Proposal for Employee Recogniation Event[1]
Proposal for Employee Recogniation Event[1]
Proposal for Employee Recogniation Event[1]
1. Background
In the context of Wolaita Sodo University (WSU), despite the efforts, recognition-giving
practices have not been fully institutionalized and often emphasize quantitative outputs both in
administrative as well as faculty. Currently, there is a growing demand for diffusing this practice
institutionally and recognizing employees based on set criteria to ensure excellence in teaching,
research, and service delivery. This approach is presumed to lead to improved job satisfaction
and institutional performance to remain competitive and align with national educational goals.
Therefore, this proposal is developed to implement such practices by developing structured
guidelines for recognizing and rewarding employees of WSU.
2. Rationale
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revising/developing guidelines and conducting a recognition-giving day at Wolaita Sodo
3. Objective
1. To identify gaps in current guidelines and revise them to ensure fairness, inclusivity,
and alignment with WSU’s institutional goals.
2. To design a structured and transparent recognition framework that celebrates and
rewards outstanding employee contributions.
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3. To institutionalize employee recognition practices as part of WSU’s organizational
culture, thereby enhancing morale, motivation, and employee retention.
4. Expected Outputs
Revised guidelines for performance evaluation and recognition aligned with institutional
goals and inclusive practices.
A formalized framework for employee recognition, including criteria and nomination
Successful organization of an annual recognition day to celebrate outstanding employees.
Capacity-building training sessions for evaluators and key personnel that could serve as part
of the institutional system in future.
Development of a sustainable monitoring and feedback mechanism for continuous
improvement of performance evaluation and recognition practices
Comprehensive reporting and documentation for scaling and knowledge sharing with other
5. Stakeholder Mapping
6. Deliverables
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Comprehensive guidelines that outlines the criteria, to 15 March
Guidelines processes, and procedures for recognizing 2024
employees at WSU. This includes both
quantitative and qualitative measures of
Presentation of the Presentation of a revised guideline for the March 15-
new guidelines for mgt and council to obtain their feedback Committee 30, 2024
the mgt and council
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Promotion Promoting outstanding employees in Communication July-August
university and external media outlets, Directorate 2024
showcasing WSU as an employer of choice.
7. Budget
8. Conclusion
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