CBM-341-BAN-2 marks
CBM-341-BAN-2 marks
CBM-341-BAN-2 marks
2. What is Biocompatibility?
Biocompatibility is defined as “the ability of a material to perform with an appropriate
host response in a specific application”
Biocompatibility is also defined as “the ability of a material to perform its desired
function with respect to a medical therapy, without eliciting any undesirable local or
systemic effects in the recipient or beneficiary of that therapy, but generating the most
appropriate beneficial cellular or tissue response in that specific situation, and optimizing
the clinically relevant performance of that therapy”
4. What is MEMS Integration technology?
Micro Electro-Mechanical System (MEMS) technology is the area which has offered
the prospect of sophisticated sensing using a miniaturised sensor device.
Improvements in sensor manufacturing and nano-engineering techniques, along with
parallel advances in MEMS technology offer the potential for producing even smaller
implantable and attachable sensors than were previously possible. An example of one
such miniaturised nano-engineered sensor currently under development is a fluorescent
hydrogel alginate microsphere optical glucose sensor.
MEMS devices in particular may prove pivotal in the drug delivery component of any
closed feedback loop. In addition, when mass-produced, MEMS technology offers the
prospect of delivering efficient and precise sensors for low cost.
6. What is the criteria for sensor node placement to reduce the wearability issues?
Design for wearability requires unobtrusive sensor node placement on the human
body based on application-specific criteria. Criteria for placement can vary with the
needs of functionality and convenience.
Functionality criteria constrains node placement to regions where relevant data can
be sensed. The number of nodes required to capture all relevant data can vary based on
the quality of information sensed at individual locations.
Convenience criteria include:
(1) physical interference with movement,
(2) difficulty in removing and placing nodes,
(3) social and fashion concerns,
(4) frequency and difficulty of maintenance (charging and cleaning)
Initial applications of BANs are expected to appear primarily in the healthcare domain,
especially for continuous monitoring and logging vital parameters of patients with chronic
diseases such as diabetes, asthma and heart attacks.
A BAN in place on a patient can alert the hospital, even before they have a heart
attack, through measuring changes in their vital signs.
A BAN on a diabetic patient could auto inject insulin through a pump, as soon as their
insulin level declines.
A BAN can be used, to learn the underlying health state transitions and dynamics of a
Other applications of this technology include sports, military, or security. Extending the
technology to new areas could also assist communication by seamless exchanges of
information between individuals, or between individuals and machines.
8. What is meant by Bhattacharyya distance?
One of the most popular class separability measures in the field of pattern recognition
is the Bhattacharyya distance. It is theoretically sound because it relates directly to the upper
bound of classification error the probabilities.
The Bhattacharyya distance is more theoretically sound because it relates directly to the
upper bound of classification error the probabilities. Bhattacharyya distance measures are real
values between 0 and 2, where 0 indicates complete overlap between the signatures of two
classes, and 2 indicates a complete separation between the two classes.
10. Differentiate the challenges faced by the Wireless Sensor Network and Body Area
Since limited Random Access Memory (RAM) is provided by MCUs, most WSN
platforms are designed with an external flash memory or Electrically Erasable Programmable
Read-Only Memory (EEPROM). Due to the non-volatile nature of the EEPROM, it is used in
most embedded systems for storing configuration information because it does not require
power to retain the stored data. It is also used as an immediate storage for sensor readings.
For instance, in order to perform feature extraction or filtering of the sampled data, the
EEPROM can be used as a processing buffer for these algorithms. Another use of the
EEPROM is for storing program images. For example, Deluge, a TinyOS network-
programming tool, uses the external flash memory to store the program image in order to
enable dynamic reprogramming
of the sensor nodes.
Sensors such as simple photo resistors and thermistors, or more complex gyroscope and
condenser microphones, generally provide analogue readings. Most WSN platforms are
equipped with ADC interfaces for data sampling and acquisition. For instance, the Atmel
Atmega128L MCU has an eight-channel 10-bit ADC that can sample at a rate up to 15.4ksps
(kilo-samples per second), whereas the TI MSP430 microcontroller has a 12-bit ADC which
provides a higher precision reading than that of the Atmel processor. In addition to ADCs,
some platforms are equipped with Digital-to-Analogue Converter (DAC) for controlling
sensors or actuators.
With its wide range of interconnection It has 8-channels of 10-bit ADCs
functions, 12-bit ADCs and the serial (Analogue-to-Digital Converters) and
programming interface. The operating low operating voltage (2.7V),
voltage (1.8V).
The MSP430 has been widely The ATmega processor has been widely
9. adopted in platforms such as Telos, used in many WSN platforms. They
Tmote sky etc., include the Mica motes, BTnode etc.,
9. What is UART?
Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART)
UART, often known as the TTL (Transistor-Transistor Logic) version of the RS232,
used to be the most commonly used interface between computers and peripherals before
the introduction of Universal Serial Bus (USB). For embedded systems, however, it still
remains the main communication mechanism. Unlike I2C and SPI, UART is a peer-to-
peer full-duplex network protocol.
UART is designed for asynchronous transmission, no clock signal is used and devices
are expected to operate at the same frequency. Start and stop bits are used to signal the
beginning and end of the transmission. The data is shifted with the LSB (Least Significant
Bit) first. UART is often used for device level communications and it allows long
distance connections.
2. What are the RF bands used in-body communication systems and mention its
frequency range?
RF communication dramatically increases bandwidth and enables a two-way data link
that allows an implant to initiate a communication session. This requires an implanted
battery, electronics and suitable antenna. While some in-body communication systems
used the Industrial Scientific and Medical (ISM) bands of 2.4GHz and the Medical
Implant Communication System (MICS) band of 403MHz to 405MHz is gaining
worldwide acceptance. This band has a power limit of 25W in air and is split into
300kHz wide channels.
6. What is meant by Star-mesh hybrid network?
Star-mesh hybrid network allows connecting a mesh network with one or more star
networks or several star networks with each other. A mixed star and mesh network
combines the simplicity of the singlehop star topology with the extendibility and
flexibility of the multi-hop mesh topology.
9. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Cluster tree network topology?
Advantages of Cluster tree network topology
Low power consumption of leaf nodes
Large spatial coverage area
Many nodes possible
Large spatial coverage
Medium complexity (rerouting is required when a node in the tree dies)
1. What are the currently available approaches to overcome coexistence issues with
Body Area Networks?
The currently available approaches to overcome coexistence issues with WBANs
include listen-before talk(LBT) behavior, channel monitoring and prediction techniques,
backoff strategies, reservation schemes, (slow) frequency adaptation and (fast) frequency
hopping, and redundancy with regard to frequencies, antennas, and coding.
6. What is meant by Sybil attacks?
To form a network and create routing tables, every sensor node has to have a
unique identity. In a Sybil attack, a malicious node creates fake identities, in order
that it can appear in multiple places at the same time. It will therefore be more likely
to be selected as part of a hop for forwarding messages, thus opening the gate for
selective forwarding attacks. Figure shows a Sybil attack where multiple identities of
a compromised node are sent to neighbouring sensor nodes.
8. How to counteract against frequency specific interference using Frequency
hopping spread spectrum (FHSS)?
Frequency hopping spread spectrum (FHSS) is the simplest spread spectrum
technique, which helps to counteract against frequency specific interference on a
statistical basis. FHSS uses M different carrier frequencies that are modulated by the
source signal. At one moment, the signal modulates one carrier frequency; at the next
moment, the signal modulates another carrier frequency. In the long run, all M
frequencies are used. The frequency pattern must be agreed between the synchronized
sender and receiver.
where α is the balance coefficient of AT, which is a key factor to influence the
performance of the AT filter.
5. What are the features of PillCam Electronic Pill?
One of the current state-of-the-art technologies for electronic pills is the
commercially available PillCam by the company “Given Imaging”. The pill uses
Zarlink’s RF chip for wireless transmission based on the MICS band. The allowable
channel bandwidth for this band is only 300 kHz. It is difficult to assign enough data
rate for the high quality video data at the moment for real-time monitoring. Data rate
is 800 Kbps. It is processed 14 images per second or 2,600 color images.
6. Why Ultra Wide Band (UWB) communication used in some Body Area
Networks applications?
Wideband technology (UWB communication) is an ideal physical layer
solution that achieves a data rate equal or higher than 100 Mbps. Its current
applications are mostly for in-door entertainment, radar, and imaging. Due to high
losses in body tissue at high frequencies many are skeptical about using UWB for
implanted and, moreover, ingested devices.
A wideband electronic pill can transmit raw video data without any
compressing, resulting low-power, less delay in real-time and increased picture
resolution. With a high definition camera such as 2 megapixels, UWB telemetry can
send up to 10 frames per second (fps).
8. List out the major chronic diseases and which type of BAN Sensor is used to
measure the physiological parameter.
Physiological Parameter (BSN Biochemical Parameter (BSN
Sensor Type) Sensor Type)
Weight loss (body fat sensor) Tumour markers, blood detection
(implantable/ wearable (urine, faces, sputum), nutritional
mechanoreceptor) albumin (implantable biosensors)
Lung, Colon)
Respiration, peak expiratory flow, Oxygen partial pressure
Asthma /
oxygen saturation (implantable/ (implantable/wearable optical sensor,
wearable mechanoreceptor) implantable biosensor
Gait, tremor, muscle tone, activity
Parkinson’s Brain dopamine level (implantable
(wearable EEG, accelerometer,
Disease biosensor)
Gait, muscle tone, activity, impaired
Stroke speech, memory (wearable EEG,
accelerometer, gyroscope)
Visual impairment, sensory Blood glucose, glycated haemoglobin
Diabetes disturbance (wearable accelerometer, (HbA1c).
gyroscope) (implantable biosensor)
The RC(t) series is the de-noised ECG signals with the operations of the
bandpass filter and the linear amplifier. Since electrical noises and muscle tremors
have been removed from the RC(t) series, the RC(t) series is used to extract the
characteristics of the QRS complexes.