Nemesis Rulebook
Nemesis Rulebook
Nemesis Rulebook
(9) Contract Cards (8) Minion Cards (16) Item & Summon Cards
(11) Boss Tactic Cards
(32) Location Cards (4) Demonic Status (18) Demonology Skill Cards
Effect Cards (13) Journal Cards
Demonology is a new skill school that Origins Once you have learned any Demonology skill,
can learn during the campaign. Demonology you have signed the Demonic Contract and are
skills can be learned and used like other skills. subject to its effects. Additionally, whenever
However, once an Origin has learned at least 1 you learn a Demonology skill, you must add
Demonology skill, they become subject to all its level to the party’s contract point total,
effects of the Demonic Contract. which may reveal new sections of the Contract
(see next section). Demonology skills can’t be
Signing the Contract permanently discarded or lost (including when
At the start of the standard campaign (after the you respec), unless a game effect explicitly says
tutorial), each Origin will be given the option otherwise. (Note that only Origins who sign
to learn the level 1 Demonology skill Curse the Contract at the start of the campaign gain
in addition to their 4 starting skills. If at least a “free” Curse skill. Origins who wish to learn
1 Origin does so, reveal the first Demonic Curse later on must learn it like any other skill.)
Contract card from the top of the contract deck Importantly, at least 1 Origin must reveal and
and place it face up near the Divine Atlas. Each sign the Contract at the start of the campaign
Origin who learned Curse has now signed the in order to make Demonology available. If no
Contract, and is subject to all ongoing effects one accepts the initial bargain and reveals the
on all face up contract cards (see next section). Contract, Demonology skills will not be available
If at least 1 Origin reveals and signs the to learn at any time during the campaign, and the
Contract, all Demonology skills become party will not gain access to the Nemesis locations
available for any Origin to learn whenever they when they complete the campaign.
level up or otherwise learn a new skill. Like
other skills, you can only learn Demonology
skills of your level or lower. However,
Advanced Demonology skills (level 3 or higher)
do not require a training talent.
The Demonic Contract
The Demonic Contract is made up of all
contract cards that the party has revealed. The
effects on all cards in the Demonic Contract
are always active, and apply to all Origins who
have signed the Contract (learned at least
1 Demonology skill). The Contract can be
stored in the journal envelope between game
sessions, but must be kept face up near the
Divine Atlas while playing.
As Origins learn more Demonology skills, If the party accumulates 4 contract points,
they may reveal new sections of the Demonic they must reveal the next section of
Contract. Whenever anyone learns a the Contract.
Demonology skill, its level is added to the
party’s contract point total. If this total reaches
or exceeds the contract point threshold
shown on the back of the next contract card
The rest of this rulebook deals
on the deck, immediately reveal this card and
with effects that appear in Demonology content
permanently add it to the Contract. Note that and Nemesis locations. We recommend you
this includes when Origins choose to learn only read the relevant sections when you
Curse at the start of the campaign (if 4 Origins discover them in-game.
learn Curse, then section 2 of the Contract is
immediately revealed).
Cursed Spaces
In addition to gaining environment effects, This effect may be printed on a map space
map spaces can now be CURSED. Spaces that are or applied to it by placing a token there.
CURSED are subject to the following effects: The CURSED token is placed next to the
environment effect slot and does not replace
CURSED: When anyone here gains a any active environment effect. A space may be
status effect, extend its duration by 1. both CURSED AND have an environment effect
at the same time.
The CURSED effect can’t extend the duration
of a status effect above 5 (or 3 for minions).
Binding Status Effects
Status effects with the [BINDING] keyword have
permanent effects. When you gain a [BINDING]
status effect, place it next to your player tray
instead of on your cooldown track.