Configuring Radio Settings
Configuring Radio Settings
Configuring Radio Settings
This chapter describes how to configure radio settings for the wireless device.
Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide for Cisco Aironet Access Points
Chapter 6 Configuring Radio Settings
Enabling the Radio Interface
Note Beginning with Cisco IOS Release 12.3(8)JA there is no SSID. You must create an SSID before you can
enable the radio interface.
Beginning in privileged EXEC mode, follow these steps to enable the access point radio:
Command Purpose
Step 1 configure terminal Enter global configuration mode.
Step 2 dot11 ssid ssid Enter the SSID. The SSID can consist of up to 32 alphanumeric
characters. SSIDs are case sensitive.
Step 3 interface dot11radio {0 | 1slot/port} Enter interface configuration mode for the radio interface.
The 2.4-GHz and the 802.11n 2.4-GHz radio is radio 0
The 5-GHz and the 802.11n 5-GHz radio is radio 1.
Step 4 ssid ssid Assign the SSID you created in Step 2 to the appropriate radio
Step 5 no shutdown Enable the radio port.
Step 6 end Return to privileged EXEC mode.
Step 7 copy running-config startup-config (Optional) Save your entries in the configuration file.
Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide for Cisco Aironet Access Points
Chapter 6 Configuring Radio Settings
Configuring the Role in Radio Network
Role in
Network 1040 1140 1260 1530 1550 1600 1700 2600 3500 3600 3700 700 2700
Access Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Access Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
(fallback to
Access Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
(fallback to
Repeater Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Root bridge Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Non-root Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Root bridge Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Non-root Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
bridge with
Workgroup Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Universal Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Scanner Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Spectrum – – – – Yes – Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes – Yes
Install – – – Yes – – – – – – – – –
[automatic |
non-root |
1. When configuring a universal workgroup bridge using AES-CCM TKIP, the non-root device should use only TKIP or
AES-CCM TKIP as ciphers in order to associate to the root device. The non-root device will not associate with the root
if it is configured only AES-CCM. This configuration results in a mismatch in the multicast cipher between the root
and non-root devices.
Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide for Cisco Aironet Access Points
Chapter 6 Configuring Radio Settings
Configuring the Role in Radio Network
You can configure the role of an access point or bridge in a radio network. You can also configure a
fallback role for root access points. The wireless device automatically assumes the fallback role when
its Ethernet port is disabled or disconnected from the wired LAN. There are two possible fallback roles:
• Repeater—When the Ethernet port is disabled, the wireless device becomes a repeater and
associates to a nearby root access point. You do not have to specify a root access point to which the
fallback repeater associates; the repeater automatically associates to the root access point that
provides the best radio connectivity.
• Shutdown—the wireless device shuts down its radio and disassociates all client devices.
Note When configuring a universal workgroup bridge using AES-CCM TKIP, the non-root device should use
only TKIP or AES-CCM TKIP as ciphers in order to associate to the root device. The non-root device
will not associate with the root if it is configured only AES-CCM. This configuration results in a
mismatch in the multicast cipher between the root and non-root devices.
Beginning in privileged EXEC mode, follow these steps to set the wireless device radio network role and
fallback role:
Command Purpose
Step 1 configure terminal Enter global configuration mode.
Step 2 interface dot11radio { 0 | 1 } Enter interface configuration mode for the radio interface:
2.4-GHz radio and the 802.11n 2.4-Ghz radio is interface 0.
5-GHz radio and the 802.11n 5-GHz radio is interface 1.
Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide for Cisco Aironet Access Points
Chapter 6 Configuring Radio Settings
Configuring the Role in Radio Network
Command Purpose
Step 3 station-role Set the wireless device role.
• Set the role to non-root bridge with or without wireless
non-root {bridge | wireless-clients}
clients, repeater access point, root access point or bridge,
scanner, or workgroup bridge.
• When in bridge mode, they are interoperable with outdoor
root {access-point | ap-only | bridge access point/bridge only on supported bridge features.
[wireless-clients] |fallback [ • The bridge mode radio supports point-to-point and
repeater | shutdown]} point-to-multipoint configuration.
Note When you enable the role in the radio network as a non root bridge or a workgroup bridge and enable
the interface using the no shut command, the physical status and the software status of the interface will
be up only if the device on the other end access point or bridge is up. Otherwise, only the physical status
of the device will be up. The software status of the device comes up only when the device on the other
end is configured and up.
Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide for Cisco Aironet Access Points
Chapter 6 Configuring Radio Settings
Configuring the Role in Radio Network
Note The universal workgroup bridge role supports only one wired client.
You can enable a recovery mechanism and make the workgroup bridge manageable again by disabling
the Ethernet client, causing the universal workgroup bridge to associate with an access point using its
own BVI address.
The roaming keyword has been added to the interface command world-mode dot11d country-code
country [indoor | outdoor | both] to support the “airline flying between different countries” scenario.
The keyword causes the workgroup bridge to do passive scanning once it is deathenticated from a root
access point. See the “Enabling and Disabling World Mode” section on page 6-26 for more information
on this command.
Note The aforementioned support is only for short range links and is not a replacement for the AP 1400 or
other Bridge products.
The following are not supported by AP models with internal antennas, in their bridging modes:
• The distance command. The distance command is supported only on access points that are
approved for outdoor use.
• Outdoor MIMO bridging using external antennas.
Note In point-to-multipoint bridging, WGB is not recommended with the root bridge. WGB should be
associated to the root AP in point-to-multipoint bridging setup.
Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide for Cisco Aironet Access Points
Chapter 6 Configuring Radio Settings
Configuring the Role in Radio Network
Access point
Note This feature is supported by all dual-radio access points.
This feature does not affect the fallback feature for single-radio access points.
Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide for Cisco Aironet Access Points
Chapter 6 Configuring Radio Settings
Configuring the Role in Radio Network
Configuring the access points to auto bridge mode can make this manual adjustment automatically.
The access points in auto bridge mode can detect the potential candidate for association when two access
points are coming close enough to each other. The role negotiation will happen when the received RSSI
is higher than a configured RSSI threshold. The access point with a lower MAC address will become the
root bridge. The other will be non-root bridge. After the connection is established successfully, if the
received RSSI is continuously lower than the configure threshold for 10 seconds, the access points will
disassociate from each other and the access point role will be changed back to the initial auto bridge
Even if there are more than two access points qualified for the association criteria, only one automatic
bridge connection can be established. If this connection is not the correct one, when the unwanted access
point moves away, the other access point can make the correct connection. In deployment, the RSSI
threshold must be adjusted accordingly to avoid such situation.
For a dual radio access point, the 5 GHz radio interface can be used for wireless bridge connection, and
the 2.4 GHz radio interface can be used for on-board Wi-Fi service and to accept wireless client
When configured with auto bridge mode, AP will be in one of the following status:
• AUTO_ROOT_INIT—AP works in root bridge mode and uses beacon to find potential peer AP for
Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide for Cisco Aironet Access Points
Chapter 6 Configuring Radio Settings
Configuring the Role in Radio Network
Note The auto bridge access point can only associate to another auto bridge access point. It cannot associate
to an access point of other mode, and will not accept other client associations.
Note The wireless bridge auto-negotiation feature is supported only on the IW3700 series.
Recommended Antennas
A directional and low gain antenna is recommended for this wireless bridge auto negotiation connection.
A directional antenna directs signal at a specific narrow angle, which can be oriented at the target access
point and reduce the risk of incorrect bridge connections.
Command Purpose
Step 1 configure terminal Enter global configuration mode.
Step 2 interface dot11radio {0 | 1} Enter interface configuration mode for the radio interface.
Step 3 station-role auto-bridge Configure the radio interface to auto bridge role.
Step 4 auto-bridge rx-sensitivity <dbm> Configure RSSI threshold for the radio interface. This
command is available only if the access point is in auto bridge
mode. The default value of RSSI threshold is -40 dBm.
Step 5 end Return to privileged EXEC mode.
Configuration Example
dot11 ssid auto-bridge
vlan 910
authentication open
authentication key-management wpa version 2
wpa-psk ascii 7 00554155500E5D5157
Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide for Cisco Aironet Access Points
Chapter 6 Configuring Radio Settings
Configuring the Role in Radio Network
dot11 ssid passenger-wifi
vlan 911
authentication open
authentication key-management wpa version 2
wpa-psk ascii 7 00554155500E5D5157
interface Dot11Radio0
encryption mode ciphers aes-ccm
encryption vlan 911 mode ciphers aes-ccm
ssid passenger-wifi
station-role root
interface Dot11Radio0.910
encapsulation dot1Q 910 native
bridge-group 1
interface Dot11Radio0.911
encapsulation dot1Q 911
bridge-group 2
interface Dot11Radio1
encryption mode ciphers aes-ccm
ssid auto-bridge
channel width 80
station-role auto-bridge
auto-bridge rx-sensitivity 40
interface Dot11Radio1.910
encapsulation dot1Q 910 native
bridge-group 1
interface Dot11Radio1.911
encapsulation dot1Q 911
bridge-group 2
interface GigabitEthernet0
no ip address
duplex auto
speed auto
interface GigabitEthernet0.910
encapsulation dot1Q 910 native
bridge-group 1
interface GigabitEthernet0.911
encapsulation dot1Q 911
bridge-group 2
Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide for Cisco Aironet Access Points
Chapter 6 Configuring Radio Settings
Configuring the Role in Radio Network
Radio Tracking
You can configure the access point to track or monitor the status of one of its radios. It the tracked radio
goes down or is disabled, the access point shuts down the other radio. If the tracked radio comes up, the
access point enables the other radio.
• To track radio 0, enter the following command on radio 1:
# station-role root access-point fallback track d0 shutdown
Note Fast Ethernet tracking does not support the Repeater mode.
• To configure non-802.11n access points for Fast Ethernet tracking, in the radio interfaces
configuration mode enter the following command:
# station-role root access-point fallback track fa 0
• To configure 802.11n access points for Gigabit Ethernet tracking, in the radio interfaces
configuration mode enter the following command:
# station-role root fallback shutdown
MAC-Address Tracking
You can configure the radio whose role is root access point to go up or down by tracking a non-root
bridge or workgroup bridge, using its MAC address, on another radio. If the client disassociates from
the access point, the root access point radio goes down. If the client reassociates to the access point, the
root access point radio comes back up.
Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide for Cisco Aironet Access Points
Chapter 6 Configuring Radio Settings
Limiting Clients per Radio
MAC-address tracking is most useful when the client is a non-root bridge access point connected to an
upstream wired network.
For example, to track a a non-root bridge or workgroup bridge, having a MAC address
12:12:12:12:12:12, enter the following command:
# station-role root access-point fallback track mac-address 12:12:12:12:12:12 shutdown
Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide for Cisco Aironet Access Points
Chapter 6 Configuring Radio Settings
Configuring Radio Data Rates
You can use the Data Rate settings to set an access point to serve client devices operating at specific data
rates. To set the 2.4-GHz, 802.11g radio to serve only 802.11g client devices, set any Orthogonal
Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) data rate (6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 54) to Basic.
You can configure the wireless device to set the data rates automatically to optimize either the range or
the throughput. When you enter range for the data rate setting, the wireless device sets the 1 Mbps rate
to basic and the other rates to enabled. The range setting allows the access point to extend the coverage
area by compromising on the data rate. Therefore, if you have a client that is not able to connect to the
access point while other clients can, one reason may be because the client is not within the coverage area
of the access point. In such a case using the range option will help in extending the coverage area and
the client may be able to connect to the access point. Typically the trade-off is between throughput and
range. When the signal degrades (possibly due to distance from the access point,) the rates will
renegotiate down in order to maintain the link (but at a lower data rate). Contrast that against a link
configured for a higher throughput that will simply drop when the signal degrades enough to no longer
sustain a configured high data rate, or roam to another access point with sufficient coverage, if one is
available. The balance between the two (throughput vs. range) is one of those design decisions that has
to be made based on resources available to the wireless project, type of traffic the users will be passing,
service level desired, and as always, the quality of the RF environment.When you enter throughput for
the data rate setting, the wireless device sets all data rates to basic (i.e. 12 rates for 2.4 Ghz and 8 rates
for 5 GHz).
Note When a wireless network has a mixed environment of 802.11b clients and 802.11g clients, make sure
that data rates 1, 2, 5.5, and 11 Mbps are set to required (basic) and that all other data rates are set to
enable. The 802.11b adapters do not recognize the 802.11g rates and do not operate if data rates higher
than 11Mbps are set to require on the connecting access point.
Access Points Send Multicast and Management Frames at Highest Basic Rate
Access points running recent Cisco IOS versions are transmitting multicast and management frames at
the highest configured basic rate, and is a situation that could causes reliability problems.
Access points running LWAPP or autonomous IOS should transmit multicast and management frames at
the lowest configured basic rate. This is necessary in order to provide for good coverage at the cell's
edge, especially for unacknowledged multicast transmissions where multicast wireless transmissions
may fail to be received.
Since multicast frames are not retransmitted at the MAC layer, stations at the edge of the cell may fail
to receive them successfully. If reliable reception is a goal, then multicasts should be transmitted at a
low data rate. If support for high data rate multicasts is required, then it may be useful to shrink the cell
size and to disable all lower data rates.
Depending on your specific requirements, you can take the following action:
• If you need to transmit the multicast data with the greatest reliability and if there is no need for great
multicast bandwidth, then configure a single basic rate, one that is low enough to reach the edges of
the wireless cells.
• If you need to transmit the multicast data at a certain data rate in order to achieve a certain
throughput, then configure that rate as the highest basic rate. You can also set a lower basic rate for
coverage of non-multicast clients.
Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide for Cisco Aironet Access Points
Chapter 6 Configuring Radio Settings
Configuring Radio Data Rates
Beginning in privileged EXEC mode, follow these steps to configure the radio data rates:
Command Purpose
Step 1 configure terminal Enter global configuration mode.
Step 2 interface dot11radio {0 | 1slot/port} Enter interface configuration mode for the radio interface. The
2.4-GHz radio and 2.4-GHz N radio is radio 0, and the 5-GHz
radio and 5-GHz N radios radio 1.
Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide for Cisco Aironet Access Points
Chapter 6 Configuring Radio Settings
Configuring Radio Data Rates
Command Purpose
Step 3 speed Set each data rate to basic or enabled, or enter range to
optimize range or throughput to optimize throughput.
802.11g, 2.4-GHz radio:
{[1.0] [2.0] [5.5] [6.0] [9.0] [11.0] • (Optional) Enter basic-1.0, basic-2.0, basic-5.5,
[12.0] [18.0] [24.0] [36.0] [48.0] basic-6.0, basic-9.0, basic-11.0, basic-12.0, basic-18.0,
[54.0] [basic-1.0] [basic-2.0] basic-24.0, basic-36.0, basic-48.0, and basic-54.0 to set
[basic-5.5] [basic-6.0] [basic-9.0] these data rates to basic on the 802.11g, 2.4-GHz radio.
[basic-11.0] [basic-12.0] Note The client must support the basic rate that you select or
[basic-18.0] [basic-24.0] it cannot associate to the wireless device. If you select
[basic-36.0] [basic-48.0] 12 Mbps or higher for the basic data rate on the 802.11g
[basic-54.0] | range | radio, 802.11b client devices cannot associate to the
throughput [ofdm] | default } wireless device 802.11g radio.
802.11a 5-GHz radio:
Enter basic-6.0, basic-9.0, basic-12.0, basic-18.0,
{[6.0] [9.0] [12.0] [18.0] [24.0] basic-24.0, basic-36.0, basic-48.0, and basic-54.0 to set
[36.0] [48.0] [54.0] [basic-6.0] these data rates to basic on the 5-GHz radio.
[basic-9.0] [basic-12.0] [basic-18.0]
(Optional) Alternatively, enter range or throughput or
[basic-24.0] [basic-36.0]
ofdm-throughput (no ERP protection) to automatically
[basic-48.0] [basic-54.0] |
optimize radio range or throughput. When you enter
range | throughput | range, the wireless device sets the lowest data rate to basic
ofdm-throughput | default} and the other rates to enabled. When you enter
802.11n 2.4-GHz radio: throughput, the wireless device sets all data rates to basic.
{[1.0] [11.0] [12.0] [18.0] [2.0] (Optional) On the 802.11g radio, enter speed throughput
[24.0] [36.0] [48.0] [5.5] [54.0] [6.0] ofdm to set all OFDM rates (6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, and 48)
[9.0] [basic-1.0] [basic-11.0] to basic (required) and set all the CCK rates (1, 2, 5.5, and
[basic-12.0] [basic-18.0] 11) to disabled. This setting disables 802.11b protection
[basic-24.0] [basic-36.0] mechanisms and provides maximum throughput for
[basic-48.0] [basic-5.5] [basic-54.0] 802.11g clients. However, it prevents 802.11b clients from
[basic-6.0] [basic-9.0] [default] associating to the access point.
[m0-7] [m0.] [m1.] [m10.] [m11.]
• (Optional) Enter default to set the data rates to factory
[m12.] [m13.] [m14.] [m15.] [m2.]
default settings (not supported on 802.11b radios).
[m3.] [m4.] [m5.] [m6.] [m7.]
[m8-15] [m8.] [m9.] [ofdm] On the 802.11g radio, the default option sets rates 1, 2, 5.5,
[only-ofdm] | range | throughput} and 11 to basic, and rates 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, and 54 to
enabled. These rate settings allow both 802.11b and
802.11n 5-GHz radio:
802.11g client devices to associate to the wireless device
{[12.0] [18.0] [24.0] [36.0] [48.0] 802.11g radio.
[54.0] [6.0] [9.0] [basic-12.0] On the 5-GHz radio, the default option sets rates 6.0, 12.0,
[basic-18.0] [basic-24.0] and 24.0 to basic, and rates 9.0, 18.0, 36.0, 48.0, and 54.0
[basic-36.0] [basic-48.0] to enabled.
[basic-54.0] [basic-6.0] [basic-9.0]
[default] [m0-7] [m0.] [m1.] [m10.]
[m11.] [m12.] [m13.] [m14.] [m15.]
[m2.] [m3.] [m4.] [m5.] [m6.] [m7.]
[m8-15] [m8.] [m9.] | range |
Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide for Cisco Aironet Access Points
Chapter 6 Configuring Radio Settings
Configuring MCS Rates
Command Purpose
speed (continued) On the 802.11n 2.4-GHz radio, the default option sets
rates 1.0, 2.0, 5.5, and 11.0 to enabled.
On the 802.11n 5-GHz radio, the default option sets rates
to 6.0, 12.0, and 24.0 to enabled.
The default MCS rate setting for both 802.11n radios is
Step 4 end Return to privileged EXEC mode.
Step 5 copy running-config startup-config (Optional) Save your entries in the configuration file.
Use the no form of the speed command to remove one or more data rates from the configuration. This
example shows how to remove data rates basic-2.0 and basic-5.5 from the configuration:
ap# configure terminal
ap(config)# interface dot11radio 0
ap(config-if)# no speed basic-2.0 basic-5.5
ap(config-if)# end
Tip For the latest information on the Data Rates based on MCS Index, Guard Interval (GI), and channel
width, for you access point, refer to its Cisco Aironet (AP series name) Series Access Points Data Sheet
on the site.
MCS rates are configured using the speed command. The following example shows a speed setting for
an 802.11n 5-GHz radio:
interface Dot11Radio0
no ip address
no ip route-cache
ssid 1260test
speed basic-1.0 2.0 5.5 11.0 6.0 9.0 12.0 18.0 24.0 36.0 48.0 54.0 m0. m1. m2. m3. m4.
m8. m9. m10. m11. m12. m13. m14. m15.
Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide for Cisco Aironet Access Points
Chapter 6 Configuring Radio Settings
Configuring MCS Rates
interface Dot11Radio1
ssid 11ac
speed 6.0 9.0 12.0 18.0 24.0 36.0 48.0 54.0 m0. m1. m2. m3. m4. m5. m6. m7. m8. m9. m10.
m11. m12. m13. m14. m15. m16. m17. m18. m19. m20. m21. m22. m23. a1ss9 a2ss9 a3ss9
Channel width 80
Configuring unicast-mcs-only
If you want to configure the autonomous AP to transmit data only at MCS rate, use the command speed
Note This command applies to both 2.4G and 5G radio interface, but only available for WGB mode of the
Cisco IW3702 access point.
For example, assume the configured rate set for WGB radio is basic-12.0 m0. m1. m2. m3. m4.
By default, speed unicast-mcs-only is disabled. All the configured rate (basic-12.0 m0. m1. m2. m3.
m4.) is available for data transmit.
When speed unicast-mcs-only is enabled, unicast data transmitting rate will be limited to the MCS
range of m0. m1. m2. m3. m4. Other data, such as management frames broadcast or multicast data, will
be transmitted in mandatory rate (basic rates).
The following example shows the configuration of speed unicast-mcs-only:
interface Dot11Radio1
no ip address
encryption mode ciphers aes-ccm
ssid 11i
antenna gain 0
antenna a-antenna
ampdu transmit priority 1
ampdu transmit priority 3
ampdu transmit priority 6
ampdu transmit priority 7
amsdu transmit priority 6
amsdu transmit priority 7
speed unicast-mcs-only
speed basic-12.0 m0. m1. m2. m3. m4.
packet retries 32 drop-packet
station-role workgroup-bridge
Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide for Cisco Aironet Access Points
Chapter 6 Configuring Radio Settings
Configuring Radio Transmit Power
dBm -1 2 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
mW 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 80 100 125 150 200 250
Beginning in privileged EXEC mode, follow these steps to set the transmit power on access point radios:
Command Purpose
Step 1 configure terminal Enter global configuration mode.
Step 2 interface dot11radio {0 | 1slot/port} Enter interface configuration mode for the radio interface.
The 2.4-GHz radio is radio 0, and the 5-GHz radio is radio 1.
The 2.4-GHz 802.11n radio is 0, and the 5-GHz 802.11n radio
is 1
Step 3 power local Set the transmit power for the 802.11b, 2.4-GHz radio or the
5-GHz radio to one of the power levels allowed in your
These options are available for the
regulatory domain.
802.11a, 5-GHz radio (in dBm), and
for the 2.4-GHz 802.11n radio (in Note See the hardware installation guide for your access
dBM): point to determine the power settings for your
{22 | 19 | 16 | 13 | 10 | 7 | 4} regulatory domain.
Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide for Cisco Aironet Access Points
Chapter 6 Configuring Radio Settings
Configuring Radio Transmit Power
Command Purpose
Step 4 power local Set the transmit power for the 802.11g, 2.4-GHz radio to one of
the power levels allowed in your regulatory domain. Settings
These options are available for the
are in dBm.
802.11g, 2.4-GHz radio:
On the 2.4-GHz, 802.11g radio, you can set Orthogonal
power local cck settings:
Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) power levels and
{ -1 | 2 | 5 | 8 | 11 | 14 | 17 | 20 | Complementary Code Keying (CCK) power levels. CCK
maximum } modulation is supported by 802.11b and 802.11g devices.
power local ofdm settings: OFDM modulation is supported by 802.11g and 802.11a
{ -1 | 2 | 5 | 8 | 11 | 14 | 17 |maximum }
Note See the hardware installation guide for your access
Note These options are not point to determine the power settings for your
available on 802.11n APs. regulatory domain.
Use the no form of the power command to return the power setting to maximum, the default setting.
Note Cisco AVVID documentation uses the term Dynamic Power Control (DTPC) to refer to limiting the
power level on associated client devices.
Beginning in privileged EXEC mode, follow these steps to specify a maximum allowed power setting on
all client devices that associate to the wireless device:
Command Purpose
Step 1 configure terminal Enter global configuration mode.
Step 2 interface dot11radio {0 | 1slot/port} Enter interface configuration mode for the radio interface.
The 2.4-GHz radio is radio 0, and the 5-GHz radio is radio 1.
The 2.4-GHz 802.11n radio is 0, and the 5-GHz 802.11n radio
is 1.
Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide for Cisco Aironet Access Points
Chapter 6 Configuring Radio Settings
Configuring Radio Channel Settings
Command Purpose
Step 3 power client Set the power level allowed on client devices that associate to
the wireless device. You can:
These options are available for both
802.11n 2.4-GHz and 5-GHz clients • Set any power level value in dBm from -127 to 127
(in dBm):
• Set the power level to local, to set the client power level to
{-127 to 127 | local | maximum} that of the access point.
• Set the power level to maximum, to set the client power to
the allowed maximum.
Note The settings allowed in your regulatory domain might
differ from the settings listed here.
Step 4 end Return to privileged EXEC mode.
Step 5 copy running-config startup-config (Optional) Save your entries in the configuration file.
Use the no form of the client power command to disable the maximum power level for associated clients.
Note Aironet extensions must be enabled to limit the power level on associated client devices. Aironet
extensions are enabled by default.
Note In places where RF interference might be causing clients to occasionally get disconnected from the
wireless network, setting the wireless interface to run on a different channel, such as channel 1 (2412),
might avoid the interference.
Each 2.4-GHz channel covers 22 MHz. The channels 1, 6, and 11 do not overlap, so you can set up
multiple access points in the same vicinity without causing interference. Both 802.11b and 802.11g
2.4-GHz radios use the same channels and frequencies.
The 5-GHz radio operates on 9 channels from 5180 to 55825 MHz on 802.11n APs, and on 8 channels
from 5180 to 5805 on 1140 series APs. Each channel covers 20 MHz, and the bandwidth for the channels
overlaps slightly. For best performance, use channels that are not adjacent (44 and 46, for example) for
radios that are close to each other.
Note Too many access points in the same vicinity creates radio congestion that can reduce throughput. A
careful site survey can determine the best placement of access points for maximum radio coverage and
Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide for Cisco Aironet Access Points
Chapter 6 Configuring Radio Settings
Configuring Radio Channel Settings
Because they change frequently, channel settings are not included in this document. For up-to-date
information on channel settings for your access point or bridge, see the Channels and Maximum Power
Settings for Cisco Aironet Autonomous Access Points and Bridges. This document is available on at the following URL:
Command Purpose
Step 1 configure terminal Enter global configuration mode.
Step 2 interface dot11radio {0 | Enter interface configuration mode for the radio interface.
The 2.4-GHz radio and the 802.11n 2.4-GHz is radio 0.
The 5-GHz radio and the 802.11n 5-GHz is radio 1.
Step 3 channel Set the default channel for the wireless device radio. To search for
{frequency | least-congested | the least-congested channel on startup, enter least-congested.
width [20 | 40-above | 40-below] Use the width option to specify a bandwidth to use. This option is
| dfs} available on all 802.11n APs, but only for the d1 (5 GHz) radio. It
has three settings: 20, 40-above, and 40-below. Choosing 20 sets
the channel width to 20 MHz. Choosing 40-above sets the channel
width to 40 Mhz with the extension channel above the control
channel. Choosing 40-below sets the channel width to 40 MHz
with the extension channel below the control channel.
Note The channel command is disabled for 5-GHz radios that
comply with European Union regulations on dynamic
frequency selection (DFS). See the “Setting the 802.11n
Guard Interval” section on page 6-26 for more information.
Step 4 end Return to privileged EXEC mode.
Step 5 copy running-config (Optional) Save your entries in the configuration file.
Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide for Cisco Aironet Access Points
Chapter 6 Configuring Radio Settings
Configuring Radio Channel Settings
Note You cannot manually select a channel for DFS-enabled 5-GHz radios in some regions, depending on the
regulatory requirements. The access points randomly selects a channel in that case.
The full list of channels that require DFS is shown in Table 6-3.
For autonomous operation, DFS requires random channel selection among the channels listed in
Table 6-3. The channels not listed in Table 6-3 do not require random selection and may be manually
Channels requiring Dynamic Frequency Selection (DFS) may be manually selected from the 5 GHz
radio configuration menu. To know the DFS channels, use the show controllers d1 command.
Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide for Cisco Aironet Access Points
Chapter 6 Configuring Radio Settings
Configuring Radio Channel Settings
The GUI/CLI used to manually configure non-DFS channels can also be used to select DFS channels as
well. The default channel selection is "DFS", which randomly selects a channel.
If radar is detected on a manually configured DFS channel, the channel will be changed automatically
and will not return to the configured channel.
Prior to transmitting on any channels listed in Table 6-3, the access point radio performs a Channel
Availability Check (CAC). The CAC is a 60 second scan for the presence of radar signals on the channel.
The following sample messages are displayed on the access point console showing the beginning and
end of the CAC scan:
Note The maximum legal transmit power is greater for some 5-GHz channels than for others. When it
randomly selects a 5-GHz channel on which power is restricted, the access point automatically reduces
transmit power to comply with power limits for that channel.
Note We recommend that you use the world-mode dot11d country-code configuration interface command to
configure a country code on DFS-enabled radios. The IEEE 802.11h protocol requires access points to
include the country information element (IE) in beacons and probe responses. By default, however, the
country code in the IE is blank. You use the world-mode command to populate the country code IE.
Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide for Cisco Aironet Access Points
Chapter 6 Configuring Radio Settings
Configuring Radio Channel Settings
CLI Commands
The following sections describe CLI commands that apply to DFS.
Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide for Cisco Aironet Access Points
Chapter 6 Configuring Radio Settings
Configuring Radio Channel Settings
Configuring a Channel
Use the channel command to configure a channel. The command for the interface is modified to only
allow you to select a specific channel number and to enable DFS.
Command Purpose
Step 1 configure terminal Enter global configuration mode.
Step 2 interface dot11radio1 dfs Enter the configuration interface for the 802.11a radio
Step 3 channel {number | dfs |band <1 - For number, enter a channel frequency from 36 to 5825.
Enter dfs and one of the following frequency bands to use
dynamic frequency selection on the selected channel:
1—5.150 to 5.250 GHz
2—5.250 to 5.350 Ghz
3—5.470 to 5.725 GHz
4—5.725 to 5.825 GHz
If you attempt to configure a channel that may only be selected
by dfs, the following message appears:
This channel number/frequency can only be used by
Dynamic Frequency Selection (DFS)
Note The channel dfs command is not supported in -P and
-Q regulatory domains.
Step 4 end Return to the privileged EXEC mode.
Step 5 show running-config Verify your entries
Step 6 copy running-config startup-config (Optional) Save your entries to the configuration file.
Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide for Cisco Aironet Access Points
Chapter 6 Configuring Radio Settings
Enabling and Disabling World Mode
• 4—Specifies frequencies 5.725 to 5.825 GHz. This group of frequencies is also known as the UNII-3
This example shows how to prevent the access point from selecting frequencies 5.150 to 5.350 GHz
during DFS:
ap(config-if)# dfs band 1 2 block
This example shows how to unblock frequencies 5.150 to 5.350 for DFS:
ap(config-if)# no dfs band 1 2 block
Command Purpose
Step 1 configure terminal Enter global configuration mode.
Step 2 interface dot11radio {0 | 1} Enter interface configuration mode for the radio interface.
The 802.11n 2.4-GHz radio is radio 0
The 802.11n 5-GHz radio is radio 1.
Step 3 guard-interval {any | long} Enter a guard interval.
• any—allows the AP to use 400 ns with clients supporting
short GIs, and 800 ns with clients not supporting short GIs,
i.e. either the short (400ns) or long (800ns) guard interval.
• long—allows only the long (800ns) guard interval.
Step 4 end Return to privileged EXEC mode.
Step 5 copy running-config (Optional) Save your entries in the configuration file.
Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide for Cisco Aironet Access Points
Chapter 6 Configuring Radio Settings
Disabling and Enabling Short Radio Preambles
Beginning in privileged EXEC mode, follow these steps to enable world mode:
Command Purpose
Step 1 configure terminal Enter global configuration mode.
Step 2 interface dot11radio {0slot/port | 1} Enter interface configuration mode for the radio interface.
Step 3 world-mode Enable world mode.
dot11d country_code code
• Enter the dot11d option to enable 802.11d world mode.
{ both | indoor | outdoor }
world-mode roaming – When you enter the dot11d option, you must enter a
| legacy two-character ISO country code (for example, the ISO
country code for the United States is US). You can find
a list of ISO country codes at the ISO website.
– After the country code, you must enter indoor,
outdoor, or both to indicate the placement of the
wireless device.
• Enter the legacy option to enable Cisco legacy world
• Enter the world-mode roaming to place the access point
in a continuous world mode configuration.
Note Aironet extensions must be enabled for legacy world
mode operation, but Aironet extensions are not
required for 802.11d world mode. Aironet extensions
are enabled by default.
Step 4 end Return to privileged EXEC mode.
Step 5 copy running-config startup-config (Optional) Save your entries in the configuration file.
Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide for Cisco Aironet Access Points
Chapter 6 Configuring Radio Settings
Configuring Transmit and Receive Antennas
You cannot configure short or long radio preambles on the 5-GHz radio.
Beginning in privileged EXEC mode, follow these steps to disable short radio preambles:
Command Purpose
Step 1 configure terminal Enter global configuration mode.
Step 2 interface dot11radio { 0slot/port } Enter interface configuration mode for the 2.4-GHz radio
Step 3 no preamble-short Disable short preambles and enable long preambles.
Step 4 end Return to privileged EXEC mode.
Step 5 copy running-config startup-config (Optional) Save your entries in the configuration file.
Short preambles are enabled by default. Use the preamble-short command to enable short preambles if
they are disabled.
Command Purpose
Step 1 configure terminal Enter global configuration mode.
Step 2 interface dot11radio {0 | 1slot/port} Enter interface configuration mode for the radio interface. The
2.4-GHz radio is radio 0, and the 5-GHz radio is radio 1.
The 802.11n 2.4-GHz radio is radio 0
The 802.11n 5-GHz radio is radio 1.
Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide for Cisco Aironet Access Points
Chapter 6 Configuring Radio Settings
Enabling and Disabling Gratuitous Probe Response
Command Purpose
Step 3 antenna again dB Specifies the resultant gain of the antenna attached to the
device. Enter a value from –128 to 128 dB.
Note This setting does not affect the behavior of the wireless
device; it only informs the management platform on
your network of the device antenna gain.
Step 4 antenna receive Set the receive antenna to diversity, left, middle, right, or all.
{diversity | left | middle | right}
Note For best performance with two antennas, leave the
On the 2600 and the 3600 series, receive antenna setting at the default setting, diversity.
this command is: For one antenna, attach the antenna on the right and set
the antenna for right.
antenna receive
{a-antenna | ab-antenna |
On the 2600 and the 3600 series APs:
abc-antenna | abcd-antenna}
• a-antenna—to use antenna A
• ab-antenna—to use antennas A and B
• abc-antenna—to use antennas A, B, and C
• abcd-antenna—to use antennas A, B, C, and D
Step 5 antenna transmit Set the transmit antenna to diversity, left, or right.
{diversity | left | right}
Note For best performance with two antennas, leave the
On the 2600 and the 3600 series, receive antenna setting at the default setting, diversity.
this command is: For one antenna, attach the antenna on the right and set
antenna transmit the antenna for right.
{a-antenna | ab-antenna |
On the 2600 and the 3600 series APs:
abc-antenna | abcd-antenna}
• a-antenna—to use antenna A
• ab-antenna—to use antennas A and B
• abc-antenna—to use antennas A, B, and C
• abcd-antenna—to use antennas A, B, C, and D
Step 6 end Return to privileged EXEC mode.
Step 7 copy running-config startup-config (Optional) Save your entries in the configuration file.
Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide for Cisco Aironet Access Points
Chapter 6 Configuring Radio Settings
Disabling and Enabling Aironet Extensions
Command Purpose
Step 1 configure terminal Enter global configuration mode.
Step 2 interface dot11radio {1}slot/port Enter interface configuration mode for the 5-GHz radio
Step 3 probe-response gratuitous Enable the Gratuitous Probe Response feature using default
{period | speed} period (10 Kusec) and speed (6.0 Mbps).
Step 4 period Kusec (Optional) Enter a value from 10 to 255. The default value is 10
Step 5 speed (Optional) Sets the response speed in Mbps. The default value
{[6.0] [9.0] [12.0] [18.0] [24.0] is 6.0.
[36.0] [48.0 ] [54.0] }
Step 6 end Return to privileged EXEC mode.
Step 7 copy running-config startup-config (Optional) Save your entries in the configuration file.
The optional parameters can be configured independently or combined when you do not want to use the
defaults, as shown in the following examples:
(config-if)# probe-response gratuitous period 30
(config-if)# probe-response gratuitous speed 12.0
(config-if)# probe-response gratuitous period 30 speed 12.0
Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide for Cisco Aironet Access Points
Chapter 6 Configuring Radio Settings
Configuring the Ethernet Encapsulation Transformation Method
Aironet extensions are enabled by default. Beginning in privileged EXEC mode, follow these steps to
disable Aironet extensions:
Command Purpose
Step 1 configure terminal Enter global configuration mode.
Step 2 interface dot11radio {0 | 1slot/port Enter interface configuration mode for the radio interface. The
} 2.4-GHz radio is radio 0, and the 5-GHz radio is radio 1.
The 802.11n 2.4-GHz radio is radio 0
The 802.11n 5-GHz radio is radio 1.
Step 3 no dot11 extension aironet Disable Aironet extensions.
Step 4 end Return to privileged EXEC mode.
Step 5 copy running-config startup-config (Optional) Save your entries in the configuration file.
Use the dot11 extension aironet command to enable Aironet extensions if they are disabled.
Command Purpose
Step 1 configure terminal Enter global configuration mode.
Step 2 interface dot11radio {0 | 1slot/port} Enter interface configuration mode for the radio interface. The
2.4-GHz radio is radio 0, and the 5-GHz radio is radio 1.
The 802.11n 2.4-GHz radio is radio 0
The 802.11n 5-GHz radio is radio 1.
Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide for Cisco Aironet Access Points
Chapter 6 Configuring Radio Settings
Enabling and Disabling Reliable Multicast to Workgroup Bridges
Command Purpose
Step 3 payload-encapsulation Set the encapsulation transformation method to RFC 1042
(rfc1042, the default setting) or 802.1h (dot1h).
rfc1042 | dot1h
Step 4 end Return to privileged EXEC mode.
Step 5 copy running-config startup-config (Optional) Save your entries in the configuration file.
Note This feature is best suited for use with stationary workgroup bridges. Mobile workgroup bridges might
encounter spots in the wireless device's coverage area where they do not receive multicast packets and
lose communication with the wireless device even though they are still associated to it.
A Cisco Aironet Workgroup Bridge provides a wireless LAN connection for up to eight
Ethernet-enabled devices.
Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide for Cisco Aironet Access Points
Chapter 6 Configuring Radio Settings
Enabling and Disabling Reliable Multicast to Workgroup Bridges
Beginning in privileged EXEC mode, follow these steps to configure the encapsulation transformation
Note To configure reliable multicast forwarding, this configuration should be done on the AP, and not on the
workgroup bridge.
Command Purpose
Step 1 configure terminal Enter global configuration mode.
Step 2 interface dot11radio {0 | 1} Enter interface configuration mode for the 2.4-GHz radio
Step 3 infrastructure-client Enable reliable multicast messages to workgroup bridges.
Step 4 end Return to privileged EXEC mode.
Step 5 copy running-config startup-config (Optional) Save your entries in the configuration file.
Use the no form of the command to disable reliable multicast messages to workgroup bridges.
The workgroup bridge will start receiving the multicast frame and then the unicast copy of the same
frame, which results in duplication of frames at the receiver level and is therefore inefficient.
To configure the workgroup bridge to consider only the multicast frame or the unicast copy at the
workgroup bridge radio level, use the following commands:
Command Purpose
station-role workgroup-bridge You can set either one of the following:
multicast mode
• Client—Client-mode accepts only 3-MAC address header
{client | infrastructure} mulitcast packets
• Infrastructure—Infrastructure-mode accepts only 4-MAC
address header multicast packets
If you set reliable multicast on the AP, then you are
recommended to use infrastructure at workgroup bridge level.
If you do not set reliable multicast at the AP, use client at the
workgroup bridge level.
For example, the following command uses infrastructure at the workgroup bridge level:
WGB(config-if)# station-role workgroup-bridge multicast mode infrastructure
Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide for Cisco Aironet Access Points
Chapter 6 Configuring Radio Settings
Enabling and Disabling Public Secure Packet Forwarding
Note To prevent communication between clients associated to different access points, you must set up
protected ports on the switch to which the wireless devices are connected. See the “Configuring
Protected Ports” section on page 6-35 for instructions on setting up protected ports.
To enable and disable PSPF using CLI commands on the wireless device, you use bridge groups. You
can find a detailed explanation of bridge groups and instructions for implementing them in this
• Cisco IOS Bridging and IBM Networking Configuration Guide, Release 12.2. Click this link to
browse to the Configuring Transparent Bridging chapter:
You can also enable and disable PSPF using the web-browser interface. The PSPF setting is on the Radio
Settings pages.
PSPF is disabled by default. Beginning in privileged EXEC mode, follow these steps to enable PSPF:
Command Purpose
Step 1 configure terminal Enter global configuration mode.
Step 2 interface dot11radio {0 | 1slot/port} Enter interface configuration mode for the radio interface. The
2.4-GHz radio is radio 0, and the 5-GHz radio is radio 1.
The 802.11n 2.4-GHz radio is radio 0
The 802.11n 5-GHz radio is radio 1.
Step 3 bridge-group group port-protected Enable PSPF.
Step 4 end Return to privileged EXEC mode.
Step 5 copy running-config startup-config (Optional) Save your entries in the configuration file.
Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide for Cisco Aironet Access Points
Chapter 6 Configuring Radio Settings
Enabling and Disabling Public Secure Packet Forwarding
Command Purpose
Step 1 configure terminal Enter global configuration mode.
Step 2 interface interface-id Enter interface configuration mode, and enter the type and
number of the switchport interface to configure, such as
Step 3 switchport protected Configure the interface to be a protected port.
Step 4 end Return to privileged EXEC mode.
Step 5 show interfaces interface-id Verify your entries.
Step 6 copy running-config startup-config (Optional) Save your entries in the configuration file.
To disable protected port, use the no switchport protected interface configuration command. This
command is only valid at an individual switch level. It does not isolate APs connected to different
switches. You can use this command on ports to all APs on a given switch among which you do not want
communication to occur. Alternatively, you can use private VLAN configuration for the AP.
Note When using wireless domain services (WDS), make sure not to block communication between the APs
and their WDS.
For detailed information on configuring private VLANs and on protected ports and port blocking, see
the Catalyst 3750 Software Configuration Guide, at the following URL:
Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide for Cisco Aironet Access Points
Chapter 6 Configuring Radio Settings
Configuring the Beacon Period and the DTIM
Command Purpose
Step 1 configure terminal Enter global configuration mode.
Step 2 interface dot11radio {0 | 1slot/port} Enter interface configuration mode for the radio interface.
The 2.4-GHz radio and the 802.11n 2.4-GHz radio is 0.
The 5-GHz radio and the 802.11n 5-GHz radio is 1.
Step 3 beacon period value Set the beacon period in the range 20 to 4000. Enter a value in
Step 4 beacon dtim-period value Set the DTIM in the range 1 to 100. Enter a value in
Step 5 end Return to privileged EXEC mode.
Step 6 copy running-config startup-config (Optional) Save your entries in the configuration file.
Command Purpose
Step 1 configure terminal Enter global configuration mode.
Step 2 interface dot11radio {0 | 1slot/port} Enter interface configuration mode for the radio interface.
The 2.4-GHz radio and the 2.4-GHz 802.11n radio is 0.
The 5-GHz radio and the 5-GHz 802.11n radio is 1.
Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide for Cisco Aironet Access Points
Chapter 6 Configuring Radio Settings
Configuring the Maximum Data Packet Retries
Command Purpose
Step 3 rts threshold value Set the RTS threshold. Enter an RTS threshold from 0 to
Step 4 rts retries value Set the maximum RTS retries. Enter a setting from 1 to 128.
Step 5 end Return to privileged EXEC mode.
Step 6 copy running-config startup-config (Optional) Save your entries in the configuration file.
Use the no form of the command to reset the RTS settings to defaults.
Command Purpose
Step 1 configure terminal Enter global configuration mode.
Step 2 interface dot11radio {0 | 1slot/port} Enter interface configuration mode for the radio interface.
The 2.4-GHz radio and the 2.4-GHz 802.11n radio is 0.
The 5-GHz radio and the 5-GHz 802.11n radio is 1.
Step 3 packet retries value [drop-packet] Set the maximum data retries. Enter a setting from 1 to 128.
If the drop-packet option is used, the device stops trying to send
the current packet, and moves on to try sending the next packet
in the queue, without disconnecting.
When the drop-packet option is not used, the wireless device
determines that the link is not usable anymore, stops trying to
send the current packet and terminates the connection.
Step 4 end Return to privileged EXEC mode.
Step 5 copy running-config startup-config (Optional) Save your entries in the configuration file.
Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide for Cisco Aironet Access Points
Chapter 6 Configuring Radio Settings
Configuring the Fragmentation Threshold
Command Purpose
Step 1 configure terminal Enter global configuration mode.
Step 2 interface dot11radio {0 | 1slot/port} Enter interface configuration mode for the radio interface.
The 2.4-GHz radio and the 2.4-GHz 802.11n radio is 0.
The 5-GHz radio and the 5-GHz 802.11n radio is 1.
Step 3 fragment-threshold value Set the fragmentation threshold. Enter a setting from 256 to
2346 bytes for the 2.4-GHz radio. Enter a setting from 256 to
2346 bytes for the 5-GHz radio.
Step 4 end Return to privileged EXEC mode.
Step 5 copy running-config startup-config (Optional) Save your entries in the configuration file.
Beginning in privileged EXEC mode, follow these steps to configure the CCA threshold:
Command Purpose
Step 1 configure terminal Enter global configuration mode.
Step 2 interface dot11radio {0 | 1slot/port} Enter interface configuration mode for the radio interface.
The 2.4-GHz radio and the 2.4-GHz 802.11n radio is 0.
The 5-GHz radio and the 5-GHz 802.11n radio is 1.
Step 3 cca-threshold value Configure the CCA threshold for the radio interface.
The CCA threshold value range is from 30 to 100, which means
-100dBm to -30 dBm.
Step 4 end Return to privileged EXEC mode.
Step 5 copy running-config startup-config (Optional) Save your entries in the configuration file.
Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide for Cisco Aironet Access Points
Chapter 6 Configuring Radio Settings
Configuring the RX-SOP Threshold
Beginning in privileged EXEC mode, follow these steps to configure the Receiver Start of Packet
Detection (RX-SOP) threshold:
Command Purpose
Step 1 configure terminal Enter global configuration mode.
Step 2 interface dot11radio {0 | 1slot/port} Enter interface configuration mode for the radio interface.
The 2.4-GHz radio and the 2.4-GHz 802.11n radio is 0.
The 5-GHz radio and the 5-GHz 802.11n radio is 1.
Step 3 rxsop-threshold value Configure the RX-SOP threshold for the radio interface.
The RX-SOP threshold value range is from 60 to 100, which
means -100dBm to -60 dBm.
Step 4 end Return to privileged EXEC mode.
Step 5 copy running-config startup-config (Optional) Save your entries in the configuration file.
Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide for Cisco Aironet Access Points
Chapter 6 Configuring Radio Settings
Performing a Carrier Busy Test
For interface-number, enter dot11radio 0 to run the test on the 2.4-GHz radio, or enter dot11radio 1 to
run the test on the 5-GHz radio.
Note The interface must be enabled for the carrier busy test to be performed.
Use the show dot11 carrier busy command to re-display the carrier busy test results.
ap#dot11 dot11Radio 1 carrier busy
ap#show dot11 carrier busy
Frequency Carrier Busy %
--------- --------------
5180 2
5200 0
5220 2
5240 1
5260 1
5280 0
5300 1
5320 0
5500 0
5520 0
5540 0
5560 0
5580 0
5660 0
5680 0
5700 0
5745 0
5765 0
5785 0
5805 0
5825 0
Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide for Cisco Aironet Access Points
Chapter 6 Configuring Radio Settings
Configuring VoIP Packet Handling
Note You may also configure the CoS 4 (Controlled Load) user priority and its maximum retries value.
You can also configure VoIP packet handling using the CLI. For a list of Cisco IOS commands for
configuring VoIP packet handling using the CLI, consult the Cisco IOS Command Reference for Cisco
Aironet Access Points and Bridges.
Once you have defined the retry level, you can also configure the speed at which those frames should be
sent. This is done at the bottom of the page, in the Low Latency Packet Rates section. You can set each
rate to:
• Nominal—The AP will try to use this rate to send the Low Latency Packets (using the faster rate
first, and of course depending on the client signal level).
• Non-nominal—The AP will try not to use that rate, but will revert to it if no nominal rate is possible.
• Disabled—The AP will not try to use that rate.
From the CLI, use radio interface config commands as follows (The CLI commands offer more options
than the GUI page):
packet max-retries number 1 number 2 fail-threshold number 3 number 4 priority value drop-packet
Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide for Cisco Aironet Access Points
Chapter 6 Configuring Radio Settings
Configuring VoIP Packet Handling
In this example, the AP tries to resend each packet of priority level 6 three times (number one = 3). If
more than 100 consecutive packets (number three = 100) fail to the same destination, the AP sends each
consecutive packet to that destination only once (number two = 0). If 500 more packets (number four =
500) fail to that same destination, the AP disconnects that client.
When using the GUI, number one is defined manually (default is 3). Number 2 defaults to 0, number 3
defaults to 100 and number 4 defaults to 500. These numbers can then be changed from the CLI.
ap(config-if)#packet max-retries ?
<0-128> # packet retries before dropping pkt if first fail-threshold not
ap(config-if)#packet max-retries 3 ?
<0-128> # packet retries before dropping pkt if 2nd fail-threshold not
ap(config-if)#packet max-retries 3 0 ?
fail-threshold maximum # consecutive dropped packets thresholds
ap(config-if)#packet max-retries 3 0 fa
ap(config-if)#packet max-retries 3 0 fail-threshold ?
<0-1000> # consecutive dropped packets before switching max-retries
Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide for Cisco Aironet Access Points
Chapter 6 Configuring Radio Settings
Configuring ClientLink
Low latency Packet rates can also be defined at the interface level, using the following command which
defines the nominal rates and the allowed rates to use:
traffic-stream priority value sta-rates {[nominal rates] | [rates]}
ap(config-if)# traffic-stream priority 6 sta-rates ?
12.0 Allow 12.0 Mb/s rate
18.0 Allow 18.0 Mb/s rate
24.0 Allow 24.0 Mb/s rate
36.0 Allow 36.0 Mb/s rate
48.0 Allow 48.0 Mb/s rate
54.0 Allow 54.0 Mb/s rate
6.0 Allow 6.0 Mb/s rate
9.0 Allow 9.0 Mb/s rate
nom-12.0 Allow Nominal 12.0 Mb/s rate
nom-18.0 Allow Nominal 18.0 Mb/s rate
nom-24.0 Allow Nominal 24.0 Mb/s rate
nom-36.0 Allow Nominal 36.0 Mb/s rate
nom-48.0 Allow Nominal 48.0 Mb/s rate
nom-54.0 Allow Nominal 54.0 Mb/s rate
nom-6.0 Allow Nominal 6.0 Mb/s rate
nom-9.0 Allow Nominal 9.0 Mb/s rate
ap(config-if)# traffic-stream priority 6 sta-rates nom-5.5 nom-11.0 nom-6.0 9.0 nom-12.0
For the voice queue (UP 6 specifically), you can also use the interface command packet speed to
determine the rates allowed to use to send packets in the voice queue:
packet speed 5.5 11.0 6.0 9.0 12.0 24.0 priority 6
Notice that the packet speed command focuses on defining the allowed rates, while the command
traffic-stream priority also defines the preferred rates among the allowed rates. If you use both
commands for the voice queue, the rates defined as nominal in the traffic stream priority command are
tried first, then non nominal rates and packet speed rates are attempted.
Configuring ClientLink
Cisco ClientLink (referred to as Beam Forming) is an intelligent beamforming technology that directs
the RF signal to 802.11a/g devices to improve performance by 65%, improve coverage by up to 27%
percent, and reduce coverage holes.
Cisco ClientLink helps extend the useful life of existing 802.11a/g devices in mixed-client networks and
802.11n clients supporting only one traffic stream. It is beneficial for organizations that move to 802.11n
and want to ensure that all clients on the network, regardless of type, are guaranteed the bandwidth and
throughput they need.
Note CLientLink Ver 1 supports 802.11 a/g devices and ClientLink Ver 2 supports 802.11 a/g devices and
802.11n devices with one spatial stream.
Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide for Cisco Aironet Access Points
Chapter 6 Configuring Radio Settings
Debugging Radio Functions
Note ClientLink is not supported on the 1040, 702 series access points.
Note Currently the ClientLink configuration option is not available through GUI.
To determine the threshold from which you start doing ClientLink, use the following command:
ap(config-if)# beamform rssi 30to128-rssi-threshold-in-dBm
ClientLink is disabled by default. Additional details can be found on at the following URL:
Syntax Description
events Activates debugging of all radio related events
packets Activates debugging of radio packets received and
forwarding Activates debugging of radio forwarded packets
mgmt Activates debugging of radio access point
management activity
network-map Activates debugging of radio association
management network map
syslog Activates debugging of radio system log
virtual interface Activates debugging of radio virtual interfaces
Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide for Cisco Aironet Access Points
Chapter 6 Configuring Radio Settings
802.11r Configuration
This example shows how to begin debugging of the radio system log:
AP# debug dot11 syslog
This example shows how to stop debugging of all radio related events:
AP# no debug dot11 events
802.11r Configuration
802.11r enables fast roaming across access point in the same subnet using Wireless Domain Service.
When you enable 802.11r, a Mobility Domain Information Element (MDIE) is advertised in the AP
beacons. The same MDIE is announced by all APs associated to the same WDS. The last 2 bytes of the
WDS BVI IP address (IPv4 or Ipv6) is used as MDIE. 802.11r compatible clients use this MDIE to
identify APs belonging to the same domain and between which fast roaming is possible.
For a client to move from its current AP to a target AP utilizing the FT protocols, the message exchanges
are performed using one of two methods:
• Over-the-Air—The client communicates directly with the target AP using IEEE 802.11
authentication with the FT authentication algorithm. To set this, use the command:
ap(config-if)#dot11 dot11r pre-authentication over-air
• Over-the-DS—The client communicates with the target AP via the current AP. The communication
between the client and the target AP is carried in FT action frames between the client and the current
AP, and is then sent through the WDS to the target AP. To set this, use the command:
ap(config-if)#dot11 dot11r pre-authentication over-ds
On an AP radio, you can enable 802.11r support, and decide if roaming dialog should occur over the air
(default) or over the DS, and also configure the maximum time allowed for a client to complete the
roaming transaction. The maximum time allowed for a client to complete the roaming transaction is
called Re-association Timer. This timer allows you to add security to your network by preventing
attackers from opening many 802.11r transactions without completing any of them, which can overload
the AP. You can set this timer using the following command:
ap(config-if)#dot11 dot11r reassociation-time value 20to1200-timeout-value-in-milli-seconds
Example:Enable 802.11r, with authentication over the DS, and re-association time value of 200 ms.
aap(config-if)#dot11 dot11r pre-authentication over-ds
ap(config-if)#dot11 dot11r reassociation-time value 200
Note Test 802.11r before implementing it into your network. Some non-802.11r clients do not support 802.11r
MDIE and do not operate well in 802.11r environments.
Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide for Cisco Aironet Access Points
Chapter 6 Configuring Radio Settings
Setting Traffic Rate Limits for an SSID and Radio Interface
For information on configuring multiple SSIDs, see Chapter 7, “Configuring Multiple SSIDs”.
For information on VLANs, see Chapter 14, “Configuring VLANs”.
As part of Quality of Service (QoS) feature, a rate limiting feature which limits the input or output
transmission rate of a class of traffic based on user-defined criteria is present. See Chapter 15,
“Configuring QoS”, for more information on that.
To configure via the GUI, go to Security > SSID Manager. Under the Rate Limit Parameters section,
you can limit input or output traffic for TCP or UDP, as required. You can also specify the rate and
burst-size in each case.
To view the statistics of rate limits, for each ssid configured on a given interface, use the command
show interface dot11radio {0 | 1} qos-info
To clear the statistics counters, use the command clear counters dot11Radio {0 | 1}
To view the rate limit statistics via the GUI, go to Network > Network Interface > Radio0-802.11N
2.4GHz or Radio1-802.11N 5GHz. To clear the statistics, click Clear.
Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide for Cisco Aironet Access Points