Int. J. Agril. Res. Innov. Tech. 12(1): 137-140, June 2022 Available online at https://ijarit.webs.com
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3329/ijarit.v12i1.61043 https://www.banglajol.info/index.php/IJARIT
cowpea variety black eye bean. Therefore, the variety Kankeit and TVU could be
recommended for the study areas however further research should be done to put the
recommendation on a strong basis.
Keywords: Cowpea, Varieties, Yield components, Grain Yield
Southern Agricultural Research Institute, Crop Science Research Directorate, Jinka Agricultural Research
Center, Jinka, Ethiopia
*Corresponding author’s email: tekleyoseph486@gmail.com (Tekle Yoseph)
Cite this article as: Yoseph, T. 2022. Adaptability study of Cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L) Walp.] varieties in
Pastoral areas of South Omo Zone, Southern Ethiopia. Int. J. Agril. Res. Innov. Tech. 12(1): 137-140.
potential to contribute to the alleviation of
Pulses have been acknowledged as a key source of malnutrition among resource-poor farmers and
proteins (20 to 35%) with essential minerals and can be used as animal feed and cash income. Its
vitamins (Fall et al., 2003; Girma et al., 2005). young leaves, pods and seeds contain vitamins
Cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.], is a and minerals, which have fuelled its usage for
dicotyledonous plant belonging to the family human consumption and animal feeding and the
Fabaceae and sub-family, Fabiodeae (Agbogidi, scorched seeds are occasionally used as a coffee
2010). substitute (Ogbemudia et al., 2010). As reported
Cowpea is a multipurpose crop; the entire plant by Ayana et al. (2013) integration of cowpea with
can be used for either human or livestock the prevailing farming system using native
consumption. Its major importance is to the cowpea variety could have significant importance
livelihoods of millions of relatively poor people in in improving soil fertility and productivity,
less developed countries of the tropics. As improving feed quality and withstands the impact
suggested by Islam et al. (2006), all parts of the of climate change.
plant are used as food, which is nutritious It is an annual legume grown throughout the
providing protein and vitamins. Immature pods semi-arid tropics, where it is valued and potential
and seeds are used as vegetables while several to produce high levels of fodder for livestock in
snacks and main dishes are prepared from the addition to grain for people. Its dual-purpose
grains (Pottorff et al., 2012). Cowpea grain character, weeds suppressing ability, positive
contains about 25% protein and 64% impact on soil properties, drought tolerance and
carbohydrate and therefore has a tremendous
International Journal of Agricultural Research Innovation & Technology An open access article under
Yoseph (2022) Adaptability study of cowpea varieties in pastoral areas of Southern Ethiopia
Int. J. Agril. Res. Innov. Tech. 12(1): 137-140, June 2022 138
Yoseph (2022) Adaptability study of cowpea varieties in pastoral areas of Southern Ethiopia
Table 1. Mean square values for growth parameters, yield components and grain yield of cowpea at
south omo zone in 2019.
Rep 2 529.08* 206.18* 0.03* 0.58* 28300*
Variety 3 2456.11** 935.08*** 3.29ns 32.18** 929740***
Location 2 27.33 ns 56.78ns 0.03ns 0.25ns 25871ns
Location x 6 214.11ns 44.93ns 1.88ns 2.51ns 26498ns
Error 22 392.51 56.67 6.15 5.79 84595
Note: *, ** and *** indicate significance at P < 0.05, P < 0.01 and P < 0.001, respectively and 'ns' indicate non-
significant, DF= degree of freedom, PH= plant height (cm), PPP= the number of pods per plant, SPP= the
number of seeds per pod, HSW= 100 seeds weight (g) GY= Grain Yield (kg ha -1).
Table 2. combined results of mean values of growth parameters, yield components and grain yield of
cowpea varieties at south omo zone, in 2019.
Cankeit 118.89a 27.01b 17.89a 20.22ab 2457.0a
TVU 120.67a 46.90a 17.89a 17.11b 2042.0b
Bole 84.89b 24.33b 16.67a 17.89b 1905.3b
BEB 110.89a 29.54b 17.11a 21.11a 1695.3b
Mean 108.83 31.95 17.39 19.08 2024.9
CV (%) 18.20 23.56 14.26 12.62 14.36
LSD (0.05) 25.94 9.86 3.25 3.15 380.79
Note: PH= plant height (cm), PPP= number of pods per plant, SPP= number of seeds per pod, TSW= 1000
seeds weight (g), GY= Grain Yield (kg ha-1).
Table 3. Mean values for the studied yield and yield component traits of four cowpea varieties at
dasenech, hammer and gynagatom, south omo zone in 2019.
Variety PH (cm) PPP SPP HSW (g) GY (kg ha-1)
Location Location Location Location Location
Cankeit 102 103 147 134 49 26 27 34 20 21 16 19 21 26 13 20 2443 2587 2094 2375
TVU 110 103 159 135 32 23 63.3 39 18 18 20 19 17 16 9 14 1781 2361 2110 2084
Bole 69 91 86 91 26 21 21.7 23 16 16 14 16 22 19 17 19 1776 1552 2143 1824
BEB 102 103 119 115 21 22 51.7 31 15 15 19 16 21 20 18 20 1641 1795 1485 1640
CV (%) 7 8 15 16 19 13 5.6 12 11 10 13 11 4 14 15 11 17 17 13 16
LSD(0.05) 11 16 38 25 10 6 4.6 7 NS NS NS NS 1 6 2 3 544 702 495 580
Note: PH= plant height (cm), PPP= number of pods per plant, SPP= 1number of seeds per pod, HSW= 100 seed
weight (g), GY= grain yield (kg ha-1).
Int. J. Agril. Res. Innov. Tech. 12(1): 137-140, June 2022 139
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