BEEE-Unit-1 DC & AC Circuits
BEEE-Unit-1 DC & AC Circuits
BEEE-Unit-1 DC & AC Circuits
dt 0 2 0 2 2
(i) For DC source under steady state condition, inductor acts as short circuit.
di di
i constant 0 V L V 0 short circuit
dt dt
(ii) The Inductor does not allow sudden change in current.
di finite, dt 0, V L
finite V not possible
dt 0
(iii) For non-sinusoidal excitation,
di t
V t L Time domain
V S SLI S Laplace domain
For sinusoidal excitation,
V = jLI Phasor domain
VL , it indicates that there is no voltage across an inductance unless the
current through it is changing.
It also shows that if the current into the inductance is increasing, then the
opposing voltage increases also.
If the current is decreasing, the voltage is negative - in other words, the voltage
arrow is reversed.
di 5
At time t = 0 to 2.0 µs: V L 5x103 10V
dt 2x103
di 0
At time t = 2 to 3.5 µs: VL 5x103 0V
dt 1.5x103
di 10
At time t = 3.5 to 6 µs: V =L = 5x10-3 = 20V
dt 2.5x10-3
C or Q CV
0 0 0
dt 0 0 2 0 2
(i) For DC source, under steady state condition, the capacitor acts as open circuit.
V = constant for DC 0
iC i 0 open circuit
(ii) The Capacitor does not allow sudden change in voltage.
dV finite
iC iC i not possible
dt 0
(iii) For non-sinusoidal excitation,
dV t
i t C Time domain
I S CS V S Laplace domain
For sinusoidal excitation,
I = jCV Phasor domain
(iv) Types of capacitor symbols
its current-time (1-t) graph divided by C. The area under the i-t graph is the
charge, Q.
Problem 3: If the i-t graph for a capacitance of 1 µF looks like that of fig., what
will the V-t graph look like? (Assume that the capacitance was uncharged at t = 0)
5x 1.5x106
At time t = 0 to 1.5 µs: V Q it 7.5V
C C 106
Q it 3x 2.5x10
Node A node is a junction where two or more circuit elements are connected together.
Branch A number of elements connected between 2 nodes constitute a branch.
Loop A loop is any closed part of the circuit.
Mesh A mesh is the most elementary form of a loop and cannot be further divided into
other loops. All meshes are loops but all loops are not meshes.
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1.3 Ohm’s Law and its limitations
Ohm’s law states that, in a linear network, the voltage across the conducting
material is directly proportional to the current flowing through the material, at
constant temperature, i.e.,
where: V = Voltage across the conductor.
I = Current flowing through the conductor.
R = Resistance of the conductor.
When the temperature changes, the resistivity ( ) and the
physical dimension (length l or area A) of the resistance material
also changes
(i) Ohm’s law is applicable only for the metallic conductors maintained at a constant
temperature. The law is not applicable if the temperature varies.
(ii) It is not applicable to all non-metallic conductors.
(iii) It is also not applicable to the nonlinear devices such as diodes, transistors
and other semiconductor devices.
1.4 KCL & KVL
Gustav Kirchhoff, a German scientist, summed up his findings in a set of
two laws known as Kirchhoff ’s laws. The entire study of electric circuit
analysis is based mainly on Kirchhoff’s laws.
(i) Kirchhoff’s Current Law (KCL) :
“The algebraic sum of currents meeting at a junction in an electric circuit is zero.”
It is based on law of conservation of charge.
Consider five conductors, carrying currents I1, I2, I3, I4 and I5 meeting at a point
O as shown in Fig. 2.1. Assuming the incoming currents to be positive and
outgoing currents negative, we have
I1 + (– I2) + I3 + (– I4) + I5 = 0
I1 – I2 + I3 – I4 + I5 = 0
I1 + I3 + I5 = I2 + I4
n 1
n 0
Thus, the above law can also be stated as the sum of currents flowing towards
any junction in an electric circuit is equal to the sum of the currents flowing
away from that junction.
(ii) Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law (KVL):
“The algebraic sum of the voltages around a closed loop must always be zero.”
It is based on law of conservation of energy.
In Fig. if we travel clockwise in the network along the direction of the current,
application of KVL gives
–V1 + iR1 + V2 + iR2 + iR3 = 0
V1 = i (R1 + R2 + R3) + V2
V1 – V2 = i(R1 + R2 + R3)
V1 V2
R1 R 2 R 3
We consider the voltage drop as positive when current flows from positive to
negative potential. Hence V1 is negative while V2 is positive in the first step of
Fig.(b) consists of two loops 1 and 2 with the currents I1 and I2 respectively.
Assuming clockwise current direction and applying KVL
for loop 1, (5 + 5)I1 = 10 I1 = 1A
for loop 2, (6 + 3)I2 = 9 I2 = 1A
Voltage drop across VBA = VBX + VXA
According to Ohm’s law, VBX = V6W = 6 x I2 = 6 x 1 = 6 V
i.e., VXA = V5Ω = 5 x I1 = 5 x1 = 5 V
Therefore, VBA = 6 + 5 = 11 V
1.5 Series, parallel, series-parallel circuits
Resistors in Series:
In a series circuit, all the components are connected such that there is only
one closed path through which the current flows. The same current flows
through all the components connected in series.
Inductors in Parallel
Consider three inductors L1, L2 and L3 are connected in parallel as shown in Fig.
Let this parallel combination be connected to a voltage, V. The voltage across
each inductor is the same. The current on the three inductors are given by
I= vdt + i(t 0 )
di1 V di 2 V di3 V
, ,
dt L1 dt L2 dt L3
di di1 di 2 di3
The total current in the inductors is, T
dt dt dt dt
LP L1 L 2 L3
1 1 1 1
L P L1 L 2 L3
Problem : Determine the current delivered by the source in the circuit shown.
Sol: Redrawing the circuit shown in Fig.(a), we have Fig (b) and (c).
Example : Compute the current in the 10Ω resistor as shown in Fig. using
Superposition theorem.
Solution Considering the 100 V source acting alone, the direction of currents
supplied by the source has been shown in Fig.(a).
100 1500
Here i1 12A
10x5 125
10 5
Hence current through 10 W resistor, i1 i1 4A
5 10
Considering a 50 V source acting alone the direction of currents supplied by
the source are shown in Fig.(b).
50 750
i2 6A
10x5 125
10 5
Here, i11 i 2 2A
5 10
Hence current through the 10Ω resistor is when both the sources are acting
simultaneously, the current through 10 W resistor (according to Superposition
theorem) is given by I1 + I11 = 4 A + 2 A = 6 A.
The current wave which reverses its direction at regularly recurring intervals is
called alternating current. One complete cycle comprises of a set of positive and
negative halves.
(ii) Time period: Time period of an alternating quantity is the time required to
complete one cycle. Time period is equal to the reciprocal of frequency and its
unit is sec(s).
(iii) Frequency: The number of cycles per second of an alternating quantity is
called frequency (f) and its unit is cycles/second or Hertz (Hz).
(iv) Amplitude (or) Magnitude: It is the maximum positive (or) negative value
of an alternating quantity.
(v) Phase: The phase represents a particular point in the cycle of a waveform,
measured as an angle in degrees, as shown in Fig.
(vi) Phase difference: The term phase difference is used in comparison of the
phase of two waveforms or alternating quantities. The phase difference between
two sinusoidal waveforms which have the same frequency is represented in Fig.
π0 (VmSin ωt) 2 d(ωt)
π 0 Sin 2 ωtd(ωt)
Vm2 1 Cos2ωt
π 0
2π 0
(1 Cos 2ωt) d(ωt)
Vm2 Sin2t
2π t 2
I2m Im
RMS value of AC current is given by I RMS 0.707 I m
2 2
Vm2 Vm
RMS value of AC voltage is given by VRMS 0.707Vm
2 2
Form factor (Kf): is defined as the ratio of RMS value to the average value.
r.m.s value 2 π 0.707Vm
Form factor (K f ) = = = = = 1.11 (For full sine wave)
average value 2Vm 2 2 0.637Vm
Peak factor (Kp) is defined as the ratio of peak value to the RMS value.
maximum value Vm
Peak factor(K p ) = = = 2 = 1.414
r.m.s value Vm (For full sine wave)
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1.10 Voltage and current relationship with phasor diagrams in R, L, and C circuits
(i) Resistor:
Fig. shows a simple circuit containing a resistor R and energised by an alternating
voltage varying sinusoidally as given by V = Vmsint
Fig. Pure resistive circuit Fig. V-I waveforms for R-load Fig. Phasor diagram
A resistor is one which possesses only resistive property and no other property. The
current flowing in the resistor has magnitude which is proportional to the applied
voltage at any instant. When the voltage is zero, the current becomes zero at the same
instant when the voltage reaches its maximum value, so does the current acquire its
V V sint
The relation for the current at any instant can be written as, i = = m Imsint
(ii) Inductor:
Fig. Pure inductive circuit Fig. V-I waveforms for L-load Fig. Phasor diagram
The voltage – current relationship is given by V t = L
Consider the function i t = Imsint
V t = L Imsint
L I m cos t
L Im cos t
= Vm cos t
V t = Vm sin t +900
Vm sin t + 900
The impedance is, Z = , where Vm L I m
I m sin t
L I m sin t + 900
I m sin t
L I m 900
I m 00
Z jL jX L , where X L L is called inductive reactance
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(iii) Capacitor:
Fig. Pure capacitive circuit Fig. V-I waveforms for L-load Fig. Phasor diagram
The voltage – current relationship is given by V t = i t dt
Consider the function i t = Imsint
V t =
Im -cost
Imsin t 900
Vmsin t 900 , whereVm
Vm 900
Vm 900
The impedance is, Z =
I m 00
Im I
C I m
j 1
Z jX C , where X C is called capacitive reactance
V2 di dv
3. Power P = VI=I R=2 P = Li P = CV
R dt dt
1 2 1
4. Energy W = I 2 Rt W= LI W= CV 2
2 2
1 1 1
5. Series R = R1 +R 2 L = L1 +L 2 =
C C1 C2
1 1 1 1 1 1
6. Parallel = + = C = C1 + C2
R R1 R 2 L L1 L 2
ρl μ0 μr N2A εA
7. Geometrical view R= L= C=
A L d
Can’t change
8. instantaneously. -- current Voltage
11. Impedance(Z) R 1
(V = R I) jωL
V jωC
Z= = R + jX
I di 1
Time domain V=L V = i dt
dt C
Freq. domain V = jωLi 1
12. Admittance(Y)
1 I 1 1
Y= = = G + jB jωC
Z V R jωL
Real Power (P): Real power is the power that is actually consumed by the resistive
elements in the circuit and is measured in watts (W). Ex: kW, MW
It represents the actual energy transferred from the source to the load and converted
into useful work, such as producing light, heat, or mechanical motion.
P S Cos
Reactive Power (Q): Reactive power is the power that flows
back and forth between the source and the load due to the
presence of inductive and capacitive elements in the circuit.
It does not perform any useful work but is necessary for the
operation of inductive and capacitive loads. Reactive power is
measured in volt-amperes reactive (VAR). Ex: VAR, KVAR,
Q S Sin
Apparent Power (S): Apparent power is the vector sum of
real power and reactive power and represents the total power
supplied to the circuit. It is measured in volt-amperes (VA). It
indicates the total magnitude of power flowing in the circuit,
including both the real and reactive components. Ex: KVA, MVA
S P 2 Q2
In the power triangle, real power (P) is represented along the horizontal axis, reactive
power (Q) is represented along the vertical axis, and apparent power (S) is represented
as the hypotenuse of the right triangle formed by P and Q.
The angle between the apparent power vector (S) and the real power vector (P) is the
power factor angle, which indicates the phase difference between the voltage and
current in the circuit.
1.12 Power factor
Power factor is defined as the cosine of the phase angle difference
between the voltage and current. It is denoted as p.f. If f is the phase
angle between voltage and current then, Power factor, p.f cos
where V i ,
V is the phase angle of voltage, v
i is the phase angle of current, i
In the calculation of the phase difference between V and I, the symbol
| | indicates that only the difference in magnitude is taken into
consideration by neglecting its polarity.
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