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First Year of Three Year Degree Course in Law leading to LL.B. (3Yrs.)
(Regular- Full Time- Course)
Academic Year: -2024-2025
ITEM Page No.
I Index & Activities and Scheduled Dates for LL.B-3 Yrs. CET Process-2024 2
II References 3
1 Introduction 4
2 Competent Authority 4
3 Eligibility for Appearing to MAH-LL.B 3Year CET-2024 4-12
4 MAH-LL.B 3 Year CET-2024 Schedule 12-13
5 Examination Fees for MAH-LL.B 3 Year CET-2024 13
Procedure for On-line Application Form Filling and Registration for MAH-LL.B 3 Year 13-14
6 C. Payment of Examination Fees 14-15
D. Guidelines for Scanning and Uploading of Photograph and Signature 15-17
7 Download Hall Ticket through Candidate’s Log-in 17
8 Identity Verification 17-18
9 Candidates Reporting Late 18
10 Test Centre for CET 18-19
11 Syllabus and Marking Scheme for MAH-LL.B 3 Year CET-2024 19-20
12 Guidelines for Persons with Disabilities using a Scribe 20-21
13 Action against Candidates found guilty of misconduct/ use of unfair means. 21-22
14 CET Test Information 22
15 On Line Examination 22-24
16 General Instructions (for Candidates) 24-25
17 Important Points to Remember 25
18 Other Guidelines 25
19 Scribe Declaration Form (Annexure I) 26-27
20 How to Fill up MAH-LL.B-3 Yrs. CET 2024 Form 28
Activities and Scheduled Dates for LL.B-3 Yrs. CET Process 2024
2 Issue of Hall Ticket through login of successfully Registered To be declared later on.
3 Date of On-Line MAH-LL.B-3 YEAR CET 2024 (Tentative Dates) 12/03/2024 &
4 Declaration of result of the MAH-LL.B-3 YEAR CET 2024. To be declared later on.
Important Note :-
1) The schedule displayed above is Provisional and Competent Authority may change the same under
Unavoidable Circumstances.
2) The revised schedule, if any, will be notified on : https://cetcell.mahacet.org/ only which is the authentic/&
official site for CET 2024 Process.
3) Candidates are advised to download the CET Information Brochure and read it carefully before filling in the
On Line Application.
4) The candidate filling in the on line application form is considered as deemed to have read the Information
Brochure and have accepted the terms, conditions and the Eligibility criteria and provisions in Government
Notifications, instructions and the rules governing the CET process mentioned there in.
Selected References
Read Carefully:-
1. Government of Maharashtra Gazette, Extraordinary, Part-8, No. 52, Dated 12 th May
2015. {CET Act}
4. Government of Maharashtra Higher & Technical Education Department, G.R. No. CET
2016/C.R. 84/CE-2 dated 7th April 2016. {Competent Authority}
7. Government of Maharashtra Higher & Technical Education Department, G.R. No. Law
2016/C.R. 241/ Mashi-2, Dated 17th May 2017. {Intake capacity 60}
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Government of Maharashtra
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1. Introduction:
Government of Maharashtra has established a State Common Entrance Test Cell (CET
CELL) under Admission Regulatory Authority (ARA) as per the provision in Section 10 of
Maharashtra Unaided Private Professional Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admissions
and Fees) Act, 2015, (Herein after called the Act).
According to G.R. No. CET-2015/C.No.379/MSHI-2, Dated 4th December, 2015 and G.R.
No. CET-2016/F.No.84/MSHI-2, Dated 7th April, 2016 the Competent Authority shall
conduct the MAH-LL.B.- 3 Yrs. Course CET 2024 for the admission to the First Year of the
Three Year Full Time-Regular Professional Degree Course in Law, for the Academic Year
The admissions to the following institutes will be done by the Competent Authority,
provided they are approved and recognized by Government of Maharashtra and are Affiliated
to any of the Non-agricultural University in the State of Maharashtra State:
1. The Government College offering LL.B.3 Yrs. Degree Course,
2. All Government Aided Colleges (including Aided Minority Institutions) offering LL.B.
3 Yrs. Degree Course,
3. All University Departments offering LL.B.3 Yrs. Degree Course,
4. All University Managed Institutes offering LL.B. 3 Yrs. Degree Course,
5. All Un-aided colleges (including Minority Institutions) offering LL.B. 3 Yrs. Degree
Course, covered as per the Act.
2. Competent Authority:
Commissioner, State CET (Common Entrance Test) Cell is the Competent
Authority to conduct the MAH-LL. B 3 Yrs. Degree Course CET 2024 as per the Provisions
of 2(e) and Section 10(2) of the Act dated 12th May 2015.
3. Eligibility for Appearing to MAH-LL.B 3 Yrs. Degree Course CET- 2024
3.1 The candidate should be an Indian National along with the following educational
3.2 Educational Qualification: -
National Institution recognized as a Deemed to be University or Foreign
University recognized as equivalent to the status of an Indian University by an
Authority competent to declare equivalence, With Minimum of 45% marks in
aggregate in qualifying examination (That is 45% marks for all the parts of the
Degree Examination taken together) in case of the candidates belongings to OPEN
40% marks in aggregate in qualifying examination (That is 40% marks for all the
parts of the Degree Examination taken together) in case of Candidates belonging to
SC & ST Categories belonging to Maharashtra State. 42% marks in aggregate in
qualifying examination (That is 42% marks for all the parts of the Degree
Examination taken together) in case of candidates belonging to VJNT, SBC and
OBC Categories belonging to Maharashtra State.
(b) An applicant/s who has passed the U.G. degree and 2/3 years P.G. degree from
University in Maharashtra mentioned in (a) after processing the studies in the
pattern 12th+3+2/3 with minimum marks as stated in (a):
Provided that, the applicants who have obtained +2 Higher Secondary Pass
Certificate or First Degree Certificate by Distance or Correspondence method shall
also be considered as eligible for Three Year Law Course.
Further provided that, no candidate from the open University having a degree
contrary of the U.G.C. Act and regulations and contrary to Rules of Legal
Education shall be eligible.
(c) The qualifications of 10th (SSC), 12th (HSC) (+2) and Graduation may be
obtained through any mode (Distance / Correspondence / Open schooling
(d) The Applicant/s must obtain basic qualification for admission to Three Year Law
course for which the Basic Qualification shall be 12th (HSC) which shall be
required to be followed by three year Graduation.
Further provided that, the candidates who are appearing/appeared for the qualifying
examination UG or PG (regular examination of that Academic Year) are also
eligible to apply for the Entrance Examination. Such candidates become eligible for
admission only if they produce the provisional/Degree certificate of the qualifying
examination and the mark lists of all parts of qualifying examination at the time of
CAP Application form filling
Reference: -
1) Government of Maharashtra Gazette, Extraordinary, Part-IV-B,
Extraordinary No. 235, Dated 08th OCT 2020. {Law Eligibility Criteria}
Explanation: -
1. Candidates who have passed 10th (SSC) & 12th (HSC through Regular Mode/
Distance Mode/ By filling Form-17/NIOS( The National Institute of Open
Schooling formerly known as Open School NOS) ) or equivalent qualifying
examination for HSC + 3 Year Graduate examination & or 2 Year Post Graduate
examination through Regular Mode/ Distance Mode/Correspondence Mode/ Open
University/Deemed University/IDOL(Institute of Distance & Open Learning) are
eligible for LL.B-3 CET 2024 Examination, provided their Education Pattern
should be 10+2+3 ( SSC+HSC+3 Year Graduate Degree) i.e. 10th +12th + 3 Year
Graduation and or 2/3 Year Post Graduation.
2. Three-year graduation degree in any faculty issued by any University recognised by
UGC and following a 10+2+3 education pattern is a must to appear in MAH-LL.B.-
3 Year CET 2024 & for admission of three-year law course.
3. Basic qualification for admission into Three Year Law Course will be 12th (+2)
which shall be required to be followed by Three-Years graduation and or two or
three Years Post Graduation.
Reference: - Minutes of the meeting The Legal Education Committee, Dated
30th April, 2017.
4. The qualifications of 10th, 12th (+2) and graduation may be obtained through any
mode (Distance / Correspondence / Open schooling method) are eligible for LL.B.-
3 Year CET-2024.
Reference: - Minutes of the Meeting the Legal Education Committee, Dated 30th April, 2017.
5. Candidates from Out- side Maharashtra Universities [All India Candidature candidates]
will be considered as Open Category candidates irrespective of their Caste/Category
and Criteria applicable to Open Category candidates will be applicable to them
(Outside Maharashtra University Graduates/Post Graduates).
Important Notes:
Hall Ticket of CET Examination 2024 will only be generated for the
course for which candidate has filled the CET Application form. CET
application form filled for one course cannot be considered for other
course. Hence, candidates are being requested to fill the form correctly
for the course for which he/she want to take admission by appearing
CET Examination.
Aggregate Marks means the Marks for all the parts of degree examination taken together.
For example, in case of Three-Years Degree Course Yearly Pattern candidates have to add
the marks of all three years (First Year + Second year + Third Year) and calculate the
Aggregate Marks & Percentage irrespective of the percentage declared by the University.
Engineering Passed degree candidates should calculate their percentage as per their
number of years of degree examination.
Aggregate Marks means the marks for all the parts of degree examination taken together.
For example, in case of Three Year Degree Course Semester pattern candidates have to
add the marks of all Six Semesters (Semester-I + Semester-II + Semester-III + Semester-
IV + Semester-V + Semester-VI) and calculate the Aggregate marks & Percentage
irrespective of the Percentage declared by the University.
Engineering Passed degree candidates should calculate their percentage as per their
number of Semesters of degree examination.
The percentage of marks shall be calculated by rounding off to two places after decimal.
This round off will be applicable to the Percentage above the Minimum Percentage of
Marks required for qualifying examination mentioned in 3.2 (a) above i.e. 44.50% on
wards till 44.99% cannot be round of to 45% in case of Open Category, All India
Candidature Type candidates (OMS), EWS Candidates and 41.50% onwards till 41.99%
cannot be round off to 42% in case of OBC, SBC, DTVJ, NT-1, NT-2 , NT-3 candidates
and 39.50% on wards till 39.99% cannot be rounded off to 40% in case of SC and ST
candidates belonging to Maharashtra State candidates. Hon. High Court of Judicature AT
Bombay has confirmed this stand in the combined judgement in WP No. 2719 of 2019 and
2720 of 2019 uploaded on their web site on 16/11/2019.
Where the candidates are awarded CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average)/CGPI
(cumulative grade percentile index conversion to marks is the responsibility of the
candidate applying for the CET. The candidate is to resolve the issue with the Active help
of the School/College and Board /University from which he has completed the course and
acquired the Certificate/Degree. It is the requirement of the Admission rules for tie-
breaking purposes.
Important Note for NRI/OCI/PIO/FNS/CIWGC :-
The Candidate belongings to the type [Non Resident Indian, Person of Indian Origin,
Overseas Citizen of India and Foreign National Students, Children of Indian Workers in
the Gulf Countries] with following Academic Eligibility is not required to appear for CET
Examination. They must register apply only for CAP rounds to be declared after the CET
result is announced as per the Tentative schedule in Activities and Scheduled Dates for LL.
B-3 Yrs. CET Process 2024. NRI/OCI/PIO/FNS/CIWGC candidates will have to
undergo the document verification as per the schedule of the CAP.
State Candidate Should Fulfil The Following Eligibility Criterion for
Candidature Maharashtra State Candidature Types
A candidate passing Graduation and Or Post Graduation Examination or
Equivalent Examination from a recognized institution from a disputed
Type-E Maharashtra-Karnataka Border Area or from Maharashtra State, and
residing in disputed Maharashtra-Karnataka Border Area and whose
Mother tongue is Marathi.
(2) All India Candidature Type: - The Candidates having Indian Nationality are eligible under
this Category (Candidate should have Domicile Certificate from the State where candidate belongs
or Candidate should have a Birth certificate issued by the respective State Government). OMS
[Out Side Maharashtra State] candidates i.e. All India Candidature candidates should fill their
CET application form in Open Category.
Explanation: -
A) Candidates who have completed their Graduation & or Post Graduation qualifying
examination from Out Side Maharashtra State & born Out Side Maharashtra & having a birth
certificate issued by the respective State Government or they possess Domicile certificate from the
respective State are come under All India Candidature candidate i.e. OMS candidate.
(3) Minority Candidature:- The Maharashtra domiciled Candidate belonging to a particular
Linguistic or Religious Minority Community from within the State of Maharashtra and as notified
by the Government are eligible under this Category (Those candidates who are claiming Minority
Candidature, such Candidate should have completed their Graduation & or Post Graduation
qualifying examinations from the state of Maharashtra & should have Domicile Certificate
from the State of Maharashtra, otherwise they cannot claim for Minority Candidature).
Out Side Maharashtra State, candidates are not eligible for this minority candidature. Out Side
Maharashtra State candidates, i.e. OMS (All India candidature Candidates) should fill the CET
Application form in Open Category.
(4) NRI Candidature: - The Candidate who fulfils the conditions as defined in clause (n) of
section 2 of the Act are eligible under this Category.
{NRI candidates are exempted from CET-2024 Examination. They need not apply for CET
Examination. They can directly register for CAP after the completion of CET Examination
& after the declaration of CET Result.}
(5) Foreign Student or OCI or PIO Candidature: - The Foreign Student Candidates, as defined
in clause (i) of section 2 of the Act, the Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) Candidate, as defined
under clause (n) of rule 2 and Persons of Indian Origin (PIO) as defined in clause (o) of section 2
of the Act are eligible under this Category.
{Foreign student or OCI or PIO candidature candidates are exempted from CET. They need
not apply for CET Examination. They can directly register for CAP after the completion of
CET Examination & after the declaration of CET Result. Such candidates are advised to
seek provisional eligibility certificate from the university in which they wish to seek
(6) Jammu and Kashmir Migrant Candidature: -
(a) The children of citizens, who are displaced from Jammu and Kashmir to any part of India or
from unsafe border area of Jammu and Kashmir to a relatively safer place in Jammu and Kashmir
from 1990 onwards due to terrorist activities; or
(b) The children of officers belonging to Indian Administrative Services (IAS) or Indian Police
Services (IPS) or Indian Foreign Services (IFS) and children of staff belonging to military and
paramilitary forces transferred to Jammu and Kashmir to combat terrorist activities and joined the
post on or before the last date for submission of application for admission; or
(c) The children of staff and officers of Jammu and Kashmir police engaged in combating
terrorism; are eligible under this category.
3.5 Validity Certificate & Non Creamy Layer Certificate:- The Candidate belonging to
SC/ST,DT/VJ, NT (A), NT (B), NT(C), NT(D), OBC, SBC categories of Maharashtra State
should produce “Caste Validity Certificate”, (along with valid Caste Certificate) issued by the
Scrutiny Committee of the Social Welfare Department and the candidates belonging to ST
category should submit “Tribe Validity Certificate” issued by the Scrutiny Committee of Tribal
Department as is applicable to them and Valid Non Creamy Layer Certificate valid up to 31st
March 2025 will have to be submitted by the Candidates belonging to DT-VJ, NT-1, NT-2, NT-3,
OBC, SBC Category.
EWS candidates will have to Produce, submit & upload the “Eligibility Certificate for
Economical Weaker Section” issued by the Competent Authority.
3.5.1*Important Note:-If the candidates have the Valid Caste Certificate, Caste Validity and
Non-Creamy layer certificate as applicable should only apply under Category, otherwise they
should apply under Open Category. Reserved Category Candidates of other states should apply
under Open Category only.
3.6 Age Criteria: - There is no upper age limit for admission to LL.B. 3 Yrs. CET Examination
in the Academic Year 2024-2025, in view of the case pending in Hon. Supreme Court of India in
WP (Civil;) No 1023/2016 and the order passed by Hon. High Court, Bombay in WP 3235/2016.
However, the admissions to LL.B.-3 Yrs. Course will be subject to the Final Outcome of various
writ petitions. If Age limit is made applicable it will be 30 Yrs. age for Open Category Candidates
and 35 Yrs. for SC and ST Category candidates from State of Maharashtra only as on 1st July
2024. All applying candidates should take a note of this.
3.7 Sanctioned Intake and Supernumerary Seats: - (1) The Sanctioned Intake for First Year of
Five Years Integrated Degree Course shall be as per the approval given by the Authority which is
competent for giving approval to said courses and affiliation given by the respective Affiliating
University. The Candidates will have to apply separately on line for Supernumerary seats in the
CAP process, and submit the copy of the application form with self -attested documents to the
Nodal Officer, Director, Higher Education, M.S. Pune as per the Schedule declared on the CAP
web site.
(2) The supernumerary seats shall be available to the Educational Institutions as per the policy of
Government, from time to time.
(3) Allocation of seats for admission to the professional Undergraduate Degree course in Law to
Government, Aided, Aided Minority, Government Aided University Departments, Unaided (Vina-
Anudanit) and unaided (Vina-Anudanit) Minority and Self- Financed University Department will
be according to Annexure “A” and “B” to Government Resolution No. CET-2017/C.E.-2, Dated
12th May 2017 & 12th May 2017.
(4) Allocation of seats for admission to the professional Undergraduate Degree course in Law to
Unaided and unaided Minority will be according to Schedule-1 of Government Gazette, Extra
Ordinary, Part-IV-B, No.113, Dated 5th May 2017, Amendments in admission Rules Government
Gazette, Extra Ordinary, Part-IV-B, No.182, Dated 14th June 2019 & Government Gazette, Extra
Ordinary, Part-IV-B, No.252, Dated 30th June 2023.
4. MAH-LL.B. 3 Yrs. CET-2024 Schedule: -
MAH-LL.B. 3 YEAR CET-2024 shall be conducted only in the On-Line Mode in Multiple
Sessions, if required in selected centres in the State of Maharashtra and selected Centres from
Other States. MAH-LL.B. 3 YEAR CET-2024 will be conducted on 12/03/2024 & 13/03/20124.
Candidates shall have to appear for the On-Line CET strictly as per the date and Session allotted
to them at the allotted Venue and Centre. No candidate will be allowed to appear for the Test in
other than the allotted Session. No request for Centre, Venue and Session change will be
5. Examination Fees for LL. B-3 Year CET 2024: -
Application Form Processing Fees as stated below is to be paid through on-line system only
by Internet Payment, Credit Card/ Debit Card (RuPay/Visa/MasterCard/Maestro), Internet
Banking, IMPS, Cash Cards/ Mobile Wallets for which the service charges, as per rules, shall be
applicable in addition to the application form Processing Fees. No other mode of payment shall be
permitted. The fees once paid is non-refundable and non-transferable under any
CET Fee for Open Category, EWS candidates from Maharashtra State,
Out Side Maharashtra State (OMS)/All India Candidates belonging
to all Categories, and J&K Migrant Candidates. Rs. 1000/-
On Line Application Form filling dates:
CET Fee-For Candidates belonging to Backward Class Categories (SC,
ST, VJ/DT- NT (A), NT-1 (B), NT-2(C), NT-3(D), OBC and SBC,
categories) belonging to Maharashtra State only having valid Caste Rs. 800/-
Certificate and having valid Non-Creamy Layer Certificate valid up
to March 2025 for DT-VJ, NT1, 2,3, OBC & SBC Candidates. On Line
Application Form filling dates:
Fees for Orphan & Transgender candidates Rs. 800/-
Special Note:- Candidates having valid Caste Certificate and Caste Validity Certificate from
Maharashtra State and Valid Non-Creamy Layer Certificate valid up to 31st March 2025 and
belonging to Maharashtra State Candidature should only apply under Backward Class Category.
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The Candidates will have to upload the Caste Validity Certificate and the Non Creamy Layer
Certificate at the time of CAP Process.
6. Procedure for Online Application Form Filling and Registration for MAH-LL.B. 3 YEAR
CET- 2024
In order to appear for MAH-LL.B. 3 YEAR CET 2024, the candidates are required to apply On-
Line as per the procedure given below. No other mode of application will be accepted.
Applicants/Candidates need not send the hard copy of the application to CET CELL.
Applicants are requested to follow the detailed procedures/guidelines as indicated below:
Before applying online, applicants should-
Candidate should fill the form correctly for the course for which he/she want to take
admission by appearing CET Examination. CET application form filled for one
course cannot be considered for other course. Hall Ticket of CET Examination 2024
will only be generated for the course for which candidate has filled the CET
Application form.
Candidate should download the Information Brochure and read it carefully.
Check for Eligibility Criteria mentioned in the Information Brochure.
Scan their Photograph and Signature ensuring that both the Photograph and Signature
adhere to the required specifications as given under Guideline for photograph & signature
Scan and Upload.
Have a valid E-mail ID and Mobile No., which should be kept active till the completion
of this Admission Process. In case the candidate does not have the valid personal E-mail id,
he/she should create his/her new E-mail ID and Mobile number before applying on line and
must maintain that e-mail account and mobile no till the process is over.
Arrange for Application Fees (Non- refundable), Bank Transaction charges for Online
Payment of application fees/intimation charges will have to be borne by the
Applicants to visit the website: https://cetcell.mahacet.org/ open the given link. For filling the Online
Application Form, they should click on the option "APPLY ONLINE" which will open a new screen.
(i). To register application, choose the tab "Click here for New Registration" and enter
Name, Contact details and E-mail ID. A Provisional Registration Number and Password
will be generated by the system and displayed on the screen. Applicant should note down
the Provisional Registration Number and Password in their Note book and preserve it. An
Email and SMS indicating the Provisional Registration Number and Password will also be
sent on the Mobile Number given by the candidate.
(ii). In case the applicant is unable to complete the application form in one go, he/she can save
the data already entered by choosing "SAVE AND NEXT" tab. Prior to submission of the
online application applicants are advised to use the "SAVE AND NEXT" facility to verify
the details in the online application form and modify the same if required. Visually
impaired candidates should fill the application form carefully and verify/get the details
verified to ensure that same are correct prior to Final Submission of the On Line
Application form.
(iii). Applicants are advised to carefully fill and verify the details filled in the online application
themselves as no change will be possible/ entertained after clicking the FINAL
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SUBMIT BUTTON. Candidates should modify the details filled in if required before
finally submitting
(iv). The Name of the applicant or his/her Father/Husband etc. should be spelt correctly in the
application as it appears in the SSC/HSC/equivalent Certificates/ Mark sheets. Any
change/ alteration found may disqualify the Candidature.
(v). Applicants should validate their filled in details and Save their filled in application by
clicking the 'Validate Your Details' and 'Save & Next' button.
(vi). Applicants can proceed to upload Photo & Signature as per the specifications given in the
Guidelines for Scanning and Upload of Photograph and Signature.
(vii). Applicants can proceed to fill other details of the Application Form.
(viii). Click on the Preview Tab to preview and verify the entire application form before FINAL
(ix). Modify details, if required, and click on 'FINAL SUBMIT ONLY' after verifying and
ensuring that the photograph, signature uploaded and other details filled by you are correct.
(x). Click on 'Payment' Tab and proceed for payment.
(xi). Click on 'Submit' button.
Photograph must be a recent, passport size, color picture.
The picture should be in color, taken against a light-colored, preferably white background.
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Look straight at the camera with a relaxed face.
If the picture is taken on a sunny day, have the sun behind you, or place yourself in the
shade, so that you are not squinting and there are no harsh shadows.
If you have to use flash, ensure there's no "red-eye".
If you wear glasses make sure that there are no reflections and your eyes can be clearly
Photographs taken wearing Caps, Hats and Dark Glasses are not acceptable. Religious
headwear is allowed but it must not cover your face. Your face should be clearly visible.
Dimension 200 x 230 pixels is preferred.
Size of Photo file should be between 20KB-50KB.
Ensure that the size of the scanned image is not more than 50KB. If the size of the file is
more than 50KB, then adjust the settings of the scanner such as the DPI resolution, No. of
colours etc. during the process of scanning.
Candidate should also ensure that Photo is uploaded at the place of Photo and Signature at
the place of Signature. If the photo is not uploaded at the place of Photo Admission for
Examination will be rejected/denied. Candidate him/herself will be responsible for the
Candidate should also ensure that his /her own Photo is uploaded at the place of the
Photo and Signature at the place of Signature. If Photograph & Signature of others
are uploaded, then candidate will not be allowed to appear for CET Examination.
Candidate must ensure that Photo to be uploaded is of required size and the face should be
clearly visible.
As per the schedule given the candidates will have to visit the https://cetcell.mahacet for
downloading Hall Ticket for on-line Test. Intimations for downloading Hall Ticket will also be
sent through E-mail/SMS. Once the candidate clicks the relevant link, he/ she can access the
window for Hall Ticket download. The candidate is required to use i) Registration Number/
Roll No, ii) Pass-word/ Date of Birth for downloading the Hall Ticket. The candidate needs to
affix recent recognizable photograph on the Hall Ticket, preferably the same provided during
registration and appear at the examination Centre with i) Hall ticket ii) Photo Identity Proof as
stipulated below and also specified in the Hall Ticket and photo Identity proof as brought in
The Hall Ticket with original photo pasted on it having signature of the candidate and
the Invigilator will be required at the time of Admission. Candidates are advised to
preserve it carefully.
8. Identity Verification:
In the Examination hall, the Hall Ticket along with original of the Candidate’s currently valid
photo identity (bearing the Same Name as it appears on the Hall Ticket.) Such as PAN Card, Pass
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port/Permanent Driving License/Voters Card/ Bank Pass Book with photograph/ photo- identity
proof issued by the Gazetted officer on official letter head along with the photograph/Photo
identity proof issued by the People’s Representative on the official letter head along with photo
graph/ valid recent identity card issued by the recognized College/ University/Aadhaar Card with
photograph/ E-Aadhaar Card / Employee ID/ Bar Council Identity Card with photograph should
be submitted to the invigilator for verification. The candidate’s identity will be verified with
respect to his/her details on the Hall Ticket, in case original valid original Photo Identity Proof is
not produced, the candidate may not be allowed to appear for the Examination. The Candidates
must remember that Ration Card and Learner’s Driving License is not valid ID proof for
the Examination and colour Xerox and Soft Copies of the Identity Card are not allowed and
candidates possessing them will not be allowed in the examination Hall unless they produce
the Original valid identity proof.
Note: Candidates have to produce Original Photo Identity proof along with CET Examination
Hall Ticket while attending the Examination, without which they will not be allowed to take up
the examination. Candidates must note that the name as appearing on the Hall Ticket
(provided during the process of registration) should Exactly match the name appearing as on
photo identity proof. Female candidates who have changed their first /last / middle name post
marriage must take Special Note of this.
If there is any mismatch between the name indicated in the Hall Ticket and Photo Identity
Proof, the Candidate will not be allowed to appear for the Examination. In case of
candidates who changed their name will be allowed only if they produce Gazette Notification
/ their Original Marriage Certificate/Affidavit in Original.
9. Candidates Reporting Late:
The candidates reporting the Venue of the Examination after reporting time specified on the
Hall Ticket for the Examination will not be permitted to take the Examination. The reporting
time mentioned on the Hall Ticket is prior to the start time of the Test. Though the duration of
the examination is 120 (Hundred and Twenty) Minutes, candidates may be required to be at
the venue for about 180 (One Hundred Eighty Minutes) minutes including the time required
for completion of various formalities such as verification, collection of various requisite
documents, logging in, giving of instructions etc.
10. Test Centers for CET:
1. MAH-LL.B. 3 Year CET 2024 will be conducted in the selected Cities in Maharashtra and
Outside Maharashtra State. The cities in which MAH-LL.B. 3 Year CET 2024 will be
conducted are designated as “Centers” for the CET.
2. Each Centre may have many “Venues” depending upon the number of candidates appearing at
that Centre.
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3. A candidate appearing for CET shall give his/her preference for the Centre, however, the
Competent Authority reserves the right to allocate the Centre and Venue.
4. The examination will be conducted On-Line at Venues given in the respective Hall ticket.
5. No request for change of Centre/Venue/Date/ Session for the Examination shall be
6. Competent authority, however, reserves the right to cancel any of the Examination Centres
and /or add some other Centres, at its discretion, depending upon the response, administrative
feasibility etc.
7. Competent Authority also reserves the right to allot the candidate to any centre other than the
one he/she has opted.
8. Candidate will appear for the CET examination at the Examination Centre at his/her own risk
and expenses and Competent Authority will not be responsible for any injury or losses etc. of
any nature.
9. Choice of Centre once exercised by the candidate will be Final.
10. If sufficient number of Candidates do not opt for a particular Centre for Online Examination,
Competent Authority reserves the right to allot any other adjunct Centre to those candidates OR
if the number of the candidates is more than the capacity available for online examination for a
Centre, Competent Authority reserves the right to allot any other Centre to the Candidate.
11. Syllabus and Marking Scheme for MAH-LL.B. 3 Year CET 2024:
11.1 The On Line CET comprises of One paper with Four Sections:
Sr. Area No. of Marks per Total
No. Questions Question Marks
11.2 The Questions will be Objective Multiple Choice Questions with Four Options.
11.3There is No Negative Marking.
11.4 The time allotted is 2 Hours i.e. One Hundred and Twenty Minutes.
11.5 The Questions will be in English and Marathi.
11.6 The Mock Test link for Practice will be provided for the Candidates to prepare them- selves
for On Line CET.
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Scribe should not answer on his/her own. Any such behaviour observed will result in
cancellation of Candidature.
(i) Guidelines for Candidates with Locomotors Disability and Cerebral Palsy: -
A Compensatory time of 20 minutes per hour or otherwise advised shall be
permitted for the candidates with Locomotors disability and Cerebral Palsy where
dominant (Writing) extremity is affected to the extent of the slowing the
performance of function (Minimum of 40% impairment).
(ii) Guidelines for Visually Impaired Candidates: -
Visually impaired candidates (who suffer from not less than 40% of disability may
opt to view the contents of the Test in magnified font and all such candidates will
be eligible for compensatory time of 20 minutes for every hour or otherwise
advised for examination.
The facility of viewing the content of the test in the magnifying fonts will not be
available to visually impaired candidates who use the services of the Scribe for the
The Details of the Applicability of Scribe and /or Extra time for various types of Disabilities are
given in the following Table: -
Types of Specified Disability Sub Type Whether scribe is Whether Extra time
allowed is allowed
1)Physical Disability
A) Locomotor Disability 1)Leprosy Cured Person If opted by candidate If opted by candidate
2)Cerebral Palsy YES YES
a) Dominant Arm/Both
Arms affected
b)Stiff Back & Hips
3)Dwarfism NO NO
4)Muscular Dystrophy If opted by candidate If opted by candidate
5)Acid Attack Victims NO NO
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3)Mental Behaviour 17)Mental Illness If opted by candidate If opted by candidate
a) Chronic Neurological
Conditions 19)Parkinson's Disease YES YES
20)Haemophilia NO NO
b)Blood Disorder 21)Thalassemia NO NO
22) Sickle cell disease NO NO
13. Action Against candidates found guilty of misconduct/ use of unfair means:
Candidates are advised in their own interest that they should not furnish any particulars that
are false, tampered with or fabricated and should not suppress any material information
while submitting On-line application.
At the time of examination or in subsequent admission procedure, if a candidate found
guilty of: -
i. Using unfair means, or
ii. Impersonating or procuring personification by any person, or
iii. Misbehaving in the Examination Hall or disclosing, publishing, reproducing, or any
information therein in whole or part thereof in any form or by any means, verbal or written,
electronically or mechanically for any purpose, or
iv. Resorting to any irregular or improper means in connection with his/her candidature, or
v. Obtaining support of his/her candidature by unfair means, or
vi. Carrying Mobile Phones or similar electronic devices of communication in the
examination hall, such a candidate may, in addition to rendering himself/herself liable to
criminal prosecution, be liable to be disqualified from the examination/admission. The
candidate himself/herself will be responsible for the possible consequences.
You have NOT answered the question but have marked the question for review.
The marked review status simply acts as a reminder that you have set to look at the
question again. If an answer is selected for question that is marked for Review, the
answer will be considered in the evaluation.
To select a question to answer, you can do one of the following: -
i. Click on the question number in the question palette at the right of your screen to go to
that numbered question directly. Note that using this option does not save your
answer to the current question.
ii. Click on ‘Save & Next’ to save answer to current question and to go to the next
question in sequence.
iii. Click on ‘Mark for Review and Next’ to save answer to current question, mark it for
review, and to go to the next question in sequence.
To select your answer, click on one of the option buttons.
To change your answer, click another desired option button.
To save the answer, you MUST click on ‘Save and Next’.
To deselect a chosen answer, click on the chosen option again or click on the
Clear Response button.
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To mark a question for review, click on Mark for Review and Next. If an
answer is selected for a question that is Marked for Review, the answer will be
considered in the final Evaluation.
To change an answer to a question, first select the question and then click on the
new answer option followed by a click on the Save and Next button.
Questions that are saved or marked for Review after answering will only be
considered for evaluation.
Test Name(s) will be displayed on the top bar of the screen. Questions in the test
can be viewed by clicking on the Test Name. The test you will view will be
After clicking the ‘Save and Next’ button on the last question for the test, you
will automatically be taken to the first question of the next test.
You can move the mouse cursor over the test names to view the status of the
questions of the test.
You can shuffle between test and questions anytime during the examination as
per your convenience.
The candidates are requested to follow the instructions of the TEST
ADMINISTRATOR carefully. If any candidate does not follow the instructions/
rules, it would be treated as a case of misconduct/adoption of unfair means and
such a candidate would be liable to debarment from appearing for the examinations
for the period as decided by CET CELL.
The candidates may ask the Test Administrator about the doubts or questions
only before the commencement of the test. No query shall be entertained after the
commencement of the examination.
After the expiry of 120 minutes, the candidates will not be able to attempt any
question or click their answers. The answers of the candidates would be saved
automatically by the computer system even of he/she has not clicked the Submit
B) Candidates to Note the Following Things Carefully: -
i) Candidates will not be allowed to finally submit unless they have exhausted the actual test
ii) Under no circumstances should a candidate click on any of the KEYBOARD KEYS
once the examination starts as this will lock the Examination.
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6) You must scrupulously follow the instructions of the Test Administrator and CET
CELL Representative/ Venue Officer at the examination venue. If you violate the
instructions, you will be disqualified and will be asked to leave the examination venue.
7) No use of calculators (separate or with watch) books, or written notes, cell phones
(with or without camera facility), or any other electronic device will be allowed during
the examination.
8) Candidates should bring their Hall Ticket with their photo affixed thereon with
currently valid photo identity proof in original. This is essential. Candidate should
hand over the Hall Ticket to the Invigilator for verification and signature. Candidates
should collect back the Hall Ticket after the examination is over and ensure safe
custody of the Hall Ticket since it will be required at the time of admission.
9) Your responses (answers) will be analyzed with other candidates to detect patterns of
similarity of right and wrong answers. If in the analytical procedure adopted in the
regard, it is inferred/ concluded that the responses have been shared and scores
obtained are not genuine/valid, your candidature may be cancelled. Any candidate
who is found copying or receiving or giving assistance or engaging in any behavior
unbecoming of a candidate will not be considered or assessment. The CET CELL may
take further action against such candidates as deemed fit by it
10) Candidate should bring with him/her a ball point pen. A sheet of paper will be
provided which can be used by the candidate for rough work or taking down the
question number you would like to review at the end of the test before submitting your
answers. After the test is over you MUST HAND OVER THIS SHEET of paper to the
Test Administrator before leaving the venue.
11) The possibility of occurrence of some problem in the administration of the
examination cannot be ruled out completely which may impact test delivery and/or
result from being generated. In that event, every effort will be made to rectify such
problem, which may include movement of candidates, delay in test. Conduct of a re-
examination is at the absolute discretion of the Test Conducting Body. Candidates will
not have any claim for the re-test. Candidates not willing to move or not willing to
participate in the delayed process of the test delivery shall be summarily rejected from
the process.
12) If the examination is held in more than one session, the scores across various sessions
will be equated to adjust for slight differences in difficulty level of different test
batteries used across sessions. More than one sessions are required if the nodes
capacity is less or some technical disruption takes place at any centre or for any
13) Anyone found to be disclosing, publishing, reproducing, transmitting, storing or
facilitating transmission and storage of test contents in any form or any information
therein in whole or part thereof or by any means verbal or written, electronic or
mechanical or taking away the papers supplied in the examination hall or found to be
unauthorized possession of test content is likely to be prosecuted.
14) Instances for providing incorrect information and or process violation by the candidate
detected at any stage of the Admission process will lead to disqualification of the
candidate from the selection process. And he she will not be allowed to appear in any
admission process in the future. If such instances go undetected during the current
Admission Process but are detected subsequently, such disqualification will take place
with retrospective effect.
17. Important Points to Remember:
You are advised to bring with you:
a) Hall ticket with affixed Photo and valid Photo ID card in ORIGINAL
b) Original Proof for Change in name if any
c) One ball point Pen.
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18. Other Guidelines
A. Applicants are advised in their own interest to apply on-line much before the closing date
and not to wait till the last date to avoid the possibility of disconnection/inability/ failure to
log on to the website on account of heavy load on internet/website. CET CELL takes no
responsibility for applicants not being able to submit their applications online within the
last date on account of aforesaid reasons or for any other reason beyond the control of the
B. Any information submitted by an applicant in his/her application shall be binding on the
applicant personally and he/she shall be liable for prosecution/ civil consequences in case
the information/details furnished by him/her are found to be false at a later stage.
C. DHE shall not be responsible for any application made/ wrong information provided by an
unauthorized person/institution. Applicants are advised not to share/mention their
application details with/to anyone.
D. Candidates are advised to download and read the detailed guidelines for filling in online
E. In no case the request for change of venue, centre, time slot will be entertained.
F. Candidates are directed to carry Original Photo ID proof like, Aadhaar Card, Pan Card,
Driving License, Latest College ID at the CET centre, failing to produce the same will
disqualify the candidate and will not be allowed to appear for the examination. Soft copies
of the Photo identity proof are no allowed
G. Candidates are advised to go through the detailed admission rules of the CET Examination
they are going to appear before filling in the Form.
H. Hall Ticket of CET Examination 2024 will only be generated for the course for which
candidate has filled the CET Application form. CET application form filled for one course
cannot be considered for other course.
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Annexure I
The visually impaired candidates and candidates whose writing speed is adversely affected permanently for
any reason can use their own scribe at their cost during the On-Line Examination. In all such cases where a
scribe is used, the following rules will apply:
Please ensure you are eligible to use a scribe as per the Government of India rules
governing the recruitment of Persons with Disabilities.
The candidate will have to arrange his/her own scribe at his/her own cost.
The scribe arranged by the candidate should not be a candidate for the same examination.
If violation of the above is detected at any stage of the process, candidature of both the
candidate and the scribe will be cancelled.
A person acting as a scribe for one candidate cannot be a scribe for another candidate.
The scribe may be from any Academic Stream.
Both the candidate as well as scribe will have to give a suitable undertaking confirming
that the scribe fulfils all the stipulated eligibility criteria for a scribe mentioned above.
Further in case it later transpires that he/she did not fulfil any laid down eligibility criteria
or suppressed material facts the candidature of the applicant will stand cancelled,
irrespective of the result of the online examination.
Those candidates who use a scribe shall be eligible for compensatory time of 20 minutes
for every hour of the examination or as otherwise advised.
Visually Impaired candidates under Blind/Low Vision, who use scribe, may skip the non
verbal questions and questions on Table/Graph, if any. The candidates will be awarded
marks for such Section based on the overall average obtained in other Sections of the
respective test.
Please fill up the DECLARATION given below and submit along with the Hall Ticket.
1. The scribe is identified by the candidate at his/her own cost and as per own choice.
The candidate is visually impaired or his/her writing speed is adversely affected
permanently and s/he needs a writer (scribe) as permissible under the Government of India
rules governing the recruitment/Admission of Physically Challenged persons.
2. As per the rules, the candidate availing services of a scribe is eligible for compensatory time of
20 minutes for every hour of the Examination.
3. In view of the importance of the time element and the examination being of a competitive
nature, the candidate undertakes to fully satisfy the Medical Officer of the Organization that
there was necessity for use of a scribe as his/her writing speed is affected by the disabilities
mentioned in Paragraph ‘1’ above.
4. In view of the fact that multiple appearance / attendance in the examination are not permitted,
the candidate undertakes that he/she has not appeared / attended the examination more than
once and that the scribe arranged by him/her is not a candidate for the examination. If violation
of the above is detected at any stage of the process, candidature of both the candidate and the
scribe will be cancelled.
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5. We hereby declare that all the above statements made by us are true and correct to the best of
our knowledge and belief. We also understand that in case it is detected at any stage of
Admission that we do not fulfil the eligibility norms and/or that the information furnished by us
is incorrect/false or that we have suppressed any material fact(s), the candidature of the
applicant will stand cancelled, irrespective of the result of the examination. If any of these
shortcoming(s) is/are detected even after the candidate's Admission, his/her admission is liable
to be terminated. In such circumstances, both signatories will be liable to criminal prosecution.
Roll No.:----------------
Registration No.:-----------------
Signature of Invigilator
of the Scribe
Note:- Scribe candidates are advised to take a print out of the page No 26-27 and fill it up take
along with them by affixing their photo and enclosing necessary documents to the form and
submit it to Venue Officer at the CET Test Centre.
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How to fill up MAH- LL.B 3 Yrs. CET-2024 Online Application Form
First candidate should download and read the Information Brochure carefully and then Scan Photo
and Signature separately as per the directions given in the Information Brochure and save it on
your PC’s Desktop, and then follow the following steps. Candidate should be careful to upload
photo in place of photo and signature in place of signature.
Step 1 : Go to website :----- https://cetcell.mahacet.org/ & www.mahacet.org
Step 2 Click on link : Registration
Step 4. Register yourself by filling in the details.
Step 5. Already registered candidates should: Login in by filling in details for “Already Registered
Step 6. Validate your filled in details
Step 7. Save and Submit form
Step 8 Take print out of the Form.
Step 09. If you have any problem: kindly raise the ticket through Ticketing System.
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