51 are the greatest powers of the
using the Fundamental Theorem of prime factors 2, 3 and 5 respectively
Arithmetic in earlier classes, without involved in the three numbers.
realising it.
This method is also called the prime So, LCM (6, 72, 120) = 23 × 32 × 51 = 360
factorisation method. Let us recall this Remark :
method through an example. Notice, 6 × 72 × 120, HCF (6, 72, 120) × LCM
Example 6: Find the LCM and HCF of 6 and 20 by the (6, 72, 120). So, the product of three numb er s
prime factorisation method. is not equal to the product of their HCF and LCM.
Solution: We have : 6 2 3 and
21 3 Formative Worksheet
20 2 2 5 11. Express each number as product of its prime
2 2 51
(i) 140 (ii) 156 (iii) 3825
You can find HCF(6, 20) = 2 and LCM(6,
(iv) 5005 (v) 7429
20) = 2 × 2 × 3 × 5 = 60, as done in your
earlier classes. 12. Find the LCM and HCF of the following pairs of
Note that HCF(6, 20) = 21 = Product of integers and verify that LCM × HCF = product of
the smallest power of each common prime the two numbers.
factor in the numbers. (i) 26 and 91 (ii) 510 and 92 (iii) 336 and 54
LCM (6, 20) = 22 × 31 × 51 = Product of
13. Find the LCM and HCF of the following integers
the greatest power of each prime factor,
by applying the prime factorisation method.
involved in the numbers.
From the example above, you might have (i) 12, 15 and 21 (ii) 17, 23 and 29 (iii) 8, 9
noticed that HCF(6, 20) × LCM(6, 20) and 25
= 6 × 20. In fact, we can verify that for 14. Given that HCF (306, 657) = 9, find LCM (306,
any two positive integers a and b, 657).
HCF (a, b) × LCM (a, b) = a × b. We can
15. Check whether 6 n can end with the digit 0 for
use this result to find the LCM of two
any natural number n.
positive integers, if we have already found
the HCF of the two positive integers. 16. Explain why 7 × 11 × 13 + 13 and 7 × 6 × 5 × 4 ×
Example 7: Find the HCF of 96 and 404 by the prime 3 × 2 × 1 + 5 are composite numbers.
factorisation method. Hence, find their 17. There is a circular path around a sports field. Sonia
LCM. takes 18 minutes to drive one round of the field,
Solution : The prime factorisation of 96 and 404 gives while Ravi takes 12 minutes for the same. Suppose
96 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 3 = 2 5 × 3 they both start at the same point and at the same
404 = 2 × 2 × 101 = 2 2 × 101 time, and go in the same direction. After how many
Therefore, the HCF of these two integers minutes will they meet again at the starting point?
is 22 = 4.
18. Determine the prime factors of 45470971.
Also, LCM (96, 404) =
19. Find the LCM and HCF of 84, 90 and 120 by
96 404 96 404 applying the prime factorisation method.
HCF 96, 404 4 20. In a morning walk three persons step off together,
Example 8: Find the HCF and LCM of 6, 72 and 120, their steps measure 80 cm, 85 cm and 90 cm
using the prime factorisation method. respectively. What is the minimum distance each
Solution : We have : 6 = 2 × 3, 72 = 23 × 32, 120 = 23 should walk so that they can cover the distance in
×3×5 complete steps?
Here, 21 and 31 are the smallest powers
of the common factors 2 and 3 respectively.
6 10th Class Mathematics
Real Numbers 7
8 10th Class Mathematics
factors between the numerator and denominator
Example 11:Show that 3 2 is irrational. and see what we get :
Solution: Let us assume, to the contrary, that 3 2 375 3 53 3
is rational. (i) 0.375 3
3 3 3
10 2 5 2
That is, we can find coprime a and b
a 104 13 23 13
b 0 such that 3 2 b . (ii) 0.104
103 23 53 53
a 875 7
Rearranging, we get 2 . (iii) 0.0875 4
3b 10 2 5
a 233408 22 7 521
Since 3, a and b are integers, is rational, (iv) 23.3408
3b 104 54
and so Do you see any pattern? It appears that, we have
2 is rational. converted a real number whose decimal expansion
But this contradicts the fact that 2 is p
rational. terminates into a rational number of the form ,
5. Revisiting Rational Numbers q 0 where p and q are coprime, and the prime
and Their Decimal Expansions factorisation of the denominator (that is, q) has
We know that rational numbers have either a only powers of 2, or powers of 5, or both. We
terminating decimal expansion or a non- should expect the denominator to look like this,
terminating repeating decimal expansion. In this since powers of 10 can only have powers of 2 and
section, we are going to consider a rational number, 5 as factors.
Even though, we have worked only with a few
p examples, you can see that any real number which
say q 0 , and explore exactly when the
q has a decimal expansion that terminates can be
expressed as a rational number whose denominator
p is a power of 10. Also the only prime fators of 10
decimal expansion of is terminating and when
q are 2 and 5. So, cancelling out the common factors
it is non-terminating repeating (or recurring). We between the numerator and the denominator, we
do so by considering several examples. find that this real number is a rational number of
Let us consider the following rational numbers: p
(i) 0.375 (ii) 0.104 the form , q 0 where the prime factorisation
(iii) 0.0875 (iv) 23.3408.
Now, of q is of the form 2 n5 m, and n, m are some non-
negative integers.
375 375 Theorem: Let x be a rational number whose
(i) 0.375
1000 103 decimal expansion terminates. Then x can be
104 104 p
(ii) 0.104 expressed in the form , where p and q are
1000 103 q
875 875 coprime, and the prime factorisation of q is of the
(iii) 0.0875 4 form 2n5m, where n, m are non-negative integers.
10000 10 You are probably wondering what happens the
233408 233408 other way round in Theorem 1.5. That is, if we
(iv) 23.3408
10000 104 p
As one would expect, they can all be expressed have a rational number of the form , and the
as rational numbers whose denominators are
prime factorisation of q is of the form
powers of 10. Let us try and cancel the common
Real Numbers 9
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had said to her, that she should never want while he had anything,
and had given her money to buy the expensive unsuitable upper
garment she wore. Poor Miss Jeanie, with her vanities and
simplicities, never discovered that he owed her gratitude; but for
these words of kindness she was tearfully grateful to him.
The month at Ayr passed very quietly. In this winter weather Uncle
Sandy’s little company of workers could no longer visit the leafless
garden; and though there was sometimes a great fire made in the
kitchen, and a special lamp lighted for them, yet their own fireside,
the old man thought, was the most suitable place for them now. So
the family were almost perfectly alone; left to compose themselves
into those quiet days which were but the beginning of a subdued
and chastened life. And Uncle Sandy did for them now, what Martha
was wont to do through the terrible time which preceded Harry’s
death. He read to them sometimes;—sometimes he was himself
their book and reader; and from his long experience, the young
hearts, fainting under this great sorrow, learned how many trials life
can live through, and were unwillingly persuaded that the present
affliction would not kill them, as they sometimes hoped it might; but
must lighten, perhaps must pass away. But they clung the closer to
their sorrow, and defied the very chance of returning gladness; and
Agnes cut away the curls of her bright hair, and said she would wear
this widow’s cap her whole life through; and Rose grew sick at
sounds of laughter, and believed she would never smile again.
king lear.
“I was born this day fourscore and five years ago,” said Dragon. “It’s
a great age, bairns, and what few folk live to see; and for every
appearance that’s visible to me, I may live ither ten, Missie, and
never ane be a prin the waur. I would like grand mysel to make out
the hunder years, and it would be a credit to the place, and to a’
belonging till’t; and naebody wishes ill to me nor envies me for my
lang life. Just you look at that arm, Missie; it’s a strong arm for a
man o’ eighty-five.”
And Dragon stretched out his long thin arm, and snapt the curved
brown fingers—poor old Dragon! Not a child in Maidlin Cross but
could have overcome the decayed power which once had knit those
loose joints, and made them a strong man’s arm; but Dragon waved
it in the air exultingly, and was proud of his age and strength, and
repeated again with earnestness: “But I would like grand to make
out the hunder year.”
Lettie, now a tall girl of fifteen, stood by Dragon’s stair, arranging
flowers, a great number of which lay before her on one of the steps.
They were all wild flowers, of faint soft colour and sweet odours,
and Lettie was blending hawthorn and primroses, violets and
cowslips, with green sprigs of the sweetbriar, and here and there an
early half-opened wild rose—blending them with the greatest care
and devotion; while Katie Calder, developed into a stout little comely
woman-like figure, stood by, looking on with half contempt; for Katie
already had made a superb bouquet of garden flowers, and was
carrying it reverentially in her apron.
“It’s five years this day since Mr. Hairy came first to Allenders”,
continued the old man, “and it’s mair than three since they laid him
in his grave. The like o’ him—a young lad! and just to look at the like
o’ me!”
“But it was God’s pleasure, Dragon,” said Lettie, pausing in her
occupation, while the shadow which stole over her face bore witness
that Harry’s memory had not passed away even from her girl’s heart.
“Ay, Missie,” said the old man vacantly; “do ye think the spirit gaed
willingly away? I’ve thought upon that mony a time when I was able
to daunder up bye to the road, and see the farm; and it’s my belief
that Mr. Hairy will never get right rest till a’s done of the guid he
wanted to do, and a’s undone o’ the ill he did—that’s my belief. I
think myself he canna get lying quiet in his grave for minding of the
work he left to do; and if there was ane here skilled to discern
spirits, he might be kent in the fields. What makes the lady sae
constant at it, think ye, night and morning, putting to her ain hand
to make the issue speedier, if it’s no that she kens about him that’s
aye waiting, waiting, and never can enter into his rest.”
Lettie let her flowers fall, and looked away with a mysterious glance
into the dark shade of the trees; for the vague awe of poetic
superstition was strong upon Lettie still.
“Dragon,” she said in a very low voice, “I used to think I heard
Harry speak, crying on me, and his footstep in his own room, and on
the stair; and all the rest thought that too, for I have seen them
start and listen many a time, thinking it was Harry. Do ye think it
could be true? Do ye think, Dragon, it could be Harry? for I came to
think it was just because he was aye in our mind that we fancied
every sound was him.”
“Ane can never answer for the dead,” said the poor old Dragon.
“Ane kens when a living person speaks, for ye can aye pit out your
hand and touch them, and see that they’re by your side; but I pit
out my hand here, Missie—it’s a’ clear air to me—but for aught I
ken, an angel in white raiment may be standing on my stair-head,
and anither within my door, laying a mark in the Book yonder that I
may open it the night at ae special verse, and read that and nae
ither. How is the like o’ me to ken? And you’ll no tell me that Mr.
Hairy winna stand by the bride the morn, and be the first voice to
wish her joy, though we may ne’er hear what he says.”
With a slight tremble, Violet, putting away her flowers, leaned upon
the step, and looked again into the darkening shadow of the trees;
and Lettie tried to think, and to pray in her simplicity that her eyes
might be opened to discern the spirits, and that she might see Harry,
if he were here. But again the mortal shrank from the visible
immortality, and Lettie covered her eyes with a thrill of visionary fear.
“Dragon, look at Lettie’s flowers,” said Katie Calder; “she wants to
put them on the table, where the minister’s to stand, instead of all
the grand ones out of Lady Dunlop’s; and I never saw such grand
flowers as Lady Dunlop’s, Dragon.”
“The dew never falls on them,” said Lettie, starting to return to her
occupation; “and if you were in the room in the dark, you would
never know they were there; but I gathered this by the Lady’s Well,
and this was growing at the foot of the stone where Lady Violet sat,
and the brier and the hawthorn out of that grand hedge, Dragon,
where a’ the flowers are; and if I put them on the table in the dark,
the wee fairy that Dragon kens, will tell the whole house they’re
there; but Lady Dunlop’s have no breath—and mine are far liker
As Lettie speaks, some one puts a hand over her shoulder, and
lifting her flowers, raises them up very close to a glowing radiant
face; and Dragon, hastily getting up from the easy-chair on his stair-
head, jerks his dangling right arm upward towards the brim of the
low rusty old hat, which he wears always. It is only persons of great
distinction whom Dragon so far honours, and Dragon has forgotten
“yon birkie,” in his excited glee about the approaching wedding, and
his respect for the “groom.”
“Very right, Lettie,” said the bridegroom, with a little laugh which
has a tremble in it; “they are far liker Rose. And will you be able to
come to the gate to-morrow, Dragon, and see me carry the flower of
Allenders away?”
“But ye see, my man,” said Dragon, eagerly, shuffling about his
little platform, as he looked down on Cuthbert, “I never had her
about me or among my hands, when she was a little bairn; and if it
was either Missie there, or the ither ane, I would have a greater
miss; for I’ve gotten into a way o’ telling them stories, and gieing a
word of advice to the bit things, and training them the way they
should go; so they’re turned just like bairns o’ my ain. But I wish
Miss Rose and you muckle joy, and increase and prosperity, and that
ye may learn godly behaviour, and be douce heads of a family; and
that’s the warst wish that’s in my head, though you are taking ane of
the family away, and I never was married mysel.”
And Cuthbert, responding with another joyous laugh, shook hands
with Dragon, after a manner somewhat exhausting to the loose arm,
of whose strength the old man had boasted, and immediately went
away to the waterside, to take a meditative walk along its banks,
and smile at himself for his own exuberant boyish joy. Serious and
solemn had been many of the past occasions on which he had
visited Allenders; and now, as the fulfilment of all his old
anticipations approached so certainly, so close at hand, Cuthbert’s
moved heart turned to Harry—poor Harry! whose very name had a
charm in it of mournful devotion and love!
The sun shone in next morning gaily to the rooms of Allenders,
now suddenly awakened as out of a three years’ sleep; and Agnes
curls her bright hair, and lets the sunshine glow upon it as she winds
it round her fingers, and with a sigh, lays away the widow’s cap,
which would not be suitable, she thinks, on Rose’s wedding-day; but
the sigh is a long-drawn breath of relief—and with an innocent
satisfaction, Agnes, blooming and youthful still, sees her pretty curls
fall again upon her cheek, and puts on her new white gown. It is a
pleasant sensation, and her heart rises unawares, though this other
sigh parts her lips. Poor Harry! his little wife will think of him to-day!
Think and weep, but only with a serene and gentle melancholy; for
the young joyous nature has long been rising; and Agnes, though
she never can forget, laments no longer with the reality of present
grief. It is no longer present—it is past, and only exists in
remembrance; and Agnes is involuntarily glad, and will wear her
widow’s cap no more.
And Martha is dressing little Harry, who will not be quiet in her
hands for two minutes at a time, but dances about with a perpetual
elasticity, which much retards his toilet. There are smiles on Martha’s
face—grave, quiet smiles—for she too has been thinking, with a few
tears this morning, that Harry will be at the bride’s side, to join in
the blessing with which she sends her other child away.
And Rose, in her own chamber, in a misty and bewildered
confusion, seeing nothing distinctly either before or behind her, turns
back at last to that one solemn fact, which never changes, and
remembers Harry—remembers Harry, and weeps, out of a free heart
which carries no burden into the unknown future, some sweet
pensive tears for him and for the home she is to leave to-day; and
so sits down in her bewilderment to wait for Martha’s summons,
calling her to meet the great hour whose shadow lies between her
and the skies.
And Lettie’s flowers are on the table, breathing sweet, hopeful
odours over the bridegroom and the bride. And Lettie, absorbed and
silent, listens with a beating heart for some sign that Harry is here,
and starts with a thrill of recognition when her heart imagines a
passing sigh. Poor Harry! if he is not permitted to stand unseen
among them, and witness this solemnity, he is present in their
faery queen.
Agnes, with her relieved and lightened spirits, goes cheerfully about
her domestic business now, and has learned to drive the little old
gig, and sometimes ventures as far as Stirling to make a purchase,
and begins to grow a little less afraid of spending money. For some
time now, Agnes has given up the “opening”—given it up at Martha’s
special desire, and with very little reluctance, and no one does
“opening” now at Allenders, except sometimes Martha herself, in her
own room, when she is alone. These three years have paid Miss
Jean’s thousand pounds, and one of Macalister’s four, and Mr.
Macalister is very happy to leave the rest with Miss Allenders, who,
when her fourth harvest comes, has promised to herself to pay Mr.
Buchanan. For assiduous work, and Martha’s almost stern economy,
have done wonders in these years; and the bold Armstrong boasts
of his crops, and his cattle now, and is sometimes almost inclined to
weep with Alexander, that there is no more unfruitful land to
subjugate and reclaim.
But before her fourth harvest time, Martha has intimated to Sir
John Dunlop’s factor that it was her brother’s intention to make an
offer for the little farm of Oatlands, now again tenantless, and
Armstrong does not long weep over his fully attained success;
though Oatlands has little reformation to do, compared with Allender
Mains. And Harry’s model houses are rising at Maidlin Cross;
sagacious people shake their heads, and say Miss Allenders is going
too far, and is not prudent. She is not prudent, it is very true—she
ventures to the very edge and utmost extent of lawful limits—but
she has never ventured beyond that yet, nor ever failed.
And Harry’s name and remembrance lives—strangely exists and
acts in the country in which Harry himself was little more than a
subject for gossip. To hear him spoken of now, you would rather
think of some mysterious unseen person, carrying on a great work
by means of agents, that his chosen privacy and retirement may be
kept sacred, than of one dead to all the business and labour of this
world; and there is a certain mystery and awe about the very house
where Harry’s intentions reign supreme, to be considered before
everything else. So strong is this feeling, that sometimes an ignorant
mind conceives the idea that he lives there yet in perpetual secrecy,
and by and bye will re-appear to reap the fruit of all these labours;
and Geordie Paxton shakes his head solemnly, and tells his
neighbours what the “auld man” says—that Allenders cannot rest in
his grave till this work he began is accomplished; and people speak
of Harry as an active, existing spirit—never as the dead.
It is more than a year now since Rose’s marriage, and not far from
five since Harry’s death, and there is a full family circle round the
drawing-room fireside, where Mrs. Charteris has been administering
a lively little sermon to Lettie about the extravagance of destroying
certain strips of French cambric; (“It would have cost five-and-
twenty shillings a yard in my young days,” says the old lady), with
which Lettie has been devising some piece of ornamental work for
the adornment of Agnes. But Lettie’s execution never comes up to
her ideal, and the cambric is destroyed for ever; though Katie Calder,
looking on, has made one or two suggestions which might have
saved it.
“For you see, my dear, this is waste,” said Mrs. Charteris; “and ye
should have tried it on paper first, before you touched the cambric.”
“So I did,” said Lettie, nervously; “but it went all wrong.”
And Rose smiles at the childish answer; and Mrs. Charteris bids
Violet sit erect, and keep up her head. Agnes is preparing tea at the
table. Martha, with little Sandy kneeling on the rug before her,
playing with a box of toys which he places in her lap, sits quietly
without her work, in honour of the family party; and Uncle Sandy is
telling Katie Calder all kinds of news about her companions in Ayr.
Why is Lettie nervous? Cuthbert at the table is looking over a new
magazine, which has just been brought in from Stirling with a supply
of other books ordered by their good brother; and constant longing
glances to this magazine have had some share in the destruction of
Lettie’s cambric. But Lettie is sixteen now, and Agnes thinks she
should not be such a child.
“Here is something for you,” says Cuthbert, suddenly. “Listen, we
have got a poet among us. I will read you the ballad of the ‘Lady’s
But Lettie, growing red and pale, dropping the paper pattern which
Mrs. Charteris has cut for her, and casting sidelong, furtive glances
round upon them all from under her drooped eyelids, trembles
nervously, and can scarcely keep her seat. When Cuthbert comes to
the end there is a momentary silence, and Martha looks with wonder
on her little sister, and Agnes exclaims in praise of the ballad, and
wonders who can possibly know the story so well. Then follows a
very free discussion on the subject, and some criticism from
Cuthbert; and then Martha suddenly asks: “It is your story, Lettie,
and you don’t often show so little interest. How do you like it? Tell
“I—I canna tell,” said Lettie, letting all her bits of cambric fall, and
drooping her face, and returning unconsciously to her childish
tongue; “for—it was me that wrote it, Martha.”
And Lettie slid down off her chair to the carpet, and concealed the
coming tears, and the agitated troubled pleasure, which did not
quite realize yet whether this was pain or joy, on Martha’s knee.
Poor Lettie! many an hour has she dreamed by the Lady’s Well—
dreamed out grand histories for “us all,” or grander still
To frame she knows not what excelling thing
And win she knows not what sublime reward
Of praise and honour——”
But just now the sudden exultation bewilders Lettie; and there is
nothing she is so much inclined to do as to run away to her room in
the dark, and cry. It would be a great relief.
But the confession falls like lightning upon all the rest. Cuthbert,
with a burning face, thinks his own criticism the most stupid in the
world. Rose laughs aloud, with a pleasure which finds no other
expression so suitable. Agnes, quite startled and astonished, can do
nothing but look at the bowed head, which just now she too had
reproved for stooping. And Mrs. Charteris holds up her hands in
astonishment, and Katie claps hers, and says that she kent all the
time. But Martha, with a great flush upon her face, holds Lettie’s wet
cheeks in her hands, and bends down over her, but never says a
word. Children’s unpremeditated acts, simple words and things have
startled Martha more than once of late, as if a deeper insight had
come to her; and now there is a great motion in the heart which has
passed through tempests innumerable, and Martha cannot speak for
the thick-coming thoughts which crowd upon her mind.
That night, standing on the turret, Martha looks out upon the lands
of Allenders—the lands which her own labour has cleared of every
overpowering burden, and which the same vigorous and unwearied
faculties shall clear yet of every encumbrance, if it please God. The
moonlight glimmers over the slumbering village of Maidlin—over the
pretty houses of poor Harry’s impatient fancy, where Harry’s
labourers now dwell peacefully, and know that their improved
condition was the will and purpose of the kindly-remembered dead.
And the little spire of Maidlin Church shoots up into the sky, guarding
the rest of him, whose memory no man dares malign—whose name
has come to honour and sweet fame, since it shone upon that tablet
in the wall—and not one wish or passing project of whose mind,
which ever gained expression in words, remains without fulfilment,
or without endeavour and settled purpose to fulfil. And Martha’s
thoughts turn back—back to her own ambitious youth and its bitter
disappointment—back to the beautiful dawn of Harry’s life—to its
blight, and to its end. And this grand resurrection of her buried
hopes brings tears to Martha’s eyes, and humility to her full and
swelling heart. God, whose good pleasure it once was to put the bar
of utter powerlessness upon her ambition, has at last given her to
look upon the work of her hands—God, who did not hear, according
to her dimmed apprehension, those terrible prayers for Harry which
once wrung her very heart, gave her to see him pass away with
peace and hope at the end, and has permitted her—her, so greedy
of good fame and honour—to clear and redress his sullied name.
And now has been bestowed on Martha this child—this child, before
whom lies a gentle glory, sweet to win—a gracious, womanly,
beautiful triumph, almost worthy of an angel—and the angels know
the dumb, unspeakable humility of thanksgiving which swells in
Martha’s heart.
So to all despairs, agonies, bitternesses, of the strong heart which
once stormed through them all, but which God has chastened,
exercised, at length blessed, comes this end. Harvest and seedtime
in one combination—hopes realized, and hopes to come; and all her
children under this quiet roof, sleeping the sleep of calm, untroubled
rest—all giving thanks evening and morning for fair days sent to
them out of the heavens, and sorrow charmed into sweet repose,
and danger kept away. But though Martha’s eyes are blind with
tears, and her heart calls upon Harry—Harry, safe in the strong hand
of the Father, where temptation and sorrow can reach him never
more—the same heart rises up in the great strength of joy and faith,
and blesses God: Who knoweth the beginning from the end—who
maketh His highway through the flood and the flame—His highway
still, terrible though it be—who conducts into the pleasant places,
and refreshes the failing heart with hope; and the sleep which He
gives to His beloved, fell sweet and deep that night upon the
wearied heart of Martha Muir.
the end.
Printed by Schulze and Co., 13, Poland Street.
The first line indicates the original, the second the correction.
p. 90
p. 115
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p. 239
p. 275
p. 287
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