Final and Oral exams
Final and Oral exams
Final and Oral exams
Start-up 1
Grammar Vocabulary Target language
1- What’s your name? 1- Can you tell me what Grammar
2- How are you? comes after ABC? • Verb to be
3- How old are you? 2- Who are your friends? • A / An
• Plural and
4- How many brothers 3- What are the vowels?
and sisters do you 4- What day is today? (sentences and
have? 5- What are the days of yes/no
5- Say the numbers that the week? questions)
you know • Nouns /
6- What are the sounds Adjectives /
of : /a/ , /e/ , /i/ , /o/, Verbs
/u/ • Letters
7- What verb comes after • Sounds
a plural pronoun? (Is • Different
or are?) vocab
8- Is Zebra, Ox, Man, • Numbers
Watch, Singular or • Days of the
Plural? Make it plural week.
(One by one)
9- Are Videos, Sheep,
Leaves Singular or
Plural? Make it
singular (One by one)
10- Before the vowels
we put A or AN? And
what about before the
11- Is Good, Dog,
Restaurant, Run,
Verb, adjective or
Noun? (One by one)
Start-up 2