Dungeon Mode & Nightmare Mode Rulebook
Dungeon Mode & Nightmare Mode Rulebook
Dungeon Mode & Nightmare Mode Rulebook
This expansion contains the components and rules to play with 2 new game variants:
Dungeon Mode and Nightmare Mode.
Dungeon Mode is a standalone experience Nightmare Mode provides a number of
where a solo player or party can play through a challenge modifiers that players can add to
series of randomized encounters of increasing enemies during either normal campaign play
difficulty. At the end of each run, players score or Dungeon Mode. When used in conjunction
their performance based on the number and with Dungeon Mode, defeating enemies with
difficulty of enemies they defeated. The harder modifiers scores more points.
your run and the further you got, the more
points you score!
1 Scorepad
91 Dungeon Cards
Dungeon Mode Setup
1 3
D E 4
New Encounter
Each time you start a new encounter during a Dungeon Mode playthrough, follow these steps:
1 Reveal the top formation card from the deck 6 nce the party is ready to fight, spawn the
and turn to the indicated location in the Divine selected enemies as follows:
Atlas. Ignore all setup in the Divine Atlas.
a. Find all minion cards that were
2 Set the time tracker to 8. revealed and place them in minion
trays A-E, in the order they were
3 ake out the dungeon cards of the party’s
T revealed (left to right down the row).
current level and divide them into normal Set each tray’s HP dial to the minion’s
and hard decks. Shuffle each deck.
HP} value and place it on the initiative
track indicated on their dungeon card.
4 eveal the top dungeon card from the
b. Place each enemy standee in the
normal deck and place it face up next to the
numbered space indicated under
formation card. This is the first enemy the
its letter on the formation card.
party will fight during the encounter.
(Note that all spaces are considered
5 I f the party thinks that they can handle unlocked in Dungeon Mode; see next
more enemies (and wishes to earn greater section.)
rewards), they may then draw up to 5 c. Leave the dungeon cards face up near
additional dungeon cards (6 in total), one the Divine Atlas (you will need to see
at a time, from either the normal OR hard the rewards if you win!).
deck. Each dungeon card is placed in a face
up row next to the first one.
7 ach Origin may place their figure in any
space on the map, including tactical or
locked spaces (except for spaces that are
disconnected from the rest of the map).
No more than 1 Origin can start on each
tactical space.
After any dungeon card is drawn, an Origin may spend 1 Source} to discard it and draw a
new card from the same deck. Each Origin may only do this once per encounter.
2 4
If a Boss dungeon card is revealed at any time during encounter setup, discard the current
formation card, then flip to the location on the Boss’s card in the Divine Atlas. You must encounter
the Boss at this location.
When spawning enemies during a Boss encounter, open the Boss booklet to their page and follow
the setup steps there. Spawn all enemies on the Boss’s starting space listed in the Boss booklet.
There can only be 1 Boss in each encounter. If you reveal another Boss, discard it and reveal a new
dungeon card to replace it.
Playing an Encounter
5. Recover & Equip: Each Origin fully refills 2. Buy: The party may buy any number of
their HP} and Source} and flips all their talents face
up. Each Origin may freely equip, store, and
revealed items for their printed cost. Each item
may be equipped or stored by any Origin.
trade items.
3. Sell: At any time, any Origin may sell any
6. Merchant: The party may visit the item for half its gold cost, rounded up.
Merchant. (see below)
4. Restock: If the party wishes to see more
7. New Encounter: Once you are ready to items, they may choose any 1 deck and pay
start the next encounter, follow the New its restock fee to reveal another 5 cards. The
Encounter setup steps on pg 3. (Note that party may do this any number of times.
you do not shuffle discarded formation cards
back into the deck.) Note these important differences from visiting
the Merchant in the standard campaign:
Defeating a Boss
▶ The first reveal does not require an entry fee.
When the party defeats a Boss, you gain the
following rewards (in addition to rewards from ▶ Always reveal 5 items at a time, regardless of
any minions they defeated): player count.
1. Instead of gaining gold from the Boss, the ▶ The party may reveal and purchase runes as if
party gains a new unique item listed on the they were items. (see below)
Boss’ dungeon card. Any Origin may equip
or store this item. Purchasing Runes
2. Each Origin learns 1 of their Source skills of The party may choose the rune deck for your initial
the level indicated on the Boss’ dungeon card. free reveal or when restocking the Merchant (the
restock fee for runes is 3 gold). When runes are
Visiting the Merchant
selected, shuffle the rune deck and reveal 5 cards as
To visit the Merchant, flip the interlude card to normal. The party may then buy from the revealed
the Merchant side and follow the steps there: runes at the prices below.
1. Free Reveal: Choose an equipment deck of
your current level or lower (or the rune deck) Small Rune 6
AND choose a consumable deck. Shuffle the
selected decks and reveal 5 cards from each Medium Rune 10
Large Rune 14
Losing an Encounter Scoring a Dungeon Run
If the party is defeated during an encounter, When a Dungeon Mode run ends, either
your Dungeon Mode run is over. Score the because you were defeated or you won a level 6
encounter you lost by adding up the point encounter, you can determine your party’s final
values on only the enemies you successfully score as follows:
defeated (ignore enemies still on the map).
Then proceed to final scoring (without gaining 1. Record the amount of unspent gold in the
any new skills or gold). party’s stash.
2. Add up your score for each encounter plus
The Final Encounter your total unspent gold to get your final
score for the run.
If the party manages to reach level 6, reveal
the first enemy from the level 6 dungeon deck
(which is always a Boss). You may then reveal
up to 5 additional enemies from the level 5
dungeon decks (either normal or hard).
If you win the final encounter, add up your score
for the encounter as normal, then proceed
directly to final scoring (without gaining
any new skills or gold).
Nightmare Mode
Nightmare Mode adds nightmare modifier cards that enhance enemies and increase the difficulty
of combat. They can be used in the standard campaign for a greater challenge and in Dungeon
Mode for higher scores.