| e-ISSN: 2278 – 8875, p-ISSN: 2320 – 3765| www.ijareeie.com | Impact Factor: 7.122|
ABSTRACT: This paper proposes intelligent and smart Irrigation system which can be used for controlling the
watering or irrigation of flowering plants. It controls the irrigation of plants automatically where the need of human
intervention can be reduced. This mainly focused on wastage of water, which is a major concern of modern era. It also
aids time saving, cost effectiveness, environmental protection,low maintenance and operating cost and efficient
irrigation service Arduino (open source) is used in the design of the prototype model in making the system compact and
sustainable. The system has sensor which measures the moisture of the soil.
KEYWORDS: Arduino UNO microcontroller,12 volts DC source, Smart Irrigation, Relay Channel, Hardware
Specifications:Battery 12 volts DC source, 3 Water Pumps, Water Reservoir, Ultrasonic Sensor, 2-channel Relay
Mode, 2-channel Relay Mode, Moisture Sensor
We have developed an Arduino-based drip irrigation system using the Internet of Things (IoT). This system allows
irrigation to take place more efficiently, based on soil humidity, temperature and pH values sent to the micro. We have
developed an Arduino-based drip irrigation system using the Internet of Things (IoT). This system allows irrigation to
take place more efficiently, based on soil humidity, temperature and pH values sent to the microcontroller (Arduino
UNO) which drives the solenoid valve via the driver circuit transistor (BC547). Based on the sensor measurements, at
pre-determined thresholds, automatic irrigation is accomplished. The buzzer comes on, based on sensor values and
these values are updated on the web as well as on an Android mobile device. Using the temperature and pH level
measurements, climatic and soil conditions from the field, the required fertilizers for the crops are suggested by the
system. This improves the method of cultivation and leads to better productivity. Using this system, the direction of the
water flow in the pipes is automatically determined by means of a DC motor. It makes use of a soil moisture sensor,
ultrasonic sensor, relay sensor, Arduino UNO microcontroller and a DC motor. Information about the motor operation
and direction of water on the farm field are sent to the mobile message and Google mail account of the user. We have
designed a smart irrigation system using a Arduino IDE software and implemented it using the Arduino
microcontroller. The system programmed in C++ programming language operates automatically by sensing the
moisture level of soil via the soil moisture sensor and turns ON/OFF the pump using a relay without the intervention of
the farmer. In this way, it is made more convenient and water wastage is reduced. The sensing arrangement and the
microcontroller are interfaced via an Op-Amp which acts as a comparator. When the microcontroller receives the
signal, an output that drives the relay is produced and the water pump is operated. A Cellphone Screen is used to
display the message and it also interfaces with the microcontroller and it is used to display the soil moisture content as
well as the status of the water pump. In an attempt to develop a smart irrigation system, we used different types of
controllers such as Programmable Logic Controller and on the Arduino Uno . There have been some attempt to address
the issue of water management in irrigation system. The system is designed such that during operation, the wet zones
are bypassed while dry zones are irrigated. The zone detection is carried out using soil moisture content sensors. This is
an attempt to ensure adequate water management. In many of the previous studies, the problem of water scarcity is not
adequately addressed. This paper therefore seeks to address this challenge by implementing a new approach that
ensures prioritizing of irrigation pumps.
Irrigation is most important for high yield of the farm. Today, by using WSN technology it is possible to monitor and
control the environmental conditions as soil moisture, temperature, wind speed, wind pressure, salinity, turbidity,
humidity etc for irrigation. Automatedirrigation performed by using solenoid valve and pump. Solenoid valve is an
| e-ISSN: 2278 – 8875, p-ISSN: 2320 – 3765| www.ijareeie.com | Impact Factor: 7.122|
electromechanical valve used with liquid controller to control an electronic current through solenoid which is a coil of
wire that uses to control the state of thevalve according to need of irrigation.
Direct Communication method provides collision free transmission of data, because allthe sensor nodes send data
directly to the base station without the need of header node. This method is better where the base station is near but it is
not optimum where the base station is far because sensor nodes consume more energy during transmission of data and
if there is much data to the sensor node, sensor nodes quickly damaged. The data aggregation method is better to use
rather than direct communication method.
The sensor node senses the data and send to the head node. The head node collects data from the entire sensor node,
performs aggregation using various aggregation techniques, and then sends data to the base station. Thus by using
aggregation method overall energy consumption reduce of the network.
| e-ISSN: 2278 – 8875, p-ISSN: 2320 – 3765| www.ijareeie.com | Impact Factor: 7.122|
A twelve-volt battery has six single cells in series producing a fully charged output voltage of 12.6 volts. ... The size of
the battery plates and amount of electrolyte determines the amount of charge lead acid batteries can store. The size of
this storage capacity is described as the amp hour (AH) rating of a battery.
| e-ISSN: 2278 – 8875, p-ISSN: 2320 – 3765| www.ijareeie.com | Impact Factor: 7.122|
An ultrasonic sensor is an electronic device that measures the distance of a target object by emitting ultrasonic sound
waves, and converts the reflected sound into an electrical signal. Ultrasonic waves travel faster than the speed of
audible sound (i.e. the sound that humans can hear). Ultrasonic sensors have two main components: the transmitter
(which emits the sound using piezoelectric crystals) and the receiver (which encounters the sound after it has travelled
to and from the target).
The Moisture sensor is used to measure the water content(moisture) of soil. When the soil is having water shortage,the
module output is at high level, else the output is at low level.This sensor reminds the user to water their plants and also
monitors the moisture content of soil.It has been widely used in agriculture,land irrigation and botanical gardening.
A relay is defined as an electrically operated switch; their main use is controlling circuits by a low-power signal or
when several circuits must be controlled by one signal. The first relay was used in long distance telegraph circuits as
amplifiers, basically they repeated the signal they received from one circuit, and transmitted it into a different one,
theywere also used in early computers to perform logical operations.
| e-ISSN: 2278 – 8875, p-ISSN: 2320 – 3765| www.ijareeie.com | Impact Factor: 7.122|
The Arduino Uno is an open-source microcontroller board based on the Microchip ATmega328P microcontroller and
developed by Arduino.cc.[2][3] The board is equipped with sets of digital and analog input/output (I/O) pins that may
be interfaced to various expansion boards (shields) and other circuits.[1] The board has 14 digital I/O pins (six capable
of PWM output), 6 analog I/O pins, and is programmable with the
Arduino IDE (Integrated Development Environment), via a type B USB cable.It can be powered by the USB cable or
by an external 9-volt battery, though it accepts voltages between 7 and 20 volts. It is similar to the Arduino Nano and
Leonardo. The hardware reference design is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 2.5 license
and is available on the Arduino website. Layout and production files for some versions of the hardware are also
Smart irrigation system that optimises water usage is developed. This system guarantees the longevity of irrigation
pumps; prevents water wastage through water recycling and prioritizes pump operations based on the level of water in
reservoir. This way, it ensures that different plants are irrigated in relation to their varying water needs for effective
growth. It would be useful in places where water scarcity is a challenge to the practice of irrigation.
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