AOL-Is-POL-010 - Data Security Policy V1.0
AOL-Is-POL-010 - Data Security Policy V1.0
AOL-Is-POL-010 - Data Security Policy V1.0
Angel One
6th Floor, Ackruti Star, Copyright © Angel One
Central Road, MIDC, All rights reserved.
Andheri East, Mumbai - 400093
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AOL-IS-POL-010-Data Security Policy
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AOL-IS-POL-010-Data Security Policy
Table of Contents
1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................. 4
2. PURPOSE .......................................................................................................................................... 4
3. SCOPE............................................................................................................................................... 4
4. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES ........................................................................................................ 4
5. POLICY STANDARD ........................................................................................................................... 6
5.1. DATA DEFINITION .......................................................................................................................... 6
5.2. DATA CLASSIFICATION & LABELLING ................................................................................................. 7
5.3. LIFE CYCLE OF DATA...................................................................................................................... 8
5.3.1. Data Creation and Collection ................................................................................................... 8
5.3.2. Data Storage ........................................................................................................................... 9
5.3.3. Data Use and Processing......................................................................................................... 9
5.3.4. Data Sharing and Transmission .............................................................................................. 9
5.3.5. Data Retention requirements ................................................................................................ 10
5.3.6. Data Disposal ........................................................................................................................ 10
5.3.7. Data Breach Management ..................................................................................................... 10
5.4. SECURE DATA BACKUP .................................................................................................................. 10
6. POLICY EXCEPTIONS AND VIOLATIONS ............................................................................................ 11
6.1. POLICY VIOLATION REPORTING MATRIX ............................................................................................. 11
7. DOCUMENT CHANGE HISTORY ......................................................................................................... 12
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AOL-IS-POL-010-Data Security Policy
1. Introduction
In the current digital environment, data represents one of Angel One’s most valuable
assets, making its protection essential for maintaining trust, ensuring regulatory
compliance, and mitigating risks such as cyberattacks, data breaches, and
unauthorized access. This Data Security Policy establishes a framework for
safeguarding sensitive and confidential information, ensuring its confidentiality,
integrity, and availability always.
2. Purpose
The purpose of this policy is to define the requirements and practises for protecting
data throughout its entire lifecycle—from creation and storage to use, sharing, and
3. Scope
This policy applies to all data created, stored, processed, or transmitted by the
organization, including electronic and physical formats, across all systems and
Roles Responsibilities
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5. Policy Standard
Angel One follows a structured approach to managing data by safeguarding against
unauthorised access, loss or misuse, thereby ensuring the trust and confidence of
our clients, stakeholders, and regulatory bodies. Ensuring security throughout the
data lifecycle is essential for protecting data from unauthorized access, loss, or
corruption at every stage—from collection to disposal.
5.1. Data Definition
Defining data is crucial essential for ensuring clarity, consistency, and accuracy in
data handling and usage. It also supports regulatory compliance, enhances data
quality, and improves overall data management practices, contributing to more
effective decision-making and operational efficiency.
Personal Data Personal Data (PD) or information that when used alone or
with other relevant data, can identify an
Personally Identifiable
Information (PII) or
PII may contain direct identifiers (e.g.
Personal Information passport information) that can identify
(PI) a person uniquely, or quasi-identifiers
(e.g. race) that can be combined with
other quasi - identifiers (e.g. date of
birth) to successfully recognize an
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Angel One, being a regulated entity, also adheres to the below definitions of
regulatory data wherever applicable –
Regulatory Data -
1. Data related to core and critical activities of the RE, as well as any supporting/ancillary
data impacting core and critical activities.
2. Data w.r.t to communication between investors and REs through applications (e.g.,
Chat communication, messages, emails etc.).
3. Data that is required by the laws/ regulations/ circulars, etc. issued by SEBI and Govt.
of India from time to time.
4. Data that is deemed necessary or sensitive by the RE/ SEBI/ central or state
IT and Cyber Security Data –
Logs and metadata related to IT systems and their operations, excluding –
1. Any Regulatory Data, and
2. Sensitive data such as internal network architecture, vulnerability details, details of
admin/ privileged users, password hashes, system configuration, etc.
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Based on the classification levels, classification label shall be applied to all hard copy
and softcopy documents consistent with the information contained in it, except for
the public information.
Wherever possible, all information, data, documents shall be clearly labelled so that
all the users are aware of the ownership and classification of the information.
5.3. Life Cycle of Data
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Data Storage
Data during storage shall be protected from unauthorized access, tampering, loss or
• Data at rest shall be protected using appropriate techniques like encryption, tokenization,
anonymization as applicable based on the data type.
• Strong encryption protocols shall be used encrypted using industry-standard encryption
protocols to protect against unauthorized access. Refer Cryptographic Security Policy for the
approved ciphers.
• Role based access controls shall be implemented to restrict access to stored data
based on the principle of least privilege. All accesses shall require authentication
and authorization.
• Data segmentation shall be explored to store sensitive data separately from less
sensitive data to limit the attack exposure.
• Adequate security procedures shall be built in the data backup and restoration process.
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Data Disposal
• Data which is no longer required to be retained, shall be disposed using secure disposal
• Data disposal methods shall ensure that data cannot be reconstructed or retrieved. This
includes (but not limited to) secure deletion, physical destruction, or shredding of
storage media.
• Disposal activities shall be documented, including the method used and confirmation of
destruction. Post disposal verification shall be performed, wherever technically
• Angel One shall have documented backup and recovery procedures for critical
information like (but not limited to) – application source code and configuration files,
data files, system software, configuration of network and security devices, etc.
• Backup schedules shall be defined and operational monitoring procedure shall be in
place to assess the completeness of the backup process.
• Data Owners shall define the backup retention requirements to satisfy the business,
regulatory and legal requirements.
• Backup media, if used, shall be adequately protected in transit and storage.
• Data Backup shall be periodically tested for restoration of original content in usable
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Any violation to the Security policy should be reported to the Information Security Team.
Policy violation reporting matrix as given below.
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