Binary Search - CP Java-1888-2
Binary Search - CP Java-1888-2
Binary Search - CP Java-1888-2
In this technique, we keep dividing our array into halves until we find the
element which we are searching for. After every iteration/step, our searching
space gets decreased therefore its time-complexity is quite low as compared
to linear search.
Before applying binary search the thing which we should keep in our mind is
that the set of elements should be in an ordered fashion (sorted).
● If the element at index mid is greater than the target number it means
that the target number should lie between left and mid-1. Therefore,
we can reduce the searching size by making right=mid-1.
● If the element at index mid is less than the target number it means that
the target number should lie between mid+1 and left. Therefore, we
can reduce the searching size by making left=mid+1.
● We keep doing this process repeatedly until we find the target number
or our left is less than right.
● Recursive
bool binary_search(int nums[], int target_num, int left, int right)
int mid;
if(nums[mid]==target_num)return true;
else if(nums[mid]>target_num)return binary_search(nums,target_num,left,mid-1);
else return binary_search(nums,target_num,mid+1,right);
return -1;
● Iterative
bool binary_search(int nums[],int target_num){
int left=0,right=nums.length();
int mid=(left+right)/2;
if(nums[mid]==target_num)return true;
else if(nums[mid]<target_num)left=mid+1
return false;
Time-complexity: O(log2(n)) where n is the number of elements.
As we are dividing our array into halves after every iteration, we can divide our array
into two halves at max log2(n) time.
Space-complexity: O(1)
Aggressive Cows
Problem statement:
Given an array of length ‘N’, where each element denotes the position of a stall.
Now you have ‘N’ stalls and an integer ‘K’ which denotes the number of cows that
are aggressive. To prevent the cows from hurting each other, you need to assign
the cows to the stalls, such that the minimum distance between any two of them is
as large as possible. Return the largest minimum distance.
● First of all, we make a function check(x), which checks whether the distance x
can be possible between each of the cows or not.
● We can do it greedily by placing the cows in the left-most possible stalls such
that the distance between the current cow and the last-placed cow is at least
● As the array is not sorted in order, therefore, we have to sort so that we can
apply binary search.
● Now, we apply a binary search algorithm using a check(x) function in order
to find the maximum possible distance between each of the cows.
● Initially, we take left(l) = 0 (minimum answer possible) and right(r)
=100000005 (maximum possible answer without violating constraints).
● Now, we run a while loop until l < r, and at every iteration, we take the
middle of left and right mid =((l+r)/2) and pass mid as an argument of the
check(mid) function.
● If check(mid) returns true, it means it is possible to place cows at a distance
greater than or equal to mid. It implies that our answer lies in the range[mid,
r]. Therefore we equate l= mid.
● If check(mid) returns false it means it is not possible to place cows at a
distance greater than or equal to mid. It implies that our answer lies in the
range[l, mid]. Therefore we equate r= mid.
static boolean check(int barn[] , int k , int mid){
int total=1; // we already place it at the first available slot i.e barn[0] (GREEDY)
int last=0;
int n = barn.length;
for(int i=1;i<n;i++){
return (total>=k);
//binary search
int l=1,r=100000005;
int ans=100000005;
int mid = l+(r-l)/2;
Space complexity: O(1) as we’re just using extra space as variables, therefore, the
space-complexity is constant.
The main idea is to use the binary search technique to determine the position of X
within array A. If we look at the value at position middle right now, we'll encounter
three different scenarios:
● A[middle] = X: this means that we found our target and returned its index.
● A[middle] < X: this means we need to find a larger element, so we'll see if the
leftmost element is greater than A[middle] and less than or equal to the
target X. In this case, our target should come after the last element on the
left. As a result, we might find it on the array's left side. Otherwise, it should
be on the correct side.
● A[middle] > X: It implies that we must seek a smaller element. As a result, we
look to see if the rightmost element is less than A[middle] and greater than
or equal to X. If this is the case, our target should come before the rightmost
element. As a result, we can locate it in the right segment of A. If not, it
should be on the left side.
Finally, if we finish the binary search without returning any results, then our target
X does not exist in A. As a result, we return a -1 value.
int binarySearch(int nums[] , int left, int right , int target){
int mid = left + (right-left)/2;
return mid;
else right=mid-1;
return -1;
int q;
q = sc.nextInt();
int target = sc.nextInt();
int res1 = binarySearch(nums,pivot+1,n-1,target);
int res2 = binarySearch(nums,0,pivot,target);
if(res1!=-1) System.out.println(res1);
else if(res2!=-1) System.out.println(res2);
else System.out.println(-1);
Time-complexity: O(log2(n)), Where n is the total number of elements in the array.
Space-complexity: O(1).