Roll No.
x`g foKku
(Home Science)
Hindi and English Medium
Time - 2 ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑠 M.M. – 60
d`i;k tk¡p dj ysa bl iz”u&i= esa eqfnzr i`’B 13 rFkk iz”u 18 gSA
Please make sure that the printed pages in this question paper are 13 in
number and it contains 18 questions.
iz”u&i= esa nkfgus gkFk dh vksj fn;s x;sa dksM uEcj rFkk lsV dks Nk=
mÙkj&iqfLrdk ds eq[;&i`’B ij fy[ksaA
The Code No. and Set on the right side of the question paper should be
written by the candidate on the front page of the answer-book.
d`i;k iz”u dk mÙkj fy[kuk “kq: djus ls igys] iz”u dk Øekad vo”;
Before beginning to answer a question, its Serial Number must be
mÙkj&iqfLrdk ds chp esa [kkyh iUuk@iUus u NksM+sA
Don’t leave blank page/pages in your answer book.
lkekU; funsZ”k %
General Instructions :
1- lHkh iz”u vfuok;Z gS
(All questions are compulsory)
2- izR;sd iz”u ds vad mlds lkeus n”kkZ, x, gSA
Marks of each question is indicated against it.
3- vkids mÙkj vdakuqlkj gksus pkfg,A
Your answer should be according to marks.
uksV% iz”u ua0 1 esa ianzg ¼I-XV½ oLrqfu’V iz”u gSA izR;sd ds fy, lgh fodYi
[kaM & v
Section – A
oLrqfu’B Á”u
(Objective Type Question)
(ii) lqjf{kr Hkfo’; ds fy, D;k djuk pkfg,\ 1
¼d½ cpr djuk
¼[k½ [kpZ djuk
¼x½ m/kkj ysuk
¼?k½ /ku dk nku nsuk
What should be done for safe future?
(a) saving
(b) Expenditure
(c) Loan
(d) Donation
(iv) ih0,Q0,0 dk iwjk uke D;k gS\ 1
¼d½ fizosU”ku vkWQ QzwV vMYVsª”ku ,DV
¼[k½ fizosU”ku vkWQ QwM vMYVsª”ku ,DV
¼x½ fizosU”ku vkWQ QwM vMYVsªfjM ,DV
¼?k½ mijksDr es ls dksbZ ugha
What is the full for of P.F.A.?
(a) Prevention of fruit Adulteration Act
(b) Prevention of food Adulteration Act
(c) Prevention of food Adulterid Act
(d) None of above
(vi) ^,^ Js.kh dk izksVhu gS& 1
¼d½ vukt
¼[k½ nw/k
¼x½ nky
¼?k½ eDdh dh thu
‘A’ grade protein is
(a) Cereals
(b) Milk
(c) Pulses
(d) Makki ki zein protein
(viii)tSoys ikuh dk jklk;fud uke gS& 1
¼d½ iksVsf”k;e ijeSxusV
¼[k½ iksVsf”k;e ijcksjsV
¼x½ lksfM;e gkbiksDyksjkbV
¼?k½ lksfM;e ckblYQkbM
Chemical name of javelle water is
(a) Potassium Permagnet
(b) Potassium Perborate
(c) Sodium Hypochlorite
(d) Sodium Bisulphide
(x) lfCt;kas es de gksrk gS& 1
¼d½ yksgk
¼[k½ izkVs hu
¼x½ foVkfeu ^ch^
¼?k½ foVkfeu ^lh^
What is the less in vegetables-
(a) Iron
(b) Protein
(c) Vitamin ‘B’
(d) Vitamin ‘C’
(xi) vkbZ0lh0,e0vkj0 }kjk HkksT; inkFkksZa dks fdrus lewgks es ck¡Vk x;k gS\ 1
¼d½ rhu
¼[k½ pkj
¼x½ ik¡p
¼?k½ N%
Food items are classified in how many groups by ICMR
(a) Three
(b) Four
(c) Five
(d) Six
(xii) tUe ds le; cPpksa es lkekftd fodkl dk Lrj gksrk gS& 1
¼d½ iw.kZ
¼[k½ fcYdqy ugha
¼x½ lkekU;
¼?k½ mijksDr lHkh
Social development in children at the time of birth is-
(a) Complete
(b) Nil
(c) Normal
(d) All of above
(xiv) buesa ls dkSu lk fuos”k dk rjhdk mfpr ugh gS& 1
¼d½ ,y0vkbZ0lh0
¼[k½ ,Q0Mh0vkj0
¼x½ Hkfo’; fuf/k
¼?k½ ykWVjh
Which of the following is not a right method of investment
(a) LIC
(b) FDR
(c) P.F.
(d) Lottery
(xv) vk;ksMhu dh deh ls dkSu lk jksx gks tkrk gS \ 1
¼d½ csjh&csjh
¼[k½ ?ks?kka
¼x½ dSalj
¼?k½ vuhfe;k
Disease caused due to iodine deficiency is-
(a) Beri-Beri
(b) Goitre
(c) Cancer
(d) Anemia
[kaM & c
Section – B
vfr y?kq mÙkjh; Á”u
(Very Short Answer Type Questions)
4- [ksys tkus okys LFkku ds vk/kkj ij [ksy fdrus izdkj ds gksrs gS\ 2
What are the type of games on the basis of place of play?
10- ljlksa ds rsy es fdldh feykoV dh tkrh gS\ blds D;k uqdlku gS\ 2
Which adultrant is used for adulteration in mustard oil? What is its
harmful effect.
[kaM & l
Section - C
Yk?kq mÙkjh; Á”u
(Short Answer Type Questions)
15- iks’kd rRoksa ds lao/kZu dh fof/k;ka¡ dkSu lh gS\ fdlh ,d fof/k dk o.kZu
djksA 3
What are the methods of nutritional enhancement? Describe any one
method in brief.
16- vfodkjh [kk| inkFkksaZ dk mnkgj.k nsaA vki budk Hk.Mkj.k fdl izdkj
djksxs\ 3
Give the examples of non-perishable food. How would you store these?
[kaM & n
Section – D
foLr`r mÙkjh; Á”u
(Long Answer Type Questions)
17- lQsn lwrh oL=ksa ds /kqykbZ ds fofHkUu pj.kksa dk foLrkj ls o.kZu djsAa 5
Describe is detail various steps of washing white cotton clothes in
/kCcs NqM+kus dh fof/k;ksa dk o.kZu djksaA
Describe the methods of stain removal.
18- vkgkj vk;kstu dks izHkkfor djus okys dkjdksa dk o.kZu djksA 5
Describe the factors affecting meal planning.
lUrqfyr vkgkj fdls dgrs gS\ Lruiku djkus okyh ekrk ds fy, vkgkj
vk;kstu djrs le; fdu ckrkas dk /;ku j[kksxsa\
What is balanced diet? What points which you should keep in mind for
meal planning of lactating mother.