ALCOHOLS (PAST QUESTIONS REVIEW) 1. Methanol can be used for the following except (A) Biofuel (B) food additive (C) solvent (D) antifreeze 2. Which of the following will not react with Lucas reagent? (A) CH(OH)CH₃ (B) (CH₃)₃COH (C) CH₃(CH₂)₂CH₂OH (D) CH₃CH(OH)CH₃ 3. Which of the following alcohols cannot be easily oxidized? (A) 3-methyl-3-pentanol (B) propanol (C) 2- butanol (D) 2-pentanol 4. In the reaction: CH₃CH₂CH₂OH (K₂Cr₂O₇/H₂SO₄) → CH₃CH₂CHO (A) CH₃CH₂CH₂OH has been reduced (B) CH₃CH₂CH₂OH has been isomerized (C) K₂Cr₂O₇ is a reducing agent (D) None of the above 5. One reagent that can be used to differentiate primary from tertiary alcohol is ____ (A) NaOH (B) K₂Cr₂O₇(aq) (C) ZnCl₂(aq) (D) Br/H₂O 6. The enzyme used for catalyzing fermentation is ____ (A) Zymase (B) Diastase (C) Formase (D) Farmitase 7. Pure ethanol can be obtained from a fermentation mixture by ______ (A) distillation (B) fractional distillation (C) zone melting (D) None of the above 8. CH₃CH₂CH=CH₂ + H₂O/H₂SO₄ → ? (A) CH₃CH₂CH(OH)CH₃ (B) CH₃CH₂CH₂CH₂OH (C) CH₃CH₂COCH₃ (D) CH₃CH₂CH₂CHO 9. Phenol can be distinguished from cyclohexanol by solubility in ____ (A) water (B) HCl solution (C) sodium bicarbonate solution (D) NaOH solution 10. Phenol reacts with excess bromine water to give (A) o and p-bromophenol (B) bromophenol (C) 2,4,6- tribromophenol (D) m-bromophenol 11. Alcohols have higher boiling points than Alkanes of comparable molecular weight because of (A) hydrogen bonding (B) diaxial interaction (C) steric strain (D) hyperconjugation 12. Which of the following alcohols has the lowest solubility in water? (A) Pentanol (B) Methanol (C) Butanol (D) Ethanol 13. Which combination of reagent is known as Lucas reagent? (A) NaCl, HCl, CuCl₂ (B) HCl, ZnCl₂ (C) HCl, SnCl₂ (D) NaCl, SnCl₂ 14. How quick does a separate layer form if tertbutyl alcohol was subjected to Lucas test? (A) About 2 minutes (B) About 1 minute (C) About 5 minutes (D) Less than 1 minute 15. Which of the following alcohol is a secondary alcohol? (A) (CH₃)C(OH)C₂H₅ (B) CH₃CH(OH)CH₂CH₃ (C) C₆H₅CH₂(OH) (D) (CH₃CH₂)₂CH₂OH 16. Which of the following is not an isomer of the compound C₃H₈O? (A) propan-1-ol (B) propan-2-ol (C) propanal (D) methoxymethane 17. The molar mass of 2-nitrophenol and 4-nitrophenol are the same, but their boiling points are respectively 494K and 518K. Why the difference? (A) 2-nitrophenol does not undergo H-bonding (B) the difference is covalent bonding (C) 4-nitrophenol undergoes intermolecular H-bonding (D) 4-nitrophenol undergoes intramolecular H-bonding 18. (I) CH₃CH(OH)CH₂CH₃ (II) CH₃CH₂CH₂CH₂OH (III) (CH₃)₃COH. Which of the above compound will decolourize acidified KMnO₄? (A) I and II only (B) II and III only (C) I and III only (D) I only 19. The IUPAC name for (CH₃)₂CHCH(OH)C(CH₃)₂(CH₂)₂CH₃ is (A) 2,4,4-trimethyl-3-heptanol (B) 1,3,3- trimethyl-3-heptanol (C) 1,3,3-trimethyl-3-hydroxyheptane (D) 4,4,6-trimethyl-5-heptanol 20. The colour change observed when K₂Cr₂O₇ is used to test for the presence of alcohol is (A) blue to red (B) red to green (C) orange to green (D) pink to colourless 21. H₂C = CH₂ + H₂O → ? The product of this reaction is (A) CH₃COOH (B) CH₃OH (C) C₂H₅OH (D) CH₃CHO 22. The IUPAC name for the compound C₆H₅CH₂OH is ____ (A) Benzoyl alcohol (B) Benz-2-ol (C) Phenol (D) Benzyl alcohol 23. Phenols are more acidic than alcohols because (A) the phenoxide ion is more stable than Phenol (B) the phenoxide ion is less stable than Phenol (C) alkoxide ion is stabilized by resonance (D) Phenols form salts with sodium hydroxide 24. What is the missing product in the following reaction? CH₃CH(OH)CH₃ + (Cu/300°C) → ? + H (A) Ethanal (B) Ethanone (C) Propanal (D) Propanone 25. The compound C₆H₅MgCl is an example of (A) Lucas reagent (B) Aldol (C) Wolff-kishner reagent (D) Grignard reagent
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26. The IUPAC name of the compound CH₃CH₂CH₂CH(Cl)CH(OH)CH(CH₃)CH₃ is (A) 4-chloro-6- methylheptan-5-ol (B) 4-chloro-3-methylheptan-3-ol (C) 2-methyl-4-chloroheptan-3-ol (D) 4-chloro-2- methylheptan-3-ol 27. Arrange the following compounds in order of increasing boiling point (I) CH₃OH (II) CH₃(CH₂)₂OH (III) (CH₃)₂CHOH (IV) C₆H₅CH₂OH (V) CH₃(CH₂)₅OH (A) Il<I<III<IV<V (B) I<III<II<V<IV (C) I<III<II<IV<V (D) I<V<III<II<IV 28. CH₃CH(OH)CH₃. This compound is (A) a primary alcohol (B) isopentyl alcohol (C) neo-propyl alcohol (D) None of the above 29. CH₃C(CH₃)OHCH₃. This compound is (A) tert-butyl alcohol (B) isobutyl alcohol (C) neo-pentyl alcohol (D) None of the above 30. Which of these statements is incorrect with respect to the compound CH₃CH₂CH₂OH? (A) It is a primary alcohol (B) it is a propyl alcohol (C) it is methyl carbinol (D) it exhibits hydrogen bonding 31. C₆H₁₂O₆ → 2C₂H₅OH + 2CO₂. The enzyme that catalyzes the above reaction is (A) zymase (B) Maltase (C) Diastase (D) None of the above 32. The products of the reaction RCOOR` + (H+/H₂O₄) → ? + ? are (A) RCOOH and R(CO)O (B) RCOOH + R`OH (C) RCHO + RCOOH (D) None of the above 33. C₂H₅OH + (Excess conc H₂SO₄ + 170 - 180°C) → ? A major product of this reaction is (A) diethyl ether (B) ethylene (C) ethane (D) propane 34. C₄H₄C(OH)C(COOH). Which of these is not correct with respect to the above compound? (A) It is salicylic acid (B) It is o-hydroxy benzoic acid (C) It is aromatic (D) It is a p-hydroxyl phenol 35. Which of the following has the highest boiling point? (A) o-nitrophenol (B) phenol (C) nitrobenzene (D) p- nitrophenol 36. C₆H₅OH + (ZnCl₂ + 6NH₃) → ? One product of this reaction is ___ (A) Aniline (B) Toluene (C) Benzene (D) None of these 37. C₂H₅OH + (PCl₃) → ? + ? + ?. The products in this reaction are (A) C₂H₅Cl + P₂O₃ + HCl (B) C₃H₇Cl + P₂O₃ + CH₃COOH (C) CH₃Cl + P₂O₃ + CH₃OH (D) CH₃Cl + HCl + CH₃OH 38. The most probable product from the acid-catalysed dehydration of 1-butanol is (A) 1-butene (B) 2-butene (C) 1-methylpropene (D) 3-methylpropene 39. Which of these reagents will not convert 2-butanone to 2-butanol? (A) Na/Hg vs alcohol (B) HCN/H+ (C) LiAlH₄ (D) Ni and H₂ 40. Oxidation of 3-methyl-1-butanol with acidified sodium dichromate gives (A) pentanoic acid (B) 3-methyl butanoic acid (C) 3-methyl butanal (D) 3,3-dimethyl propanoic acid 41. The following reagents can convert alkyl halides to alcohols except (A) AgOH (B) H₂/Pt (C) NaOH (D) None of the above 42. A general structure for the urethane is (A) RNHCOOR` (B) HN-COCH₂R (C) RNC-COOR (D) R-N=C=O 43. The following are dihydric Phenols except (A) resorcinol (B) pyrogallol (C) quinol (D) catechol 44. Heating of a tertiary alcohol with copper yields (A) an aldehyde (B) an alkene (C) an alkyne (D) a ketone 45. Which of the following will react with Grignard reagent to give primary alcohols? (A) methanoic acids (B) methanal (C) ethanol (D) alkanals 46. Which compound is a trihydric alcohol? (A) Rubbing alcohol (B) propylene glycol (C) glycerol (D) sorbitol 47. Another name for pyrogallol is (A) 1,2,3-benzene triol (B) 2,4-hydroxy phenol (C) resorcinol (D) o,p-nitro phenol
1. In the reaction CH₃CHO + ? → CH₃COOH. "?" is (A) LiAlH₄ (B) NaBH₄ (C) KMnO₄ (D) Pd/H₂ 2. Which is necessary for the Iodoform reaction? (A) N-N=O (B) -OH (C) H₃C-C=O (D) None 3. CH₃CH₂COCl is ____ (A) Propanoxochlorate (B) Chloropropane (C) Chloroacetone (D) Propanylchloride 4. The colour of fehling's solution (A) colourless (B) yellow (C) green (D) blue 5. An oxime from benzaldehyde will have the structure of (A) C₆H₅CH=NO (B) C₆H₅CH=NOH (C) C₆H₅CH₂=NO (D) C₆H₅CH₂CH=NOH 6. How many compounds with molecular formula C₅H₁₀O may be reduced with NaBH₄ to a primary alcohol? (A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 5 7. Which of the following compounds will undergo an aldol reaction? (A) formaldehyde (B) Butanal (C) Benzaldehyde (D) Hydroxylamine
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8. Aliphatic aldehydes can be differentiated from aromatic by use of (A) Fehling's reagent (B) Tollen's reagent (C) Benedict solution (D) Lucas reagent 9. What product is formed when glyceraldehyde reacts with bromine water? (A) 2,3-dihydroxypropanoic acid (B) 1,2-dihydroxybutanoic acid (C) 2,3-dihydroxybutanoic acid (D) 2,2-dihydroxypropanoic acid 10. Conversion of CH₃CH₂COCl to CH₃CH₂CHO can be achieved using____ (A) H₂.Pd (B) LiAlH(OBut)₃ (C) LiAlH₄ (D) Na/CH₃OH 11. Iodoform test is used to detect the presence of ________ in a compound. (A) Cl (B) I (C) RX (D) -CH₂CO 12. Two isomeric compounds A and B with molecular formula C₃H₈O can be oxidized to C and D respectively. C reacts with Fehling's reagent solution to produce a red brown precipitate E and F. D has no reaction with fehling's solution. What is the functional group of C? (A) Alkanal (B) Alcohol (C) Alkanol (D) Alkanone 13. The reagent of Clemmenson reduction is ____ (A) ZnCl₂ in conc HCl (B) Zn/Hg in Conc HCl (C) Zinc dust in H₂SO₄ (D) All of the above 14. CH₃CH(CH₂CH₃)CH(CH₃)CHO The above compound is (A) 2,2-dimethyl pentanal (B) 2-methyl-3-ethyl butanal (C) α,β-dimethyl valeraldehyde (D) Methyl,ethyl butaraldehyde 15. H₃CCOCl + H₂ → H₃CCHO + HCl The above reaction is (A) Cannizaro reaction (B) Rosenmund reduction (C) Hell Volhard Zelinsky reaction (D) Wagner merwin reduction 16. 2CH₃CHO + NaOH → CH₃CH(OH)CH₂CHO. This reaction represent (A) Aldol condensation (B) Clemmenson reduction (C) Haloform reaction (D) None of the above 17. The reduction of butanal with H₂/Pd gives (A) 1-butanal (B) 1-butanol (C) Butanone (D) None 18. What is the major product of the reaction below C₆H₅COCl + C₆H₆ + [AlCl₃] → ? (A) Benzoic acid (B) Benzoate (C) diphenyl ketone (D) LiAlH₄ 19. C₆H₅CH₂CHO is (A) phenyl ethanal (B) Benzene ethanal (C) phenyl ethyl ketone (D) none of these 20. An Oxime Benzaldehyde will have the structure (A) C₆H₅CH=NO (B) C₆H₅CH=NOH (C) C₆H₅CH₂H=NO (D) C₆H₅CH₂CH=NOH
1. Which of the following is most acidic; (i) CH₃CHClCOOH, (ii) CH₃CCl2COOH, (iii)CH₃CH₂COOH ? (A) i (B) ii (C) iii (D) None of the above 2. The compound C₁₁H₂₃COOH is (A) Decanoic acid (B) Dodecanoic acid (C) Tridecanoic acid (D) Tetradecanoic acid 3. Which is most acidic? (A) Butanoic acid (B) Pentane (C) Butane (D) Pentanoic acid 4. Which of the following can be used to prevent on mould on food? (A) formic acid (B) HCl (C) Sorbic acid (D) None of the above 5. Which of the following is known as vinegar? (A) Anhydrous acetic acid (B) Acetic acid (C) Dilute acetic acid (D) Glacial acetic acid 6. What reagent can be used to differentiate CH₃CH₂COOH from CH₃COCH₃? (A) LiAlH₄ (B) ZnSO₄ (C) KMnO₄ (D) NaHCO₃ 7. Give the trivial name of CH₃CH(NO₂)CH₂COOH (A) Nitro butanoic acid (B) α-nitro butyric acid (C) β- nitro butyric acid (D) β-nitro butanoic acid 8. Arrange the following in order of increasing acidity; (i) Cl₂CHCOOH, (ii) Cl₃CCOOH, (iii), (CH₃)₂CHCOOH, (iv), CH₃COOH. (A) i>ii>iii>iv (B) i<ii<iii<iv (C) iii<iv<I<ii (D) i<ii<iv<iii 9. With respect to carboxylic acids, _____ (A) Dimerization takes place (B) Hydrogen bonding is rare (C) Resonance phenomenon is rare (D) They are not quite as acidic as water 10. Which of the following is most acidic (A) HCOOH (B) C₃H₇COOH (C) C₄H₉COOH (D) None of the above 11. To convert a carboxylic acid to the corresponding alcohol, you will have to carry out (A) reduction reaction with KMnO₄ (B) an oxidation reaction with NaBH₄ (C) a saponification reaction with LiAlH₄ (D) None of the above 12. The characteristics smell of rancid butter is due to the presence of (A) ethanoic acid (B) propanoic acid (C) Butanoic acid (D) rancid acid
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CARBOXYL ACID DERIVATIVES (PAST QUESTIONS REVIEW) 1. Which of these will not react with acid chloride? (A) R₃N (B) R₂NH (C) RNH₃ (D) None of the above 2. Acetic anhydrides are less reactive towards attack by nucleophile than (A) acetic acid (B) Alkyl acetate (C) Acetyl chloride (D) Acetamide 3. Which reagents are used in the most preparation of acid anhydrides? (A) acid chloride and salt of carboxylic acid (B) acid chloride and esters (C) amide and the salt of a carboxylic acid (D) salt of a carboxylic acid and ester 4. Which of the following compounds will be converted to acetic anhydride when treated with sodium acetate? (A) Acetaldehyde (B) Acetyl chloride (C) Methyl acetate (D) Acetamide 5. Ammonolysis of an acid anhydride gives an amide and an_____ (A) Alcohol (B) Ester (C) Acid (D) Alkane 6. RCOOR' + H₂NOH → ? + ?. The products of the reaction are (A) RCOCl + HCl (B) RCOOH + H₂O (C) RCOOH + NaCl (D) none of the above 7. H₂C-C=O-O-C=O-H₂N is an (A) Alkanone (B) Alkanoic acid anhydride (C) Tertiary alkanol (D) Alkanoate
1. (CH₃)₂NH, the conjugate acid of the compound is (A) CH₃NH₂+ (B) C₂H₅NH+ (C) (CH₃)₂NH₂+ (D) none 2. If the pKb for NH₃ = 4.76. What is the pKa for NH₃? (A) 5.24 (B) 10.24 (C) 3.76 (D) None 3. N,N-5-trimethylaniline is (A) Primary (B) Secondary (C) Tertiary (D) None 4. What is the reagent used for Hoffman degradation of Amides? (A) Br/HCl (B) Br₂/NaOH (C) Br/H₂O (D) None 5. Arrange the following in order of increasing basicity I CH₃CH₂NH₂ ii.CH₃(CH₂)₂NH iii. (CH₃CH₂)₃N (A) i<ii<iii (B) iii>ii>I (C) i=ii<iii (D) iii<i<ii 6. Which of the following compounds does not form salt when a dilute aqueous solution of an acid is added? (A) C₆H₅NH₂ (B) C₆H₅CH₂NH₂ (C) C₂H₅CONH₂ (D) (C₂H₅)₃N 7. Arrange the following is increasing not basic strength i.FCH₂CH₂NH₂ ii.F₂CHCH₂NH₃ iii.CH₃CH₂NH₂ (A) i>ii>iii (B) i>iii>ii (C) ii>i>iii (D) iii>i>ii 8. Which of the following is not a primary aromatic amine? (A) CH₃(C₆H₄)NH₂ (B) C₆H₅CH₂NH₂ (C) C₆H₄NH(CH₃) (D) All of the above 9. Which of the following will yield yellow oil when reacted with HONO? (A) C₆H₅NH2 (B) R₂NH (C) C₂H₅CONH₂ (D) NH₃ 10. Which of the following is false? (A) Amine is readily absorbed through the skin (B) Amine are more basic than water (C) Methylamine and ethylamine are gases at room temperature (D) None of the above 11. (C₂H₅)₃NH + HONO → ? + ?. The products of the reaction are (A) C₂H₅OH + H₂O (B) C₂H₅COOH + H₂O (C) C₂H₅N.NO + C₂H₅OH (D) (C₂H₅)N.NO +H₂O 12. Which of the following statements is correct? (A) Tertiary aliphatic amine can react with HNO₃ via diazolization or nitrosation (B) A secondary aliphatic amine is usually less basic than an equivalent primary amine (C) To regenerate primary amine from its salt, you treat the salt with an acid (D) Alkyl group increases basicity of amines 13. 2NH₂ + CHCl₃ +KOH → In the reaction (A) A peasant odour of isocyanate is produced (B) A tertiary amine will give a positive result (C) Both primary and secondary amines will yield a positive result (D) None 14. Which of these is out of place with respect to Hinsberg's procedure? (A) Test for proteins (B) Test for primary alcohols (C) Test for mixture of monosaccharides (D) All of them are out of place 15. CH₃CH₂N(CH₃)₂. This organic compound is (A) a secondary amine (B) methylamine pentane (C) a primary amide (D) None 16. (CH₃)₂N + CH₃Cl → ? The product of this reaction can be described as (A) a tertiary ammonium salt (B) a quaternary ammonium hydroxide (C) a quaternary ammonium salt (D) None of the above 17. The reaction between ammonia and an alkyl halide is (A) an electrophile substitute reaction (B) a neutralization reaction (C) an epimerization reaction. (D) a nucleophile reaction 18. R-C=N + (H₂/Ni) → This reaction yields (A) a carboxylic acid (B) an ester (C) a cyanohydrin (D) an amine 19. C₆H₅N → C₆H₅NH₂. The transformation requires (A) a base such as NaOH (B) an acid such as HCl (C) a reagent such as KMnO₄ (D) None
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20. Which of the following compounds has the smallest pKa (A) (CH₃)₂NH (B) (CH₃)₃N (C) CH₃NH₂ (D) NH₃
1. Which is associated with the millon's test for protein? (A) Lycine (B) Glycine (C) Tryptophan (D) Tyrosine 2. ___ test is used to determine the presence of peptide bonds. (A) Viscosity (B) Biuret (C) Millions (D) None 3. In the Biuret test for protein, a positive test is by the formation of ____ colour (A) Purple (B) Red (C) Brown (D) Green 4. CH₃CH(OH)CH(NH₂)COOH is (A) Alanine (B) Leucine (C) Cysteine (D) Threonine 5. Which of the following cannot denature protein? (A) Urea (B) Acetone (C) Density (D) Heat 6. Protein that exists bound to a prosthetic group is called ____ (A) Primary protein (B) Denatured protein (C) Conjugated protein (D) Helix 7. Which amino acid has an alcohol functional group in its side chain? (A) Serine (B) Valine (C) Glutamine (D) Alanine CARBOHYDRATES (PAST QUESTIONS REVIEW) 1. Glucaric acid can be produced by reacting glucose with (A) HNO3 (B) LiAlH4 (C) Na/EtOH (D) None 2. To convert pentose sugar to hexose sugar, you need ? (A) NH 2OH (B) HCN (C) Bromine water (D) None 3. Which of the following does not take place when galactose reacts with Fehling's solution? (A) Cu² +→ Cu+ (B) Formation of brick red ppt (C) Cu+→ Cu²+ (D) Formation of galatonic acid 4. The reaction between glucose and NH₂OH leads to the formation of (A) Cyanohydrin (B) Oxime (C) Aldaric acid (D) none 5. Glucose cyanohydrin is obtained by reacting glucose with (A) Hydrin (B) Cyanohydrin (C) Hydrogen cyanide (D) H2SO4 6. Reaction of glucose with bromine water gives (A) Glucoside (B) Gluconic acid (C) Glucaric anhydride (D) None 7. The following are disaccharide except (A) Ribose (B) Maltose (C) Lactose (D) Sucrose 8. The following are monosaccharides except (A) Insulin (B) Ribose (C) Glyceraldehyde (D) Arabinose
1. Which of the following is not true of synthetic detergents? (A) They are amphipathic (B) They yield neutral solutions (C) They yield alkaline solutions (D) They are effective when in hard water 2. Which of these will be suitable for manufacture of paints? (A) Arachidonic acid (B) Arachidic acid (C) Butyric acid (D) Acetic acid 3. Soaps are good cleansing agents because (A) They are organic substances (B) They are hydrophobic (C) They are amphipathic (D) They are from fatty acids 4. Basic hydrolysis of triglycerides is called (A) Esterification (B) Polymerization (C) Oxidation (D) Saponification NATURAL PRODUCTS (PAST QUESTIONS REVIEW) 1. All alkaloids contain (A) C,H,N (B) C,H,O,N (C) C,H,O (D) C and N only 2. Buna S rubber has monomers of (A) butadiene (B) butadiene and isoprene (C) Butadiene and styrene (D) Cis-isoprene 3. The following are opium alkaloid except (A) laudanosine (B) Morphine (C) tryamine (D) papavrine 4. The following are classes of alkaloid except (A) phenyl ethyl amine (B) pyrrolidine (C) oxirane (D) isoquinoline 5. The tensile strength and elasticity of rubber can both be improved by the addition of (A) Ozone (B) Butadiene (C) Sulphur (D) isoprene 6. ____ is an example of alkaloid. (A) Cocaine (B) Tryosine (C) Cortisol (D) Cholesterol 7. The following are hormone that control sex functioning except (A) Progesterone (B) Cortisone (C) estradiol (D) testosterone 8. The alkaloid from black pepper is? (A) Piperidine (B) piperine (C) Pyrrole (D) Pyridine 9. Prostagladins are found mainly in? (A) Urine (B) Serum (C) seminal fluid (D)bone 10. Prostagladine E (PGE) has _ on its cyclopentyl ring? (A) oxo and hydroxyl (B) two hydroxyl (C) oxo and C=C (D) two oxo