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1. What is the first book of the Bible? 13.

What is the name of the mountain

where Moses received the Ten
o Answer: Genesis (NABRE, Genesis
o Answer: Sinai (NABRE, Exodus
2. Who was the first man created by God?
o Answer: Adam (NABRE, Genesis
14. What is the first miracle performed by
3. What is the last book of the Bible?
o Answer: Turning water into wine
o Answer: Revelation (NABRE, (NABRE, John 2:1–11)
Revelation 22:21)
15. Who wrote the majority of the New
4. Who was the first woman created by Testament letters (epistles)?
o Answer: Paul (NABRE, Romans
o Answer: Eve (NABRE, Genesis 1:1)
16. What king was known for his wisdom?
5. Who led the Israelites out of Egypt?
o Answer: Solomon (NABRE, 1 Kings
o Answer: Moses (NABRE, Exodus 3:5–14)
17. Who was the mother of Jesus?
6. In what book can you find the Ten
o Answer: Mary (NABRE, Luke 1:26–
o Answer: Exodus (NABRE, Exodus
18. Which book in the Bible focuses on the
story of Job’s suffering?
7. Who was swallowed by a big fish?
o Answer: Job (NABRE, Job 1:1)
o Answer: Jonah (NABRE, Jonah
19. Who was thrown into the lion’s den for
praying to God?
8. Who was the first king of Israel?
o Answer: Daniel (NABRE, Daniel
o Answer: Saul (NABRE, 1 Samuel 6:16–23)
20. Which prophet is known for his visions
9. What is the shortest verse in the Bible? of dry bones coming to life?

o Answer: Jesus wept (NABRE, John o Answer: Ezekiel (NABRE, Ezekiel

11:35) 37:1–14)

10. Who was the mother of Samuel? 21. What is the longest book in the Bible?

o Answer: Hannah (NABRE, 1 o Answer: Psalms (NABRE, Psalm

Samuel 1:20) 119)

11. Which prophet succeeded Elijah? 22. Who were the two apostles that walked
on water with Jesus?
o Answer: Elisha (NABRE, 2 Kings
2:9–15) o Answer: Peter (and John) (NABRE,
Matthew 14:29)
12. Who betrayed Jesus for thirty pieces of
silver? 23. Which Old Testament book contains
the story of Ruth?
o Answer: Judas Iscariot (NABRE,
Matthew 26:14–16) o Answer: Ruth (NABRE, Ruth 1:1)

24. Who was the first Christian martyr?

o Answer: Stephen (NABRE, Acts

25. What is the significance of the number 36. What does “Maranatha” mean?
40 in the Bible?
o Answer: Our Lord, come! (NABRE,
o Answer: Testing or judgment 1 Corinthians 16:22)
(NABRE, Genesis 7:12, Exodus
37. What is the “Golden Rule”?
o Answer: Do unto others as you
26. Which king of Judah was prophesied to
would have them do unto you
be born in Bethlehem?
(NABRE, Matthew 7:12)
o Answer: Jesus (NABRE, Micah 5:2;
38. What is the term used for the Bible’s 27
Matthew 2:6)
books of the New Testament?
27. Who was the prophet that confronted
o Answer: Canon (NABRE)
King Ahab and Queen Jezebel?
39. What does “Pentecost” mean?
o Answer: Elijah (NABRE, 1 Kings
18:17–19) o Answer: Fiftieth day (NABRE, Acts
28. In which Gospel do we find the
Beatitudes? 40. What is the term for the resurrection of
the dead at the end of time?
o Answer: Matthew (NABRE,
Matthew 5:3–12) o Answer: Last Judgment (NABRE,
Revelation 20:11–15
29. What was the name of the Roman
governor who sentenced Jesus to be 41. Which Psalm is known as the
crucified? “Shepherd Psalm”?

o Answer: Pilate (NABRE, John o Answer: Psalm 23 (NABRE, Psalm

19:16) 23:1)

30. Who interpreted King 42. What miracle did Jesus perform for the
Nebuchadnezzar’s dream? blind man in Bethsaida?

o Answer: Daniel (NABRE, Daniel o Answer: He healed him, twice

2:25–30) (NABRE, Mark 8:22–25).

31. What does “Ephphatha” mean? 43. What is the last verse of the Bible?

o Answer: Be opened (NABRE, Mark o Answer: Revelation 22:21 - “The

7:34) grace of the Lord Jesus be with all.”
32. What does “Hosanna” mean?
44. Which New Testament book is
o Answer: Save us (NABRE, Matthew
specifically addressed to
33. What is the “Ark of the Covenant”?
o Answer: Luke (NABRE, Luke 1:3)
o Answer: A sacred chest that held
45. What are the fruit of the Spirit as listed
the Ten Commandments (NABRE,
in Galatians 5:22–23?
Exodus 25:10)
o Answer: Love, joy, peace, patience,
34. What is the meaning of the name
kindness, goodness, faithfulness,
gentleness, self-control. (NABRE,
o Answer: God with us (NABRE, Galatians 5:22–23)
Matthew 1:23)
46. Which prophet prophesied the coming
35. What is the name of the angel who of a "suffering servant"?
appeared to Mary?
o Answer: Isaiah (NABRE, Isaiah 53)
o Answer: Gabriel (NABRE, Luke
47. How many books are in the Catholic 59. What was the name of the tower built to
Bible? reach heaven?

o Answer: 73 (NABRE) o Answer: Babel (NABRE, Genesis

48. What was the name of the mountain
where Jesus was transfigured? 60. What was the promise God made to
Abraham about his descendants?
o Answer: Tabor (NABRE, Matthew
17:1–9) o Answer: They would become a
great nation (NABRE, Genesis
49. What is the name of the river where
John the Baptist baptized Jesus?
61. Who was the mother of Isaac?
o Answer: Jordan (NABRE, Matthew
o Answer: Sarah (NABRE, Genesis
50. What is the name of the river where
John the Baptist baptized Jesus?
62. Who did Isaac marry?
• Answer: Jordan (NABRE, Matthew
3:13) o Answer: Rebekah (NABRE,
Genesis 24:67)
51. What was the name of the garden
where Adam and Eve lived? 63. Who were the twins born to Isaac and
o Answer: Eden (NABRE, Genesis
2:8) o Answer: Esau and Jacob (NABRE,
Genesis 25:24–26)
52. Who were the first two sons of Adam
and Eve? 64. Who had twelve sons that became the
twelve tribes of Israel?
o Answer: Cain and Abel (NABRE,
Genesis 4:1–2) o Answer: Jacob (NABRE, Genesis
53. Who built the ark to survive the flood?
65. What was the name of Jacob’s favorite
o Answer: Noah (NABRE, Genesis
o Answer: Joseph (NABRE, Genesis
54. Which animal tempted Eve in the
Garden of Eden?
66. How many plagues did God send on
o Answer: Serpent (NABRE, Genesis
o Answer: Ten (NABRE, Exodus 7–12)
55. Who was the wife of Abraham?
67. Who parted the Red Sea?
o Answer: Sarah (NABRE, Genesis
17:15) o Answer: Moses (NABRE, Exodus
56. Who was Abraham’s nephew?
68. What was the name of Moses’ brother?
o Answer: Lot (NABRE, Genesis
13:1–2) o Answer: Aaron (NABRE, Exodus
57. What was the name of the first city built
after Cain was exiled? 69. Which prophet confronted King Ahab
and Queen Jezebel?
o Answer: Enoch (NABRE, Genesis
4:17) o Answer: Elijah (NABRE, 1 Kings
58. How many days did it rain during the

o Answer: Forty (NABRE, Genesis

70. What miracle did God perform through 80. Who was the prophet that was
Elijah during a famine? swallowed by a great fish after refusing
God’s call to Nineveh?
o Answer: Provided food through the
widow’s oil and flour (NABRE, 1 o Answer: Jonah (NABRE, Jonah
Kings 17:8–16) 1:17)

71. What is the name of the King who wrote 81. What does the term “Hosanna” mean?
many of the Proverbs?
o Answer: Save us (NABRE, Matthew
o Answer: Solomon (NABRE, 21:9)
Proverbs 1:1)
82. What is the meaning of the term
72. Which king of Israel had a dream about “Christ”?
a statue with four parts representing
o Answer: Anointed one (NABRE,
four kingdoms?
Matthew 16:16)
o Answer: Nebuchadnezzar (NABRE,
83. What term refers to the first five books
Daniel 2:31–45)
of the Bible?
73. Which New Testament letter was
o Answer: Pentateuch (NABRE,
written to encourage persecuted
Exodus 24:4)
84. What is the meaning of “Shalom”?
o Answer: Hebrews (NABRE,
Hebrews 10:32–34) o Answer: Peace (NABRE, Judges
74. Who is the author of the Book of
Revelation? 85. What is the meaning of the term
o Answer: John (NABRE, Revelation
1:1) o Answer: The anointed one or
Savior (NABRE, John 4:25–26)
75. Which apostle was known for his doubt
of Jesus’ resurrection until he saw 86. What does the term “Ephphatha”
Jesus' wounds? mean?

o Answer: Thomas (NABRE, John o Answer: Be opened (NABRE, Mark

20:24–29) 7:34)

76. What was the name of the mountain 87. What is the Hebrew name for Jesus?
where Jesus was transfigured?
o Answer: Yeshua (NABRE)
o Answer: Tabor (NABRE, Matthew
88. What is the word for the study of the
end times?
77. What miracle did Jesus perform to feed
o Answer: Eschatology (NABRE)
5,000 men?
89. What is the meaning of “Maranatha”?
o Answer: Multiplying loaves and fish
(NABRE, John 6:5–14) o Answer: Our Lord, come! (NABRE,
1 Corinthians 16:22)
78. What was the name of the Roman
centurion who had great faith in Jesus? 90. What term refers to the concept of
God’s saving work in Jesus Christ?
o Answer: The Centurion of
Capernaum (NABRE, Matthew 8:5– o Answer: Salvation (NABRE,
13) Matthew 1:21)

79. Who was the first person to see Jesus 91. What book in the Bible tells the story of
after His resurrection? the fall of Jericho?

o Answer: Mary Magdalene (NABRE, o Answer: Joshua (NABRE, Joshua

John 20:11–18) 6:1–20)
92. How many books are in the Catholic 104. Which city was Jesus born in?
Bible? - Answer: Bethlehem (NABRE, Matthew
o Answer: 73 (NABRE)
105. Who was the king of Israel when
93. Who wrote the Book of Psalms?
David became king?
o Answer: David (and others) - Answer: Saul (NABRE, 1 Samuel 9:17)
(NABRE, Psalm 1)
106. How many disciples did Jesus
94. What Old Testament prophet is known have?
for his vision of a valley of dry bones? - Answer: Twelve (NABRE, Matthew 10:1–
o Answer: Ezekiel (NABRE, Ezekiel
37:1–14) 107. Who was the father of King
95. What miracle did Jesus perform at the
- Answer: Jesse (NABRE, 1 Samuel 16:1)
wedding in Cana?
108. Which book in the Bible contains
o Answer: Turning water into wine
the story of the Exodus?
(NABRE, John 2:1–11)
- Answer: Exodus (NABRE, Exodus 1–14)
96. Who was the Roman governor who
109. What was the name of the giant
sentenced Jesus to death?
defeated by David?
o Answer: Pilate (NABRE, John - Answer: Goliath (NABRE, 1 Samuel 17:4–
19:16) 50)
97. Which New Testament book is known 110. In which book does the story of
for the Fruit of the Spirit? Noah's Ark appear?
- Answer: Genesis (NABRE, Genesis 6–9)
o Answer: Galatians (NABRE,
Galatians 5:22–23) 111. Who was the first disciple to be
98. What is the first word of the Bible in
- Answer: Stephen (NABRE, Acts 7:54–60)
112. What was the name of Jesus’
o Answer: In (NABRE, Genesis 1:1)
earthly father?
99. Who was the first person to be called - Answer: Joseph (NABRE, Matthew 1:16)
“Christian” in the Bible?
113. What was the name of the
o Answer: The disciples in Antioch Roman emperor during the time of
(NABRE, Acts 11:26) Jesus’ birth?
100. What is the name of the garden - Answer: Caesar Augustus (NABRE, Luke
where Jesus prayed before His arrest? 2:1)
- Answer: Gethsemane (NABRE, Matthew 114. Who was the prophet that
26:36) confronted King David about his sin
101. Who were the first two apostles with Bathsheba?
called by Jesus? - Answer: Nathan (NABRE, 2 Samuel 12:1–
- Answer: Peter and Andrew (NABRE, 14)
Matthew 4:18–20) 115. Which apostle is known for his
102. What river did John the Baptist writings about love, especially in 1
baptize people in? John?
- Answer: Jordan (NABRE, Matthew 3:6) - Answer: John (NABRE, 1 John 4:7–21)

103. What was the name of the angel 116. Which king wrote the majority of
who appeared to Mary to announce the the Proverbs?
birth of Jesus? - Answer: Solomon (NABRE, Proverbs 1:1)
- Answer: Gabriel (NABRE, Luke 1:26) 117. Which Old Testament prophet
was swallowed by a big fish?
- Answer: Jonah (NABRE, Jonah 1:17)
118. What did God create on the first 130. Who was the prophet that called
day? down fire from heaven to defeat the
- Answer: Light (NABRE, Genesis 1:3) prophets of Baal?
- Answer: Elijah (NABRE, 1 Kings 18:20–
119. What miracle did Jesus perform
at the pool of Bethesda?
- Answer: He healed a paralytic (NABRE, 131. What is the Hebrew word for
John 5:1–15) “God”?
- Answer: Elohim (NABRE, Genesis 1:1)
120. Who was the prophet that
prophesied the destruction of the city 132. What term is used to describe
of Nineveh? Jesus’ second coming?
- Answer: Jonah (NABRE, Jonah 3:4–10) - Answer: Parousia (NABRE, Matthew
121. Who was the Roman governor
who sentenced Jesus to death? 133. What is the term for the
- Answer: Pontius Pilate (NABRE, John collection of Jesus' sayings and
19:16) teachings?
- Answer: The Sermon on the Mount
122. Who was the first king of Israel?
(NABRE, Matthew 5–7)
- Answer: Saul (NABRE, 1 Samuel 9:17)
134. What is the name for the first
123. Who succeeded King Solomon
covenant God made with Israel?
as king of Israel?
- Answer: The Mosaic Covenant (NABRE,
- Answer: Rehoboam (NABRE, 1 Kings
Exodus 19:5–6)
135. What is the name of the practice
124. Who was the first prophet in the
in which a person is marked with oil for
- Answer: Enoch (NABRE, Genesis 5:24)
- Answer: Anointing (NABRE, 1 Samuel
125. What was the name of the mount 16:13)
where Moses received the Ten
136. What does the word “Messiah”
- Answer: Mount Sinai (NABRE, Exodus
- Answer: Anointed one (NABRE, John
126. What was the name of the
137. What is the Greek word for
woman who helped the Israelite spies
escape in Jericho?
- Answer: Ecclesia (NABRE, Matthew
- Answer: Rahab (NABRE, Joshua 2:1–21)
127. Which king had a dream
138. What is the word for the teaching
interpreted by Daniel about a statue
or doctrine of salvation in Christian
with four parts?
- Answer: Nebuchadnezzar (NABRE,
- Answer: Soteriology (NABRE)
Daniel 2:31–45)
139. What is the term for the final
128. Which Gospel begins with the
judgment of all people?
genealogy of Jesus?
- Answer: The Last Judgment (NABRE,
- Answer: Matthew (NABRE, Matthew 1:1–
Revelation 20:11–15)
140. What is the name of the
129. What was the name of the king
theological concept that refers to the
who ordered the Massacre of the
death and resurrection of Jesus?
- Answer: Atonement (NABRE, Romans
- Answer: Herod the Great (NABRE,
Matthew 2:16)
141. Who was the father of King
- Answer: David (NABRE, 2 Samuel 5:14)
142. In which city did the disciples 155. Which Old Testament book is a
first get called Christians? collection of wise sayings?
- Answer: Antioch (NABRE, Acts 11:26) - Answer: Proverbs (NABRE, Proverbs 1:1–
143. Which prophet was thrown into a
lion’s den? 156. Which book in the Bible tells the
- Answer: Daniel (NABRE, Daniel 6:16–23) story of the fall of the city of Jericho?
- Answer: Joshua (NABRE, Joshua 6:1–27)
144. What book in the Old Testament
is about the story of Job’s suffering? 157. What was the name of the
- Answer: Job (NABRE, Job 1:1) woman who became Queen of Persia
and saved the Jews?
145. Which book of the Bible contains
- Answer: Esther (NABRE, Esther 4:14)
the teachings of the Sermon on the
Mount? 158. Who was the prophet who saw
- Answer: Matthew (NABRE, Matthew 5–7) the vision of the valley of dry bones?
- Answer: Ezekiel (NABRE, Ezekiel 37:1–
146. Who was the Roman governor
who washed his hands to declare
innocence in the trial of Jesus? 159. Who was the first person to see
- Answer: Pilate (NABRE, Matthew 27:24) Jesus after His resurrection?
- Answer: Mary Magdalene (NABRE, John
147. What is the name of the
mountain where Jesus was
transfigured? 160. What is the term used to refer to
- Answer: Mount Tabor (NABRE, Matthew the words and acts of Jesus?
17:1–9) - Answer: Gospel (NABRE, Mark 1:1)

148. What was the name of the 161. What was the name of the
disciple who denied Jesus three times? disciple who betrayed Jesus?
- Answer: Peter (NABRE, Matthew 26:69– - Answer: Judas Iscariot (NABRE, Matthew
75) 26:14–16)

149. What term refers to the holy 162. What was the name of the first
presence of God in the temple or woman in the Bible?
tabernacle? - Answer: Eve (NABRE, Genesis 3:20)
- Answer: Shekinah (NABRE)
163. Who was the first person to be
150. Which New Testament book called a prophet in the Bible?
focuses on the early church and the - Answer: Abraham (NABRE, Genesis
acts of the apostles? 20:7)
- Answer: Acts (NABRE, Acts 1:1–2)
164. What book of the Bible comes
151. Who was the last prophet in the immediately after the book of Genesis?
Old Testament? - Answer: Exodus (NABRE, Exodus 1:1)
- Answer: Malachi (NABRE, Malachi 1:1)
165. Who was the last judge of Israel?
152. What miracle did Jesus perform - Answer: Samuel (NABRE, 1 Samuel
for a blind man named Bartimaeus? 7:15–17)
- Answer: He healed him (NABRE, Mark
166. What king of Israel was known
for his wisdom?
153. In which book of the Bible is the - Answer: Solomon (NABRE, 1 Kings 3:12)
story of the Tower of Babel found?
167. Who was the mother of Samuel?
- Answer: Genesis (NABRE, Genesis 11:1–
- Answer: Hannah (NABRE, 1 Samuel
154. Who was the Roman centurion
168. What river did the Israelites
who asked Jesus to heal his servant?
cross to enter the Promised Land?
- Answer: The Centurion of Capernaum
- Answer: Jordan River (NABRE, Joshua
(NABRE, Matthew 8:5–13)
169. Who was the first king of Judah 182. Who was the prophet that
after the kingdom split? confronted King Ahab and Queen
- Answer: Rehoboam (NABRE, 1 Kings Jezebel?
12:1–24) - Answer: Elijah (NABRE, 1 Kings 18:17–
170. Which book tells the story of the
Israelites’ wanderings in the desert? 183. Which Gospel is known as the
- Answer: Numbers (NABRE, Numbers "Gospel of the Spirit"?
1:1–3) - Answer: Luke (NABRE, Luke 4:14)

171. Who was the prophet who 184. What was the name of the
succeeded Elijah? Roman centurion who had faith that
- Answer: Elisha (NABRE, 2 Kings 2:9–15) Jesus could heal his servant?
- Answer: The Centurion of Capernaum
172. What does the word
(NABRE, Matthew 8:5–13)
“Ephphatha” mean?
- Answer: Be opened (NABRE, Mark 7:34) 185. Which prophet prophesied the
coming of the Messiah and the virgin
173. Which king of Israel was famous
for his strength and long hair?
- Answer: Isaiah (NABRE, Isaiah 7:14)
- Answer: Samson (NABRE, Judges 16:1–
30) 186. In which book does God speak to
Job out of a whirlwind?
174. Who was the Israelite woman
- Answer: Job (NABRE, Job 38:1)
who became the queen of Persia?
- Answer: Esther (NABRE, Esther 2:7) 187. Which two Old Testament figures
are believed to have never died but
175. Which Old Testament book
were taken by God?
contains the "Song of Songs"?
- Answer: Enoch and Elijah (NABRE,
- Answer: Song of Solomon (NABRE, Song
Genesis 5:24; 2 Kings 2:11)
of Solomon 1:1)
188. What king of Judah led a reform
176. Who was the first apostle to be
to rid the nation of idolatry?
- Answer: Josiah (NABRE, 2 Kings 22:1–2)
- Answer: James the Greater (NABRE, Acts
12:1–2) 189. Which book in the New
Testament is often referred to as the
177. What was the name of the
"Book of Acts of the Apostles"?
woman who was the mother of John the
- Answer: Acts (NABRE, Acts 1:1–2)
- Answer: Elizabeth (NABRE, Luke 1:5–25) 190. Who wrote the majority of the
letters in the New Testament?
178. What city did Jesus famously
- Answer: Paul (NABRE, Romans 1:1)
cleanse the temple?
- Answer: Jerusalem (NABRE, Matthew 191. What is the Greek word for “good
21:12–17) news” or “gospel”?
- Answer: Euangelion (NABRE, Mark 1:1)
179. Which prophet married a woman
named Gomer? 192. What is the term for the study of
- Answer: Hosea (NABRE, Hosea 1:2) end times or the final judgment in
Christian theology?
180. Which Old Testament book
- Answer: Eschatology (NABRE)
recounts the exile of the Israelites to
Babylon? 193. What is the term for a collection
- Answer: 2 Kings (NABRE, 2 Kings 25:1– of sacred writings in the Bible?
21) - Answer: Canon (NABRE)

181. Who succeeded Moses as leader

of the Israelites?
- Answer: Joshua (NABRE, Joshua 1:1–2)
194. What is the term for the blood of 207. What New Testament book is
Jesus Christ, which represents His known for the "Fruit of the Spirit"?
sacrifice? - Answer: Galatians (NABRE, Galatians
- Answer: Atonement (NABRE, Romans 5:22–23)
208. Which apostle is known for his
195. What does the term “Amen” doubt of Jesus’ resurrection until he
mean? saw Him?
- Answer: So be it or truly (NABRE, - Answer: Thomas (NABRE, John 20:24–
Matthew 6:13) 29)

196. What term refers to the study of 209. Which Old Testament book tells
God and His attributes? the story of Job's suffering and his
- Answer: Theology (NABRE) conversation with God?
- Answer: Job (NABRE, Job 1:1)
197. What does the term “Sinai” refer
to in the Bible? 210. Which two apostles were known
- Answer: The mountain where Moses as the "sons of thunder"?
received the Ten Commandments - Answer: James and John (NABRE, Mark
(NABRE, Exodus 19:18) 3:17)

198. What is the Hebrew word for 211. Who was the first king of the
peace? northern kingdom of Israel?
- Answer: Shalom (NABRE, Judges 6:23) - Answer: Jeroboam (NABRE, 1 Kings
199. What term refers to the act of
speaking in tongues as a spiritual gift? 212. Which prophet is known for his
- Answer: Glossolalia (NABRE, Acts 2:4) confrontation with King Ahab and
Queen Jezebel?
200. What is the term used for a
- Answer: Elijah (NABRE, 1 Kings 18:17–
spiritual or physical sign of God’s
- Answer: Manifestation (NABRE) 213. Which apostle was the "beloved
201. Who wrote the Book of
- Answer: John (NABRE, John 13:23)
- Answer: John (NABRE, Revelation 1:1) 214. What city was Saul (later known
as Paul) traveling to when he
202. Which Old Testament figure is
encountered Jesus?
credited with writing the Book of
- Answer: Damascus (NABRE, Acts 9:3–6)
- Answer: Jeremiah (NABRE, 215. Who was the mother of King
Lamentations 1:1) Solomon?
- Answer: Bathsheba (NABRE, 2 Samuel
203. What was the name of the
garden where Jesus prayed before His
arrest? 216. What prophet's writings were
- Answer: Gethsemane (NABRE, Matthew focused on the destruction of Israel and
26:36) the coming judgment?
- Answer: Amos (NABRE, Amos 1:1)
204. Who was the king who wrote
many of the Psalms? 217. Which prophet warned Nineveh
- Answer: David (NABRE, Psalm 1) about its destruction if it did not
205. What is the name of the first
- Answer: Jonah (NABRE, Jonah 1:1–2)
disciple to be called by Jesus?
- Answer: Andrew (NABRE, John 1:35–40) 218. What was the name of the
Roman governor who sentenced Jesus
206. Who was the first king of Israel?
to crucifixion?
- Answer: Saul (NABRE, 1 Samuel 9:17)
- Answer: Pontius Pilate (NABRE, John
219. What happened to Saul after he 234. Who was the Israelite woman
encountered Jesus on the road to who became the queen of Persia?
Damascus? - Answer: Esther (NABRE, Esther 2:7)
- Answer: He was blinded (NABRE, Acts 235. Which Old Testament book
9:8) contains the "Song of Songs"?
- Answer: Song of Solomon (NABRE, Song
220. Which disciple was also known
of Solomon 1:1)
as Levi, the tax collector?
236. Who was the first apostle to be
- Answer: Matthew (NABRE, Matthew 9:9)
221. What was the name of the - Answer: James the Greater (NABRE, Acts
disciple who betrayed Jesus? 12:1–2)
- Answer: Judas Iscariot (NABRE, Matthew 237. What was the name of the
26:14–16) woman who was the mother of John the
222. What was the name of the first Baptist?
woman in the Bible? - Answer: Elizabeth (NABRE, Luke 1:5–25)
- Answer: Eve (NABRE, Genesis 3:20) 238. What city did Jesus famously
223. Who was the first person to be cleanse the temple?
called a prophet in the Bible? - Answer: Jerusalem (NABRE, Matthew
- Answer: Abraham (NABRE, Genesis 21:12–17)
20:7) 239. Which prophet married a woman
224. What book of the Bible comes named Gomer?
immediately after the book of Genesis? - Answer: Hosea (NABRE, Hosea 1:2)
- Answer: Exodus (NABRE, Exodus 1:1) 240. Which Old Testament book
225. Who was the last judge of Israel? recounts the exile of the Israelites to
- Answer: Samuel (NABRE, 1 Samuel Babylon?
7:15–17) - Answer: 2 Kings (NABRE, 2 Kings 25:1–
226. What king of Israel was known 21)
for his wisdom? 241. Who succeeded Moses as leader
- Answer: Solomon (NABRE, 1 Kings 3:12) of the Israelites?
227. Who was the mother of Samuel? - Answer: Joshua (NABRE, Joshua 1:1–2)
- Answer: Hannah (NABRE, 1 Samuel 242. Who was the prophet that
1:20) confronted King Ahab and Queen
228. What river did the Israelites Jezebel?
cross to enter the Promised Land? - Answer: Elijah (NABRE, 1 Kings 18:17–
- Answer: Jordan River (NABRE, Joshua 19)
3:14–17) 243. Which Gospel is known as the
229. Who was the first king of Judah "Gospel of the Spirit"?
after the kingdom split? - Answer: Luke (NABRE, Luke 4:14)
- Answer: Rehoboam (NABRE, 1 Kings 244. What was the name of the
12:1–24) Roman centurion who had faith that
230. Which book tells the story of the Jesus could heal his servant?
Israelites’ wanderings in the desert? - Answer: The Centurion of Capernaum
- Answer: Numbers (NABRE, Numbers (NABRE, Matthew 8:5–13)
1:1–3) 245. Which prophet prophesied the
231. Who was the prophet who coming of the Messiah and the virgin
succeeded Elijah? birth?
- Answer: Elisha (NABRE, 2 Kings 2:9–15) - Answer: Isaiah (NABRE, Isaiah 7:14)
232. What does the word 246. In which book does God speak to
“Ephphatha” mean? Job out of a whirlwind?
- Answer: Be opened (NABRE, Mark 7:34) - Answer: Job (NABRE, Job 38:1)
233. Which king of Israel was famous
for his strength and long hair?
- Answer: Samson (NABRE, Judges 16:1–
247. Which two Old Testament figures 262. Which Old Testament figure is
are believed to have never died but credited with writing the Book of
were taken by God? Lamentations?
- Answer: Enoch and Elijah (NABRE, - Answer: Jeremiah (NABRE,
Genesis 5:24; 2 Kings 2:11) Lamentations 1:1)
248. What king of Judah led a reform 263. What was the name of the
to rid the nation of idolatry? garden where Jesus prayed before His
- Answer: Josiah (NABRE, 2 Kings 22:1–2) arrest?
249. Which book in the New - Answer: Gethsemane (NABRE, Matthew
Testament is often referred to as the 26:36)
"Book of Acts of the Apostles"? 264. Who was the king who wrote
- Answer: Acts (NABRE, Acts 1:1–2) many of the Psalms?
250. Who wrote the majority of the - Answer: David (NABRE, Psalm 1)
letters in the New Testament? 265. What is the name of the first
- Answer: Paul (NABRE, Romans 1:1) disciple to be called by Jesus?
251. What is the Greek word for “good - Answer: Andrew (NABRE, John 1:35–40)
news” or “gospel”? 266. Who was the first king of Israel?
- Answer: Euangelion (NABRE, Mark 1:1) - Answer: Saul (NABRE, 1 Samuel 9:17)
252. What is the term for the study of 267. What New Testament book is
end times or the final judgment in known for the "Fruit of the Spirit"?
Christian theology? - Answer: Galatians (NABRE, Galatians
- Answer: Eschatology (NABRE) 5:22–23)
253. What is the term for a collection 268. Which apostle is known for his
of sacred writings in the Bible? doubt of Jesus’ resurrection until he
- Answer: Canon (NABRE) saw Him?
254. What is the term for the blood of - Answer: Thomas (NABRE, John 20:24–
Jesus Christ, which represents His 29)
sacrifice? 269. Which Old Testament book tells
- Answer: Atonement (NABRE, Romans the story of Job's suffering and his
5:11) conversation with God?
255. What does the term “Amen” - Answer: Job (NABRE, Job 1:1)
mean? 270. Which two apostles were known
- Answer: So be it or truly (NABRE, as the "sons of thunder"?
Matthew 6:13) - Answer: James and John (NABRE, Mark
256. What term refers to the study of 3:17)
God and His attributes? 271. Who was the first king of the
- Answer: Theology (NABRE) northern kingdom of Israel?
257. What does the term “Sinai” refer - Answer: Jeroboam (NABRE, 1 Kings
to in the Bible? 12:20)
- Answer: The mountain where Moses 272. Which prophet is known for his
received the Ten Commandments confrontation with King Ahab and
(NABRE, Exodus 19:18) Queen Jezebel?
258. What is the Hebrew word for - Answer: Elijah (NABRE, 1 Kings 18:17–
peace? 19)
- Answer: Shalom (NABRE, Judges 6:23) 273. Which apostle was the "beloved
259. What term refers to the act of disciple"?
speaking in tongues as a spiritual gift? - Answer: John (NABRE, John 13:23)
- Answer: Glossolalia (NABRE, Acts 2:4) 274. What city was Saul (later known
260. What is the term used for a as Paul) traveling to when he
spiritual or physical sign of God’s encountered Jesus?
presence? - Answer: Damascus (NABRE, Acts 9:3–6)
- Answer: Manifestation (NABRE) 275. Who was the mother of King
261. Who wrote the Book of Solomon?
Revelation? - Answer: Bathsheba (NABRE, 2 Samuel
- Answer: John (NABRE, Revelation 1:1) 12:24)
276. What prophet's writings were
focused on the destruction of Israel and
the coming judgment?
- Answer: Amos (NABRE, Amos 1:1)
277. Which prophet warned Nineveh
about its destruction if it did not
- Answer: Jonah (NABRE, Jonah 1:1–2)
278. What was the name of the
Roman governor who sentenced Jesus
to crucifixion?
- Answer: Pontius Pilate (NABRE, John
279. What happened to Saul after he
encountered Jesus on the road to
- Answer: He was blinded (NABRE, Acts
280. Which disciple was also known
as Levi, the tax collector?
- Answer: Matthew (NABRE, Matthew 9:9)

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