Final and Oral exams

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Start-up 1

Start-up 1
Grammar Vocabulary Target language
1- What’s your name? 1- Can you tell me what Grammar
2- How are you? comes after ABC? • Verb to be
3- How old are you? 2- Who are your friends? • A / An
• Plural and
4- How many brothers 3- What are the vowels?
and sisters do you 4- What day is today? (sentences and
have? 5- What are the days of yes/no
5- Say the numbers that the week? questions)
you know • Nouns /
6- What are the sounds Adjectives /
of : /a/ , /e/ , /i/ , /o/, Verbs
/u/ • Letters
7- What verb comes after • Sounds
a plural pronoun? (Is • Different
or are?) vocab
8- Is Zebra, Ox, Man, • Numbers
Watch, Singular or • Days of the
Plural? Make it plural week.
(One by one)
9- Are Videos, Sheep,
Leaves Singular or
Plural? Make it
singular (One by one)
10- Before the vowels
we put A or AN? And
what about before the
11- Is Good, Dog,
Restaurant, Run,
Verb, adjective or
Noun? (One by one)
Start-up 2

Start-up 2 (Empower A1 units 1 – 3 )

Grammar Vocabulary Target language
1- What is your name? 1- Name 3 objects in your Grammar
2- Where are you from? room • Verb to be
3- What is your nationality? 2- How many knives are • Possessive
4- Are you Brazilian? there in your house? adjectives
5- What is your brother’s 3- How many days do we • Plural nouns
name? have in a week? • Have/has
6- Is he Turkish? 4- What is your favorite • Present simple
7- What is his nationality? food / drink? with I /They /
8- What is his phone 5- What time is it now? You / We /
number? 6- What time is our You.
9- What is his city? session? • Frequence
10- Tell me 3 things you have adverbs.
now. Vocabulary
11- Do you like apples? • Countries
12- What do you want to eat
• Nationalities
• Common
13- I will tell you a sentence
and you make a question:
• Numbers
• No, I don’t like
bananas. • Food
• I eat eggs every • Time
14- Use the word
usually/always in a
sentence about you.
Beginner 1

Beginner 1 (Empower A1 units 4 – 6 )

Grammar Vocabulary Target language
1- I will tell you a sentence and 1- What is your job? Grammar
you make a question. 2- What is your brother’s • Present simple wh
• I study English every day. job? questions
• Yes, I do. I live in a house. 3- Complete the sentence • Present simple he/ she / it
2- Where does your brother with a verb. (positive/ negative/
live? • I …….. Japanese question)
3- What does your father work? (speak) • There is / there are
4- What does your sister study? • I ……. in an Vocabulary
5- Name some places in your office. (work) • Common verbs
street. (use there is and there are) 4- How many family • Family
6- I will tell you a sentence and members do you have? • Places in town
you make a question. Who are they? • Hotel
• There is a café here. 5- Name 3 things inside a • Jobs
• No, there isn’t. There isn’t room in a hotel. • Daily routine
a hotel. •
7- Complete the sentence with a
negative verb
• She ……. Work in an
• He …….study French.
8- Tell me 3 things you do
9- Tell me 3 things your brother
does everyday
10- I will tell you a sentence and
you make a question.
• He studies English every
• Yes, she does. She lives in
a house.
Beginner 2

Beginner 2 (Empower A1 units 7 – 9 )

Grammar Vocabulary Target language
1- Tell me about something far 1- What do you like to Grammar
from you now in your room buy when you go • This/that/these/those
2- Tell me about things near to shopping? • Frequency adverbs
you now in your room 2- What clothes do you • Past simple
3- What is your brother’s/ have? • Past simple expression
sister’s name? 3- What color are you Vocabulary
4- This is Ahmed and Mona’s wearing now? • Shopping and clothes
house 4- What doo you do in • Colors
• Remove Ahmed and your free time? • Free time activities
Mona and use a 5- What kind of transport
• Transports
possessive adjective. do you usually use?
• Season and weather
5- Use the word usually in a 6- What is your favorite
sentence about yourself season?
6- Where were you yesterday? 7- How is the weather in
7- Were you at the club autumn?
yesterday? 8- In which season is it
8- What did you do last hot?
9- Did you travel last week end?
10- I will tell you a sentence and
you make a question
• I traveled to Alex
• No, I didn’t. I played
11- How did you spend your last
summer vacation?
Beginner 3

Beginner 3 (Empower A1 units 10 – 12 )

Grammar Vocabulary Target language
1- What are we doing now? 1- Which room do we sleep Grammar
2- What is your in? • Present continuous
mother/sister/father/brother 2- Which room do we sit • Object pronouns
doing now? and watch TV in? • Can
3- What are you wearing now? 3- Which room do we eat • Be going to
4- I will tell you a sentence and you in? Vocabulary
make a question. 4- Hesham is travelling • Home
• Khaled is eating ice- now. Where is Hesham? • Prepositions
cream now. (at the airport) • Life events.
• No, they aren’t. They are 5- Where were you born?
• Abilities
travelling by bus. 6- When do people get
• Future time
5- I called Mona 5 times. Remove married?
expressions and
Mona and use an object 7- Which year were you
ordinal numbers.
pronoun. born in?
8- When is your birthday? • Collocations
6- Tell me 3 things you can do and
3 things you can’t do. (they have to say a full
7- Can you drive? / Can you date)
dance? 9- Complete the sentence:
8- What are you going to do after • I am going to do
the exam? ……….
9- Where are you going to go next • I want to make
winter? ……….
10- Make a question for these
• Yes, I am. I am going to
travel to Candan Next
• I am going to have
dinner with Alice next
Elementary 1

Elementary 1 (Empower A2 units 2-5)

Grammar Vocabulary Target language
1- What do you usually do in the 1- Who do you go to when Grammar
morning? you have a problem with • Present simple
2- When do you always start your your teeth? (positive / negative /
work? 2- Who flies a plane? questions)
3- Who do you spend most of your 3- How many terms are there • Have got
time with? in an academic year? • Countable and
4- I will tell you a sentence and you 4- What should you do while uncountable
have to make a question you are in a course? (take • Quantifiers
- Ahmed studies every Friday. notes) • Possessives
- No, I don’t travel every day. 5- If it is 3:15 how can we Vocabulary
5- Tell me 3 things you have got say it in the classic clock. • Jobs
now. 6- If it is 2:50 how can we • School and exams
6- Use the word sometimes in a say it in the classic clock.
• Time
sentence about yourself 7- What do we use to listen to
• Technology
7- How much cheese do you music on the bus?
(headphones) • Food
usually buy?
8- What is your favorite • Cooking
8- Use the word any in a sentence
about yourself food? • Places in the city
9- How much milk is there in the 9- How do you like your • Furniture
fridge? food? (students has to use
10- How many apples do you have? the cooking verbs and
11- Whose pen is this? adjectives)
12- Is this Sara and Ahmed’s house? 10- A place you go to study in
(ask the students to say no and after school (college /
use another name in the answer) university)
13- Is this Mona’s pen? (ask the 11- Something you use to
students to say yes and use wash your hands? (sink)
possessive pronoun in the 12- Something you use to put
answer) your clothes in. (wardrobe)
Elementary 2

Elementary 2 (empower A2 units 6-9)

Grammar Vocabulary Target language
1. Where and when were you born? 1- How many members are Grammar
2. What did you do yesterday? there in your family? Who • Past simple (verb to
3. Who was with you yesterday? are they? How old are be / -ed/ irregular /
4. Where did you travel last year? they? negative / questions)
5. When did you eat lunch 2- Which transport do you • Like / love / hate /
yesterday? use when you go to work? don’t like / don’t
6. Tell me 2 things you didn’t do 3- When do you usually use mind + v ing
last weekend. the metro? • Can / can’t / could /
7. I will tell you a sentence and you 4- Did you use a cruise ship couldn’t
have to make a question before? • Present continuous
• I studied with my friend 5- How can you describe the and present simple
last week. tram and the train. Vocabulary
• No, I didn’t eat fish last 6- What is your favorite • Family members
night. sport? • Transports
8. Tell me 1 thing you like doing 7- Who is your favorite
• Adjectives to
and 1 thing you don’t mind sports person? Why?
describe transports
doing and 1 thing you hate 8- Where can we go to buy
• Sports and activities
doing. medicine?
• Shops and clothes
9. Tell me something you can do 9- Where can we go to park
and can’t do. the car?
10. Tell me something you could do 10- What kind of jacket do we
when you were a child and a wear when it rains
thing you couldn’t do.
11. Where do you usually meet your
12. Does your brother always go to
the gym?
13. Who are you staying with
14. Are you travelling next
Elementary 3

Elementary 3 (empower A2 units 10-12)

Grammar Vocabulary Target language
1- Who is more comedy 1- Complete the sentence Grammar
Ahmed Helmy or • Ahmed ……… a • Comparative
Mohamed Hennedy? document • Superlative
2- Which is better Samsung yesterday. • Present perfect
or iphone? (downloaded / and past simple
3- Who is the healthiest saved /sent) • Be going to
person in your family? • Sara …….. the • Should/shouldn’t
4- What is the most university Vocabulary
expensive car? website last • IT collocations
5- Tell me 3 things you have night. (visited) • Geography
done recently. • I ….. online • Travel words
6- Which film haven’t you yesterday. (went)
watched it yet? 2- Which languages can
7- What is the country/city you speak? Which
have you already visited? languages would you
8- Use the word ever/never in like to learn?
a sentence. 3- What is your fav type of
9- What are you going to do song?
after the test? 4- What is the name of the
10- Where are you going to thing that is surrounded
travel next summer? by lands from the 4
11- I am traveling to London sides? (lake)
in winter. Give 3 pieces of 5- What is a huge area of
advice. ice millions of years old
that moves very slowly
down a mountain valley?
6- What is the name of a
big thing that we can
climb it? (mountain)
7- Give me example for a
8- Give me example for an
Intermediate 1
Intermediate 1 (Empower B1 units 1 – 4 )
Grammar Vocabulary Target language
1- How do you usually 1- Use the adverb almost always Grammar
communicate with your / hardly ever / rarely in a • Present simple
friends? Which application sentence about you. • Present
do you use? 2- What do you usually take continuous
2- What are you doing these with you when you travel? • Past simple
days? (name some items) • Past continuous
3- Do you think of writing a 3- How do you like to travel? • Present perfect
blog about your life? Why? (transportation) • Be going to &
Why not? 4- Do you use cash or visa when present cont.
4- Where do you usually go for paying for an item? • Will/ Shall
a relaxing holiday? What do 5- Do you usually bargain? Vocabulary
you do there? When was the last time you
• Adverbs
5- Where did you travel for did it?
• Tourism
your last holiday? What did 6- Complete the sentences with
you do there? Who was with make / do/ give. • Travel
you? • In the summer. I am
6- Tell us a comedy / weird going to ….. some • Money and
situation that happened to volunteering work. shopping
you or you have seen before. • Last year, I …… a lot • Do/make/give
(motivate students to use of friends collocations
past continuous) 7- What kind of accessories and • Clothes and
7- Have you ever got a good clothes do you like wearing? appearance
offer? When was that? 8- What kind of clothes you • Adjectives for
8- Have you ever been don’t like wearing? places
shopping to another country 9- I will tell you and adjective
or city? What have happened and you tell me the opposite
with you? of it
9- What have you bought from • Huge
another country? • Pretty
10- Use the word already/ yet in • Crowded
a sentence.
11- What are you going to do
after the exam?
12- What are your plans for the
next weekend?
13- What do we use to make
promises? (will)
14- What do we use to make
suggestions? (shall)
Intermediate 2

Intermediate 2 (Empower B1 units 5 – 8)

Grammar Vocabulary Target language
1- Tell me something you have to 1- Can you think of some jobs Grammar
do to pass the exam. that need several years of • Must / Have to /
2- What can you do to help your training? Can
brother pass his exams? 2- What are the qualifications • Imperatives:
3- How would you advise a friend for a computer programmer? should
who is really stressed before 3- What’s more important for • Uses of to+ inf
exams? / doesn’t laugh very you: a healthy work • Comparative &
often? environment or a high salary? superlatives
4- Who is the healthiest person in 4- Do you know a person who • Used to
your family? (student has to has had a dangerous or • Passive: present
produce full sentence) frightening experience? & past simple
5- Who is more popular Ahmed 5- Tell us a situation you felt • Present perfect:
Helmy or Ahmed Mekki? relaxed?
for and since
(student has to produce full 6- When do people get Vocabulary
sentence) divorced?
• Work and jobs
6- Which is more expensive 7- How can people stay
• -ed and -ing
iphone or Samsung? (student healthy?
endings for
has to produce full sentence) 8- What kinds of art, music and
7- What is the most comfortable literature are you interested
car? (student has to produce full in? Why? • Verbs with
sentence) 9- Who is a successful player in dependent
8- Tell me 3 things you used to do. your opinion and why? prepositions
9- Imagine that you have a car, • Get collocations
where is the car parked? • Art & music
10- Imagine that you have a • Sports
company, when was the
company founded?
11- Imagine that there is a person
who robbed a bank, what
happened to the bank?
12- Who is your favorite player?
How long has he played with
his team?
13- The last time you met your
friend, How long have you
waited for him/her?
Intermediate 3

Intermediate 3 (Empower B1 units 9 – 12)

Grammar Vocabulary Target language
1- What will happen if a dog 1- Which degree do you have? Grammar
chases you? 2- Do you know someone with • 1st conditional
2- What will you do if you eat medicine degree? • 2nd conditional
hot sauce? 3- Have you ever gotten low • Too & enough
3- What will happen if you get marks? When? • Past perfect
bad marks? 4- Do you prefer watching tv or • Reported speech
4- What would happen if you going to the cinema and Vocabulary
had a dog/a car/ a plant? why? • Degree subjects
5- What would happen if you 5- Use luckily or unfortunately • Compound nouns
worked as a police officer? in a sentence.
• Adverbs
6- Tell me about experience 6- Name some animals you
• Animals
that wasn’t good enough or know. What is you favorite?
was too bad? • Personality
7- Complete the sentences: adjectives
(student has to use past
• When I arrived
home, ……
• I left my mobile
when …….
8- Put these sentences in a
reported speech form:
• “Sara tried to drive
the car and I helped
her” (it will be past
• “Ahmed is not
feeling very well” (it
will be past
• “Mona has arrived
late to the party”
(past perfect)
Advanced 1

Advanced 1 (Empower B1+ units 2 – 4)

Grammar Vocabulary Target language
1- Talk about your last 1- What is the meaning of in Grammar
interview. How was it? charge of? • Present perfect
When was it? 2- Who are the candidates? • Past simple
2- Have you ever had a terrible 3- What is the name of the • Present perfect
interview? programs that you can continuous
3- What apps have you been download on your phone? • Narrative
using recently? What have (app) sentences (past
you been doing on them? 4- What is a name you use to simple / perfect /
4- How did your friendship type with a password to start continuous)
with your best fiend start? to use something? • Used to
5- Where were you living when 5- Do you come from the same • Models and
you were 5 years? background as your friend? phrases for ability
6- Think of 3 things you used 6- Do you have a good Vocabulary
to do them. relationship with your • Work
7- What were you able to do 3 brothers and sisters?
• Technology
years ago? 7- How do you keep in touch
• Relationship
8- What do you usually manage with your friends?
to do? 8- What is the word that means • Multi-word verbs
9- Complete the sentences with to spend good time with a • Ability
an article. person? (hang out) • Personality
• I bought …… new 9- What is the word that means adjectives.
car. (a) to incorrectly think one
• I am going to …… person is one another? (mix
supermarket beside up)
the bank. (the) 10- Have you ever given up on
• I have never played something you like?
…… video games. 11- Tell me about a situation you
(no article) felt confident.
• 12- Do you think that you can
know if someone is extrovert
or introvert from their
13- What about you, are you an
extrovert or introvert person?
Why do you think that?
14- Use 3 personality adjectives
to describe your best friend.
Advanced 2

Advanced 2 (Empower B1+ units 5 – 7)

Grammar Vocabulary Target language
1- What is your intention or plan 1- How can we protect animals Grammar
for this summer? (student have and plants? • Future forms
to use be going to) 2- In Egypt, do we care about • Zero and 1st
2- What are your arrangements for climate changes? conditionals
tonight? (student have to use 3- Which products can be • Models of
present continuous) recycled? obligation
3- What are your predictions for 4- Which animals have features • Comparative
the weather in the upcoming /paws /fur? & superlative
days? (student have to use will) 5- What is the job of a person • Models of
4- What do you usually do if you who helps the tourists to visit deduction
get cold? (student have to different places? (tour guide) • Quantifiers
produce complete sentence 6- What is the name of the thing Vocabulary
using 0 conditional) that we use to keep insects • Environmental
5- What will you do if it rains away? (insect repellent) issues
today? (student have to produce 7- Name a creamy / crunchy
• The natural
complete sentence using 1st food
conditional) 8- What is the name of the place
• Compound
6- What will you do if you get up that is considered part of the
early tomorrow? (student have house but it is outside?
to produce complete sentence (balcony) • Adjectives to
using 1st conditional) 9- Complete with a preposition: describe food
7- Imagine that you are going to a • People care ….. you • Building
trip to a different country, how (about) • Verbs and
will you prepare yourself to • I think I belong ….. prepositions
avoid culture shock? (students this group of people •
have to use have to / must / (to)
should / can / and their
8- What is the tastiest food you
have ever tried?
9- Who is the healthiest person in
your family?
10- Who is acting as good as Ahmed
11- Which is much cheaper MAC or
12- Which is the most interesting
food in your opinion?
13- When I say “I am not sure, I
think it’s a comfortable sofa”
does it mean (It must/ might /
could be a comfortable sofa.)
14- How many plants are there in
your street?
15- How many buildings are there
in your neighborhood?
Advanced 3

Advanced 3 (Empower B1+ units 8 – 10)

Grammar Vocabulary Target language
1- I will tell you a sentence and 1- When do you usually brain Grammar
you have to report it. storm? • Reported
• Ahmed: “Sara is playing 2- What is the last thig you speech
tennis these day” (past created? • Verb pattern
continuous) 3- Use the word recommend in a • Passive
• Mona: “My son has sentence. • Defining and
graduated since 2015” 4- I will tell you a sentence and non-defining
• Khaled: “Ahmed wakes you have to correct the relative
up at 10 AM. (past mistake: clauses.
simple) • The new restaurant • Second
2- Complete the sentences: was disappointed. conditional.
• The guests enjoyed • Ahmed was • Third
………. The Italian fascinating about our conditional.
food. (eating) vacation. Vocabulary
• It’s worth ……….with 5- Have you ever performed in • Sharing
my friends this an orchestra? information
afternoon. (student has 6- What is your favorite sport? • -ed / -ing
to use verb + ing) 7- Have you tried surfing endings with
• It’s difficult ………… before? How can you adjectives
the exam. (to answer) describe it? • Music
3- Change the sentence into 8- Complete with do, make or
• Sports
passive: take:
adjectives and
• I have done my • I have ……. A lot of prepositions
homework. (My HW has researches on that
• Expressions
been done) topic. (done)
with do, make,
• Sara was cooking pasta • Last week, I ……….. take.
yesterday. (Pasta was a great adventure.
being cooked yesterday) (took)
• Ahmed played football • We have to …… risks
last weekend. (Football in our life. (take)
was played last
4- Complete the sentences: (2nd
• If I had million dollars,
• If I went to bed early
yesterday, …….
5- Complete the sentences: (3rd
• If you had driven more
carefully, ……….
• If we had played a little
better, ………

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