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Physics by Dr. R. S.

Khan Sir For Class - 12th, 11th & IIT-JEE, NEET, NTSE, KVPY


Periodic Motion :
“A motion which repeats itself regularly after a fixed interval of time is called a periodic
The constant interval of time after which the motion is repeated is called the period of
motion. e.g. rotation of earth around its polar axis is a periodic motion of period 24 Hrs. Also
revolution of earth around the Sun is also a periodic motion of period one year.
Oscillatory Motion :
When a body moves to and fro motion repeatedly about a mean position, its motion is called
oscillatory motion.

(i) An oscillatory motion is bounded motion because the displacement in oscillatory

motion on either side of mean position has a fixed value.
(ii) Every oscillatory motion is a periodic motion but every periodic motion is not
oscillatory motion.
(iii) Amongst the trigonometric functions, only the sines and cosines are simple
periodic and bounded. An oscillatory motion therefore may be expressed in term
of harmonic function of sines and cosines or their combinations. i.e. why an
oscillatory motion is called a harmonic motion and a body making such a motion
is called harmonic oscillator.

Examples of Oscillatory Motion :

(i) Motion of bob of a simple pendulum.

(ii) Motion of strings of sitar.
(iii) Motion of a loaded spring.
(iv) Motion of liquid in U-tube.

Simple Harmonic Motion :

Simple harmonic motion is a special type of periodic motion in which a particle moves to and
fro repeatedly about an equilibrium (mean) position under a restoring force, which is always
towards mean position and whose magnitude at any instant is directly proportional to the
displacement of the particle from the mean position at that instant.

i.e. F∝y or F = - ky k = force constant

Dr. RIZWAN SHAHID KHAN # 9929557178, 8764185449 Page 1

M.Sc. (Physics), Ph.D. (Astronomy & Astrophysics), B.Ed.
Physics by Dr. R. S. Khan Sir For Class - 12th, 11th & IIT-JEE, NEET, NTSE, KVPY

Force Constant (k) : Restoring force per unit length = =
y m

Geometrical Interpretation of SHM :

Consider a particle p called reference particle moving with a uniform speed along a circle
called reference circle with centre O. Draw two mutually perpendicular diameters XOX` and
YOY`. From P drop perpendicular on YOY` meeting it at N which is called foot of
perpendicular or projection of P on YOY`. (Figure – 1)

Suppose the particle starts in anticlockwise direction so that its projection M is at O. As P

moves from X to Y, N moves from O to Y and as P moves from Y to X`, N moves from Y to
O. Similarly as P goes from X` to Y and then to X, N will move from O to Y` and Y` to O.
Thus, during the time, particle P goes once round the circle. Its projection N goes from O to
Y; Y to Y` and then back to O. Therefore the projection N moves to and fro along YY` about
the position O and is said to execute simple harmonic motion. “Hence simple harmonic
motion is the motion of projection of a uniform circular motion on a diameter of the circle of

Graphical representation of SHM :

When a particle moves uniformly along a circle the projection of the uniform circular motion
along X-axis and Y-axis, separately represent simple harmonic motion.

Dr. RIZWAN SHAHID KHAN # 9929557178, 8764185449 Page 2

M.Sc. (Physics), Ph.D. (Astronomy & Astrophysics), B.Ed.
Physics by Dr. R. S. Khan Sir For Class - 12th, 11th & IIT-JEE, NEET, NTSE, KVPY

Phase : Phase of a vibrating particle at any instant is a physical quantity which completely
express the position and direction of motion of the particle at that instant with respect to its
mean position.

It is measured either interms of fraction of time period or fraction of 2π angle, which has
elapsed since the vibrating particle has crossed its mean position in positive direction.

The displacement of a particle is represented by the equation

Y = a sin (ωt + φ0),

quantity (ωt + φ0) is called phase of oscillations at time t and it is denoted by φ.

∴ φ = ωt + φ0

Initial phase or epoch :

If t = 0 φ = φ0 = Initial phase

The phase of a vibrating particle changes continuously with time but the epoch remains
constant at all times.

Characteristics of SHM : (From Figure – 1)

1. Displacement in SHM :
In ∆ NOP ⇒ = sin θ ⇒ y = a sin θ
θ 2π
Also ω = ⇒ θ = ωt so y = a sin ωt = a sin t
t T
If the particle start from X1 where X1OX = φ then θ + φ = ωt
∴ θ = ωt - φ
∴ y = a sin (ωt - φ) …..(1)
If the particle starts from X2 where X2OX = φ then
θ = ωt + φ
Y = a sin (ωt + φ) ……(2)
Equation (1) & (2) represents the displacement in SHM.
2. Amplitude of SHM :
Maximum value of displacement is called the amplitude = a (i.e. at extreme positions)
3. Time period (T) :
It is the smallest interval of time after which the periodic motion repeats itself.
Dr. RIZWAN SHAHID KHAN # 9929557178, 8764185449 Page 3
M.Sc. (Physics), Ph.D. (Astronomy & Astrophysics), B.Ed.
Physics by Dr. R. S. Khan Sir For Class - 12th, 11th & IIT-JEE, NEET, NTSE, KVPY

4. Frequency (n) :
It is the number of periodic motions that occur per second n=
5. Angular Frequency :

ω= = 2πn
6. Velocity in SHM :
From figure (1) velocity N is : V = v cos θ
Where v = velocity of the reference particle acts along the tangent to circle.

V = v 1− sin 2 θ

y2 v v
V = v 1− 2
= a2 − y2 But =ω
a a a

∴ V = ω a2 − y2 Velocity of particle executing SHM

Calculus method :

y = a sin ωt ⇒ = ωa cos ωt ⇒ V = aω cos ωt

y 2 aω
V = aω 1 − sin 2 ωt = aω 1 − 2
= a2 − y2
a a

V = ω a2 − y2

V is max. at mean position where y = 0 and V is min. at extreme positions where y = a

Acceleration in SHM :

The reference particle possesses centripetal acceleration which acts along PO.

Acceleration of N is : acceleration = − sin θ

v2 y v2 v2
Acceleration = − . = − 2 y = −ω 2 y here ω 2 =
a a a a2

Acceleration = -ω2y

Dr. RIZWAN SHAHID KHAN # 9929557178, 8764185449 Page 4

M.Sc. (Physics), Ph.D. (Astronomy & Astrophysics), B.Ed.
Physics by Dr. R. S. Khan Sir For Class - 12th, 11th & IIT-JEE, NEET, NTSE, KVPY

= aω.ω (− sin ωt )
Calculus method : As V = aω cosωt ⇒

Acceleration = = −aω 2 sin ωt = −ω 2 y

Acceleration is maximum at extreme positions where y = a

And it is minimum at mean position where y = 0

Graphical representation of Y, V & acceleration in SHM :

Energy of a particle executing SHM :

During an oscillatory motion, when displacement is maximum the restoring force is also
maximum. So at this position the P.E. is maximum & at this point velocity is zero so K.E. at
this is also zero. But when particle just moving towards the mean position its P.E. changes in
K.E. & at the mean position velocity is maximum. So at this position the total P.E. changes in
to K.E. So in between the mean position & extreme positions the energy of particle is partly
K.E. & partly P.E. Hence total energy of a particle executing SHM is always constant.

Expression for K.E. :

Dr. RIZWAN SHAHID KHAN # 9929557178, 8764185449 Page 5

M.Sc. (Physics), Ph.D. (Astronomy & Astrophysics), B.Ed.
Physics by Dr. R. S. Khan Sir For Class - 12th, 11th & IIT-JEE, NEET, NTSE, KVPY

1 1
E K = mV 2 = m ω a 2 − y 2
2 2
] = 12 mω (a
2 2
− y2 )
Expression for P.E.

As acceleration = -ω2y so restoring force at any instant F = -mω2y.

Let dw be the work done to displace the particle through a distance dy away from its
mean position then dW = -Fdy = mw2ydy

Let W be the total work done in increasing the displacement from O to Y then :

y y
y2  1 2

W = mω ydy = mω   = mω 2 y 2

0  2 0 2

1 2
Here k = mω2 so W= ky = P.E. of the particle in SHM

[In case of spring it is called spring factor or in general force constant.]

Total energy
E = Ek + E p = mω 2 a 2 − y 2 + mω 2 y 2
2 2
E = mω 2 a 2 = const.

Therefore E ∝ a2 & E ∝ ω2 i.e. E ∝ n2 ω = 2πn

Graphical representation of Ek & Ep :

Dr. RIZWAN SHAHID KHAN # 9929557178, 8764185449 Page 6

M.Sc. (Physics), Ph.D. (Astronomy & Astrophysics), B.Ed.
Physics by Dr. R. S. Khan Sir For Class - 12th, 11th & IIT-JEE, NEET, NTSE, KVPY

At y = 0 (mean position) Ek = mω 2 a 2 = max .

Ep = 0 = min.

1  a2  3
At y = a/2 (at mid position) Ek = mω 2  a 2 −  = mω 2 a 2
2  4  8

1 a2 1
E p = mω 2 − = mω 2 a 2
2 4 8

At y = +a (extreme position) Ek = 0 (min)

E p = mω 2 a 2 (max )

Distance from mean position for which K.E. = P.E.

( 1
mω 2 a 2 − y 2 = mω 2 y 2 ⇒ a 2 − y 2 = y 2 ⇒ 2 y 2 = a 2


Simple Pendulum :

An ideal simple pendulum consists of a heavy point

mass attached to a light flexible and inextensible string.
In actual practice a point mass is replaced by a metallic
sphere called bob. In equilibrium pendulum is in vertical

Let the bob is displaced through an angle θ from the

vertical. When it is released from this position it
oscillates about its mean position. At any position
following forces acting on the bob :

(i) mg, wt. of the bon downwards.

(ii) T, Tension in the string (balanced by mg cosθ).
(iii) mg sinθ restoring force towards mean position.

i.e. F = − mg sin θ ≈ − mgθ (When angle is small sinθ ≈ θ)

Dr. RIZWAN SHAHID KHAN # 9929557178, 8764185449 Page 7

M.Sc. (Physics), Ph.D. (Astronomy & Astrophysics), B.Ed.
Physics by Dr. R. S. Khan Sir For Class - 12th, 11th & IIT-JEE, NEET, NTSE, KVPY

F = −mg.

mg mg
F =− x = −kx here K =
l l

F∝x i.e. bob is in SHM.

2π m ml l
Time period T= = 2π = 2π = 2π
ω k mg g

T = 2π

From above formula it is clear that :

(i) Time period of SHM is independent of amplitude.

(ii) Time period is independent of mass of the bob.
(iii) T only depends upon l & g.

Dependence on length l : as T ∝ l

So, T must increase with increase in the value of l but this is valid for length
l ≤ Re (Radius of earth)

If l ≥ Re T = 2π
 Re 
1 +  g
 l 

Therefore when l > > Re i.e. l→∞

T = 2π R / g = 84.6 min .

If Re = l T = 2π = 60 min .

Dependence on g :

As T ∝ as g decreases T increase. As the value of g is less at hills or in mines
hence time period of SHM will increase. Due to which the pendulum clock will be slowed
down at these places. It means, the pendulum clock will be losing the time.

Dr. RIZWAN SHAHID KHAN # 9929557178, 8764185449 Page 8

M.Sc. (Physics), Ph.D. (Astronomy & Astrophysics), B.Ed.
Physics by Dr. R. S. Khan Sir For Class - 12th, 11th & IIT-JEE, NEET, NTSE, KVPY

Dependence on Temperature :

Due to increased in temperature the effective length of pendulum will increase.

If dθ is the change in temperature & ∝ is the coefficient of linear expansion of wire then
effective length of the pendulum wire is : l ' = l (1+ ∝ dθ )

l' l
∴ T ' = 2π & T = 2π
g g

= (1+ ∝ dθ )1 / 2 = 1 + ∝ dθ
T' l' 1
T l 2

 T '−T  T' 
∴   × 100 =  − 1 × 100 = 50 ∝ dθ
 T  T 

Dependence on the medium :

If the bob of simple pendulum is made to oscillate in some fluid of density ρ0 where ρ0 < ρ
(ρ → density of bob). The time period of simple pendulum gets increased because the

 ρ  T' g 1
effective g acting on bob is g ' = g 1 − 0  ⇒ = =
 ρ  T g' ρ
1− 0

T' ρ
= >1 as ρ > ρ0
T ρ − ρ0

Second Pendulum :

It is that simple pendulum whose time period of vibration is two seconds. The effective
length of this pendulum is l = 99.3 cm.

Combination of Springs : (Parallel & Series Combination)

Two springs of spring constants k1 & k2, may be connected in the following ways :

(i) Deduce the spring factor of the oscillation of the body in each case. Also find the
frequency in each case.
(ii) Calculate T & υ if k1 = k2.

Dr. RIZWAN SHAHID KHAN # 9929557178, 8764185449 Page 9

M.Sc. (Physics), Ph.D. (Astronomy & Astrophysics), B.Ed.
Physics by Dr. R. S. Khan Sir For Class - 12th, 11th & IIT-JEE, NEET, NTSE, KVPY

1st Case :

If the system is pulled down through a small y. Both the springs will suffer the same
displacement y.

∴ F1 = - K1y & F2 = -K2y

Total force F = (F1 + F2) = -(K1 + K2)y ⇒ F∝y

So F = -Kpy here Kp = K1 + K2

m m 1 1 K1 + K 2
Time period T = 2π = 2π so υ= =
Kp K1 + K 2 T 2π m

 m  1 2K 
If K1 = K2 = K T p = 2π  υ p = 
 2k   2π m 

Case – II

In this case spring is displaced through y1 & y2 respectively

F = -K1y1 & F = -K2y2

−F −F  1 1 
y1 = & y2 = so y = y1 + y2 = − F  + 
K1 K2  K1 K 2 

 K + K2   KK 
y = − F  1  ⇒ F = − 1 2  y
 K1 K 2   K1 + K 2 

K1 K 2
F∝y ⇒ F = -KSy here KS =
K1 + K 2

Dr. RIZWAN SHAHID KHAN # 9929557178, 8764185449 Page 10

M.Sc. (Physics), Ph.D. (Astronomy & Astrophysics), B.Ed.
Physics by Dr. R. S. Khan Sir For Class - 12th, 11th & IIT-JEE, NEET, NTSE, KVPY

m m
T = 2π = 2π
KS K1 K 2
K1 + K 2

1 KS K1 K 2
υ= = 2π
2π m ( K1 + K 2 )

 2m   1 K 
If K1 = K2 = K T = 2π  υ = 
 K   2π 2m 

Case – III

If the block is pulled aside through a small distance y, each spring have same displacement
y. So F1 = -K1y & F2 = -K2y (same as in case – I)

So time period & frequency will be same as in case – I (do your self).

Oscillations of a liquid column in U-tube :

Consider a liquid column of length L in a U-

tube of uniform cross-sectional area A.

[abcd = L]

When liquid level in right limb is depressed

through a distance y, liquid in left limb will go
up by the same distance. This applied pushing
force is balanced by restoring force. The
restoring force will be equal to the wt. of the
liquid column of length 2y.

Due to this restoring force liquid column in U-tube will begin to oscillate up & down about
its mean position.

Restoring force F = -weight of the liquid column of height 2y

F = -mg = -(volume × density)g

F = -(2y × A)ρg = -(2Aρg)y

F = -k y here k = 2Aρg

Dr. RIZWAN SHAHID KHAN # 9929557178, 8764185449 Page 11

M.Sc. (Physics), Ph.D. (Astronomy & Astrophysics), B.Ed.
Physics by Dr. R. S. Khan Sir For Class - 12th, 11th & IIT-JEE, NEET, NTSE, KVPY

F ∝ y i.e. motion of liquid inside U-tube is SHM.

m m LAρ
Time period T = 2π = 2π = 2π
K 2 Aρg 2 Aρg

L h
T = 2π if L = 2h T = 2π
2g g

Oscillations of a floating cylinder / body :

Suppose X is the equilibrium position of a cylinder floating in a given liquid of density σ.

Let A = Cross sectional area of cylinder

L = Length of the cylinder

ρ = density of material of cylinder

m = ALρ = mass of the cylinder

σ = density of the liquid

l = length of the cylinder in liquid

Weight of the cylinder W = ALρg

Weight of the liquid displaced W` = Alσg

By the law of floatation W = W`

ALρg = Alσg ⇒ L=

Let the cylinder be pushed into the liquid through a small distance y.

Restoring force F = -wt of the liquid displaced by cylinder of length y

F = -(Ayσ)g = -(Aσg)y ⇒ F = -Ky

F ∝ y i.e. motion of the cylinder is in SHM. Here K = A σg

m AρL Lρ
T = 2π = 2π = 2π
Aσg Aσg σg

lσ ρ l
T = 2π . = 2π
ρ σg g

Dr. RIZWAN SHAHID KHAN # 9929557178, 8764185449 Page 12

M.Sc. (Physics), Ph.D. (Astronomy & Astrophysics), B.Ed.
Physics by Dr. R. S. Khan Sir For Class - 12th, 11th & IIT-JEE, NEET, NTSE, KVPY

For σ=ρ T = 2π

Motion of a ball in the neck of a narrow air chamber :

Let an air flask having a ball smoothly fitting in its neck. X is the initial position of the ball.
Now it is compressed upto a position Y. So volume inside flask is less than original volume
V. So pressure increases inside the flask. As a result of this the ball pushed outwards. It gains
K.E. and does not stop at X. It overshoots and comes to rest at position Z where XZ = XY =

Now volume inside flask increases so pressure becomes less then original pressure. As a
result of this the ball is pushed downwards and the entire process is repeated.

Let initial small increase in pressure = p

distance through which ball is depressed = y

decrease in volume of air inside flask = Ay

Final pressure inside flask = P + p

Final volume inside flask = V – Ay

From Boyle’s law (P + p) (V – Ay) = PV

PV – PAy + pV – pAy = PV

Now pAy is negligibly small because p & y are both small.

∴ -P Ay + pV = 0

pV = PAy ⇒ p= y

Restoring force on the ball F = -pA

 PAy   PA2 
F = − A ⇒ F = − y

 V   V 

PA 2
F = -ky here k =+

T = 2π

Dr. RIZWAN SHAHID KHAN # 9929557178, 8764185449 Page 13

M.Sc. (Physics), Ph.D. (Astronomy & Astrophysics), B.Ed.
Physics by Dr. R. S. Khan Sir For Class - 12th, 11th & IIT-JEE, NEET, NTSE, KVPY

Motion of a body in the tunnel of earth :

Let a body is dropped into the tunnel bored along the diameter of the earth.

At any instant let A be the position of the body when it is at a depth d. Acceleration due to
 d
gravity at A is g ' = g 1 − 
 R

Here R – d = y = displacement of the body

g g
g'= y = ω2

g' = ω2y

g’ ∝ y i.e. motion of the body is SHM

displacement y y
Time period T = 2π = 2π = 2π
acceleration g' g

T = 2π as R = 6400 KM so T = 50.78 sec.

Oscilllator :

A body executes SHM is called oscillator.

Free Oscillations : A body is said to be executing free oscillations, if it vibrates with its
natural frequency. If no other force acts on the system, the system will executes oscillations
of frequency υ0 called natural frequency and amplitude of the oscillations will remain
constant with time. Such oscillations are called undamped free oscillations.

Examples :

1. A tunning fork; when set into vibration executes free vibration.

2. The string of a sonometer or a sitar when plucked and released executes free
3. The bob of a simple pendulum executes free vibrations.

Forced Oscillations :

The oscillations produced by an oscillator under the effect of an external periodic force of
frequency other than the natural frequency of the oscillation are called forced oscillations.
Dr. RIZWAN SHAHID KHAN # 9929557178, 8764185449 Page 14
M.Sc. (Physics), Ph.D. (Astronomy & Astrophysics), B.Ed.
Physics by Dr. R. S. Khan Sir For Class - 12th, 11th & IIT-JEE, NEET, NTSE, KVPY

Consider that an oscillator A is executing free oscillation of natural frequency υ0. Suppose
that the oscillator A is driven by another oscillator B whose natural frequency is υ. Then
oscillator B is called driver oscillator and the oscillator A is called driven oscillator.

As the time passes the driven oscillator is find to lose its oscillations and starts oscillating
with the frequency of the driver. Since the driver forces its own frequency. On the driven
oscillator, the oscillations are called forced oscillations.

Example :

1. When the bob of a pendulum is made to oscillate by keeping the bob in hand the
oscillation executed are forced oscillations.
2. When the stem of a vibrating tunning fork is pressed against the sonometer wire it
starts vibrating with the frequency of oscillation of tuning fork.

Resonance :

The phenomenon of setting a body into oscillations of large amplitude by the influence of
another vibrating body having the same natural frequency is called resonance and the
vibrations are called resonant frequency.

Resonance may be harmful sometimes while soldiers cross a bridge, they are ordered to go
out of steps. If they do not so then the bridge may start oscillating and hence may get
damaged. If by chance the frequency of the steps of the marching soldiers happens to be
equal to that of the bridge.

Damped and undamped oscillations :

Oscillations of constant amplitude are called undamped oscillations or maintained


Such oscillations can be produced by feeding energy to a oscillator during each oscillation
just equal to the energy dissipated.
Dr. RIZWAN SHAHID KHAN # 9929557178, 8764185449 Page 15
M.Sc. (Physics), Ph.D. (Astronomy & Astrophysics), B.Ed.
Physics by Dr. R. S. Khan Sir For Class - 12th, 11th & IIT-JEE, NEET, NTSE, KVPY

Example : Oscillations of a clock pendulum.

Damped Oscillations : If the amplitude of the oscillation is decreasing with time due to
dissipating forces (friction due to air) are called damped oscillations.

Example : Oscillations of a simple pendulum in air.

Relation between path difference & phase difference :

For λ path difference, phase difference = 2 π

1 path difference, phase difference =

For x path difference, phase difference = x =φ

i.e. Phase difference = (path difference) = kx = φ here K = wave constant

Conceptual Questions :

1. What is the frequency of oscillation of a simple pendulum mounted in a cabin that is

freely falling under gravity. (zero)
2. A man with a wrist watch on his hand falls from the top of a tower. Does the watch
give correct time during the free fall. (Gives correct time)
3. If a pendulum clock is taken to a mountain top does it lose or gain time, assuming it is
correct at a lower elevation. (Will lose time)
4. The soldiers marching on a suspended bridge are advised to go out of steps. Why?
5. What are the direction of acceleration at various points during the oscillation of a
simple pendulum.
6. At what distance from the mean position is the K.E. in simple harmonic oscillator
equal to P.E.
7. Write the dimension of equation of K in given equation y = A sin(kx – ωt).
 2π 
k = = M 0 L−1T 0 
 λ 
8. In case of a simple pendulum what will be the graph :
(i) between l & T (ii) between l & T2

Dr. RIZWAN SHAHID KHAN # 9929557178, 8764185449 Page 16

M.Sc. (Physics), Ph.D. (Astronomy & Astrophysics), B.Ed.
Physics by Dr. R. S. Khan Sir For Class - 12th, 11th & IIT-JEE, NEET, NTSE, KVPY

((i) parabola (ii) straight line)

9. What will be the time period if above two curves intersect at a point. (Ans. T = 1 sec.)
10. What will be the effect on the time period if the amplitude of a simple pendulum
increase. (No change)
11. Define force constant of a spring. Give its S.I. unit and dimensional formula.
12. The bob of a vibrating simple pendulum is made of ice. How will the time period of
swing will change when the ice starts melting?


1. If the length of a correct pendulum clock is raised by .1% by how much slower the
clock would go in a day. [42.3 sec]
2. The period of mass suspended by a spring of force constant K is T. If the spring is cut
into three equal places. What will be the force constant of each part. If the same mass
be suspended from one piece and time period. (2k, T / 2 )
3. A block rests on a horizontal table which is executing SHM in the horizontal plane
with an amplitude A. What will be the frequency of the oscillations, the block will

1 µg
just start to slip? Coefficient of friction µ. [Ans. ]
2π A
4. A particle is subjected to two simple harmonic motions in the same direction having
equal amplitude and equal frequency. If the resultant amplitude is equal to the
amplitude of individual motions, what is the phase difference between the motions.
5. Two simple harmonic motions are represented by the following equations :

y1 = 10 sin
(12t + 1) & [
y 2 = 5 sin 3πt + 3 cos 3πt ]
What is the ratio of their amplitudes? [1 : 1]
6. A simple pendulum of length l suspended from a roof of a train which moves in a

horizontal direction with an acceleration a. Find its T. [ T = 2π
(a )
1/ 2
+ g2
7. What is phase difference if two simple pendulums of unequal length meet each other
at mean position while oscillating? [O if moving in same direction, π if in opposite

Dr. RIZWAN SHAHID KHAN # 9929557178, 8764185449 Page 17

M.Sc. (Physics), Ph.D. (Astronomy & Astrophysics), B.Ed.
Physics by Dr. R. S. Khan Sir For Class - 12th, 11th & IIT-JEE, NEET, NTSE, KVPY

8. A particle is moving in SHM in a straight line. When the distance of the particle from
equilibrium position has value x1 & x2 the corresponding values of velocities are u1 &

x2 2 − x12
u2. Show that time period of vibrations is T = 2π .
u12 − u 2 2

9. A particle of mass 10 g is placed in a potential field given by U = (50x2 + 100)

erg/gm. Calculate the frequency of the oscillations. [1.58 / sec]
10. A pendulum 1 m long makes 20 vibrations in 40 sec. Find the time taken to make 30
vibrations if its length is increased to 4m. [120 sec.]
11. A simple pendulum with a brass bob has time period T. The bob is now immersed in a
non viscous liquid and oscillated. If the density of the liquid is 1/9 that of the brass,
 3T 
Find the time of the same pendulum. T ' = 
 8
12. Infinite number of springs with spring constants K, 2K, 4K, 8K, 16K …… ∞
respectively are connected in series. What is the equivalent spring constant. (K/2)
13. A steel strip, clamped at one end, vibrates with a frequency of 20 Hz and an amplitude
of 5 mm at the free end, where a small mass of 2g is positioned. Find (a) The velocity
of the end when passing through the zero position. (b) The acceleration at maximum
displacement (c) max. K.E. & P.E. of the mass.
[(a) .628 m/s (b) 79 m/s2 (c) 3.9 x 10-4 J, 3.9 x 10-4 J]
14. If the length of the second pendulum is increased by 1% how many seconds will it
lose in a day? [432 sec]
15. Two pendulums of length 1 m and 1.1 m respectively start swinging together with the
same amplitude. Find the number of swings that will be executed by the longer
pendulum before they will again swing together. (g = 978 cm/s2) [41]
16. A spring of force constant k is cut into two pieces, such that one piece is double the
length of the other. What is the force constant of the longer piece of the spring. (3/2
17. A spring 60 cm long is stretched 2 cm, when subjected to a force of 20 gm wt. What
would be the length, when a force of 500 gm wt. is applied. [110 cm]
18. A mass M attached to a spring oscillates with a period of 2 sec. if the mass is
increased by 2 kg the period increases by 1 sec. Find the initial mass M, assuming that
Hooke’s law is obeyed. [Ans. 1.6 kg]

Dr. RIZWAN SHAHID KHAN # 9929557178, 8764185449 Page 18

M.Sc. (Physics), Ph.D. (Astronomy & Astrophysics), B.Ed.
Physics by Dr. R. S. Khan Sir For Class - 12th, 11th & IIT-JEE, NEET, NTSE, KVPY

19. What is the phase relationship betwen displacement, velocity and acceleration in
SHM. [Ans. Velocity leads the displacement by π/2 & acceleration lead the velocity
by π/2]
20. How the path difference related to phase difference. (Phase diff. = 2π/λ × path diff.)
21. What is epoch? Name the unit in which it is measured?

Dr. RIZWAN SHAHID KHAN # 9929557178, 8764185449 Page 19

M.Sc. (Physics), Ph.D. (Astronomy & Astrophysics), B.Ed.

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