Safety Quiz for LOTO Naeem

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1- The LOTO authorized person Has demonstrated a hands-on proficiency in applying LOTO to

the machinery or process equipment TRUE

2- LOTO equipment specific procedure must include the step-by-step requirement to achieve
zero energy. TRUE

3- The steam is considered as ________ energy source :

A. Thermal
B. Electric
C. Mechanical
D. Gravity

4- LOTO coordinator shall be

A. Operation supervisor , Operation specialist level or above

B. MTC engineer , MTC planner
C. Shift coordinator , shift manager
D. None of the above

5- Who shall fill LOTO certification control sheet after the completion of equipment isolation

A. LOTO authorized person

B. LOTO affects person
C. Shift supervisor
D. LOTO coordinator

6- The intentional opening of a pipe , line , or other part of a process that contain material
capable of causing injury to the people

A. line break
B. Electrical isolation
C. A&B
D. Radiation isolation

7- Fire watch duty :

A. Test for flammable gases and vapor

B. Assist in confined space rescue
C. Perform housekeeping during work
D. None of the above
8- for confined space entry permit , the receiver must be

A. Contractor
B. Direct hire
C. Manager
D. EHSS personal

9- After preparation of the work permit , the issuer and receiver together perform a ______ to
issue the permit.

A. Site visit
B. Gas test
C. Emergency drill

10- Conduct gas test to ensure that

A. Flammable condition do not exist

B. Employee are safe
C. to ensure gas detection working fine
D. to control work permit hazard

11- Maximum validity of hazard assessment and control form is

A. 30 days from initial day

B. until the job complete
C. 7 days from the initial day
D. 40 days from the initial day

12- transition lock color is : blue

13- Personal (LOTO Affected Person) : Yellow

14- LOTO authorized person is responsible for :

A. De-LOTO the equipment back into the service after work completion
B. Maintain the LOTO control sheet
C. apply personal lock on LOTO box
D. use the satellite box to control the process locks keys ( red )
15- One of main LOTO preparation steps is to :

A. verify LOTO specific procedure maybe this

B. secure the isolation equipment by using red lock
C. verify the zero energy after securing the isolation equipment
D. all of the above

16- LOTO affected person does not have right to ask how the energy of the equipment is
secured via LOTO verification point : False

17- after securing LOTO step , the next step is

A. preparation of LOTO
B. try out and verify
D. none of the above

18- is responsible to control LOTO keys cabinet by applying his black lock :

A. LOTO coordinator
B. LOTO authorized person
C. shift supervisor
D. plant manager

19- who shall prepare LOTO specific procedure :

A. owner expert person or engineer

B. plant coordinator/plant engineer
C. shift manager/EHSS administrator
D. plant leader

20- What shall we do if the energy isolation device is is not capable of being locked out :

A. conduct formal JSA to include steps to utilize a Tag-Out only system

B. Conduct MOC and implement mitigation action
C. inform plant manager and take his approval
D. stop the work

21- before LOTO removal check :

A. work area inspected and unnecessary items have been removed

B. machinery or process equipment components are operationally intact
C. ensure everybody is safe positioned or removed during the restart process
D. all of above

22- the color of general lock is green

23- When LOTO specific need to prepared :

A. For new equipment before start-up

B. if the SOP/SMP are covering how to shutdown , isolate , block & secure all
hazardous energy types step by step to hand over the equipment safely

C. no SOP/SMP for the equipment with fulfill requirement of LOTO specific

D. all of the above

24- he is responsible to give permission for temporary release of equipment

A. LOTO coordinator
B. shift supervisor
C. LOTO authorized person
D. LOTO affected team leader

25- when transition locks will be installed on the equipment :

A. after handover from project and before start-up

B. after isolation of electric power
C. when equipment has stopped temporary and no one is currently performing work
on the equipment
D. before de-LOTO

26- LOTO affected person can be :

A. any one from execution team who will work on the isolation equipment
B. any one from operation team who can be affected by the equipment
C. both A&B
D. none of above

27- which of the following is true :

A. Lock out tag out can be done by any direct hire employee
B. personal lock applied by LOTO coordinator
C. basic LOTO principle : one lock one key one tag
D. LOTO is required safe work permit if it executed by operation person

29- What is required for excavation activity more than 1.8 meters :

A. Formal JSA
B. Excavation permit
C. confined space entry permit
D. all of the above

30- all work permit forms shall retain for minimum 3 weeks period false
31- joint site visit to the location where the work will ne performed usually by :

A. permit issuer & work executer

B. permit receiver & area operator
C. permit issuer & contractor safety officer
D. none of the above

32- photocopies can be made to substitute the work permit if it is lost false

33- it is allow to complete and close the work permit before closing the related certificate true

34- working at height activities can be cover under hot work permit scope false

35- stand-by man is allowed to cover more than one confined space work permit false

36- maximum validity of LOTO certification is 30 days of equipment zero energy false

37- is responsibility to control LOTO keys cabinet by fixing his lock on it :

A. plant manager
B. LOTO authorized person
C. shift supervisor
D. LOTO coordinator

38- Will cover during silent hour LOTO coordinator roles and will be responsible to ensure
system integrity of the LOTO

A. LOTO authorized person

B. on call coordinator
C. operation shift supervisor
D. shift manager

39- HP steam to column bottom re-boiler is consider as :

A. electrical
B. thermal
C. radiant
D. mechanical

40- gas detector need to be checked by owner :

A. annually
B. weekly
C. once it fail
D. monthly
41- the responsibility for conducting rescue plan :

A. permit issuer
B. permit receiver
C. fire caption
D. all of the above

42- PPE to be inspected and confirm before use by :

A. issuer
B. receiver
C. shift manager
D. rescue man-ERT

43-who is responsible to obtain work permit affected area counter sign ?

A. issuer
B. receiver
C. maintenance manager
D. Both A&B

44- who will conduct hazard assessment & control form at planning stage

A. issuer
B. receiver
C. owner manager
D. Both A&B

45- normal lifting will be suspend if the wind speed exceed :

A. 40 km/hr
B. 42 km/hr
C. 36 km/hr
D. 32 km/hr

46- when total risk factor TRF reach 8 :

A. risk assessment to be conduct

B. formal JSA bust be conducted immediately
C. permit issuer together with operation manager shall decide on the necessity to
conduct a formal JSA or not
D. None of the above
47- to ensure all sources of energy that may impact the safe implementation of tasks are
isolated and controlled :

A. isolation points shall be correctly identified

B. LOTO coordinator shall be operator level or above
C. use and provide chemical PPE
D. none of the above

48- gravity could be found in machine and equipment parts that might descend , slide oe fall if
left unblocked True

49- each isolation equipment has one energy source only false

50- the general LOTO requirement :

A. identify hazard energy sources

B. verify SOP/SMP and when necessary , create LOTO equipment specific
C. selected the right LOTO devise
D. all of the above

51- during execution of work under work permit , chemical release from the process

A. stop the work until release is stop

B. the receiver must inform the issuer immediately and continue the activity
C. all valves need to be checked
D. stop the work and cancel the work permit

52- for welding activity inside confined space , its required to have

A. confined space entry permit , general work permit , JSA , electric permit
B. JSA , confined space entry permit , hot work permit , and ventilation plan
C. confined space entry permit , general work permit and hazard assessment form
D. hot work permit , hazard assessment form and JSA

53- the work permit process system covers all work performed by

A. contractors only
B. non-operating personel & non routine activity by operating personnel
C. operating personal within the scope of their normal operating responsibility
D. managers
54- before issuing confined space permit , you shall ensure available of

A. JSA , rescue plan , LOTO & welding checklist

B. JSA , ventilation plan , rescue plan and stand-by man
C. JSA , confined space certification , rescue plan and stand-by man
D. all of the above

55- who is responsible to identify control measure in hazard assessment & control form

A. issuer supervisor
B. receiver supervisor
C. issuer & receiver supervisor
D. fire watch

56- the active LOTO certification is control by

A. LOTO coordinator
B. shift supervisor
C. LOTO affect team supervisor
D. LOTO owner isolator

57- which of the following is a true statement

A. risks are a source of potential harm

B. hazards are a source of potential harm
C. hazards and risks are the same thing
D. risk develop into the hazard

58- what is the most effective way to control hazard

B. engineering control
C. eliminate / replace the hazard
D. change the way people work

59- sand blasting work in classified area will be cover under

A. high pressure jetting permit

B. hot work permit
C. general work permit
D. electric permit
60- if the worker will work near electric system or close enough to expose the worker to any
electrical hazard according to ARC flash study , which type of permit

A. electric work permit

B. hot work permit
C. general work permit
D. no need for permit since he will escorted by operation

62- confined spese :

A. large enough and configured to allow entry

B. having a limited opening for entry and exit
C. excavation more than 1.2 meter in depth
D. all of the above

63- typical O2 reading in any LWL meter if the atmosphere is clear from flammable material

A. 19.5%
B. 20%
C. 20.8%
D. 23.5%

64- responsible to ensure tools are inspected before use & confirmed inspected before use

A. permit receiver
B. permit issuer
C. shift supervisor
D. fire watch

65- who shall fill permit tracking sheet after issue of work permit

A. permit issuer
B. permit receiver
C. area operator
D. maintenance technician

66- what is the definition of joint site visit

A. normal plant visit and survey by shift supervisor to check the work
B. crews supervisor visit to workplace to check the availability of tools & resource
C. the visit which will be conducted by permit issuer & receiver together to work
place before issuing work permit
D. all of the above
67- JSA is a technique that focus on

A. identify the risk level

B. identify hazard before they occurred
C. evaluate the hazard and recommend mitigation plan
D. all of the above

68- closure of each work permit can take place only when

A. all person have withdrawn from work site

B. all equipment and tools have been removed
C. all opening/enclosure have been closed. secured and barricade
D. all of the above

69- which of the following lists the right steps sequence of LOTO in the correct sequence

A. prepare , secure LOTO, tryout , removed LOTO

B. tryout , prepare, secured
C. area operator
D. maintenance technician

70- color of locks which will be used in field for equipment isolation

A. yellow
B. red
C. black
D. green

71- LOTO authorized person is responsible for

A. validating LOTO equipment specific procedure before they allowed to be used in

the field
B. provide his black lock on LOTO log box
C. control LOTO cabinet process
D. apply his yellow lock in LOTO lock box

72- isolator person can be from operation and he shall meet the following

A. qualified area operator as per JQP program

B. attend LOTO trading session
C. certified to do electric isolation based on authority level
D. all of the above
73- LOTO affected person has right to ask how the energy of the equipment is secured via
LOTO verification point : True

74- is responsible to control LOTO keys cabinet by fixing his lock on it :

A. plant manager
B. LOTO authorized person
C. shift supervisor
D. LOTO coordinator

75- which of the following is a requirement for all types of line break

A. hazard assessment & control form completion

B. rags to block the opening
C. PPE approached for chemical
D. time to heat up or cool down

76- what is the definition of LOTO satellite lock box :

A. satellite is an additional portable lock box which will be used in case of the …….
the execution team more than capability of LOTO box lock
B. satellite is a lock box which will be used to store keys that were used
C. both answer A&B correct
D. both answer A&B wrong

77- how can control and unauthorized removal of operation lock while execution working

A. by locking the lock box through LOTO affected locks/sign in LOTO certificate
B. by provide isolator lock on the equipment
C. by provide golden locks which rigid enough and it cant be open
D. none of the above

78- He will store the key of the lock which fixed on LOTO lock box inside LOTO

A. LOTO coordinator
B. LOTO authorized person
C. execution team supervisor
D. LOTO affected person

79- what is the meaning of temporary release

A. de-LOTO of the equipment after completion the work

B. partial De-LOTO pf equipment for test purpose
C. A&B
D. both answer A&B are wrong
80- for ventilation in confined space

A. don not use oxygen to ventilate confined space

B. don not use nitrogen to ventilate confined space
C. use CO2 for ventilation
D. A&B

81- who will sign final approval for excavation clearance after all involved person

A. owner department senior manager

B. executor department senior manager
C. civil engineer
D. A&B

82- if required to isolate any equipment which is driven by electric power 480V ( rack in / rack
out ) who will going to do isolation

A. isolator will be qualified operator and he will do the isolation as per LOTO specific
B. isolator will be qualified electrical technician , and he will do isolation as per
LOTO specific procedure
C. isolator will be qualified electrical technician , and he will do isolation as per
LOTO specific procedure under electrical work permit
D. isolator will be operation sr. operator after taken shift supervisor approval

83- which of the following show the correct order of an electrical isolation procedure

A. identify energy source , isolate the power , discharge stored energy , adequate
contact separation , secure LOTO device
B. identify energy source , isolate the power , secure LOTO device , discharge
stored energy , test for adequate contact separation ,
C. identify energy source , discharge stored energy , isolate the power , adequate
contact separation , secure LOTO device
D. isolate the power , identify energy source , discharge stored energy , adequate
contact separation , secure LOTO device

84- the removal of all locks and tags from each energy isolation device

A. the work area is secured and everybody is safely positioned

B. unnecessary items have been removed
C. machinery or process equipment components
D. all of the above
85- the LOTO affected person before he receive the work permit , he has to install his __ lock

A. blue
B. green
C. red
D. yellow

86- one of the main LOTO preparation steps is to

A. verify LOTO specific procedure

B. secure the isolation equipment by using red lock
C. verify zero energy after secure the isolation equipment
D. all of the above

88- after secure LOTO step , the next step is

A. preparation for LOTO

B. try out and verify
C. de-LOTO
D. none of the above

89- 20- What shall we do if the energy isolation device is is not capable of being locked out :

A. conduct formal JSA to include steps to utilize a Tag-Out only system

B. Conduct hazard assessment and implement mitigation action
C. inform plant manager and take his approval
D. stop the work

90- The concept of LOTO process is to ensure all sources of energy are safe implementation of
task are isolated , controlled True

91- which of the following is an example of energy isolation

A. lock
B. tag
C. circuit breaker
D. not A & B

92- which statement is true

A. follow SOP/SMP or LOTO specific procedure

B. re-energized equipment before the LOTO
C. re-energized equipment under the LOTO
D. authorized to skip steps to save time
93- all personal locks during LOTO activities are by ____

A. LOTO affected person

B. LOTO authorized employee
C. LOTO supervisor
D. leadership

94- the preparation steps of LOTO includes

A. review SOP/SMP or LOTO specific procedure

B. apply LOTO isolation device
C. apply LOTO locks and tags
D. try-out of equipment to ensure zero energy

95- a pipe has raptured , and pressurized air is escape

A. hydraulic pressure
B. pneumatic pressure
C. electric energy
D. gravity

96- after LOTO authorized employee has discharge equipment from every source from electrical
he must ____

A. discharge any store energy

B. test all switching device used for contact separation
C. attach his general lock and tag
D. all of the above

97- mechanical isolation can be achieved

A. line valves
B. spacers
C. push buttons
D. selector switch

98- LOTO affected person is person who ____

A. isolate hazard energy

B. perform a try out
C. works on machinery thats already locked/tagged
D. restart machinery once LOTO removed
99- LOTO affected person is about to start work , he has to

A. ask how the energy is isolated

B. ask for a try-out
C. apply a personal locks and tags
D. all of the above

100- before working on equipment that its under LOTO , shall

A. de-energized the equipment

B. re-energized the equipment
C. place his personal lock and tag on the lock b
D. remove his personal lock and tag

101- an SOP is sufficient for LOTO ____

A. there are no hazard present

B. it fulfills all requirement of LOTO
C. no incident have occurred before
D. there is no LOTO specific procedure

102- which of the following are true

A. thermal energy is the most hazard

B. several sources of hazard energy
C. once LOTO has been apply
D. only one source of hazard energy

103- in a group LOTO situation who is responsible to apply a lock and tags

A. each employee working on the equipment

B. only LOTO supervisor
C. one chooses employee
D. only LOTO affected person

104- which of the following statement are true

A. turning off power switch remove all residual energy from equipment
B. The LOTO program ensure potential hazard energy sources controlled
C. locks and keys can be shared by employee working on the same equipment
D. you may remove someone else lock
105- which of the following is not true statement regard lock out / tag out

A. lock indicate the identify of the permit receiver department

B. lock are issued with only one key for each person per lock
C. locks are issued one per department
D. locks are standard in color , shape , size

106- which of the following would be consider a purpose of lock

A. all sources of energy isolated and controlled

B. all the requirement isolation are identified
C. all the requirement isolation are identified are maintained
D. all of the above

107- which of the following is requirement of energy isolation , it must be a __

A. mechanical device that physically prevent from energy

B. manual operated electrical circuit breaker
C. disconnect switch that can be turn off
D. electric plug removed from the outlet

108- an energy control program include which of the following

A. procedure for de-energized and re-energized equipment

B. procedure for placement of personal locks/tags
C. employee training
D. all of the above

109- personal lock are ____

A. only remove by the personal who applied it

B. associated with the assigned to specific work
C. a unique lock with one unique key
D. all of the above

110- if condition change while completing line break , you must

A. verify the line per the work permit

B. stop the line break and reassess
C. visual verify the line
D. remove your lock and tag
111- which of the following is the appropriate way to ,, thermal energy

A. use block and pins

B. allow time to heat up or cool down
C. stop any motion
D. drain power

112- who is authorized to remove lock-out device

A. LOTO authorized employee

B. LOTO affected person
C. anyone with appropriate training
D. anyone with appropriate knowledge

113- an air cooled heat exchanger was turned off but the fan continued to rotate , example of
what source of energy

A. electrical energy
B. chemical energy
C. mechanical energy
D. radiation

114- tags are considered

A. physical restrains
B. energy isolation device
C. warning device
D. none of the above

115- who is allowed to remove personal lock from isolating device LOTO box

A. any LOTO affected person

B. any LOTO authorized person
C. only the person who placed the lock
D. any LOTO supervisor

116- to chip away at solids located on the seal of valve , PPE is

A. full face shield and protective hood

B. goggles and boots
C. mask and gloves
D. no protection is need
117- the general requirement of LOTO is

A. identify sources of energy that can be potential hazard

B. applying physical lock-out tag-out to each energy isolation device
C. completion a JSA for all LOTO procedure
D. both A & B

118- under what circumstance may a LOTO affected person remove a lock

A. the LOTO authorized employee ask them to remove it

B. the LOTO authorized employee has a lock-out procedure
C. the LOTO authorized employee on lunch break
D. never

119- when lock-out is not possible a tag-out system must

A. provide for the locking of the isolation device

B. isolation of all energy source
C. provide full employee protection through conduct __
D. allow extra time for LOTO affected person

110- which of the following measure is the best mean

A. working carefully around hazard energy

B. isolating hazard energy sources
C. identify hazard energy sources
D. wearing the proper PPE

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