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Amendment made if any(GSTIN/ Type of amendment made to the invoice, GSTIN- If receiver is changed/ INVOICE- If receiver is
INVOICE NUMBER/ OTHERS) same but invoice number is changed/ OTHERS- If only details are changed.
Tax Period in which amendment Return Period in which amendment is made
is made
Taxpayer's GSTIN 23AAGCS3449G1ZF Tax period 042022
Legal name SHREE TIRUPATI Financial year 2022-23
Trade name SHREE TIRUPATI Date of generation 28-07-2022
Effective date of cancellation Date of cancellation of counterparty, if cancelled
Source Source of the document shall be displayed. It shall be:
a. 'e-invoice', if the document is auto-populated from e-invoice.
b. Blank, if the document is uploaded by the supplier
IRN It is the unique Invoice reference number of the document auto-populated from e-invoice. For the
documents uploaded by the supplier, this shall be blank.
IRN date This is the date of invoice reference number, auto-populated from e-invoice. For the documents
uploaded by the supplier, this shall be blank.
Invoice number (Original details) Original invoice number
Invoice date (Original details) Original invoice date (Date format shall be DD-MM-YYYY)
GSTIN of Supplier GSTIN of supplier
Trade/Legal name Trade name of the supplier will be displayed. If trade name is not available then legal name of
the supplier
Invoice number Revised Invoice number
Invoice type Invoice type can be derived based on the following types
R- Regular (Other than SEZ supplies and Deemed exports)
SEZWP- SEZ supplies with payment of tax
SEZWOP- SEZ supplies with out payment of tax
DE- Deemed exports
Invoice date Invoice date format shall be DD-MM-YYYY
Invoice value Invoice value (in rupees)
Amendments to previously
B2BA Place of supply Place of supply shall be the place where goods supplied or services provided (As determined by
uploaded invoices by supplier
Supply attract Reverse charge Supply attract reverse charge divided in to two types
Y- Purchases attract reverse charge
N- Purchases don’t attract reverse charge
Rate(%) Applicable Rate of tax
Taxable value Taxable value (In rupees)
Integrated Tax Integrated Tax amount (In rupees)
Central Tax Central Tax amount (In rupees)
State/UT tax State/UT tax amount (In rupees)
Cess Cess amount (In rupees)
E-commerce GSTIN If your purchases are through E-commerce operator then E-commerce operator GSTIN will be
Status of GSTR-1/IFF/GSTR-5 filed
If the counter party filed the GSTR-1/IFF/GSTR-5 return then status will be filed else Submitted
TDS TDS Credit received Tax period of GSTR-7 Tax period in which TDS details uploaded by Deductor
Taxable value Amount on which tax is deducted
IGST Integrated tax TDS amount
Central Tax Central tax TDS amount
State/UT tax State/UT tax TDS amount
GSTIN of deductor Deductor's GSTIN
Trade/Legal name Trade name of the Deductor will be displayed. If trade name is not available then legal name of
the Deductor
Tax period of original GSTR 7 Tax period in which TDS details uploaded by Deductor
Amendments to TDS Credit
TDSA Tax period of revised GSTR 7 Tax period in which TDS details revised by deductor
Revised Taxable value Revised amount on which tax is deducted
IGST Integrated tax TDS amount
Central Tax Central tax TDS amount
State/UT tax State/UT tax TDS amount
GSTIN of E-commerce operator GSTIN of E- commerce operator
Trade/Legal name Trade name of the E-commerce operator will be displayed. If trade name is not available then
legal name of the E-commerce operator
Gross value of supplies Gross value of supplies include supplies made to registered persons and unregistered persons
Details of supplies made
through e-commerce operator Value of supplies returned by Total value supplies returned include supplies returned by registered and unregistered person
TCS registered persons
Net amount liable for TCS Net amount liable for TCS shall be difference between Gross value of supplies and Value of
supplies returned.
Integrated Tax Integrated tax amount
Central Tax Central tax amount
State/UT Tax State/UT tax amount
Tax period original GSTR 8(Original
period in which tax is collected previously
GSTIN of E-commerce operator GSTIN of E-commerce operator
Taxpayer's GSTIN 23AAGCS3449G1ZF Tax period 042022
Legal name SHREE TIRUPATI Financial year 2022-23
Trade name SHREE TIRUPATI Date of generation 28-07-2022
Trade/Legal name of E- Trade name of the E-commerce operator will be displayed. If trade name is not available then
commerce operator (Original legal name of the E-comerce operator
Type Rejected by supplier: If TCS details rejected by supplier then those details will be displayed with
type as 'Rejected by supplier'.
Uploaded by E-commerce operator: If you amended TCS details which are not rejected or no
action taken by supplier then those details will be displayed with type as 'Uploaded by E-
commerce operator'
Amendments to details of GSTIN of E-commerce operator GSTIN of E-commerce operator
TCSA supplies in respect of any
Trade/Legal name of E- Trade name of the E-commerce operator will be displayed. If trade name is not available then
earlier statement (TCSA)
commerce operator legal name of the E-comerce operator
Gross value of supplies Gross value of supplies include supplies made to registered persons and unregistered persons
Net amount liable for TCS Net amount liable for TCS shall be difference between Gross value of supplies and Value of
supplies returned.
Integrated Tax Integrated tax amount
Central Tax Central tax amount
State/UT Tax State/UT tax amount