Ecoflex 15 - llow
ow loss coaxia
coaxial cable for
radio communication
Ecoflex 15
5 is a fl
le llow
ow-loss coaxial cable for use in the fre- Ecoflex®15 characteristics
quency range
ange o GHz.
Hz. Its unique construction
off DC - 6 GHz const combines Diameter .................................................... 14,6 mm
the low loss pro
perties found
rope und in non-flexible solid center con-
foun Impedance ........................................................50
ductor hardline cables
ardline ca
es with th flexibility of cables manu-
the high flexibilit Attenuation @ 1 GHz/100 m ............................ 9,8 dB
factured with strand
stranded center
nded cente Advanced manufac-
ter conductors. Ad fmax ...............................................................6 GHz
turing techniques combined
echniques co
comb with the use of a PE-LLC Dielectric
mbined w
yields a foaming rate
e of more th resulting in very low
than 70%, resu
ion. The use o continuous
of co
ntinuo conductor calibrati-
uous center co
12 on and compression ass we
well as
a the applicatio
application of a precoating
guarantees matching.
tees low losses and stable impedance m
An EMI screening
creening immunity of > 90 dB @ 1 G
GHz is achieved
through the use of double shielding which consists of overlap-
ping copper foil and an additional tight woven copperbraid.
The copperfoil has an applied PE coating which prevents foil
cracking due to short radius bends. The black PVC sheath of
Ecoflex 15 is UV-stabilized. It is the 1st choice when a low loss,
highly flexible microwave rated cable is required. Ecoflex 15
is available from stock in the following standard drum sizes:
25 m, 50 m, 100 m, 200 m and 500 m.
1 dB
DC-resistance: Centre conductor ..................... 1,56 /km
Outer conductor ...................... 5,15 /km
RF peak voltage ................................................. 1,55 kV 0,1 dB
30 100 1000 6000
Frequency (MHz)
500 MHz .....................6,7 .............17,0 .......... 39,0 0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0 3,5 4,0 4,5 5,0 5,5 6,0
Frequency (GHz)
1000 MHz .....................9,8 .............22,5 .......... 54,6
3000 MHz ....................18,7 ............58,5 ........... 118 Due to production tolerances the RTL may have different characteristics.