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drouin secondary college news




For Years 8 to 12 in 2021
Drouin Secondary College invites current and prospec�ve parents of students
entering Years 8 to 12 in 2021 to view our O�L��E Course �nforma�on.
Find out about the Course Selec�on Process for 2021. View Presenta�ons
for Pathways including VCE / VCAL / VET and Special Programs / Subject
Areas. See the Online Course guide for details of individual subjects.
Visit the Course Selec�on page at www.drouinsc.vic.edu.au

Relay For Life PAGE 8

We value: Achievement, Respect, Commitment, Community

Team Report Deb Gentl
e Rob Monk Rebecca Williams Diane Croft


Hello DSC community. I have begun this report three times since Unfortunately, we have had many events cancelled this year,
the beginning of Term 3, but each version became out of date very but we are trying where possible to include some of the great
quickly …. so here goes …. community activities we would normally experience.

Semester 2 began with our students and staff on site and getting One big event organised annually by the Year 11 VCAL students
is the Relay For Life. This did not go ahead as planned this year,
on with the business of learning. We reflected on our learning
but our students were determined that something be done for this
and achievements so far this year and made a fresh start with our
good cause. They organised the activity to take place at DSC on
work and studies. But we had some new challenges with Level 3 Thursday 23/07, during the school day. There were two student
COVID-19 restrictions applying to many of our students and staff teams and a staff team competing. We had some fun with a free
in Cardinia and Casey. We were able to source enough infrared dress day and lunchtime activities which raised extra funds. A
thermometers to make temperature testing all students possible from special lap of honour was also held to recognise cancer survivors
the start of term. and those who have been affected by friends and family diagnosed
with cancer. Thank you to the VCAL students and teachers for your
The wearing of facemasks soon became a requirement for us all.
care and persistence in making Relay For Life happen.
Then the news that we had been dreading, that community
transmission of COVID-19 was at a level that required further
restrictions. The Metropolitan areas went to Level 4 restrictions We would normally be attending Music concerts, Course Selection
including a curfew and the remainder of Victoria going to Level 3 Evenings and many other events. But this is not possible right now
so our staff have had to be innovative in providing us with important
restrictions including resuming remote/online learning.
information and opportunities for our students.
Many of our students had just begun new Semester 2 units with
On Thursday night 30/7 and at lunchtime the following day, our
new teachers. The Learning Culture Teams were working hard VCE Music students performed their assessment pieces via Webex.
with students to re-establish a positive learning culture across the What a talented group we have! Congratulations to all and thanks
college. The emphasis has been on following routines and the High to Ms Stewart for making the performances available to us online.
5 and building on some of the successful online strategies from the
Term 2 remote learning period. COURSE SELECTION 2021
Course Selection 2021 is underway. All the information students
We now know how valuable that reflection is, as we implement
need about pathways and courses is available online and the links
Remote/Online Learning 2.0. There was very little time to adapt,
are on the SENTRAL home page. If students have questions or need
but from the feedback we received during Remote/Online Learning more information, please contact the Learning Group Teachers
1.0, we have made some adjustments which we hope will improve or Year Level Assistants, or a member of the Pathways Team.
the learning experience. Webchoices is open until the 28/08 for students to complete their
course selection.
We want to be sure students are attending and engaging in their
Sam Widdowson – PE/Health
classes; so the roll is being marked every lesson. We also want
to reduce screen time by including breaks in classes and shorter Lei Shangguan – Maths/ICT
instruction time and more independent learning time in every class. Maya Naprelac – Inclusion Aide
Cameron Smith – Intervention Aide
So far, we have seen an improvement in student attendance and
students are managing the online learning environment better. Leilani Duong – Intervention Aide
Casey O’Meara – Intervention Aide
Student and staff wellbeing is a priority for us all. Being away from
Diane Croft - Acting Assistant Principal, Term 3, 2020.
friends and the familiar routine of school can be challenging and
of course the day to day issues that can cause anxiety and stress Nella Marx - Acting Learning Specialist, Semester 2, 2020.
are still there. The Learning Culture Teams will be checking-in with Thank you to our DSC students, staff and families for your ongoing
students regularly. If families are concerned about the wellbeing of support of our college and community.
a student, please contact their Learning Culture Teacher or Leader.
Stay safe and well.
Our fabulous Student Wellbeing Team are available to support
students as usual. There are also great resources on the Wellbeing Deb Gentle, Principal (On behalf of the Principal Team)
page on Moodle.
“Educating the mind without educating the heart is no
education at all.” Aristotle.

Term 3 Flexible & Remote Learning
The Minister for Education has announced that, on the advice 4. Staff will record attendance for every lesson. Attendance
of the Victorian Chief Health Officer, all Victorian government means the student has logged into the web conference
schools will transition to remote and flexible learning and actively participated in the lesson.
arrangements from Wednesday 5/8/2020 for up to six weeks. 5. We do not expect students to be online or on their
This is required to limit social contact and protect the health and computers all day. Students are encouraged to log off and
safety of all in our community. To keep the COVID-19 infection do something active between periods and when they are
rate low we must respect and comply with these arrangements. not required online.

All students who can learn from home must learn at 6. Students need to check their progress bars in Moodle
home. for each subject regularly. They should click on the tasks
that need to be done and do them before they turn red.
For information about arranging on-site supervision for All tasks that need to be completed will be shown on the
vulnerable children or children of permitted workers, please Moodle progress bars.
refer to the accompanying article on Page 5.
7. Students should email their teachers at any time if they are
NO students will be able to attend on-site, without unsure of what they need to do. Teachers will respond to
prior arrangement being made. Requests must be email within 48 hours. They will respond during school
submitted each week by Thursday 3pm so we can organise hours.
staff supervision for the following week.
Our students are well equipped with their netbooks and access
to Moodle. Our teachers are ready to deliver online learning Attendance will be recorded in each lesson.
and support. If a student is absent Period 1 an SMS message is sent home
Outline of Remote and Flexible
Learning Arrangements at DSC If students are unable to attend online lessons they need to
follow the normal absence process.
Flexible/Remote learning means that students will attend their
classes and complete learning tasks through their Moodle To notify the college of an absence (missed online lesson/s)
student portal and an interactive video classroom. either phone 5625 1002 or respond via the Sentral website or
This means students will participate in all their timetabled
classes from home. To check student attendance log onto Sentral.

1. Students will need to Log into Moodle, Sentral and check VCE/VCAL/VET Students
their email every day.
We want to assure students that teachers are focused on
2. Students will follow their regular school timetable. The continuing your courses so you achieve the best outcomes
regular timetable will run at the regular times. At the possible. There is much which is still to be decided. We ask
beginning of each period, students need to follow the link that students focus on your learning and trust we will keep you
on Moodle to access their online class. informed as decisions are made by VCAA and the college.
Monday & Wednesday The Minister for Education has announced the following
PERIOD 1 9.04am adjustments to the delivery of the VCE:

PERIOD 2 (LG & SURFF) 10.56am • The GAT test (for Unit 3/4 students) is scheduled for
Wednesday 7th October 2020.
PERIOD 3 11.48am
• End-of-year exams will start November 9th.
PERIOD 4 2.03pm
• School-based assessment tasks will be reduced where
Tuesday & Thursday & Friday possible to relieve some pressure on students as they
move to remote and flexible learning arrangements.
PERIOD 1 9.04am
• VCAL students will have more time to complete their
PERIOD 2 10.46am courses and this will be consistent with the revised dates
PERIOD 3 12.08pm for the VCE.

PERIOD 4 2.13pm VET providers will contact students individually via email about
remote learning.
3. Staff will teach students for all or part of the session via All work placement has been suspended. Students may apply
webconference. Some lessons will be direct instruction, for an exemption through careers.
some will be a short check-in, and some may consist of
students working independently. Staff will rarely teach for SACs, SATs and VCAL Competencies will be completed during
the whole lesson. remote learning.

Term 3 Flexible & Remote Learning continued...
Code of Conduct for Remote Learning Homework Club
Please read the Responsibilities and High 5 of Online learning Is still available for all students. It will run through a video
at DSC on page 6. This code of conduct has been developed in conference session from 3:30-4:30 Tuesday and Thursday
consultation with staff and students. night. Tutors will be available to help with any questions. Login
to the Homework Club Moodle page to access this help.
Progress Reports For further information please contact: Aleasha.Innella@
The next Progress Reports will be completed by teachers on education.vic.gov.au
Friday the 14th of August.
The Inclusion Team
Support From The Wellbeing Team If your child is funded under the Program for Students with
Students can still make a referral to Wellbeing. Please refer to Disabilities, your child will continue to be supported by the
the Wellbeing page on Moodle for links to wellbeing staff and Inclusion team. Support for inclusion students will include:
external resources.
• Your child will have their learning modified by their
Wellbeing staff will continue to schedule appointments with classroom teacher and that teachers will be making
students who have been referred. Wellbeing staff will make decisions about their learning based on their Individual
contact and schedule appointments with students through Learning Plan.
email. Wellbeing appointments may occur via phone or video
• Inclusion staff will join the compulsory Video
conferencing during school hours.
Conferencing Platform session for students who they
Wellbeing Staff Contact: support.
JessieAnne.Wilson@education.vic.gov.au • Inclusion staff will provide additional Video Conferencing
Platform sessions through the Inclusion Moodle page
Doctors in Schools where required.
Students can still schedule a Doctors in Schools appointment • Inclusion staff will make regular contact (at least twice a
through Sentral. All appointments will be via Webex or over the week) to support students by emails and phone.
phone. For further information please contact: Jenni.Johnson@
education.vic.gov.au (Inclusion Coordinator)
CARS & STARS - Intervention students
Students who receive intervention for reading and spelling Learning Culture Teams
will still do this during the intervention timeslot. This will be The Learning Culture teams from Year 7-12 will continue to
done through the use of various online platforms and via an provide pastoral support for students. If you have concerns
interactive video classroom. about your child’s academic progress or general wellbeing
concerns please contact your child’s Learning Group teacher
Maths Support - Intervention (Years 7-9) or Level Assistant (Years 10-12).
Students who receive intervention in their Year 7 and 8 maths Our Level Leaders who support all students in our three
classes will continue to get support. An Intervention tutor will be Learning Culture Areas are:
in the video conference session with the students so they know
the instructions given by the teacher. They will also run a maths Year 10-12 Jessica.Dunn3@education.vic.gov.au
help session for any of the students in the program to come on Year 8-9 Adam.Stevens@education.vic.gov.au
and get help with their maths work.
Year 7 Andrew.Walsh@education.vic.gov.au
DSC Office
IT Support
The General Office will be open from 8.30am -4.30pm with
We will continue to supply IT support for students, remotely if minimal staff. All parent inquiries are to be made via email or
required. telephone. If you do need to come to the school you must call
Broken netbooks will continue to be repaired for as long as first to make an appointment time and present at the General
people are allowed to physically visit the school. Office to sign in, and out when leaving. Please do not attend in
person if you are ill.
If you don’t have your own netbook or yours is currently being
repaired, contact ICT support ASAP – we can give you a loan Email –drouin.sc@education.vic.gov.au
netbook for the duration of the shutdown. Phone -03 5625 1002
Assistance for students with no internet access is available – Business Manager Josie O’Connor 0409 224 416
contact ICT Support (Paul Gorton or Teresa Fanning) for details.

Onsite Supervision during Remote Learning
All students will be learning from home, except for students who Requirements of onsite supervision:
fit into the following categories:
• On-site provision will be the same as the learning
• Vulnerable children, including: program delivered to remote learning students. Class
• Children in out of home care sizes must be no more than a ratio of 1:10.

• Children identified by the school as vulnerable • Students must wear a face mask, will be temperature
(including via referral from a family violence agency, tested, follow hand sanitizing and social distancing
homelessness or youth justice service or mental health requirements at all times.
or other health service and children with a disability). • Students will be supervised by an on-site teacher,
• Children of Permitted workers who require but follow the online teaching and learning program
supervision, on days when they are not able to be provided by their regular class teacher. Their regular
supervised at home and no other arrangements can be teacher will be working from home, so communication
made. with teachers will still be online.

The learning program delivered on-site will be the same as • Students will need to bring their own earphones, to
the learning program delivered to students undertaking remote participate in their online lessons.
learning. Students learning on-site will be supervised by an • The cafeteria is closed, students must bring all food and
on-site teacher but follow the teaching and learning program drinks from home.
provided by their classroom teacher.
• Students will not be allowed to leave the College during
Students will not receive direct instruction at school the day.
from the on-site supervising teacher.
• If a student cannot follow reasonable directions while
If you require on-site supervision for your child/children please being supervised at school they will be sent home.
contact the College on 5625 1002.
NO students will be able to attend on-site, without
Parents need to complete applications by Thursday prior arrangement being made. This is due to staffing
3pm EACH WEEK for the following week. This will restrictions as a result of adhering to social distancing
allow us to organise staff supervision. requirements.

FACE COVERINGS How to wear a face mask

There are two types of face masks you can use: cloth masks and surgical masks.
Cloth masks are made of washable fabric and can be re-used.
For more information: https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/face-masks-covid-19

Wearing a face mask protects you and your community by providing

an additional physical barrier to coronavirus (COVID-19).
Where onsite supervision has been pre-arranged with the
College, please note that from Monday 3rd August the
following COVID-19 requirements will be in place for face
Wash your hands before putting on the mask.
coverings in schools:
1. All secondary students and staff must wear face coverings
at school, and when travelling to and from school, unless Make sure it covers your nose and mouth and fits snugly under your chin, over the
bridge of your nose and against the sides of your face.
they are travelling alone in a vehicle or with members of
their household.
Do not touch the front of the mask while wearing it.
2. Some students and staff are exempt from these If you do touch the mask, wash or sanitise your hands immediately.
Do not allow the mask to hang around your neck.
requirements. This includes students or staff who have
a medical condition - including problems with their To remove the mask wash or sanitise your hands first.

breathing, a serious skin condition on the face, a disability Carefully remove your mask by grasping the ear loops or untying the ties. For masks
with a pair of ties, unfasten the bottom one first, then the top one.
or a mental health condition If your mask has filters, remove them and throw them away.
Fold the mask and put it directly into the laundry or into a disposable or washable bag
3. Parents/carers will be required to wear face coverings for laundering. Single use surgical masks should be disposed of responsibly.

whenever they leave the house, including for school drop

off and pick up. If they are travelling in a car alone, or Wash or sanitise your hands after removing the mask.
only with members of their household, they do not need to
wear a mask.
What you need to keep doing
Look here for detailed advice on mask wearing.
• Wash your hands regularly

Thank you for your cooperation with COVID-19 hygiene • Keep 1.5 metres from others

practices and social distancing. This is helping to keep our • Get tested, even if you have mild symptoms

community safe. • Stay home if you’re feeling unwell.

To receive this document in another format email Public Health branch <public.health@dhhs.vic.gov.au>.
5 Authorised and published by the Victorian Government, 1 Treasury Place, Melbourne.
© State of Victoria, Australia, Department of Health and Human Services, 21 July 2020.
Available at DHHS.vic – Coronavirus (COVID-19) <https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus>

My responsibilities as a DSC student when I am The High 5 and Online Learning

learning Online Be in full school uniform
ACHIEVEMENT • You don’t have to be in uniform for online lessons but you
• Be online and on time for my Video Conference session. do need to be appropriately dressed while participating
• Submit all learning tasks. in online lessons.

• Check email, Moodle and Sentral everyday. Get to class on time

• Communicate with my teacher regularly via email. • Teachers will coordinate this with their individual classes
– video conferences will be held during the respective
RESPECT timetabled periods.
• Only turn my microphone on when I am asked to speak
or when responding to questions. • Be logged into the class at the appropriate time.
• Make sure that I am dressed appropriately for learning Be fully equipped for learning
(something you would wear for an out of uniform day).
• Have your laptop or computer fully charged and ready,
• Keep my online chat focused on the learning. Ensure chat your microphone working and webcam enabled.
is respectful of all participants.
• Engage fully in online work without any background
• Keep my mobile phone off and away from me whilst I am distractions. Log out of all social media so you are not
learning online. distracted during the lesson.
COMMITMENT • Have pens, paper, textbooks ready if required.
• Complete all online and offline learning tasks.
Follow all staff directions
• Log into additional assistance Video Conference sessions
if I need help. • Have your microphone muted unless you are contributing
to the conversation.
• If I have technical issues I am going to email my teacher
and find out what I missed. • Don’t use mobile phones and/or other devices during
class time.
• Single task focus during online lessons. Don’t be chatting,
gaming or checking social media while doing your work. Complete all learning tasks & homework set
COMMUNITY • Monitor your progress bars on moodle and do the tasks
• Contribute to online discussions. that are set by or before the due date.
• Offer support and assistance to my peers. • Advise your subject teacher if you are finding the work
challenging or you are requiring further support.
• Remember to be patient with my family/carers; they may
be feeling anxious too.
• Join in and contribute to forum style activities.
• Be patient with my teachers as online teaching is new to
them as well.
• Be patient but also alert the teacher to ways things may
be improved.
• There is to be no filming, recording or sharing content
(you must not take screenshots or record staff members
presenting information to you).
• You are to inform all members of your household that you
will be joining a video conference and that they can be
seen (if your camera is on) and heard (if your mic is on).
From the General Office...
With the current COVID restrictions, we need to limit visitors
onsite. Parents should call or email the office, If dropping off or picking up children during the school day,
rather than come in person. Only two people at a time please call ahead and office staff will note the
are permitted in the reception area. Please observe social permission. Students can then sign themselves in or out
distancing. We ask that if possible payments should be at the office. Parents should wait in their cars. It will
made online or with eftpos. not be necessary for parents to sign students in or out if you
have phoned ahead.
Visitors to the College will be required to have their
temperature tested. If you are unwell please do not come

Year 7 Reading & Literacy

Nine million words and counting! An impressive effort from the Fin Carey, Tyson Costanzo, Bailey Pullen, Jet Withers, Stephanie
following Year 7 students for successfully completing a total of Bottom (2), Owen Nelson, Hunter Tarley (2), Jemma Warren
176 Accelerated Reader quizzes from the beginning of Semester (2), Mikayla Carpenter, Keinan Jenkins, Ayden Turner, Chloe
2 to 27 July: Williamson, Scarlett O’Hara, Zoe Vandenbroeck, Alice Waddell
(2), Bonnie Carkeek, Ryan Jagoe, Shaylee Gelmi, Bailey
Chloe Gallagher (20), Jessica Redcliffe (12), Samantha Hayes
Hamling, Talise Berryman, Sam Jafari, Eve Thorpe, Mia Trewin,
(5), Rhianna Hopkins (5), Sophie Dow (5), John Stuckey (7),
Nate Vandeligt, Hailey Ray, Samuel Hughes, Bailey Hill, Tye
Claire Williams (4), Charlie Stokes (4), Ryan Kruizinga (2), Bevin
Murtagh, Beau McMillan, Haylee Lubeck.
Narayan (2), Madeline Blackley (4), Jamieson Thomas (4), Noah
O’Farrell (6), Samuel Wallace, Jack Kamphuis (4), Brayden It’s much easier to develop a routine of reading if you like
Hovey (2), Melinda Murray, Emily Strahl, Rhiannon Keith (2), your book. There are over 2800 books to choose from at
Isabella Thomson (3), Kailey Bone (2), Alyssa Munckhof, Jackson DSC. We have both print books and e-books. Our e-books
Bremner, Charlotte Hancock, Ella Long, Amelia Holmes, Addison can be downloaded from https://library.drouinsc.vic.edu.
Trenerry, Todd Lester, Campbell Gibbons, Tasha Guarnaccia, au/#!dashboard. There are many benefits of reading, including
Cleo Heyden, Frances McNamara, Rhyce Bradbury (2), Shady academic achievement, language development, personal
Carter, Callum Kennedy, Lachlan Murray (2), Hannah Biljna, development, empathy and well-being. Family members can
Lexie Nicholson, Ethan Cooke (2), Jay Browning (2), Tyler help students succeed by encouraging a reading environment at
Hickford, Blake Pagram, Max Upton, Jaxon Huston, Eboni home where reading becomes a natural routine.
Mazar (2), Isabel Rowe (2), Wesley Garth, Bayley Perry (3),
Thank you for supporting your child’s reading.
Travis Smith (2), Isabelle Jennings (3), Reese Lilleyman, Braiden
Curtis-Smith (2), Fareed Rahimi, Austin McLean-Watling,
DSC English, SURFF and Library Staff

Relay For Life
On Thursday 23rd July the Year 11 VCAL
students organised a mini Relay for Life on
the College oval. The VCAL students had
intended to participate in the Korumburra
Relay for Life last term but with this event
cancelled due to COVID restrictions, the
students organized a down-sized event to
raise money for the Cancer Council.
The VCAL teachers and students walked
laps all day from 8.45am to 3pm with a
small competition between the staff and the
This was also an out of uniform day for all
students and students gave
gold coin donations if
they chose to wear casual
A donation of $1562.95
will be made to the Cancer
Council. The funds raised
support people affected by
cancer and fund research
and prevention programs.


Duke of Edinburgh
Fantastic effort from Duke of
Edinburgh Award students
This year there has been a fantastic number of
students complete their Duke of Edinburgh award.
We have had students from Year 9 to Year 12
complete the award in Bronze, Silver and even
Gold. Well done to all those who have finished their
commitment to Service, Physical Recreation, Skills
and Adventure Journey over a 6 to 12-month period.
In Gold, Ruby Kelly also completed a residential
volunteering project in Cambodia for 3 weeks. What
an achievement!

Students receiving the award are:

Bronze level: Silver Level:

• Riley Fowler • Chloe Balcombe
• Isabella McEwan • Tess Price
• Jemma Gregg • Sophie Ridler
• Tarilyn Bottrell • Hollie Smith
• Brooke Murray • Gemma Burke
• Gianna Ziero
Gold Level:
• Bonnie Gregory
• Ruby Kelly
• Shakira Pearson
• Ryan Maric
• Tannah King
• Cailey Ancilleri
• Alice Horsburgh
• Ally Dunn
• Charlotte Axtell
• Halle Braybon
• Zac Wright
• Lilly Henderson-
• Hannah Warren
• Ruby Simpson

I hope all students enjoy the benefits completing such

an award will bring. Well done to everyone.

Gita Walker
Duke of Edinburgh Coordinator

Careers News...
For more Careers information
visit the DSC Careers website

Course Selection 2021 My Career Portfolio

The 2021 Course Selection process began on Thursday 6th My Career Portfolio is designed to support students with
August when Course Information was launched online on resources to capture their career goals and plans, share
the DSC website. On the website, you will find: their skills, experiences and accomplishments, and keep
all the information they will need to plan their education
1. General overview of the Course Selection process
and career pathways. Students in all year levels will have
2. Recorded screencasts of: had the opportunity to complete this portfolio by the end of
August. Students can use it to:
• Subject areas eg English, Maths, Technology etc
• Special programs eg 8HOL, 9TPP, 10 VIP • create and update an online career action plan
• VCAL, VET and VCE • store files related to their course and career planning,
• Higher Education information such as their My Career Insight report (completed in
Year 9), resumes, awards and examples of their school
3. VET course information flyers work (for example, videos and artworks)
4. Other relevant information • access links to current information and resources to
A dedicated email address will be available from 6th support course and career exploration.
August to field all questions relevant to Course Selection.
University/TAFE & College Open Days
Year 10 Work Experience All Open Days are running online in 2020. We encourage
It is with great disappointment that the College has decided all students to attend an Open Day event to learn about
that the Work Experience Program for Year 10 students for tertiary pathways that are available to them. A list of dates
2020 is cancelled. can be found at http://www.vtac.edu.au/opendays.html
Registration will usually be required. Click on the link to the
Given the ongoing uncertainty that exists in our community particular institution to register.
in relation to COVID-19 and the employment/travel
restrictions that are continually changing, we feel that it is
difficult for employers to commit to accepting a student for Key Dates for Year 12 VTAC
placement as well as for students who would be trying to Applications
arrange placement in time for the end of Term 3.
Applications open for courses, SEAS, Monday 3 Aug 2020
If a student can organise a placement that meets the and scholarships
requirements of the Department of Education Work
Experience Guidelines in the current climate, we are very Timely course applications close Wednesday 30 Sept 2020
happy to support that placement. However, the placement SEAS and Scholarships applications Friday 9 Oct 2020
would need to occur during the September school holidays, close
either 21st to 25th September or 28th September to 2nd Late course applications close Friday 6 Nov 2020
October. A Careers Advisor will be available during this
Very late course applications close Friday 4 Dec 2020
time to monitor the placement.
VCE results and ATAR released to Wednesday 30 Dec 2020
Any student who does plan to pursue a placement in
2020, will be required to meet with one of the Careers
and Pathways Advisors at the College to confirm that the Change of preference deadline for Monday 4 Jan 2021
placement meets all DET requirements and that the employer January offers by 12pm
can do the same. January offers released Thursday 14 Jan 2021
Change of preference deadline for Thursday 21 Jan 2021
Year 9 ‘My Career Insight” Profile February round 1 by12pm
The majority of Year 9 students completed the profile in February round 1 offers released Monday 1 Feb 2021
Term 1. Approximately 60 students took the opportunity
during the remote learning period to complete the process
by having an online session with a Careers counsellor to The Careers staff will work closely with all Year 12 students
discuss the outcomes of the profile. The remainder were to ensure that a timely VTAC application is lodged and that
completing these sessions online last week. Each student every student has a clear plan post - DSC.
received a printed copy of the report once they completed
their online profile. This will be a valuable tool to assist
students and their families in making course selection

Course Selection 2021 Process
As we are unable to hold our course selection evening, we 7. Webchoices opened Wednesday 12th August
have moved our Course Selection information online to help at 4.00pm - online selection form.
students and their families to navigate the Course Selection
8. Students were sent an email with a password for
Process for 2021.
Webchoices on Wednesday 12th August.
1. Visit the DSC website to seek information
9. Complete Webchoices online by Friday 28th
www.drouinsc.vic.edu.au – Course Selection.
August and email to Careers:
2. View the Year Level presentations that describe the
• Enter your subject choices and click Submit.
course structure and options available at each year
level. • Then click Send Email to send a copy to yourself
(choose Current User’s Email)
3. View the KLD, Special Program and Senior School
Pathways presentations to learn about pathways and • Forward that email to Careers at courseselection@
subjects on offer. drouinsc.vic.edu.au by Monday 31st August
4. Read about programs and subjects in more detail in the 10. Parents / guardians will be sent a copy of their child’s
Course Selection guide course selection preferences (including associated costs)
by Friday 4th September.
5. Students received information about the Course
Selection process in Learning Group on Monday 10th 11. If you have a question please fill out the inquiry form at
or Wednesday 12th August the bottom of the Course Selection webpage.
6. Before completing Webchoices, students must discuss
possible course selections (including costs) with their


For Years 8 to 12 in 2021
Drouin Secondary College invites current and prospec�ve parents of students
entering Years 8 to 12 in 2021 to view our O�L��E Course �nforma�on.
Find out about the Course Selec�on Process for 2021. View Presenta�ons
for Pathways including VCE / VCAL / VET and Special Programs / Subject
Areas. See the Online Course guide for details of individual subjects.
Visit the Course Selec�on page at www.drouinsc.vic.edu.au


The Buxwear Uniform Shop (including online orders) is closed until
further notice due to COVID-19 precautions. Please contact the
Business Manager if you need assistance with uniform.

Congratulations to Rachael Diston, one of our DSC Head Start
students, who has been nominated for a Victorian Training
Award. Rachael is vying for the ‘Victorian School-based
Apprentice or Trainee of the Year Award’ and is the only Head
Start student in Inner Gippsland who has been nominated!
Rachael is undertaking community services with Wellways in
Warragul. Rachael has demonstrated excellence in her TAFE
studies and secondary school commitments. Rachael is also
thriving in her workplace and learning how to support people
affected by mental health issues or disabilities, as well as their
families, friends and carers.
We wish her the best for her nomination!
Well done also to Jacob Fankhauser and Ben Linnell-Stravaggi
who have commenced their Head Start apprenticeship/
traineeship programs.
Jacob will be undertaking his school based traineeship
with Fankhauser Apples. Jacob is in Year 11 VCAL
and has commenced his Certificate III Horticulture.
Congratulations Jacob on kick-starting your career.
Ben has recently been signed up for his Certificate
III in Carpentry school based apprenticeship. Ben is
undertaking the 10VIP program at the College and has
been completing his placement with Dirk from Jadima
Properties. Ben is now employed by Jadima Properties
and on his way to completing his apprenticeship.
Fantastic outcomes for Ben and Dirk.
Congratulations to Aimee Simpson who has finished the first year
of her apprenticeship. Aimee is a current Year 12 VCAL student
who commenced her school based apprenticeship mid-2019.
Aimee is undertaking the Certificate III Painting & Decorating with
Nick Butterworth Painting as a school based apprentice. Aimee is
on track to finish 2020 with her Year 12 Senior VCAL certificate
and will be well and truly on the way to achieving her trade

Jenna Rees
Head Start Co-ordinator

Changes to Myki Card Top Ups on Buses

The Department of Transport will soon be removing the ability for drivers to top
up Myki cards on buses.
Students can top up the credit on their Myki card online, at V/Line stations or
local newsagents.
For more information about myki visit https://www.ptv.vic.gov.au/tickets/myki

From the School Nurse...
Victoria’s Respectful Relationships initiative supports ORANGE DOOR – Ph 1800 319 354
school leaders, educators and our school communities to The Orange Door is a free service for adults, children and
promote and model respect and equality – and to teach our young people who are experiencing or have experienced
children how to build healthy relationships, resilience and Family Violence. This service is also for families who need
confidence. extra support with the care of children.
The Royal Commission into Family Violence identified the 1800RESPECT – Ph 1800 737 732
critical role that schools have in creating a culture of respect (24 hour assistance)
to change the story of family violence for future generations.
This service support people impacted by sexual assault,
From 2016, Respectful Relationships education became a
domestic or family violence and abuse.
core component of the Victorian Curriculum from Prep to
Year 12. SAFE STEPS – Ph 1800 015 188
(24 hour assistance)
In addition to the work we do teaching students about
building positive and respectful relationships, our role This Family Violence response centre is Victoria’s state-wide
is to also create a safe space for students, staff and the first response service for women, young people and children
community. A way we do this is to provide information experiencing Family Violence.
about help and advice. Here are contacts for sources of Kaz Thurgood
support who can also assist with the process of safety Secondary School Nurse


Parents or guardians:
Is your child experiencing symptoms of anxiety or
depression during the COVID-19 crisis?

Researchers at Swinburne The therapy is delivered by intern Contact us

University of Technology have psychologists at the Swinburne Referrals and enquires can be made
developed a mental health Psychology Clinic. by contacting the Swinburne
program to help youth aged 13– Psychology Clinic on the details listed
To be eligible to participate,
18 years experiencing pandemic- below.
young people need to be:
related anxiety and depression. Telephone: 03 9214 5528
• Experiencing mental health
This support involves: Email: psychprojects@swin.edu.au
symptoms related to the
• Six sessions of online pandemic (e.g., fear of illness, *There will be no fees for this
program if you are referred during
counselling through video worries about family getting the months of June and July 2020
conferencing. sick, avoidance of COVID-19
• Cognitive behavioural reminders).
therapy (CBT) skills to manage • Experiencing mental health
anxiety and depression. symptoms that started during
• Access to a website that the pandemic (e.g., general
contains self-help materials worries, hopelessness about
which supplements therapy. the future, sadness, withdrawal,
social anxiety, difficulties
• Optional parental
sleeping at night).
involvement and feedback
with the youth’s permission. • Residing and living in Victoria.

Mental Health Tips: Sleep your SUPER POWER!
Good mental health is a state of wellbeing where you • If you need to get up during the night, try to avoid
feel able to work and study, feel connected to others, be turning on bright lights and hop back into bed quickly.
involved in activities in your community and ‘bounce back’
when life’s changes and challenges come along. This tip • Avoid caffeine at least six hours before you go to bed.
focuses on the importance of sleep for keeping good mental • If you can, avoid napping during the day.
• A minimum of 30mins of active exercise helps the
Quality sleep is like a mental health superpower. When
zzzzz’s to come more easily.
you get enough sleep it’s easier to manage your emotions,
you have more patience and you deal with stressful • Be consistent with your sleep routine, especially during
situations better. Also, you reduce your risk of mental health stages 3 or 4 of Covid Restrictions. Go to bed at your
challenges in the future! Yet, it’s so common to struggle to usual school night time and wake up at your usual
sleep. That’s because your sleep can be impacted by many school day time.
things – from the food you eat to feeling worried or anxious
and even using your phone before bed. So… how much “For years, whenever I was feeling low and stressed I would
is enough? If you’re aged between 12-17 then 8-10 hours stay up really late. It really affected my mental health. I read
sleep is ideal, while 18-25 year olds should try to get 7-9 about the link between quality sleep and mood so I decided
hours. to try to improve my routine. I began with small changes
– aiming to be in bed before 11pm. And from about 9pm
Here’s how those zzz’s can improve your headspace: I would watch Netflix or read, instead of browsing the
internet or chatting with friends online. Slowly my routine
• give you more energy
changed and now I really notice the positive benefits of
• improve your memory, attention and concentration quality sleep – I feel a lot brighter, optimistic, and energetic
when I sleep well. And I’m more productive! It can take
• make you less likely to crave unhealthy snacks a while to find something that works and things can get
thrown out of whack. So it’s important to be patient and
• help you better deal with stressful situations. flexible. Try different things and be kind to yourself.” May
Lyn, hY NRG member (headspace Youth National Reference
• Tips for improving your sleep.
• At least an hour before bed, switch from video games,
When you’re feeling low or stressed it’s important to put
YouTube and social media to TV or watching a movie.
healthy habits in place that build your emotional strength –
• Lower the brightness on your phone and computer to prepare yourself for riding life’s ups and downs. Getting
screens at night. Some have features where you can a good night’s sleep is one of these healthy habits, but it’s
automatically dim and change the colour of your not the only one. (Tips from Headspace)
screens to help you prepare for rest.
If you are struggling with your sleep pattern, contact your
• If you find it hard to wind down, try a mindfulness school nurse Kaz for support. Visit the Wellbeing Moodle
exercise like one from the Smiling Mind app. page for contact details and more resources for caring for
your wellbeing.
• Try to sleep the same amount every night. An extra
hour, every now and then, is fine – but any more can
confuse your body clock.

Hanging to go to a Festival or Concert?

Hating lockdown? Worried about family, friendships or school?
Want to catch-up with a big group of friends? Find help @:
Headspace - Call 1800 650 890 or online at www.headspace.org.au

Orygen Digital - Call 1800 888 320 or online at Moderated Online Social

HELP BEAT ‘RONA!! Therapy platform

1800Respect - for sexual assault and family violence PH: 1800 737 732
or 1800Respect online chat.

Get any cold or flu symptoms tested at: Directline – for help with alcohol and drugs PH: 1800 888 236. Directline
online counselling.
The Warragul Specialist Centre
Switchboard Victoria – for counselling and referral for LGBTQI people.
197-199 Sutton Street, Warragul. PH: 5642 6666 PH: 1800 184 527 (3pm - 12am, 7 days). QLife Webchat.

Tuesday 25/08 College Council Wednesday 28/10 Year 12 Final Day

Friday 28/08 Webchoices closes Thursday 29/10 Year 12 Celebration Day


Monday 31/08 Last day to return Webchoices form via email Mon-Fri 02/11 Year 12 Revision Week


Friday 18/09 Last day of Term 3 Monday 09/11 Year 12 Unit 3 & 4 Exams Commence


Practice Exams Units 3/4 Monday 30/11 Final Day of Year 12 Unit 3 & 4 Exams
Mon - Fri 30/11 - Year 10 & 11 Exams / Senior School
TERM FOUR - WEEK 1 04/12 Orientation
Wednesday 07/10 General Achievement Test (GAT)
Friday 04/12 Year 10 & 11 Last Day

Engaging Adolescents

Free ONLINE program for parents of teens aged 13+ years

Tired of yelling and Parents will receive: Where?

nagging? Live online delivery
Resolve difficult  A FREE (Please contact for
behaviour in Teenagers. workbook details)
In 5 sessions parents will (valued at $12)
learn: to apply the When?
12:00pm – 2:30pm for
• Some common concepts learnt 5 x Thursdays, starting
ground shared by
parents & reasonable  A Certificate of August 20th, 2020
expectations to hold Completion
about adolescents; Cost?
• New understandings FREE
of adolescents;
• A three-option model Get in touch
& flow chart for
Do this highly sought Bookings are essential!
decision making;
• Self check-in, first, after parenting program Please contact:
for parents; FROM THE COMFORT
• Building a OF YOUR OWN HOME Mark Brookes
relationship with your
teenager and making Group Work Facilitator
the best of your non- Uniting Gippsland
crisis conversations
Places are limited P: 5662 5150
with them. M: 0438 204 437
E: mark.brookes@vt.uniting.org

Contact Hours: 8.15am – 4.30pm

P: (03) 5625 1002
Term 1: 30 January to 27 March 2020 E: drouin.sc@education.vic.gov.au
Term 2: 14 April to 26 June 2020 W: drouinsc.vic.edu.au
Term 3: 13 July to 18 September 2020 @drouinsc SECONDARY
Term 4: 5 October to 18 December 2020 COLLEGE

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