EPU quality Assurance check list (2)
EPU quality Assurance check list (2)
EPU quality Assurance check list (2)
We would like to obtain feedback from you as a part of our evaluation and assessment on module quality
and completeness of overall teaching materials and milieu prepared for execution of the module. Your
feedback will be very valuable in recommending module revision and amendment as well as monitoring
continuously our modules. All feedbacks and comments will be used for the intended purpose and kept
Rank/ Full name/academic rank of the lecturer/professor : D/Com G/slassie Hailu (Lecturer)
Program the lecturer/professor has taught the module: Traffic Management and Road Saftey
Please complete sections and return to module/program coordinator/department head or quality assurance
and relevance centre as soon as you finish the module in date not later than and final grade submission
date of each semester/term.
You can rate from 1 up to 5 from very poor/strongly disagree to very good/strongly agree or you might
write what you fill on the quality of the module freely.
6 Depth and completeness of module contents for the curriculum level and
national qualification frame work for /diploma/degree/post graduate
diploma/masters and above/2
8 The exercises, cases and scenarios for each chapter/units of the module are
properly set 2
10 Methods of delivery of the module are well designed with competence based
curriculum principles, giving more emphasis to practical session and less to
theory. 2
Other points you would to make/express on improving quality of the module and its components
2. Student Officers learning evaluation /feedback by lecturers/professors
You can rate from 1 up to 5 from very poor/strongly disagree to very good/strongly agree or you
might write what you fill on the quality of the module freely.
1 The level and content of the module has met the expectation of a majority of
student officers on the module 4
1 The class room is equipped with(computer, audio visual , LCD, white board,
black board, pointer, etc…) all the necessary material and resources 1
4 The time schedule of the classes is suitable the module delivery for most
students 3
6 You are satisfied with the module execution and administration of learning
the module 3
5 You will teach and train different modules here in the future 4
Other comments you would like to provide that improves good administration of modules and lifts up
quality teaching and student officers learning in future______________________________________
1. What do you like best in teaching the module and about EPU overall ?
2. What do you dislike most about the module and overall execution of the module?
3. How would you suggest us to improve quality and what do you recommend for the improvement
of quality educational process at EPU based on your experience ?