We present a tri-bimaximal lepton mixing scheme where the neutrinoless double beta decay rate
has a lower bound which correlates with the ratio α ≡ ∆m2sol /∆m2atm well determined by current
data, as well as with the unknown Majorana CP phase φ12 characterizing the solar neutrino sub-
system. For the special value φ12 = π2 (opposite CP-sign neutrinos) the ββ0ν rate vanishes at tree
level when ∆m2sol /∆m2atm = 3/80, only allowed at 3σ. For all other cases the rate is nonzero, and
lies within current and projected experimental sensitivities close to φ12 = 0. We suggest two model
arXiv:0804.1521v1 [hep-ph] 9 Apr 2008
Current neutrino oscillation data [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] in- and the neutrino mass matrix has the form
dicate a peculiar pattern [8] of neutrino masses and mix-
A 0 0
ings quite at variance with the structure of the Cabibbo- Mν ∼ 0 B C ,
Kobayashi-Maskawa quark mixing matrix [9]. However 0 C B
they do not yet fully determine the absolute scale of neu-
trino masses nor shed any light on the issue of leptonic the resulting lepton mixing matrix has exactly the tri-
CP violation, two demanding challenges left for future bimaximal structure given in Eq. (1).
experiments. Here we consider schemes where neutrinos get mass a
la seesaw, defined by the following mass matrices,
Lacking a basic theory for the origin of mass one needs
theoretical models restricting the pattern of fermion α β γ
masses and mixings and providing guidance for future M l ∼ γ α β = Uω Mdiag l
Uω† ;
experimental searches. An attractive phenomenological β γ α
ansatz for leptons is the Harrison-Perkins-Scott (HPS)
mixing [10] a 0 0 1 0 0
mD ∼ 0 a b ; MR ∼ 0 1 0
p √
2/3 1/ 3 0 0 b a 0 0 1
√ √ √
UHPS = −1/ 6 1/ 3 −1/ 2 (1)
√ √ √ This “texture” constitutes a new ansatz for the lepton
−1/ 6 1/ 3 1/ 2
sector that can be realized (see below) in the frame-
which predicts the following values for the lepton mixing work of A4 -based flavour symmetry models. The as-
angles: tan2 θatm = 1, sin2 θChooz = 0 and tan2 θsol = 0.5, sumed symmetry of the Dirac mass term holds in SO(10)
providing a good first approximation to the values [8] models where it comes from a 16 16 10 Yukawa coupling.
indicated by neutrino oscillation experiments [1, 2, 3, 4, In contrast with other existing tri-bimaximal A4 based
5]. schemes, the gauge singlet seesaw mass term character-
izing the heavy right-handed neutrinos is also a flavour
As noted earlier [11], when the charged lepton mass
singlet, instead of the neutrino Dirac mass term. This
matrix Ml obeys
makes the scheme extremely predictice, as it involves as
free parameters only the two modulii and the relative
M l M l† = Uω Mdiag
Uω† ;
phase between a and b.
After the seesaw mechanism, one obtains the effective
where Uω is the “magic” unitary matrix
light neutrino mass matrix Mν given as
1 1 1 a2 0 0
1 1
Uω = √ 1 ω ω 2 , M ν = mD mT ∼ 0 a2 + b2 2ab . (2)
3 MR D
1 ω2 ω 0 2ab a2 + b2
4ab 2b2
hmν i ≡ |mee | = |a2 + + |.
3 3 10 -2
FIG. 3: Zoom of the region giving the maximum value for the hHi i ∼ (1, 1, 1); hΦi i ∼ (0, 0, 1)
lower bound on mee in Fig. 2.
Similar vev alignment condition has been used in
Ref. [27]. Note that the two zeros in mD follow from
the alignment condition hΦ1 i = hΦ2 i = 0.
It is a non-trivial task to produce a consistent flavour In contrast the second model contains only one SU(2)
symmetry leading to a structure of the effective neutrino ⊗ U(1) doublet Higgs boson and its A4 × Z4 symmetric
mass matrix Mν that has, at least as a first approxima- leading-order Lagrangian is written as
tion, the desired predictive pattern.
L = λ0 (Llc )hξ1 + λ(Llc φ)h
Here we suggest two possible realizations based on an
+λ′0 (Lν c φ′ )h̃ + λ′ (Lν c )h ξ2 + λR (ν c ν c )ξ3
A4 flavour symmetry for the neutrino mass matrix. The
discrete group A4 is a relatively small and simple flavour where λR is dimensionless while the others scale as in-
group consisting of the 12 even permutations among four verse mass. Note the appearance of gauge singlet scalars
objects. It has a three-dimensional irreducible represen- φ, φ′ and ξi , transforming non-trivially under the flavour
tation appropriate to describe the three generations ob- symmetry and coupling non-renormalizably to the lepton
served. Originally, A4 was proposed [18, 19] for under- doublets. Their only renormalizable is the one giving rise
standing degenerate neutrino spectrum with nearly max- to the large Majorana mass term. We assume that these
imal atmospheric neutrino mixing angle. More recently, “flavon” fields develop non-zero vacuum expectation val-
predictions for the solar neutrino mixing angle have ues (vevs), with the structure
also been incorporated within the so-called tri-bimaximal
neutrino mixing schemes [20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26]. hφi ∼ (1, 1, 1); hφ′ i ∼ (0, 0, 1)
In our phenomenological A4 -based flavor symmetry
Note that either way we obtain the desired predic-
schemes the neutrino mass comes from type-I seesaw
tive charged lepton and neutrino mass matrices discussed
mechanism with right-handed Majorana mass matrix
proportional to the identity matrix. In both models lep-
tons transform as A4 -triplets, while the standard Higgs fields Li lic νic h φ φ′ ξ1 ξ2 ξ3
is a flavour singlet [33]. The lepton and scalar content of SU (2)L 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1
the models are specified in Tables I and II. A4 3 3 3 1 3 3 1 1 1
The A4 × Z2 invariant Lagrangian characterizing the Z4 1 ω3 ω 1 ω ω3 ω ω3 ω2
first model is renormalizable, and given by
TABLE II: Lepton multiplet structure of model II
c c
L = λ0 (Ll )h + λ(Ll H)
+λ′0 (Lν c )ϕ + λ′ (Lν c Φ) + λR (ν c ν c )ξ.
In summary, here we have proposed two A4 -based
where the first term involves an A4 -invariant coupling λ0 flavour symmetries leading to tri-bimaximal lepton mix-
that provides α in M l , while the second involves a tensor ing, namely tan2 θatm = 1, sin2 θChooz = 0 and tan2 θsol =
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Electronic address: mahirsch@ific.uv.es (2008), [0710.1585].
Electronic address: Stefano.Morisi@ific.uv.es [32] Due to its similarity to the columns of “Palacio da Alvo-
Electronic address: valle@ific.uv.es rada” designed by this brilliant Brazilian arquitect.
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