from the real world and annotating them by analytic com- it to multi-object scenarios. The grasp poses generated by
putation in simulation, which leverages the advantages from these methods are constrained in 2D plane which limits the
both sides. degree of freedom of grasp poses. With the rapid devel-
Specifically, inspired by previous literature [41], we pro- opment in monocular object 6D pose estimation [17, 45],
pose a two-step pipeline to generate tremendous grasp poses some researchers [8] predict 6D poses of the objects and
for a scene. Thanks to our automatic annotation process, we project predefined grasp poses to the scene. Such meth-
built the first large-scale in-the-wild grasp pose dataset that ods have no limitation of grasping orientation, but require a
can serve as a base for training and evaluating grasp pose prior knowledge about the object shape. Recently, starting
detection algorithms. Our dataset contains 97,280 RGB-D from [42] there is a new line of researches [41, 24, 28, 35]
images taken from different viewpoints of over 190 clut- that propose grasping candidates on partial observed point
tered scenes. For all 88 objects in our dataset, we provide clouds and output a classification score for each candidate
accurate 3D mesh models. Each scene is densely annotated using 3D CNN. Such methods require no prior knowledge
with object 6D poses and grasp poses, bringing over one about the objects. Currently, these methods are evaluated in
billion grasp poses, which is 5 orders of magnitude larger their own metrics and hard to compare to others.
than previous datasets. Moreover, embedded with an online
evaluation system, our benchmark is able to evaluate cur- Grasping Dataset Cornell grasping dataset [16] first pro-
rent mainstream grasping detection algorithms in a unified posed rectangle representation for grasping detection in im-
manner. Experiments also demonstrate that our benchmark ages. Single object RGB-D images are provided with rect-
can align well with real-world experiments. Fig 1 shows the angle grasp poses. [7, 50] built datasets with the same
methodology for building our dataset. protocol but extend to multi-object scenarios. These grasp
Given such a large scale dataset, we further propose a poses are annotated by human. [30, 22] collect annotations
novel method for learning grasp poses. For better geomet- with real robot experiments. These data labeling methods
ric reasoning and context encoding, we propose an end-to- are time consuming and require strong hardware support.
end 3D based grasp pose detection network. Instead of To avoid such problem, some recent works explore using
predicting grasp pose matrix directly, our network seeks simulated environment [26, 9, 48, 28, 4] to anotate grasp
a more robust learning way that learns approaching direc- poses. They can generate a much larger scale dataset but
tion and operation parameters (e.g. in-plane rotation, grasp the domain gap of visual perception is always a hindrance.
width) explicitly under a unified objective. Moreover, to Beyond rectangle based annotation, GraspSeg [2] provides
improve the perturbation resistance of the grasp pose, we pixel-wise annotations for grasp-affordance segmentation
propose a novel representation called grasp affinity fields and object segmentation. For 6D pose estimation, [45]
to make our network being robust to perturbation. Exper- contributes a dataset with 21 objects and 92 scenes. These
iments demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of our datasets mainly focus on a subarea of grasp pose detection.
proposed method. In this work, we aim to build a dataset that is much larger in
scale and diversity and covers main aspects of object grasp-
2. Related Work ing detection.
In this section, we first review deep learning based grasp-
ing detection algorithms, followed by related datasets in Point Cloud Based Deep Learning Qi et al. first pro-
this area. Point cloud based deep learning methods are also posed PointNet [33] to directly learn features from raw
briefly reviewed. point cloud inputs. After that, many methods [34, 38, 3,
23, 12, 43, 39, 40, 20, 19, 49, 47, 44, 46, 15] are pro-
Deep Learning Based Grasping Prediction Algorithms posed to perform point cloud classification and segmenta-
For deep learning based grasping detection algorithms, they tion. Beyond that, some recent works [31, 37, 32] extended
can be divided into three main categories. The most popu- the PointNet framework to the area of 3D object detection.
lar one is to detect a graspable rectangle based on RGB-D The most similar network structure to ours is that of Qin et
image input [16, 21, 36, 13, 30, 22, 26, 50, 1, 2, 7, 27, 28]. al. [35], which also predicted grasp poses based on Point-
Lenz et al. [21] proposed a cascaded method with two net- Net. In this work, we design an end-to-end network with a
works that first prunes out unlikely grasps and then eval- new representation of grasp pose rather than direct regres-
uates the remaining grasps with a larger network. Red- sion.
mon et al. [36] proposed a different network structure that
directly regresses the grasp poses in a single step manner, 3. GraspNet-1Billion
which is faster and more accurate. Mahler et al. [26] pro-
posed a grasp quality CNN to predict the robustness scores We next describe the main features of our dataset and
of grasping candidates. Zhang [50] and Chu [7] extended how we build it.
6D-Pose 6DoF Grasp Poses
View 1
Object Models
View 2 RGB
Grasp? ×
Multi-View Depth
Grasp? √
Kinect4A RealSense Instance Masks
Multi-Cam Grasp Poses
Point Clouds
Grasps Objects Grasp 6D Total Total Total Data
Dataset Modality
/ scene / scene label pose objects grasps images source
Cornell [16] ∼8 1 Rect. No 240 8019 1035 RGB-D 1 Cam.
Pinto et al. [30] 1 - Rect. No 150 50K 50K RGB-D 1 Cam.
Levine et al. [22] 1 - Rect. No - 800K 800K RGB-D 1 Cam.
Mahler et al. [26] 1 1 Rect. No 1,500 6.7M 6.7M Depth Sim.
Jacquard [9] ∼20 1 Rect. No 11K 1.1M 54K RGB-D Sim.
Zhang et al. [50] ∼20 ∼3 Rect. No - 100K 4683 RGB 1 Cam.
Multi-Object [7] ∼30 ∼4 Rect. No - 2904 96 RGB-D 1 Cam.
VR-Grasping-101 [48] 100 1 6-DOF Yes 101 4.8M 10K RGB-D Sim.
YCB-Video [45] None ∼5 None Yes 21 None 134K RGB-D 1 Cam.
GraspNet (ours) 3∼9M ∼10 6-DOF Yes 88 ∼1.2B 97K RGB-D 2 Cams.
Table 1. Summary of the properties of publicly available grasp datasets. “Rect.”, “Cam.” and “Sim.” are short for Rectangle, Camera and
Simulation respectively. “-” denotes the number is unknown.
frame. Thanks to the camera poses recorded, we only need is not antipodal. The grasp with lower friction coefficient µ
to annotate 6D poses for the first frame of each scene. The has more probability of success. Thus we define our score
6D poses will then be propagated to the remaining frames s as:
by: s = 1.1 − µ, (2)
Pji = cam−1 i cam0 P0 ,
(1) such that s lies in (0, 1].
where Pji is the 6D pose of object j at frame i and cami Second, for each scene, we project these grasps to the
is the camera pose of frame i. All the 6D pose annotations corresponding objects based on the annotated 6D object
were carefully refined and double-checked by several anno- poses:
tators to ensure high quality. Object masks and bounding Pi = cam0 Pi0 ,
boxes are also obtained by projecting objects onto the im- (3)
Gi(w) = Pi · Gi(o) ,
ages using 6D poses.
where Pi is the 6D pose of the i-th object in the world
Grasp Pose Annotation Different from labels in com-
frame, Gi(o) is a set of grasp poses in the object frame
mon vision tasks, grasp poses distribute in a large and con-
tinuous search space, which brings infinite annotations. An- and Gi(w) contains the corresponding poses in the world
notating each scene manually would be dramatically labor frame. Besides, collision check is performed to avoid in-
expensive. Considering all the objects are known, we pro- valid grasps. Following [41], we adopt the simplified grip-
pose a two stage automated pipeline for grasp pose annota- per model as shown in Fig. 4 and check whether there are
tion, which is illustrated in Fig. 3. object points in this area. After these two steps we can gen-
First, grasp poses are sampled and annotated for each erate densely distributed grasp set G(w) for each scene. Ac-
single object. To achieve that, high quality mesh models cording to statistics, the ratio of positive and negative labels
are downsampled such that the sampled points (called grasp in our dataset is around 1:2. We conduct real world ex-
points) are uniformly distributed in voxel space. For each periment in Sec. 5 using our robot arm and verify that our
grasp point, we sample V views uniformly distributed in a generated grasp poses can align well with real world grasp-
spherical space. Grasp candidates are searched in a two di- ing.
mensional grid D × A, where D is the set of gripper depths 3.4. Evaluation
and A is the set of in-plane rotation angles. Gripper width
is determined accordingly such that no empty grasp or col- Dataset Split For our 190 scenes, we use 100 for training
lision occurs. Each grasp candidate will be assigned a con- and 90 for testing. Specifically, we further divide our test
fidence score based on the mesh model. sets into 3 categories: 30 scenes with seen objects, 30 with
We adopt an analytic computation method to grade each unseen but similar objects and 30 for novel objects. We
grasp. The force-closure metric [29, 41] has been proved hope that such setting can better evaluate the generalization
effective in grasp evaluation: given a grasp pose, the associ- ability of different methods.
ated object and a friction coefficient µ, force-closure metric New Metrics To evaluate the prediction performance of
outputs a binary label indicating whether the grasp is antipo- grasp pose, previous methods adopt the rectangle metric
dal under that coefficient. The result is computed based on that consider a grasp as correct if: i) the rotation error is
physical rules, which is robust. Here we adopt an improved less than 30◦ and ii) the rectangle IOU is larger than 0.25.
metric described in [24]. With ∆µ = 0.1 as interval, we de- There are several drawbacks of such metric. Firstly, it
crease µ gradually from 1 to 0.1 step by step until the grasp can only evaluate rectangle representation of grasp pose.
Secondly, the error tolerance is set rather high since the
groundtruth annotations are not exhaustive. It might over-
estimate the performance of grasping algorithm. Currently, R
Figure 5. Overview of our end-to-end network. (a) For a scene point cloud with N point coordinates as input, a point encoder-decoder
extracts cloud features and samples M points with C-dim features. (b) Approaching vectors are predicted by ApproachNet and are used to
(c) grouped points in cylinder regions. (d) OperationNet predicts the operation parameters and ToleranceNet predicts the grasp robustness.
See text for more details.
our formulation of grasp pose. Following such formulation, graspable point as vij . We then look for its ground-truth
our network design is illustrated as follows. reference vector v̂ij on the sphere space of the ith point.
Similarly, we only consider reference vectors that are within
4.2. Approach Network and Grasp Point Selection 5 degree bound. With such definition, our target function for
The approaching vectors and feasible grasp points are an input point cloud is defined as follows:
jointly estimated by our Approach Network, since some di-
1 X
rections are not suitable for grasping due to occlusion. LA ({ci }, {sij }) = Lcls (ci , c∗i )
Ncls i
Base Network To build a solid foundation for viewpoint (5)
classification, we first use a base network for capturing well 1 XX ∗ ∗
+λ1 ci 1(|vij , vij | < 5◦ )Lreg (sij , s∗ij ).
point cloud geometric features. In this work, we adopt Nreg i j
PointNet++ [34] backbone network. Other networks like
Here, ci denotes the binary prediction of graspable or not
VoxelNet [51] can be also adopted. Taking a raw point
for point i. c∗i is assigned 1 if point i is positive and 0
cloud with size N × 3 as input, our base network outputs
if negative. sij denotes the predicted confidence score for
a new set of points with C channels features. We subsam-
viewpoint j of point i. s∗ij is the corresponding ground-
ple M points with farthest point sampling [10] to cover the
truth, which is obtained by choosing the maximum grasp
whole scene.
confidence (Eqn. 2) from that viewpoint. |vij , vij
| denotes
Output Head We classify feasible approaching vectors degree difference. Indicator function 1() constrains the loss
into V predefined viewpoints. Meanwhile, for each point, on approaching vectors that has a nearby groundtruth within
the Approach Network outputs two values to predict its con- 5 degree bound. Here for Lcls we use a two class softmax
fidence of graspable or not. Therefore, the output of our loss, while for Lreg we use the smooth L1 loss.
proposal generation network is M × (2 + V ), where 2 de-
notes the binary class of graspable or not and V denotes the 4.3. Operation Network
number of predefined approaching vectors.
After getting approaching vectors from graspable points,
Loss Function For each candidate point, we assign it a we further predict in-plane rotation, approaching distance,
binary label indicating whether it is graspable or not. First, gripper width and grasp confidence, which is important for
points which are not on the objects are assigned negative operation. Here, grasp confidence have 10 levels (Eqn. 2).
labels. Next, for points on the objects, we found those who
have at least one graspable ground-truth within 5mm ra- Cylinder Region Transformation Before forwarding
dius neighbor area. Their graspable scores are assigned as through the operation network, we build a unified represen-
1. Finally, points on the objects but cannot find reference tation for each grasp candidate. Since approaching distance
ground-truth grasps are ignored, which do not contribute to is relatively less sensitive, we divide it into K bins. For each
the training objective. given distance dk , we sample points inside the cylinder cen-
For each graspable point, V virtual approaching vectors tered along the approaching vectors to a fixed number. For
are sampled around it under the camera frame. Now, we better learning, all the sampled points are transformed into
can define the approaching vector of j th virtual view of ith a new coordinate whose origin is the grasp point and z-axis
is vij . The transformation matrix Oij is calculated as: Object s=1 s=0.5 s=0.1 Object s=1 s=0.5 s=0.1
Banana 98% 67% 21% Apple 97% 65% 16%
Oij = [o1ij , [0, −vij (3) , vij (2) ]T , vij ], Peeler 95% 59% 9% Dragon 96% 60% 9%
(3) (2) T Mug 96% 62% 12% Camel 93% 67% 23%
where o1ij = [0, −vij , vij ] × vij ,
Scissors 89% 61% 5% Power Drill 96% 61% 14%
(k) Lion 98% 68% 16% Black Mouse 98% 64% 13%
vij is the k-th element of vij . After such transformation,
Table 2. Summary of real world success rate of grasping given
candidate grasp poses has a unified representation and co-
different grasp score.
Rotation and Width It has been proved in previous lit- 4.5. Training and Inference
erature [17] that for predicting in-plane rotation, classifica- During training, the whole network is updated in an end-
tion could achieve better results than regression. Following to-end manner by minimizing the follow objective function:
such setting, our rotation network takes the aligned point
cloud as input and predicts classification scores and normal- L = LA ({ci }, {sij }) + αLR (Rij , Sij , Wij ) + βLF (Tij )
ized residuals for each binned rotation, as well as the corre- (8)
sponding grasp width and confidence. It is worth noticing During inference, we refine our grasp poses by dividing
that since gripper is symmetric, we only predict rotations them into 10 bins according to their grasp scores and resort
ranging from 0 to 180 degree. The objective function for the grasps in each bin according to the perturbation they
the network is: can resist predicted by our tolerance network. We divide
K the predicted grasps into 10 bins because our labels have 10
X 1 X d ∗ different grasp scores. Experiments demonstrate that such
L (Rij , Sij , Wij ) = L (Rij , Rij )
Ncls ij cls refinement can improve the grasping quality effectively.
1 X d ∗
+λ2 L (Sij , Sij ) (6) 5. Experiments
Nreg ij reg
1 X d In this section, we first conduct robotic experiments to
+λ3 Lreg (Wij , Wij∗ ) , demonstrate that our ground-truth annotations can align
Nreg ij
well with real-world grasping. Then we benchmark several
representative methods on our dataset and compare them
where Rij denotes the binned rotation degrees, Sij , Wij and
with our methods in a unified evaluation metric (Sec. 3.4).
d denote the grasp confidence scores, gripper widths and
Finally, we conduct ablation studies to show the effective-
approaching distance respectively. Ld means loss for the
ness of our network components.
dth binned distance. Here, for Lcls we use sigmoid cross
entropy loss function for multi-class binary classification. 5.1. Ground-Truth Evaluation
4.4. Tolerance Network To evaluate the quality of our generated grasp poses, we
After previous steps, our end-to-end network can already set up a real robotic experiment. Since we need to project
predict accurate grasp poses. Beyond that, we further pro- grasp poses to the camera frame using objects’ 6D poses,
pose a representation called grasp affinity fields(GAFs) to we paste ArUco code on the objects and only label their 6D
improve the robustness of our grasp poses prediction. Since poses once to avoid tedious annotation process.
feasible grasp poses are infinite, humans tend to pick grasp We pick 10 objects from our object set and execute grasp
poses that can tolerate larger errors. Inspired by this, our poses that has different scores. For each setting we ran-
GAFs learns to predict the tolerance to perturbation for each domly choose 100 grasp poses. For robot arm we adopt a
grasp. Flexiv Rizon arm and for camera we use the Intel RealSense
Given a ground truth grasp pose, we search its neighbors 435. Table 2 summarizes the success rate of grasping. We
in the sphere space to see the farthest distance that the grasp can see that for grasp poses with high score, the success rate
is still robust with grasp score s > 0.5 and set it as the target can achieve 0.96 in average. Meanwhile, the success rate is
for our GAFs. The loss function is written as: pretty low for grasp poses with s = 0.1. It indicates that
our generated grasp poses are well aligned with real world
1 XX d grasping.
LF (Aij ) = Lreg (Tij , Tij∗ ), (7)
Nreg ij
d=1 5.2. Benchmarking Representative Methods
where Tij denotes the maximum perturbation that the grasp We benchmark different representative methods on our
pose can resist. dataset and compare them with our method.
Figure 6. Qualitative results of our predicted grasp poses. Scenes are constructed using the RGB-D images taken by cameras. Grasps are
represented by blue lines.
Seen Unseen Novel
AP AP0.8 AP0.4 AP AP0.8 AP0.4 AP AP0.8 AP0.4
GG-CNN[27] 15.48/16.89 21.84/22.47 10.25/11.23 13.26/15.05 18.37/19.76 4.62/6.19 5.52/7.38 5.93/8.78 1.86/1.32
Chu et al. [7] 15.97/17.59 23.66/24.67 10.80/12.74 15.41/17.36 20.21/21.64 7.06/8.86 7.64/8.04 8.69/9.34 2.52/1.76
GPD [41] 22.87/24.38 28.53/30.16 12.84/13.46 21.33/23.18 27.83/28.64 9.64/11.32 8.24/9.58 8.89/10.14 2.67/3.16
Liang et al. [24] 25.96/27.59 33.01/34.21 15.37/17.83 22.68/24.38 29.15/30.84 10.76/12.83 9.23/10.66 9.89/11.24 2.74/3.21
Ours 27.56/29.88 33.43/36.19 16.95/19.31 26.11/27.84 34.18/33.19 14.23/16.62 10.55/11.51 11.25/12.92 3.98/3.56
Table 3. Evaluation for different methods. The table shows the results on data captured by RealSense/Kinect respectively.
For rectangle based method, we adopt two methods [27, Method AP AP0.8 AP0.4
7] with open implementations. For point cloud proposal Full 29.88 36.19 19.31
method, we adopt [41, 24]. We train these models according Replace classification
23.74 33.28 12.15
to their original implementations. with regression
For our method, rotation angle is divided into 12 bins 28.53 35.62 16.33
Tolerance Network
and approaching distance is divided into 4 bins with the Table 4. Ablation studies of our network. See text for more details.
value of 0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04 meter. We set M = 1024
and V = 300. PointNet++ has four set abstraction layers
with the radius of 0.04, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 in meters and group- grasp pose representations would affect the results by di-
ing size of 64, 32, 16 and 16, by which the point set is rectly regressing the direction of the approaching vector and
down-sampled to the size of 2048, 1024, 512 and 256 re- degree of in-plane rotation. Then we evaluate the effective-
spectively. Then the points are up-sampled by two feature ness of our ToleranceNet by removing it from our inference
propagation layers to the size 1024 with 256-dim features. pipeline. Results are reported in Tab. 4. We can see that
ApproachNet, OperationNet and ToleranceNet is composed classification based learning scheme is indeed better than
of MLPs with the size of (256, 302, 302), (128, 128, 36) direct regression. Meanwhile, the drop of performance af-
and (128, 64, 12) respectively. For the loss function, we set ter removing the ToleranceNet demonstrates effectiveness
λ1 , λ2 , λ3 , α, β = 0.5, 1.0, 0.2, 0.5, 0.1. of the grasp affinity fields.
Our model is implemented with PyTorch and trained
with Adam optimizer [18] on one Nvidia RTX 2080 GPU.
6. Conclusion
During training, we randomly sample 20k points from each In this paper we built a large-scale dataset for cluttered
scene. The initial learning rate is 0.001 and the batch size is scene object grasping. Our dataset is orders of magnitude
4. The learning rate is decreased to 0.0001 after 60 epochs larger than previous grasping datasets and diverse in ob-
and then decreased to 0.00001 after 100 epochs. jects, scenes and data sources. It consists of images taken
We report the results of different methods in Tab. 3. As by real world sensor and has rich and dense annotations.
we can see, rectangle based method has a lower accuracy We demonstrated that our dataset align well with real world
among all of the metrics. It denotes that previous rectangle grasping. Meanwhile, we proposed an end-to-end grasp
based methods might be over-estimated. Our end-to-end pose prediction network equipped with a novel representa-
network achieves the state-of-the-art result and outperforms tion of grasp affinity fields. Experiments showed the superi-
previous methods by a large margin. We show some quali- ority of our method. Our code and dataset will be released.
tative results of our predicted grasp poses in Fig. 6.
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