Ceilings, streets
Orange, black,
white, grey, etc…
Forests, schools
Midrib runs top to bottom of leaf, veins distribute water, leaves make food from CO2
= photosynthesis
Preview the listening
A. Vocabulary
1. hide
→ a. go to a place where no one can see them
2. warning
→ b. a call that means danger
3. poison
→ a. something that is dangerous to touch or eat
4. skin
→ a. outer covering of your body
5. wings
→ b. body parts used to fly
6. survive
→ a. stay alive
7. predators
→ b. animals that kill and eat other animals
8. insects
→ a. an animal like an ant or a bee
C. Preview
1. Look at photos 1 and 2. Why is it difficult to see the animals in these photos?
Because these animals have colors of their bodies similar with the environments
around them.
2. Look at photo 3. Is it easy or difficult to see the frog?
Yes, it is easy to see the frog. It has the color blue and we can easily realize it.
3. Why do you think the animals have these colors?
The animals in pictures 1 and 2 have these colors to camouflage them from predators
to keep them safe. The frog have the color blue in picture 3 is an alert that it is
B. Listen and take notes
A false-leaf katydid: it camouflages by make its wings look like leaves, got name
from sound.
Cryptic frog: it takes colors from environment.
Blue poison dart frog: give a warning by blue color, dangerous, poisonous, eat it →
C. Complete the chart with the words in the box
Discussion questions
1. What does the word camouflage mean?
The word “Camouflage” means coloring that helps an animal blend into its
2. Why do animals use camouflage? Give an example from the Listening or from
your own experience.
Animals use camouflage to hide themselves from predators to stay safe or to alert
other animals that they are poisonous. For instance, the chameleon can change their
skin to match their surroundings. This helps them blend in trees, leaves or anything
in their environment.
3. How does the poison dart frog use color? How is it different from the cryptic frog?
The poison dart frog uses color to warn other animals that they’re poisonous and
dangerous. Don’t eat it or they will die! The difference between crytic frog and dart
frog is cryptic frog use colors to hide and blend in the surroundings, whereas the
poison dart frog uses bright colors to warn that it’s poisonous and don’t come close
to it.
2. Most large predators, like lions, are not brightly colored. Why do you think this is
Large predators are not brightly colored so their prey can’t see them and they can
easily hunt their prey.
3. What are some ways people use color as camouflage or as a sign of danger?
Soldiers in Vietnam wear green clothes to camouflage. In the past, they used
branches of trees to hide from enemies in many wars. On the streets, there are many
signs that have yellow and black colors. They are signs of danger for us to pay
Listening skill
Circle the cause in each statement and underline the effect.
Hello again, nature lovers! Today we're going to talk about the Australian bowerbird-
a very unusual bird! Male bowerbirds build something called a bower. As you can
see in the picture, a bower looks almost like a little house.
Now here's the part that is so surprising. The male bird builds the bower, and then
he decorates the area around it. He gets flowers, little stones, pieces of glass or
plastic, and many other little things and puts them around the bower. He is trying to
make the bower look nice.
One kind of bowerbird, called the satin bowerbird, loves the color blue. You can see
in this picture how this satin bowerbird decorated his bower with a lot of blue things.
This bird doesn't like red. If you put something red in his bower, he takes it away.
Bowerbirds often steal things for their bowers from other birds or even from people.
The bower is not a nest. This means that it is not the place where the female bird lays
her eggs. The female bowerbird builds a nest in a tree where predators can't find it
Stand out
Blend in
Part 2:
MC: Now, Olga Perez is going to tell us about the work of the Austrian architect
Friedensreich Hundertwasser.
Olga Perez: Thanks. Well, Kuma and Hundertwasser are very different. Kuma's
buildings blend in with what's around them, but Hundertwasser's stand out-they
almost shout, "Look at me!" His buildings are full of bright colors. But
Hundertwasser also believed that architecture should relate to nature. He said,
"Everything under thesky belongs to nature." Hundertwasser used natural shapes in
his buildings. In fact, he used very few straight lines. He said, "There are no straight
lines in nature." For example, look at the picture of Hundertwasserhaus in Vienna,
Austria. You can see the many bright colors. Notice also that lines are not straight.
The building also has grass and trees growing on the roof. For Hundertwasser, the
usual city apartment buildings, all made with straight lines and all the same color,
looked like prisons. He described the people who lived in the buildings as "gray
people"-all the same boring color. Hundertwasser believed that everyone who lived
in a building should be able to say, "I live here, and I am different from everyone
Olga P.: Of course. Here's an example. He thought that each person should be able
to reach out a window and paint their part of the wall a different color. Now that's a
pretty unusual idea!
MC: Today we're doing a panel presentation on the uses of color in architecture.
First, panel members are going to speak about the work of different architects and
how they use color in their work. Our first speaker is Michio Osawa, and he's going
to talk about the work of the Japanese architect Kengo Kuma.
Michio Osawa: When Kuma first started working as an architect, he thought that
concrete was the only building material. At that time, he worked mostly in Tokyo.
His buildings were the usual gray of a lot of urban architecture today.
Now he often works in the country. He wants his buildings to blend in with the
environment, not stand out. He prefers natural materials, for example, wood,
bamboo, earth, and even paper. The colors of these materials match the colors of the
surroundings. You can see this in this photo of Kuma's Great Bamboo Wall House
near Beijing in China. The colors of the house are brown, green, and gray. With these
colors, the house looks like it is part of the mountain. Kuma advises architects to go
to the site of the building when they are making the plans. For him, it's all about
fitting the building into the place.
1. Which house do you prefer the Great Bamboo wall or Hundertwasser Hoase?
I like Hundertwasser House because it is durable for us to stay a long time. The Great
Bamboo Wall House is made from bamboo 100% and it can be destroyed by natural
disasters easier than Hundertwasser House. As you can see, the Bamboo House has
everything fran bamboo live roof, wall, floor, etc and when it rains or snows, for
example, we have to suffer this. So I think Hundertwasser House is more suitable
for me.
2. What colors are popular for houses where you live? Are there many different
colors of are they mostly the same?
Colors are popular where I live are white and blue. I can see most of the houses in
my area have the two colors like this but there are some exception's such as green.
3. What does your dream house look like?
My dream house is a cozy, modern home with large windows that let in lots of natural
light. It has an open floor plan with a spacious living room, a sleek kitchen, and a
comfortable bedroom. The walls are painted in soft, neutral colors, and there’s a
garden outside with plenty of greenery where I can relax and enjoy nature.
1. What colors do you prefer for your clothing and for your home?
I prefer neutral colors like black, gray, and white for my clothing because they are
versatile and easy to mix and match. For my home, I like soft, calming colors like
light blue or beige because they create a peaceful and relaxing atmosphere.
2. What companies do you identify with a particular color?
Some companies are strongly associated with specific colors. For example, Coca-
Cola is identified with the color red, while Facebook is known for its blue logo.
McDonald's is famous for its golden arches, which are bright yellow.