Water Permeability of Engineered Cementitious Composites
Water Permeability of Engineered Cementitious Composites
Water Permeability of Engineered Cementitious Composites
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The water permeability of a unique class of high performance fiber reinforced cementitious composites
Received 31 January 2008 (HPFRCC) called engineered cementitious composites (ECC) is investigated. These composites are delib-
Received in revised form 18 July 2009 erately tailored using microcmechanical design principles to exhibit pseudo-strain-hardening character-
Accepted 23 July 2009
istics in uniaxial tension, up to greater than 4% strain. While undergoing tensile deformation, microcracks
Available online 28 July 2009
are designed to saturate the specimen rather than localize into large cracks. This tendency to form micro-
cracks, which are experimentally shown to be approximately 60 lm in width, allows ECC material in the
cracked state to maintain water permeability similar to that of uncracked concrete or mortar, and mag-
Engineered cementitious composites
nitudes lower than cracked reinforced mortar or concrete. It is also shown that the self-healing properties
Strain-hardening of cracks within ECC material significantly aids in reducing the coefficient of permeability of cracked ECC.
Permeability Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0958-9465/$ - see front matter Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M.D. Lepech, V.C. Li / Cement & Concrete Composites 31 (2009) 744–753 745
modulus, low creep coefficient, and higher brittleness, these high for which maximum limits are set depending on the type of envi-
strength concretes are far more likely than normal strength con- ronmental exposure. The limit imposed within the AASHTO code
cretes to crack at an early age, and produce larger crack widths corresponds to a minimum reinforcement spacing resulting in a
[18]. Once cracked, the permeability of concretes, regardless of ma- crack width limit of approximately 350 lm. Within the American
trix density or compressive strength, increases remarkably. As Concrete Institute (ACI) structural concrete design code [25] a
crack width grows from 100 lm to 500 lm, the permeability of maximum crack width is no longer explicitly calculated, however
concrete material has been shown to increase up to seven orders previous versions of the design code have suggested a maximum
of magnitude [19]. crack width of 300 lm for outdoor exposure. As discussed previ-
The addition of fibers can aid in maintaining a lower permeabil- ously, at these relatively wide crack widths, the permeability of
ity within cracked concrete. Studies performed by Tsukamoto [20] concrete material is nearly five orders of magnitude greater than
found that permeability within cracked concrete composites is that of sound concrete. While these crack width limits are impor-
proportional to the laminar flow rate between two parallel plates, tant in reducing the transport of water and corrosives into rein-
as shown in forced concrete, they are far larger than allowable to effectively
block corrosives from rapidly deteriorating the reinforcing steel,
qR ¼ n qG ð1Þ
and potentially the entire reinforced concrete structure. Through
where qR is the flow rate through a crack (between two rough the use of ECC material, which exhibits inherently tight crack
walls), n is the flow rate coefficient dependent on the type and tor- widths under large tensile deformations, there exists the possibil-
tuosity of cracking, and qG .ed slot. This laminar flow rate increases ity of designing ECC cover materials with lower permeability and
proportionally with the cube of the distance between the parallel reinforced ECC structures with higher durability.
plates (i.e. crack width). In this work, using micromechanics-based design methods, the
Tsukamoto reported that the addition of fibers to concrete leads theoretical basis for tailoring materials for tight crack width and
to a decrease in the flow rate coefficient, n, due to a reduction in correspondingly low permeability is established. Mechanical tests
cracking tendency and increased microcracking. The incorporation are then carried out to verify the ability of these new materials
of fibers also produced lower crack widths in fiber reinforced con- to maintain tight crack widths under uniaxial tension load. Finally,
crete (FRC) compared to plain concrete. Similarly, Stang and Aarre experimental permeability tests are carried out to compare the
[21] found that the addition of fibers to concrete leads to signifi- performance of new materials with steel reinforced cementitious
cantly lower crack widths than seen in either plain or convention- materials and establish a fundamental crack width versus perme-
ally reinforced concrete. The effect of these two phenomenon, a ability relationship for multiple cracking materials.
decrease in the flow rate coefficient along with a decrease in crack
width, acting simultaneously as a result of the addition of fibers al-
low for the possibility to reduce the permeability of cracked con- 2. Material design methodology
crete materials to a level similar to uncracked concrete.
Engineered cementitious composites (ECC) is a unique type of The primary design focus behind the development of cementi-
high performance fiber reinforced cementitious composite (HPFRCC) tious composites with low permeability in the cracked state lies
which features high tensile ductility with moderate fiber volume behind work performed by Wang et al. [19], Aldea et al. [26], Law-
fraction, typically 2% by volume [22]. Of special interest is the capa- ler et al. [7], and Rapoport et al. [27]. Wang et al. [19] reported that
bility of ECC material to deform to high tensile strains, commonly as crack width increases from 100 lm to 500 lm, the permeability
over 4%, while designed to maintain very tight crack widths. These coefficient increases nearly seven magnitudes from 1.0 1011 m/
cracks have experimentally been shown on the order of 60–80 lm s to 1.0 104 m/s. However, for crack widths under 100 lm, the
[23]. This high performance is possible through the use of steady permeability coefficient remains nearly identical to that of sound
state crack models which provide quantitative links between meso- concrete, suggesting that for crack widths below this threshold
structural properties such as fiber bridging properties and matrix there is no significant increase in permeability after cracking. The
toughness, and composite mechanical behavior such as steady state development of cementitious materials with low permeability
cracking stress and maximum crack width. To accommodate large after cracking can be accomplished by designing for maximum
deformations, rather than forming a small number of cracks which crack widths below 100 lm, even after substantial deformation
widen with increasing load as seen in concrete or tension-softening and crack formation.
FRC, ECC forms numerous microcracks which allow the material to The seemingly diametric objectives of holding maximum crack
undergo pseudo-strain-hardening. Once initial microcracks widen widths below 100 lm while still accommodating large deforma-
to the typical 60 lm width at roughly 1% composite straining, addi- tions can only be accomplished through the formation of large
tional microcracks form to accommodate further deformation while numbers of microcracks, which functionally spread the deforma-
maintaining this tight crack width. This phenomenon is shown in tion out over a large area. As mentioned earlier, ECC material can
Fig. 1. Consequently, crack width in ECC material is more a result be tailored to develop numerous closely spaced microcracks in a
of matrix and fiber interaction rather than steel reinforcement ratio. strain-hardening response when subjected to tensile loading. This
This inherent maximum crack width can be seen as a material prop- tailoring is rooted in micromechanical design principles which fo-
erty, similar to compressive strength or elastic modulus, rather than cus on each of the three phases within the composite; mortar ma-
a structural property, such as reinforcing ratio in reinforced con- trix, fiber, and the interface between them.
crete. This uncoupling of the transport properties of ECC material The first priority when designing ECC material for low perme-
to the required structural performance in any application (i.e. not ability is to ensure the formation of multiple cracks and strain-
requiring heavy reinforcement for crack control when not necessary hardening behavior under load. This allows large deformations to
for load resistance), allows designers significantly greater flexibility be distributed over numerous cracks, each exhibiting a crack width
in meeting design challenges. below the 100 lm threshold discussed previous. The basis of mul-
Reinforced concrete design codes currently do not specify pre- tiple cracking and strain-hardening within ECC is the propagation
cise limits on transport properties, such as a maximum concrete of steady state cracks which were first characterized by Marshall
permeability, or a maximum crack width under load. The American and Cox [28], and extended to fiber reinforced cementitious com-
Association of State and Highway Transportation Officials (AASH- posites by Li and Leung [29] and Lin et al. [30]. By forming steady
TO) [24] design codes relies on the computation of a ‘‘Z” factor state ‘‘flat cracks” which maintain a constant crack width while
746 M.D. Lepech, V.C. Li / Cement & Concrete Composites 31 (2009) 744–753
Fig. 1. Uniaxial stress strain curve and crack development of PVA–ECC M45.
where r0 is the maximum crack bridging stress and rfc is the first
cracking strength of the mortar matrix. For saturated multiple and strain-hardening performance, can be realized. However, in
cracking, Wang and Li [31] found that Eq. (3) must be satisfied at addition to forming these cracks, the material must also be de-
each potential crack plane, where rfc is understood as the cracking signed to exhibit crack widths below the 100 lm threshold limit.
stress on that crack plane. This can be achieved through tailoring of the crack bridging versus
Once an ECC mixture is selected which sufficiently meets the crack opening relation referenced in Eq. (2). Shown in Fig. 2, the
two above criteria, the formation of multiple steady state cracks, maximum steady state crack width exhibited during ECC multiple
M.D. Lepech, V.C. Li / Cement & Concrete Composites 31 (2009) 744–753 747
cracking is d0, the crack width corresponding to the maximum ical design tools outlined above to achieve the desired strain-hard-
crack bridging stress, r0. If the crack width were to grow beyond ening response. To minimize the mortar matrix fracture toughness,
d0, the crack bridging stress would begin to fall, in which case no large aggregates are used, and the silica sand has an average and
the crack would localize and multiple crack formation would cease. maximum grain size of 100 lm and 200 lm, respectively. The
By keeping d0 below the 100 lm threshold, the ECC material can poly-vinyl-alcohol (PVA) fibers are purposely manufactured with
exhibit multiple cracking and strain-hardening performance, while a tensile strength, elastic modulus, and maximum elongation
maintaining crack widths small enough to limit permeability matching those needed for strain-hardening performance. Addi-
through the cracked material. tionally, the surface of the PVA fibers is coated 1.2% by weight with
Lin et al. [30] proposed the formulation of the crack bridging a proprietary hydrophobic oiling agent to tailor the interfacial
stress versus opening relationship based on single fiber pullout properties between fiber and matrix for strain-hardening perfor-
performance. This relation in expressed in mance [32]. Specific attributes of the PVA fibers used in this study
Z p=2 Z ðLf =2Þ cos / are shown in Table 2.
4V f In addition to ECC, the permeability of cracked and uncracked
rðdÞ ¼ PðdÞef / pð/ÞpðzÞdz d/ ð4Þ
pd2f /¼0 z¼0 reinforced (with steel wire mesh) mortar specimens was also
tested as a control test series. The mix proportions of the mortar
where Vf is the fiber volume fraction, df is the fiber diameter, / is the specimens are also shown in Table 1. The components of this mate-
orientation angle of the fiber, Lf is the fiber length, z is the centroidal rial are Type I Portland cement, water, and a standard Ottawa sand.
distance of a fiber from the crack plane, f is a snubbing coefficient, To generate different crack widths and crack spacing among the
and p(/) and p(z) are probability density functions of the fiber ori- mortar samples, the level of reinforcement within the specimens
entation angle and centroidal distance from the crack plane, respec- was varied. The reinforcement ratios of the mortar samples and
tively. P(d) is the pullout load versus displacement relation of a their test designations is shown in Table 3. Mixing of all ECC and
single fiber aligned normal to the crack plane, also described in mortar materials within this study was done using a force-based
Lin et al. [30]. Hobart mixer.
Empirical properties in Eq. (4), such as the fiber snubbing coef-
ficient, have been determined for ECC materials using a variety of
fibers [32]. By varying fiber volume fraction, fiber diameter and 3.1. Test specimen preparation and test execution
length, fiber–matrix interface properties (P(d) behavior), and fiber
orientation (1D, 2D, or 3D), a theoretical composite can be de- For determination of micromechanical characteristics of the
signed to undergo large deformations, up to several percent, by ECC fiber–matrix interface, particularly J 0b and the bridging stress
generating large numbers of microcracks. By limiting the numeri- versus crack opening relation, single strands of PVA fibers were
cal value of d0 (the maximum value of r(d) from Eq. (4)) within pulled from the M45 matrix under displacement control. Single fi-
the composite, maximum crack width is controlled and ductility ber pullout tests allow for the determination of the fiber pullout
is achieved without sacrificing low permeability due to crack load versus pullout displacement curve, P–d, used to compute the
growth and localization. Maximum crack width d0 is not exceeded composite bridging stress versus crack opening relation. This test-
in the composite as a result of the energy and strength multiple ing follows procedures outlined by Redon et al. [33]. Single fiber
cracking constraints (Eqs. (2) and (3)) which ensure that before a pullout specimens were tested after 14 days of wet curing to corre-
crack in ECC reaches a width of d0, an adjacent microcrack will spond with the time at which the permeability specimens would
form and relieve the ambient stress level. The application of these be tested in uniaxial tension.
material design procedures allow materials engineers to carefully Determination of matrix cracking energy on ECC M45 matrices
match material characteristics to specific structural demands, such was performed using notched beams. Prisms of ECC matrix (identical
as strain capacity and low permeability. Using the theoretical con- to ECC material but without fibers) measuring 75 mm 38 mm
stituent and composite properties determined from the r(d) re- 300 mm were cast and cured in air for 14 days. After curing, a
sponse, actual mix proportions can be developed to fit theoretical 2 mm wide 30 mm deep notch was cut at the midspan of each
requirements of fiber volume fraction, fiber–matrix interface prop- prism. Prisms were tested in bending to determine the load at failure
erties, fiber orientation, etc. (i.e. crack propagation load). The matrix toughness, Km, was calcu-
lated using the appropriate geometric calibration factors.
3. Experimental procedure
Table 2
Micromechanical experimental testing began on ECC material Mechanical properties of PVA fiber.
to verify that it meets both the conditions of strain-hardening per- Nominal Apparent Diameter Length Elastic Elongation
formance, and maximum crack widths below 100 lm. Testing was strength strength (lm) (mm) modulus (%)
done on an ECC mix designs designated Mix 45. The mix propor- (MPa) (MPa) (GPa)
tions for this version of ECC are shown in Table 1. The components 1620 1092 39 12 42.8 6.0
of ECC material are similar to typical fiber reinforced cement com-
posites (FRCC), consisting of Type I Portland cement, sand, class F
fly ash, water, fibers, and a high range water reducing agent
Table 3
(HRWR). However, unlike typical FRCCs, the proportions within
Reinforced mortar and ECC steel reinforcement ratios, observed crack widths, and
ECC are carefully determined through the use of the micromechan- observed crack spacing.
To characterize permeability as a function of crack width for a crack widths and crack spacing among the specimens, various
wide range of crack widths in ECC and reinforced concrete materi- amounts of steel reinforcing mesh (ranging from 1.9% to 2.9%)
als, both ECC and reinforced mortar permeability testing speci- was cast into the plates. All reinforced mortar specimens were de-
mens were cast. These were then loaded in uniaxial tension to formed in uniaxial tension to 1.5% of the specimen gauge length.
produce multiple crack patterns of various widths for a constant Reinforcement levels were varied a number of times until a repre-
specimen strain (elongation). ECC permeability specimens were sentative group of specimens with a variety of crack widths and
cast into tensile testing plates with cross sectional dimensions of spacing was achieved, once again shown in Table 3.
12 mm 75 mm. Tensile specimens measure 300 mm in length
with a gauge length of 180 mm during testing. Tensile specimens 3.2. Permeability testing
were air cured for 14 days prior to uniaxial tension testing. The
testing regime followed that proposed by Li et al. [32]. Following At an age of 28 days, the tensile specimen edges were sealed with
this testing, ECC specimens were kept in water for an additional epoxy to facilitate unidirectional flow through the cross section. Due
14 days to ensure complete water saturation prior to further test- to the length of time associated with this type of testing, crack width
ing. Cracks widths in all specimens were measured load at 30 indi- permeability measurements were performed in the unloaded state.
vidual locations after removing all on the specimen using an To conduct permeability testing, two experimental setups were
optical microscope with an internal crack width gauge. Permeabil- used. A falling head test was used for specimens with a low perme-
ity testing began at 28 days. A deformation limit was chosen a pri- ability, while a constant head test was used for specimens with a per-
ori as an appropriate permeability test level for comparison with meability too high to practically use the falling head test. These two
the control mortar specimens. An initial set of ECC specimens setups are shown schematically in Fig. 4a and 4b, respectively. The
was prepared which was strained to a value of 1.5%. At 1.5% defor- falling head and constant head permeability test setups have been
mation, the reinforced mortar specimens (with reinforcing ratios adapted from Wang et al. [19] and Cernica [34].
ranging from 1.9% to 2.9%) had developed large cracks, and had The permeability of specimens in the falling head test can be
failed in some cases. Details for both the reinforced mortar and determined using Eq. (5), while the permeability of specimens in
ECC specimens are given in Table 3. For the second round of ECC the constant head test can be determined using
permeability testing, separate ECC specimens were strained from
a L h0
0% to 3%. Representative stress versus strain curves for the various k¼ ð5Þ
A t f hf
ECC testing series can be found in Fig. 3.
Reinforced mortar specimens were cast into tensile plates with V L
k¼ ð6Þ
geometry identical to the ECC tensile plates. To generate differing A h0 t f
Fig. 3. Uniaxial tensile stress versus strain curves for ECC M45 deformed to: (a) 1.5%, (b) 2%, and (c) 3%.
M.D. Lepech, V.C. Li / Cement & Concrete Composites 31 (2009) 744–753 749
Fig. 5. Coefficient of permeability versus crack width for ECC and reinforced mortar series deformed to 1.5% in uniaxial tension.
Table 5
Water permeability of cracked and uncracked ECC and reinforced mortar specimens.
Series Crack width (lm) No. of cracks Permeability (m/s) Normalized permeability (m/s per crack)
R/M (uncracked) 0 0 4.58 1011 ± 1.2 1011 4.58 1011 ± 1.2 1011
R/M-a 150 ± 15 17 3.02 108 ± 7.5 109 1.77 109 ± 4.4 1010
R/M-b 240 ± 18 11 7.97 106 ± 2.3 106 7.24 107 ± 2.1 107
R/M-b 300 ± 10 9 2.58 105 ± 6.7 106 2.87 106 ± 7.4 107
R/M-c 500 ± 50 5 4.46 104 ± 4.2 104 8.92 105 ± 8.4 105
ECC (uncracked) 0 0 8.18 1012 ± 2.4 1012 8.18 1012 ± 2.4 1012
ECC (1.5%) 50 ± 10 47 1.95 1010 ± 5.6 1011 4.15 1012 ± 1.2 1012
ECC (2%) 52 ± 10 59 3.00 1010 ± 6.8 1011 5.08 1012 ± 1.2 1012
ECC (3%) 63 ± 10 87 7.74 1010 ± 1.9 1010 8.90 1012 ± 2.2 1012
Fig. 8. Appearance of ECC permeability specimens: (a) before permeability testing and (b) after permeability testing and reinforced mortar specimens; (c) before permeability
testing and (d) after permeability testing.
752 M.D. Lepech, V.C. Li / Cement & Concrete Composites 31 (2009) 744–753
in water. During the 14 days of saturation prior to permeability Within the permeability testing, these carbonates were introduced
testing, cracked ECC specimens showed no signs of autogeneous by the constant addition of water which flows through the speci-
healing of the cracks. After only 3 days in the permeability testing mens. In the case of the partially submerged specimens, the small
apparatus, evidence of self-healing became apparent. A similar amount of carbon dioxide dissolved at the water surface was suffi-
phenomenon was also seen when cracked ECC specimens were cient to cause limited self-healing at that location. However, in the
partially submerged in water. Crack healing was only exhibited absence of this constant carbonate supply, as in the saturation
near the surface of the water, while no healing was observed out- tanks prior to permeability testing, no self-healing of the ECC
side of this near-surface region. microcracks can occur. Ultimately, the formation of these crystals
Surface chemical analysis of the self-healing ECC specimens slows the rate of permeation through the cracked composite and
using an environmental scanning electron microscope (ESEM) further reduces the permeability coefficient.
show that the crystals forming within the cracks, and on the sur-
face adjacent to the cracks, are hydrated cement products, primar- 5. Conclusion
ily calcium carbonate (Fig. 9). These crystal formations within the
self-healed cracks are shown in Fig. 10. To facilitate healing of the Within the study, the design of an ECC composite which al-
cracks, and promote formation of calcium carbonate, a flow of lowed for large tensile deformations while not sacrificing a low
water containing carbonates or bicarbonates must be present. coefficient of permeability was completed. These seemingly dia-
metric goals were achieved by developing a composite which
exhibited multiple microcracks under tension. By saturating the
ECC material with microcracks of approximately 60 lm width,
the unloaded permeability coefficient of the material is not com-
promised, and remains low even after the formation of numerous
microcracks and tensile straining up to 3.0%. When compared to
reinforced mortar specimens cracked under uniaxial tension to
1.5% deformation, ECC material exhibits permeability up to six or-
ders of magnitude lower.
The tight crack widths in ECC are possible by using microme-
chanics as a tool for designing low permeability ECC composites
which meet the two critical criteria of forming multiple cracks un-
der load and ensuring that the maximum of the fiber bridging
stress versus crack opening relationship (r–d) for the composite
occur below a crack width opening of 100 lm. This relationship
can also be used as a guide for tailoring the fiber, matrix, and fi-
ber/matrix interface within the composite to meet the low perme-
ability criteria. Through the use of micromechanical analysis, a
version of ECC material was identified which theoretically meets
the two above criteria, and was experimentally proven to exhibit
low permeability in the cracked state. Additionally, through the
formation of small microcracks and in the presence of water flow,
a significant amount of self-healing was observed within the ECC
cracks which aides in further reducing the permeability coefficient
of the cracked ECC composite.
Through the use of this materials design process, in which
material properties are tailored to meet a specific structural de-
mand, the links between microstructure and structural perfor-
mance are further clarified. Although this approach focused
primarily on the development of a low permeability cementitious
material in the cracked state for durability concerns in this paper,
the application of micromechanics to tailor material properties and
achieve desirable structural performance can be broadly applied
within the civil engineering community.
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