Car Price Prediction Using ML
Car Price Prediction Using ML
Car Price Prediction Using ML
Loading Dataset
In [32]: df = pd.read_csv('/content/CarPrice_Assignment.csv')
In [33]: df.sample(5)
Out[33]: car_ID symboling CarName fueltype aspiration doornumber carbody drivewheel enginelocation wh
19 20 1 monte gas std two hatchback fwd front
183 184 2 gas std two sedan fwd front
108 109 0 diesel turbo four sedan rwd front
5 rows × 26 columns
In [34]:
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 205 entries, 0 to 204
Data columns (total 26 columns):
# Column Non-Null Count Dtype
--- ------ -------------- -----
0 car_ID 205 non-null int64
1 symboling 205 non-null int64
2 CarName 205 non-null object
3 fueltype 205 non-null object
4 aspiration 205 non-null object
5 doornumber 205 non-null object
6 carbody 205 non-null object
7 drivewheel 205 non-null object
8 enginelocation 205 non-null object
9 wheelbase 205 non-null float64
10 carlength 205 non-null float64
11 carwidth 205 non-null float64
12 carheight 205 non-null float64
13 curbweight 205 non-null int64
14 enginetype 205 non-null object
15 cylindernumber 205 non-null object
16 enginesize 205 non-null int64
17 fuelsystem 205 non-null object
18 boreratio 205 non-null float64
19 stroke 205 non-null float64
20 compressionratio 205 non-null float64
21 horsepower 205 non-null int64
22 peakrpm 205 non-null int64
23 citympg 205 non-null int64
24 highwaympg 205 non-null int64
25 price 205 non-null float64
dtypes: float64(8), int64(8), object(10)
memory usage: 41.8+ KB
In [35]: df.describe()
Out[35]: car_ID symboling wheelbase carlength carwidth carheight curbweight enginesize borerati
count 205.000000 205.000000 205.000000 205.000000 205.000000 205.000000 205.000000 205.000000 205.00000
mean 103.000000 0.834146 98.756585 174.049268 65.907805 53.724878 2555.565854 126.907317 3.32975
std 59.322565 1.245307 6.021776 12.337289 2.145204 2.443522 520.680204 41.642693 0.27084
min 1.000000 -2.000000 86.600000 141.100000 60.300000 47.800000 1488.000000 61.000000 2.54000
25% 52.000000 0.000000 94.500000 166.300000 64.100000 52.000000 2145.000000 97.000000 3.15000
50% 103.000000 1.000000 97.000000 173.200000 65.500000 54.100000 2414.000000 120.000000 3.31000
75% 154.000000 2.000000 102.400000 183.100000 66.900000 55.500000 2935.000000 141.000000 3.58000
max 205.000000 3.000000 120.900000 208.100000 72.300000 59.800000 4066.000000 326.000000 3.94000
In [36]: df.shape
(205, 26)
In [37]: df.isnull().sum()
car_ID 0
symboling 0
CarName 0
fueltype 0
aspiration 0
doornumber 0
carbody 0
drivewheel 0
enginelocation 0
wheelbase 0
carlength 0
carwidth 0
carheight 0
curbweight 0
enginetype 0
cylindernumber 0
enginesize 0
fuelsystem 0
boreratio 0
stroke 0
compressionratio 0
horsepower 0
peakrpm 0
citympg 0
highwaympg 0
price 0
dtype: int64
Car Name
In [39]: df["CarName"].unique()
array(['alfa-romero giulia', 'alfa-romero stelvio',
'alfa-romero Quadrifoglio', 'audi 100 ls', 'audi 100ls',
'audi fox', 'audi 5000', 'audi 4000', 'audi 5000s (diesel)',
'bmw 320i', 'bmw x1', 'bmw x3', 'bmw z4', 'bmw x4', 'bmw x5',
'chevrolet impala', 'chevrolet monte carlo', 'chevrolet vega 2300',
'dodge rampage', 'dodge challenger se', 'dodge d200',
'dodge monaco (sw)', 'dodge colt hardtop', 'dodge colt (sw)',
'dodge coronet custom', 'dodge dart custom',
'dodge coronet custom (sw)', 'honda civic', 'honda civic cvcc',
'honda accord cvcc', 'honda accord lx', 'honda civic 1500 gl',
'honda accord', 'honda civic 1300', 'honda prelude',
'honda civic (auto)', 'isuzu MU-X', 'isuzu D-Max ',
'isuzu D-Max V-Cross', 'jaguar xj', 'jaguar xf', 'jaguar xk',
'maxda rx3', 'maxda glc deluxe', 'mazda rx2 coupe', 'mazda rx-4',
'mazda glc deluxe', 'mazda 626', 'mazda glc', 'mazda rx-7 gs',
'mazda glc 4', 'mazda glc custom l', 'mazda glc custom',
'buick electra 225 custom', 'buick century luxus (sw)',
'buick century', 'buick skyhawk', 'buick opel isuzu deluxe',
'buick skylark', 'buick century special',
'buick regal sport coupe (turbo)', 'mercury cougar',
'mitsubishi mirage', 'mitsubishi lancer', 'mitsubishi outlander',
'mitsubishi g4', 'mitsubishi mirage g4', 'mitsubishi montero',
'mitsubishi pajero', 'Nissan versa', 'nissan gt-r', 'nissan rogue',
'nissan latio', 'nissan titan', 'nissan leaf', 'nissan juke',
'nissan note', 'nissan clipper', 'nissan nv200', 'nissan dayz',
'nissan fuga', 'nissan otti', 'nissan teana', 'nissan kicks',
'peugeot 504', 'peugeot 304', 'peugeot 504 (sw)', 'peugeot 604sl',
'peugeot 505s turbo diesel', 'plymouth fury iii',
'plymouth cricket', 'plymouth satellite custom (sw)',
'plymouth fury gran sedan', 'plymouth valiant', 'plymouth duster',
'porsche macan', 'porcshce panamera', 'porsche cayenne',
'porsche boxter', 'renault 12tl', 'renault 5 gtl', 'saab 99e',
'saab 99le', 'saab 99gle', 'subaru', 'subaru dl', 'subaru brz',
'subaru baja', 'subaru r1', 'subaru r2', 'subaru trezia',
'subaru tribeca', 'toyota corona mark ii', 'toyota corona',
'toyota corolla 1200', 'toyota corona hardtop',
'toyota corolla 1600 (sw)', 'toyota carina', 'toyota mark ii',
'toyota corolla', 'toyota corolla liftback',
'toyota celica gt liftback', 'toyota corolla tercel',
'toyota corona liftback', 'toyota starlet', 'toyota tercel',
'toyota cressida', 'toyota celica gt', 'toyouta tercel',
'vokswagen rabbit', 'volkswagen 1131 deluxe sedan',
'volkswagen model 111', 'volkswagen type 3', 'volkswagen 411 (sw)',
'volkswagen super beetle', 'volkswagen dasher', 'vw dasher',
'vw rabbit', 'volkswagen rabbit', 'volkswagen rabbit custom',
'volvo 145e (sw)', 'volvo 144ea', 'volvo 244dl', 'volvo 245',
'volvo 264gl', 'volvo diesel', 'volvo 246'], dtype=object)
In [40]: df['brand'] = df.CarName.str.split(' ').str.get(0).str.lower()
In [41]: df.brand.unique()
array(['alfa-romero', 'audi', 'bmw', 'chevrolet', 'dodge', 'honda',
'isuzu', 'jaguar', 'maxda', 'mazda', 'buick', 'mercury',
'mitsubishi', 'nissan', 'peugeot', 'plymouth', 'porsche',
'porcshce', 'renault', 'saab', 'subaru', 'toyota', 'toyouta',
'vokswagen', 'volkswagen', 'vw', 'volvo'], dtype=object)
In [43]: df.brand.unique()
In [46]:
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 205 entries, 0 to 204
Data columns (total 24 columns):
# Column Non-Null Count Dtype
--- ------ -------------- -----
0 fueltype 205 non-null object
1 aspiration 205 non-null object
2 doornumber 205 non-null object
3 carbody 205 non-null object
4 drivewheel 205 non-null object
5 enginelocation 205 non-null object
6 wheelbase 205 non-null float64
7 carlength 205 non-null float64
8 carwidth 205 non-null float64
9 carheight 205 non-null float64
10 curbweight 205 non-null int64
11 enginetype 205 non-null object
12 cylindernumber 205 non-null object
13 enginesize 205 non-null int64
14 fuelsystem 205 non-null object
15 boreratio 205 non-null float64
16 stroke 205 non-null float64
17 compressionratio 205 non-null float64
18 horsepower 205 non-null int64
19 peakrpm 205 non-null int64
20 citympg 205 non-null int64
21 highwaympg 205 non-null int64
22 price 205 non-null float64
23 brand 205 non-null object
dtypes: float64(8), int64(6), object(10)
memory usage: 38.6+ KB
In [49]: df.brand_avg_price.describe()
count 205.000000
mean 13276.710571
std 7154.179185
min 6007.000000
25% 9239.769231
50% 10077.500000
75% 15489.090909
max 34600.000000
Name: brand_avg_price, dtype: float64
sns.heatmap(corr_matrix, annot=True, cmap='Spectral', fmt=".2f")
plt.title('Correlation Matrix')
In [53]: sns.pairplot(df)
/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/sklearn/preprocessing/ FutureWa
rning: `sparse` was renamed to `sparse_output` in version 1.2 and will be removed in 1.
4. `sparse_output` is ignored unless you leave `sparse` to its default value.
0 1.0
1 1.0
2 1.0
3 1.0
4 1.0
[5 rows x 36 columns]
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 205 entries, 0 to 204
Data columns (total 36 columns):
# Column Non-Null Count Dtype
--- ------ -------------- -----
0 doornumber 205 non-null object
1 enginelocation 205 non-null object
2 wheelbase 205 non-null float64
3 carlength 205 non-null float64
4 carwidth 205 non-null float64
5 carheight 205 non-null float64
6 curbweight 205 non-null int64
7 cylindernumber 205 non-null object
8 enginesize 205 non-null int64
9 fuelsystem 205 non-null object
10 boreratio 205 non-null float64
11 stroke 205 non-null float64
12 compressionratio 205 non-null float64
13 horsepower 205 non-null int64
14 peakrpm 205 non-null int64
15 citympg 205 non-null int64
16 highwaympg 205 non-null int64
17 price 205 non-null float64
18 brand 205 non-null object
19 brand_avg_price 205 non-null float64
20 fueltype_gas 205 non-null float64
21 aspiration_turbo 205 non-null float64
22 carbody_hardtop 205 non-null float64
23 carbody_hatchback 205 non-null float64
24 carbody_sedan 205 non-null float64
25 carbody_wagon 205 non-null float64
26 drivewheel_fwd 205 non-null float64
27 drivewheel_rwd 205 non-null float64
28 enginetype_dohcv 205 non-null float64
29 enginetype_l 205 non-null float64
30 enginetype_ohc 205 non-null float64
31 enginetype_ohcf 205 non-null float64
32 enginetype_ohcv 205 non-null float64
33 enginetype_rotor 205 non-null float64
34 brand_category_Luxury 205 non-null float64
35 brand_category_Mid_Range 205 non-null float64
dtypes: float64(25), int64(6), object(5)
memory usage: 57.8+ KB
# Normalizing price
scaler = MinMaxScaler()
y_normalized = scaler.fit_transform(y.values.reshape(-1, 1)).flatten()
# Drop rows with NaN values in the 'price' column (if necessary)
df.dropna(subset=['price'], inplace=True)
# Now, proceed with splitting the data and fitting the model
[13495. 16500. 13950. 17450. 15250. 17710. 18920.
23875. 17859.167 16430. 16925. 20970. 21105. 24565.
30760. 41315. 36880. 5151. 6295. 6575. 5572.
6377. 7957. 6229. 6692. 7609. 8558. 8921.
12964. 6479. 6855. 5399. 6529. 7129. 7295.
7895. 9095. 8845. 10295. 12945. 10345. 6785.
8916.5 11048. 32250. 35550. 36000. 5195. 6095.
6795. 6695. 7395. 10945. 11845. 13645. 15645.
8495. 10595. 10245. 10795. 11245. 18280. 18344.
25552. 28248. 28176. 31600. 34184. 35056. 40960.
45400. 16503. 5389. 6189. 6669. 7689. 9959.
8499. 12629. 14869. 14489. 6989. 8189. 9279.
5499. 7099. 6649. 6849. 7349. 7299. 7799.
7499. 7999. 8249. 8949. 9549. 13499. 14399.
17199. 19699. 18399. 11900. 13200. 12440. 13860.
15580. 16900. 16695. 17075. 16630. 17950. 18150.
12764. 22018. 32528. 34028. 37028. 31400.5 9295.
9895. 11850. 12170. 15040. 15510. 18620. 5118.
7053. 7603. 7126. 7775. 9960. 9233. 11259.
7463. 10198. 8013. 11694. 5348. 6338. 6488.
6918. 7898. 8778. 6938. 7198. 7788. 7738.
8358. 9258. 8058. 8238. 9298. 9538. 8449.
9639. 9989. 11199. 11549. 17669. 8948. 10698.
9988. 10898. 11248. 16558. 15998. 15690. 15750.
7975. 7995. 8195. 9495. 9995. 11595. 9980.
13295. 13845. 12290. 12940. 13415. 15985. 16515.
18420. 18950. 16845. 19045. 21485. 22470. 22625. ]