The Solar System
The Solar System
The Solar System
3, 2, 1…
Take off to the
Solar System!
The Solar System is a set made up of
astronomical objects that orbit a star
called the sun. Our solar system
consists of the sun, planets, comets,
asteroids, meteroids, satellites, and
other astronomical objects.
Where is it?
There are millions of galaxies in the universe.
Our galaxy called Milky Way. The Milky Way,
formed by gas, dust, and stars with its solar
This is the
brightest star:
the Sun
The Sun is the main protagonist of this system,
which is why it is called the Solar System. It is
located in the center and everything revolves
around it. The Sun is a star because it is able to
give off light and heat. The Sun is an immense
star that emits light and heat. It is the closest
star to the Earth and on which all life on Earth
The Structure of The Sun
The Planets
Planets are astronomical object that orbit the sun but do not produce their own
light. An astronomical object will be called a planet, if:
1. It orbits the sun,
2. It has its own orbital path,
3. It does not cut the orbit of other planets, and
4. It has sufficient mass to gravitate on its own so its tends to have a spherical
The planets in our Solar System are Mercury,
Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus,
and Neptune. These planets orbit the sun
(Revolution). Besides revolving, the planets
also rotate on their axis (Rotation).
Planets, based on its orbital path, are divided into
Inner Planets and Outer Planets
Inner Planets Outer Planets
Inner planets are planets whose Outer planets are planets whose
orbital paths are inside the orbital paths are outside the
asteroid belt, and they are asteroid belt, an they are Jupiter,
Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.
Based on their sizes and compositions, the planets are
classified into Terrestrial planet (Earth-like planets) and Jovian
planets (Giant planets).
Terrestrial Planets Jovian Planets
Jupiter Earth. So, Jupiter is the biggest planet in our solar system. It
has many natural satellites (79 satellites), the most important
of which are Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto.
Saturn Jupiter. The most special thing about Saturn is its famous
rings composed of ice and rocks. Saturn has at least 53
satellites. One of the biggest is Titan.
Giant planets: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus,
and Neptune
Uranus is characterized by being a very cold planet
because it is far from the Sun. Its axis of rotation is very
Uranus tilted, and it looks bluish in color because of the gases that
form its surface. Uranus also has a ring system and a few
natural satellites including Titania, Oberon and Miranda
It is the farthest from the Sun and this makes it the coldest
Neptune planet in the Solar System. Also, because of the gas in its
atmosphere, it appears blue. It has a system of four rings
formed by dust particles
Traveling through the
Solar System
First stop: Satellites
Satellites are astronomical objects that orbit
planets or stars. In the Solar System, some
planets have satellites, although around the
Earth there is only one natural satellite: the
Fourth stop: Comets
Comets are astronomical objects that have highly
elliptical orbits. The comet’s head is made of ice
and rocks, and its tail is made of gas and dust. A
comet is also called a tailed star. The tail of a
comet points away from the sun as it is pushed by
the solar wind. As the comet come closer toward
the sun, its tail will get longer.
Which visible from Earth every
Comet Halley 75 - 76 years