Computer Network Question Bank
Computer Network Question Bank
Computer Network Question Bank
Short Question4
1. Why do we need network topology? Explain star topology along with its merits and demerits.5
2. Define Protocol. Why do we need standards?
3. Explain the structure of IPv6 address. Compare IPv6 address with IPv4 address.6
4. Write the subnet ID and broadcast address of each subnet if you divide a class C network
( – into 4 different subnets. What is the new subnet mask?7
5. What is circuit-switched network? Explain phases during communication in a circuit-switched
6. What is a virtual circuit network? Explain frame relay as a virtual circuit-wide area network.9
7. Why TCP is called a connection-oriented and reliable protocol? Differentiate TCP with UDP.10
8. Explain architecture of WWW. What is URL ?12
9. Define network topology. Explain ring topology along with its merits and demerits.5
10. Explain LAN with example. How is it different from PAN?6
11. Define routing table. Differentiate static routing table with dynamic routing table.7
12. What is switching? Compare and contrast a circuit-switched network and packet-switched
13. Why do we need wireless LAN? Explain the architecture of IEEE 802.11 in detail.9
14. What is NAT? How does it work? What are its benefits?10
15. In a block of address, we know the IP Address of one host is What are the
first address(network address) and the last address (limited broadcast address) in this block?
16. Why do we need a DNS system when we can directly use an IP address? what is domain name
17. Explain client/server network. How is it different from peer to peer network?5
18. What is CSMA/CD? Why is there no need for CSMA/CD on a full-duplex Ethernet LAN?6
19. What subnet ID and broadcast address of each subnet if you divide a class B network
( – in 4 different subnets. What is the new subnet mask?7
20. Explain the structure of IPv6 address. Compare IPv6 address with IPv4 address.8
21. What is virtual circuit network? Explain ATM as a virtual circuit wide area network.9
22. What is routing table? Differentiate static routing table with dynamic roting table.10
23. What is open-loop congestion control? Compare it with closed-loop congestion control.11
24. What are the different approaches for multimedia streaming? Explain.
25. What do you understand by packet switching? Explain. What are its advantages and
26. Explain different types of network types.6
27. Suppose you are given an IP address, perform subnetting and divide the given
network into 2 subnets. Calculate total number of hosts that can be configured, range of the IP
28. Differentiate between link state and distance vector routing.8
29. What is socket programming? Explain tocket bucket algorithm with an example.9
30. Differentiate between IMAP and POP3. Explain SNMP.10
31. Explain the architecture of NGN.11
32. Highlight on the use of PPP. What are the functions of Media Access Control.