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Policing is defined as the activities carried out by police officers in order to preserve law and order. (Collins dictionary) However,
police refers to an organized civil force for maintaining order, preventing and detecting crime, and enforcing the laws.
Origin of the Word “Police”

The word "POLICE" has originated from the Greek word POLITEIA, which means "a government of a city,"
The Romans borrowed the word modifying it to POLITIA, adopting its meaning.
It was used by the Middle- French word PORICE, which means "public order assured by the State.
“Modern usage of "police" as the "civil force responsible for maintaining public order and enforcing the law" came only into
recorded use in the English language in 1798 when the Marine Police was established to protect merchant shipping on the River
Thames in London.
POLICE- a body of armed men, which as an institution, can exercise its duties by armed physical forces to preserve peace and
order, detection of crime, and the execution of laws.
Police is a branch of the criminal justice system (1.law enforcements, 2.prosecution, 3.courts, 4. correction, 5.community) that has
the specific responsibility of maintaining law and order and combating crime within the society.

 Initiator of the criminal justice

 First line of defense against crime and criminality
 Agents authorized to use coercion(persuading by using force) and legal means to affect public order
 Empowered to exercise police power of the state(the right to protect the country from threats to public health and safety)
 Enforce the laws and decrees

- A group of persons working together for a common goal or objectives.
- A form of human association for the attainment of a goal or objective.
A group of trained personnel in the field of public safety administration engaged in the achievement of goals and objectives that
promotes the maintenance of peace and order, protection of life and property, enforcement of the laws and the prevention of crimes.
Police organization and administration refers to the arrangement and utilization of total resources of personnel and material in
such a way as to make easier and to expedite the efficient, effective, economical and harmonious manner.

It is a system of rules that a particular country or community recognizes as regulating the actions of its members and may enforce
by the imposition of penalties.
Means to compel obedience to a law, regulation or command.
Pertains to an organization responsible for enforcing the laws.
The collective term for professionals who are dedicated to upholding and enforcing the laws and statutes that are currently in force
in a given jurisdiction.
An organizational process concerned with the implementation of objectives and plans and internal operating efficiency.

1. The Continental Theory. In this theory, police officers are considered servants of the higher authorities, and the people have
little or no share at all in their duties, nor any direct connection with them. This theory prevails among continental countries like
France, Italy, and Spain, where governmental structure follows the centralized pattern.
2. The Home Rule Theory. Policemen are considered servants of the Community, who depend on the effectiveness of their
functions upon the express wishes of the people. In this theory, policemen are civil employees whose primary duty is to preserve
public peace and security.
This is practiced in England and in the United States of America, where the governmental structure is a decentralized pattern.
1. Old Concept. In this concept, the police are looked upon as merely repressive machinery. This means that placing more
people in jail rather than keeping them out of jail. Punishment is the only instrument of crime control, and the yardstick of
police efficiency is more on the arrest.
2. Modern Concept. This concept considers the police service as an organ of crime prevention. Its activities include certain
aspects of social services and have for its objectives the welfare of the individual and society. The yardstick of police
efficiency is the absence of crime.
1. To make sure there is an order in the Community;
2. To protect the lives and limbs of every member of the Community;
3. To protect the properties of the citizenry; and
4. To render appropriate assistance to other government offices concerned

The systematic arrangement of the relationship of the members, positions, departments and functions or work of the organization.
An illustration in the form of a chart which represents the organizational structure.
Mechanical means of depicting the organizational structure.
1. Line Organization
-The straight line organization often called the individual, military or departmental type of organization.
-Simplest and perhaps the oldest type; but it is seldom
encountered in its channels of authority and responsibility
-Direct line from top to bottom within the structures
Authority is definite and absolute.

2. Functional Organization
-Rarely found in present day organization, except at
or near the top of the very large organizations
-Organized on a functional basis violate the prime rule that
men perform the best when they have but one superior.
-The functional responsibility of each “functional manager” is limited
to the particular activity over which he has control.

3. Line and Staff Organization

-The line and staff organization is a combination of the
line and functional types.
-It combines staff specialist such as the criminalist, the training
officers, the research and development specialist.
-Channels of responsibility is to “think and provide expertise”
for the lie units.
-The line supervisor must remember that he obtains advice
from the staff specialists.
1. Crime Prevention. It is directed at the elimination or reduction of the desire to commit a crime. Crime prevention must be
coordinated very closely with other agencies such as the criminal justice system or other sectors of society.
2. Crime Control. Refers to the control or neutralization of criminal activity. The key to crime control is proper enforcement
of the Revised Penal Code and Special Penal Laws governing criminal acts.
3. Regulations or Control of Non-Criminal Conduct. Done by enforcing rules and regulations and ordinances all aimed at
achieving a desired uniform standard of activity among members of society.
 Functions that carry out the major purposes of the organization, delivering the services and dealing directly with the public.
 These refer to activities such as patrol work, traffic control/management, criminal investigation, and juvenile and vice
control. Sometimes, intelligence is classified as a line function. The accomplishment of these primary tasks should
achieve the police objectives.
 Functions that are designed to support the line functions and assist in the performance of the line functions.
 These include personnel, intelligence, inspection, planning activities, budgeting, training, and public relations. These tasks
should assist and effectively support the primary and secondary police tasks in attaining police objectives.
 Functions involving the logistical operations of the organization.
 These take charge of transportation, communication, property supply, records, laboratory, jail or custody maintenance, and
identification. These tasks shall assist and effectively support the primary tasks in the accomplishment of the police
 Those that perform primary or line functions.
 Examples are patrol, traffic, investigation and vice control.
 Those that perform the administrative functions.
 Examples are personnel, finance, planning and training.
 Those that perform auxiliary functions.
 Examples are communication, records management.


1) UNITY OF COMMAND -dictates that there should only be ONE MAN commanding the unit to ensure uniformity in the execution
of orders.
2) SPAN OF CONTROL -the ability of one man to direct, coordinate, and control immediate subordinates.
3) DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY -conferring of certain specified authority by a superior to a subordinate.


1) AUTHORITY- is the right to command and control the behavior of the employees in lower positions within an organizational
2) HIERARCHY OF AUTHORITY -the relationship between superiors and subordinates. It can be visualized as a ladder, with each
rung (or rank) representing a higher or lower level of authority.
3) SPECIALIZATION -the assignment of particular personnel to particular tasks which are highly technical and require special skills
and training.
4) CHAIN OF COMMAND -the arrangement of officers from top to bottom on the basis of rank or position and authority.
5) COMMAND RESPONSIBILITY -dictates that immediate commanders shall be responsible for the effective supervision and
control of their personnel and unit.
6) FORMAL COMMUNICATIONS- process of sharing, understanding an information on common subjects.


Organizations are either formal or informal:

Formal organizations- are highly structured
Informal organizations are those without structures
a. Principle of Unity of Objectives- an organization is effective if it enables the individuals to contribute to the organization’s
b. Principle of Organizational Efficiency- organization structure is effective if it is structured in such a way to aid the
accomplishment of the organization’s objectives with a minimum cost.
c. Scalar Principle- shows the vertical hierarchy of the organization which defines an unbroken chain of units from top to bottom
describing explicitly the flow of authority.
The scalar principles are:
a. Line of authority and chain of command- this principles of organization suggest that communications should ordinarily
go upward through established channels in the hierarchy.
b. Span of Control of a supervisor over personnel or units shall not mean more than what he can effectively direct and
coordinate. In span of control, levels of authority shall be kept to minimum.
c. Delegation of authority- shall carry with it a commensurate authority and the person to whom the authority is delegated
shall be held accountable therefore. It implies that delegation must carry with it appropriate responsibility.
d. The unity of command- explains that subordinates should only be under the control of one superior.
d. Functional principle- refers to division of work according to type, place, time and specialization.
e. Line and Staff- implies that a system of varied functions arrange into a workable pattern. The line organization is responsible for
the direct accomplishment of the objectives while the staff is responsible for support, advisory or facilitative capacity.
f. Principle of Balance- states that the application of principles must be balanced to ensure the effectiveness of the structure in
meeting organization’s objectives.
g. Principle of Delegation by Results- states that authority delegated should be adequate to ensure the ability to accomplish
expected results.
h. Principles of Absoluteness of Responsibility- explains that the responsibility of the subordinates to their superior for the
performance is absolute and the superior cannot escape responsibility for the organization on activities performed by their
i. Principle of Parity and Responsibility- responsibility for action cannot be greater than that implied by the authority delegated
nor should it be less.
j. Authority Level Principle- implies that decisions within the authority of the individual commander should be made by them and
not be returned upward in the organizational structure.
k. Principle of Flexibility- means that the more flexible the organization, the more it can fulfill its purpose.

1. Bureau- the largest organic functional unit within a large department. It comprises of numbers of divisions.
2. Division- a primary subdivision of a bureau.
3. Section- functional unit within a division that is necessary for specialization.
4. Unit- functional group within a section; or the smallest functional group within an organization.
1. Post- fixed point or location to which an officer is assigned for duty, such as a designated desk or office or an intersection
or cross walk from traffic duty. It is a spot location for general guard duty.
2. Route- a length of streets designated for patrol purposes. It is also called LINE BEAT.
3. Beat- an area assigned for patrol purposes, whether foot or motorized.
4. Sector- an area containing two or more beats, routes, or post.
5. District- a geographical subdivision of a city for patrol purposes, usually with its own station.
6. Area- a section or territorial division of a large city each comprised of designated districts.

1. Division of Work. According to some logical plan, it is an apportioning of works or tasks among the various units or groups.
2. Delineation of Responsibility. It refers to the lines of authority, and responsibility should be made as definite and direct as
possible so that responsibility may properly be fixed and duplication avoided.
3. Integration and Coordination. It is the efforts of the different units that must be coordinated and integrated to accomplish
harmonious progress towards the primary objectives of the office.
4. Command Responsibility. It means the commander is directly responsible for any act or omission of his subordinates
concerning the performance of their official duties.
5. Principle of Hierarchy. It requires that a higher level supervises each lower level in the organization.
6. Police Administration. It refers to the police organization's direction or a part of it. Thus, and the use of its resources in such a
manner to carry out its functions efficiently. It is the general managing and organizing that occurs at the highest levels of an
7. Police Management. It is an act, art, or manner of administering, controlling or conducting a police unit or organization. The
second component within the administration deals with the administrators, middle managers, and supervisors' processes to give
an organization direction and influence people to work toward organizational goals. Management consists of activities that are
designed to induce cooperation and facilitate work. Situational necessity often determines what tools the managers will use and
how they will use them.

Role of the Police Administrators (POSDCORB by Martin Luther Gulick)

1. Planning. The process of combining all aspects of the public safety activity and the realistic anticipation of future
problems, the analysis of strategy, and the correlation of strategy to detail. It is the process of determining what is to be
accomplished (goals) and how it is to be accomplished..
2. Organizing. A process is done in structuring a workgroup into components to establish workable channels of intra- group
communication in the performance of an assigned task or tasks. The application of organizational principles in
determining the department's formal organizations, including chain of command, job specialization, and how various units
are coordinated. In other words, organizing include structuring and staffing, or placing people in the department, and
facilitates their working relationships and goal attainment, determining what and how many units need to exist, which must
be carefully considered to be efficient as possible. It is the size of the department, bureau, division, section, or unit that
determines the importance of the organization.
3. Staffing. It refers to the bringing in and out of personnel), training, and maintaining the staff in the favourable conditions of
work. It also includes filling in the organization with the right people in the right job. This personnel function focuses. On
recruitment, training, placement, and police uniform and non-uniform personnel promotion. 4. Directing. It refers to order,
commanding, instructing, and superintending the subordinates. This role provides direction to employees in terms of
policies and orders. 9.5.
4. Coordinating. It refers to the Process of communicating and harmonizing activities with other units, including in some
cases, agencies outside the police department, and also interrelating the numerous component units within the
organization to ensure goal accomplishment. 3.6.
5. Reporting. Keeping the superior informed of what is going on in the organization includes keeping himself and his
subordinates informed through records, research, and inspections. It may be in the form of verbal and written directives,
records, and inspections..
6. Budgeting. It is the process of fiscal planning, accounting, and control to ensure the department has the resources
necessary to pursue goals and objectives


Management pertains to the utilization of available resources in an organization to achieve its organizational objectives.

Management Process:

1. Planning- the process of setting performance objectives and identifying the actions needed to accomplish them.
2. Organizing- the process of dividing the work to be done and coordinating results to achieve a desire purpose.
3. Leading- is the process of directing and coordinating the work efforts of other people to help them accomplish
importance task.
4. Controlling- the process of monitoring performance, comparing results to objectives and taking corrective action as

Elements of Management

Authority- the right to command and control the behaviour of employees in lower positions within an organizational hierarchy.

A particular position within the organization carries the same regardless of who occupies that position.

Refers to the legitimate right to lead and influence people.

Sources of Management Authority:

1. Law
2. Tradition
3. Delegation
Responsibility- means that the management shall be held accountable for whatever result that may arise in the
exercise of authority. Thus, responsibility limits the exercise of one’s authority.
Command Responsibility- the doctrine that imposes commensurate accountability to one who is vested with
management and leadership functions.


Timeline of the Development of Policing in the International Setting

Primitive Policing

Policing during the prehistoric period can be traced back to the cave dwellers whom represent the beginning of law and law
enforcement. The crimes committed by individuals were handled by the victim or victims of family. The philosophy of justice was
retaliatory (desire for revenge) that the offender must be punished. The punishments during ancient period were harsh and barbaric
for the serious offenses; punishment includes death penalty carried out by beheading, hanging, drowning, crucifixion, banishment,
social degradation, slavery and many more.

Ancient Law Enforcement

1. The Sumerian
- The earliest record of ancient people’s need to standardize rules and methods of enforcement to control human behaviour
dates back to approximately 2300 B.C, when the Sumerian rulers Lipithstar and Eshumma(1st law enforcer) set standards
on what constituted an offense against society.
2. The Babylonians
- Code of King Hammurabi (2100 B.C), Babylonian King, established rules for his kingdom that designated not only offenses
but punishment as well.
- Lex Taliones (Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth doctrine) LAW OF RETRIBUTION -revenge
- – Code of Hammurabi, the principle of the code was that “the strong shall not injure the weak”.

3. Ancient Egypt
- The early Egyptians established laws and courts and a rudimentary (limited to basic principles) rule of law. The first accounts
of a developing court system originated in Egypt in approximately 1500 B.C. The court system was presided by judges who
were appointed by the Pharaoh. They later organized marine patrols and customhouses to protect commerce.

4. Ancient Greece
- Ephori is the Greeks impressive law enforcement. Each year at Sparta, a body of Ephors was elected and given almost
unlimited powers as investigators, judge, jury and executioner. These five men also presided over the Senate and Assembly,
assuring that their rules and decrees were followed.
- Greek philosopher Plato, who lived from 427 A.D to 347 BC, was the idea that punishment should serve the purpose rather
that simple retaliation.

5. Ancient Rome

- The first written law of the Roman Empire was the 12 Tabulae (12 tables). It deals with legal procedures, property ownership,
building codes, marriage customs and punishment for crimes.
- During the reign of Emperor Augustus, he created the Praetorian Guard, which consisted of about 7000 men/soldiers to
protect the palace and the City of Rome, together with the Urban Cohorts to guard the city. He also created the so-called
Vigiles who were assigned as firefighters and eventually given the law enforcement responsibilities. As the first civilian
police force the VIGILES sometimes kept the peace very ruthlessly, hence the word vigilantes.
- Justinian I, ruler of Eastern Roman Empire (A.D 527 to 265 B.C) who collected all Roman Laws and put it into his Justinian
Code - they became known as the Corpus Juris Civilis that means Body of Law.

The Early Policing Systems

A. Anglo Saxon (Ancient England) Period (600-1066 A.D)

1. Thanes Policing System

 It was introduced by King Alfred the Great
 A type of internal police force where landowners throughout the kingdom were responsible to police their own
 Landowners were empowered to arrest offenders and deliver them to the King.
 The landowners were also empowered to settle civil litigations (2 or more parties are involved in legal disagreements
involves seeking money or action but not crime accusations.

2. Frankpledge Policing System (Alfred the great)

 This policing system was carried out under a system of mutual pledge (community self-responsibility in which to
help their neighbors communities are devided into ten-family groups called TITHINGS)
 Every male over twelve (12) years old joined nine (9) of his neighbors to form Tythingmen.
 Said tythingmen performed police works and anyone who failed to join and perform this duty was severely fined.
 Policing responsibility lies on the hands of the citizens.
3. Tun Policing System
 Tun was the forerunner of the word “town”
 This policing system required all male residents to guard the town to preserve peace and order, protect the life and
property of the people and suppress other factors affecting peace and order.

4. Hue and Cry Policing System

 Complainant or victim will go to the middle of the community and shout to call all male residents to assemble.
 Once heard, male residents will automatically assemble to go after the criminal and apprehend him.
 Citizens were expected to raise an alarm, or hue and cry, to gather the members of the tithing and to pursue and
capture the criminal. All citizens were obliged to pursue wrongdoers; those who refused were subject to punishment.
If there were no witnesses to the crime, efforts to identify the criminal after the fact were the responsibility of the
victim alone; no governmental agency existed for the investigation and solution of crimes

5. Royal Judge System

 The Royal Judge conducts criminal investigation and gives appropriate punishment for the crime committed.
 It started the identification of criminals.

6. Trial by Ordeal
 A system of determining guilt and innocence in the ancient times, which was based on painful test of skills. It is
usually accompanied by harsh punishment. For instance, suspects were required to place their hands in boiling oil
or water. When not hurt, suspect should be acquitted, when hurt it indicated guilt and the suspect placed under

B. Normal Period (1066-1285)

1. Shire – Reeve System

 It was observed during the time when King William Norman became the ruler of England.
 King Norman divided the kingdom into 55 military districts known as Shire-Reeves.
 Shire – used to refer to a district
 Reeve – used to refer to the ruler of the district who made laws, rendered judgment, and imposed penalties.

2. Court of the Tourn

 It settles a range of cases, more often dealing with petty offenses (one maybe tried at a common law w/o a jury or
for which there is no constitutional rights) and civil matter ( not about breaking law usually involve suing about
money in disputes over things like contracts ,damage to property or someone getting hurt) .
 From the Court, 12 tythingmen were selected to hear serious cases.

3. Court Leet

 To handle local legal matters in some, but all, communities, the Normans established the Court Leet which looked
after matters of purely local interest and petty village nuisances.
 The head of the court was appointed by the King to be “Master of the House”.
 The Comes Stable was also appointed by the King to be responsible in keeping peace and order in a specific
area. This appointee was, however, under the responsibility of local officials who could petition to remove him if
he did not perform his job properly.
 Comes Stable became Constable which is used today to refer to members of the police force.
4. Legis Henrie

 This law was passed during the time of King Henry I which imposed the following features:
 Law violations were classified as offenses against the King.
 Policemen were considered as public officials
 The police and the citizens were given the power to conduct arrest
 Grand Jury was created to inquire on the facts of the law.

5. Keepers of the Peace

 It was issued by King Richard of England in 1195.

 It requires the appointment of knights to keep the King’s peace.
 The knights were posted on bridges and gates to check the people entering and leaving the town or cities.

6. Magna Carta (Great Charter)

• It was sealed by King John of England on June 15, 1215 which became a law upon the demand of the Knights of
the Round Table.
• It declared the following:
a. No freemen shall be taken or imprisoned, disposed, outlawed, or bowed except by legal judgment of his
b. No person should be tried for murder unless there is proof of the body of the victim.
c. There should be tried for murder unless there is proof of the body of the victim.
d. There should be national and local government as well as the national and local legislation.

C. Westminster Period (1285-1500)

1. Statute of Winchester (1285)

 It was enacted for law and order and it was codified the system of social obligation

This law introduced the Watch and Ward system the “watch-and-ward” system (the night watch) and for providing security for
traveling justices. The primary purpose of the watch and ward was to guard the city gates at night. The duties of watchmen were
later expanded to include lighting streetlamps, calling time, watching for fires, and reporting other conditions. Yet, despite the addition
of constables, the investigation and prosecution of crimes remained a private matter to be handled by the victims.

2. Statute of 1295
 It began the closing of the gates of London during sunset.
 This started the observation of the curfew hours.
3. Justice of the Peace
 This was a position given to a respected citizen, who has the power to arrest, pursue and imprison offenders.
4. Star Chamber Court
 This was established as a special court that tried offenders against the state.
 Later on, it became both a court of law to determine civil rights and a court of revenue to enrich treasury.( Civil rights
are essential component of democracy equal social opportunities and protection under the law. Regardless of race,
religion and it consist of right to vote, fair trial ,fair services and public education)

D. Modern Period

1. Night Watchmen or Bellmen

 It was created by virtue of a law passed by King Charles II on 1663
 They were employed to be on duty from sunset to sunrise.

2. Bow Street Runners (Thief Catchers)

 It was organized by Henry Fielding, Chief Magistrate of Bow Street in London in 1748.
 Later on, he formed the Bow Street Horse Patrol whose duty was to patrol the main roads thus secure the travellers
from highway bandits.

3. London Metropolitan Police

 It was established by Sir Robert Peel in 1829 which became the world’s first modern organized police force.
 It was later called Scotland Yard

This period came to the limelight when a bill creating the Scotland Yard was passed by the parliament of England. It was
sponsored and expanded by Sir Robert Peel who was made to be the first head of the police organization. He was referred as
the Father Of Modern Policing System due to his contributions in the modernization of the police force. The following are the
principles were considered in organizing and administering the Scotland Yard known as the Peels Principles:

1. Stable and effective police force should be under government control.

2. Absence of crime is the best proof of efficiency.
3. Fast distribution of news to the people is essential.
4. Proper distribution of personnel according to shift and by hour.
5. The best qualification of peace officers is control of temper.
6. Proper selection and training is the basis of efficiency.
7. Police cannot function properly without wholehearted support of the people.
8. Every police must sell himself to the people.
9. Police officers must go out to their way to help or assist the people.

E. French Police System

1. During the 17th century, King Louis XIV maintained a small central police organization consisting of some 40 inspectors
who, with the help of numerous paid informants, supplied the government with details about the conduct of private

2. Officers de Paix (1791)

• It was the origin of the term peace officers.

3. Sergeant de Ville (Servant of the City)

• These were called the first uniformed police officers.

4. Other contributions:
• Conceiving street signs
• Assigning house numbers
• Installing street lighting
• Creating emergency and rescue services
• Use of police ambulances
• Use of warrant card and ID Signifying authority to arrest.

F. American Police System

A. Rattlewatch
 It was organized in New York, Philadephia and Boston which was similar to the night watchmen in London created
during the reign of King Charles II.
 They carried rattles while on duty to inform the public of their watchful presence.

B. Municipal Police Force

a. Night watch (1638) – Boston, Massachusetts
b. Rattlewatch (1658) – New York
c. Night watch (1700) – Philadelphia
d. Introduction of police regulation that “No watchman has the liberty to sleep” (1722) – New Haven, Connecticut
e. It became a government policy that able-bodied males over 16 years old were required to serve without pay (1800).
f. Daytime police with pay (1833)
g. Full police uniform (1856) – New York City

C. State Police Force

a. Texas Rangers (1835)
b. State Constables (1865) –Massachusetts
c. Pennsylvania State Police (1905)

D. Federal Police Force

a. Post Office Inspection System (1829)
b. Investigation on Crimes against the government (1861)
c. Detective forces (1868) were formed to investigate problems on revenue services, immigration and smuggling.
d. In 1934, Federal government attention focused on lotteries, drug regulations, and transportation guidelines.
e. Enactment of the Anti-White Slavery Act and Motor Vehicle Act (1910)
f. In 1934, National Kidnapping Act, Banking Act, and Racketeering Act were passed by the United States Congress.

Evolution of the Philippine Policing System

Prior the Spanish regime, Philippines has already a policing system. The Headman or whoever the head of the tribe is the
one who performs all the jobs of the offices of what we call now the chief of police, prosecutor, and judge and jail warden.

A. Spanish Period
 The police force was considered as part of the military system by the Spanish government.
 The locally organized police forces, although performing civil duties and seemingly created for the sole purpose of
maintaining peace, were in fact directly commanded by the colonial military government.
 Police functions during the Spanish Regime consisted mainly in,
 The suppression of brigandage by patrolling unsettled areas
 Enforcement of tax collection, including church revenues
 Looking into the work and movement of the people

Organized Police forces during Spanish Regime:

1. Carabineros de Seguridad Publico (Mounted Police) – 1712

 It was organized for the purpose of carrying out the policies of the Spanish government.
 It was given the special commission as custodian of the tobacco monopoly.
 It was later known as Cuerpo de Carabineros de Seguridad Publica by virtue of a Royal Decree on December 20,
1842. Its duties became police-like and more general including the prosecution of law breakers, maintenance of
peace, order, and security and the vigilance on the execution of laws and ordinances of good government.
 It was subsequently given limited power to discharge specific duties as port, harbour and river police.

2. Guardrilleros (January 8, 1836)

 A body of rural police organized in each town which composed of 5% of the able-bodied male inhabitants of each
town or province, enlisted to serve for 3 years
 The duties of this local police were
 To make patrol and carry mails at times
 To guard dark and unsafe places
 To guard the tribunal and prison houses

3. Guadia Civil (February 12, 1852)

 It partially relieved the Spanish Peninsula Troops of their works in policing towns.
 It consisted of a body of Filipino policemen organized originally in each of the provincial capitals of the central
provinces of Luzon under the Alcalde (Governor).


1. Insular Police Force (November 30, 1890)

 It was established during the Filipino – American war (1898-1901) upon the recommendation of the Philippine
Commission to the Secretary of War.
2. Insular Constabulary (July 18, 1901)
 It was created by virtue of Act No. 175 otherwise known as “An act Providing for the Organization and Government
of an Insular Constabulary”
 The members were declared peace officers and were authorized and empowered to prevent and suppress
brigandage, unlawful assemblies, riots, insurrections and other breaches of the peace and violations of law.
 They were empowered to make arrests upon reasonable suspicion without warrant for breaches of the peace or
other violations of the law, and were also empowered and required to execute any lawful warrant or order of arrest
issued against any person or persons for any violation of the law to issue a warrant. Prisoners, with or without
warrant, shall in all cases, within 24 hours if reasonably practicable, be brought before a Judge of Justice of the
Peace having jurisdiction over the offense, for examination and release after bail, if the offense is bailable.
 When in pursuit of criminals the Provincial Inspection of one province in charge of Insular Constabulary is authorized
to continue the pursuit beyond the borders of the province in which he has ordinary jurisdiction and arrest the

3. Manila Police Department (MPD) – July 31, 1901

 It was organized by virtue of Act No. 183 of the Philippine Commission.
 Capt. George Curry – He is a U.S Army officer appointed by the TAFT Commission on August 7, 1901 as the first
Chief of Police.
 Capt. Columbus Piatt – The last American Chief of Police (COP) of MPD before World War II broke out.
 Col. Antonio C. Torres – The first Filipino COP when MPD became an all Filipino police organization; declared
Manila as an open city when World War II broke out in 1941; during the World War II, MPD was placed again under
the American control.
 Col. Marcus Ellis Jones – He is a U.S Provost Marshall who was named as MPD Chief of Police just after the
Manila Liberation
 Col. Lamberto T. Javalera – The first Filipino COP of MPD appointed by Pres. Roxas under the Republic

4. Philippine Constabulary (October 3, 1901)

 Insular Constabulary was changed to Philippine Constabulary by virtue of Act No 255.
 Capt. Henry T. Allen – The first Chief of the Philippine Constabulary from 1901-1907 such that he was called as
the Father of Constabulary in the Philippines.
 It was mostly manned by Filipinos but officers were mostly Americans.
 Based on Revised Administrative Code of 1917, specifically Section 825, it stated that the Philippine Constabulary
is a national police institution for preserving the peace, keeping order and enforcing the law.
 Brig/Gen. Rafael Crame – The first Filipino Chief of Police and He served as the PC Chief from year 1917-1927.


1. Kempeitai
 It is a Japanese Military Police held responsible in maintaining peace and order in Manila and adjacent urban areas.
 It ruled the urban areas until General Douglas McArthur returned on February 7, 1945.
 The Kempeitai was the military police force administered by the Japanese War Ministry during WWII over the
Occupied Territories of Japan. Specially trained in interrogation methods, its task was to crush all resistance to
military rule and it had powers to arrest and extract information from civilians and military alike.

Methods of Interrogation

Those arrested by the Kempeitai were presumed guilty and had little option for receiving civilian help and no appeal for clemency
(mercy). Should they be released from one Kempeitai branch, they could be re-arrested by another soon after. The Kempeitai
officer was police investigator, prosecutor, judge, jury and executioner. Often, long quiet sessions of interrogation would be used
as long as the Kempeitai received the required answers. If these were not forthcoming, the Kempeitai would use various brutal
methods of interrogation to extract a confession of guilt. Tortures (inflicting severe pain or suffering) were executed to the limit of
human endurance or to the point of death with survivors attesting to these various methods.

a. Water torture
 The victim was tied up and laid flat on the ground. Water was forced through the mouth and nose until the
victim's stomach became distended (bloated), after which the interrogators would jump on the victim's stomach
to force out the water, until the victim lost consciousness.

b. Burning and electric shocks

 'Live' electric wires, candles, lighted cigarettes, boiling oil or water were applied to sensitive parts of the victim's

c. Breaking fingers
 Sticks were placed between the victim's fingers and squeezed, fracturing the bones.

d. Tearing out fingernails and toenails

 Toothpicks were inserted under the nails before they were torn out by pliers.

e. Eardrum piercing:
 The sharp ends of pencils were inserted into the victim's ears until they pierced the victim's eardrums.
f. Body suspension
 The victim's body was suspended by the wrists or neck or hung upside down by the legs. Interrogators would
then pull the victim's limbs from their sockets.

2. Metropolitan Constabulary
 It was under the Bureau of Constabulary
 It was formerly known as Manila Police during the American Occupation.


Republic Act No. 4864 (September 18, 1966)

• Otherwise known as the Police Act of 1966, created the Police Commission (POLCOM) as a supervisory agency to
oversee the

Presidential Decree No. 421 (1974)

• Integrated the city/municipal police force, the jail and fire departments within the greater Manila area headed by the
Commanding General, Philippine Constabulary Metropolitan Command (PC Metrocom)

Presidential Decree No. 765 (August 8, 1975)

 PD 765 is otherwise known as the Integration Law 1976

 The first to occupy the position as chief, Philippine Constabulary/Director General, Integrated National Police is Fidel Valdez

Presidential Decree No. 1184 (August 26, 1977)

It is otherwise known as “The Integrated National Police Personnel

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