Am & Fm Transmitter & Receiver 2024-2025
Am & Fm Transmitter & Receiver 2024-2025
Am & Fm Transmitter & Receiver 2024-2025
Noise figure is the measures of degradation of the signal to noise ratio caused by components in a signal
chain. It is a number by which the performance of an amplifier or a radio receiver can be specified with
lower values indicating better performance.
2.3 AM Transmitter
Master Oscillator:
It generates the carrier signal, which lies in the RF range. As we know the frequency of the carrier
is always very high. But it very difficult to generate high frequencies with good frequency stability. The
master oscillator generates a sub multiple with the required carrier frequency.
This submultiple frequency is multiplied by the frequency multiplier stage to get the required carrier
frequency. A crystal oscillator can be used in this stage to generate a low frequency carrier with the best
frequency stability. The frequency multiplier stage then increases the frequency of the carrier to its required
Buffer Amplifier:
A buffer amplifier is one that provides electrical impedance transformation from one circuit to
another and helps to prevent the signal source from being affected by whatever currents that the load may
be produced with. The signal is buffered from load currents.
It first matches the output impedance of the carrier oscillator with the input impedance of the
frequency multiplier. It then isolates the carrier oscillator and frequency multiplier. This is required so that
the multiplier does not draw a large current from the carrier oscillator. If this occurs the frequency of the
carrier oscillator will not remain stable.
Frequency Multiplier:
Frequency multiplier is an electronic circuit that generates an output signal whose output frequency
is a multiple of its input frequency. The submultiple frequency of the carrier signal generated by the carrier
oscillator is applied to the frequency multiplier through the buffer amplifier. This stage is also called
harmonic generator.
The frequency multiplier generates high carrier frequency. The frequency multiplier is a tuned
circuit that can be tuned to the required carrier frequency that is to be transmitted.
Class-C tuned power amplifier:
A class-C power amplifier gives high power current pulses of the carrier signal at its output.
Modulated Amplifier (Class-C):
The modulating audio signal and the carrier signal after power amplification are applied to this
modulating stage. The modulation takes place at this stage. This signal finally passed to the antenna.
The output of the modulated class-C power amplifier feeds the signal to the transmitting antenna.
To transfer maximum power from the output stage to the antenna it is necessary that the impedance of the
two sections match. For this a matching network is required. The matching network consists of L & C
It is the process of converting the carrier frequency of a received signal from its original value to
the intermediate frequency value in a super heterodyne receiver.
In radio reception using the super heterodyne principle the incoming signal is changed in frequency
by converter stage of the receiver to a new and lower frequency known as the intermediate frequency.
The antenna not only provides very low amplitude input signals but it picks up all available
transmissions at the same time.
The receiver circuits generate noise signals, which are added to the wanted signals. We hear this as
a 'background hiss' and are particularly noticeable if the receiver is tuned between stations or if a weak
station is being received. The RF amplifier is the first stage of amplification. It has to amplify the incoming
signal above the level of the internally generated noise and also to start the process of selecting the wanted
station and rejecting the unwanted ones.
The IF Amplifier consists of two stages of amplification and provides the main signal amplification
and selectivity. Operating at a fixed IF frequency means that the design of the amplifiers can be simplified.
If it were not for the fixed frequency, all the amplifiers may need to be tunable across the whole range of
incoming RF frequencies and it would be difficult to arrange for all the amplifiers to keep in step as they
are re-tuned.
The radio must select the wanted transmission and reject all the others. To do this the band pass of
all the stages must carefully controlled. Each IF stage does not necessarily have the same band pass
characteristics. The overall response is important. Again, this is something which is much more easily
achieved without the added complication of making them tunable. At the final output from the IF amplifiers,
we have a 455 KHz wave which is amplitude modulated by the wanted audio information. The selectivity
of the IF amplifiers has removed the unwanted components generated by the mixing process.
2.4.4 TUNING:
In super heterodyne receiver the front end RF tuning circuit is required to remove the image signal.
LC tuned circuit is used. The tuning of this tracks that of the local oscillator, so that frequency of both
sections changes simultaneously.
Now a days the tuning is normally carried out using varactor diodes that are driven by a voltage that is
programmed from the microprocessor that controls the operation of the radio. This controls the frequency
synthesizer used as the local oscillator.
It is difficult to design amplifiers which give uniform high gain over a wide range of radio
frequencies. However, it is possible to design amplifiers which can provide high gain and uniform
amplification over a narrow band of lower frequencies called intermediate frequencies.
Hence it is necessary to convert the modulated RF signal into modulated IF signal by using a
frequency converter. For this we use super heterodyne receiver.
The word heterodyne stands for mixing. Here we have mixed the incoming signal frequency with
the local oscillator frequency. Therefore, this receiver is called super heterodyne receiver.
RF Amplifier-
RF low noise amplifiers are designed to increase the desired RF signal amplitude without adding
distortion or noise.
Mixer circuit is designed to combine two radio frequencies. It has two input one from RF amplifier
and other from local oscillator.
𝑓𝑜 = 1955 KHz
Then 𝑓𝑜 − 𝑓𝑠= 455 KHz
𝑓𝑜 = 1800 KHz
Then 𝑓𝑜 − 𝑓𝑠 = 455 KHz