What is Shigella? What is the treatment for shigellosis?
Shigella is a bacterium that causes an illness called shigellosis. Most symptoms will go away on their own in a few days (5-7
The illness affects the stomach and intestines. days). If symptoms persist or are severe, see your health
care provider. Treatment with antibiotics can reduce the
amount of time that a person is able to spread the disease.
How do I get shigellosis?
How do I prevent shigellosis?
People must ingest (swallow or eat) the Shigella bacteria to
become infected. Shigella bacteria is usually spread through ■ Wash your hands before preparing food or handling
the following: dishes or baby toys.
■ Always wash your hands after using the restroom. You
■ People who are infected with Shigella will have the can have and spread the bacteria even if you do not
bacteria in their feces (stools). If people do not properly have any symptoms
wash their hands after using the restroom or changing ■ Always wash your hands and the child’s hands after
diapers, and then handle food others will eat or objects diapering or helping with toilet training.
people will put in their mouths (e.g., toys), they can ■ Avoid swallowing water from pools, lakes or untreated
spread the bacteria to other people. water sources .
■ Some people may carry and spread the
■ Shigella bacteria without ever having symptoms. An
infected person can spread the bacteria for as long as
four weeks.
■ Shigella is not spread from one person to another by
coughing or sneezing, sharing drinks, hugging or kissing.
■ It is the responsibility of the local health department to Persons infected with Shigella could have the bacteria
investigate in their feces (stool) even if they are not having
■ Shigella in the community. The health department keeps symptoms. If other people ingest this bacteria, they can
track of how many people are getting the disease and become sick as well. If you think you have Shigella:
works to limit the number of people exposed.
■ The health department investigates outbreaks of Shigella ■ Do not prepare food for others.
in an attempt to identify the source of illness and to ■ If your job involves handling food, working with
prevent further spread of the disease. children or if you work in healthcare, do not go to
■ The health department works with people whose jobs work and see your health care provider.
involve handling food, working in child care, or working ■ Children who might have Shigella must not go to
in health care to determine when it is safe for them to child care settings (especially if they have diarrhea)
resume their normal job duties. The health department and should see a health care provider.
also works to determine when it is safe for children who
have Shigella to return to child care.