Graham, C. and Abdussamie, N., 2024. CFD modelling of a tsunami event. In: Phillips, M.R.; Al-Naemi, S.,
and Duarte, C.M. (eds.), Coastlines under Global Change: Proceedings from the International Coastal
Symposium (ICS) 2024 (Doha, Qatar). Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue No. 113, pp. 651-656.
Charlotte (North Carolina), ISSN 0749-0208. This paper presents and discusses numerical results of a tsunami wave event and its interaction with a vertical,
surface-piercing cylinder by employing Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) code. Focusing on generating
tsunami-like wave events, common numerical tsunami approximation methods are investigated. A systematic
approach was adopted including the development of numerical wave tank and wave-structure interaction
analysis. The first step involves the development of a tsunami model using wave superposition, followed by
validation against observed data through numerical sensitivity studies. Subsequently, the model is employed to
simulate tsunami interactions with a fixed and a heaving cylinder. The comparison of the developed tsunami
model results with solitary and Stokes 5th order approximations reveals conservative but inadequate
representations of tsunami forces by both methods. This underscores the limitations of current approximations
in capturing force magnitude and direction, emphasizing the need for improved numerical modelling
techniques in tsunami analysis.
ADDITIONAL INDEX WORDS: Natural hazards, tsunami, numerical modelling, wave superposition.
Graham, and Abdussamie
Tsunami Generation: A tsunami event was generated cylinder surface. These refinements aimed to develop a finer
using the NWT, wave superposition, and the VOF mesh near the cylinder, especially at the free-surface-cylinder
model to replicate the characteristics of a realistic interaction, to provide a more accurate simulation in critical
tsunami event. The results were validated against a regions. The domain is similar to that in Figure 1, but during
target wave event with 8.2 m wave height. free decay tests, the domain size was increased to minimize
Wave Forces Prediction: A vertical cylinder was domain interference and wake reflection.
placed in a 3D domain based on the developed
NWT. The cylinder was fixed, and hydrodynamic Table 1. Tsunami generation NWT trimmer sizes.
forces were predicted using three methods including Meshing parameter Relative cell size Cell Size (m)
Stokes 5th order, solitary, and the simulated (%)
tsunami event. Δx 6.25 0.3125
Heave Motion Analysis: The cylinder was activated Δy 12.5 0.625
to heave only using the Dynamic Fluid Body Δz 6.25 0.3125
Interaction (DFBI) model. A free decay test was
conducted to estimate the cylinder's heave natural
period, verified against theoretical values. Heave
motions were then obtained using Stokes 5th order,
solitary, and the simulated tsunami event.
NWT Development
The first component describes the development of the
numerical wave tank (NWT), which undergoes several iterations
and refinements, each justified and detailed. To assess the
NWT's geometry, meshing conditions, boundary conditions, and
domain interactions, a simple NWT was created, validated with
regular wave analysis.
The tsunami profile was generated in a long, narrow NWT, 1
m wide, with a 150 m wave propagation area and a 600 m
damping area to prevent reflected waves. The NWT was
designed with slip walls to minimize computational
requirements, maintaining consistent wave propagation. The
water depth was set at 54 m, reflecting the approximate depth at
the expected impact site. The cylinder had an 18.9 m diameter, Local surface mesh at the cylinder
18 m draft, 30 m height, a center of gravity 0.42 m above the
waterline, and a mass moment of inertia of 2.99 x 109 kg.m2 in
roll/pitch and 2.25 x 108 kg.m2 in yaw. See the schematic in
Figure 1.
Figure 1. NWT and mesh refinement details.
Mesh Generation and Optimization
For both the NWT and cylinder, the mesh was optimized
using mesh refinement domains, which do not interfere with the Tsunami Profile Generation
simulation but provide a reference for the mesh. Two volumetric To produce accurate results for a full-scale CFD tsunami
refinements were added to the main background mesh of the analysis, a realistic wave profile must be defined. Common
NWT domain. The first was a free surface volumetric industry practice uses approximate Stokes or solitary waves, but
refinement, reducing the target mesh size at the tank's free a realistic profile yields more accurate results. Following
surface. The second, the overset refinement, provided a experimental research by (Perez del Postigo Prieto et al., 2019)
transitional mesh between the background and overset mesh by and referencing typical tsunami behavior from (Zhao et al.,
defining a custom anisotropic trimmer size in each axis, 2019), a wave profile for a submarine landslide-induced tsunami
reducing the target and minimum mesh size to a small was determined. The data set, graphed as surface elevation vs.
percentage of the base size (O'Connor et al., 2023). A base cell time, was scaled to replicate an 8.2 m tsunami event, similar to
size of 5.0 m was used throughout the domain, except in the free the 1975 tsunami in the Douglas Channel, British Columbia,
surface zone, where a fine mesh was applied, as summarized in Canada. The original 40-minute time record from (Zhao et al.,
Table 1. 2019) was reduced to 140 s to minimize computational time,
For the mesh around the cylinder, three refinements were justified by the study's aim to simulate tsunami-like events in
introduced. The first refined the free surface zone. The second, shallow water and investigate their interaction with structures.
the overset mesh refinement, allowed the highly refined internal To input the data into the CFD code, the wave profile was
mesh to transition into the coarser background mesh. The third replicated using wave superposition. Five regular waves were
refinement decreased the target size of the cells around the superimposed to create the wave profile shown in Figure 2. In
Figure 2. Tsunami wave profile generated using wave Wave Forces on a Fixed Cylinder
superposition. In industry practice, tsunami modeling often approximates
tsunamis as simplified wave types like Stokes 5th order or
solitary waves. These methods, however, may not accurately
CFD simulations were performed using a 2nd order implicit represent the force dynamics of a tsunami, which differs
unsteady solver with a time step of 0.01 s and five iterations per significantly due to its unique wave profile. To assess the
time step. The time step and mesh sizes were refined to keep the discrepancies of industry methods with a tsunami model, the
Courant number below 1 and as low as possible. The Courant results obtained through the numerical tsunami model will be
number, representing the percentage of a cell that fluid passes compared with both a Stokes 5th regular wave of equal height
through in a given time step, was maintained at a maximum with an associated period equal to the maximum period of the
value of approximately 0.79, based on the minimum cell size tsunami (140 s) and a solitary wave, modelled using a cnoidal
and maximum fluid velocity (O'Connor et al., 2023). wave profile with an equal wave height to the tsunami and a
In the 150 m propagation area, three numerical wave probes period that represents the major peak in the tsunami profile as
(WP) were placed at 0, 50, and 150 m from the tsunami source. recommended by (Zhao et al., 2019), see Figure 5.
These probes measured the free surface elevation at various
distances to ensure the wave maintained the desired profile as it
approached the interaction area. The NWT domain arrangement
with the free surface mesh and boundary conditions is shown in
Figure 1.
Tsunami Profile Results
Surface elevation measurements were conducted using three
wave probes over a 150 m distance. Figure 3 shows the surface
elevation against time at the incident, 50 m, and 150 m wave
probes. The wave profiles closely align with the desired profile
from Figure 2, showing a minimal error of 0.27% in peak height
compared to the targeted points. Maximum peak deviations over
150 m were observed at just 0.01%.
The speed of the generated tsunami was determined to be Figure 4. CFD predictions of tsunami wave against the recorded
approximately 22.8-24.8 m/s (82-89 km/h), which corresponds event.
well with the theoretical estimation of 23 m/s (83 km/h) for
shallow water tsunamis. Figure 4 overlays the surface elevations
for the 140 s simulation, demonstrating the close match between Figure 6 illustrates the wave forces acting on the fixed
the CFD and input tsunami profiles. cylinder, including horizontal force (top), vertical force (middle),
Overall, the tsunami wave profile developed in the NWT is and resultant force (bottom). Table 2 summarizes the force
validated, as the surface elevation closely aligns with the desired results from different wave profiles: tsunami, solitary wave, and
values. Using this tsunami generation method via wave Stokes 5th order wave. The peak wave heights align closely
superposition, the tsunami can be numerically tested against across profiles, with negligible errors (within 1%), ensuring
coastal and offshore structures. comparable maximum force results (Figure 5). However,
Response of a Heaving Cylinder Solitary 8.281 11122 2922 11499 2.762 5389
The natural period of the cylinder in heave was predicted by Stokes 8.203 10855 69 10855 5.215 6926
CFD as 9.915 s versus the theoretical value of 9.89 s (<1% 5th
error). The response of a heaving cylinder to tsunami and other
solitary waves. Table 3 details the peak wave height (H*) and
wave types was analyzed using similar methodology and NWT
cylinder heave (Z*) for each profile, alongside average values
setup as the fixed cylinder. Figure 7 illustrates the heave
over the given periods. Interestingly, the response amplitude
response of the cylinder to Stokes 5th order, tsunami, and
operator in heave (Z*/H*) was found to be approximately 1.0 for
the simulated tsunami-like wave case. Wave buoys located near
and offshore can be used as a remote sensing system for height and speed, underscores the accuracy and validation of
environment and extreme weather events provided that their the CFD model. However, limitations such as idealized
structural integrity is maintained during such events. Results bathymetry and computational constraints may affect
indicate that the cylinder's heave varies significantly depending localized impact predictions.
on the wave steepness. The maximum heave during the solitary These results hold significant implications for coastal
wave was 19.0% higher than during the tsunami, while the management and disaster preparedness. The validated CFD
Stokes wave produced a 2.25% increase in maximum heave. By model provides a robust tool for predicting tsunami impacts,
integrating the under-curve areas, the wave height average and aiding in the development of resilient coastal infrastructure
the cylinder heave average can be determined. The wave height and effective mitigation strategies. Future research should
averages are greatly similar to the fixed cylinder analysis. The focus on improving model resolution and incorporating
average heave magnitudes show correlating numbers based on additional physical processes to enhance prediction accuracy
the average wave height increase, with the solitary and Stokes and reliability.
waves producing average heave increases of 40.7% and 131% CONCLUSIONS
over the 2.145 m average during the tsunami testing. This study employed a two-step CFD process to generate a
tsunami-like wave event with 8.2 m in height. The first step
involved developing a tsunami model using wave superposition,
validated against targeted profile. The second step simulated
tsunami interactions with a vertical, surface-piercing cylinder.
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