This study aims to identify the teaching strategies used by teachers in the classroom and
students' responses to these strategies in developing a language program at the
Muhammadiyah Darul Arqam Sawangan Islamic Boarding School. This study involved 21
students divided into two groups, as well as two teachers, namely English teachers and
English Club teachers. This study uses a qualitative approach with a case study. Data
collection methods are carried out through interview instruments, observations, and Focus
Group Discussions (FGD). The results of the study show that English teachers apply the
Project-Based Learning (PjBL) method, which encourages students to create products, such
as short videos and wall magazines. Meanwhile, the English Club extracurricular activity
uses a grouping method to adjust to students' abilities, thereby increasing participation and
understanding of the material. The findings of the study indicate that PjBL not only
improves student learning outcomes compared to traditional teaching methods, but also
trains critical and collaborative thinking skills. However, not all students are actively
involved because some still have difficulty understanding teacher instructions. Other
challenges faced include time management and differences in ability within the group. The
learning environment in the Islamic boarding school contributes to students' motivation to
use English, supported by routine activities that reinforce the use of everyday language.
Feedback from students showed that the teaching strategies implemented greatly helped
them understand the material, increased their self-confidence, and facilitated active
participation in learning activities. Despite some obstacles, students' positive perceptions of
the teaching strategies showed their effectiveness in developing language programs in
Islamic boarding schools. This study recommends the need for innovation in teaching
strategies to better meet students' needs and increase their involvement in English learning.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi strategi pengajaran yang digunakan oleh
guru di kelas serta respons siswa terhadap strategi tersebut dalam pengembangan program
bahasa di Pondok Pesantren Muhammadiyah Darul Arqam Sawangan. Penelitian ini
melibatkan 21 siswa yang dibagi menjadi dua kelompok, serta dua guru, yaitu guru bahasa
Inggris dan guru English Club. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan
studi kasus. Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui instrumen wawancara, observasi,
dan Focus Group Discussion (FGD). Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa guru bahasa Inggris
menerapkan metode Project-Based Learning (PjBL), yang mendorong siswa untuk
menciptakan produk, seperti video pendek dan majalah dinding. Sementara itu, kegiatan
ekstrakurikuler English Club menggunakan metode pengelompokan untuk menyesuaikan
dengan kemampuan siswa, sehingga meningkatkan partisipasi dan pemahaman materi.
Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa PjBL tidak hanya meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa
dibandingkan dengan metode pengajaran tradisional, tetapi juga melatih keterampilan
berpikir kritis dan kolaboratif. Meskipun demikian, tidak semua siswa terlibat aktif karena
beberapa masih kesulitan memahami instruksi guru. Tantangan lain yang dihadapi meliputi
manajemen waktu dan perbedaan kemampuan dalam kelompok. Lingkungan belajar di
pesantren berkontribusi pada motivasi siswa untuk menggunakan bahasa Inggris, didukung
oleh kegiatan rutin yang memperkuat penggunaan bahasa sehari-hari. Umpan balik dari
siswa menunjukkan bahwa strategi pengajaran yang diterapkan sangat membantu mereka
memahami materi, meningkatkan kepercayaan diri, dan memfasilitasi partisipasi aktif
dalam kegiatan belajar. Meskipun terdapat beberapa kendala, persepsi positif siswa terhadap
strategi pengajaran menunjukkan efektivitasnya dalam pengembangan program bahasa di
pesantren. Penelitian ini merekomendasikan perlunya inovasi dalam strategi pengajaran
agar dapat lebih memenuhi kebutuhan siswa dan meningkatkan keterlibatan mereka dalam
pembelajaran bahasa Inggris.
Kata kunci: Strategi Pembelajaran, PjBL, Pondok Pesantren, Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris.
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
All praise be to Allah who has bestowed upon us various blessings, including the
blessings of Islam, kindness, and health We also express our gratitude for what has been
bestowed upon the writer, allowing them to complete this paper titled Analysis of English
Teachers' Teaching Strategies and Students' Responses to Language Development Program
in Islamic Boarding School. We also express our gratitude for the presence of Prophet
Muhammad SAW, who has guided us from darkness to the bright present, as stated:
'Minazzulumati Ilannuur’.
The researcher also extends utmost respect and heartfelt gratitude to their advisor,
Prof Siti Nurul Azkiyah, M.Sc., Ph.D., for valuable advice, guidance, comments,
motivation, and dedication to knowledge The advisor's patience and support have greatly
assisted the researcher in completing this skripsi. Furthermore, the researcher also expresses
special gratitude to:
1. Prof. Asep Saepuddin Jahar, M.A., Ph.D., as the Dean of State Islamic University
Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.
2. Prof. Siti Nurul Azkiyah, M.Sc., Ph.D., as the Dean of the Faculty of Educational
Sciences of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.
3. Ummi Kultsum, M.Pd., Ph.D., as the head of the English Education Department
4. Prof. Siti Nurul Azkiyah, M.Sc., Ph.D., as the advisor of the researcher, thank you
for the suggestions, motivation, time, and useful knowledge, which allowed the
researcher to complete this research.
5. All the lectures of the English Education Department have dedicated much
knowledge, effort, time, and thought to the writer, thus guiding researchers until
6. Drs. Hilal Ramadan Nasution, M.Ag and Ir. Agustina Nasution as a researcher
parents who has struggled to raise researchers and has always motivated researchers
to continue their research education until now, who has dedicated the entire struggle
from the beginning to the present.
7. All the researcher’s family who has given the researcher encouragement until this
skripsi is completed.
8. Abdul Majid, S.Pd.I as the headmaster of Mts Muhammadiyah Darul Arqam, have
granted permission to the researcher to conduct research in that location and have
encouraged the researcher to continue and complete this thesis.
9. all stakeholders of Mts Muhammadiyah Darul Arqam who were involved in this
research and assisted in writing to complete their research.
10. All friends and friends of the researcher who continuously send enthusiasm,
affection, motivation, and love to the researcher
11. A classmate of C in English education who has been with researchers from the
beginning until now
12. All the people who have provided motivation, love, and time to accompany the
writer until the completion of this thesis.
13. Last but not least, the researcher would like to express gratitude to herself for
believing in the researcher's hard work all this time, not giving up on composing this
thesis, and completing this skripsi.
ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................................................. iv
ABSTRAK .................................................................................................................................................... v
ACKNOWLEDGMENT................................................................................................................................. vi
4.1 English Teachers Strategies in Language Development Program in Islamic Boarding School ......... 36
4.2 Student’s Response to the Strategies of English Language Teaching and Learning toward language
development program in Islamic Boarding school..................................................................................... 39
4.3 Discussion ......................................................................................................................................... 43
REFERENCES ....................................................................................................................................... 50
APPENDICES ............................................................................................................................................ 54
Appendix 1: Instrument of Research .......................................................................................................... 54
Appendix 2 Interview guideline for Teachers ............................................................................................ 57
Appendix 3 Transcript FGD ..................................................................................................................... 59
Appendix 4 Transcript of Teacher’s Interview ............................................................................................ 63
Transcript of English Teacher Interview ..................................................................................................... 67
Appendix 5 Photos During Research ......................................................................................................... 70
Appendix 6 LEMBAR UJI REFERENSI .......................................................................................................... 72
Appendix 7 SURAT BIMBINGAN SKRIPSI .................................................................................................... 79
Appendix 8 SURAT IZIN PENELITIAN .......................................................................................................... 80
Appendix 9 SURAT KETERANGAN PENELITIAN .......................................................................................... 81
1.1 Background of the Research
Language learning requires complex understanding and teaching.
Language learning is a complicated process that requires a person to acquire
skills in writing, reading, listening, speaking, and communicating in that
language. In every lesson, specific strategies are used to facilitate the
learning process. According to Harahap et al., (2023) the teaching and
learning process certainly requires what iscalled encouragement or what is
usually called motivation. Motivation in the teaching and learning process
plays a very important role in supporting students' enthusiasm for learning,
in motivating students, the right strategy is needed during the learning
learning. Islamic boardingschools are not only synonymous with Islamic
educational institutions, but Islamic boarding schools have also become an
ideal environment for understanding the role of language (Azizah & Yasin,
Besides that, seeing the lack of student interest and motivation in learning
English, it is necessary to modify the learning process, one of which is
using fun learning methods or strategies so that students stay energized
while following the learning process (Journal et al.,., 2023). According to Ur
(1996), classroom activities can help students improve verbal expression
skills, an essential part of language education. Ineffective methods can
give rise to several new problems in language learning. English language
learning is often carried out using interactive and involved methods;
applying Islamic boarding school English with active teachingand learning
strategies allows students to develop practical communication skills.Thus,
language learning can expand students' language skills.
program needs to be proper;many students still need help applying foreign
languages, such as Arabic and English, in their daily conversations.
Students still mix Indonesian when speaking.The students also still need
more confidence in using English for daily conversations. Therefore, this
research will also examine students' responses to teachers' teaching
strategies in the language development program. However, boring
teaching strategies can be one of the main factors why students fail to
acquire the target language.
1.6 Significance of the Research
1. Theoretical
We are dedicating our thoughts and Knowledge to the language
development program implemented at the Muhammadiyah Darul
Arqam Islamic boarding school. Knowing the teacher's
language teaching strategies to develop students' language skills
can be a reference source for how effective the language
development program in this Islamic boarding school is. This
research can also be used as a reference for other Islamic boarding
schools to develop adequate language development programs.
2. Practice
The researchers hope that the findings of this research can help
carry out language development programs in Islamic boarding
schools, motivating students to learn the language. The researchers
also hope that teachers will improve their abilities in teaching
language so that students can develop their abilities and apply
language in everyday conversations.
3. Social
The researcher hopes this research can positively impact and give
feedback to the surrounding community and the Islamic boarding
school.With this language development program, the community
can assess how good this school is at developing language and
evaluate the effectivenessof the language development program
that the Islamic boarding school has. Researchers also hope that
the community can be motivated by the language development
program implemented in Islamic boarding schools so that the
community can apply it in their daily activities.
a) English Language Teaching in Speaking
Teaching speaking in English is a challenge in teaching a foreign
language. Speaking is the output where someone is said to be
successful in learninga foreign language. Teaching speaking refers
to a teaching process involving various methods and strategies to
help students improve their ability to speak and communicate
orally. The goal in every foreign language teaching, especially
English, is for students to master vocabulary,grammar, intonation,
and other skills needed to speak fluently and confidently. Teaching
speaking usually uses conversation practice, roles, group
discussions, and audio or visual materials to improve students'
speaking skills.
b) English Language Teaching in Listening
Listening refers to the process by which spoken language is
converted to meaning in the mind (Sara & Ccunt-il, 2020).
Listening teaching aims to (1) hear, (2) understand, (3) evaluate,
and (4) respond. According to (Tâm et al.,., 2016), teaching and
learning to speak will be easier if you have the first four steps:
listening to a series of sounds and words. Second, they need to
understand the meaning of the words and sentences in the context
of what they hear. Third, the meanings of the text are evaluated,
and totalcommunication is accepted and rejected. Fourth, respond to
what they hearwith further thought.
literacy skills. Previous researchers have emphasized the
importance of a balanced approach that combines phonics,
comprehension strategies, vocabulary development, and reading
fluency to teach reading effectively.
spontaneity are allowed to develop. Writing is also seen asa source
of self-discovery guided by writing about topics that interest the
writer. Approaches to teaching writing are practical if teachers
teach it creatively.
b) General School
General schools are educational institutions that provide education
for all children regardless of social, economic, or cultural
background. According to Budi K (2023), General schools are part
of the national education system that aims to create a generation
that is intelligent, creative, responsible, and able to contribute
positively to the nation. According to Rina P (2022), it was stated
that general schools function as inclusive learning spaces, which
facilitate the development of individual potential and shape the
character and moral values of students.
subjects only get a very small portion of the total subjects, but there
is a balanced portion for English activities. English and Arabic are
treated as the main foreign languages that will be used in daily
communication both inside and outside the classroom. Islamic
boarding schools implement learning interventions on foreign
language acquisition to enrich students' abilities in speaking the
target language. Various foreign language activity programs for
students are available including the obligation to use two languages
every day where penalties will be imposed for each violation.
According to Al-Rawafi et al., (2021) students of Islamic boarding
schools in Indonesia, acquire pragmatic competence in Arabic and
English as two international languages, while students of schools
that do not have boarding schools do not have an interlanguage
model to develop their pragmatic competence in both languages,
for example in terms of speech acquisition and development.
independently to develop language skills; therefore, Islamic boarding
schools accommodate students in developing language skills.
strategies arevery familiar and easy for teachers and students to apply.
Teachers can also introduce new concepts and effectively provide an
overview of a subject. However, traditional teaching strategies have
limitations; they may or may not beas engaging or interactive as other
approaches. Novita & Paragae (2023) stated that traditional teaching
strategies may not be effective in developingcritical thinking and problem-
solving skills because these strategies depend on teachers providing
information. Language acquisition teaching strategies have many
approaches. Each student has different motivations, attitudes, and
opinionstoward foreign languages, so the strategies used in teaching must
follow the needsof each class.
competence, namely increasing the effectiveness of
communication and avoiding possibleerrors, both verbal and non-
Outline of the Task-based Learning
As for some of the latest learning methods that are often used in
the learning and teaching process, there are several methods,
d) Project Based-Learning
Project-based learning (PjBL) is a learning format that focuses on
studentsactively participating in the learning process, and through
the PjBL learning process, students train their thinking to face
problems. In PjBL, students collaborate with other students to
reflect on their learning. In addition, improving practical thinking
skills allows students to participate in the search and decision-
making process actively (Halim et al.,., 2023).
discussing ideas, making observations and predictions, conducting
experiments, and collecting and analyzing data, creating solutions
(Nurhidayah et al.,., 2021). Zippet, (1987) stated that PjBL aims to
involve students in the learning process. Through project-based
learning, students become more active, and learning becomes more
effective and efficient. Use student-engaging projects such as
communication and presentations to allow students to practice
speaking, writing, and listening in real contexts.
e) Problem Based-Learning
According to Ghani et al., (2021), Problem-based learning (PBL)
is an educational approach that utilizes the principles of
collaborative learning in small groups. Pedagogy problem-based
learning (PBL) uses a systematic approach, starting with authentic
real-life problem scenarios as a context where learning is not
separated from practice as students collaborate and learn.
According to Seibert (2021), Problem-based learning must be
issues or situations that are typical and related to work, which
include missing information or unclear answers. In Problem-based
learning, the teacher acts as a facilitator. The facilitator helps the
group build understanding and connect concepts by providing
information, directing exploration, reinforcing understanding of
difficult concepts, and introducing resources. Problem-based
learning (PBL) is a teaching method in which clinical problems are
the starting point for learning and working through acquired student
problems results in knowledge and skills. There are many
advantages to PBL, such as improved integration, basic skills,
communication, teamwork, and independent workskills, as well as
enjoyable and motivational experiences.
f) Discovery Learning
According to Juhaeni et al., (2021) Discovery learning is a learning
method that suppresses the student-centered learning process and
active learning experience, students are given the freedom to
discover andunderstand new concepts by thinking creatively and
actively involved. According to Balim (2009), discovery learning
Discovery learning is a method that encourages students to come to
conclusions based on their activities and observations It requires
students to discuss concepts, information, and incidents, ask
questions, and find solutions through practice.
by teachers for good results. There are several teacher roles in language
development: a teacher must be a manager or planner, a teacher must
be a social worker or counselor, a teacher must also be a director and
evaluator, and a teacher must also be a motivator or stimulator. If
teachers deepen their role, students willbe more efficient in developing
language (Dardjowidjojo, 2000)
Teachers play an important role in the teaching process; teachers' teaching
strategies and methods have a significant impact on student performance
(Yao et al.,., 2020). The teacher's role in language development has many
aspects, including teaching and creating a supportive and motivating
environment that fosters students' skills and self-confidence. Teachers
play an important role in facilitating language development in several
a) Modelling
Two roles are usually created either explicitly or implicitly: a
teacher model and a student model to predict performance under
interference. Consistency constraints are then applied to the
predictions between the two roles, forcing the unlabeled data to
meet the smooth assumption of semi-supervised learning.
Appropriate teacher feedback and effective evaluation greatly
impact academics in the teaching process.
b) Instruction
Based on research by Dignath and Veenman (2021) Explicitly
instructing strategies for self-regulated learning can enable students
to develop metacognitive Knowledge and skills to integrate the
application of these strategies and the teacher's role in instructing
success into their learning process. Embedded instructions allow
students to carry out the application of metacognitive strategies
while deciding which activities need to be carried out.
c) Motivation and Engagement
Teachers use various techniques to keep students active and
involved so that students can be motivated to learn the language.
This allows teachers to involve the use of interesting materials,
interactive activities, games, or discussions that make students
actively involved. According to Bruinsma (2004), higher
motivation determines higher academic achievement results. Apart
from that, different types of motivation also have different
influences on student learning outcomes.
d) Collaboration and Communication
Overall, the teacher's role in language development has many
aspects, not only covering language teaching but also language
teaching. Apart from that, teachers also often collaborate with
other educators and parents to create a comprehensive support
system for students' language development. The teacher's role is
also to create a supportive and motivating learning environment to
foster students' language skills and confidence. According to (Sara
& Ccunt-il, 2020) Relationships and communication between
members in an organizational structure can be represented and
analyzed through networks Communication between
organizational members is very important for establishing
relationships, solving problems, and achieving organizational
intelligence, and personality. Jadida (2023)In their research, they
stated that the importance of extracurricular activities revealed
that students who participated showed a higher level of attachment
to friends,teachers, and parents. Students' teamwork helps build a
sense of community and reduces social anxiety.
b) Language tandem program
According to Macaire (2004), the tandem was developed in
Germany at the end of the sixties and then spread to other countries
such as Spain. Currently, learning a single language is known as a
complementary alternative to learning. Tandem can also be
implemented in various ways; this activity can be carried out
independently or integrated into or complement a language course
for a short or long time (Luisa et al.,., 2006).
are one of the ways teachers use to make the teaching and learning process
more effective andexciting, thus significantly impacting students so that the
learning process does not seem boring and achieves the learning goals. The
purpose of teaching strategies in this EFL class itself is to observe the plan
or sequence carried out bythe teacher for effective learning to take place,
using strategies in delivering material to students, and analyze how English
teachers apply teaching strategies and their reasons for using specific
strategies in teaching at SMPN 20 in Bengkulu city. This research uses a
qualitative approach method. Based on the results show that teachers use
several types of teaching strategies, namely direct instruction, discussion,
small groups, and role-playing. The reason for using thesestrategies is that
they make students more active in the learning process, allowingthem to
learn together and share knowledge. Teachers use the same strategy for
teaching but still face difficulties in implementing them in class during
students succeedin using speaking strategies to learn and teach English.
apply the target language daily. There are also differences in data
collection techniques between previous researchers. Previous research
mostly used observations and interviews, but in this research, surveys
were used using Likert scale questionnaire instruments in data collection.
However, this research still uses previous research as a reference or
reference for researchers to research this research. By finding gaps in
several previous studies, the researcher focused on the existing gaps to
produce updates in this research.
The design used in this research is a case study. A case study is an attempt
to describe a problem by analyzing it in depth regarding a particular case,
whether in the form of society, policies, or institutions (Hasibuan et al.,,
2022). According to Ariyani et al., (2023) Case studies aim to understand
the perspective of individual or group perpetrators towards an incident.
This research also aims to find out and understand the language teaching
strategies used by teachers in language development programs to develop
students' language skills in Islamic boarding schools. This research data
was collected through semi-structured interviews and observations.
3.2 Participant
This research selects English teachers and students as research subjects.
This research will be carried out at the Muhammadiyah Darul Arqam
Islamic boardingschool. Population is an essential part of its existence,
accuracy in using population determines the success of research carried
out by researchers Sanah et al., (2022) explain that the purpose of the
population is objects or subjects that are in an area and fulfill certain
requirements related to the research problem. The population in this
research is the Muhammadiyah Darul Arqam Sawangan Islamic boarding
According to Sugiyono (2013), the sample is part of the number of
characteristicsthe population possesses. This sampling is carried out if the
research has a large population and there are limitations in conducting the
research. The sampling criteria must be truly representative so that the
data can represent the entire population. The data of this study will involve
English teachers and 7th-grade students as research participants. Twenty-
one students will do focus group discussion activities by being divided
into two groups to discuss openly and interactively, and two English
teachers will be interviewed, namely the English subject teacher and the
English extracurricular club teacher.
(Nurwega, 2015). Interviews are used to understand research topic
experiences, attitudes, and views, according to Merriam (2009).
Edwards and Holland (2013) recommend interviewing sources or
study subjects to learn about current issues.English teachers and
students will be interviewed for this study. Semi-structured
interviews will be used in this study. This study will adapt interview
questions to examine how Muhammadiyah Darul Arqam Islamic
Boarding School teachers teach foreign languages, English
development strengths and weaknesses, and how teachers and
students handle language development issues.
method to gain in-depth insight into the teaching strategies of
English teachers for language development programs in Islamic
boarding schools. This FGD was conducted by involving twenty-
one students who were divided into two groups.
This study uses a single focus group model, based on Ridlo and
Laksono (2018) this FGD model conducts interactive discussions
on a particular topic between participants and facilitators who are
included in one group with facilitators in one place and time. Each
group will discuss openly and interactively, guided by a moderator
to explore students' views, experiences, and feelings related to the
topic being discussed. This method was chosen because it allows
researchers to understand the social dynamics and perspectives of
students, as well as identify themes and patterns that emerge from
the discussion. n dividing the groups, the researchers divided two
groups, namely group one consisting of 10 students. while group
two consists of 11 students.
List of Group
Group 1 Group 2
Student 1 Student 11
Student 2 Student 12
Student 3 Student 13
Student 4 Student 14
Student 5 Student 15
Student 6 Student 16
Student 7 Student 17
Student8 Student 18
Student 9 Student 19
Student 10 Student 20
Student 21
sorting the data that is considered essential and discarding data that
is not important. The researcher will conduct the investigation
correctly to get the correct conclusion. This allows researchers to
obtain the findings from student interview data.
2. Displaying the data
In this stage, the researcher will explain the data in a narrative or
description, and the data displayed will be structured and easy to
understand. The researcher will present it in sentences that have
been arranged systematically and rationally to reach conclusions.
The researcher will explain the interview results narratively to
make the results and recommendations easy to read and understand.
3. Concluding the research
The next activity is for the researcher to re-analyze the interview
and outline the conclusions. After the researcher has finished
collecting all the information, the researcher will draw conclusions
based on the data that has been reduced and displayed. Then, to get
valid data, the data must be verified for credibility, validity, and
accuracy. Researchers used a triangulation approach. Triangulation
is correlating evidence from different individuals, types of data, or
data collection methods in qualitative research descriptions and
themes (Creswell, 2012). To reach a valid conclusion, the
researcher will try to evaluate as many different sources as
The purpose of this study was to determine the teacher's teaching strategy and
students' responses to the teaching of language development programs in Islamic
boarding schools to answer the formulation of the problem in this study.
Participants in this study were twenty-one 7th-grade students of Mts
Muhammadiyah Darul Arqam Sawangan, as well as two English teachers, namely
the English subject teacher and the English club extracurricular teacher. Twenty-
one students will conduct focus group discussions (FGD) divided into two groups
to obtain more detailed data and two English teachers will be interviewed. As
explained in Chapter Three, this study uses FGD, interview, and observation
methods to collect data. This chapter will dig deeper into the findings of the study.
“For the strategy. First, maybe I can see how the students have used
the abilities of what has. So, we sort some. If it is directly in the
application, in the application, we divide it into several groups, like
group A, group B, and group C. Well, it is filled with different
contents from A, B, and C. This is from the initial approach: see
how, oh, this student is suitable for grade A because his English has
reached this level. Oh, if the B is at a medium level if the C is still
lacking. So doing from the beginning is sorted first.” English Club
From the statement of the English club teacher, the researcher found that the
strategy carried out by the English club teacher is a grouping discussion
where this teacher groups students into several parts according to the
abilities and needs of the students. In addition, both English teachers and
English club teachers have similarities in their approach to students as
expressed by both, namely:
“I use a differentiation approach because the PjBL method is included in
active learning. So, I use differentiation in English teaching to develop
language learning in Islamic boarding schools.” English Language Teacher
“If it's said using a differentiation approach, it's like adjusting to the
abilities of the child So earlier, it connects to the first question,
maybe So, we divide them into groups with different materials for
each of those group’s A, B, and C groups.” English Club Teacher
In implementing this strategy, English teachers face challenges with
overactive students in the classroom, so the class is sometimes not
conducive or less effective. The teacher is also worried that some students
do not understand because they are too overactive, so the teacher must
reprimand the student and give the assignment.
“The biggest challenge is that some things come back to the teacher's
teaching. So some things should have been understood in class, but
we review them again in the group So there are some obstacles like
that. What should have been discussed like this, but instead, we
repeat what was explained in class. Maybe it's because the students
don't really understand, or maybe the teacher didn't convey it well,
but it's more likely that the students don't understand, and we need
to learn it first.” English Club Teacher
“The feedback from them, after I used the PjBL method, they
became more active in class. Then, they also understood the material
clearly, so they can also communicate in English, even though not
very fluently.” English Teacher
“For feedback, what I got from the student and what I felt, it was
very felt. So, when this was first held, two months, three months
later, the students in this Islamic boarding school environment began
to use English often and even routinely, that was the first time.
Second, we can even win champions outside. For example,
yesterday, we won the Olympics in the English Storytelling
category. Also, some won in News Reading, and even though it was
not a medal, they still qualified for the semifinals. So, the increase
can be seen from the learning carried out in the environment.”
English Club Teacher.
Based on the feedback received by the English club teacher, it is evident
that the teacher has received significant feedback. Many students participate
in English language competitions, such as storytelling and news reading,
and have won and advanced to the semifinals This indicates that the
strategies employed by the English club teacher are effective in helping
students improve their English language skills.
Facilities and The existing activities are
activities very supportive” Students
Feedback Positive response “Give it a good score”
Students 2
Use of English “Often use English in daily
Language conversation” Students 11
Based on the results of the Focus group discussion (FGD), several main
themes emerged:
a) Teaching Strategies
Based on the results of the focus group discussion (FGD) conducted
by students, in this theme each group discussed various teaching
strategies applied by English teachers at this Islamic boarding
school, teaching strategies have an important role in determining
the effectiveness of learning and student responses to language
development programs .Based on the results of the discussion, all
students revealed that the teacher uses a communicative approach
to encourage students to practice speaking and interacting in
English. Students also agree that the teaching strategies used by the
teacher encourage students to be more active in class so that
students also learn to be confident in using English.
agreed that the combination of Project-based learning and grouping
created an interactive learning environment. From the results of the
focus group discussion, it can be concluded that project-based
learning and grouping can help students effectively in language
development programs at Islamic boarding schools and their impact
on students' language skills.
b) Challenges Faced in Learning English
Despite the positive aspects, students reported some significant
challenges and concerns, such as:
group learning, students feel actively involved and this allows
students to interact with each other, thereby increasing their
confidence in using English. Students also expressed that the
methods used by teachers helped them understand the material
well, such as in making videos, wall magazines, and games in the
learning process making learning activities fun so that students feel
more comfortable in understanding the material being taught. This
was also said by students
influence of the learning environment and the implementation of
project-based learning and grouping in teaching English can help
to create an environment that is more supportive of the teaching and
learning process in Islamic boarding schools.
e) Feedback
Based on the results of the Focus Group Discussion (FGD),
students highlighted feedback on how learning in Islamic boarding
schools affects the process of teaching English. Students also
agreed that a positive environment can increase the effectiveness of
feedback received by students. Several students also expressed that
student felt active in using both strategies during the learning
process. This means that student involvement shows that a positive
learning environment facilitates participation which is very
important in language learning. Students also felt that this
environment supported them in contributing to the development of
students' language skills. Students also expressed that they got great
value during learning which means the importance of reflection in
the learning process and how the environment can support a better
understanding of feedback. From the results of this discussion, it
can be concluded that feedback not only helps students understand
their strengths and areas that need to be improved, but also
underlines the importance of a positive learning environment in
Islamic boarding schools. With the right support, students can
develop their English skills effectively.
From the results of the focus group discussion (FGD), it can be concluded
that the teaching methods applied by English teachers and English club
teachers are considered effective in increasing student engagement.
Although there are some challenges, positive feedback from students shows
that they feel more active, confident, and able to understand the material
better. Support from the environment is also an important factor in the
success of this teaching process.
4.3 Discussion
The purpose of this study is to find out the teaching strategies used by
teachers in the classroom and the student's responses to these strategies in
the development of language programs in Islamic boarding schools. The
general conclusion of the research data obtained to answer all the research
questions in this study is presented in this study, from the teaching strategies
used by teachers in the classroom and the student's responses to the strategy
in the language development program in Islamic boarding schools.
presentations. Meanwhile, English club extracurricular teachers use the
grouping method to see students' abilities so that teachers can adjust to the
existing material. The strategies used by English teachers in class can make
students more active in learning and make it easier to understand the
material taught by the teacher. According to Nurhidayah et al., (2021),
Project-based learning (PjBL) is a form of student-focused learning so that
students are actively involved in the learning process. Based on Halim et al.,
(2023) Project-Based Learning (PjBL) approach, the emphasis is on the
learning process which has a tangible endpoint in the form of a product This
is what makes students the subject of instruction
Based on Zhang and Ma (2023) research shows that when compared to the
traditional teaching model, this project-based learning can significantly
improve student learning outcomes and contribute positively to academic
achievement, affective attitudes, and thinking skills, especially student
academic achievement. The use of this method (PjBL) trains the thinking of
students in facing a problem. In this project-based learning (PjBL) students
collaborate with others so that students can reflect on what they have
learned, students can also be more active in the search and decision-making
process by improving students' thinking skills. However, in the application
of this method based on observation findings, not all students are actively
involved. In the observation findings, some students are still less active in
learning because students do not understand the teacher's instructions, and
teachers who are fewer instructors in the classroom, so teachers only focus
on students who already understand the material.
The findings of the interviews of the two teachers show that teachers have
innovative teaching strategies, according to Novita and Paragae (2023),
innovative and student-centered teaching strategies usually have a positive
impact and are beneficial for language learners. Innovative learning usually
uses authentic research so that it can ensure that students can apply the
knowledge gained in real-life situations. This is also related to the results of
interviews with the two teachers, the feedback felt by the teachers from the
students, namely that students can apply English in daily activities, and
students also won competitions such as reading the news with English and
Then, based on the results of the FGD, students generally felt that the
teaching strategies applied by the teacher were very helpful for them in
understanding the material, this shows that active teaching strategies can
create a more meaningful learning experience for students. However, in
every application of teaching strategies in learning, there are several
challenges for both students and teachers. Students face several challenges
in applying this strategy such as time management, project-based learning
often takes longer to complete tasks. While in group learning, some groups
tend to postpone their work. In addition, differences in abilities between
students in groups are also a challenge for students. Although groups are
formed based on ability, some students may still find it difficult to follow
the rhythm of learning. According to Amelia (2023) the importance of
teaching students about collaboration, especially through collaborative
projects, allows students to learn to work together in teams. In addition,
students must also be directed to prepare to become adaptive, creative
individuals who are able to face complex challenges in learning.
The next finding that should be highlighted is that the learning environment
in this Islamic boarding school also plays an important role in the
effectiveness of teaching methods. Students feel supported by an
environment that encourages the use of English outside the classroom.
Routine activities carried out at the Islamic boarding school also contribute
to facilitating learning so that students are more motivated to participate.
According to Rachman (2020) so that the existing learning process can
support children's development to take place optimally. Therefore, it is very
necessary to create a comfortable and conducive learning environment for
children. In addition, the feedback given by students shows that they
appreciate the learning experience they gain. Such as the use of English in
everyday conversation and success in the tasks given provide a great sense
of achievement for students. This shows that feedback plays an active role
in understanding the strengths and things that need to be improved in their
language skills. According to Ratnadewi et al., (2020), language attitudes
can reveal students' successes and failures in language learning, students
learn to improve and improve their positive language attitudes towards
foreign languages through special programs at school. Although there is still
a negative side, it is not comparable to the positive side that students have.
Therefore, it can be concluded that students have a positive perception of
the teaching strategies that English teachers use in the classroom because
they can be actively involved in every learning.
students' self-confidence in communicating using English, and feeling
insecure towards friends who are more proficient in English. obstacles to
students' self-confidence can be detrimental to language development
programs in Islamic boarding schools because with a lack of self-confidence
students cannot apply English in daily activities. Therefore, to increase
students' self-confidence and active student involvement in English
learning, English teachers and extracurricular teachers must have innovative
strategies in teaching. Teachers can see the needs of students so that
students' needs are met, and students feel comfortable and want to be
actively involved in learning so that students can train their self-confidence
so that students can apply English in daily activities to implementing
language development programs at Islamic boarding schools.
5.1 Conclusion
In conclusion, this study focuses on teachers' learning and teaching
strategies and determines students' responses to teaching strategies in
developing students' language skills in language development programs,
especially English in Islamic boarding schools. The results showed that the
strategy that English teachers were struggling with in class was Project-
based Learning (PjBL) while the strategy used by English club
extracurricular teachers was grouping. Each teacher applies his teaching
strategy by looking at the needs and abilities of the students themselves in
the English class. The results of student responses based on interviews and
questionnaires showed that students felt comfortable, and students also felt
actively involved in learning by using the strategies applied by the two
teachers. Students can also easily understand the learning material, the
results of the teaching strategies used by teachers can also be seen from the
feedback given by students, students begin to be confident in applying
English in daily activities both in the classroom and outside the classroom.
Then, some students are still not confident in using English, this is because
students themselves are reluctant to be actively involved in learning
activities, so students do not fully understand the material. However, from
this study, it can be concluded that students have a positive perception of
the strategies used by teachers in teaching activities.
5.2 Implications
The use of teaching strategies used by teachers in the classroom has a
positive impact on students in the classroom and in the Islamic boarding
school itself. Where seventh-grade students feel comfortable and are
actively involved in every learning activity. In addition, the two teachers
also adjust the abilities and needs of students so that students can continue
to improve their abilities. The research that can be drawn implies that the
teaching strategies used by teachers in the classroom have a positive impact
on the language development program in the Islamic boarding school, with
students being able to use English in their daily activities, language
development programs can run smoothly, and this language development
program is considered positive to be able to help students continue to
improve their English skills. Therefore, this language development program
must be optimized so that students also feel that this language development
program helps them in learning English. However, several obstacles occur,
in the application of this strategy, there are still some students who lack
confidence and are not actively involved in learning so teachers must
continue to repeat the material and spend time repeating the material, the
lack of student confidence and the involvement of shiva in learning can
make students unable to apply English in daily activities. It would be better
if teachers could have diverse teaching innovations so that teachers could
better adjust students' abilities and make all students actively involved in
learning, teachers should also train students' confidence so that students can
be confident during learning.
5.3 Suggestion
There are still many things that need to be improved in this research
Therefore, the researcher provides some suggestions These suggestions can
be considered by teachers and future researchers who are interested in the
same field of study.
1. Teacher
With the use of the strategies used, teachers can help students in
applying their English in daily activities. Students also feel actively
involved in learning besides that students also practice their
confidence and easily understand the material taught during
learning. However, it would be even better if teachers had innovative
strategies in teaching so that they can make students as a whole
active in learning, so teachers can adjust to students so that there are
no more students who are still lacking confidence and are inactive
during learning.
2. Students
Students in this case should also care and be active so that they can
apply English in their daily activities Students should also
participate in language development programs so that this program
can be evaluated optimally and help develop students' language
skills at the boarding school with the existence of this language
development program, students should continuously improve their
English language abilities.
3. The Future Researcher
Suggestions for future researchers, many things can be improved
from this study, therefore it is highly recommended for further
researchers to explore various strategies used by teachers in the
classroom. Researchers can also use many samples to get more in-
depth results about the implementation of strategies used by
teachers and students' responses to these strategies. Researchers can
also further use quantitative approaches to get more in-depth
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Appendix 1: Instrument of Research
Observation Sheets
5. Materi
oleh guru
sesuai dengan
Reseaerch Rubric Question Ye N Not Theme
Question s o e
6. Guru
n Bahasa di
How do 4. Student
students 7. Siswa responses to
respond to secara aktif teacher
teaching berpartisipasi teaching
strategies of dalam diskusi strategies,
English kelas dan especially in
language kegiatan student
developmen pembelajaran engagement
t programs lainnya during
in Islamic learning
boarding 8. Siswa 5. Student
schools? terlihat responses to
antusias dan teacher
bersemangat teaching
selama sesi strategies
pembelajaran and methods
used in the
9. Siswa classroom
menunjukan 6. Student
tanggapan evaluation
postifi and
terhadap response
metode towards the
pengajaran achievement
yang of learning
digunakan objectives in
guru the language
10. Siswa t program at
merasa bahwa the boarding
strategi school
guru Bahasa
Inggris dikelas
pada program
Reseaerch Rubric Question Ye N Not Theme
Question s o e
n Bahasa di
pesantren dan
mereka dalam
n kemapuan
Appendix 2
Interview guideline for Teachers
Research Rubric Questions Theme
What 1. Mengetahui strategi 1. Apa saja metode atau 1. Teachers'
strategies do apa yang digunakan pendekatan dalam perspective
English guru dalam pengajaran pengajaran Bahasa on the
language Bahasa Inggris yang anda implemented
teachers use in 2. Mengetahui terapkan untuk teaching
language bagaimana guru membantu menjalankan strategies in
development mengimplementasi program the
programs in metode pengajaran pengembangan Bahasa classroom.
Islamic Bahasa Inggris di pondok pepsantren?
boarding dikelas 2. Apakah anda 2. Teachers'
schools? 3. Mengevaluasi menggunakan perspective
efektivitas strategi pendekatan diferensiasi on the
pengajaran dalam atau individualisasi challenges of
membantu siswa pembelajaran dalam implementing
mengembangkan mengajar Bahasa teaching
kemampuan Bahasa Inggris dipesantren? strategies that
Inggris mereka. Lalu bagaimana anda have an
4. Mengetahui menerapkannya? impact on
tantangan terbesar 3. Bagaimana anda supporting
dalam mengintegrasikan language
mengimplementasikan teknologi dalam strategi development
strategi pengajaran pengajaran anda untuk programs in
Bahasa Inggris di meningkatkan Islamic
pesantren dan cara 4. Apakah ada boarding
mengatasinya. pertimbangan ketika schools.
memilih atau
merancang startegi 3. Teachers'
pengajaran untuk perspective
membantu menjalankan on evaluating
program the
pengembangan Bahasa effectiveness
dipesantren? of teaching
5. Bisakah anda strategies
menjelaskna beberapa implemented,
strategi pengajaran as well as
Bahasa Inggris yang student
anda terapkan? feedback on
6. Bagaimana anda the teaching
mengevaluasi strategies
efektivitas strategi used.
pengajaran anda dalam
membantu siswa
Bahasa Inggris
7. Apa tantangan
Research Rubric Questions Theme
terbesar yang anda
hadapi dalam
strategi pengajaran
Bahasa Inggris
dipesantren? Dan
bagaimana anda
8. Apa jenis umpan
balik yang anda terima
dari siswa tentang
strategi pengajaran
yang anda terapkan?
Appendix 3
Transcript FGD
Appendix 4
Transcript of Teacher’s Interview
English Club Teacher (ECT)
Researcher: What methods or approaches do you apply in teaching English to support
the language program at this Islamic boarding school, Sir? (Apa saja sih metode atau
pendekatan dalam pengajaran bahasa Inggris yang bapak terapkan untuk membantu
menjalankan program pengawalan bahasa di Pondok Pesantren ini, Pak?)
E C T: Okay, for the method or approach First of all, maybe I'll start by looking at
the abilities of whatever the students have already used So we'll sort some In the
application itself, in the implementation, we divide it into several groups Like group
A, group B, group C Well, the content in A, B, C is different And from the initial
approach, we see how, oh this child is suitable for grade A, because their English is
already this good Oh, for B, it's at a moderate level, and for C, it's still lacking So we
start by sorting it out first (Oke, untuk metode atau pendekatannya. Pertama-tama kan,
mungkin saya melakukan yang namanya itu melihat bagaimana kemampuan dari apa saja
yang sudah dipakai oleh santri. Jadi kita sortir beberapa. Kalau langsung di aplikasi-nya,
di pengaplikasi-nya, itu kami membagi menjadi beberapa grup. Seperti grup A, grup B,
grup C. Nah, itu diisi-isi dari A, B, C itu berbeda-beda. Dan itu, ini dari pendekatan yang
awal tadi, melihat bagaimana, oh anak ini cocoknya di grade A, karena bahasa Inggrisnya
sudah sampai sebagus ini. Oh, kalau yang B setingkatan sedang, kalau yang C masih
kurang. Jadi melakukan dari awalnya, disortir terlebih dahulu).
E C T: Yeah, maybe if we use a differentiation approach, that's how it's done Because,
of course, this differentiation adjusts to the students' abilities So earlier, it connects to
the first question, maybe So, we'll divide them into groups with different materials for
each of those groups A, B, and C groups The ones at the bottom (Ya, mungkin kalau
dikatakan menggunakan pendekatan diferensiasi, itu menggunakan. Karena kan, tentu
diferensiasi ini kan menyesuaikan bagaimana kemampuan si anak tersebut. Makanya tadi,
nyambung ke pertanyaan yang pertama mungkin ya. Jadi, kami bagi grup-grupnya dengan
isian materi pun nanti yang berbeda di tiap grup-grup tersebut. Yang A, B, dan C. Grup A,
B, dan C yang paling bawah)
Researcher: What is your own assessment of differentiation learning, sir? Then, how
do you implement it in your classroom teaching? (Bagaimana sih penilaian bapak sendiri
terhadap pembelajaran diferensiasi? Kemudian, bagaimana bapak
mengimplementasikannya ke dalam pengajaran di kelas?)
ECT: For the assessment of differentiation in learning, I think it's quite good and
efficient Because we can divide the appropriate portion for each student instead of
treating them all the same Secondly, in its implementation, as I mentioned earlier, in
the actual implementation, let me give an example So, in Group A, we only focus on
one topic For Group A, the topics we cover include news reading, group discussions,
and all 16 tenses That's how we implement it And Groups B and C are different from
Group A For Group B, there are 8 tenses, and we also teach the basics of correct
dictation As for Group C, they start with the basics, like learning how to use to be, the
alphabet, and so on (Kalau untuk penilaian terhadap pembelajaran diferensiasi tersebut,
bagi saya itu sangat cukup bagus dan efisien. Karena kita bisa membagi di mana porsi yang
pas untuk siswa tersebut dibandingkan kita penyamaratakan mereka semua. Yang kedua,
implementasinya itu seperti yang tadi saya bilang, dalam implementasinya itu sendiri,
sebagai saya kasih contoh ya, di grup A itu kami, saya kasih contoh satu materi aja. Jadi,
di grup A itu, materi yang kami berikan, itu diantaranya seperti belajar untuk news reading,
lalu belajar juga untuk grup discussion, dan juga belajar 16 tenses seluruhnya. Jadi, untuk
implementasinya seperti itu. Dan yang B dan yang C itu tidak sama seperti yang A. Untuk
yang B seperti tensesnya ada 8, lalu belajar dari dasarnya seperti membuat
diktesin yang benar seperti apa. Lalu yang C itu belajar dari basicnya, seperti belajar
bagaimana itu to be, bagaimana itu kata A B C, dan segala macam).
Researcher: Alright, then Is there any consideration when you choose or design
teaching strategies to assist in implementing the Language Development program at
this Islamic boarding school, Sir? (Oke, baik. Kemudian. Apakah ada pertimbangan
tersendiri ketika Bapak memilih atau merancang strategi pengajaran untuk membantu
menjalankan program pengembangan Bahasa di pondok pesantren ini Pak?)
Researcher: Certainly, Could you please explain some English language teaching
strategies that you apply in the classroom? (Oke, baik. Kemudian, bisakah Bapak
menjelaskan beberapa strategi pengajaran bahasa Inggris yang Bapak terapkan di kelas?)
Researcher: What is the biggest challenge that you face in implementing this teaching
strategy? Then how did you deal with it yourself? (Apa sih pak tantangan terbesar yang
bapak hadapi dalam mengimplementasikan strategi pengajarannya ini? Kemudian
bagaimana Bapak sendiri mengatasinya?)
ECT: The biggest challenge, there are several things that actually come back to the
teacher's own learning So there are some things that should have been understood in
class, but we repeat them again within the group So there are some obstacles like that
So what should be discussed like this, but instead we repeat what was explained in
class Because perhaps the child's understanding is lacking, or maybe there is a lack of
communication from the teacher But it is more likely that the child doesn't understand
and we need to learn first (Tantangan terbesarnya, ada beberapa hal yang sebenarnya
kembali lagi kepada pembelajaran di gurunya itu sendiri. Jadi ada beberapa yang harusnya
di kelas sudah mengerti, tapi kita ulang lagi di dalam grup tersebut. Jadi ada beberapa
hambatannya seperti itu. Jadi yang seharusnya dibahas seperti ini, tapi malah mengulang
apa yang di kelas dijelaskan. Karena mungkin factor anaknya memang kurang paham, atau
memang ada kurang menyampaikan dari gurunya. Tapi yang lebih condong mungkin
anaknya kurang paham dan kita harus membelajar lebih dahulu).
Researcher: For the last question, what kind of feedback do you yourself receive from
students about the teaching strategies that you apply? (Untuk pertanyaan yang terakhir,
apa sih jenis feedback yang Bapak sendiri terima dari siswa tentang strategi pengajaran
yang Bapak terapkan?)
ECT: The feedback received from the students and my own observation is that it has
made a significant impact So, when it was first introduced, two months, three months
later, the children in the community started using English frequently, even routinely
That's the first point Secondly, they were even able to win championships outside For
example, recently we won in the English Storytelling category at the Olympics And
also, there were some who won in News Reading, even though they didn't make it to
the finals, they still made it to the semifinals So the improvement is evident from the
learning done within the community (Untuk feedback, Apa yang didapat daripada siswa
tersebut dan yang saya rasakan, itu sangat berasa sekali. Jadi ketika pertama kali ini
diadakan, dua bulan, tiga bulan setelahnya, itu anak-anak di lingkungan itu mulai sering
bahkan rutin untuk menggunakan bahasa Inggris, itu yang pertama. Kedua, bahkan bisa
dengan ada jenis ini, bisa memenangkan juara-juara di luar. Contoh kemarin, kita menang
di Olimpiade dalam kategori Bahasa Inggris Storytelling. Dan juga, ada juga yang menang
di News Reading, meskipun gak mendari, tapi tetap lolos ke semifinal. Jadi peningkatannya
terlihat dari pembelajaran yang dilakukan di lingkungan).
Transcript of English Teacher Interview
E.T: Yes, in this English language teaching, I use various methods However, I also
consider the needs of the students themselves And the method I use most often is
Project-Based Learning (PjBL) Because by using PjBL, we can observe the students'
engagement in learning English (Ya, jadi dalam pengajaran bahasa Inggris ini, saya
menggunakan berbagai macam metode. Namun, saya juga melihat kebutuhan dari siswa
itu sendiri. Dan yang lebih sering saya pakai itu adalah proyek basic learning, PjBL.
Karena dengan kita menggunakan PjBL tersebut, kita dapat melihat keaktifan siswa dalam
pembelajaran bahasa Inggris ini).
E.T: Yes, I am using differentiation approach because earlier, the PjBL method falls
under active learning Therefore, I am using differentiation in teaching English to
enhance learning at the boarding school (Ya, saya menggunakan pendekatan diferensiasi
karena tadi ya, metode PjBL itu kan masuk dalam pembelajaran aktif learning. Sehingga
saya menggunakan diferensiasi dalam pengajaran bahasa Inggris untuk mengembangkan
pembelajaran di pondok tersebut).
Researsher: Alright, then How do you personally assess this differentiation learning?
And how do you incorporate it into your classroom teaching? (Oke, baik. Kemudian,
bagaimana sih penilaian Ibu sendiri terhadap pembelajaran diferensiasi ini? kemudian,
bagaimana Ibu mengimplementasikan yang kedalam pengajaran di kelas?)
E.T: Yes, my assessment consists of two types The first is summative assessment and
the second is formative assessment As for formative assessment itself, we can see it
after the material is completed So, after each material is finished, I will give
assignments to students so that I can see how well they have followed the learning And
the last one is summative assessment Summative assessment is done during the final
semester exams So we can see whether the student's grades are good or not during
those final exams (Ya, penilaian saya itu terdapat dua jenis. Yang pertama itu adalah
penilaian sumatif dan yang kedua itu adalah formatif. Untuk penilaian formatif itu sendiri,
itu dapat kita lihat ketika setelah materi itu selesai. Jadi setiap materi selesai, saya akan
memberikan tugas kepada siswa supaya saya dapat melihat bagaimana nih siswa apakah
dia dapat mengikuti pembelajaran yang baik atau tidak. Dan yang terakhir itu adalah
penilaian sumatif. Penilaian sumatif itu dilakukan ketika ujian akhir semester. Jadi kita
dapat melihat nilai siswa itu bagus atau tidak ketika mengikuti ujian akhir semester
E.T: Yes, that's correct I am also considering the design of the learning that I will do
Because earlier I mentioned that I will look at the characteristics of the students, their
needs, and then I will find a suitable teaching strategy for them (Iya, betul. Saya juga
menimbang ya terkait perancangan pembelajaran yang akan saya lakukan. Karena kan tadi
sudah saya katakan bahwa saya akan melihat karakteristik dari peserta didiknya,
bagaimana kebutuhan mereka, baru saya mencari strategi pembelajaran apa yang baik
untuk mereka).
Researcher: Could you explain some English language teaching strategies that you
personally apply, Mam? (Bisa dijelasin nggak beberapa strategi pengajaran bahasa
Inggris yang Ibu sendiri terapkan?)
E.T: Yes, of the several methods I provide to students, I most frequently use the PjBL
method because through PjBL itself, I can observe the students' engagement So, when
I present the material, then give them a test, I can see whether they respond or not
When they understand the material, they will definitely respond positively (Iya, dari
beberapa metode yang saya berikan ke siswa, saya lebih sering menggunakan metode PjBL
karena dari PjBL itu sendiri saya bisa melihat keaktifan siswa. Jadi, ketika saya
memberikan materi, kemudian saya memberikan tes, kemudian mereka itu merespon atau
tidak. Ketika mereka memahami materi tersebut, pasti mereka akan merespon dengan baik).
Researcher: How do you evaluate the effectiveness of your own teaching strategies in
helping students develop their English language skills? (Kemudian, bagaimana Ibu
mengevaluasi efektivitas strategi pengajaran Ibu sendiri dalam membantu siswa
mengembangkan bahasa Inggris mereka?)
E.T: In evaluating, after reviewing the results of the tests they have completed, I will
assess them When they receive a score that does not meet the passing grade, I will
provide reinforcement of the material, and then assign appropriate tasks again After
that, I will conduct another test to determine whether there have been any changes
from the first test to this second one (Dalam mengevaluasi, setelah saya melihat hasil
dari tes yang telah mereka kerjakan, saya akan mengevaluasi mereka. Ketika mereka
mendapatkan nilai yang belum mencapai KKM, itu akan saya berikan kembali penguatan
materi, kemudian saya akan berikan kembali tugas yang sesuai. Setelah itu, baru saya akan
mengadakan tes kembali apakah mereka terdapat perubahan atau tidak dari tes yang
pertama dan tes yang kedua ini).
Researcher: What is the biggest challenge you face in implementing English language
teaching strategies at the boarding school, and how do you overcome it? (Apa sih Ibu
tantangan terbesar yang Ibu hadapi dalam mengimplementasikan strategi pengajaran
bahasa Inggris di pesantren? Dan bagaimana Ibu sendiri mengatasinya?)
E.T: Because earlier I used the PjBL method, it means giving students space to be
active However, the challenge is that they are too overactive, so the classroom becomes
very noisy And perhaps there are also some students who do not like noise when
learning So, in that class, it is not effective, less effective However, I also provide
solutions to address and overcome this issue Therefore, for PjBL, it is necessary to be
done But when there are students who are overactive, they will be warned first Then,
after that, they will be given tasks (Karena tadi saya menggunakan metode PjBL, itu kan
berarti memberikan peserta didik itu ruang untuk mereka aktif. Namun, kendalianya itu
adalah mereka terlalu overaktif, sehingga keadaan kelas itu menjadi sangat berisik sekali.
Dan mungkin ada beberapa siswa juga yang ketika belajar itu tidak suka berisik. Jadi,
dalam kelas itu tidak efektif, kurang efektif Namun, saya juga memberikan, apa
memberikan, apa namanya, mengatasi dan memberikan solusi ya. Saya memberikan solusi
terkait permasalahan tersebut. Jadi, untuk PjBL ini memang perlu dilakukan. Tapi, ketika
ada siswa yang overaktif, itu akan ditegur terlebih dahulu. Kemudian, setelah itu mereka
akan diberikan tugas).
Researcher: What kind of feedback have you received from students about the
teaching strategies you've implemented? (Apa saja sih, Ibu, jenis umpan balik atau
feedback yang Ibu terima dari siswa tentang strategi pengajaran yang Ibu sendiri
E.T: The feedback from them, alhamdulillah, after using the PjBL method, they have
become more active in class Additionally, they can understand the material clearly As
a result, they are also able to communicate in English, although not yet fluently
(Feedbacknya dari mereka-mereka itu, alhamdulillah setelah saya menggunakan metode
PjBL ini, mereka menjadi lebih aktif dalam kelas. Kemudian, mereka juga dapat memahami
materi dengan jelas. Sehingga mereka juga dapat berkomunikasi menggunakan bahasa
Inggris, walaupun memang belum pasif sekali. Seperti itu).
Appendix 5
Photos During Research
Interview with English Teacher Interview with English club Teacher
Appendix 6
Appendix 7
Appendix 8
Appendix 9