9 1,267
7 authors, including:
Mario H. Yánez-Muñoz
Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad (INABIO), Ecuador
All content following this page was uploaded by Veronica Urgiles on 21 May 2020.
Elachistocleis is a Neotropical genus of microhylid frogs with 18 species, most of which occur east of the Andes in South
America. Here, we present a new phylogeny of Gastrophryninae and describe and name a new species of Elachistocleis
from southern Ecuador—the first to be found west of the Andes and also the first from Ecuador. Our phylogeny is based
on DNA sequences of the mitochondrial genes 12S rRNA, 16S rRNA, COI, and the nuclear genes BDNF, cmyc2, H3A,
28S, SIA1, and Tyr. Elachistocleis araios sp. n., is the sister species of all other Elachistocleis. The finding of this taxon
highlights the probability of the existence of more Elachistocleis species west of the Andes.
Key words: Narrow-mouthed frog, Pacific slopes, phylogenetics, systematics, Elachistocleis araios sp. n., Ecuador.
Microhylidae is one of the most diverse families of extant amphibians, with almost 690 named species, and dis-
tributed across most of the tropics (Frost 2019). Among New World microhylids, there are three recognized sub-
families: Adelastinae, Gastrophryninae and Otophryninae (de Sá et al. 2012; Peloso et al. 2015). One of the largest
genera of them is Elachistocleis Parker, 1927, which is distributed from Central America to Argentina. Its greatest
diversity occurs mostly in lowland ecosystems (below the 900 m), east of the Andes, with a few species occurring
in northwestern South America (Frost 2019).
Elachistocleis is characterized by the presence of a short clavicle not reaching the coracoids, a notoriously
divided procoracoid, and in having the last three vertebrae longer than wide (de Sá et al. 2012). Elachistocleis is
composed of 18 valid nominal species, E. bicolor (Guérin-Méneville, 1838), E. bumbameuboi Caramaschi, 2010,
E. carvalhoi Caramaschi, 2010, E. cesarii (Miranda-Ribeiro, 1920), E. corumbaensis Piva, Caramaschi & Albu-
querque, 2017, E. erythrogaster Kwet & Di-Bernardo, 1998, E. haroi Pereyra, Akmentins, Laufer & Vaira, 2013, E.
helianneae Caramaschi, 2010, E. magna Toledo, 2010, E. matogrosso Caramaschi, 2010, E. muiraquitan Nunes de
Almeida & Toledo, 2012, E. ovalis (Schneider, 1799), E. panamensis (Dunn, Trapido & Evans, 1948), E. pearsei
The description of the new species is based on two adult gravid females. Coloration patterns in life were taken
from field notes (by JCS and YS), and photographs (by JCS and SR). Specimens were euthanized with benzocaine
(2%), fixed with formaldehyde (10%) and preserved with ethanol (75%). Morphometric measurements are based
on Duellman (2001) and Peloso et al. (2014). All morphometric variables were measured three times using a digi-
tal caliper to the nearest 0.1 mm. The final value was the average among the three replicates. Abbreviations are as
follows: snout-vent length (SVL); head length (HL); head width (HW); eye diameter (ED); inter-orbital distance
(IOD), between the two medial canthi of each eye; inter-narial distance (IND); eye-nostril distance (END); thigh
length (THL); tibia length (TBL); foot length (FL); hand length from the base of the thenar tubercle to the tip of
finger III (HDL3); hand length from the base of the thenar tubercle to the tip of finger IV (HDL4); forearm length
(FAL); disc diameter of finger III (FD3); disc diameter of toe IV (FT4). Abbreviations for fingers and toes are as
follows: fingers I–IV=FI–IV; toes I–V=TI–V. Specimens examined for comparisons are deposited in the following
collections; Museo de Zoología de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Quito-Ecuador (QCAZ); Labo-
ratorio de Anfibios del Instituto de Ciencias Naturales de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia (ICN)—a complete
list of examined specimens is listed in APPENDIX I.
Phylogenetic analyses
DNA extraction, amplification, and sequencing
To assess the evolutionary affinities of the new species, we sequenced DNA fragments of three mitochondrial
and one nuclear gene. DNA was extracted from muscle or liver tissue preserved in 95% ethanol using a standard
phenol–chloroform extraction protocol (Sambrook et al. 1989). We used a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to
amplify DNA fragments for mitochondrial genes 12S rRNA (12S), 16S rRNA (16S), Cytochrome Oxidase I (CO1),
and the nuclear gene Cellular Myelocytomatosis Oncogene - exon 2 (CMYC). PCR amplifications were performed
under standard protocols and sequenced by the Macrogen Sequencing Team (Macrogen Inc., Seoul, South Korea).
Primers were 16Sc-16L, 16Sbr-H, 16L19 and 16H36E for 16S, cmyc1U and cmyc-ex2 R for C-MYC, 12Sh and
12SKH for 12S, and dgLCO1490 and dgHCO2198 for CO1 (Crawford 2003; Folmer et al. 1994; Goebel et al.
1999; Heinicke et al. 2007; Palumbi et al. 1991; Pauly et al. 2004; Wiens et al. 2005).
Phylogenetic inference
Our phylogeny is based on sequences of Microhylidae obtained from GenBank and published by Frost et al.
(2006), Wollenberg et al. (2008), Funk and Cannatella (2009), de Sá et al. (2012), Blackburn et al. (2013), and
Peloso et al. (2014, 2015) for a total of 302 terminals. In addition to the loci sequenced by us, we included Gen-
Bank sequences of the nuclear genes Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF), Histone H3, 28S rRNA, Seven
in Absentia homolog (SIA1), and Tyrosinase for a total of nine loci and up to 6171 bp. As reported by Peloso et al.
(2014), the extremes of multiple 16S sequences from de Sá et al. (2012) were difficult to align and different from
sequences of all other microhylids (including congeneric species) suggesting sequencing errors. We eliminated the
5’ misaligned extremes for KC180058, KC180060, KC180062, KC180063, KC180065, KC190069, KC180071 and
KC180074. We also eliminated the 3’ extreme for KC180078.
As outgroup, we included GenBank sequences of species of the genera Afrixalus, Amietia, Arthroleptis Brevi-
Our phylogeny (Fig. 1) shows strong support for the New World subfamily Gastrophryninae (bootstrap = 84).
Ctenophryne is sister to a clade composed of all remaining species of Gastrophryninae. Within the later, there are
two large clades, Chiasmocleis and a clade composed by all remaining genera. Elachistocleis, including the new
species, is sister to Gastrophryne + Hypopachus (same as in de Sá et al. 2018 and Peloso et al. 2015). The new
species is sister to a clade composed of all other species of Elachistocleis included in the analysis. Among them, E.
panamensis, is the first to diverge. The separate phylogenies for mitochondrial and nuclear genes (Fig. 2) confirm
the same relationships for E. araios sp. n. relative to other Elachistocleis. Uncorrected p-genetic distances for the
gene 16S between the new species and other Elachistocleis range from 9.6 to 14.8% (TABLE 1).
The phylogenetic position of the population from western Ecuador indicates that it represents a species distinct
from other Elachistocleis. We checked available names among all species of Elachistocleis (Frost 2019) and found
five: Engystoma cesarii mottae Miranda-Ribeiro, 1920, Engystoma ovale concolor Miranda-Ribeiro, 1920, Engys-
toma ovale lineatum Miranda-Ribeiro, 1920, and Stenocephalus microps Tschudi, 1838. Because none of them are
distributed in the Pacific Basin or Central America and they are synonymized under species markedly distinct from
the Ecuadorian populations, we conclude that it is a new species that we describe below.
a new trans-Andean species of Elachistocleis Parker 1927 Zootaxa 4779 (3) © 2020 Magnolia Press · 325
FIGURE 1. Phylogenetic relationships of the subfamily Gastrophryninae. Best maximum-likelihood tree obtained from analy-
ses of DNA sequences of mitochondrial (12S, 16S and CO1) and nuclear (BDNF, cmyc2, H3A, 28S, SIA1, and Tyr) genes from
302 terminals and up to 6171 bp. Blue numbers below branches are ML bootstrap support values. Voucher number and GenBank
accession number for the 16S gene are shown for each specimen. Outgroup and other subfamilies are not shown. The complete
phylogeny is available in under HTTPS://DOI.ORG/10.5281/zenodo.3723213.
a new trans-Andean species of Elachistocleis Parker 1927 Zootaxa 4779 (3) © 2020 Magnolia Press · 327
TABLE 1. Matrix of pairwise uncorrected p-distances between Elachistocleis based on DNA sequences of mitochondrial gene 16S. The species name is followed by the voucher
museum number or, if unavailable, the GenBank sequence accession number.
E. araios sp. nov E. bicolor E. cesarii E. cesarii E. helianneae E. ovalis
QCAZ56485 ZVCB10599 CFBH20007 ZUEC DCC3301 MPEG29419 NKAG6488
E. araios sp. nov. QCAZ 56485 0 0.112 0.14 0.14 0.149 0.105
E. bicolor ZVCB10599 0.112 0 0.061 0.067 0.025 0.023
E. cesarii CFBH20007 0.14 0.061 0 0.006 0.099 0.065
E. cesarii ZUEC DCC3301 0.14 0.067 0.006 0 0.103 0.071
E. helianneae MPEG29419 0.149 0.025 0.099 0.103 0 0.025
E. ovalis NKAG6488 0.105 0.023 0.065 0.071 0.025 0
E. piauiensis MPEG27839 0.135 0.072 0.02 0.023 0.102 0.071
E. sp. CAS HERP231748 0.147 0.025 0.1 0.102 0.025 0.032
E. sp. E47 KC179875 0.096 0.064 0.02 0.021 0.071 0.071
TABLE 1. (Continued)
E. piauiensis E. sp. E. sp. E. sp. E. surinamensis E. surinamensis
MPEG27839 CAS HERP231748 KC179875 KC179876 AMNH A141136 KC179873
E. araios sp. nov. QCAZ 56485 0.135 0.147 0.096 0.12 0.134 0.096
E. bicolor ZVCB10599 0.072 0.025 0.064 0.029 0.07 0.069
E. cesarii CFBH20007 0.02 0.1 0.02 0.072 0.023 0.018
E. cesarii ZUEC DCC3301 0.023 0.102 0.021 0.078 0.022 0.017
E. helianneae MPEG29419 0.102 0.025 0.071 0.021 0.101 0.067
E. ovalis NKAG6488 0.071 0.032 0.071 0.035 0.071 0.069
E. piauiensis MPEG27839 0 0.105 0.025 0.084 0.026 0.024
E. sp. CAS HERP231748 0.105 0 0.069 0.008 0.105 0.07
E. sp. E47 KC179875 0.025 0.069 0 0.08 0.018 0.02
E. sp. E53 KC179876 0.084 0.008 0.08 0 0.082 0.082
E. surinamensis AMNH A141136 0.026 0.105 0.018 0.082 0 0
E. surinamensis KC179873 0.024 0.07 0.02 0.082 0 0
Elachistocleis araios sp. n.
Holotype. (Figs. 3–5, 7) QCAZ 56485, an adult female, from La Independencia, 3.0583° S, 79.7171° W (WGS84),
308 m a.s.l., Ponce Enriquez canton, Azuay province, Ecuador (Fig. 3). Collected by Juan C. Sánchez-Nivicela and
Daniel Navas on December 14, 2009.
Paratype. (Figs. 3, 6–7) QCAZ 74764, an adult female from Cooperativa 23 de Noviembre, Cerro de Hayas
2.7174° S, 79.6285 W° (WGS84), 57 m a.s.l., Naranjal canton, Guayas province, Ecuador (Fig. 3). Collected by
Yerka Sagredo on February 6, 2019.
FIGURE 3. Map showing records of Elachistocleis araios sp. n. Red square = holotype, Azuay province; red circle = paratype,
Guayas province. Ecuador is shown on green on the small map. Black lines represent province boundaries.
Diagnosis. A small species of Elachistocleis (SVL in females = 25.7–26.1 mm, n = 2; males unknown), charac-
terized by an ovoid body form (Fig. 4, 6), triangular head, slightly wider than long, and a barely developed occipital
fold (Fig. 5 A–B). Snout rounded in dorsal and lateral views; canthus rostralis slightly concave and loreal region is
convex; nostrils laterally oriented (Fig. 5 A–B). Postcommissural glands inconspicuous. Tympanic annulus, tym-
panic membrane, and dentigerous process of vomer absent. Upper jaw more projected than the lower jaw, tongue
is big, ovoid, and covers the entire buccal cavity. Choanae rounded and widely separated, oriented to the anterior
region of buccal cavity. Arms slender without tubercles on forearm. Hands (Fig. 5C) lack interdigital membranes
and supernumerary tubercles; first finger almost the same size as the second, both almost as long as finger IV, fin-
ger lengths are I<II<IV<III; subarticular tubercles, ovoid and as wide as fingers, prominent thenar tubercle, palmar
tubercle longitudinally divided. Foot (Fig. 5D) lacks interdigital membranes and supernumerary tubercles, toes
lack discs. Inner plantar tubercle same size as subarticular tubercles; relative toe lengths I<II<V<III<IV. TBL is
slightly longer than THL. Dorsal surface of body and fingers lack dermal spines. Cloacal region lacks glands and
a new trans-Andean species of Elachistocleis Parker 1927 Zootaxa 4779 (3) © 2020 Magnolia Press · 329
FIGURE 4. Holotype of Elachistocleis araios sp. n., female, in life. Above left, Lateral view; below left, dorsal view; right,
frontal view.
FIGURE 5. Holotype of Elachistocleis araios sp. n., female, in preservative. (A) Lateral view of head, (B) dorsal view of head,
(C) ventral view of right hand, (D) ventral view of right foot.
FIGURE 6. Paratype of Elachistocleis araios sp. n. in life. (A) Profile view, (B) ventral view, (C) dorsal view.
Elachistocleis araios differs from most species of the genus in having slender fingers and toes with slightly
expanded, rounded tips (robust fingers and toes, with tips more narrow than the width of the fingers in E. corum-
a new trans-Andean species of Elachistocleis Parker 1927 Zootaxa 4779 (3) © 2020 Magnolia Press · 331
baensis, E. surinamensis, E. ovalis, E. skotogaster, E. piauiensis, E. panamensis, E. muriaquitan, E. magnus, E.
erythrogaster). In the new species, FI almost the same size as FII, both almost as long as finger IV (FI much smaller
than the second, both shorter than FIV in E. haroi). E. araios differ from several species in having the postcommis-
sural gland poorly developed (massive or large postcommissural glands in E piauiensis, E. magnus, E. erythrogaster,
helianneae, E. surumu, E. carvalhoi, E. bumbameuboi, E. cesarii / absent in E. skotogaster). The new species lack
a dorso-lateral fold (present in E. cesarii, E. helianneae, E. surumu, E. carvalhoi, E. bumbameuboi, E. matogrosso,
E. bicolor, E. skotogaster, E. magnus, E. muriaquitan, E. corumbaensis, E. pearsei). Interdigital web absent in E.
araios (present, rudiment in E. pearsei).
Elachistocleis araios (Figs. 7A-B) is most similar externally to E. panamensis (Fig. 7C), from which is differs
by the following combination of characters: a short and rounded snout in E. araios (long and truncate snout in E.
panamensis); present, although weak, lateral fringes in TIV (absent); thenar tubercle small and rounded (large and
oval); inner metatarsal tubercles small and rounded (big and oval); dorsal color patterns with dark spots without
defined patterns (generally a repetitive triangular design or a large irregular spot in the middle of the back); venter
immaculate (cream with clear spots poor visible); grayish-brown, ash-looking, throat and chin—differs from ventral
pattern (brown-cream with white spots—same as venter).
FIGURE 7. Comparison of dorsal (above) and ventral (below) views of Elachistocleis araios sp. n. in preservative. (A) holo-
type (SLV 25.7 mm); (B) paratype (SVL 26.1 mm); and, E. panamensis, (C) (ICN-48708) female (SVL 23.6 mm).
Description of the holotype. Adult female (Fig. 4–5, 7A). Body ovoid, skin smooth. Head small, HL 20.2% of
SVL, 85.2% of HW. Snout prominent, projected beyond the mouth, protruding in lateral view. Tiny eyes, slightly
prominent. Nostrils small, laterally oriented. Canthus rostralis slightly concave and convex in loreal. Complete oc-
cipital fold. Postcomissural glands poorly developed. Upper jaw projected beyond lower jaw.
Arms robust, short, without tubercles, a thick ulnar fold present. Fingers slender, short. Relative lengths of
fingers: I<II<IV<III. Subarticular tubercles round. Palmar tubercle longitudinally divided, internal section rounded
and external ovoid, four times larger than thenar tubercle. Supernumerary tubercles absent. Lateral fringe on fingers
weak. Finger tips rounded, weakly expanded. Posterior extremities without tubercles, tarsal fold present. Legs short,
Few microhylids species are known from the Pacific versant of the Andes in South America, i.e. Ctenophryne ater-
rima and Ctenophryne minor. Among Elachistocleis, only E. panamensis and E. araios occur on the Pacific versant
of the Andes. However, the distribution of E. panamensis is much broader, extending from the lowlands of Panama
(Central America) to the Magdalena valley (eastern Andes) with scattered records in northern Chocó of Colombia
(Nelson 1972, Lynch & Suarez-Mayorga 2004). As far as we are aware, E. araios is the only actually known spe-
cies of the genus, endemic to the Pacific slopes of the Andes and the only member the Elachistocleis known from
a new trans-Andean species of Elachistocleis Parker 1927 Zootaxa 4779 (3) © 2020 Magnolia Press · 333
FIGURE 8. Habitat of the holotype of Elachistocleis araios sp. n.
Recent studies (van der Meijeden 2007, de Sá et al. 2012), suggest that the radiation and diversification of the
new-world microhylids started on the Oligocene in northern South America. The origin of the Elachistocleis may
have occurred in the Colombian Caribbean to Atlantic basins (de Sá et al. 2012). This hypothesis was inferred based
on the position of E. panamensis as diverging early within the genus. The addition of E. araios opens the possibility
of an origin in the Pacific versant of South America of Ecuador with a subsequent dispersal to the northern limit of
the Andes and then to eastern South America where the majority of extant species originated.
Our species description is based solely on two female specimens and therefore our characterization of pheno-
typic variation is limited. Although describing species based on a few specimens can be problematic, the phylo-
genetic position and geographic distribution of E. araios provides strong evidence of its uniqueness among New
World microhylids. The new species differ from congeneric species in coloration, body and snout shape, and the
presence of a small post commissural gland. Pereyra et al. (2013) suggested that coloring patterns in Elachistocleis
provide an important tool for diagnosis of species. Therefore, additional efforts should be directed to collect more
specimens and adequately characterize variation within E. araios. Given its phylogenetic position, a better charac-
terization of this species will be key to understanding patterns of phenotypic evolution in Elachistocleis.
The geographical distribution of the new species is notable for its isolation from other species. The closest,
geographically, is Elachistocleis panamensis, which is found nearly 1000 km to the north. The other species are
separated by vast distances or the formidable barrier of the Andes. Moreover, most other species of Elachistocleis
occupy the lowlands. This could suggest the existence of several species of the genus not yet discovered in the west-
ern region of the Andes in Ecuador and Colombia, a poorly known and highly threatened region of the Neotropics.
The description of a new species of Elachistocleis in southwestern Ecuador contributes to a better understand-
ing of the diversity of the genus as a whole (Nunes de Almeida & Toledo 2012, Pereyra et al. 2013), and highlight
the possible existence of additional microhylid taxa in the western Andes. This finding also raises new questions
about the complex diversification patterns of the genus in South America.
Laboratory work was funded by grants from Secretaría de Educación Superior, Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación
(SENESCYT, Arca de Noé Initiative; O. Torres-Carvajal and S. R. Ron Principal Investigators) and was carried out
at the QCAZ molecular laboratory by Sebastian Escobar. This study was founded by Universidad del Azuay (Fon-
dos UDA 2015 [39, 2016]). P.L.V. Peloso was supported by grants from the Brazilian Conselho Nacional de De-
senvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq: grant numbers 313680/2014-0, and 434362/20182). Yerka Sagredo
was supported by ECOPAR. Special thanks to Professor John D. Lynch of the National University of Colombia for
facilitating access to the material available in his collection, and Juan David Fernández for his help in obtaining
species data. JCS thanks Manuel Sánchez for his help in the manuscript.
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a new trans-Andean species of Elachistocleis Parker 1927 Zootaxa 4779 (3) © 2020 Magnolia Press · 337
APPENDIX 1. Specimens examined for morphological comparisons. For each individual we show museum number, species, locality, elevation, and sex. In specimens for which
we obtained information from the literature, a reference is provided. Museum acronyms are: ICN (Instituto de Ciencias Naturales, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá-
Colombia), MNRJ (Museu Nacional da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), MZUSP (Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo), ZUFMS-AMP (Coleção Zo-
ológica de Referência da Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul, Campo Grande), MCP (Museu de Ciências e Tecnologia, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande
do Sul, Porto Alegre; current for fishes & herps), FML (Fundación Miguel Lillo, San Miguel de Tucumán), ZUEC (Museu de Zoologia da Universidade Estadual de Campinas
“Adão José Cardoso”, Campinas.), AMNH (American Museum of Natural History, New York), JJ (Jorge Jim Private Collection, Deparatmento de Zoologia, IBBMA–UNESP,
Botucatu, São Paulo, Brazil.). Country abbreviations are: ARG (Argentina), BRA (Brazil), COL (Colombia), PAN (Panama).
Museum number Species Locality Elevation (m) Sex Source
MNRJ 53378 Elachistocleis bumbameuboi Säo Luís, Maranhäo, BRA 24 Male Caramaschi (2010)
MNRJ 51384 Elachistocleis carvalhoi Aragominas, Tocantins, BRA 345 Male Caramaschi (2010)
MZUSP 529 Elachistocleis cesarii Piquete, Säo Paulo, BRA 675 Male Toledo et al. (2010)
ZUFMS-AMP 924 Elachistocleis corumbaensis Corumbá, Mato Grosso do Sul, BRA ___ Male Piva et al. (2017)
MCP 2450 Elachistocleis erythrogaster Centro de Pesquisas e Conservacäo da Natureza Pró- 960 Male Kwet & Di-Bernardo (1998)
Mata, Säo Francisco de Paula, Rio Grande do Sul, BRA
APPENDIX 1. (Continued)
Museum number Species Locality Elevation (m) Sex Source
ICN 11713 Elachistocleis panamensis 10km between Villa Vieja-Baraya, Huila, COL ___ Male This work
ICN 11714 Elachistocleis panamensis 10km between Villa Vieja-Baraya, Huila, COL ___ Female This work
ICN 43419 Elachistocleis panamensis Cispata, Córdova, COL ___ Juv This work
ICN 43420 Elachistocleis panamensis Cispata, Córdova, COL ___ Male This work
ICN 43421 Elachistocleis panamensis Cispata, Córdova, COL ___ Juv This work
ICN 44699 Elachistocleis panamensis Puerto Boyacá, Boyacá, COL ___ Female This work
ICN 48687 Elachistocleis panamensis Montería, Córdoba, COL 64 Male This work
ICN 48688 Elachistocleis panamensis Montería, Córdoba, COL 64 Female This work
ICN 48689 Elachistocleis panamensis Montería, Córdoba, COL 64 Female This work
ICN 48690 Elachistocleis panamensis Montería, Córdoba, COL 64 Female This work
ICN 48691 Elachistocleis panamensis Montería, Córdoba, COL 64 Female This work
ICN 48692 Elachistocleis panamensis Montería, Córdoba, COL 64 Female This work
ICN 48693 Elachistocleis panamensis Montería, Córdoba, COL 64 Female This work
ICN 48695 Elachistocleis panamensis Montería, Córdoba, COL 64 Male This work
APPENDIX 1. (Continued)
Museum number Species Locality Elevation (m) Sex Source