Ka-Ge 04

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The Shadows are Deeper

-Paterson's- Turring's
-The Awakened Citizen
-Nee-Anarchist- &... More
Welcome, Hot, Chummersl:

You hold the fourth Issue of Kage, which
repraenl5 a run year o( production, writing,
layout and all the other work that goes Into
You asked on the order form for the
three things we want to see most In I n d e X
producing a newsle«er. This has been one of
Ka·ge. Well. really I want to see all of Jt.
the most hettie seasons of my lite, but I think It But most of all, I'd like to see additional Notes from the Net•••••••••••• .P•se 2
will all be worth It when you see what we've and optional rules for game play .. • I'd We lfnd out why Kd·ge Is heavier, Info
done. Alter one year, there are several things I also like to see a bit more of a rundown
need to tell you. 50 without rurther delay... on the actlvftles of the Shadowrun Net-
first of all, George Pace Is no longer with
on what Is happening around the world work, our new LTG (telephone 1), plus
the company. His career has taken him down a In the 2050's. It would be great as a sec- more letters from runners like you.
dllrerent path and he will be missed. His depar- tion of Ka·ge, a different part of the
ture means several things to Network mem- world every Issue. P.Uerson's Guide to Puuol"'ftAA
bers, chief of which Is the loss of the Macintosh. Anlm411s .••..••••••.•••••••••••••••••.Pase 4
That means we will no longer be accepting sub-
Thank you for taking an Interest In my
mittals on Macintosh computers. Sony (really, letter. All I can say Is that I'm sure you'll The Awakened world Is alive with all
I'm not Just saying that because I own a I'C). If put out a top class magazine, and you sorts of critters. We Jist two more of
we can acquire dependable access to a Mac, Paterson's findings: the H'owl and the
can be assured that there are a lot of
we'll announce It and begin accepting submit- R.Jchnyn.
tals again on the Mac: but ror now It's PC only.
people here In Australia who are champ·
Second, you might notice a slight change In tng at the bit to read lt. Turrtns's Guide to
the format and s1z.e of this Issue. Kage Is now leonard K. Orpnl.z.atlons.................... .r..se 9
48 pages. The extra 16 pages are our way of Brisbane, Australia
thanking you for your support and l'eedback.
A look at the mctglcal go-gang the
We appreciate those of you who shelled out Merlyns. lndudlng a sneak peek at the
good money at GenCon last year when all we K.rge ~ply: Lone St.1r report.
had to show was a sample Issue. However, I've Well, Leonctrd, you are not alone. We
got good news and bad news about the extra hdve received a lot of requests for more St..dows........................... P•se l 3
pages. In the ruture we'll keep the page count Deep In the shadows you 'II Rnd the
at 48, but to do 50 we need to raise our yearly optional rules ctnd rules additions. We _
decided not to Include many In this Issue Former Sioux WlldCdt archetype, two
dues by four dollars. for S20 per year you'll get
more contacts: the Roddie and the
192 pages of Shadowrun matel1al delivered to because Shadowrun II (see Paydata this
your doorstep. In the ruture we're planning to Waitress and Ka•ge 's debut of NI'Cs,
issue for more detdlls) wlll be coming out
run more and more fan-generated matel1al. but Breeze.
to do that we must have a signed release. In August. There ctre severctlldeas on the
!'lease make sure any wl1tlng or art Is accompa- drctwlng board from us ctnd other mem· TheAwuened
nied by a release. bers which you will start to see In Issue Cttlzen .••.....•.••••••...•••••.•..•.P•se 16
Thlld. we've tlnally got a phone number five.
you can call , 24 hours a day. If's an automated
An awakened dtlzen Is an aware dtl-
voice mall system that we've set up to answer Your Idea about covering different sec- zen. At some time you will be forced
some of the common questions about the dub tions of the world Is grectt. We stctrt with to play the legal game. Find out the
and membership In general. If you have ques- this Issue, giving you the Boston Sprawl, types of lawyers available and how
tions, g ive us a call. The number Is 314.446- ct member generated write-up. Hopeful- much they charge.
AWOL (that's 2965).
Fourth, the rest of the summer does not ly, we wlll be ctble to provide news ctnd
Info from around the world In every
The RetchlnsR.u••••••••••••••P•se 2 I
look like It's going to be any easler. As you 'll
notice later. we've got a run schedule of con-
The Merlyns aren 't nice people. But are
Issue. they as bdd as a rat? A four page Kd·ge
ventions, Including the biggest of them all.
GenCon. Look for us at the FASA booth and scenario.
stop by and say, "Hal, Chumrner. • In addition, k a • g
we'll be running a Shadowrun multi-session
Is An Off the Shelf•••••••••••••••••••••P•se 27
game. Come early to get the best seats. Manipulation spells, pocket Inter-
Flnally, the Shadowrun Network Is proud to AWOL PRODUCTION preters and torches, and the olfldal
announce (drum roll please) the opening of our
Network Mall Order Department. Starting bike of the World Combdt Cydlsts
A Wot M.vM6ement ...............j.tmes D. Lon& League.
Immediately, you will be able to older all your
Shadowrun products directly from us, at a sub-
A Wot MIS........... " ................ DeMt A. SestAk
stantial savings. Most of the Items will have a AWOl Co·ordltuttor .....................G/1 Cooper Neo-An•rchlst Gulde ••••••••P•se 32
15% discount to members (who are the only 'The Boston Sprawl, • Network mem-
ones who can buy from the Network). Some ,....zJne stAff ber Stephen Kenson gives us the low-
Items wtll have slightly lower discount, but tea- Senior Editor ....................................Jim Lon&
tured Items wtll have a larger one. This quarter, down on big bdd Boston.
hlncJIMI Writers ............JD Lon&, Gil Cooper
for example, you can get both Shadowbeat and Contrlbutln& Wrlters ...GI #'~tee, DeMt SestAk
Shadowtech for more than 21 % olft More spe- AWOL Releue fonn •••••••• PAge 38
cials wtll follow In the coming months. for the Orftllttitl Kit•&e Lityout Desl&n···· ....... GI l'~tce The Ka·ge gurus expldln whdt It's all
time being, we are not able to provide Ral c - Att.......................................o..n Smith about.
Partha miniatures or the ROC novels. but look lntetfor Art ....... D.In Smith, llenedlct Hupes
for them In the near ruture. In addition, look for Se.ut l'~trr~tck P•yd.t:A. ..........•.••••..•.•..•••..r ..se 40
more announcements In this location. Jeff l.Jaubensteln
So, what did I forget? Probably something JD Long reviews the latest FASA Shdd·
Important, but I'm out of space, 50 until Gen- owrun releases. lndudlng the soon to
lor1A5A be relea~ Shadowrun Znd Edition/
Mr. Johnson ..................................s.m Lewis
Jim Corporllte •Apporvid· ...................Tom Dowd Network Member
GrAfftti ....•......•...•...•••••.....•. P.-se 46
Sluldowrun .v~d MittrfiC Me tT~tdem.1rlu of
IA5A corpor.atlon. Sluldowrun Networt Is it Writing on the
tTitdenMrfc of A Wot hoductlons. All tfpts W.aii .•..•...•......••...•..•...•.•.•••P•se 47
reserved. All trMtelfitlsln Kit•&e C /991
A Wot productions itnd IA5A Corporitt#on.
Dear Ka·ge: to find you a padded room. Kd·ge Reply:
Please pass on my kudos to the staff of Your question about postage Is excel- As we mentioned earlier In this col-
Ral Parthal RaJ Partha's support of the lent. The Shddowrun Network contdlns a umn, FASA Is releasing Shddowrun II.
Shadowrun line has been outstanding. It growing number of lntefTld.tlonal mem- There are a large number of changes In
Is nice to see high quality sculpting. It bers dOd getting letters back to every- the system (so far the staff here at Kd•ge
makes painting the figs much more fun, body Is expensive. The best method for has enjoyed the changes). Since many of
not to mention nicer to look at. Also. It Is SASE going outside the United St.Jtes Is the questions are affected by the new
nice not to be charged an arm and a leg for you to get a postal certlfiCclte for first rules, we dedded to hold off for dO Issue
tOr a package of miniatures, like a certain dass postage. We then give the certlfi- with the Q &. A section. Starting with
English company I won't name. Cclte to the postmaster here In the U.S.• next Issue, you will find a much fatter Q
Thanks goes to the staff of Ka·ge tOr who places the proper postage on your &. A section thdn ever before.
the detailed miniatures reviews. Some- letter. Most post offices offer this service.
times I can't always see the fig first- To Whom It May Concern:
hand, so It Is nice to be able to Mlook" at Dear Shadowrun Network: I have received the third Issue In my
the fig through the eyes of Ka·ge bet'ore I If you guys have any pull with the subscription. The mailing label you
place my order. FASA design staff, push tOr an Australia placed on the mag severely devalues It
Delany F. sourcebook. I do so love the Idea of an as a collector's Item. I am very Interested
Monticello, Arkansas Australian shaman walking the path of In the mag's content, but I am also
Kangaroo (or Wombat or Platypus or aware of Its possible value. Your "Notes
Kd·ge Reply: Frilled Lizard!), centering with his from the Net" explain the Importance of
We agree/ Ral Parthd Is doing a great dldgerldoo. Pretty wlz, huh 7 an 10 number, but I feel the responsibili-
job. The Shddowrun Network strongly Erik K. ty of this should be left to the collector.
encourages dnyone who hdsn 't checked Salem, Oregon I understand the need to ret'ormat
out Ral Pathd 's miniatures .to do so soon. your printing specs. but I am probably
For a critique of their newest miniatures Kd·ge Reply: not alone In my objection. I already have
read the Payddt.J section. There must be a hec1rty contingent of an active membership but would appre-
The Shadowrun Network Is working to Australia lovers out there. We have ciate the Inclusion of a 'Collectors Mail-
•pport miniatures In game play by received almost as mdny requests for Ing List'. I have no objection to paying a
~leasing several map sets SGJied to fit Australia as we have for the Tir. We must higher rate so that my subscription may
the Shddowrun miniatures. Look for admit a paranormal kdngaroo Is Intrigu- arrive In mint condition. If there are more
these to be avclflclble c1t Gen Con and In Ing. To Erik dOd all the others: we will protective measures to Insure my mag's
the next Issue of Kd·ge. pass on your request to FASA . By the Integrity, please Inform me.
wily, whdt Is e1 dldgerldoo7 No more labels!
Dear Ka·ge: A Concerned Mr. Johnson
When are we GMs going to get some Dear Sirs: )arne' P.
solid stuff on Tir Talmglrel7 Myself and When I signed up tOr Ka·ge at GenCon Ardmore, Oklahoma
many of my friends have been waiting a last summer, I was told that I would be
long time for more Information on the able to purchase Shadowrun Network T- Ka·ge Reply:
Tlr. shlrts sometime In the near future. Is You are not alone }ilme '. We are also
Also. will you guys ever be going there any news on them 7 faniltics about the condition of our per-
bimonthly or monthly? Waiting three AndrewW. sonal copies (not only the ITldgdZI~s.
months tOr my next Issue Is driving me Chicago. Illinois but the sourcebooks too). We ftflcllly
crazy I Cdme up with the solution and the label-
One more thing. how many stamps Ke1•ge Reply: Ing of this Issue Is the result. From now
do I have to put on the SASE to get It It took us c1 little longer to get the on we will insert an additional sheet so
from you (USA) to me (Canada)? shirts ready thcln we originally thought the le1bel doesn't stick to your collector's
Mike C. (okay. a lot longer thdn we thought). Yet. Item.
Hamilton. Canada fee1r not/ This August at GenCon the new P.S. While we are talking about labels,
T-shlrts will be unveiled. They are high members should check their's for the
Kd·ge Reply: quality shirts with high quality art and. of renewe1l date!
Ahh, the Tir. We helve all hec1rd rumors course. they bee1r the Ke1·ge logo/Issue
about the Tir. You find them In almost five will provide det.JIIs on how to get Please send your letters to:
every supplement. But who c1re they your very own. Letters to the Editor
really? Sorry to tell you this, Mike. but Ka·ge Magazine
you have to walt some more. FASA does Yo, Dudes! 2101 W . Broadwayf305
have a source/ildventure book slilted for What has happened to the "Question P.O. Box 6018
Tir Te1imglre. but It probdbly won't see &. Answer" section? Issue Zero had two Columbia, MO 65205-6018
relee1se until Winter '93 or even le1ter. full pages of stuff. Issues One and Two
More disappointment: Ke1·ge will had a couple of questions and then Some letters have been edited for accu-
main que1rterly through 1992. Howev- along comes Issue Three with zlpl Aren't racy and length.
er. there might be light at the end of the you guys doing questions anymore? I
tunnel. We are considering going know I'm not the only one who has
bimonthly In 1993. This is not e1 guariln- questions about this game. What gives?
teel We are thinking It over e1nd will let Raymond . C.
you know. Until then. I guess we need Los Angeles. California
·· : . . paterson's guide to paranormal animals »»(h'owiJ<«

H'owl Orus Srridco

IDENTIHCATION: 91 em and a length of 3 1 -46cm. from a mottled gray to a deep

Otus Strideo The H'owl resembles many of red.
The H'owlls an awakened the other members of the family
descendant of Otus Asio, other- Strigidae, with only its broader MAGIC CAPABILITY:
wise known as a "Screech Owl." chest physically marking it as a Innate
The H'owl Is much new species. The H'owls share
larger than its the same peculiar natural col- HABITS:
ancestor, with a oration of Otis Asio. with mem- Like Otis Asio, the H'owl is
wingspan of 76 - bers of the same family ranging primarily nocturnal, and subsists
aterson's guide to paranormal animals »»(howl)«« ~
on rodents, frogs and smaller Many of the Otis' cries are actually original title .. Howling Owl," so
birds for food. Its increased size quite pleasant to the ear. The named because of Its haunting cry
has broadened its palate, and H'owl, like most Strigiformes, (markedly different from the
there are some isolated reports employ a baiting tactic when their mournful descending cry of the
that the H'owl has captured prey nests are approached - feigning Screech), which seems to cause
as large as .3 meters. Like many injury to mislead any pursuers. its prey to freeze In fear.
members of Strigiformes, the Otis Strideo's hunting approach
H'owl nests in confined spaces is markedly different from that of POWERS:
(tree hollows and the like), often his other Strigiformes brethren, as Fear Variant (Rather than Inspir-
choosing sites established by he can utilize his striking hunting ing the target to "scurry for the
other birds (woodpecker, etc.) "howl," a piercing cry which nearest cover," this variant gives
Though both Otis Asio and Otis seems to inflict his prey with the victim the feeling that If he
Strideo were known for their some sort of paralysis. moves or betrays his position, he
piercing cries, in reality, both have will be in danger).
a wide sonic vocabulary, ranging COMMENTARY:
well above the unaugmented Linguistic Note: The name WEAKNESSES:
human hearing range of 8.5 khz. "H'owl" is a contraction of the Allergy (Sunlight - Mild)

>>>>(Oh man, this thing has got a freaky scream. It'll freeze you In your tracks)<<<<

.;->>>(Rightl Who's Is gonna' be 'froid of a stupid owl?<)<<<<

-Fizz Wizz(14:44:10/5/24/53)

>>>>(Where has this yahoo been? This "stupid owl" isn't so stupid. We had one freeze us, then
swoop down and take our dinner. A shaman friend of mine claims the H' owl actually has a lan-

H'owl 8 Q S c I W E R AttAcks
2 5x3 2 2/4 2 (6) 5 4Lt

InitiAtive Dice: 206

Powers: Fear Variant, the game stats are the same as standard fear
We.knesses: Allergy (Sunlight--Mild)

IDENTJnCADON: underside of the head contains the HABITS:

More commonly called the Shelob specialized appendages (chelicera and This rare arachnid Is one of the
after the great spider of Tolkien pedipalps) that the spider uses when largest members of the family Arach-
mythos. this massive member of the subduing and digesting its prey. The nae, and has been sighted In the deep-
family Arachnae weighs over 4 kilo- abdomen (or oplsthosoma) is dispro- er "old-wood" stands of the Padftc
grams and averages over 38 centime- portionately large. and has a large Northwest. The Shelob feeds mostty
ters In diameter. Its head (or black ring on the underside. on small rodents and birds that fly Into
cephalothorax) Is cov- its intricate webbing. which sometimes
ered with a thick black MAGIC CAPABILITY: stretches for 8 - 10 meters from either
carapace, under which None side of the spider's central core. Once
lie the eight eyes. The a victim contacts the web, a variant of
aterson's guide to paranormal animals »»(rachnynJ«« , ~
a neuro-toxin (lab analysis indicates with Its paralyzing venom and subse- her namesake, has dined on an unwary
the composition of this toxin earmark quent tissue liquefaction agents. The human who ventured Into her web
it as a Mrelation" of the commercially spider then sucks the dissolved tissue and, unable to resist the toxin, suc-
available Neuro-Stun VIII) enters into back into its opisthosoma, for storage cumbed.
the bloodstream of the prey. causing in a digestive gland.
Immense mental damage. As the vic- POWERS:
tim seeks escape. it incurs more and COMMENTARY: Neuro-Stun VIII nerve toxin on web.
more damage. until finally it Is ren- Though the spider's main diet Is
dered immobile, thereby allowing the small birds and mammals, there are WEAKNESSES:
spider opportunity to inject the subject recorded cases where the Shelob, like None

>>>>(Hey walt a minute. How did these buggers end up with a ·relation· Neuro-Stun VIII? I thought that was man-
made.... )<<«-Kiraly(15: 19:23/5/25/53)

»>>(Let me guess. You're homo sapiens. aren't you?)<«<-Kingzfeld(15:20:02/5/25/53)

>>»(Yeah. So?)«<<-Kiraly(15:20:20/5/25/53)

>»>(Only a homo sapiens would possess the thought-crushing egocentrism and homo provinciality to claim any-
thing as · manmade·. thereby disallowing oature's role In everything, including this diatribe. Sigh. I digress. Have
you never heard of blotech?)««-Kingzfeld(l5:20:25/5/25/53)

>>>>(Did you just Insult me? I never can tell what the frog you're saying half the time. Anyway. are you saying that
) might have gotten Neuro-Stun VIII from this splder?)«<<-Kiraly(15:21 :00/5/25/53)

>»>(Yes. my d imwltted sloathcousln. At least one synapse still works. I see. Perhaps. though, you need to ponder
this: maybe the same people who made the Neuro-Stun VIII made the Shelob as a carrying case. eh?)<<<<-
Kingzfeld( 15:21 : 15/5/25/53)

»>>(Yeah. anybody knows that the Argerpelter. the Fldealer. the Flredrake and the Loogaroo. (and there're
more. believe me) are all just lab created. I think most of the · animal" 'wakening Is a fraggln' fraud; they're all just
a bunch of lab 'speriments that got away.)<<<<-Crasker(15:21 :45/5/25/53)

»>>(I won't even address such shoddy rumor recycllng.)«<<-Kingzfeld(l5:22:07 /5/25/53)

»>>(Suit yerself. stuffy. Don 't change It none.)««-Crasker(15:22:21/5/25/53)


RAchnyn B Q s c I w E R AttAcks
I lx3 1 3/4 2 6 5 4M2 Stun

lnlt.dve Dice: 306 rowers: Neuro - Stun VIII nerve toxin on web
»»(Guess who fOUld a backdoor that Lone Star had left open?)««-QUI1c (13:36:23/4/30/53)

Reference Numben C-ISQ- lA72/Z

Nule/Tide: The Mer1yns
The Merlyns are a rar1ty In Seattle; a go-gang composed entirely of magically acttve members. The members are lllsely untrained; how·

ever, they possess a slgnlftcant amount of natural ability and, therefore, are to be CXInsldefed very dangerous.

The Merlyns claim a 20 blodt area as their "turf.· This area Is roughly In the shape of a square. with I 13th St., Herem Ave. 0ostoyet
Mace and 133rd St as the boundaries. Presumably their headquarters Is somewhere In this area. Units have been unable to loate at time

Dlsdnc:dve ChuActerlstks: (Colors, Tattoos, etc.)

The Merlyns wear standard biker gear. with an elaborate bird of prey on their jackets. (Ungulstlc Note: the Merlin Is a North American
bird of prey)

Person neb
The Merlyns numbers seem to vary from 20 - 30 members. See attached arrest report (AA768J·klm) for profiles on two of their mem-
bers. Racial composition Is mixed, with no preference given to any one species {save none awakeneds).
Armament: The Merlyns rely largely on magic to accomplish their goals. Results of the Investigation Into the death of Lone Sw opera-
tive 889-098·22.422 supports this conclusion. However, subsequent autopsies of other operatives (reports ME456-V4 and M£882-k/5)
suggest that each member Is conventionally armed as well and skilled In the operation ol more mundane weaponry.

The 205 I raid on Saxkatcher Industries (see report CRB97 -klr-005) offered evidence of the Merlyns being linked to BTL running. Street
sources report their Involvement Is only sporadic, thereby Indicating their sources of Income must lie elsewhere.
An obvious source of funds Is from their Implementation of the standard "protection· scheme Implemented within the conllnes of their
But one example among many, the Bannockburn Bakery ftre of 2052 (Report CR986·ghe·349) Indicates that these ".rodents." which
always occur when a dlent Is rec.allcltrant In paying. are devastating and magical In nature. CR986-ghe-349 also concludes that nelgh-
bomood fear of the gang Is high. as the lack of cooperative witnesses attests.
There also have been unconfirmed reports (as detailed In CRS52-klt· 598 and CR661-nyw-123) that a high portion ol any funds gained
go toward the acquisition of new spells, with an emphasis on flash and damage.

The Merlyns have a trl·tlered structure. The "bottom" level (20-24 members) Is divided Into "patrols" of 4-6 members. with responsl·
bllltes centered around a spedftc section of the Merlyns range. These patrols report to one of three Intermediate olftcers. who coordl·
nate the activities of the patrols. These three In tum answer to a commander, an Individual known only as "Oiodem."

The first recorded sighting of the Merlyns was In 2045. when two gangmembers, wearing what would come to be known as their dis-
tinctive colors, were killed at the Dantt Corporate Complex during the kidnapping ol their top paranormal researcher, Dr. Marcus
Loman. The case (CR 144-blp-725) was dosed due to lack of evidence, and Loman declared legally dead In 2046. (Reports CR 145-blp-
777 and CRI52·Jga- 120 disclose the details of the case. as It was re-opened twice, In 2047 and 2049, stemming from rumors that
Loman was alive. CRI 52-Jga- 120 further details a rumor that Loman was actually leader of the Merlyns. This rumor was later discounted
when operatives were unable to ascertain Dlodem"s true Identity.

Though lllsely untrained, their sheer numbers (combined with substantial latent talent) could make them one ol Seattle's more power-
ful gangs. Despite this powerful potential, they have devoted most of their energies toward more tradlttonal so-gang pis: solldfytns
terr1tof1al claims, Increasing cash and fostering a positive self-concept through tribal Identification and terrorlzlns the unempow·
Recent reports (CR876-twq· 230 and CRA27-pwq·340) document a number of disturbing developments:
I) The Merlyns have either contracted with someone to create new and deadly spells for them. or they have gained enou&h expertenc.e
to begin designing their own. Lone Star's Magical Operatives have Indicated traces of new and different spells when examlnlns the
ethet1c terrain of recent crime scenes.
2) CM27·pwq·340 Indicates the Merlyns members have been seen In the company of representatives of several major Seatle corpora·
tlons. CM27-pwq· 340 correlates this with a rumor that the Merlyns are offering their services for sale to the hlshest bidder. These
reports ans rumors obviously have disturbing Implications for the oftlcer on the beat. Further Investigation Is warranted and advised.

Reportlns Oflken IDa 717-334-65089


Mertyns Go Gang Core Membership: 28 (5 elite, 15 a pair of large eyes (implying the
regular, 8 rookie) gang's omnipresence).
Like all other gangs of the Seattle
Sprawl, the Merlyns spend a good Associated Membership: 12 ( 1 Common Activities: In addition to
deal of their time making life dan- elite. 5 regular, 6 rookie) toll collection. the gang concen-
gerous for others. Extremely trates on bashing other gangs,
mobile, this gang has "claimed" Composition: 65% male, 35% especially those less mobile than
Intercity 90 as theirs and go to female. themselves. They have tried their
extremes to defend It against other 65% Human, 15% Elf, 10% hand at robbery, but recent
gangs. Dwarf, 9% Ork, 1% Troll encounters with Lone Star have
Unlike str~t gangs, the Merlyns forced them to reconsider this par-
do not charge protection for busl- He.dquarters: Rocket Cafe, Red- ticular career path. Part-time activ-
nesses located near their turf. They mond. jaeger's Garage and Sal- lties include weapon running,
concentrate on travelers passing vage, located across the street smuggling, bodyguard work, and
through their area of Intercity 90 serves as their camp and work auto theft. The Merlyns occasional-
during the night. Lone Star would area. jaeger's does some legit!- ly perform other work as assigned
never permit the highway to be mate business, mostly with bikers, by their mafia sponsors.
shut down during the day, but at but the business mainly serve~ as a
night It Is a different matter. Seat- front to supply parts and equip- Equipment: Unless they are recov-
tie residents know to use the side ment for the gang. ering from a recent battle, every
streets at night, and visitors are member of the gang can be
- warned about the gang activity Turf: Although they "claim" all of 1- mounted on some sort of vehicle.
upon arrival. 90, they are actually only able to The gang favors. muscle over
Expensive cars that travel 1-90 at defend the section which marks speed, but a fair number of the
'-' night are always targeted for "toll the border between Redmond and bikes are built for acceleration.
collection." Other vehicles may Renton. Recent ventures Into Bel- Weapons use runs on the violent
become victims depending on the lvue have proved particularly disas- and loud side, but is normally lim-
night and the general mood of the trous for the gang as Lone Star lted to hand-held weapons. High-
gang. Rival gangs, whether street response was quick and deadly. er ranking members of the gang
gangs or go gangs, are always tar- Likewise, the area south of 1-90 Is may be able to mount a heavy
geted If they travel 1-90. The Mer- well defended. For now the gang weapon on a hard point, but that
lyns have made poor relations with seems content to limit their actlvl- kind of firepower makes the owner
the other gangs an ongoing actlvl- ties to the Redmond Barrens where a priority target in any encounter,
ty. they can be reasonably assured of limiting the life span of such a user.
The Merlyns have strong ties to little direct Lone Star response. In addition to a wide variety of
the sprawl Mafia, hence their pros- Vikings. Scorpions, and Rapiers, the
perlty. Work that Is too dirty for Identifiers/Colors: Although Red Merlyns currently posses a rebuilt
the family to handle Is taken on Is the official color of the gang, Renalt-Fiat Eurovan, two Toyota-
with glee by.the Merlyns. most members limit exclusive use corp Gopher Pickup trucks, and
of this color to their vehicles. The Gaz-Willys Nomad. Although all
Le.der: Marcus McGuire. McGuire more powerful members wear real these vehicles have seen better
has been the leader of the gang for leather jackets and pants with real days, the dedicated gang mechan-
the last two years, a new record. feathers, but most members have lcs manage to keep the vehicles
He rose to power mostly on his to settle for synth-leather garments running.
abilities as warrior; however, he did and plastic feathers. Makeup and
not reach the leadership position hair dyes tend toward red, brown,
until his union with Black Dalia, a and orange, the more sinister and
Go Wlzzer who liked his style. The spiked the better. The gang's sym-
two have been unbeatable since. bol Is an owl, often abbreviated to
,: : " turring's guide to organizations »»(merlyns npc sl««

Melfyns Go Gang
MMcus McGuire
B Q S c I w E M R Armor
6 6 5 4 4 6 2 6 5 6/4
Thrut bdns: 4
Skills: Firearms 7: Unanned Combat 8: Athletics 5: Bike 8: Etiquette (Street) 6: Negotiation 5: Gunnery 6: Leadership 5:
Sorcery 6: Conjuring 3
Spells: Powerbolt 6, Powerball 6, Sleep 5, Ram 6, Control Emotions 5, Increased Reflexes +2 4, Treat Deadly Wounds 6,
Combat Sense 5
Cyberwue: None
GeM: BMW Blitzen with 2 forward firing AK-98s, Remington Roomsweeper, Uzllll, access to all of the gang's gear.

B~ck o.t~
B Q S c I w E M R Armor
4 6 2 5 6 5 6 6 6 +106 6/4
Thrut bdns: 4
SkUis: Sorcery 6: Conjuring 4: Firearms 4: Bike 6: Etiquette (Street) 6: Leadership 4
Spells: Fireball 6: Powerball 5: Power Missile 5: Treat Serious Wounds 4: Personal Combat Sense 6
GeM: Harley Scorpion, HK227 SMG, access to all of the gang's gear.

Elite Gang Member

B Q S C I w E M R Armor
6 6 4 3 4 5 5.5 0 5 5/3
Thrut bdns: 3
SkUis: Firearms 6: Anned Combat 5: Unanned Combat 4: Etiquette (Street) 4: Bike 6: Leadership 3: Sorcery 6: Conjuring 4
Spells: Powerbolt 6: Sleep 5: Detect Lie 4: Wrecker 5: Magic Fingers 5: Heal Deadly Wounds 6
Cyberwue: None
GeM: Hartey Scorpion or Honda Viking. AK-98 with explosive ammo, Combat Axe, Colt Manhunter with normal ammo.

Regular Gang Member

B Q S C I w E M R Armor
4 4 3 2 3 3 6 0 3 4/2
Thrut bdns: 2
SkUis: Firearms 4: Armed Combat 4: Etiquette (Street) 4 : Bike 6; Sorcery 5: Conjuring 3
Spells: Powerblast 4: Manabolt 5: Ram 4: Personal Combat Sense 4 : Spark 4; Treat Deadly Wounds 5
Cyberwue: None
GeM: Hartey Scorpion or Hyundal Offroader or Yamaha Rapier, Uzi Ill with normal ammo, Ares Predator with normal
ammo, Combat Knife.

Rookie Gang Member

B Q S C I w E M R Armor
4 3 3 J 3 2 6 0 3 4/2
Thrut bdns: J
Skills: Firearms 4: Armed Combat 3: Etiquette (Street) 3; Bike 4: Sorcery 4: Conjuring 3 t
Spells: Mana dart 5: Power dart 4: Cure Serious Wounds 5
Cyberwue: None
~ GeM: Yamaha Rapier or ES Papoose, HK227 with normal ammo, Ares Predator with normal ammo, Combat
i.'l' Knife.

0 The runners are on the way to The runners are out very late one The runners are awake during
one of their favorite places when evening (what else Is new). They the day, a rare occupance for Indi-
they are passed by a duo of speed- are almost home when a shop viduals In their line of work. Aban-
Ing bikes. As the tall lights of the from down the street suddenly doning the confines of their home,
fleeing go gangers disappear explodes. Glass and concrete fly they head for the coffee shop on
behind a rise In the road, the Mer- across the street as ftames begin to the corner for some hot caffeine.
lyns appear behind the Shad- appear out of the shattered win- After they've been at the shop for a
owrunners. dows. As they approach, they few minutes, they notice that
notice a trio of bikes parked across everybody else Is looking out the
Quotes: the street. Two punks sit on the window. When they turn to look,
"Fresh meat!" outside bikes. When they look back there are six Merlyns outside, just
"Party time, mundane-meat." at the store, a single figure steps parking their bikes. One customer
seems especially Interested In find-
"Hey gramps, you're sure in a out of the broken window, leather
Ing a back exit.
hurry to die." jacket smoldering.
Notes: Quotes:
"Hey, there he is!"
It's a typical night for the Mer- "Wow."
"Somebody stop him, he's head-
lyns, which means they are trying "What a rush."
Ing for the door."
to cause as much trouble as possi- "Don't let him get away again.
ble. They have just chased a pair of Notes: Burn this place to the ground If
rival go gangers off their turf, and The Merlyns have a contract to that's what it takes."
they're disappointed they didn't teach a slow client just how valu-
get to fight anybody. Fortunately, able a mob-backed insurance poli- Notes:
the runners happen to be In the cy can be. Marcus, for reasons Billy Pallento Is a man on the
way. unknown, decided to take the job run. A Street Samurai by trade, he
himself. When he began casting his was given most of his enhance-
Archetypes: spells, however, something In the ments by the mob, and now he
Merlyns: use preceding arche- shop exploded. The shopkeeper wants out. The mob, however,
types. One elite member, one and his family are on the second wants Billy back, or at least the
rookie, and one regular for every floor of the building (their resi- pieces they paid for. The Merlyns
runner present. dence is above their business). As are just hired muscle.
the Merlyns prepare to ride away. If the runners help Billy get out
the shopkeeper yells for help. of this, he will be an excellent
source of Information; of course,
Archetypes: befriending a man on the run from
Merlyns: Use preceding arche- the mob might not be the best Idea
types. Marcus McGuire, 1 elite anyone ever had. Billy Is likeable
member, 1 regular member and very tough In a fight.
Shopkeeper and family: Use
Squatter, p. 170, Shadowrun. Archetypes:
Merlyns: Use preceding arche-
types. 1 elite member, 3 regular
members, two rookie members.
Billy: Use company
man, p. 164, Shad-
owrun rules.
Up ahead the runners hear and The runners are crossing the As the runners round the corner,
see the sounds of a gun fight, street early one evening (with the they see a Lone Star patrol car
punctuated by the occasional blasts light) with a large group of pedes- skewed sideways In the street. •The
of magical fire. Most people are trians when a pack of cycles two cops are both on the driVer's
heading the other way, but the appears over the hill. The bikes are side, their weapons trained on a
runners rush forward to see what Is Immediately followed by a heavily window on the second floor. Peo- (

happening. When they arrive, they armored car. To the runners' sur- ple scatter to get out of the way.
discover a single woman facing prise, the lead bikes begin to open
three street punks. flre. Quotes:
"This Is Lone Star. Come out
Quotes: Quotes: with your hands up."
"Kill her, Ralphy. We've got you "Don't stop. Punch a hole right "The building Is surrounded. Sur-
covered." through them." render and you won't be harmed."
"Don't kill her, capture her." "Protect the car. Satch and Elal, "Looks like he's about to cast a
"Let's just shoot her and get It stay with the Rolls." spell."
over with." "Eat hot lead, sucker."
Notes: Notes: The two Lone Star cops recog-
The single woman Is Black Dalia. Four Merlyns are escorting a nized Marcus as they slowly { r
She was on her way across town Rolls Royce limo through town patrolled the boulevard. Marcus
with a single escort when she was when they are surprised by the ran for several blocks with his one
attacked by five members of the runners. Obviously the sight of the escort, but the cops have him
local gang. Although she Is not tough Shadowrunners sends a chill sighted In an abandoned building. J
wearing gang colors, there are down the gang members' spines. Marcus wants a way out and the l
three bodies at her feet who are, The lead bikes panic and attempt two cops want a back-up (and they
one Is a Merlyn and the other two to punch a hole through the crowd want It now).
are rivals. The remaining thugs of people walking across the If the runners decide to help, the
can't decide whether to rush the street. People start screaming the group they side with will be
mage or call It a day. When the bullets and spells start to fly. extremely grateful. The patrolmen
runners approach, they start firing. The Merlyns will try to get the are well known In this area (as Is
Dalla has not been hit, but she car out of sight of the Intersection. Marcus).
has suffered four boxes of stun If the car has a clear path out of the
damage from spell casting. If the area, motorcycles will quickly fol- Archetypes:
runners save her from this prob- low. If the car Is stopped, the Merlyns: Use preceding arche-
lem, she will remember them and cycles will also stop and the gang types. Marcus and one rookie
help them In the future. She Is members will throw themselves member.
firmly tied to the gang, but she Into the attack. Lone Star:
does not forget favors, especially What Is actually Inside the car (If Use Street Cop p. 171, Shad-
life-saving ones. anything) Is up to the GM, but owrun.
could be used as the starting point
for a new adventure.

Merlyns: Use the preceding
archetypes. three regular mem-
bers, one rookie member.

former Sioux Wllclut

"You look at me as If I was not
here. Speak your mind. I see In
your eyes that you have ques-
tions you want to ask. I do not
normally answer questions, but I
have been known to make excep-
"You know about my past. The
legends you hear are true. I was
once a member of the best mili-
tary force In the world. My train-
Ing Is without equal. The ques-
tion Is, how do you want me to
use that training?"

The Sioux Wildcats are consid-
ered by most experts to be
among the best special force
units In the world, perhaps the
very best. Their Identity Is known
to only a handful of officers who
call out the Wildcats for national
emergencies (or when the Wild-
cats need towork off a little
The Wildcats rely on skill and
native ability, rather than cyber-
netic enhancement. The few
enhancements they do receive
only make them that much better.
Wildcats are trained to live and
work alone or In small teams,
making them excellent Shad-
owrunners. Unarmed Combat 4 ContActs
Flreanns 6 2 Contacts
Attributes Demolitions 3
8ody:5 Demolitions (Plastic) 5 Geu
Quickness: 6 Military Theory 2 Ingram Smartgun (5 dips APOS)
Strength: 5 Military Theory (Tactics) 4 Predator II (concealed holster, silencer,
Charisma: 2 . 4 clips APDS)
Intelligence: 6 Dke Pools Ares Monosword
Willpower: 6 Combat: 9 Survival Knife
Essence: 5 Control: NA Plastic, XII 8 pounds
Maglc:NA Hacker: NA 4 Radio Detonators
Reaction: 6 (+I 06) Magic: NA 4 Timers
Harley Scorpion
SkU Is Cyberwue Secure Long Coat
Stealth 4 Optical VIsion Magnification 3 Medkit
Athletics 5 Hearing Ampllftcatlon 5 Stirn Patches (4)
Armed Combat 3 Hearing Damper Earplug Phone
Armed Combat (Edged Weapons) 5 Smartllnk
Steel Breeze (Sara Jane O 'Brien, San Diego, California)
"I like to think of myself as a provider for Son. Joshua Phillip llllstor
the family of man, humans and metahu- Education: Fuchl Corporate School, San
mans. If there Is something you need. I'll Diego Technical College
provide lt. There will be a ree. but hey. Occupation: Shipping and public transport
that's what makes life great. Political Affiliation: none
"I've been running gear across the bor- Religious Affiliation: Catholic
ders for longer than most pilots even had
the Idea. I know lots of people and a Jot of Attributes
them know me, too. It's like a big happy Body: 4
family. There's that word again, family. Quickness: 6
"Those who know me will tell you, so I Strength: 4
might as well beat them to the punch. I Charisma: 6
don't like confrontations. I'd prefer to han- Intelligence: 5
dle things quietly, but If that cannot be Willpower: 5
arranged, I don't mind throwing the first Essence: 2.95
punch. I'd rather not have to, that's all. Magie: NA
"You want me for the short haul? I'm Reaction: 5 + I 06
probably available. If lUke you, there's a
discount. I can bring my own equipment, SkJIIs
but that will cost extra. Arearms 5
Armed Combat 3
Comment.vy Gunnery 3
Breeze runs the shore line from Seattle, Computer4
all the way down to San Francisco on a fair- Hovercraft 6
ly regular basis. He's well known among Etiquette (street) 6
the people who keep up with such charac- Ground Vehldes B/R 6
ters, and he enjoys the reputation that Japanese6
brings. City Speak 6 (
It's no secret that he could have retired Public Reputation: 20
several times over If he had better sense. Private Reputation: 52
Breeze, unfortunately, Is a sucker for every Good Karma: 3
hardship case that comes along, often Development Karma: 8
charging Just enough to break even (If he Nuyen: 51 ,000¥
even manages to do that well). He has a
special spot In his heart for children, Dice Pools
although nobody knows why. Kids In trou- Defense: 3/ I
ble always bring out the hero In him. Dodge: S
Breeze will transport almost any cargo. Magic: N/ A
for almost anybody. He prefers not to worl< Astral: N/ A
directly for corporations. but for the right Hacker: NA
price he will. The only exception to this
rule Is working for Fuchl. He will refuse to Cyberwue
worl< for Fuchl at any price. He will always Vehicle Control Rlg I
want to be Included In runs against the cor- Datajack
porate giant. Smartllnk
Breeze Is trustworthy, but somewhat Optical VIsion Magnification 3
over confident. He has a large heart and
tends to let It show. If anything were to Conucts
happen to him there would be plenty of Mr. Satorl, Fuchl Company man
people up and down the coast bent on Dozier, Urban Brawler
avenging their frl_end. Sgt. Belder, Lone Star
Martin Estorl, Harbor Patrol
Real Name: Sebastian llllstor
Sex: Male Ge.v
Size: 5' 10" Thin build Vacationer ACV (Panther Assault Cannon
Appearance: Dar!< wavy hair and mous- w / 4 belts In small Turret. 15 CF of storage Secure Armored Jacket (5/ 3)
tache. Light green eyes. from removed "standard" equipment, Form fitting armor level 2 (3/ I )
Dress: Prefers to wear loose fitting dothlng Improved Control system -2. Anti -Theft Predator II (7 d ips APDS ammo. conceal-
of bright colors, espedally reds and slivers System 5, data)ack link. rigger control gear) able holster) (
Born: December 24, 2019, Yamaha Rapier (panic button, armor I, ) Medklt
San Diego. California Nomad 4-wheel drive (M107 w / 4 200 2 Stirn Patches (2)
Family: Father (deceased) belts regular ammo In micro turret, anti-
Mother (deceased) theft system 5, autopilot 3 , reinforced seat- Allerstes:
Marital Status: Divorced Ing, datajack link, rigger control gear) N/ A
shadows ~
( >>>>(contacts)<<<<

WAitress those considered 'fast fOod.· are automat-

"A lot of people don't claim to be ed. However. live servers are still common.
waitresses. They say they are actors Anyone who has ever waited tables will
waiting for their big break. Good lucid tell you that It Is not an easy Job, but It
Me, I'm a waitress and proud of lt. It's does have certain advantages; there are
always <>penlngs and, If you are good. you
not easy serving people. It's an art
can make a fair amount In tips. (Not just
form. If you do It right, the person the monetary tips. but lnf'onnatlonal tips as
feels good and you feel good, too. well.] If you have an In with a particular
Don't get the Idea I'm some sap who waitress, she might be able to help you
gets her kicks by serving people. It out. just make sure you are generous with
may be an art form, but I do It because her tip.
they pay me. Besides, I meet a lot of
Interesting people. Think about lt. Attributes
Where do the best conversations take Body: 3
place?" Strength: 3
Quotes Quickness: 3
•1 recommend the Buffont Beef Basket. It Charisma: 3
Is covered In a splcey Iguana sauce and Intelligence: 3
cooked according to traditional Cascade Wlllpower: 4
Ork tradition. • Essence: 6
· Oh. I'm terribly sony. I don't know how Reaction: 3
that got In your soup. let me get the man-
ager.· Skills
"look fellow, the only things available In Etiquette (dependent on type of resturant):
this resturant are on the menu. Got 1t1· 5
Special Skill: Food Serving: 5
Conuneawy Negotlatlon: 2
A large number of restaurants. especially

RCNCIIe Roadie Is still a drek load of hard work.
"I've done set up for all sorts of Sure the technology of the equipment has
gigs. from the tiny dubs up to the changed. but the equipment can't set Itself
mega-tours. Setting up the equipment up. A Roadie can be anything from a per-
for a rocker Is good, hard. honest
son who bolts platforms together to a
highly skilled technldan who set up the
work, and I like It that way. I don't
lights and sound systems. Whatever the
work for some corp, and I don't have level, everyone sweats. Roadies know who
to wear a suit. It's whiz work with the Is coming Into town. which rockers are
bang of meeting the band. One other good to work for and which rockers suck
thing about being a roadie - you the nova. Roadies work quick and take
always know ya have a family and pride In their reputation for getting the job
you'll always get a job. done.

Quotes Attributes
·Mecurlal wants 25 lleko 4000s pointed Body: 3
at downstage center? Does the dub owner Strength: 4
know how much juice It's going to take to Quickness: 4
run those babies?" Charisma: 2
·Hang a wire from the I beam and attach Intelligence: 3
the globe using some lvey Bond. It should Willpower: 3
last until the show Is over. just make sure Essence: 6
no one touches It while the band Is play- Reaction: 3
Ing; hate to squash a good rocker·
·So. after we strike the set. where's the Skills
party7• Etiquette (media/rock &. roll): 4
Athletics: 3
Commerury Electronics 8/R: 5
Some things just don't change. Being a Special Skill : Carpentry: 2
(Sued on "Technoloay ud the uw," SMdowtech) Crtmlnal - Deals with defending or prosecuting CJ1mlnal cases.
Civil Rights· Deals with the rights of the Individual.
Though 2053 Is a dangerous time for all dtlzens of the world International - Deals with the agreements among nations or
with the awakened CJ1tters and anned thugs roaming about, the corporation and nations.
armed thugs have an extra worry. In addition to the awakened Constitutional - Deals with problems and Interpretations of vari-
CJ1tters and the other armed thugs. they must be concerned with ous dauses In the constitutions of various nations or policies
the law. Corruption may run rampant amongst dty offldals and of corporations.
polke officers, but there are many who wish to honestly do a Administrative - Deals with the body of rules made by adminis-
good job of protecting the dtlzens of their dty. The corporations trative or executive agendes of governments or corpora-
may use loopholes to bend the law toward their beneftt whenever tions.
possible. but must always be cautious of publk opinion. Because Environmental - Deals with the use (or abuse) of the environ-
of this need for positive public opinion, no law enforcement per- ment.
sonnel (pollee, prosecutor, or Judges) or corporations will allow Private Law - Often referred to as Civil Law, this deals with the
rabid thugs to roam freely. rules that regulate the relationships between people or
The tribes, on the other hand, have a very honor-bound system among Individuals and corporations.
of laws. Corruption, though It exists, Is minimal. Some of the
·White Man's Laws" have been adapted Into the tribal system, but CONCf.NTRAnONS:
they have been modlfted to ftt with what the tribes consider Contract
nature's laws. There are very few weapons restrictions (for dtl- Personal Injury
zens), as having tools to hunt Is part of the native culture. Real Estate
Weapons earned by visitors or used on other persons for anything Tax
other than self-defense Is offensive, and Is treated far more harshly
than It would be In the sprawl. Though Tribal Laws are handled differently, the same Types and
The smart Shadowrunners have several connections In the vast Concentrations can be usedbecause the tribes tend to have the
law machine of any sprawl or tribal land In which they operate. same problems as the non-native world. Spedallzatlons for any of (
Getting picked up Is bad, but not having connections to Inform the law skills would be by country or Jurisdiction (I.e. UCAS, nr
you of pollee action coming down the pipeline, to defend you. to Talmglre, Cascade Crow, Fuchl Industrial Electronics, Renraku, etc.)
retum false Information about your past, or even to help you set- (Example: law(Publlc)/Crlmlnai/ UCAS).
up a falslfted history before your runs Is stupid. Even the best
Shadowrunners have been so critically Injured that Oocwagon When anyone becomes Involved In the legal system for any
must drag them out of a ftre-ftght to a local hospital, where the reason, a case must be prepared. Though Individuals can legally
local pollee will be waiting to ftll out the lnddent reports and start represent themselves In most jurisdictions, a lawyer Is almost a
an Inquiry Into what happened. A good lawyer can keep most must In this day and age. If a Shadowrunner has a lawyer as a
minor lnddents from going to court and will certainly help reduce contact, that lawyer (or more likely an aid) will start the process of
your problems when you do have to go to trial, both of which are developing the runner's case within 48 hours of being notlfted. If
better than ftghtlng your way out of the hospital past the pollee. the Shadowrunner has the lawyer as a buddy (approval of GM),
The quickest way to get the public and law enforcement organiza- the lawyer himself will start handling the case within 24 hours of
tions on your case Is to geek a cop. notlftcatlon. A lawyer as a follower (approval of GM) will have a
With the many advances In technology which have occurred lawyer at the Shadowrunner's side within half an hour of being
over the years, many laws have been added to the books In order called.
to restrict or control the uses of this tech. These myriad laws have Though any public defender can handle the Initial Interview with
made It dlfftcult for any one lawyer to become an expert In all the the pollee. only the most economically destitute stick with the
laws of his/her community. The following are a set of the skills and public defender for their court appearances. In addition, public
concentrations necessary for lawyers of 2053. defenders (or prosecutors) are usually concerned only with crimi-
nal cases and. therefore. will never get Involved In any Private Law
SKILLS: cases unless CJ1mlnal charges can be brought against someone. A
Law (by type) good lawyer can usually work out a reduced charge In exchange
Tribal Law (by type) for a plea of guilty, bluff a prosecutor Into dropping any charges.
TYP£: or convince a defendant to settle without going to trial. When It
Public Law - Regulates the relationships among Individuals and comes to hiring a lawyer or a ftrm, remember: you get what you
the government or Individuals and a corporation. pay for and paying for less than the best can bag some time In )all.

"-' (

TAIL£ ts TAIL£ 2: Restricted Item Offense Multiplier

lue Cost TAble Restricted Item type Possession Transport Threat Use Intent
Offense Base Cost
Weapons/Equipment ••• 500 Category A - D 1 1 1.5 2 2.5
Arson .......•.•..•.........•.•.. 500 Category E- F 1.5 1.5 2 2.5 3
Assa,ult ••••••.•••••••••••••••••• 500
Category G - L 2.5 3 3.5 5 6
Ba.ttery ..••••..••••••••.••...... 500
Ex.tortlon ••.••••••••••.•••••• 1()()() Bloware
Fordble Class A 1 1 1.5 2 2.5
Confinement .•••••.••••••• 1()()() Class B 1.5 1.5 2 2.5 2.5
Frat.Jd •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1()()() ClassC 1.5 1.5 2 3 3.5
Illegal Entry ••..•••••.••••••••800 Cyberware
Kidnapping ................ 2()()() Class A 1.5 1.5 2 2.5 3
Larceny ••••.••••..••••••••.•. 1()()() Class B 2 2 2.5 3 3.5
Murder 1 ..••••••••••••••• 25()()() ClassC 3 3 4 5 6
Murder 2 •.•...••••••.•••• 15()()() Class 0 2 2 2.5 3 3
Murder 3 •.•.•...••••.•••• 1<XXX>
Negligence ................ 2000
Class A 1 1 1 1.5 1.5
Rape .••.•.••••••.••••••••••••. 3()()()
Class B 1.5 1.5 2 2.5 2.5
ClassC 2 2 2.5 3 3.5
Endangerment ........... 2500
Soltdtatlon ................... 150 Controlled
Trafficking .................. 1()()() Class A 1 1 1.5 1.5 1.5
Trea.son .........•.......... 1<XXX> Class B 1 1 2 2 2
Vandalism .................... 100 Class C 3 3 5 6 6.5


How to use the Included t.blesa TABLE 3: Lawyer Type Multiplier

If a weapon or equipment-related
olrense Is ftled In conjunction with any
of the charges on the base cost table Accomplished - ...............mult. of 5
(table 1), then multiply the base cost by Capable - .........................mult. of 2
the modifier In table 2. The total cost Is
also multiplied by the lawyer type mul·
Adequate - ...................... mult. of 1
dpller from ~e 3. This slves the total Shyster - ..........................mult of .5
cost for the defense of all the charges Public Defender - .............defends, for free, anyone who can
asalnst the defendant. show an Inability to pay for services. Otherwise, the defendant
More on trylns tbe use In tbe next will be billed by the Public Defender's offlce for services ren-
Issue of KAGL dered at a multiplier of 1.
Corpora LAwyer trained. Being able to work within and
"It Is my Job to make sure the com- around the law Is exceptionally Important
pany Is safe from the public parasites to a corporation, so they hire from the top
and from our competition. Our legal law schools In the worid. The top levels of
a corporation's legal department are usual-
department has specialists In every
ly filled with the best lawyers money can
fleld of law and the staff to back them buy. Going up against a corporation In
up. If someone wants to take us on, court Is bad news because their legal
they better be prepared to be put department Is well staffed and has out-
down hard. It Is also our job to ensure standing resources.
that the law works to the best advan-
tage of the company. When an execu- Aartbutes
tive needs an angle, we flnd lt." 8 s Q c I W E R
3 3 3 4 5 3 6 4
•tf you think your dlent Is going to get 4 Skills
million nuyen out of us, you must not Negotiation: 5, Etiquette (legal): 5, Eti-
understand the law." quette (corporate): 6, leadership: 2. Com-
"Our department has not only come up puter: 2. History: 3
with a way to legally dump the chemicals
Into the Puget Sound, but to write It off as Special Skills
a charitable contribution, too." law:3
"I'm sony, Mr Vogel, but If you call Gov- lwa (Concentration*): 7
ernor Schultz a 'sap sucking fat sow' It
could be construed as slanderous." *There are many different concentrations of
law. You can always count on the corpora-
Comment.vy tion to send a specialist.
The corporate lawyer Is always well

Street LAwyer lawyers In this category choose not to be

"Personally, I prefer the freedom of under the strfct dominance of the corps.
choosing my own cases rather than The other half either were not wanted by
having them dictated to me by corpo- the corps or were kicked out of the corps.
While the Street lawyer Is concerned with
rate policy. Also, If I ever tire of a
his dlent, the bottom line Is the monetary
client's attitude, I can drop him. I may return. The hlger level lawyers and law
not be as polished as the high price firms, though more expensive. will provide
silk suits of the corps, but I can get the better and quicker service because each
job done, and I don't charge more lawyer Is backed by a staff of several derks
than what Is fair. Those who are good who do research and file motions.
In this profession are well rewarded In
many ways: connections, Information, AUrtbutes
political pull and, of course, money." 8 s Q c w E R
Quotes 3 3 3 4 5 3 6 4
"If my dlent turns over Information on Capable
the Gloseppl family, all charges against him 3 3 3 3 4 3 6 3
must be dropped, and he wants place- Adequate
ment Into the Witness Protection Plan.· 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 3
"I wish I could help you but my case Shyster
load Is just too heavy." 3 2 3 2 3 2 6 2
·look Counsel, we would be willing to
drop the case but my dlent will want a Skills
much larger settlement than what you are Acompllshed Capable Adequate Shyster
offering." Negotiation: 5 4 3 2
Etiquette (legal): 5 4 3 2
Comment.vy Etiquette (Corporate): 3 2 1 0
The term Street lawyer Is a generic term Etiquette (Street): 2 2 3 4
for any lawyer who Is not working for a Leadership: 3 2 1 0
corporation. This could mean working for a Computer: 2 2 1 0
law firm or a private prac- History: 3 2 1 0
tice. Since this categocy Is
so broad there Is a large SpKIAI Skill
range of abilities and Inter- Law:4 3 2 I
ests represented. Half the Law (Concentration): 7 5 3 0

Publk Defender CoiiUDeiiW)'

"Yeah, I could be working for the Most people who choose to become a
corporations If I wanted to, but some- publk defenders do so because they
one has to protect the general public. I believe In the system and believe all peo-
ple deserve fair treatment. Unfortunately,
mean the corps twist the law to their even with the Introduction of corporate
own needs. They don't care about any- jurisdiction, the system Is overioaded. A
one besides themselves. Me, I care Publk Defender must represent so many
about people. These are rough times dlents that she rarely can give more than
and, If you get caught under the an adequate defense. Add to this burden
· wheels of the system without a good the depressing fact that most defendants
lawyer, I guarantee you'll be crushed. I are actually guilty, and you can see why
just wish there were more of us to the bumout rate among Public Defenders Is
help." so high. Occasionally. a ray of light, a noble
cause, comes across her table and revital-
Izes her energy and her desire to protect.
' Quotes
' "Ladles and gentlemen. my dlent Is not
a rabid killer as the prosecutor would have Attributes
you believe. He Is a young boy who has 8 s Q c I W E R
been forced to use whatever means avail- 3 3 3 3 4 5 6 4
able to defend himself.·
"If anyone Is guilty. It Is us. We together
with the rest of sodety have shut out chil-
quette (Corporate): I, Etiquette: (Street): 3,
dren like my dlent. It Is all of us who are
responsible.· Leadership: I, Computer: 2, History: I,
"Objection! Counsel Is badgering my
dlent.• Sped&l Skills
Law: 2
Law (Criminal Defense): 3

TrtiNI Lawyer quite different from what most non-Native

"The way of our Ancestors Is still Americans are accustomed to. If you have
strong, but we recognize the greater any sort of dealing with a tribal court, you
complexities fadng our people. It Is for can get by not using a Tribal Lawyer, but It
Is not recommended. It Is rumored that
this reason we accept many of the out-
many Tribal Lawyers have magical ability.
siders' ways In our law. Yet, do not This Is not discussed with outsiders, so If
mistake our courts for those of the out- the practice exists, It Is unconftrrned. Tribal
sider, or you will soon find yourself on Lawyers are renowned for their high moral
the wrong side of judgment. Our and ethical stances.
courts are more concerned with the
Intent of the law rather than the Attributes
speclfks. If you find yourself In front of 8 s Q c I W E R
a tribal court you would be wise to 3 3 3 3 5 4 6 4
select someone like myself to be your
counsel." Negotiation: 2, Etiquette (Legal): 3, Eti-
quette (Tribal): 6, Computer: 2, History: 2,
"What counsel for the defendant says Sped&l Skills
carries much weight. but now Is the time Tribal Law: 3
to think like the bear when he prepares for Law (Concentration): 5
winter, not like a frightened deer. •
·Objection Your Honor! Opposing coun-
sel Is once again attempting to lnftuence
the witness by asking questions that are
Irrelevant to his culture.·
"Whltefeather stepped outside the
boundaries of the contract, but surely his
honor Is too great a thing to throw to the

The same types of legal Issues that occur
outside a tribal community also occur
Inside. However, the manner of the law Is
"The Retching Rat" Is designed to Taluce's spirit focus as a trophy. Taluce Johnson Is pleased with their work,
give the game master the basic Infor- was conscious enough to summon a and they are offered additional
mation to conduct a short Shadowrun hearth spirit who pulled him off the employment. The new job Involves
adventure that Involves the player meat hook and pushed him out the teaching the Merlyns a Jesson. The
characters and the gang, the Merfyns. door. A month has passed. Taluce Is runners are to break Into a warehouse
It Is up to the game master to fully healed and he wants revenge, but ftrst and destroy a large load of chemicals.
detail the particulars of the run. The he wants his focus. According to Mr. Johnson, the Merfyns
sights, sounds, smells and atmosphere Taluce deddes the best way to Intend to sell the chemicals to terror-
of the environ- Ists. Mr. Johnson
ment, as well will supply the
as the
location and time \
actions/reac- of the hit.
tions of the In actuality
NPCs, are high- the chemicals are
ly dependent simply the latest
on the game shipment of toxic
master's pref- waste to be
erence. Fit the dumped. Taluce
scenario to sets up the run-
your particular ners. He stations
needs. hhn.self across
from the ware-
house. Five min-
Plot Synopsis
utes before the 1
TAVCO Phar- hit, Taluce calls
maceuticals the local division
hired the Mer- ofNewsNet
lyns to Illegally claiming that
dump some TAVCO Is dump-
hazardous Ing toxic waste
chemicals. A and gives the
toxic rat location of the
shaman by the warehouse. He
name ofTaluce then calls TA VCO
(Street and tells them
Shaman, Shad- the media Is on
owrun p.47 the way to the
with a Rat warehouse. As
totem, a the hit is going
deceiver orien- down, Taluce
tation, reduce makes an anony-
sorcery to 3 and raise conjuring to 7) counter a bunch of mages Is with a mous call to the Meriyns' base and
has been seeking a means of revenge bunch of shadowrunners. In order to tells them their warehouse is being
on his former employer, TAVCO. hide his toxic nature, Taluce hires a destroyed.
Taluce sees the Illegal dumping as a fixer to act as his intermediary. The The runners, totally unaware of all
prime opportunity to get back at fixer hires the shadowrunners to locate that is occurring, hit the warehouse.
TAVCO and spread polson across the the Merlyn's base and retrieve "Mr Five minutes after the hit starts, the
earth. Unfortunately for Taluce, he did johnson's" necklace (the spirit focus). closest group of Merlyns arrive and
not know the Merlyns were magically The runners locate the base. While attack the runners. Taluce allows ·the
active. He was severely most of the Merlyns are out on busi- two groups to shoot at each other,
beaten and left to bleed ness, the runners grab the necklace. hoping for a great deal of carnage. He
to death In a meat lock- Once the necklace Is turned over to then summons a toxic spirit to attack
er. The Merlyns kept the fixer, they are Informed that Mr. both groups and, most importantly,
a. ge scenario >>>>(the retching rat)<<<< ..

the barrels. The media then shows up quickest way to get where he wanted The Merlyns use an abandoned fire
soon followed by aTAVCO mercenafY to be. station as a base (Sprawl Sites p.23).
unit and then Lone Star. •Runners uk when the .tUck •Runners check out bue prtor to
occurred. One month ago. Mr. John- the bls showdown. If the runners case
son was In the hospital for two weeks the base during daylight hours, have
The Adventure and has been gathering funds for the them make a SteaJth Test based on a
additional two. target number of (9 minus their Street
Faceless Mr. Johnson •The runners• cut. Mr Johnson offers Etiquette). This represents how well
Use a fixer contact of one of the run- 2000¥ to each runner up front and they are able to blend Into the aowd
ners If possible; If not, another 3000¥ when the job Is done. If without drawing attention to them-
called McCredy the runners balk at the offer, McCredy selves. If they case at night, use a
167). emphasizes that this Is only a snatch Stealth (5) Test.
McCredy and run and, If the runners are worth •Wh.t they ftnd from outside. Dur-
simple snatch and their rep, there shouldn't be any diffi- Ing both day and night there Is a large
runners are gathered to~rd'I'E culties. They are given three days to amount of activity. Gang members
McCredy Informs them get the necklace. constantly move In and out. Some stay
nlng the meet for Mr. Jnh,n<Lvwt •n.~c.-·rlr~ott,.n of the Nec~ce. The for only a few minutes, others don't
Is not uncommon for a fixer to has turquoise stones, shells seem to leave at all.
deaJ, the runners note that It Is not the 'YIIII~•clu::. threaded on a leather •Wh.t they ftnd on the Inside.
norm. of the strap Is a (There Is a large window high on the
McCredy tells the runners the fol- that slips through garage wall.) There Is a lot of energy
lowing: Mr. Johnson had the misfor- ''i..lllllllll'<=• end. being put Into preparing weapons and
tune to drive through tenitol)' con- Pill· McCredy tuning bikes. Occasionally, a couple of
'led by a go-gang. They forced Mr. says of the jack- the gang members practice spell cast-
,_ •• nson off the road, nearly beat him ets, the ~"JIIf''U'Y the Mer- Ing. It seems the kid was right. A big
to death and stole evel)'thlng he had, lyns. All the fight or something of that nature Is
Including his Americar and his neck- gang is that theYJEIIl'll't: about to go down. At the front of the
lace (see plot synopsis for the real In strength and so main work area Is a trophy case.
stOI)'). The necklace belonged to Mr. are low level mages. Numerous Items fill the case. If the
Johnson's grandfather and has great •Mr. Johnson's .u~llUtn: characters have any form of vision
sentimental and monetary worth. runners accept, McCredy adds fication, they spot a necklace
Before Mr. Johnson blacked out, one of while Mr. Johnson does not matches the description.
the go-gangers thanked him, said the violence, if any of the fragging Dl1aers bred In before the bls
necklace would Mlook great In their tro- get stagged, he wouldn't mind. If the runners think they
phy case." Mr. Johnson wants his a.NHJ~~nc~ug;h to take on an entire
grandfather's necklace back. magically active
•Runners uk About Mc.Credy Sn~tch And Run Use 2 elite
dolns the deAl. McCredy explains that The runners won't have too much 4 rookies
Mr. Johnson is not used to this sort of difficulty tracking down the Merlyns, !lee:!io~Uie 4 p. 10)
dealing and has had enough direct although no one In the neighborhood evefY 6
involvement. remembers an Americar being forced begins. Add
•Runners uk why Mr. Johnson to stop, or at least that's what they more as . Being a shad-
didn't c.om.ct i.one Star. Mr. Johnson say. The runners come across a partic- owrunner requires Intelligence, not
did contact Lone Star. Lone Star said it ularly homely Street Kid (Sprawl Sites just arrogance.
wasn't worth their time to go after a p. I 19) who claims to know where the •Runners bruit In durlns the bls
go-gang for a mugging and, If Mr. base Is located. In exchange for some showdown. At 11 :30 pm the next
Johnson was foolish enough to drive In really whiz piece of equipment, she night, the Merlyns roll out In forma-
that area, he should expect to be will tell the runners the location and tion. Four rookies gang members are
r""'lgged. that the Merlyns are making a big left behind (add one go-ganger for
.lunners uk wh.t Mr. Johnson show of muscle tomorrow night each runner above 4).
wu dolnsln th.t ~reA. Mr. Johnson against an upstart gang called the These bikers are not
did not Intend to be in the area. His Zado Attack. happy to be here, but It Is
autopilot plotted the course as the The kid's Info turns out to be right. their tum to guard. The
runners have to work a bit for the nothing leamed authorized to offer them further
necklace, but they should succeed 1-2 The necklace is a spirit focus employment Involving the Merlyns.
without too much difficulty. The GM 3 The focus is for toxic spirits •Runners know .J)out the neck-
should add other Interesting Items to 4 Toxic Spirit focus has a rating l•ce ud w.m more money. McCredy
the trophy case. of5 pauses and then smiles, "I told Mr.
•Runners eumlne necklAce. The •Runners try to tr•ck down Info on Johnson you were good ... He hands
necklace appears to be fairly old, neckl•ce. Whichever contact the run- over two credsticks to each runner.
showing a lot of wear. The stones are ners use, It will take at least four days The total amount comes to 8000¥ (one
wom,and the credstlck of
runners are 3000¥ and one
surprised the credstlck of 1
leather thong Is
still holding up.
With a success-
5000¥). McCredy
tells the runners
the necklace was
ful Perception a test to see If
(7) Test the they were capa-
runner notices ble of dealing
a tiny design with the Merlyns.
engraved Into He then informs
the bone. the runners that
Game Master, he has been
make a secret authorized to
roll for any offer them further
character who employment (
has Etiquette involving the
(Magical) or Merlyns.
Magical Theo- •Runners .re
ry, using a tar- Interested In
get number of further employ-
5. One success ment. McCredy
allows the gives the follow-
character to ing information:
recognize the The Merlyns store
design as the chemicals for a
signature of an company called
enchanter, San- TAVCO Pharma-
tiago, who ceuticals. Mr.
worked In Johnson believe
Seattle about 7 the chemicals are
years ago. If no going to be sold
successes are to terrorists (see
generated, do not tell the players any- before they get anything back. See plot synopsis for real story). If the
thing or tl1ey will automatically Picking Up the Pieces. chemicals were destroyed, it would
assence the necklace. Let them figure hurt the Merlyns (and TA VCO) finan-
It out themselves. cially. Mr. Johnson wants to hurt the
•Runners usence necklAce. Any- P•cuge for Mr. Johnson Merlyns badly.
one assendng the necklace makes a •Runners don't know •bout the •Runners wut to know how Mr.
Sorcery (6) Test. A character may make neckl•ce. McCredy, the fixer. will be Johnson knows so much. McCredy
more than one test, but each time after quite happy when the runners return says he does not know. but the neck
the first, the target num- with the necklace. He will have certi- lace was to be a test of the runners'
ber is Increased by 2. fied credsticks of 3000¥ for each run- ability. Now Mr. Johnson is willing to
Successes Result .ner to finish the payment. He then pay a much greater price for the job.
0 No result; informs the runners that he has been •The runners' cut. Mr. Johnson

offers t 5,000¥ to each runner, 5000¥ some time other than t :OOpm). grenades) arrives with Instructions to
up front and 10,000¥ as the comple- 0:00 - 2:00 Runners deal with blow-up the warehouse. They do not
tion bonus. A standard opposed getting in and overpowering guards. become involved since NewsNet Is
Negotiation Test may be made. If the 2:00 - 5:00 Runners examine bar- there. However, they will sit in their
runners received more money because rels. They are unmarked except for a van and watch the show.
they knew about the focus, McCredy seven digit number stamped on each 9:00 Lone Star arrives
offers them no up-front payment, but a lid. The barrels can be easily punctured
completion payment of 25,000¥. with a axe type weapon or by gunfire. •Note to the GM. The only way the
•The when ud where of the hit The lids can be pried off with the tools runners will survive Is if they join the
And run. The rh ... rnlr2k In the warehouse. The runners can Merlyns in fighting the Toxic Spirit.
stored in a \AI2r... nno attempt to dump it down the ftoor This does not mean the Merlyns won't
the Merlyns' base. drain, a slow process, or just dump It take the opportunity to shoot at the
Johnson, the on the ftoor. The barrels contain a foul runners. It just means they won't be
during the lunch smelling viscous green liquid. shooting at the runners all the time.
(tomorrow). Only two 5:00 The first contingent of Make It dear to the runners after a
from t 2:30 to t :30. Mr. Merlyns arrive (4 gang members, mix while that if they don't get out soon,
the warehouse hit a t :OOpm. the add enough members to they won't get out at all. If the Spirit
ners are to dump the rh"•"'I'r'" of runners) and attack doesn't get them, the Merlyns will,
ftoor, down the drain, or where e·o~er, GM, be sure to describe and If the Merlyns don't, Lone Star
just as long as they are ruined. will. Go to Picking Up the Pieces.

second contin-
"'It ud Run Gone Toxic (4 members, Picking Up the Pieces
If the runners case the warehouse rnto~ve1s. ~IXJ.J.J"~:t"C If some of If the runners were stupendous, they
(suggest you use Warehouse ftoor plan ·~'. ."l!V'£~~r;r.. len). defeated the Merlyns and the Toxic
from Ka·ge Issue 0 but make it low Spirit. Most likely this Is not the case.
security), they will find that Meriyns Hopefully they were able to survive,
members do go In and out of the which Is still quite good.
warehouse. If the runners are gutsy When the runners go back to
enough to astrally check out the ware- McCredy he knows nothing about a
house, they get lucky, and no one is warehouse wall and destroy ev , t-up. Also, Mr. Johnson has disap-
patrolling astrally. They discover the thing and everyone inside. The ~-;.,..,.,.,...,._ed and there is no money for the

warehouse does indeed contain bar- will spend one round tearing a orMcCredy.
rels. If the runners strike at the section out of the front of the ware- be a great leaping-off point
appointed time, use the following house. The next round it will move •"'1.. n•n re as the runners
schedule. If they strike at a different inside. Needless to say, both the Mer- td"1rtw.i~lt down Taluce. While
time, delay the Merlyns' first contin- lyns and the runners will be shocked at Jllldrera'f/W4ere rn•·2 ~""'"' out of a lot
gent by thirty seconds. this new development. r..r .. '"'.. 4 karma

Taluce, the rat shaman, has gotten 5:51 NewsNet shows up

his focus from the fixer and has been on the scene with cameras blazing.
staying in a coffin hotel across the And oh what a scene - a huge toxic
street from the warehouse. He can spirit rampaging, and people with
quickly react If the runners strike early. guns trying to stop it. An Interesting
He will Immediately call NewsNet, effect the GM may want to include is
then TAVCO, then the Merlyns. See the .abllity of the Toxic Spirit to raise its
the plot synopsis for Taluce's normal force 3 points from the background
timetable. count created by the spilled chemicals
•Hit and Run Timetable (represented (see The Grimoire pp.63-64 and
minutes) p. 101). Use your judgment; don't
0:00 Runners break into make things totally impossible.
warehouse (use 2 regular gang mem- 7: I 5 TA VCO mercenary
bers from Ka·ge Issue 4 p. 10 or 4 squad (4 Meres, Shadowrun p . 40 add
gang members If runners strike at grenade launchers and offensive

Transformation Manipulation Spell
Creates a thunderclap of noise centered on the target location. The spell functions much like the concussion
damage of a standard grenade (Including rules for overpressure} by sending a wall of air out from the target
point. After a one meter radius, the force of the blast Is decreased by one per meter (at three meters away, the
force Is -3). In addition. the spell does stun damage of (F- 3)L2 to all within range not protected with sound
dampers. as a clap of thunder follows the wall of air.
Type: Physical
Range: LOS
Target: 4
Duration: Instant
Drain: M3

Transformation Manipulation Spell
Releases a charge of static electricity at the target. The damage code for the attack Is (F)S2. Every 2 success-
es Increase the Damage' Code by one level. Impact Armor reduces the Power (force) of the attack by one-half
value. The target must be grounded or within a number of meters equal to the force of the spell to a
8• oundlng object for the spell to actually do damage. An arc of electricity will spring from the grounding
source to the target. Electrical arcs can cause temporary blindness in the same manner as a flash grenade.
Type: Physical
Range: LOS •
Target: 4
Duration: Instant
Drain: S4

Add Rain
Transformation Manipulation Spell
Creates a brief shower of acid rain centered on the target location. The diameter of the effect is equal to the
force of the spell. Additional successes can go toward increasing (or decreasing) the diameter as normal. or
staging up the damage code (one level per two successes). The Damage Code for this attack is (F)M2. Impact
armor reduces the Power(Force) of the attack by one-half the armor value. The height of the rain can be specl-
fled by the caster; however, the "normal" distance would be ten to twelve meters. Any higher and there may
be a delay between the time the spell is cast and the time the drops actually hit the ground. Being acid, most
Items (and people) will take at least cosmetic damage.
Type: Physical
Range: LOS
Target: 4
Duration: Sustained
f"·,dn: D3
Transformation Manipulation Spell
This spell allows the the caster to condense the water molecules in the air into a whirling form similar to a
bolo. The spell is launched toward the target. The damage code is (F)L Stun. Every 2 net successes modifles the
damage by one level. The spell is resisted using the ranged combat procedure with the value of impact armor
reducing the Power (force} of the attack. In addition to the stun damage, the bolo entangles the victim, restrain-
ing him and forcing him to the ground. The victim must make a Strength Resistance Test against a threshold of
the number of successes generated by the caster, with a Target Nmber of the force of the spell. Once entan-
gled, the victim is unable to perform any physical action. Each phase in which the victim can act he may
attempt to escape [complex acition] using the same Target and threshold as above.
Type: Physical
Range: LOS
Target: 4
Duration: Sustained
Drain: 52
Note: In arid climates the target number for casting the spell rises to 6 due to the lack of moisture in the air.

For example, Shrieker, an owl shaman, spots the scientist she has been hired to extract from Renraku. The sci-
entist has no desire to leave Renraku and so starts to run away. Shrieker needs the scientist in good condition
so she casts a bolo spell at him. Her target number will be 6 (4 is the base target for the spell,+ 2 because the
target is running}. She casts the spell at force 5. She rolls 5 dice plus 3 from her magic pool. She gets
1,3,4,4,5,6,6,6. This gives her 3 successes. The scientist now makes a Defender Resistence Test (yes, he doe~
get to use his combat pool}. He rolls all4 dice from his combat pool and 3 dice for his body. He has a target~.
4 (the force of the spell minus 1 for the impact armor of the scientist}. He scores 2 successes from his combat
pool so the spell hits (if he had rolled 4 successes from the combat pool the bolo would have missed entirely}.
The scientist also scores 3 successes with his body (lucky dude}. The scientist has a total of 5 successes, 2 more
than Shrieker thereby reducing the damage to nothing. However, the scientist is still entangled by the bolo and
may try to break free with a Strength Test of 5 (the force of the spell) against a threshold of 3 (the number of
Shrieker's successes). He fails and Shrieker drags him away.
Lanpase Interpreter
As the world becomes more complex, this Item Is mak-
Ing Its way Into the briefCase of more and more compa-
ny men and women. The basic unit comes with a Input
pad and dlgltalreadout. More advanced models Include
a speaker and microphone. Once language modules are
added, the processor takes the Incoming phrases and
translates them to the appropriate language. Output Is
Instantaneous and Input Is limited only by the speed of
the Input (with the basic model) or the speaker (with the
advanced). Basic models translate between two lan-
guages. Advanced models can handle up to six.
3,000¥ for basic. 500¥ per additional language handled
at one time past the original two. Availability 3+1an-
guages/4 days. Street Index 1.75. Weight . 1.

Lanpase Modules
These small chips slip Into the base of the language
Interpreter and provide the basic Input-output required
to make the Interpreter operate. Each chip handles one
I; · ~age. Price determines quality (as always).
-Jtguage rating 1-3 50¥ per level
Language rating 4-6 100¥ per level
Language rating 7-9 200¥ per level
Language rating 10 • generally not available
Availability ratlng/2/36 hours. Street Index t .25.

Weren't You Llstenlns?

We told you last tlmel
Some of you must feel pretty comfortable living off your last haul.
ThAt's rlsflt, I'm tAiklns to you.
Yeah, you· still Mr. Attitude.
Mr. "I'll live off the fat of the corps.·
Well you can't sit around for the rest of your life.
I know you been running In the shadows for so long, you can't
stand the light anymore. I know you know the squalld stories, the
tiny betrayals, the riches of Croesus that In the amber of the sodium
vapor turn out to be so much drek...
I want you to write It all down.
Write for our Writer's Guidelines.
If you've already got them, send us a letter of inquiry, telling us
what you've got In mind. Stephen Kenson had the right data, we
know you do too.
from Stanley MicroTools

These pieces of equipment were originally used by UCAS soldiers fighting in urban environments. They allowed a soldier
to seal off areas by welding doors shut or melting the locks. Conversely they can be used to cut. The torches employ the
latest in torch technology for effident bum rates and user safety. Small enough to dip on a tool belt, MicroTorch goes
where you go and gets the job done.

Concealability Weight Availability Cost St. Index

Butane MicroTorch 4 1.5 3/48hrs too t .~...,........,....... ~1................,.......,.........,....... ~...1 . . . ..+.......,....... ~.......................+1.......,..~...
Acetylene MicroTorch 4 1.5 4/48hrs 200 t . ...,........,....... ~ ....... ~ ........ lt .......,........,.......,....... ~~
--.........,.......i ................................,.....
Arc Weld MicroTorch 4 t .5 6/4 days 350 t ~
Safety Goggles 7 .2 3/48hrs t5 t
(Required for Acetylene and Arc)
Butane reftll 5 .5 3/48hrs t5
Acetylene/Oxygen reftll 5 .5 4/48hrs 25
Arc battery 5

Torch Power Rating

.5 4/72hrs 40

Minutes of Continuous Use

.;......:,..... .. ..... ..;__~
.. "~. }iiiii!
~ · · · Jr.+= .
........... ,. .. ... ,. . .,. ..
............ ~- r~ . .. . . . . . . ~
Each torch creates a 2.5crn flame. The torches are designed to cut 3cm x .6crn every t 0 seconds of generally nonflam-
mable material. This rate applies fbr material with a barrier rating equal to the power level of the torch.
Higher/Lower Barrier Ratings- divide the barrier rating by the power level of the torch and multiple the result by tO sec-
onds. This will give you the amount of time required to cut 3crn x .6crn of material. A torch can not cut material that has a
barrier rating greater than twice the torch·s power level.
Thicker Material - add t 0 seconds fbr each additional .6crn (round up) of thickness. The torch cannot cut completely
through material which is thicker than 2.4crn.
To weld two items together requires that the Items be constructed of similar material. The method Involves heating the
two items to a slightly viscous state while they are touching each other . For example, welding a door shut could be done
a couple of different ways. One method involves melting the key mechanism thereby keeping the bolt in place. Another
method might involve heating a metal door frame and a metal door until they melt enough to bond.
Welding is a much more delicate task than cutting. It requires twice the amount of time to cut since the welder must be
careful not to overheat the item. A weld job can be rushed and takes the same amount of time as cutting. For purposes of
game play, figure a good weld job by these small torches has a barrier rating of 80% the original lowest barrier rating. If
the welding is rushed, use a barrier rating of 60% of the original lowest rating.

»»(Use the safety goggles. I thought the shield on the torch would be enough. It wasn't. Now I hove cybereyes; yet even wlth
them my vision Is no longer perfect.)««-Moc the Knlfe(09:34:45/4/14/53)

>»>(A guy I knew thought his flare compensation would be enough. Sadly, he Is now nearly b llnd.)««-0ut-

»»(The butane torch Is perfect for the traveling mechonlc .)««-Hot Rod George(10:56:36/4/14/53)

»»(Arc & Acetylene ore great for locks and steel bors.)««-Houdinl(15:22:51/4/15/53)
Y.Jl'ftaha Rapier XS

You've seen the best WCCL combat bikers In the world ride the Rapier XS. Now you, too, can feel the thrill of this motorcy-
cle! Yamaha announces that the Rapier XS Is now available to the general public. Choose what the pros choose!
Handling Speed 8/A Autopilot
Rapier XS 3/0• 60/180 2/1 0
Seating: I
Storage: .5 CF under seat
Economy: 110 Km per liter
Fuel: IC/10 liters
Cost: 15,000¥
Accessories: The XS has factory Installed datajack and rigger controls. The paneling Is made of NeoKevlar™
•The XS Is intended to be rigger controlled. The Increased amount of equipment needed to assist with the turning actually
make non rigger controlled handling worse. Raise handling to 4/7 when not using the control rig.

>»>(Awesome design work by Yamaha. Although It costs a bit more than doing the modifications yourself. the reli-
ability of the bike Is unmatched.)<<<<-Hyperlon (12:26:28/03-18-53)

»»(When I was In the WCCL I wouldn't ride on anything but an XS.)««-Drool (12:53:1 5/03-18-53)

Notes about autopilots and rigger controls on motorcycles:

-If a motorcycle does not have someone to hold It up, It will fall over when it stops.
-No matter how high the autopilot, a motorcycle can only go 1Okph without the driver assisting during tums. Otherwise,
the motorcycle loses balance and falls over.
-No matter how good a rigger Is. the motorcycle can only go 1Okph without the rigger physically assisting during turns.
··herwlse the motorcycle loses balance and falls over.
••. figger on a motorcycle receives a control pool because he does not concern himself with shifting. accel-
erating and braking. This Is done much more quickly and effidently with mental decisions.

.:· =. (.· ·
~ '

nee-anarchist guide >>>>(the boston sprawl)<<< ....

THE BOSTON SPRAWL make a hobby of complaining about it.

The dty Is situated along the coast and the area features
The metroplex of Boston, Hub of the Northeast and the rocky. gladal-sculpted terrain. The inner areas of the metro-
MSilicon Valley" of the UCAS, Is a hotbed of activity for an plex show some of the heaviest urban development and
up and coming shadowrunner. The dty offers a dazzling renewal of any area In North America. Some parts of the
array of opportunities and a chance to be In on the cutting dty are over three hundred years old.
edge advances In tech and magic. The dty Is also the cul-
»>»(Yeah. and the acid rain Is eating away those 300 year
tural heart of the UCAS and the cradle of the old United
old buildings like candy. Pretty soon the corps won't hove to
States. with a great number of locations of Interest. worry about city ordinances against tearing down the histori-
The tumlng point which really made Boston Into the city cal sites; their abuse of nature will do It for them.)««<-
It Is today was the Manhattan earthquake of 2005. After the Weatherman < 16:55: 18!11-8-52>
quake devastated New York City It became necessary to
relocate the East Coast Stock Exchange. New York's misfor- GOVERNMENT
tune became Boston •s good luck. Moving the ECSE to Boston •s government was once known as one of the
Boston revltlalzed the dty's faltering economy and Industry most liberal in the old United States. Now It works hand-In-
transforming It Into an economic center of no smalllnftu- hand with the corporations. In fact. some say that the corps
ence. Boston Is at the heart of corporate power In the own the government, and that's not far from the truth.
UCAS, and the corporations virtually own the dty outright. After the New York earthquake of 2005, the East Coast
Stock Exchange had to be moved. Several cities vied for the
BOSTON AT A GLANa opportunity and the economic growth that would come
with it. Boston made a number of very attractive offers of
Population: 7,000,000+ tax breaks and government contracts to the corporations
Human:64% and won out; but once the corps moved in, the dty govern-
Elf: 10% ment found It much harder to control them than they arf ·•-
Dwarf: 4% pated. \.
Ork: 19% Many segments of the Boston government still hold to
Troll: 3% strong support for social programs, but the corps have such
Other:< 1% a stranglehold on the whole metroplex's economy, as well
Density In Populated Districts: 500+ per square mile as paid lackeys in public office, that such programs general-
Per Capita Income: 27,000¥ ly never get off the ground.
Below Poverty level: 25% The corporations do their best to maintain the pleasant,
On Fortune's Active Traders list: 2% liberal. intellectual facade of the Boston government, but
Corporate Affiliation: 59% they do so on their own terms. Boston Is a nice, dean.
Persons of Government Employ: 6% secure place to Jive--if you're a corporate employee or
Means of Commuting to Work: dependant. For the SINless. life is pretty much like it is else-
Air Commuters: 1% where, ignored by the official establishment, they survive In
Electric Vehlde: 26% the shadows as best they can.
lntemal Combustion Vehlde: 6%
Public Transportation: 48% ECONOMY
On-Site Workers: 18% It is rather ironic that the capital of the state once known
Other: 1% as laxachusetts" is now one of the most thriving
Education: economies In the UCAS. Boston's growth is due almost
High School Equivalency: 52% entirely to tiertiary industry (information processing). The
College Equivalency: 30% New England area has always been resource poor. and it's
Advanced Studies Certlftcates: 12% manufacturing industries moved south well over a century
Felonious Crime Rate (city pollee statistics): 10 per 1,000 ago.
per annum With the succession of California from the UCAS, Boston
became the nation's center for high-tech development.
GEOGRAPHY/CUMAn Numerous companies. based around centers of teaming
Situated In central New England, Boston possesses high- such as MIT&.M. Harvard and Boston University, moved
ly variable weather. The summers are generally very humid into the area. making Boston the number one UCAS pr:
and winters are cold and characterized by ducer of computer software.
heavy, wet snowfalls. Spring and autumn are All the jobs In Boston are in the information Industry or
typically brief, but pleasant. Most people in in the multitude of service industries which support the
th~ metroplex either ignore the weather or employees of the information industry. Several major cor-
porate research projects are nearly always underway and In DANSPORTADON
need of highly skilled spedallsts. Boston Is well connected to the UCAS highway system,
allowing access from the north through New Hampshire,
caJMf. eastern Massachusetts through New York, and south from
The foremost almlnal activity In Boston Is, not suprising- Rhode Island.
ly, Industrial espionage. Competition between corporations logan International Airport handles all the air traffic Into
Is fterce and datasteals, extractions and sabotage are the and out of the metroplex. logan has ftlghts going to and
order of the day. Boston's shadow life tums out some very coming from all over the world, Including sub-orbital shut-
skilled shadowrunners. Given the quality of the corporate tles and rapid transit spaceplane ftights. Security at the air-
competition, the ones who are around for any length of port Is ultra-tight due to terrorist Incidents Involving corpo-
time have to be good. rate executives, European officials. and other figures who
There Is a Joke which says the corps and the government tend to attract violent protests.
are the only organized crime In Boston, and for the most Boston Harbor has facilities for the moderate amount of
part, It Is true. The Mafta Is the strongest presence In the shipping the city receives. Boston Is not a major shipping
city, but even It's lnftuence Is rapidly waning. The corps port, so the existing facilities are more than adequate for
refUse to stand for any disruption of their well ordered the water traffic that does come through, Including ferries
wortd and ruthlessly stamp out any signs of large-scale to the islands and Cape Cod.
organized crime. In the city, public transportation is mostly by subway.
On the other hand, small scale criminal activity Is a The I system is about as effident as most dty subway sys-
booming business In the city. Street gangs appear by the tems (which Is to say, not very), but the corporations try to
dozens In the squalor of South Boston areas, and the Seoul- keep It maintained because so many of their employees rely
pa Rings have made progress where the Yakuza and Mafta on It to get to work.
have not In organlzlng an efficient criminal network which Boston also has several busing companies providing
has eluded the city's efforts to eliminate it. The cellular above-ground public transport and several air commuter
stn e of these organizations makes It much more diffi- taxis operating out of logan Airport.
cult 1vf the pollee to deal with them effectively.
The street gangs are etrectlvely In control of the Barrens »»>(There is on old legend which says there ore "lost sta-
areas such as South Boston. Dozens of gangs war with each tions· for the T. stations which were built, but the tunnels to
them were closed over or collapsed.)«<« -Cliff
other In the area ~ the pollee stay out of It for the most
part. Some gangs are very well organized and try to main-
tain order In their neighborhoods, acting as a sort of com- »»>(That's true. A more recent rumor says that not only ore
munity watch. Such gangs are rare, but many are effective. the lost stations real. but there Is something awakened and
Pollclubs are also becoming a common sight in the unpleasant living down there. and the city knows about
metroplex and many of the them are rumored to be con- it.)««<- Talon <14:03:34/11-15-52>
nected to terrorist groups such as Alamos 20,000, Anarchy
>»»(More alligators-In-the-sewers stories.)<««- Mosque
Inc., and the Knights of the Red Branch.
<23:45:21I 11 -15-52>
LAW ENfORCEMENT »»>(Oh yeah? Explain the "T slasher· stuff that's been going
Boston's law enforcement Is entirely In the hands of pri- on lately. chummer.)«<«- Talon <09:20:27 /11 -16-52>
vate contractors and corporations. Knight Errant Security
takes care of the general pollee needs of the dty, while cor- ENTERTAINMENT
porate security forces protect the Individual corporate In addition to its economic importance, Boston is also
enclaves and company owned suburbs. the cultural heart of the UCAS, offering a dazzling array of
For the most part, security around the corporate and entertainment options.
government areas Is high quality, while In other areas of the In sports, there is the Boston Red Sox (baseball), the
city It Is just enough to keep the peace. In the South Boston Patriots (football), the Bruins (ice hockey), the Celtics (bas-
neighborhoods there Is scarcely any effort at all to keep the ketball), the Rebels (urbanbrawl), and the Blades (combat
gangs under control and they run things as they please. biker).
The theater district offers a variety of plays and produc-
»>»(Sentences for violating corporate low In Boston ore tions, as well as the latest trid and simsense theaters. Some
harsh about 150% of what might be received In Seattle. Other very avant garde works are produced regularly.
crir Jenerolly receive sentences comparable to those Back Bay, the theater district and South
han........ d down elsewhere.)<««- Legal Eagle <14:23:20!11-
1D-52> Boston have a number of bars, nightclubs and
hangouts with live bands, and sometimes
other, less savory, entertainments.
Boston Common and the Esplanade are home to annual tlons often hire for black projects through the compa-
outdoor concerts, plays and other events, lndudlng the ny.)<««- Geist <19:18:14/11-9-52>
famous Boston Pops Fourth of July concert, with fireworks
and a fantastic magical Illusion show. Virtually every other top 500 corporation maintains a
branch office In the dty because of the Exchange, although
MAJOR CORPORATIONS in some cases that branch consists of only a suite of offices
In a larger building. Firms also maintain research centers In
EUROPEAN IUSINlSS MACHINES AND MAGIC the dty to take advantage of the pool of skllled technicians
Home Office Location: Geneva, Switzerland produced by the universities In the metroplex. Some of the
President/CEO: Helena Swinbume major corporate holdings lndude:
Chief Products/Services: Computer software/hardware, her- Aztechnology has a building at the north end of the corp
metic studies, Matrix systems. sector, on the waterfront. Part of the pyramid extends Into
Subdivision Name: EMB1 , NA Branch the bay and has docking fadllties and a rooftop hellpad.
Office Location: Boston, Massachusetts, UCAS Geneornics of Quebec has a genetics research lab on the
Manager: Vice President Chlstopher Johnson outskirts of the dty, near New Hampshire.
Chief Products/Services: Software, Matrix programming for
the City of Boston, spell formulae. >»»(They are believed to be engaging in experiments in
cloning.)««<- Genejoke <22:31 :28/11-13-52>
Business Proftle:
EBM1 Is one of the giants of the computer Industry. For
Mitsuhama Computer Technologies has a large office tower
decades they set the standards for computer systems and
In the corporate sector and a research park In Back Bay.
software. Following the Chaos, they were one of the ftrst
MCT has a fterce competition with EMB[2].
corporations to recognize the value of magic and Incorpo-
R.enraku maintains offlces near the Stock Exchange, but
rate wagemages Into their corporate structure. Their Boston
has little presence otherwise.
headquarters recruits the cream of MIT&.M graduates for
research and development proJects. »>»(Renraku does have some top-secret project run at
Security/Military Forces: a lab In Cambridge. something connected to their AI prOject.
EMB1 has standard security forces. Their matrix and I think.)««<- Ms.DOS <12:23:43/11-12-52>
magical security Is top rate.
Saeder-Krupp has a branch in the dty based out of the
TlMPCO INC. underground arcology nicknamed "the Dragon's Lair" after
Home Office Location: Boston, Massachusetts the corporation's owner, Lofwyr.
President/CEO: Roger Milstein
Chief Products/Services: Temporary personnel of all types. PLACES Of INnREST
Subdivisions: Tempco Security, Tempco Clerical, Tempco
Sales, Tempco Mages, etc. Boston Common
Business Profile: Tempco Incorporated Is the home of the The Common has been preserved by the government
"disposable employee." The corporation hires out tempo- and the corporations as a place to continue holding con-
rary employees of all kinds to other businesses and corpora- certs, outdoor plays and to maintain as an example of how
tions. The company's huge employee database can ftnd Just environmentally conclous the dty is. The Common Is also a
the right person for the job quickly and effidently. popular spot for outdoor sports and has become a haven to
Tempco provides security guards, secretaries, a few local shamans who don't care for the dty life.
wagemages, salesmen, accountants, repair crews, laborers,
programmers, assembly workers, the list goes on and on. If The Dragon's Lair
a corporation needs someone to ftll a job, Tempco can ftnd North End/LTGt 6 t 7- t 294
that special someone. The Dragon's Lair is the nickname of the Saeder-Krupp
The company also serves as a dearlnghouse for jobs, Boston Headquarters, an arcology complex built mostly
with many Tempco employees ftnding permanent positions below ground on the northern edge of the corporate sector.
with other companies. The sprawling complex contains a mall, living quarters,
Security/Military Forces: offices and laboratories. The Lair is also In contact with a
Tempco has substantial security forces which are very research complex on the nortll edge of the dty owned by
well trained. Many are corporate wars veterans and are Geneomics (a subsidiary of of S-K).
hired out to other corporations. Security on the upper levels of the complex is ma
talned by polite and well-armed guards.
»>»(It is also rumored that Tempco Is a clear-
inghouse for shadowrunners. and that corpora- »»>(The lower levels have numerous security sofeguards.
Including some kind of awakened guard animals.)««< - big pit full of phones and computers, with wall-to-wall bro-
Geist <15:08:40/11-1().52> kers yelling orders to each other across the room while
monitors and VDTs displayed the rise and fall of each stock.
»»>(It Is rumored there Is a large cave-like chamber at the
These days, things are a lot calmer. There is still a big
lowest level which Lofwyr uses when he chooses to visit the
facility.)«<«- Talon <21 :34:21!11-12-52> gallery with telecoms and display screens, but all the shout-
Ing and dealing gets done In the Matrix. Each broker sits
The East Coast Stock Exchange jacked Into the Matrix at his terminal. On the virtual market
Casino Archetype (which It Is, sort ot}/350 State Street/Bias floor in cyberspace, the nuyen flows like a mighty river.
against non-corporates/LTG# 617-152 7 The Matrix security at the ECSE Is some of the tightest In
Back In the twentieth century, the stock exchange was a the UCAS. Plenty of deadly Ice from EMBz, Fuchl and Ren-

- - ~ · ">.r.
... -
raku, as well as cutting edge experimental stuff from where but your lab of office. You never know what's lu1dng n
MIT~. The Exchange has three deckers (Heavy Hitters, SR that lab around the corner...)««<- Talon <15:«!:27/11-()9- .
p. 116) on duty at all times. Several other corporations have 52>
their own deckers on hand to "protect the company's Inter-
ests." The New England Aquarium
A Force 8 Astral Ward protects the entire building and Waterfront/No bias/LTG# 6 I 5- I 247
small wards protect other sensitive areas. Astral eavesdrop- The New England Aquarium is one of the most famous
ping is almost pointless anyway, as most of the real action of its kind in North America. A large variety of sea-life Is
goes on in the Matrix. kept In numerous huge display tanks. The Aquarium has ·
Knight Errant handles the physical security of the build- distinguished Itself with displays on new metaspedes from
ing and only authorized corporate security personnel are around the world, Including devilfish, mermaids,
allowed to carry even light weapons into the place. Jeatherbacks, torpedo sharks, unicorn fish, and a family trl~
The EBM Tower The Aquarium is also a center for biological and oceano-
Corporate Office Archetype/3552 Tremont Street/LTG# graphic research frequented by many of the universities'
617-1201 and corporations' personnel.
This 250 story skyraker Is the North American Headquar- Recently, metahuman and animal rights groups have
ters of European Business Machines and Magic. The top attacked the Aquarium because of their alleged cruelty to
twenty levels are given over to executive offices and living some specimens, including keeping the possibly sentient
space. Thirty stories make up residential areas for workers. Merrows captive.
The remainder is given over to offices and laboratories,
some of which is rented out to other corporations. The BARS AND NIGHTCLUBS
building has a helipad on the roof for commuter traffic. Boston is well known for its numerous night spots and
The Tower has top-line magical and Matrix security mea- hangouts. The theater district and Back Bay have doze,.~ of
sures, espedally on the sensitive offices and labs. It's Icon bars, clubs and hangouts, most of which are frequent y
dominates the electron skyline of the Boston Matrix, which shadowrunners. Suprisingly, the corporations and the aty
is not too surprising. considering the company Is responsi- government know about the major shadowrunner hang-
ble for maintaining the public databases. outs, but choose to ignore them, perhaps because the cor-
porations rely on having a quick source of 'runners when
The Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Magic they are needed for the inevitable black projects that crop
Cambridge/No bias/LTGf 609-1376 up as annual report time rolls around.
MrT~ Is considered one of the top ten universities in
North America. The "'tute," as it is known by its students, is The Coven
the jewel of Boston's educational and economic system. Bar Archetype/64 Vassar Street/Reginald King.
With the demand the corporations have for skilled technical manager/Bias against mundanes/LTGf 609-1669
personnel, the Institute's prestige and importance to the The Coven, located near MIT~ in Cambridge, Is a
area have grown. The corporations and the government do favorite hangout for students and faculty of the Thaumatur-
all they can to support the school's needs and to keep a gy Department. The bar's interior Is dim and cavernous, lit
steady stream of skilled workers coming. by fluorescent lighting panels. The manager, Reginald King.
The Institute leads the field in computer science, robot- is a skilled Hermetic magidan himself. The bar has a rating
ics, cybernetics, artificial intelligence. biotechnology. Her- 6 Astral Ward to keep childish pranks to a minimum. Unre-
metic studies, and a celebrated Shamanic studies program. strained use of magic Is frowned upon.
Several faculty members are Nobel prize winners and the
screening process for students is rigorous. The Dungeon
Security at the Institute is very high In general and extra- Bar Archetype/S-K Mall, Dragon's Lair/Solly Macintyre,
ordinary in some places. Numerous Matrix and magical owner/Bias against non-corporates/LTGf 617-1238
security measures were created here, and new ones are The Dungeon is a cave-like tavem on the mall level of
always being tested. It has been suggested that if you could the Dragon's Lair. It is owned and managed by Solly Macln·
get into MrT~M last month, you should be able to break-in tyre, a dwarf and former company man for Saeder- Krupp. A
Into most corporate offices today, because those are the favorite of the corporate types, It Is a source of rumors con-
security measures they will be using. cerning all manner of information in the corporate sec'

>»»(The •tute· gets Into the absolute cutting »»>(Solly is also rumored to be a supporter of the the
edge of magic and tech. Some of their stuff Knights of the Red Branch. provid ing them with contacts and
gets pretty weird. If you're hired to do some- places to hide out.)<«« - Kid <19:20:31!11-11 ·52>
thing there. whatever you do. don't go any-
he Eclipse Anarchy Incorporated
~ightdub Armetype/277 Dorchester Ave./Martin Calae- The most feared terrorist group In the UCAS Northeast.
>ria, manager/Bias against corporates/LTG# 604-1422 Anarchy Inc. is an ironically named organization of neo-
Located in the South Boston Barrens, the Edipse is a anarchists who seek the destruction of the corporations and
><>pular dub with shadowrunners. There is a live band play- the creation of a "non-coersive" economic system that is
ng every night and major groups like the Nudear Elves fair to both producer and consumer.
laVe been known to drop by and jam all night long. Eclipse The organization makes attacks on powerful corporations
s a meeting place for many shadowrunners, but not a and executives. They believe that death Is the "great equal-
'eCI'Uiting center. Shadowrunners come here to party and Izer". All men, wealthy or poor, are the same In the end.
:onduct some business among themselves. Mr.Johnsons A.l. gets most of Its recruits from the squalor and des-
u-e not very welcome. peration of the slums and barrens. Most of the people in the
organization are not overly concemed about "the Cause,"
:rebus only In getting a meal and a place to sleep. In exchange for
~lghtdub Archetype/644 E. Berkley Street/Felicia Kole, which, most are more than willing to risk their lives to kill
nanager/No blas/LTG# 607-1422 some fat-cat executive.
Located near the Theater District, Erebus, "the Land of Corporate security teams worry about Anarchy Inc.
.hades," Is a popular shadowrunner hangout. The club because the members have shown such a total disregard for
aters to the needs of those who live in the shadows and their own lives as to sometimes engage In suicide missions,
hose who like to think that they do. Shadowrunners often so long as they can take some corporates with them.
rrange meetings here and Mr.johnsons often come here
)()i(ing for talent. There are also plenty of corporate types The Knights of the Red Branch
.prawllng and pretending to be fierce shadowrunner types. When the Shidhe "reclaimed" Ireland as their ancestral
homeland in 2034, numerous Irish were displaced or fled
·»· 'The manager. Felicia Kole.ls a Cot Shaman who will from Ireland to escape Elvish rule. A number of them
10t w unprofesslonollsm In her club. Patrons ore allowed to migrated to Boston, which already had a large Irish commu-
~toln their sidearms. but violence will not be tolerated.)«<«
Range~ < 18:03:24/11- 13-52>
The Knights of the Red Branch is a terrorist group that
desires the reclamation of Ireland from the Shidhe, or at
least the creation of a separate human nation in North Ire-
Aid-size Restaurant Archetype/231 Charles St./ Arlen Por-
land, to be called New Ulster. They ship supplies and Infor-
iro, owner-manager/Slight bias against non-Eives/LTG#
mation back to Irish resistance forces in Tir Nan Og, as well
as making attacks on anything remotely connected with the
A restaurant on the Common, Jack's (as It is commonly
Shidhe In the UCAS, including. unfortunately, innocent
:nown) Is like a slice of Tir Tairgire transplanted to Boston.
Elves who have nothing to do with Tir Nan Og.
'he restaurant is fumlshed In natural wood and features and
Most recently, the Knights have attacked parties and
vide array of hanging and potted plants.
corporations who have dealings with the Shidhe for magical
The menu is vegetarian, but still offers a dazzling range
focuses and orichalcum, hoping to cut off trade with Tir Nan
>f choices, all expertly prepared. The restaurant is popular
Og and force concessions.
Nlth Boston's Elves as well as with shamans and other
>ack-to-nature types. »»>(The Knights ore named after a legendary order of Irish
warriors who protected Ulster. led by the hero Chuculoln.
•»»(Groups like the Red Knights and Alamos 20K also seem Quite a few of the higher-ups in the organization ore fond of
o think that Jock's Is a front for some kind of evil Elf consplro- the ancient trappings and weapons of the Irish knights. includ-
;y, seeing as they've firebombed the place three times In the Ing nasty barbed spears.)««<- Celtic <16:43:26/11 -1 0.52>
ost year.)«<«-. Hordwlre <22:11 :29/11..08-52>
»»>(Don't think that means the Knights are some gong of
•»»(Lough If you wont. but we know what's really going on yokels. They've got weapons and tactics from several genera-
Jnd we Intend to keep what's ours. Free Eire!)«<«- Red tions of IRA experience backing them up. Many of the guys
(night <23:43:10/11-QS-52> who go for the full Chuculoin get-up ore physical adepts and
some of those spears ore enchanted ... )««<- Geistmann
lllGANIZAnONS <22: 12:17/11-10.52>
,. ton Is a very political dty. A diverse mix of peoples
lve .he metroplex and many remember the city's long
:radltlon of being on the leading edge of political change. A
umber of policlubs and more radical groups have sprung
up In the area, hoping to make changes In the cultural and
economic center of the UCAS.
Release Explanation that make up the game. The Because of the small staff and large
If I were to say the last few newsletter Is published with full number of submissions Involved,
weeks have been busy, the few knowledge of what will be happen- the Shadowrun Network will have
staff members here would proba- Ing In the next few months so to strictly abide by the following
bly beat me about the head and there are no surprises. As fans, you submission guidelines.
shoulders. We've literally been still get to enjoy the surprise and
swamped with letters and a wide you don't have to worry about t . All submissions should start
variety of submissions. We've wasting time with something that with a query letter. This Is to pro-
received some very good pieces of may soon be outdated. tect you, not the Shadowrun Net-
art and prose, and we want to Sounds great, you say, but what work. The query letter should tell
begin publishing these pieces as does that mean to me? It means us the scope and general size of
quickly as we can. To that end, you that while we pay a great deal of your submission. If the work Is not
will find the AWOL release form on attention to what FASA puts on the appropriate, you can save yourself
the next page. By the way, AWOL market, FASA pays attention to us a lot of time finding that out first.
Is the name of the company that In return. Part of the Shadowrun
produces Kage and runs the Shad- Network's contract with FASA 2. Submissions MUST Include a
owrun Network. states that we get to use the cover letter describing the work In
The release form Is a very critical names, places, events, and ideas general and the signed release
document if you want to have your that the staff In Chicago creates for form. Your name, address and
work published In the pages of use with the game. That's why we PHONE NUMBER are very-Impor-
Kage. It looks like a legal docu- get the Inside Information. It goes tant and should be Included on
ment and It Is. It Is not a contract. both ways, however. Anything we every page of the submission.
do, FASA can also use. So what
A contract protects both parties
from harm when they decide to do
something together. There Is a
that mean?
bottom line Is: Anything
3. If the work Is submitted
computer disk, please label the
mutual benefit, so the two parties published in Kage can (and will) be disk. Include your name, address,
Involved are usually best served by used by FASA as they see fit. That phone number, and the format of
trying to uphold the contract. Includes fiction, mechs, art, rules, the work (ASCII, WordPerfect,
The release form on the next and anything else printed within etc.).
page Is simply a statement of poli- these covers. Authors will get
cy and intent. As a fan club, the credit, but that's about all. No 4. If you want your work
Shadowrun Network does not pay money. no pat on the back, no returned when we're finished with
for the submissions received from cushy office In Chicago. The release It, you must Include a Self
members. The "pay" for the work form Is designed to confirm your Addressed Stamped Envelope.
done is seeing the prose or art In understanding of our arrangement You're probably tired of hearing
print. Submitters do the work and with FASA. If you write something that line. I'm very tired of writing
the Shadowrun Network publishes and it turns up In a FASA product It, but every day we get questions
it. That Is all well and good, except twelve months later, that's legally or submissions requesting a
there Is another person (or corpo- acceptable. response without a SASE. If you
ration) Involved In this arrange- As an author or artist, you have forget the SASE don't be surprised
ment: FASA. to understand what you are getting If we take a LONG time to respond
As the creators of Shadowrun, Into. The release Is just that. It Is (but be surprised if we respond).
FASA ·has a keen Interest In what Is your official statement that you By the way, don't Include a 3 x 5
going on In the fan club. They give up all the rights to the piece envelope with 29 cents postage for
check and correct everything we you produce. FASA and AWOL the return of J2 sheets of paper.
do, before It gets published. As the Productions become the copyright The pages won't fit and postage
official fan club, we have an Inside holder for the work. won't get the letter half way back.
track to Information, rumors, and Over the past few weeks we've (I'd laugh, but this form of the
the behind-the-scenes workings received dozens of svbmlsslons. SASE seems to be very popuf
..... m. ,_a ....,.. ,.,...lotm • Connct Mlh FASA Cotponlt#On.
required by our
One ol ,_.nutl» lncAided.., tllldl ~ Of lhellbrllsslon must l» rejected.
~ llb'nllllolll (~) meyt» (lfOUped under one tile.

I wish to submit the following materials to AWOL Productions subject to the conditions below.
TitleofWo~: ________________________________________

I submit my materials voluntarily on a non-confidential basis. I understand that by submitting this material
to AWOL Productions. I hereby forfeit all rights to this material. I understand that all materials printed In the
AWOL Production's publications Ka•ge and Mach are copyright AWOL Productions and FASA Corporation. I
understand that there Is to be no payment for this wo~.
I understand that this submission by me and Its review by AWOL Productions does not. In whole or In part.
establish or create a relationship between me and AWOL Productions or FASA Corporation. I further under-
stand and agree that AWOL Productions and/or FASA Corporation may. In their own judgement. accept or
reject the materials submitted and shall not be obligated to me In any way with respect to my submission
until AWOL Productions. at Its own election. decides to enter Into an agreement with me.
I agree that AWOL Productions may have a reasonable period of time to review my submission. AWOL
Productions will return my submission to me provided It Is received by AWOL Productions with a Self-
-Addressed Stamped Envelope of sufficient size and with sufficient postage attached to enable Its return.
AWOL Productions shall not be held responsible for Items damaged or lost.
I understand that the acceptance by AWOL Productions of this disclosure does not Imply or create 1)
<.... •'I financial or other obligation of any kind on the part of AWOL Productions or FASA Corporation. 2) any
confidential relationship or guarantee of secrecy. 3) any recognition or acknowledgement of either novelty
or originality.
I understand and agree that If the submission utilizes. or Is based on characters. settings. or other materi-
als owned by FASA Corporation or AWOL Productions. or If the submission contains trademarks and/or other
proprietary material owned by FASA Corporation or AWOL Productions. I shall not be free to submit this sub-
mission for publication to any person or firm other than FASA or AWOL Productions.
I understand and agree that AWOL Productions has the right to revise and edit any versions of the sub-
mission for content. style. clarity. typographical errors. punctuation. spelling and capitalization In accor-
dance with standard usage and/or style manuals or accepted dictionaries and encyclopedias. I also under-
stand that AWOL Productions has the right to publish the submission at Its own expense In such style. form
and manner and at such a price as AWOL Productions deems suitable.
I warrant that this submission has never been published and that It Is original and does not violate the
rights of any third party. I also warrant that I am the sole owner of this submission and that I am of legal age
and am free to make agreements relative to this submission.

Please print full legal name:

~gnatu~: -------------------------------------------------------------------

Shadowrun II product-dude, has done an excel- you'll have to do with a lot fewer
Rating 4.5 (out of 5) lent job of better capturing the feel spells (the same number as In the
and flavor of the game without Shadowrun t book) and an
just In case you didn't already miring the system down In tables. overview of the new magic sys-
know, Shadowrun Is about to go As a matter of fact, the tables have tern. Although the physical adepts
Into Its second edition. The market- actually gotten smaller. have been pulled Into the book
lng Is very nice and proudly pro- The heart of this change Is the and therefore can be played nor-
claims that the 2nd edition is the alteration In staging. Everything mally, the rest of the magically
result of three years of feedback now stages at two. That's guns, active characters will suffer (In
and testing. This Is one of those bombs, magic, skills, everything. comparison to the other arche-
'--" rare cases where you can believe All you have to do Is roll the dice types).
everything (well, most everything) and count the successes to know Other than the magic section,
you hear. The hardback edition, how deadly the shot was, or how the rules are very clean and clear.
which Is due to be released at Gen- far you jumped. It's easy and It's The dodge pool goes away and Is
Con, should provide players with fast. After a game session or two, replaced with a combat pool,
everything they need. our group was finishing battles In which can cause some problems
half the time. They were packing In (especlally for people who are
- Pros more action and Interaction Into attached to their characters and -
This manual is packed full of the same amount of time and the unfamiliar with the new rules), but
good stuff. I should warn you that blood- letters In the group were this Is a minor point.
the version I had did not have the completely satisfied.
art, but most of the layout was Now, I can hear you saying, Conduslon
done, so the book looked very "What about all the bucks I've Run to your local hobby store
clean. There were plenty of already shelled out for the 1st edl- and get this book. It Is enjoyable to
changes to keep me Interested, so tlon stuff? What do I do with that?" read, and It provides all the lnfor-
I hardly noticed the art was miss- More good news, chummers, you matlon you need (except detailed
lng. What was changed? Almost use the stuff as normal. With one magic) to keep your characters on
everything, and hardly anything, exception, all the previous mod- the fast track to success.
that's the great thing about the ules, source books, and gear Is Editor's note: Starting with Issue
2nd edition. completely compatible (and there 5, Kage will print game stats for
Almost every section got a sig- Is nothing more to buy). 2nd Edition rules.
ntfkant rewrite. Characters are now
more detailed (and no harder to Cons
roll up). Allergies are now an Every silver lining has a dark Shadowtech
option, and there are rules for mak- cloud, or something like that, and Rating 4.0 (out of 5)
lng metahumans more numerous. this product Is no exception. The
Combat is different. It's faster and only real problem we've had with This Is probably the most eagerly
It's more lethal. Armor now makes the new stuff, however, has been awaited book since the Street
sense, grenades seem more cor- the magic system. As I mentioned, Samurai Catalog, and with just rea-
rect, and even Trolls have to worry it got revamped for the better, but son. Now your characters (Samurai
about submachlne guns. It's great. the section seems a little thin com- and Shaman alike) can load up with
Magic got revamped, critters got pared to the gun toting, ICE slash- the latest bioware. Now there Is a
more deadly, gear just got a little ing sections that go around lt. whole new range of equipment
harder to find (unless you know Sadly, the Grlmolre Is now out- that can be added to your body
where to look). dated. It becomes the only book and the best part Is: It's meat.
Do I sound that cannot be used with the 2nd There Is no loss of essence for
Impressed? I am. edition rules. FASA promises to adding organic material to your

t1 FASA, specifically
Tom Dowd as head
publish a new Grlmolre by the end
of the year; but until that time,
already chromed body.
Pros body points. The higher your body how the organics work on the
Carl Wu the author knows his attribute, the more enhancements body and the processes Involved.
stuff. At least he knows enough to you can have. Bioware is added to This Is not light reading. I hate to
convince me that he understands the body and a separate total of say It, but most readers are only
the chemistty, biology, and med- "body" Is subtracted depending on going to skim these sections and
Ical aspects of what he writes. The what meat you had attached. As jump to the bioware section. The
reward for all his knowledge is an with chrome, different meat has detail Is great, but probably
Integrated system that makes different body costs. The better the beyond the scope of most readers.
sense to the player and to the char- enhancement, the higher the cost (By the way, don't let me scare you
acter living In the world of 2052. In body. The nice thing about body, away from these sections. Give It a
Like the Street Samurai Catalog, however, Is that you're not likely to try. You might discover that you're
there is literally something here for go psycho if they give you an much better In the aforementioned
everyone. Increased intelligence, enhanced pancreas. topics than me.)
Increased reaction, faster healing, There Is a suggestion In the book
Improved data jacks, you name it. Cons that no one be allowed to start the
In addition, because of the solid Nobody ever said that chemistty game with these enhancements.
ground work Carl has laid, you can and biology are easy. That's why That's probably a good rule given
build on the system to create your doctors make the big bucks. This Is the advantages of the enhance- -
own bloware. only slightly different. Every sec- ments; but purchasing the book
The bloware system works on tion has a detailed header about and then being told you have to


and then being told you have to player and a game master. Read Pick of the PAck:
walt to use the stuff can be a little the sections, then start those organ Cockatrice 4.5 (out of 5}
discouraging. And If the gear Is as transplants. Caped Ghoul 4.5 (out of 5}
difficult to find (not to mention
expensive}, It might be some time SIMdowrun MiniAtures 20-509 Human Street Gang (3}
before the runners get to a place by RaJ Partha by D. Mlze
where they can actually use it. The six packs reviewed In this Rating 3.0 (out of 5}
Game masters, you make the call Issue are all very well done. The This set contains two male and
(as always}, but I'd suggest letting figures are of nearly Identical size one female gang member. The
some players start with the and stature, making them seem punks In this set are well done, but
bioware, at least until the gloss like part of a larger set. RaJ Partha there Is little to distinguish them
wears off the cover (which I think Is has done an excellent Job with this from other figures which have
excellent). line by producing consistently been previously produced. The
high-quality figures. Although flash pot-bellied male thug armed with
Conclusion and mould lines appear occasional- a knife Is the strongest, but even
This book has so many things ly on Individual figures, this seems he lacks a lot of detail. The nice
that are just plain cool, you owe It to be Isolated to Individual models. (very nice} thing about this set, as
- to yourself to pick It up. It's cheap- In no case was this extra lead with all figures created by D. Mize,
er than Shadowrun 2 and it should excessive. Is that the figures all match the
give you lots of Ideas, both as a scale. They are the same size and


weight as the previous sets and fit Sasquatch appears ready for a fight trolling anklets, a nice touch. The
perrectty with the other miniatures. with his arms outstretched and a Cockatrice Is sculpted very well.
Although you might expect that sneer on his face. Although the The wings are molded separately
without thought, you can't always scale Is good and the detail Is very and attach cleanly and easily. The
count on the same scale from good, you'll have trouble telling chicken-like rush depicted perfectly
sculptors. Count on D. Mlze. these two apart. In the end, the captures the creature's movement.
one with the white fur will be the The Barghest Is well don~ with lots
20·5ll Lone Stu Street Cops (5) Wendlgo (no matter what position of detail around the head. The fig-
byT. Meier his arms are In). ure suffers from excessive Hash,
Rating 3.0 (out of 5) however. The final piece, a Basilisk,
This set contains one comman- 20·5t3 Ghouls (4) Is highly detailed, but the figure
der and four Identical patrolmen. byD.Mize seems "settled" Into the base. The
Although that might seem like a Rating 3.5 (out of 5) casting lines on this figure were
poor set for purchase, It works out This Is a really nice set of lead. the most pronounced.
well In game play when you have a All of the figures are expressive
leader and four nameless cops for and they all show a good deal of 2G-5 15 V~plres,
support. The four cops all hold pis- animation. There are two male M.le And female (2)
tols and night sticks. The detail Is ghouls and one female ghoul. All by D. Mize
fair, as you would expect of name- three are bald, with ripped cloth- Rating 3.5 (out of 5)
less soldiers. The leader contains Ing, large teeth, and appropriate The two figures in this set are
r ~ detail and Is armed with a bases. The fourth figure, however, very mod. Their attire is terrific and
h'-..vy pistol and long coat. His Is the pick of the pack. He· s their attitudes are well presented
calm face and casual stance radi- dressed In cap and cape. At first by the look on their faces. The male
ates confidence. glance you don't even notice his Is dressed In a standard vampire
true nature, but that's probably just cape. but the clothing underneath
2G-5l2 Wendlso And the way he wants it. looks more like well-to-do corp.
Suqu.Uch (2) His haircut definitely fits that pro-
by D. Summers 20·514 Guard Animals (3) file. The female is definitely
Rating 3.0 (out of 5) by D. Summers dressed to kill with mini-skirt,
Both these figures carry a sense Rating 3.5 (out of 5) cropped top. short jacket and long
of power and bulk that best This Is the type of set that every fingerless gloves. The seam up the
describes the creatures they por- game master needs to have lots of back of her hose, however, makes
tray. The Wendlgo has Its arms magical badles to throw at the run- the outfit.
raised In challenge and the ners. All three creatures have con-
>>>>>[Looking for group of self have a we/f.-established character or Lerchenstr 18 I 4450 Llngen I GER-
starters who are willing to work hard might consider starting a new one. MANY]<<<<<
for the possibility ofgredt reward. Cell/ Duane at
Contact Mr. 1'@ LTG SEA- 614-272-0 108]<<<<< >>>>>[GENCON/ORIGINS Tourna-
145982345]<<<<< ment Information
>>>>>[Hey Crash/ Watch out for the ntle: Corporate Nightlife II
>>>>>[Hoi Ace, Hope you didn't see bog.... oops.... too late.]<<<<< Location: Milwaukee, WI
anything buggy with the biz I offered Dates: 20-23 August 1992
you and your boys at GENCON. >>>>>[Runners wanted in Houston Contact Person: Michael E. Colton I
Joker]<<<<< megap/ex area. If Interested, contact TomDowd
the Bug (AKA Austin) at I 00 IS Cdne Description: This Is It chummers/ An
>>>>>[HOI CHUMZ-HOWZ BIZ? Slow Creek, Houston. 7exas 77070, or at// offlclal FASA-sponsored Shadowrun
here. A bored decker. an unemployed (713)-376-9912. Houston Rules. tournament for GENCON/ORIGINS '92.
samurai, &. a vengeance-seeking chummerslll]<<<<< It's a 96 'runner, 16-team, four-round
Daolne mage are Itch in· to run. David event with a six 'runner team win.
Dean I 2612 24th St. W. I Bradenton I >>>>>[TO ME: Just plugging In to say Prizes include autographed editions of
FL. I 34205 I LTG 11813(755-6564) hi. Hope things are going well. ME Shadowrun II. Come and see why
Slot&. Run!]<<<<< TOO]<<<<< defending a metahumCtn orphanage
from Humanis thugs could save the
?>>>>[Hoi Margaret/ Thought you >>>>>[North Amer/Citn Shadowrun- sixth world.]<<<<<
might like this. Here it is.]<<<<< ners, looking for a European contact?
Write to this address Ifyou want to >>>>>[Big bad Boston sprawl wel-
>>>>>[Columbus, Ohio area Shad- trade experiences with German Shad- comes back the Czech woman.]<<<<<
owrunners. I am looking to join an
existing group or run a new game. I
owrunners. Frank Pith/ (AKA Silver
>>>>[Network with the best runners in the world. Dubbed "Graffiti," these Ka·ge classlfieds Citn be 200 characters or less,
and can deal with anything you want. looking for runners In your area? Seeking some arcane piece of shamanlc/hermet-
ic lore? Want to claim you're the biggest baddest Samura! c1round? Do It In Graffitti.
Fill out the form, attach yer two bucks and mail it on in here.]<<<<

Graffiti Entry Form

Personal Ad Information Form

(Please Print)
Member Name:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Network #_ _ __
Run my add In the 1st 2nd 3rd 4th quarter (circle one).
Please fill out the blocks below with one character per box.
1. This space Is for personal ads by
members only and is not to be used
for advertisement of any product or
2. All personal ads are limited to
200 characters (including spaces).
3. Ka•ge will not print any ads con-
taining foul language or slanderous
4. All ads must be accompanied
by a $2 handling fee for each quar-
ter you wish the ad to run.
5. All ads must be submlttted using
this form or a facsimile thereof. II II I
>>>>(Re-posted from the newsnet Riders ftap is a bunch of bull. There Is "There's just no stopping this girl,"
for your convenlence)««- something out there; been tearing up claims Brilliant Genesis producer Max
Qulrk(16:08:04/5/29/53) nets and even sunk a few boats. The Harley. "No one gives better Fuii-X
Council wants whatever it Is." The than Honey."
Council could not be reached for com-
ment on the accusation. (See "Coastal For the third time in as many weeks,
Questions" page 14) street mimes took to the offensive.
Marcel Ill leader of SMARJ (Street
INTERNATIONAL Mimes Against Rogues and Thieves)
LOCAL had this to say about last night's beat-
Tensions increased between the CAS ing of a would-be mime mugger, "No
and Aztlan when talks broke down The contents of a plastic container longer are mimes easy pickings for the
today. After four productive days of which showed up two days ago on thugs. Take a mime's hard earned
talks concerning the acid rain created Governor Shultz's doorstep has been nuyen and you'll find out how tough
by Aztlan border factories, Vice Minis- identified. The ashes are the remains of the silent treatment can be." (See
ter of Foreign Affairs Juan Cuatal sud- a man known on the streets as Traxx. "Mimes Speak Out" page 42)
denly announced that Aztlan was no Rumored to be a shadowrunner, Traxx
longer Interested In discussing the was wanted for questioning by lone
matter and the CAS could " ... rot In Star and Knight Errant. SPORTS
their own bile." The announcement Officials Identified the remains by a
came mere hours after It was disclosed partially intact tooth and a piece of sli- No one has claimed responsibility
that the husband of CAS Environmen- ver thought to be from a katana Traxx for Sunday's explosion during the
tal Director, Catherine Coventry, was carried. No one seems to know why Urban Brawl game between the Berlin
,....•-c;Jng. the remains ended up on Governor Backbreakers and the Renraku lnvinci-
.>information on Robert Coventry's Shultz's doorstep. bles The explosion, which resulted in a
disappearance Is available except that building collapsing. claimed the lives
he was last seen at the Coventry resi- of six players. Renraku was a last
dence yesterday morning. While the BUSINESS minute substitution for the Seattle
link between Director Coventry's hus- Screamers.
band and the talks is unclear, the coin- Universal Omnitech stock has sky- Despite the explosion, the game
cidence is difficult to ignore. rocketed 20 points since last week. was rated fifth in all-time viewer size.
At last report, both countries were When approval for testing on humans One fan described the action as,
on peak military alert. (See ~Tensions" was granted to the company by gov- "Ultra-incredible; they should blow-up
page 2) ernment agencies, there was an imme- more stuff!" (See ~ Explosion" page 35)
diate rush on the stock. Director of
Research Dr. Kristine Martin rt.acted
NATIONAL Indifferently to the news. "Sure, it's
great to have strong stock, but I'm Write to Ka·ge and let us know in 60
The Salish Shidhe council surprised more interested In setting up new test words or less what is happening in
costal fisherman when they voted to groups than playing the market." (See your shadowrun adventure. Who
suspend all costal fishing rights for two ~ B i onetics Boom " page 36) knows? You could find yourself In the
weeks. According to one council headlines.
member, ~The suspension was neces- Aztechnology has begun negotia- Send your news " Attention: Writing on
sary due to the threats of violence by tions with the Dwarven Technical Guild the Wall. "
the terrorist organization The Seven for what many Insiders believe to be
Riders. We want our citizens to be the largest outside contract Aztechnol-
safe." ogy has ever offered. Details on the
The Council claims the threats were project are almost impossible to obtain
made by The Seven Riders directly and but It may Involve orbital weapons.
privately to the Council. This is highly
1 ual since The Seven Riders are
b.,._. known for their high visibility tac- ENRRTAINMENT
A fisherman who asked not to be Honey Brighton tops the sim charts
Identified had this to say: ~That Seven for a record breaking 12th week.

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