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[J() FJCIT OPE{,\,! "rr

ljla SE;AL li",NTnii- ilNrB'ilRUeTED; li.Or D{i SO
'l'lr:es'tj:.;r 3ee liiei ,*ic. .. , i ) i r .'1 r
,-; :j i_, tj: l*i u:

il: \.:i
s i tl
I nvigilatar' sign ature affiftffi

ii- E G t "l iF< E R e il \;i ii u E !i{ Ci ii f{ E E F<,L]'j G
T'lme; 2 lriCIurs n25

ROI-il-- NO. I I

ll,l=.l;-,ill ;',: iil')],,i3 ';'',r". i,; \,;1')iilr': 1';

This Question Bool<let csirti:iirs 125 or:iional questions. Iiaci'i riu--stiui: *i:mpi"is;i:s i'*ur
respoilses (answers)(A),(B),(C)r(D). Y'or-r will seleet '3f\!LY SlijF response whie-h yCILt
consider eorrect and darken the bu!:trle orr the OfulR F.ESPONSE Si-l[E i. Eaeh o;uestioir
cai'i"ies 'i mark.
2:^ D(f i{CIT write Sroui- ir2ri.le or anlr'lhipg else or: ti:e Qi\ltR F.esg:onse "$heet excr*pt iicrll ir.lo., ,\
sigrrature and necessary inforrnatiori as per- the instruction gir"reir on the eF#R Respcnse
? DC f'leT lrandle your {JlViR RESPOhISE SLiEET in sueh a meilne, as to mutiiate, i'i'rld,

4. Nlo candidate shall be admittecl to the Examination Hall 20 mlnutes arler coi^nmeneel'nent
of distribuiti+ir of tire Test Bookiet.
-lhe iirvigilator of iire Exainination l-trali r.nr;ll *e iho
tinie-l<eeper and his ciccisian in tiris reg;arci is final.
nlo eandidate shall l'iatre in his i nei' possessioir inside the E>caminatioii Hail any i,:ooi<,
notebooli or loose papei, calctrlator, rnohile plione, etc., e><cept his i lrer Adrr'iit eai'd anei
othsr papers perrnitted i:y the L";ci-nr"rrission.
6= lnimediatel the closure of ttre exan':i;ratioR, stCIp hu!:l.rling. Ee
seated till OFI!R is collected by the invigi!ator, tnereaft*r you-mary
leave the Exanrination :.

I Violation of the rencler tire irom the

examination to and
bf his r her sire be and
i:e esrrduetcd i:y ^.,AL
l).JUI i ii.a., .LJP$e,
SSe and SP.$tls)
[{E : (..},'r]lri.llilirTES .'{nE ^L"i:1jl :ni iEeT'tn[-[
Ar i *i:1-ii-c: HT i,r\!,,
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ili^[\1- ii I :]1:,' ..,.:.,.-.:,IUJu! .Ir,'^.f=1.:'i
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;..:OETEF? CGTSPLETN@hJ GF E 4TWO)} HCIL-NR.I-i C'F i=)i'it,rihlATECIii j:i,:,,"-,
B{r ii':r!L=T Ll}lPELfi{ fE{E SEiii,it UF{'fnL flF.J=STRUi;:TED T0) D
nrethocl in 4. For maximum negative bending
1. The rnornent distribution
struetural anaiysis ean be treated as
n:oment at suPPort B of continuous
beam ABCDEthe live load should be
(A) force rnethocl
(B) ciisPlacemerlt i'nethod A BCDE

(C) fle:ribilrtY method L L L L

(D) an aPProl<imate i-nethocl (A) AB and CD

(B) AE, tsC and DE
2. A unifoi'mly dlstributed loael of length
shorier than the span erosses a girder' (C) BC and DE
The 'oer:eiing i^nonrent at a seetion ir: (D) Ats, Ee, CD and DE
girelerwill be lnaximurn when
ii. v"Vhat ls the rol"ce in tne vei'ticai rnernbai-
{A) head of the ioad is atthe section eD of the pin-jointecl frame sirown
(B) tail of the loacl is at the seetion below?

the loacl !n the 7T

{e) seetlon cl!*,'!des
sarne ratie as it dlviues the sPan

(D) seetlon dirvicles the load in two

equallengths D

erltical ioad of a eolu'rnn restrained 5T

-?,.. Euller
agarnst rc'ration and translation of 'ooth
(A) "i2T (tension)
eneis is
(B) 2T (eoi-n'Pression)
-:i- -l-
,T l=,
(C) 7T (eormPression)

lf (D) 5l (tension)

6" What is tl-re area of influence line

{A} Erl L2
diagr^am for ttie reacticn at the hingec
(B) - itt t2 end of a uniform proppeel cantileve
bearn cf sPan l-?
(c) 1'33 oz Etrl L?-

$) Lt4 (D) 3l-/8


l (D) 2'oz nz E!/ l-2


L(e E)-201s/E-D

V " The force in the membei" CD cf t[1e truss 3. Tne numrber of sirr:uitaneous equation
siio,;,;i'i i,l iigr,'+ is to '\"= suive* i;i tl.i* s!*g:e iie'fiecii,:n
method is equaito

A )J
(A) the clegree cf siatleal il"idi*..;n r'iinael,'
(B) tlr*: cleEre* o'i k,i -,,r.:ratics

(C) ti:e nui'nber of ;olnts in tns r;i.ruteture

(D) ti':e numberof s$ar:s in the strueturc

1i0. VVhat !s the r:rdinate cf lnftuer::ice i!i:e et

a B t et,."=e.*:ior i?, i r' :ne'fi ,i - ;'r=; :: aicii.'?

r-t^1, :.>F-
I :-'l-m
".2fn-) i- i- z: ffi

//\ \
U{j ,/-sll-'i (A) 0.r: IR\ fi..r.

//1\ fr.'1
{*) 2P {eornpressien} \Lrl \J.i. {D} /.ere

(e) P (*oi-npressirre) fl1. Systern./', is simpiy supporieci bea,'n with

e iaad F at i-nid.span. Sy*teir: ;--, is 'iii'e
(D) P (tensiie) sarfie i:eai-r't, b:-rttlie !.secl is iepi=eed f-=y
urni'lci'rnl5r elisf iL,r-tteei l,cad of inteirsitv

1. A. fixecl 'oeani ,48 of spa;rl L (;ai'ries a

P l l , wirereir' I is i;ie sJai. -,-!-re
r^nieispan rjefieetion c.i systen'i ,3 rryili
unifaLrnly distril:i.rted lead nr per ltnit
length. Di-lrii'lg loaeling, the suppor-t (A) be the sarne,as tha'r.of s.ysiern ,4 a'i
E sinl<s Corruiivuai:ds by an ari-rr:unt E .lf i:iidspalr I
6= w*'i.{?28{} , wha't is tire f ixing (Bi !:e iess than that *f si,'steni A at
rnoilent r.tts? n:ielspan

F,'- orrlrlu
srv i-,'1ftre t tl:a;: ii:1.:;. si:;al-. r'5 ai
(B) v,i* l6
(A) wt] l'i? ..-;-;^,^--"
r: llublrc., l

(c) otri| t * (E) Zee:o (D) bea'r no i'eiation t* that oi's5rsterul

L(e E)-20i siE-tr, {B} i i*'i.V.


fiZ, Acantilever beam A witl'r rectanEular '16" The truss can l:e analYsed bY the
eross-sect!on is subjected to a rnethods of joints when the number ot'
concentrated load at its free end. If the
width and depth of another cantilever
bearn B are ilrvice those of beam A, then
the deflection atfree end of the bearn E (c) 3 (E) 4
to that of A will be
(A) 6.25% (B) 14% 'lV. A bearn simply supported at both the
ends, of length /carries h,ruo equal unlike
(e) 23 6% (D) 28%
coupies /Ui at tinvo ends. if the flexural
rigidity Etr= eonstant, then the centra
'13" \A/hen the strain in a material increases
deflection ef beam is given bY
uvith time under s,-lstained eonstant
st:'ess, the phenornenon is l<notvn as (A) lvtiz I 4EI (E) rodf t16EI
(x) stl'aii-r irarcle,r!ng

(B) hystei'esis o
(c) twf i 64EI (D) klif :BEI
(C) creep
'i,E" The degree cf saturatior-l in soils can b<
(D) triseo-elasiieity clefined as the ratio of

n4." ln a plane t'r"uss, if iil/ is the numbei" of (A) wate," by weight to the drY soi
rnen'lbers, R is the nurnber of reactions weight
and J is the number of joints, tlren for
(B) volunne of vriaterto the gross volurn<
th!s truiss to i:e deternrinate
of soil
{r\) -i = ffi
IVi + (B) ,i =Zfi/l + R.
(C) ';olume of '.r,tatei"to tiolutme of ttoidr
{C) 3J = it/i+ 2R (D) 2J : f'tl + i1
in soil

'15. lf 'twospringsof stiffness k1 and k, are (D) weight of water to weight of soil
connected in series, the stiffness of
eombined spring is 49" A soil has a liquid linrit of 0%, plasti
limit of 35% and shrinkage limit of 20ot
(A) k$2 t (k1+ k2)
and it has a natural moisture content c
(B) d\ + k2) t klk, 50%. The liquiditY index of soil is

(A) .5 (B) 1 25
(e) k1+ k2 1

(e) o'6 (D) 0'4

(D) k$z

r_(cE)-20xe/8-D (a"t}

2$" The eftective stress friction ai'lgle of a 24" Which of the fcllowil'ig equaticr:s
saturated cohesionless soii is 38". t he defiries Dai'e1r's ial,rr?
ratio of shear stress to normal effective (A) Q:KA (Bi Q:KlA
stress on the lailure plane is
(C) 4 : l{i A, (D) ti= lii I /;
(A) 0 781 (B) 0 6'!6
2{5. lf insteaei o:'singie cirainage, tr"le irurnber
(c) 0'488 (D) 0.438 of drair:age faees is increased to bwo in
respoirding soiis, the nate of
27" For determination of shear stnength compression will he
parameters, c and 0, of soii irr the (A) 4 times slower
laboratory the test"to be conducted will
lra (B) 2 tinres slou'ter
(C) 4 times fasteT
(A) triaxial eonrpression test
(D) 2 tirr",e* ii.stet"
(B) sierre anaiysis
26. Settiement oue to ereep irr sCIils is
(C) eonrpaction test
dependent on
(D) reNative der:si'iry iest (A) prirnary er:iisoiidattcrr
(B) seecndai-y consotidation
22" Guicksancl is
(e) ir:itiai setllement
(A) one that loses mr:istt-lre rapidly
(D) corrlpaeti':n settlbrner:t
(B) a type of pure silica sand
2V " Asoilhaving partieles of nearlythesai't,xe
(C) a eclnditioi'r u.rherein a eohesioniess size is known as
soii iose's its strength lrecause of (A) riveiigraeled
upward flow of water
{B) unlforrnlygraded
(D) a sand eonsisting of sg:herieaisancl
(G) poo-rty,graded
particles only
(D) gap gracled
23" The pcrersity of a,eeriaip soil sarnple
28. lr foundation is aonsidered as shallol''r
was fcund to be 80% and its sPecific
if its depth is
grarlity was 2,7; the eritleai. hydraulic
graa'ient rrLril! be estirrrated as
(A) iess tiran 1 n:eter
(B) greater tharl its tr'.'ieith
(A) 0 34 (E) 0 e2
(e) equlalto or less than iis rr"idt['t
(c) 1o (D) 1'5 (D) greaterthatr 1 meter

r_(cE)-201918-D (s) IF"t"''-]'


a certatn
soils' 33. The time f required for attainlng
29. Forpiping phenornenontooect-ll"in layer
degree of consolidation of a ctay
the most importarrt condition to be is ProPoriionalto
satisfied isthatthe
l (A) specific gravity of soil solids is more (A) Ffz and C,
than 2'8 ,i

(B) void ratio is morethan 2'0



(B) H2 and

ii (C) hydraulicgradient is nearly urlity


(D) soil is fine grained 1

can (c) and C,
3G. Which of thefollowing parameters
be used to estimate the angle of 11and
friction of sandY soil? (D)
ri # *
(A) Particle size
34i. The poi'nt through whieh the
of Particle i"esultani
(B) Roughness
(G) Farticle size distribution hYorostatic force acts is called

(D) DensitY index (A) rnetacentre
seepage through an eartlr ma$s'
I 34. During (E) centre of Pi'essutre
the direction of seePage is

(C) centre of buoYancY
(A) parallelto the equipotential llnes ' (n) eentre of gravitY
(B) perpendiculartothe streamlines
35. iVtrei-eury is generalltrr usecl in
,E (C) perpendicular to the equipotential
[ines rnanometers for rneasuring
(D) along the direction of gravitY (4,) low Pressure aceuratelY
92, fln aeonrpaetion test on a soii sanrple'
(B) lange Pressr'tre onlY :

the eornpaction enetgy is decreased (C) ali pressures except the srnaller
theri (Yo = ma;<im'um drY densitY' ones
CIhfie optirnum moisture
(D) venT low Pressure
(A) y6 will increase with lncrease in
culc 36. A circulai plate 1 m in diameter
such that
(B) v a will deerease with increase in su,omergeolvertically in ri'rater
its uPPer edge is m belowI the free
surfaee of water' The total hyclrostatic
i (C) y a will decrease with deerease itr pressure force on one sicle of
plate is

(A) 6'7 kiN (B) 65'4 ki{


wlll inerease with decrease in


(D) v,
(D) 77'o kl\

(c) 45'o khl
L(e E)'2019f8=D I
37. A container carrying water is moved in dp -J-
a horizontal direction with an 42" The relationsh ipdX = dy iu vaiid fon
acceleration of 2'45 m/s2. The angle
(A) irrotationalflow
of inclination of free water surface to the
horizontalis (B) non-unifornr flow
' (A) 14.03" (B) 67.8" (C) unriform flow
(c) 45.00' (D) 0' (D) unsteadyflow
38" When a static liquid is subjeeted to
uniform rotation in a container, the free 43. lf for a fluid in motion, pressure at a point
surface assumes a shape of is same in alldirectioris, then thefluid is
(A) a cone (A) a realfluid
(B) a circular cylinder (B) a Newtonianfluid
' (C) .a paraholoid of revolution
(D) an ellipsoid of revolution (e) an idealfluid
(D) a non-Newtonian flurid
39" Fluid niasses subjected to unlforrn
acceleration are analysed using
4&" A flow in which the velocities of liquid
(A) the Newton's law of viscosity particles at all sections of pipe or
(B) the Nlewton's second'[aur of rirotiorr
channelare equal, is called as
, (C) the Bernoulli's equation
(A) uniform flow
(D) the momentum equation
(ts) laminarflow
4CI. Centre of buoyancy is (C) turbu[entflow
(A) the point through which the (D) unsteaciyflow
submerged weight of the body acts
(B) the pointthrough which the buoyant 45. For a perfect incompressible liquid,
flowing in a continuous strearn, the total
force acts
energy of a particle remains the same,
(C) the pointthrough which the resultant
while the particle moves from one point
hydrostatic force acts
to another. This staternent iq called
(D) the centre of gravity sf the liquid
(A) continuityequation
displaced bythe body
(E) Bernoulli's equation
4t " Absolute pressure in a flow system (C) Faseal's law
(A) is always above localatmospheric (D) Archimedes princip[e
' pressure E

(B) is a vacuum pressure 46. Bernoulli's theorenn cieals vui'th the

(C) may be above, below or equal to principle of conseruatlon of
the local atmospheric pressure (A) energy (B) rnornenturm
(D) is also called negative pressure (C) mass (D) force

L(CE)-201er8=rE v) I D't-' 1-)

47" -[he diseharge over a triangular notch 52. The total energy line lies over the
depends on the central angle of the hydrauiic Eradient line by an amount

notch, head overthe notch, acceleration equalto

due to gravity and kinematic viscosity (A) velocitY head
of the fluid. The number of non-
dirnensional terms formed for this (B) pressure head
phenomenon is

(C) friction head
'l (A) 1 (B) 3 (D) daturn head
(c) 2
t, (D) 4 :

53. An oil of viscosity I poi,se is flowing

t, I
l' ii

48. At a section in channelexpansion, the througir a horizontal PiPe of 60 mm
ti velocity over one-ftfth section is zero and diameter. lf the flow is larninar, the
uniform over the remaining four-fifth
i il

pressure dnop in 100 rn tength of the

section. The kinetic energy correction
pipe is 1800 l<i{/n'r2. The a\rerage

ll veloeitY of flour of oil is
(A) 2.0 (B) 'x'e5
(E) 1 18 (A) 2'25 mis
(e) 1.56
(B) 0'55 m/s
6ig. Fon a tulrbulent flow, the Reynolds
(C) 5'5 m/s
nurnber should be rnore than :
(D) 22'5 m/s
(A) 4ooo (B) 270CI

(ei 2ooCI (D) 5oo 54. Aflowthi'ough iong pi1:e at constant rate
is called
SCI" Froude nui^nber is the ratio of inertia
force to (A) steadY uniform flow
(A) pressure foree (B) steadY non-uniform flow

(B) viscous foree (C) unsteadY uniform flow
(C) gravitY force (D) unsteadY non-uniforrn flow
(D) elastic force
55. Two tanks connected in parallel by two
5'i. The Euler's number is the square root pipes A and B of identicalfriction factors
of the ratio behrueen the inertia force and
and lengths. If the size of PiPe A is
double than that of pipe B, then their
(A) viseous force discharges will be in the ratio of
(E) Pressunefonee (A)2 (B)4
(C) elasticforee
(c) 5'66 (D) 32
(D) surfaee tension force

Srd. If the ryeloeity of fiow as weii as the rbil. f nefieate up to irvhat lVjach nunrber
dianretel- of the .ilor,ving pipe are a i'li.licl flew can ist+ cu;sidereol
;-espectii;ely doubieu througn pipe incompressibie.
systern ir-l use since long, the heaej loss
(A) a.1 (B) 0.3
willthereafter be
(A) hatved (e) 0.8 (E) i 0
(ts) doubted t62. The region cutsiCe ,lhe iilacli
cc,te is
(C) irrcreased 4 tirnes eaiieci
(D) hlo change (A) zone of actioi,:
57. A shock vr,ave which occltrs in a (Ei zone 0-lsilen,ce
supersonicfNorru represents a regiori in (C) eontrol.,ralunte
(D) controlarea
(A) a zcRe of silencr,^ e;<ists
(B) there is no change ill 1:ressure, 63i. A convergeilt-divergen,t nozztre is ulsecl
te rn ;:e ratu re a ii ej d eris i,4r
!'/het'l the clischarge pressure is

(C) there is sudden ehange in pressure,

(A) iess than tire eritiealpressill-e
tem perature a nrJ cr,ensity (B) equalto the eriticaIpressure
(D) velocity is zer<; (C) inoi-e thari iite si"iti,.jai prcssurc
58" A cha (D) at normal pressure
constant 6,+. At eritical pressLjrc ra.tio, the rreiccity at
(A) isoharie process the tiil"oat of a no:_zi* Is,
(B) isoehoric proeess (A) equalte the sonle speed
(C) isothermalprocess (B) less than the sonFe,speed
(D) adiabatic proeess (C) r,^nore tiran the sonic speeC
f)9. The sonic velocity is largest in rq,hieh of (D) equalto the subsonie speed
the iollcwing?
65. A shoek u/ave is prodr-leed r.rheri
(A) Water l (B) ,Steet
(A) .,a subsonie;florv.ehepges to sol.ric
60. An isentrc.pie flowis-or'ie,whiell is (B) a sonicflovu ehanges to super-sonic
(A) isothermal 1, , ,, ,, :: i: i'iot,v

(E) aclia!:atie (C) a supersa.nle f[orrv ehanges to

(C) adiabatic and irreversilole sulrsonic ftroina

(D) adiabatic and rei"rersible (D) ti':ere is a sonic fioir.,

r-(cE)-2019/E=D (,e) IP'.T.()"
66" The sonie velocity in a fluid nrediurn is Vn" The phenomenon occurring in an open
channel when a rapidly flowing stream
directly proportional to

abruptly changes to slowly flowing
(A) IViach nusnber stream causing a distinct rise of liquid
surface, is
(B) pressure

(A) water hammer

(C) squane root of temPerature
(B) hydraulicjumP
(D) square root of Pressure (C) criticaldischarge .

67, Across a normalshock (D) normalflow

(A) the entropy nemains constant 72. For a given discharge in horizontal
frictionless channel two depths may
(B) the pressure and temperature rise have the sal'ne specifioforce. These two
(C) theveloeity and pressure decrease depths are known as
(A) specific dePths
(D) the densitY and ternPerature
(B) sequentdePths '
(C) alternate dePths
68" A normalshockwave (D) normaldepth and criticaldepth
(A) is reversible ,', V3" Shooting flow can never occur '

(B) is irreversible (A) directlY after a hYdraulicjump


(e) is isentnopic (B) in a horizontalchannel
(C) in a mild sloPe channel

when approaehing flow is

(D) ocer.rrs
(D) in a steeP sloPe channel "

i supersonie

69. in a supersonic floq a diffuser is a V&" Development of surges in the open

eonduit having
(A) graduallYvaried flow
(A) graduallY decreasing area
(B) rapidlYvaried flow
(B) converging-diverging passage
(G) steadYflow
(C) constant area thniLghout its length
(D) normalflow
(D) gradually increasing area
75. The velocity'd istri bution n tr-r rbulent fl ow

70" A process during which no heat is is afunction of the dis-tanceymeasured

transferred to on frorn the gas is called from the boundary surface and the
(A) isochoric Proeess (A) parabo!ic law
(B) isobaric Process (B) logarithmic law
(C) adiabatic Pnocess (C) hyper,bolic law
(D) isothermalProcess (D) linearlaw

L(CE)-201918-D (10!
V6. The draE force experienced i:y ai: cbject 80. A streamlined boelrr is oefineei as a h*rj'r
t' aboutwhich
(A) the horizontal cCIniponent of the (A) the flow is iaminar
resultant l'luid dynariric force acting
on the olojeet (E) the flow is along strearitlines
(B) the hoi'izontai'iorce due tc pi-essrrre iC) the fiow separatiCIsr is sui:presseC
variatisn over the su iface ot' object
(D) the drag is'zero
(C) the component of resultas:lt fluid
dynarnic fcrce in the fiow rilrection 8f . Water hannrner is,a phenornenon whieii
is caused by
(D) the resultant fluid dy,namie fcrce
aeting on the objeet (A) sudclen opening o'f a valve in a
V7. Tire pressure drag depends upolx pipeline

(A) the shearstresses Eenerated on the {B) sudderi etr0sure (par"tiai si

bod5r 5uPiz^s
complete)c', a varue ii'l5riperiow

(B) the bounc{ary layerlnr*uU,*n (C) incornpressibiliqy of flurid

(C) the separation ,:t'!:eunciery iayer (D) the pipe rnatei"iai being elastle

52" The ciosurre of rrlra'tenvah,re is eol.tsleiel"ea

(D) the characteriBtics ofthe oncorning rapiclwhen
(A) the valve ls e!osed alnlost
78" The boundary layen flovr.r over a instantaneously
su'riiciently large flat plate is (B) the duratiolr cf velrie elosure is less
(A) laminarthroughoutthe entire iength than 2llC
(ts) turbulent thi-oughout (e ) the durr-atian of rra[t e elosr.rre is less
(e) laminar over a shr:r'r initial lerigth than l-lC
and therefore turns ti.lrbuleltt (D) tlre cJuratlon of valve 'closure is
(D) in transition from larnir"rarto trat'oulent greater ihanZUe

79. ln ease of air'roils, the profiie drag is one 83. The enitical elepth is the depth of r'low at
rruhich js eaused by
(A) end effects due to finite lengtn cf (A) the speeifjerenergy: [s rnaxirrruryl
(B) the unit dlseharge rs,rnninirnilim
(B) tire si:tape and orientation o-feirf,oil
(e) the eireuiation incJuced arour:d the
(C) ttre specirie energly ls mlnin:urrr
airioil (D) 'the Fi-ou"de nunrt:er i*< E;"eaterthan
(D) the conlpressibility ei-fects ullriry

L{e E)-201s/8-D ( lil I i P.T;O.


84" Alternate depths of flow in a channelare 88. The position of a point can be fixed
more accuratelY bY
(A) the depths at which the total

energies are same (A)

(B) the depths which oceur at the same
specific energy (C) prism square

(C) the depths for the same specific (D) oblique offsets
(D) the conjugate dePths 89. lf n is the nunrber of sides, then the total
sum of interior angles of a closed

ti 85. For flow over a broad crested weir to traverse should be
be critical, the heightZof theweirshould (A) n+2 (B) 2n-4 :

satisff the following relationship :
{e) 2n + 4 (D) qn
(A) Z <tq-Emin)

90" -['he lines of foa'ce of earth's magnetic
(E) Z <(fl+E*in) field are parallelto the earth's surface
iil (c) z>{Et-E*in) (A) nearto Poles
(B) at right angles to the Poles
(D) Z>{4+ E*in) (C) at45" to the line joining Poles
(D) nearthe equator
86. The frictisn drag is primarily due to

(A) pressure distribution overthe body 91" The i'irst temponary adjustment of a

surface prismatlc corirPass is

(B) shear stresses generated due to (A) levelling

viseous action {B) focr-ising of the Prism
(C) weight component in the direetion (C) i'emovlng the Parallax
' offlow e
(D) centering
(D) separation of boundary laYer
92. !n a planb table survey the plotting of
87. The suruey in which the curvature of earth inaccessible points can be conveniently
done by
is ignored is called as
(A) plane suruey
(A) method of interPolation
(E) method of radiation
(B) geodeticsurveY
(C) nrethod of traversing
(C) geotogicalsurveY
(D) method of intersection
(D) aerialsuruey

[-(e E)-2o1ei8-D (12! ZZg

93, l-evelling across a river is done icv e3. .{ 61 ,r;rrg 6i: v:nr7j1rq, fatli,.lS i::..:-CiUCa;i
(A) fly leveiting between fur,ro brane hes of a eompound
curve is calieci
(B) rec!proea! ieveiling
(A) transition curve
(C) trigon*rnetrieal levelling
(E) mean curve
(D) cross levellinE
(C) hase curve
94" The eontours urhieh are paralfel and
equidistant on an area, then that area
(D) common cunre
should be
99. The Simpson's rule.ior deterinination of
(A) fiat (B) steep stor:e arcas is used when ilre nun^nber.of
of'rsets is
(C) Eentie slope (D) uniforr-rr slope
(A) 2 (B) 3
95" Spir.e test is ursecj in pernranent
adjustinent of theodolite fci- (C) cdci (Di even
(A) adjusting the plate levets 'i00. The intersection of a veitica{iinethrough
(B) adjusting the tine of sight the observer's station with the upper
porticn of a celestiaf sphere, is ]<ircwn
(C) adjustment of the vertiealaxis
(D) adjustment of horizontal axis (A) zenith (B) base
(e) nadir (D) celestiaI hr:rizo;:
'i 0X. The point where a ver.eieal line tiirough
vertical hairs,,the apparent error is the optical eentre of the ear,reoa leis
(A) l-,elf thetrue errnr' intersects the ground, is'krrovyn as

(E) equalto true error (A) gr'ound principar Beint

(E) Eround plur^rrh poiurt
(C) double the true ei'rc;-
(C) iso-centre
(D) four tinres the true error
(D) perspeetive eentr.e
97" The included angles of a traverse are
generally measured_ x CIz,

(A) cioekwise fronr back station measurennent. [f the d

(H) elclnX'ir,ise frcm ionvaid sta:icn is reeorrjed as 30S
distanee witihe
(C) anti-cleehiyise r"rom:back statiotr
(A) 3tl0.1ni (B) SOt.0m'
(D) anti-elocl<wise from fonnrai"o station
(C) 2"113'0 iii {D} 910.0 nn
r-(CE)-2C1918-D (,13) [tr.r.c.


{03. -['he point, through which the whole 107. A bullet weighing 200 g is fired
weight of the body acts, irrespective of horizontally with a velocity of 25 m/sec

its position, is known as from a gun carrled on a carriage which

together wit&r the gun weighs 100 kg'

(A) centre of Percussion -['he
velocity of recoil of the gun, will be
(A) 0'0'1 m/sec (B) 0'05 m/sec
(E) mornent of inertia

(C) centre of mass (C) 1'00 m/sec (D) 1'5 m/sec
ll .

(D) centre of gravitY t0E. The section modulus of a rectangular
ltj light beam 25 metres long l.t
{CI4. The fcirces whlch meet at one point and
12'500 crl3. The beam is simPlY

have their lines of action in different supported at its ends and carries
ir,l planes are called a longitudinal axial tensile load of
;t .
10 tonnes in addition to a point toad
(A) coplanar non-concurrent forees 4 tonnes at the centre. The maximum
(B) non-coplanar concurrent forces stress in the bottom mostfibreatthe
(C) non-coplanar non-coneurnentforces
midspan section, is ;

(D) intersecting forces (A) 13'33 kg/cm2 tensile


t05. tt a body rnoves in such a way that its (C) 26'67 kg/cm2 tensile

veloeity increases by equal amount in (D) 26'67 kg/cm2 comPressive

equal intervals of tirne, it is said to be
{CI9. From a circular plate of a diameter
rnoving with
6 crn is cut out a circle whose diameter
(A) a uniforrn retardation is equalto t&re radius of the plate' The
I (B) a uniform aceeieration CG of the remainderfrorn the centre of
circular Plate is at a distance of
1 (C) a variable accelenation

(D) a variable retar:dation

(A) 2'0 cm (B) 1'5 cm

106. lf thetension in a cable supporting a lift 4{0" A smooth cylinder lying on its convex
,:-r:- Ll-^ L,
moving upwgrds ls twice the tension surface remains
when the lift is moving downwards, the (A) in stableequilibrium
acceleration of the lift, is
(B) in unstable equilibrium
(A) (B) s/3
(C) in neutralequilibrium

, {q sA
(D) s/5 (D) out of equilibrium

L(CE)-2019/E=D ( n4)

{.{ { " Modulus of rigidity is definecl as the
ratio 1'!5. 11,',s
ratio af nia;linrii,il clefi*c;ii*rr cr a
bearrr to its span is called
(A) Iongitudinal stress to longitudinal

(A) section moduh.rs of the beanr

(B) shear stress ta shear straiii (B) inoeJulus rigiditl, cf the bearn

(C) stress to strain (C) stiffness of the beam

(D) volumetric stress to volurnetric (D) bulk modulus of the heam
'f,f 6. The deternrination of stresses ecr
XX2. The point at which a speeinmen obliqure seetions of a straineo ryiateriai
elongates by a considerable annount
is ai.l innportant step in the design
with any inerease in loarj is ef
(A) fr arneo $tr-Uetut€$
(A) pernranent set
(B) yield point (E) riireteei conneetions

(C) ultimate stress (e) weldecij conlrections

(D) finalpoint (D) nut aneJ berit jointeej eannectior-is


'i'tr3. Forwhich of the follov,ring 1tV. The intensiqr o.ieircul.nfelen.lrai slress
materials, the t;
Poisson,s ratio is expeeted to be the
least? (A) equal to the longitudinai stress

(A) Steel (B) e ast iron (B) half of the longiturdina{stness

(C) eoncrete (D) Copper (C) double the longitudinalstress

f ';di," At the point of contrafiexure (D) triple the longitudinal stress

(A) bending momentis mirrimurn

X{8. A rectangular bearn 10 enl lvlde,
(B) bending moment sub.Jeeted,to,a ryraxina uim shear fei"ee
[s maxis"nuni of
50000 N, the corresponding lnaxlmunr
(C) bencr'ing moment and shear forae shear:stress helng J i#n:rn2] rtre Cepti
botir are either zers or change sign of the [.:eam is
(D) bencling rnornent is either zero or ({) 25 enr /n\
(t5j I66 r ci',]
changes siEn, (C) 1G,62 en: (D), 30 er.n
i{CE)-201s/B-D ( 15 I r rl .F ,.\
l. r ..i..\-l'
{{ 9" eastigliano's first ttr'reorem is applicable n22" The kinematic indeterminacy of the
frame is
(A) forelastic structui"e
(B) for all statically determinate

(C) only when principle of super-

position is valid

(D) for all indeterminate structures (A) 4 (B) 6

(c) I (D) 10
{ZCI" The ilfluller-Breslau principle in structural
analysis is used for '123. A suspension bridge with a hrrro-hinged
stiffening girder is
(A) drawing influence line diagram fon
any force function
(A) statiealiy determinate

(B) superirnposition of load effects

(e) indeterminate of two degrees
(C) writing virtualwork equation
(D) a rnechanism
(D) drawing shearforce diagram
12&" The mornent required to rotatethe near
end of a prismatic beam through unit
{2{, When a load is applied to a structure angle without translati6n, when the far
with rigid joints
end is fixed, is
(A) there is no rotation ordisplacement
{A) Erl L (B) zEr/ L
of joints
(c) 1Er/ L (E) AEr/ t_

(B) there is no rotation of joints

{25. The conjugate beam method falls in the
(C) there is no displacernent ofjoints category of

(D) there can be rotation and (A) force method

displdeement of joints but the ang le (B) stiffness method
between the members connected
to the ioints remaihs same even (C) displacement method
after application of load (D) rnoment area method

L(e ts)-201elE=E (ri6) ZZ9

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