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Touch N’ Go®

The Desktop In-and-Out Board

100+ User Enterprise Edition
Version 2.16/2.32

User Guide

Touch N’ Go Systems, Inc.

Copyright 1996 – 1998
All Rights Reserved
Table of Contents

Network Operation ..........................................4
Installation .......................................................5
Server Installation .....................................7
Workstation Installation ..........................13
Getting Started ..............................................20
Admin Option.................................................21
Add Out Time – Logging – Military Time -
Return Time ............................................22
Administrators Admin..............................23
Group Admin ..........................................24
Remarks Admin ......................................26
User Admin .............................................27
Print Log – Reporting ..............................30
Purge Action Log ....................................33
Mass Check Out .....................................34
File Menu Option ...........................................34
Update (F5).............................................35
Find (F2) .................................................35
Show Mini/Detail Screens (F3) ...............35
Print Status Report .................................35
Edit WorkGroups ........................... 36 & 37
Settings ...................................................36
Colors .....................................................37

Table of Contents

Edit WorkGroups .......................................37

Adding WorkGroups .............................38
Adding Capacity ...................................39
Adding New WorkGroups .....................41
WorkGroup Menu Option ..........................42
Display Screens .........................................43
Detailed Display Screen .......................44
Mini Display Screen ..............................45
Tips and Tricks ..........................................48
Permission Notes .................................48
Installation & Startup Tips ....................49
Special Notes .......................................50
Creative Ideas ......................................52
Shortcuts – Keystrokes ........................52
The Clock ..................................................53
Company Information ................................54

Part No. Ent2.16/32tman 7-21-98


Touch N’ Go Enterprise Edition is an easy-to-

use software program primarily designed to display
and track the in or out status of employees in small to
large-size offices (up to 2,000 users). Unlike the stan-
dard in and out wall or hard boards used in offices for
years, Touch N’ Go Enterprise Edition operates

Any user on your network can display the

Touch N’ Go In-and-Out Board using the Detailed
Display Screen or the Mini Display Screen.

Touch N' Go Enterprise Edition is designed

to track multiple WorkGroups (a WorkGroup is a 100
users) over a Local Area Network or Wide Area Net-
work environment. The total user tracking capability
of the Enterprise Edition is 20 WorkGroups or 2,000


The Touch N' Go Enterprise Edition has

been tested and will run successfully under the follow-
ing network operating systems: Novell, LANtastic,
OS/2, Windows NT Server 3.5+, Windows for Work-
Groups 3.11, Windows NT Workstation 3.51+, Win-
dows 95, Windows 98, and other Windows compatible
networks. (See Permission Notes 3 and 4 on page
48 for LANtastic and Novell environments).

For each WorkGroup, Touch N' Go Enterprise

Edition requires a unique directory on a networked

fileserver or a shared directory containing the neces-
sary Touch N’ Go program files and central data-

The Touch N’ Go database file is updated as

individual changes are made from the workstations.
Then once every minute, or an interval set by the indi-
vidual user, the workstation program queries the data-
base file and updates all changes made by users con-
nected to the network on the user’s monitor display.

The Enterprise Edition allows for both 16 and/

or 32 bit server and workstation installations to oper-
ate in network environments with a mixed Windows


During the installation, you will be prompted for

information and kept informed of each step of the
setup process.

You must have a local or a wide area network

in order for this program to function. Users will need
read, write, and execute privileges in the directory
where the Touch N’ Go Enterprise Edition data and
program files reside (see additional notes in Permis-
sion Notes in Tips and Tricks for LANtastic and
Novell networks regarding privileges and attributes).
The installer will need the appropriate rights to install
the program into the directory.

You will need 25 megabytes of disk space for

the server and workstation installations. The amount
of disk space that will be used after installation is de-
pendent on each machine’s existing program files
found in the windows\system or \system32 directory.

The Backup directory created during installa-

tion can range from a few kilobytes to approximately
17.24 megabytes of hard drive space. The backup
directory maybe deleted later if all applications are
running correctly.

The program files being added or replaced in

the windows directories can be from a few kilobytes to
approximately 15.17 megabytes.

The Touch N’ Go Enterprise Edition “Server”

program, the “TNGSVR” directory, will occupy ap-
proximately 2.07 megabytes for the 32 bit setup and
1.63 megabytes for the 16 bit setup of hard drive
space after installation. You should allow for addi-
tional space to add user names, remarks, and if your
organization is going to track the In-and-Out activity.

The Workstation “TNGWRK” directory will use

approximately 1.62 megabytes for a 32 bit setup and
1.19 megabytes for the 16 bit setup of hard drive

Proper installation requires the “server” pro-

gram to be installed first. For all installations, it is
preferable to install in a freshly restarted machine with
all applications closed.

A freshly restarted machine usually guarantees

that all programming files that were used from other
applications are removed from cache memory and will
prevent “file in use” messages during installation.

You will need to install the Server program into
a directory that all workstations can access and is
made available whenever you would like Touch N’ Go
Enterprise Edition to function. Users will need read,
write, and execute privileges to the Touch N’ Go
server directory.

The Installation Wizard will prompt you for the

installation type (a 16 or 32 bit operating system) and
which components to install (Server or Workstation).

You may copy the setup information from the

Touch N’ Go CD (or the diskettes) into a shared di-
rectory and install the program over the network at the


Before beginning the installation, login as a

user that has full read, write, and installation privi-
leges for the directory you will be installing into.
You must install Touch N' Go Enterprise Edition
into a directory that each user can read-from,
write-to, and execute-programs in.

The Touch N' Go Server program must be in-

stalled first on the server or a shared directory before
the Touch N’ Go workstation installations. You can
copy the setup.exe from the Touch N’ Go CD into a
shared directory to run the installation over the net-
work or run the installation from the Touch N’ Go CD.
The Touch N’ Go CD does have an autorun feature.

When installing the “Server” program, it is best

to install the program at the Server machine (unless

you have a Novell network). Be sure all other applica-
tions are shutdown prior to installation.

• Win95/98 and WinNT4+: Place the Touch N’ Go

CD in the CD-ROM. The autorun will bring up the
installation screen. Or choose Start menu, choose
Run, input the appropriate drive letter and type in
setup.exe ==> d:\setup.exe or a:\setup.exe if in-
stalling from diskettes.

◊ Win3.11 and WinNT3.5: Place the Touch N’ Go

CD in the CD-ROM. The autorun will bring up the
installation screen. Or go to the Program Man-
ager, choose File, then Run and input the appro-
priate drive letter and type in setup.exe ==> d:
\setup.exe or a:\setup.exe if installing from disk-

The following numbered steps represents the

sequence of installation screens that will pop-up dur-
ing the setup.

1) The installation starts with the Select Installa-

tion type dialog box. Select either the 32 or 16 bit
program setup (if the machine is Windows 3.11, you
must choose the 16 bit program). If you need to ter-
minate the installation, choose the Cancel button, oth-
erwise, choose OK to proceed.

2) The End User License agreement screen al-
lows you to review the terms of using the Touch N’
Go Enterprise Edition software program. If you
agree with the terms, choose OK. If you don’t agree
with the terms, choose Cancel to terminate the instal-

3) A Welcome screen appears recommending to

close all applications before installing the Touch N’
Go program. You can switch to another program by
using ALT+TAB and properly close the application to
insure a clean installation. This is very important!
(Especially in the Win95 environment).

Choose NEXT to continue, or Cancel to termi-

nate the installation.

4) Start Installation verifies you are ready to in-

stall the Touch N’ Go Enterprise Edition. Choose
NEXT to continue, or Cancel to terminate the installa-

5) The dialog box - Select Components to In-

stall prompts you for the type of installation you will
be performing – the Server or Workstation installation.
Select Server, choose OK to continue, or Cancel to
terminate the installation.

6) The Select Destination Directory offers a de-
fault drive and directory name where you can install
the Enterprise Server program and database files.
You may select another drive; and select or create an-
other directory appropriate for your organization.

The directory must have

read, write and execute privi-
leges for all users (see Tips
and Tricks for Lantastic and
Novell networks). The direc-
tory name must be eight
characters or less if you
have 16 bit workstations on
the network.

Choose OK when the information is correct in

the Destination Directory box to continue the installa-
tion, or Cancel to terminate the setup.

Record the server name and directory

where you are installing the Touch N’ Go Enter-
prise Edition application files. You will need this
information when you are installing the worksta-
tion program.

7) The dialog box – Make Backups? prompts you

whether or not to create backup copies of all files that
may be replaced in the \system or \system32 directory
during the installation.

8) If you choose Yes to backup the program files,
the Select Backup Directory screen offers the de-
fault directory \BACKUP as a subdirectory to the
Server directory created in step 6 ==> C:\TNGSVR
\BACKUP (if you selected the defaults). You may
change the default by choosing the appropriate drive,
and choosing or creating a directory.

Select OK to con-
tinue the installation, or
CANCEL to terminate the

9) An Installing progress indicator screen will ap-

pear followed by a screen letting you know the system
files are being updated.

If you receive “file in use” messages during this

part of the installation, you have two choices. You
can choose ignore and continue with the installation
and the program may work without any problems. Or
you can terminate the installation, restart the machine
with no applications running to clear up cache mem-
ory, and reinstall the Touch N’ Go setup for a clean
installation. It is recommended to terminate the instal-
lation, restart the computer with all programs closed,
and reinstall the program.

10) The Select Program Manager Group will pre-
sent the default choice of Touch N’ Go as the pro-
gram group name where the Touch N’ Go Server Ex-
ecutable, Resource Monitor (16 bit version only), and
the Uninstall shortcut icons will be placed. You may
choose an existing group listed in the box below the
default name, or type in a new program group name.

• Win95/98 and WinNT4+: the Program Group in-

formation will be placed in the Start - Programs
menu selection area. This is also found in Win-
dows\Start Menu\Programs directory.

◊ Win3.11 or WinNT3.5: you may want to place the

Touch N’ Go executable icon into the Startup
Group or another application group.

Choose OK when finished to continue the in-

stallation, or Cancel to terminate the installation.

11) The Installation Complete screen verifies the

Touch N’ Go Enterprise Server has been successfully
installed. Select Finish to exit the installation screen.

After the Installation Completed screen, the

Touch N’ Go Application Group will be displayed
showing the three icons: the Uninstall Touch N’ Go
should you choose to remove the program at a later
date; the Touch N’ Go Enterprise Server which will
execute the program; and the Resource Monitor (16
bit version only) which displays resource usage
should you desire to view this type of information.

This is the program group for the Touch N’ Go

32 bit server installation:

This is the program group for the Touch N’ Go

16 bit server installation:


The Touch N’ Go Server installation must be

performed prior to the Workstation installation.

During the Workstation installation you will be
prompted to create backup files of the windows
\system or \system32 files that may be up-dated dur-
ing Touch N’ Go Enterprise Edition installation. It is
recommended that you create the backup directory.
The amount of disk space the backup directory needs
is dependent on which Windows program files will be
replaced from the windows\system or \system32 di-
rectory (see page 6). The backup directory can be
deleted later if all applications are running properly.

Install the workstation setup on each worksta-

tion that will be running Touch N’ Go Enterprise Edi-
tion. You may copy the setup.exe from the Touch N’
Go CD or all information from the diskettes into a pub-
lic directory that all workstations can access and in-
stall the Touch N’ Go Enterprise Edition program
over the network.

Prior to the workstation installation, be sure the

workstation has a mapped network drive to the com-
puter that has the Touch N’ Go server program. You
will be prompted for this information during the work-
station installation.

If you are installing over the network, browse to

the directory where the setup.exe file is located and
double click on setup.exe. Otherwise, place the CD
or Diskette 1 into the appropriate workstation drive.

• Win95/98 and WinNT4.+: Place the Touch N’ Go

CD in the CD-ROM. The autorun will bring up the
installation screen. Or choose Start menu, then
Run, input the drive letter and type in setup.exe
==> d:\setup.exe or a:\setup.exe if installing from
◊ Win3.11 and WinNT3.5: Place the Touch N’ Go
CD in the CD-ROM. The autorun will bring up the
installation screen. Or go into Program Manager,
choose File, then Run and input the appropriate
drive letter and type in setup.exe ==> d:\setup.exe
or a:\setup.exe if installing from diskettes.

The following numbered steps represents the

sequence of installation screens that will pop-up dur-
ing the setup.

1) The installation starts with the Select Installa-

tion type dialog box. Select either the 32 or 16 bit
program setup (if the machine is Windows 3.11, you
must choose the 16 bit program). If you need to ter-
minate the installation, choose the Cancel button, oth-
erwise, choose OK to proceed.

2) The End User License agreement screen al-

lows you to review the terms of using the Touch N’
Go Enterprise Edition software program. If you
agree with the terms, choose OK. If you don’t agree
with the terms, choose Cancel to terminate the instal-

3) A Welcome screen appears recommending to
close all applications before installing the Touch N’
Go program. You can switch to another program by
using ALT+TAB and properly close the application to
insure a clean installation. This is very important!
(Especially in the Win95 environment).

Choose NEXT to continue, or Cancel to termi-

nate the installation.

4) Start Installation verifies you are ready to in-

stall the Touch N’ Go Enterprise Edition. Choose
NEXT to continue, or Cancel to terminate the installa-

5) The dialog box - Select Components to In-

stall prompts you for the type of installation you will
be performing – the Server or Workstation installation.
Select Workstation, choose OK to continue, or Can-
cel to terminate the installation.

6) The Select Destination Directory offers a de-

fault drive and directory name where the Workstation
program will be created. You may accept the default
information, or change the drive, and change or cre-

ate a directory. OK will continue the installation, and
Cancel will terminate the installation.

7) The dialog box – Make Backups? prompts you

whether or not to create backup copies of all files that
may be replaced in the \system or \system32 directory
during the installation. It is recommended that you
make the Backup.

8) If you choose Yes to backup the program files,

the Select Backup Directory screen offers the de-
fault directory \BACKUP as a subdirectory to the
Workstation directory (TNGWRK) created in step 8
==> i.e. C:\Program Files\tngwrk\BACKUP. You may
change the default by choosing the appropriate drive,
and choosing or creating another directory.

9) The Server Must Be Installed First screen is

a reminder that you will need the drive and directory
information where the Touch N’ Go Enterprise Edi-
tion server program resides. The destination direc-
tory chosen must be the directory that was cre-
ated during the server installation. OK will con-
tinue to the next screen, and Cancel will terminate in-

10) The Select Server Directory requires that you
select the drive and directory where the Touch N’ Go
Enterprise Edition Server program resides. OK will
continue the installation, and Cancel will terminate in-

11) An Installing progress indicator screen will ap-

pear followed by a screen letting you know the system
files are being updated.

If you receive “file in use” messages during this

part of the installation, you have two choices. You
can choose ignore and continue with the installation
and the program may work without any problems. Or
you can terminate the installation, restart the machine
with no applications running to clear up cache mem-
ory, and reinstall the Touch N’ Go setup for a clean
installation. It is recommended to terminate the instal-
lation, restart the computer with all programs closed,
and reinstall the program.

12) The Select Program Manager Group will pre-

sent the default choice of Touch N’ Go as the pro-
gram group name where the Touch N’ Go Worksta-

tion Executable, Resource Monitor (16 bit version
only), and the Uninstall shortcut icons will be placed.
You may choose an existing group listed in the box
below the default name, or type in a new program
group name.

• Win95/98 and WinNT4+: the Program Group in-

formation will be placed in the Start - Programs
menu selection area. This is also found in Win-
dows\Start Menu\Programs directory.

◊ Win3.11 or WinNT3.5: you may want to place the

Touch N’ Go executable icon into the Startup
Group or another application group.

Choose OK when finished to continue the in-

stallation, or Cancel to terminate the installation.

11) The Installation Complete screen verifies that

the Touch N’ Go Enterprise Workstation has been
successfully installed. Select Finish to exit the instal-
lation screen.

After the Installation Completed screen, the

Touch N’ Go Application Group will be displayed
showing the three icons: the Uninstall Touch N’ Go
should you choose to remove the program at a later
date; the Touch N’ Go Enterprise Workstation which
will execute the program; and the Resource Monitor
(only installed with the 16 bit version) which displays
resource usage should you desire to view this type of

This is the program group for the Touch N’ Go
32 bit workstation installation:

This is the program group for the Touch N’ Go

16 bit workstation installation:


Once the Touch N’ Go Enterprise Edition has

been installed on your computer, you are ready to use
it. Double click on the Touch N’ Go Enterprise Edi-
tion icon to start the program.

Your initial Touch N’ Go Enterprise Edition

window will look similar to the following illustration.

You will be editing from this display window

(the Detailed Display screen) to change and add de-
partments, employee names, remarks, and adjust pro-

gram network settings for your organization. If you
are an assigned Touch N’ Go Administrator, editing
can be done at the server or at any workstation run-
ning Touch N‘ Go (which is the preferred method).

Changes are immediately seen on the com-

puter where the change is made, and will appear on
all other networked workstations during the refresh in-
terval set by the individual user (a one minute interval
is the default setting) or immediately if F5 is pressed
by the users on the network.

ADMIN Option

Before you can edit users, departments, re-

marks, and program settings, you will need to choose
Admin option found in the File menu.

The Admin drop down menu is password pro-

tected. The first time the Admin option is initialized
after starting the program, the System Security login
screen offers the default Admin and password --
choose OK.

Now choose Admin option again to see the

drop down Admin menu selections. You are now
ready to start editing any of the Admin features.

The last four selections of the Admin drop-
down menu are network settings that are enabled
(checked) or disabled (unchecked).

Add Out Time is disabled by default (not

checked) which means there will be no time informa-
tion noted in the remarks field when checking OUT or
IN* (in but unavailable). If you want all OUT and IN*
remarks time stamped, select the Add Out Time to
enable (check mark is noted) this network setting.

Log Enabled is enabled (checked) by default,

and will track all the in-and-out activity of all users, in-
cluding remarks, and the date and time of the status
changes. If you don’t want this option enabled, simply
select it, and it will be disabled (no check mark is

Military Time (24 hour clock) is disabled by de-

fault, and can be enabled by selecting it to convert it
from standard time.

Returned Time Required is disabled by de-

fault. When enabled, Returned Time Required
prompts all users while checking OUT for return time
information if they do not input information into this

field. The user will not be able to check OUT if no re-
turn information is noted in the Return When box.

Once the Admin function has been initialized,

you can edit Groups, Users, Remarks, enable/disable
settings, print reports of the in-and-out activity, purge
historical in-and-out information, move users from one
department to another, and quickly check all users out
with the Mass Check Out option.

The rest of the selections in the Admin option:

Mass Checkout, Administrators Admin, User Admin,
Group Admin, Remarks Admin, Print Log, and Purge
Action Log will be described in detail in the sections to


Touch N’ Go’s Administrative capabilities are

designed to be performed from any workstation set-up
rather than using the “server” program.

The Administrators Admin allows you to add

or edit all personnel (and their passwords) who will
have permission to Administer the changes to the
Touch N’ Go Enterprise Edition.

Adding Administrators: Select the File
menu, choose Admin then Administrators Admin from
the drop down menu. Select the Add button in the
Admin window then input an Administrator’s login
name that is 12 characters or less and a password
(passwords are case sensitive). The assigned Ad-
ministrators can change their passwords later to main-
tain security if that is an issue in your organization se-
lect OK when finished.

Please test a name and password before you

disable the default Admin and password by editing or
deleting it from the Administrator’s list.

Whenever you activate the Admin option after

starting the program, the Administrator’s Login screen
will show “Admin” and the password ********* (even if
it was deleted). At this point, you will need to input an
Administrator’s name and password. If the default
Admin and password were deleted and you select
OK, you will get an “Unknown Admin User” screen
which denies access to the Admin options.

When you initialize the Admin functions, they

will remain in effect until the Touch N’ Go program is
shutdown. So if you are at a workstation that should
not have access to Admin capabilities, you will need
to restart the Touch N’ Go Enterprise Edition pro-


The Touch N’ Go Enterprise program allows

up to five department or group names. Tab names

appear in numerical then alphabetical order. If you do
not want the departments in alphabetical order, you
may use a combination of numbers and names.

From the File menu, select Admin option then

Group Admin to add, edit or delete department/group

To add a new department or tab: select the

New button and type in the name where prompted.

To edit a tab name: highlight the department

or tab name you want to change, choose Edit, and
type in the new name.

To delete a department name: just highlight

the department and select Delete. If there are
names in the department, you must first move or
delete the names. Otherwise, you will not be able
to delete the department (see page 28 on moving

You may position the department tabs on any

side (top, bottom, right, left) of the Detailed Display
screen. Configuring the department tabs position is a
user definable feature found in the Settings option in
the File menu.

REMARKS Admin- Adding and Editing

The Touch N’ Go Enterprise Edition installs

eight commonly used standard remarks. These re-
marks can be edited, deleted, or you may add more
standard remarks pertinent to your organization’s ac-

There are two methods to add or edit standard

remarks. One is to left double-click the title bar Re-

Double click here

or you can go to the File menu select the Admin op-

tion then select Remarks Admin.

The remarks list is used for both the “OUT” and

“IN*” (In But Unavailable) status information.

**Added Note:
All users while checking OUT or IN* (in but Unavail-
able) will be able to input unique remarks of their own
which will be displayed and won’t be added to the re-
marks box.

In the Settings option, a user can create their
own standard remark and return time remark. These
remarks can be overwritten when changing or updat-
ing their status by typing in the comments.


There are two methods to add and edit users.

One is to double-click on the User title bar,

Double click here;

or from the File menu select Admin option then User


You edit names by dragging the name on to

the Edit button, type in the changes, and choose OK.

To add names, left click on the Add button and
start entering names where prompted. Names appear
in numerical order first then alphabetical order into the
department which they are being input. When you
are ready to input names into another department, se-
lect the department tab you want, and continue add-
ing names.

Deleting a name is a simple process of drag-

ging and dropping the name onto the Delete button.

When you are finished with User Admin select

Close and the screen will return to the Detailed Dis-
play screen. It is important to note that you are still in
the Admin mode so all the Admin capabilities are still

You may move users to another department by

left clicking and dragging the name onto the appropri-
ate blue department form field that appears on the
bottom of the display screen. You do not have to be
in User Admin mode to move personnel, but you do
have to be an assigned Administrator.

After adding users, they will appear as OUT by

default. The Remarks section of the new user will
display ‘Unknown’ and a “ ? ” in the Return section.

OUT: To switch from IN to OUT, left click once on the
IN status button, and the Check Out Here box will
pop-up. (This box will also pop-up when up-dating an
OUT status by left clicking once in the Remark’s field
by the user’s name.)

The Check Out Here Box offers standard re-

marks that can be selected by left clicking on the
down arrow button or you can type in the reason for
being out, then input a return time, and choose OK or
press enter. The background will turn red behind the
user’s name, the button will change to OUT, the
‘Remarks’ field will note the time and remark (if Add
Out Time as been enabled), and the return time infor-

IN: To change the status from OUT or IN* to IN,

just left click once on the OUT or IN* button. Notice
the background color behind the user’s name is
green, the status button notes IN, and the Remarks
box shows IN.

IN*: To switch from IN or OUT to IN* (In But

“Unavailable”), RIGHT click on the status button and
the Unavailable remarks box will pop-up. Select a re-
mark or type in a remark for being unavailable, input a
return time, and choose OK. The background will turn
yellow, the button will change to IN*, the ‘Remarks’

field will note the time (if Add Out Time is enabled),
the status remark, and the return time.

UPDATE OUT OR IN*: To update the status of

an OUT or IN* remark or return time, left click once
on the remarks field box of the person. A Check
Out Here or the Unavailable box will then pop-up.
Make the necessary changes to up-date the status
and choose OK.

For more information on remarks, see the

preceding section REMARKS - ADDING AND ED-
ITING. Also see the chart on page 45 & 47 regard-
ing left and right clicking action on the status but-


If you are tracking the In-and-Out activity of
all users, you may need to generate a report of the
activity log. The Print Log found in the Admin op-
tion of the File menu provides several ways to re-
port the In-and-Out activity of users and groups.

Once you have selected Print Log, the Re-

port Generator screen presents the following op-
tions: all users, a User Report, a Group Report,
and various date ranges to choose from:

If you print a report on all users, which is the
default option, choose the date range you want and
then select Generate Report. A Touch N’ Go Report
preview screen appears at which time you may print
or export the information.

If you need to report on an individual or by de-

partment/group, select the type of report you are
wanting: User Report or Group Report. Select the
*user or *department name, choose the appropriate
date range, and then the Generate Report button.

Generate Report will pop-up the Touch N’ Go
Report preview screen at which time you may print or
export the information.

Zoom options
Export button
Print button

When exporting information, you will be

prompted for the necessary formatting parameters.
Exporting can be used to archive the In-and-Out activ-
ity log prior to purging the In-and-Out information.

*Added Note:
If a user or department name has been changed, only
the activity since the name change will be printed see
item 9 on page 51 regarding name or department
name changes for further information.


When you are ready to delete or purge old In-
and-Out activity information, go to the File menu, se-
lect Admin option then select Purge Action Log.

The Purge log screen will prompt you for the

oldest date to maintain in the database. Input a nu-
meric date with slashes or dashes (i.e. 4-22-98) and
select purge.

A Delete Action screen will confirm that you

want to delete the historical activities – choose YES to
perform the purge, or NO to cancel. An hour glass
will appear while purging. Once the hour glass is
gone, the purge process is completed and you just
close the Purge Log screen.

Prior to purging, if you want to archive the
historical information, you may export the informa-
tion to a spreadsheet or word processing program.
You may also make a copy of the Entrprz.mdb file
as another way to archive.

After purging data, we recommend compact-

ing the Entrprz.mdb file. If you are running the 16
bit version of the Enterprise Edition, run trepair.
exe a utility found in the TNGWRK directory. For
the 32 bit version, run datarep.exe found in the
TNGSVR directory.

Mass Check Out is an Administrative feature
found in the Admin option that will change all IN
status’s to OUT (it will not change users with the
IN* - in but unavailable status).

After selecting Mass Check Out, a confirma-

tion screen will verify that you want to change “IN”
users to OUT. Selecting Yes will change all status’s
to OUT and the remarks field will note this entry:

Out by Mass Checkout (with date and time noted)

i.e. Out by Mass Checkout 4/23 6:40 PM


The File menu option is the main location to

administrate the Touch N’ Go program and to

change the user definable options like Settings (update
frequency, department tab positioning, default re-
marks), and the status colors of the IN, OUT, IN* back-
grounds and user names font colors.

1) The Update option (or press F5) allows

users to immediately update the display screen of all
changes made to the central database. The worksta-
tions will update the display screen every minute (the
default setting), or an interval set by the user in the Set-
tings option (see item 6 in this section).

2) The Find option (or press F2) is a quick

way to locate an employee within a WorkGroup. The
Find User screen lists the names in numerical then al-
phabetical order. Enter the alpha letter in the space
provided to quickly go to the section of the alphabet of
the person’s name, or scroll down and select the name.

Once you have highlighted a name, you can

double click on the name or select the GO TO button at
the bottom of the Find User window. The department
where the name is listed becomes active. Depending
on how many users are in the department, you may
have to scroll to the name to view their status.

3) The Show Mini Form (or press F3) al-

lows you to toggle between the Mini and Detailed Dis-
play screens. While in the Mini Display screen, the File
menu contains a Show Detail option (or press F3).

4) Print Status Report will generate a report on

the last known status of all users categorized by de-
partment regardless of when they last changed their

5) Edit WorkGroups is the main location
where you manage and connect multiple WorkGroups so
you may view the status of users in another office, de-
partment, or for companies with over a 100 employees
or five departments.

If your organization should need another 100-

Users WorkGroup license, you may purchase a license
to receive the appropriate activation code to Add Capac-
ity or increase the number of WorkGroups that can be
viewed. You can contact us in a number of ways found
in the Company Information section.

For detailed information on the Edit WorkGroups

option see the next section Edit WorkGroups.

6) The Settings option offers several user de-

finable options:

a) Touch N’ Go updates the In-and-

Out Board screen every minute (the default setting).
You can change The Update Frequency in Minutes pa-
rameter from one (1) to 60 minutes.

b) User’s can place their own standard

comment in the remarks field and the return time field to
quickly check OUT or IN*. User’s will still be able to se-
lect the default comments from the remarks box or type
in specific comments when changing or updating their

c) The department Tab Position pro-

vides tab placement selection so the tabs can be posi-
tioned on any side of the Detailed Display screen. The
program positions the tabs on top of the Detailed Display
form after installation.
7) The Colors option is a user definable fea-
ture to select status background colors and user names
font colors.

After the Touch N’ Go installation, the default col-

ors are green for the IN status, yellow for IN* (in but un-
available), and red for the OUT status. Black is the de-
fault font color for user names in all three status selec-

The Colors drop down menu has six selections.

The first three items change the status background col-
ors – the IN color, OUT color, and Unavail color.

The last three items change the IN, OUT, and Un-
avail of the users names font colors. Selecting any of
these items will bring up the Windows color palette form
from which you will make your color selections.


Edit WorkGroups is where you can add, edit, de-

lete and connect multiple WorkGroups inorder to view
the status of users in another office, department, or for
companies with over a 100 employees or five depart-

When selecting Edit WorkGroups from the File

menu, a WorkGroup Administration window pops up
from which you can add capacity, delete, and edit Work-
Group names. The window will list all current Work-
Groups that appear in the WorkGroup menu option (the
name “default” appears after the program installation).

At the bottom of the WorkGroup Administration
window is the Maximum WorkGroups number. After in-
stalling the program, the number is 1 which equals 100
users. If you add capacity, the number will change from
2 to 20 (i.e. 2 = 200, 3 = 300 to 20 = 2,000 users, etc.).

Before you add more WorkGroups, you will need

to obtain a key code to “add capacity” and then install
the Touch N’ Go Enterprise Edition server program
into a directory unique from the original installation for
each new WorkGroup. This directory can be on another
server (remember all workstations will need a drive map-
ping to each WorkGroup Enterprise server program), or
uniquely named directories on the same server. After
installing the new “Server” program is a good time to
“add capacity”.

Once you have added capacity, the WorkGroup

Administration window will have a “NEW” button in the
upper right corner so you can start adding WorkGroups.

You will need to install the Enterprise Worksta-

tion setup in all appropriate workstations for each new
WorkGroup. For the workstations you want to have
WorkGroup switching capabilities, you can add the New
WorkGroup information so the new WorkGroup will ap-
pear in the WorkGroup menu option.


The steps involved in adding WorkGroups are:

1) Install the server Touch N’ Go Enterprise

Edition into separate unique directories for each Work-

2) Add Capacity for each WorkGroup by inputting
the activation code right after you install the server pro-
gram by starting the executable in the TNGSVR directory
or you can input the activation code from any Worksta-
tion to increase the WorkGroup capacity networkwide;
3) Make sure all workstations of that WorkGroup
have a mapped connection to all server programs in-
4) Install the workstations for each appropriate
WorkGroup; and
5) Add the new WorkGroup to each workstation
so users can switch between the In-and-Out Boards.


Increasing the number of WorkGroups can be

done at any workstation by inputting an activation code.
The registration is networkwide, however, all other work-
stations in that WorkGroup will need to restart their
Touch N’ Go program for the new network setting to go
into effect.

From the File menu select Edit WorkGroups to

pull up the WorkGroup Administration screen – note the
Maximum WorkGroup capacity number on the of the
screen (i.e. 1 is for 100, 2 is for 200, 3 is for 300 users,

To add additional WorkGroup(s), you must first
Add Capacity which brings up the Group Admin screen.
It is here where you will input an Activation Code, and
select Update. A verification screen will display how
many users you are now licensed for, choose OK.

Now choose Close which will take you to the

main Detailed Display screen. You will need to press F5
to refresh the program’s records so the new Maximum
WorkGroup capacity will be registered in the WorkGroup
Administration screen.

When you return to the WorkGroup Administra-

tion screen, the New button will be located in the upper
right hand corner of the window to configure new Work-
Groups and the Maximum WorkGroup capacity number
will note the number of WorkGroups of the current li-


Open the WorkGroup Administration window in

the Edit WorkGroups option found in the File menu.

You may want to rename the default name noted

in the Current WorkGroup box by highlighting the name
“default” and then click on the Edit Name button.

To add a new WorkGroup select the New button.

In the Add A WorkGroup screen you will input a unique
name that will identify the new WorkGroup you are add-
ing. Then select the drive and directory(ies) path where
the “server” program resides for the new WorkGroup.
Choose OK when done.

You will return to the main WorkGroup Admini-
stration screen and see the newly added WorkGroup(s).
Select Close to return to the Detailed Display screen.

You may now go to the WorkGroup menu option

where you can easily change between WorkGroups.

You will need to add the new WorkGroup(s) infor-

mation (not the Add Capacity) at each workstation so all
users may switch between the In-and-Out Boards. If
everyone has the same drive mappings to the server
programs within a WorkGroup, you can copy the grp.
mdb file from a workstation that has been configured to
switch between WorkGroups into all TNGWRK directo-
ries to expedite adding WorkGroups.


The Enterprise Edition can literally let you know

the IN or OUT status of thousands of co-workers.

To view another WorkGroup that has been added
to your Touch N’ Go program, select the WorkGroup
menu option. Highlight the appropriate WorkGroup, and
then choose the Select WorkGroup button (or you can
double click on the WorkGroup name).

The Detailed Display screen of the selected

WorkGroup will appear. You may FIND the person you
are looking for in that WorkGroup by pressing F2 or
choosing the File menu and selecting Find.


For your convenience, Touch N' Go offers two

types of display screens. This feature allows viewing the
In-and-Out Board according to individual or office prefer-

The Detailed Display Screen (which is the de-

fault screen at program startup) displays all group/
department tabs, users according to their group assign-
ment, current status with the associated remarks, and
the return information. The Detailed Display screen al-
lows you to perform all Touch N’ Go functions.

The Mini Display Screen displays all users in

their color coded status. Placing the mouse pointer over
a person’s name will note their status on the bottom
status bar of the Mini Display screen. The status of a
user can be changed while in the Mini Display screen.
Either type of screen can be viewed at any time on any
workstation using Touch N’ Go.

Both screen options work in a similar fashion (the

colors outlined below are the default colors used after
the installation):

- Red indicates the person is OUT,

- Green indicates person is IN, and
- Yellow indicates the person is IN* But Unavail-


The Detailed Display screen is shown by default

whenever the program is started. The Detailed Display
screen shows group/department tabbing, user names,
remarks, the return information, and all the features in
the menu bar options are available.

All Administrative functions, user definable set-

tings, and colors can only be accessed and implemented
in the Detailed Display screen through the File menu op-

The Touch N’ Go program opens in the depart-
ment that was in-use prior to shutting down the program,
and will appear in the same desktop position prior to last

Users left or right click on the status button that is

located to the right of the user’s name to change their
status (colors noted below are the default colors after in-

Detailed Display Screen

If status is... Left click results in: Right click results in:

IN (green) OUT (red) IN* (yellow)

IN* (yellow) IN (green) OUT (red)

OUT (red) IN (green) IN* (yellow)

When changing from IN to OUT or IN*, a remarks

window box will appear allowing you to select or input
the necessary remarks. For more information on re-
marks, see section REMARKS - ADDING AND EDIT-

Some of the shortcut keys that can be used in the

Detailed Display screen are F5 to immediately update
the screen, F3 to toggle between the Mini and Detailed
screens, and F2 to open the Find User window.


By selecting Mini from the menu bar (or pressing

F3), the Detailed Display Screen window reduces in size

by displaying names only (eliminating the Remarks and
the Return Time Required fields). Also the main menu
bar only offers two options – File and Detail.

The Mini Display will show the color status of all

100 users. Names are listed in alphabetical order going
across the screen from left to right.

In addition to the status color coding, the remarks

status of any user can be retrieved by placing the mouse
pointer over the user’s name. This will display the re-
marks and the return time (if available) for that user in
the status bar at the bottom of the Mini Display Screen.

Users can change their status while in the Mini
Display by the following mouse actions:

Mini Display Screen

Double Left Click Right Clicking

If Status is... Results in: Results in:

IN (green) OUT (red) IN* (yellow)

IN* (yellow) IN (green) IN* (yellow)

OUT (red) IN (green) IN* (yellow)

The above colors noted in the chart are the de-

fault status colors used after program installation. Col-
ors are a user definable option found in the File menu

While in the Mini Display, you can immediately

update the screen of all status changes by left clicking
once on the status bar or pressing F5, or selecting File
menu and Update.

If you need to refer to the Help option while in the

Mini Display mode, just left click once on the form and
press F1.

To change any of the user definable options or

activate the Administrative functions, you must return to
the Detailed Display screen by selecting Detail on the
menu bar or press F3.



1) If you are having trouble installing the Server

Program or getting the Workstations to work, the most
likely cause is having improper network permissions. To
install the Server program, you must have full read and
write privileges for the directory in which you will be in-
stalling to, including the right to create files, and the pro-
gram must be installed to a directory that each user can
read-from, write-to, and execute-programs-in.

All of the Workstations must have full concurrent

read, write, and execute-rights within the directory the
“Server” program was installed.

2) LANTASTIC additional notes: Minimum privi-

leges are read, write, and execute. If you are experienc-
ing share locking problems and you know the permis-
sions are correct: you may need to implement

3) NOVELL additional notes: Minimum privileges

that need to be assigned are R, W, F. If you are experi-
encing Error 3050 messages, you may need to include
C - create - in your permissions for the TNGSVR direc-

Don’t forget that if you altered a user’s privileges

to allow read, write and execute privileges, that user may
need to login again before the newly added privileges
take affect.

4) WinNT directory permissions include: Add &

Read, and Change.

1) It is best to install the Server program at the

server computer versus over the network (Novell being
the exception). Otherwise, the necessary program files
will not be copied into the windows\system or \system32
directory on the Server machine.

2) You must install the Server program first (prior

to the workstation installations).

3) Copy the setup program from the Touch N’

Go CD (or diskettes) into an appropriate shared directory
to install the server or workstation program over the net-
work to speed up the installation process.

4) Since the Touch N’ Go program accommo-

dates 16 bit operating systems, it is recommended to
use directory names of 8 characters or less for the
server directory name if you are not going to use the de-
fault names.

5) It is recommended to install the 32 bit version

of the Touch N’ Go program in all Win95/98 and WinNT
machines. Installing the 16 bit version in some 32 bit
machines may result in program file registration errors.

6) Restarting the workstations prior to installation

will clear up cache memory. If you receive “file in use”
messages regarding DLL, OCX, and VBX files while in-
stalling, select ignore to finish the installation. If the pro-
gram does not run properly, you may need to reinstall
the program after you restart the machine which will
clear cache memory. Touch N’ Go uses many of the
same programming files as other applications; and if

they exist in cache memory, it will interfere with the in-
stallation process.


1) Touch N’ Go offers several shortcut key strokes

(F1, F2, F3, and F5) - see pages 51 and 52.

2) Remember to shut down and restart the Enter-

prise program if you activated the Admin function at a user’s
workstation. The Admin function remains “ON” after you
close the Admin option.

3) To add WorkGroup capacity you can input the acti-

vation code from any workstation within a WorkGroup. This
will register the new WorkGroup capacity for that WorkGroup
networkwide, however, all workstations will need to restart the
Touch N’ Go program for the new network setting to go into

4) It is best to Administrate from a workstation setup

rather than directly on the server.

5) If you are including extension numbers with the

user name, you can enter a colon followed by the extension to
automatically place the extension number to the right side in
the user’s name field. Touch N’ Go uses proportional fonts
so the extension numbers won’t be lined up perfectly. Sam-
ple: Smith, John:x423

6) If you are running the demo of the 100+ User En-

terprise Edition, you may register the program from any
workstation during the countdown demo screen. While the
initial demo screen is displayed, select the register button, en-
ter the key information where indicated and select OK. The
program is now registered networkwide.

7) If you need to update an OUT or IN* status, left
click once in the appropriate user’s remarks field and the cor-
responding remark’s box for the current status will pop-up.

8) Administrator’s passwords are case sensitive.

9) Printing: If you selected a specific User Report or

Group Report and it appears to be missing historical informa-
tion, it may be due to a User or Department/Group name
change. The report will only pull up information on a specific
User or Department/Group since the User or Department/
Group’s creation date.

You may report all historical information (regardless

when the User or Group was created) by reporting all Users.
Changing an extension number or editing a name will start
new logging entries of the In-and-Out activities for the new

10) Touch N’ Go includes several troubleshooting

utilities. Trepair.exe and datarep.exe are utilities that will re-
pair and compact the Enterprise database. Compacting the
database periodically will keep the program’s performance op-

The utilities can be run from any workstation. If you

are running the 16 bit Enterprise Edition, go to the
TNGWRK directory and run trepair.exe (all users must be out
of the Touch N’ Go program for the utility to run). Trepair will
offer two options, Repair Database or Compact Database.

The 32 bit Enterprise Edition program uses a utility

found in the Touch N’ Go “server” directory called datarep.
exe. From the Start menu, select Run and browse to the
TNGSVR directory and run datarep.exe. When prompted, se-
lect Repair/Compact Database – all users will need to be out
of the Touch N’ Go program for this utility to run.

For technical support information regarding errors,
please go to:



1) Place extension numbers next to the person’s

name, this feature will eliminate the need to publish extension
listings for everyone and will provide immediate extension in-
formation when changes occur.

After inputting a user’s name, you can enter a colon

followed by the extension to automatically place the extension
number to the right side in the user’s name field. Touch N’
Go uses proportional fonts so the extension numbers won’t be
lined up perfectly. Sample: Smith, John:x423

2) Export the In-and-Out log into a spreadsheet or

word-processing application to further enhance your reporting
needs, or as another step to archiving information off-line
prior to purging from the activity log.

3) You can also use Touch N’ Go to keep track of

equipment or product status. Examples are cars, computers,
or other equipment which are for lease.


The Touch N’ Go program does offer several

shortcut keystrokes regarding program and administra-
tive functioning.

F1 will bring up the Help file while in the Mini Display or De-
tailed Display screen. You may need to left click on the form
first then press F1.

F2 will bring up the Find Window in the Detailed Display to

locate the department where the user resides. Once the de-
partment is activated you may need to scroll down to find the
person you are looking for.

F3 toggles between the Mini Display and Detailed Display


F5 immediately updates the Mini or Detailed Display screen

of all status changes made to the In-and-Out Board.

ALT+F4 closes the Touch N’ Go In-and-Out Board.

Short cuts to start Administrative functions:

User Admin options can be activated by left double

clicking on the User Title Bar versus going into the File menu
option, then selecting Admin and then User Admin.

Remarks Admin window can be opened by left double

clicking on the Remarks Title Bar versus going into the File
menu option, then selecting Admin and then Remarks

If the “Add Out Time” feature is enabled which will time
stamp the OUT and IN* remarks, the time runs off the work-
station’s computer’s system time. If the time needs to be ad-
justed, refer to your system’s operating manual for instruc-

If you are tracking the In-and-Out activity, the date and
time of each status change is entered into the historical log.
This time stamp is also from the workstation’s system’s time.


You can contact Touch N’ Go Systems, Inc. prod-
uct support via telephone, fax, e-mail, or the World Wide

• Ordering or general Product information, call 1 800

• Product Support Technician, call 1 907 264-6333
• Fax number is: 1 907 274-9493
• E-mail address is support@touchngo.com or touch-
• Latest services and products on the web is

Touch N’ Go’s support Website address is:


Touch N’ Go Systems, Inc.

406 G Street, Suite 210
Anchorage, Alaska 99501-2164


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