Published research paper
Published research paper
Published research paper
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As we wrap up our analysis, let's think about the subtle factors that shape the initial public offerings
scene in India
Research on IPOs and the Indian stock market provides valuable insights for investors and policymakers,
highlighting challenges and opportunities in the dynamic market environment.
The text discusses the importance of Initial Public Offerings (IPOs) in the Indian stock market, highlighting factors
such as regulatory requirements, market dynamics, and investor sentiment.
It emphasizes the significance of IPOs in raising capital, promoting economic growth, and providing investment
opportunities. The text also touches on the challenges faced by companies in conducting successful IPOs and the
impact of IPO performance on investors. Additionally, it explores the evolution of the Indian stock market, the role
of regulatory bodies, and the factors influencing IPO pricing and post-listing performance.
The text concludes by emphasizing the need for further research and analysis to enhance understanding and
efficiency in the IPO ecosystem.
Findings • 4. The initial public offerings (IPOs) as a
The analysis found that the average initial return, or Regulatory Requirement: when it comes to going
underpricing, was 40.08 percent. but that this dropped public through an IPO, firms have to comply with
to 39.36 percent after adjusting for market strict regulatory standards on financial reporting,
performance ( using Nifty ) during the same time corporate governance practices and transparency
• 2. (2020) event research technique was used to
* Null Hypothesis (Ho1): There is no significant analyze the success of numerous firms who went
difference in listing gains among the public in 2017 alter their initial public offering
* Null Hypothesis (Ho2): There is no significant • 12. . (2016) He examine the effect of the law on
difference in listing gains among the IPOs of different the longevity of initial public offerings (IPOs)
sizes using data on 7.627 issuances between 2000-2008
in 32 countries We find that initial public offerings
* Null Hypothesis (Ho3): There is no significant
(IPOs) in countries with stronger investor
difference in current gains among the IPOs from
safeguards stay listed for much longer. this shows
different sectors
that in countries with more robust legal systems.
listed corporations have overall advantages
• The study of IPOs goes beyond financial
An IPO occurs when a privately held firm decides to All these enhance investor confidence and trust in the
go public by offering shares to public for the first time. company‘s activities leading to better corporate
governance standards in the market overall
This move often accompanies an increase in investor
interest, analysts‘ coverage and public exposure as it Benchmark for Valuation
indicates an important stage in company‘s growth. The stock market is one of the ways that companies
can go public and these offer a basis for valuing other
Capital Formation: Initial public offerings (IPOs) are
firms within an industry.
one of the major methods through which companies
can raise funds from the public markets. The way that markets react towards initial public
offering with regard to levels of subscription, listing
Significance of IPOs can be demonstrated through
gains and post-listing performance are important in
more than these few factors: 1.
determining market sentiment, industry trends or
Such an injection of capital allows companies to investor appetite influencing investment decisions
finance their expansion plans, invest in research and taken by investors and business strategies followed by
development, buy assets or pay off liabilities. their organizations
This type of wealth creation incentivizes Evaluate how these factors affect pricing levels,
entrepreneurship and innovation and encourages job subscription levels equate to success rates in relation
creation and economic development through increased to initial public offerings (IP0)
expenditures, investments and entrepreneurial activity.
Identify challenges and opportunities
Indian stock markets work better when there are more Identify the challenges companies and investors face
IPOs taking place regularly. in the IPO market, such as market volatility, regulatory
complexity, and investor expectations.
These deals promote capital formation, increase
market efficiency, boost participation among investors, Highlight emerging opportunities, trends and
guarantee good corporate governance across the innovations in the IPO space, including SME IPOs,
economy tech listings and greenfield projects
The NSE hosted 251 initial public offerings (IPOs) The important component of research methodology
that were used to generate cash such as formulation of research design, hypothesis,
method of data collection, tools for processing of the
Another 225 IPOs were studied for their mediumand data and reporting format of the study, are enumerated
long-term performance. as follows: 3.2 RESEARCH DESIGN.
According to evidence from firm-level factors, a The research design is a framework for blueprint for
company's length of existence in the market before conducting the research.
becoming public has a direct correlation to its age.
It requires the procedure necessary for obtaining the
Issuers, investors, regulators, and the rest of the capital information needed to structure or solve the research
market may better assess the long-term potential of problem.
initial public offerings (IPOs) according to this study's
results. It lays the foundation for conducting the research.
14 (2010) For the years 1991 through 2005, the article A good research design will ensure that research
focuses on the success and longevity of initial public project is conducted effectively and efficiently.
offerings (IPOs) in New Zealand.
The exploratory research design has been adopted.
TO market level is the biggest factor reducing the
predicted survival time. followed by valuation The primary objective of exploratory research is to
uncertainty provide insight into, and an understanding of the
problem confronting the researcher.
Exploratory research is used in cases when one must
Research is a careful and vital enquiry in fi nding out
define the problem more precisely, identify relevant
the facts and diligent investigation in order to ascertain
courses of actions, or gain additional insight before an
approach can be developed
Research Methodology is a way to find out the result
of a given problem on a specific matter or problem IMPORTANCE OF THE STUDY
that is referred as research problem. The study of Initial Public Offerings (IPOs) and their
impact on the Indian stock market holds significant
For formulating a significant research problem, importance.
researcher must acquire adequate knowledge of the
area in which research is to be done, as possible. Market Dynamics: IPOs are critical events in the
financial market.
The researcher always tries to search the given
question systematically and should be aware of Let‘s delve into why this area of research matters: 1.
environment to which the difficulty pertains.
They represent companies transitioning from private
It refers to method adopted to collect the relevant data ownership to public listing.
and other information, which form the basis of Understanding the dynamics of IPOs helps investors,
research writing.
regulators, and policymakers make informed decisions
The exploratory research was adopted and once the
data was converted into qualitative research Causal
They are not just looking for immediate gains, but for Understanding IPO performance and its implications is
a long-term partnership. crucial for investors, policymakers, and market
Our research shows that retail investors tend to benefit
from IPOs that are priced lower than their actual value Let's dive into the data analysis and interpretation
in the long run. related to Indian stock market and Initial Public
Offerings (IPOs).
As these IPOs mature into established stocks, loyal
retail investors are rewarded for their patience. I'll provide insights based on existing research and
empirical investigations
While professional investors may focus on short-term
profits, it is the retail investors who navigate through Sample IPO Performance Graphs
different market cycles, steadily growing their Below are hypothetical graphs illustrating IPO
portfolios over time performance trends: REASON FOR FALLOUT OF
Long-Term Performance
How do newly listed companies fare over time? India's biggest IPO, launched by Paytm, faced a muted
market debut despite high expectations.
Do they outperform or underperform established
firms? Let's explore the reasons behind its fall: 1.
Research on IPOs and the Indian stock market Initial Discount: - Paytm's shares debuted at a 9%
contributes to financial literacy, economic discount to the issue price.
development, and informed decision-making.
- This initial discount dampened investor sentiment
It‘s a fascinating field with practical implications for and contributed to the stock's decline[1]
investors, policymakers, and market participants
Lack of Profits and Valuation Concerns
10_ Challenges and Opportunities - Paytm expects to break even by late year or early
Studying the Indian stock market and IPOs provides 2023, but it anticipates making losses for the
valuable insights into market dynamics, investor foreseeable future.
behavior, regulatory effectiveness, and long-term
- Disillusionment with recent IPOs with inflated
economic impact.
valuations led to weak investor response[1]
Researchers can contribute to informed decision-
making and enhance market efficiency. Competition and Business Model
Let's delve deeper into the hypotheses related to the - Paytm faces fierce competition in the payments space
Indian stock market and Initial from giants like Google and Walmart-owned Flipkart
Hypothesis on Current Gains by Sectors
These hypotheses serve as starting points for empirical - Competitors offer similar services, impacting
research. Paytm's market share[1]
- Macquarie Research set a target price of Rs 1,200 for Their loyalty pays off as they see their investments
the stock, implying over. grow over time.
40% downside risk from its issue price. Does it only serve as an entry point to the stock market
dance, or does it lead to a lasting partnership?
Paytm's IPO faced challenges related to valuation,
competition, lack of profits, and investor scepticism. The question remains: Is under-pricing sustainable?
Does it only serve as an entry point to the stock market
The journey from IPO to sustained growth remains a dance, or does it lead to a lasting partnership?
complex path for companies in the dynamic Indian
market Sectoral Differences
The stock market is like a grand orchestra, with
Conclusion different sectors playing their own tunes.
The study of IPOs goes beyond financial transactions.
Our analysis highlights that IPO performance varies
As we wrap up our analysis, let's think about the subtle across these sectors.
factors that shape the IPO scene in India
Investors need to understand these sectoral differences.
IPO Performance Trends
A tech IPO may skyrocket, but a healthcare IPO may
IPOs enter the stock exchange with excitement, just
recover more slowly
like debutantes at a ball.
The first day of trading is their big moment—a time to Challenges and Opportunities
prove themselves. Their success depends on finding the right balance
between optimism and realism in terms of valuation.
India (SEBI), enhance market transparency and International Journal of Financial Management, 11(4),
investor protection. 112-124