CSR Barranco et al 2022
CSR Barranco et al 2022
CSR Barranco et al 2022
Keywords: The dynamics and distribution of the carbonate system and the processes that regulate it over the Yucatan Shelf
Carbonate system (YS), a region of karst geology and high productivity that is influenced by submarine groundwater discharges
Karst environment (SGDs) and upwelling, were explored with data from two oceanographic cruises. The first oceanographic cruise
Yucatan continental shelf
was conducted in November 2015 during the Nortes season, a period of intense northerly wind activity, and a
Submarine groundwater discharge
second cruise was conducted during the rainy season in August/September 2016. Notable biogeochemical dif
ferences were present between them. At the surface, Caribbean Surface Water (CSW) predominated over the shelf
in both periods. During the Nortes cruise, a surface nearshore-offshore gradient showed high dissolved inorganic
carbon (DIC; ~2470 μmol kg− 1) and total alkalinity (TA; ~2460 μmol kg− 1) values near the coast and average
pHTotal and pCO2 values of 7.42 ± 0.10 and 2206 ± 546 μatm, respectively. These geochemical characteristics
were attributed to the influence of SGDs, punctuated by relatively low δ13CDIC values between − 4.18‰ and
− 2.49‰, which reflects an important oxidation of organic carbon and the dissolution of carbonate minerals. The
presence of upwelled water on the eastern side of the YS showed average DIC and pHTotal values of 2260 ± 15
μmol kg− 1 and 7.69 ± 0.08, respectively, which were lower than coastal values. During the rainy cruise, the
advection of CSW by the Yucatan Current was traced by its thermohaline properties. However, the surface water
carbonate system was relatively homogeneous, with average DIC, TA, pHTotal, and pCO2 values of 2047 ± 16
μmol kg− 1, 2388 ± 11 μmol kg− 1, 8.02 ± 0.02, and 440 ± 27 μatm, respectively. Lastly, the δ13CDIC values
during this cruise ranged from − 1.21‰ to 1.25‰, which suggests that the carbonate system is mainly regulated
by organic matter production and respiration.
place between the land and sea (Liu et al., 2010). However, carbon
budgets from continental shelves remain poorly known and assessments
1. Introduction
are needed to understand the global carbon biogeochemical cycle and
ocean-atmosphere CO2 exchange (Liu et al., 2010; Dai et al., 2013).
Continental shelves are highly productive areas that play important
Furthermore, this information is critical to estimating the possible re
roles in the global carbon cycle due to the biogeochemical interactions sponses of these systems to the effects of global climate change, such as
between the land, ocean, and atmosphere that occur in these zones
ocean acidification (Fennel et al., 2019; Cai et al., 2020) and surface
(Gattuso et al., 1998; Aufdenkampe et al., 2011; Dai et al., 2013). water warming. Some studies have been conducted to estimate the
Continental shelves function as carbon reservoirs in which materials
contributions of continental shelves to the global carbon cycle (Gattuso
react and transform and in which carbon and nutrient exchanges take
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: jmartin@uabc.edu.mx (J. Martín Hernández Ayón).
Received 2 February 2022; Received in revised form 30 June 2022; Accepted 1 July 2022
Available online 15 July 2022
0278-4343/© 2022 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
L.M. Barranco et al. Continental Shelf Research 244 (2022) 104807
L.M. Barranco et al. Continental Shelf Research 244 (2022) 104807
either in borosilicate bottles sealed with ground-glass stoppers and approximately the 50-m isobath as the inner shelf. On the inner shelf, T1
vacuum grease or those stored with the technique proposed by Dickson and T5 are located above the 20-m isobath, and T2 and T6 are located
et al. (2007). Additionally, Huang and Cai (2012) evaluated different above the 40-m isobath. On the outer shelf, T3 and T7 are located above
sample storage techniques for measuring TA and DIC in seawater and the 80-m and 100-m isobaths, respectively, and T4 and T8 are located
found no differences between samples stored in smaller volume boro over the 200-m isobath (Fig. 1). The T-S diagrams and vertical distri
silicate bottles with screw caps and those stored with the technique of bution plots were generated with Ocean Data View using the ETOPO1 (2
Dickson et al. (2007); the concentrations did change in at least 148 days. × 2 min) global relief model and data interpolation using Data-
Interpolating Variational Analysis (DIVA; Schlitzer, 2018).
To characterize the biogeochemical conditions of the YS based on
2.2. Analytical methods
variations in the carbonate system and hydrological characteristics, a
procedure based on the methodology proposed by Oliver et al. (2004)
Dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) was determined using a CO2/H2O
was applied. It is briefly described below. The database was analyzed to
LI-COR 7000 infrared gas analyzer (LI-COR, Inc., Lincoln, USA) with a
evaluate multicollinearity based on Pearson correlations. When a vari
precision of ±2 μmol kg− 1. In addition, pHTotal was measured by spec
able pair showed collinearity (r > ± 0.95), one variable was excluded
trophotometry with a precision of ±0.002 on the total proton scale, and
from subsequent analyses. The resulting database was normalized (i.e.,
total alkalinity (TA) was determined with a precision of ±2 μmol kg− 1
the mean was subtracted from the data and the result was divided by the
via open cell titration following the methodology of Hernández-Ayón
standard deviation) to reduce variance dissimilarity between factors and
et al. (1999). Measurement precision was evaluated using certified
eliminate the effects of different scales and measurement units.
reference material obtained from the Scripps Institute of Oceanography.
To characterize the environmental parameters that primarily drive
Isotopic determinations of DIC (δ13CDIC), expressed in parts per
the environmental variation along the YS, a principal component anal
thousand relative to Pee Dee Belemnite, were carried out with a Thermo
ysis (PCA) was employed based on a correlation matrix. The components
Delta Plus Advantage mass spectrometer (Thermo Fisher Scientific,
with eigenvalues greater than 1.0 were selected as significant compo
Waltham, USA) coupled to a GASBench-II (Thermo Fisher Scientific)
nents, and the variables with the highest loadings were used to describe
following the methodology of Torres et al. (2005) with modifications. A
each component (Quinn and Keough 2002; Zuur et al., 2007).
long-term precision of ±0.06‰ was determined based on the interna
From the scores obtained with the significant components of the
tional standards NBS19 and LSVEC and three internal laboratory
PCA, a similarity matrix was generated based on Euclidean distances
that was employed in the subsequent cluster analysis using the complete
In situ pH (total proton scale), pCO2, and Ωaragonite values were
linkage method (Legendre and Legendre 1998). The significance of the
derived from the DIC and TA values using CO2SYS software (Lewis and
resulting groups was evaluated with a similarity profile (SIMPROF)
Wallace 1998) and the dissociation constants of Lueker et al. (2000), the
analysis and a permutational analysis of variance (PERMANOVA) at a
sulphate constants of Dickson (1990), and the borate constant of
significance level of 5% with 9000 permutations. All analyses were
Uppström (1974). Additionally, Ocean Data View (Schlitzer, 2018) was
performed using PRIMER v.7 (Clarke and Warwick 2001).
used to obtain apparent oxygen utilization (AOU, μmol kg− 1) from DO
and temperature data. Finally, conservative temperature (Θ in ◦ C) and
3. Results
absolute salinity (SA in g kg− 1) were derived using the International
Thermodynamic Equation of Seawater – 2010 (TEOS-10).
3.1. Hydrographic characteristics of the Yucatan Shelf (YS)
2.3. Data analysis In general, five water masses were delimited in the YS: CSW, YSW,
SUW, GCW, and Tropical Atlantic Central Water (TACW; Fig. 2).
To determine the hydrological conditions of the YS, T-S diagrams The predominant water mass in the YS was CSW (Fig. 2). During the
were generated using Θ and SA with superimposed DO data. The water Nortes cruise, the temperature of this water mass ranged from 22.00 to
masses present in the YS were delimited based on the classifications of 29.00 ◦ C with salinity values between 36.28 and 36.70 g kg− 1. In the
Carrillo et al. (2016), Enriquez et al. (2013), and Portela et al. (2018). In stations closest to the coast, YSW was observed along the western side of
these studies, the water masses were characterized in the Mexican the shelf with temperatures of up to 29.22 ◦ C and salinity values of
Caribbean region where water enters the gulf from the eastern side of the 37.04 g kg− 1 (Transect 1, Fig. 3).
YS, the coastal zone of the YS, and the shelf break surrounding the YS Additionally, a water mass with temperatures from 20 to 25 ◦ C and
that belongs to the deep-water region of the gulf, respectively. salinity values from 36.82 to 37.05 g kg− 1 was observed in the study
In addition, vertical distribution plots of Θ, absolute salinity, and area. The AOU values of this water mass (35.00–75.00 μmol kg− 1) were
AOU were generated along transects parallel to the coastline, which indicative of the hydrographic characteristics that have been reported
were defined by the maximum station depth. The transects were for SUW (Fig. 2a). This water mass was first observed along the 40-m
numbered sequentially from the coast to the open ocean (T1–T8; Fig. 1). isobath (Transect 2) from the eastern end of the YS to Cabo Catoche
In this study, we refer to the portion of the shelf from the coastline to
L.M. Barranco et al. Continental Shelf Research 244 (2022) 104807
Fig. 2. Conservative temperature (Θ)–absolute salinity (SA) diagrams with dissolved oxygen (DO) data from the oceanographic cruises conducted during a) the
Nortes season in November 2015 (Nortes cruise) and b) the rainy season in August/September 2016 (rainy cruise). The dotted lines delimit the different water masses
based on the characterizations of Carrillo et al. (2016), Enriquez et al. (2013), and Portela et al. (2018).
and was further distributed near the bottom up to ~ 88◦ W (Fig. 3). Over the nearshore portion of the western side of the YS, tempera
An east-west temperature gradient (25.00 ◦ C to ~ 29.00 ◦ C) was tures higher than 28 ◦ C were observed at relatively shallow depths
observed along the coast with salinity values ranging from 36.50 to ~ (Transect 6, Fig. 4). In the coastal transect, the temperature of the water
37.0 g kg− 1. This gradient was not maintained in the DO data, and a column varied between 22.5 and 28.0 ◦ C, and the average salinity was
station located at 88.41◦ W near the eastern intersection of the Chic 36.60 g kg− 1. In this area, DO concentrations greater than 200 μmol kg− 1
xulub crater ring with the sea was identified with minimum DO and high were recorded over large portions of the water column. However, AOU
AOU values of 75 μmol kg− 1 and ~135 μmol kg− 1, respectively (Tran values over both the nearshore and offshore portions of the YS varied
sect 1, Fig. 3). between -25 and 25 μmol kg− 1 from the surface to ~50 m depth, indi
During the rainy cruise, CSW and YSW were both observed in the cating that these waters had been in contact with the atmosphere
first 80 m of the water column (Fig. 2b), with their distributions and (Fig. 4).
properties differing between the nearshore and offshore portions of the Finally, it is important to note that waters with SUW properties (i.e.,
shelf. Over the offshore portion, a well-defined surface water layer was temperatures between 20 and 25 ◦ C and salinities >36.80 g kg− 1) were
observed with relatively high temperature values (average of ~30 ◦ C) only recorded in a station near the Yucatan Channel located at the
that extended to a depth of ~50 m. The lowest salinity values for CSW eastern end of the YS (21.30◦ N and 86.40◦ W) during the rainy cruise
(<36.50 g kg− 1 with values of 35.65 g kg− 1) were found in this surface (Fig. 2b).
layer on the eastern side of the YS (Transect 7 and 8, Fig. 4). Towards the
western side (88.5◦ W to 92.5◦ W) of the YS, the salinity values of the 3.2. Biogeochemical characterization of the YS
surface water increased to 36.90 g kg− 1 and were indicative of YSW
(Figs. 2b and 4). Additionally, a water core with DO concentrations The hydrological characteristics of the YS indicate that significant
ranging from 200 to 250 μmol kg− 1 was distributed at depths from 30 to differences were present between the Nortes and rainy seasons, which
60 m (Fig. 2b). was supported by the multivariate analysis results. The two significant
L.M. Barranco et al. Continental Shelf Research 244 (2022) 104807
components obtained from the PCA explained 76.50% of the variation in of the shelf (Fig. 6a1). The average hydrological characteristics of these
the data (see TS1 in Supplementary Material). The first component WTs were similar and correspond to CSW (see TS2 in Supplementary
explained 56.20% of the variance and was defined by the variables of the Material, Fig. 7). However, the WT distributed over the offshore portion
carbonate system. The Nortes cruise was distributed along this compo of the shelf (WT5) showed relatively lower DIC (2078–2136 μmol kg− 1)
nent (Fig. 5). The second component explained the remaining 20.30% of and higher pHTotal (7.88–8.06) values when compared to the WT
the variance and was defined by temperature and AOU. The stations of distributed over the nearshore portion of the shelf (WT6), which
the rainy cruise were distributed along this component (TS1, Fig. 5). exhibited DIC concentrations between 2149 and 2216 μmol kg− 1 and
Based on the clustering analysis, 10 water types (WTs) were identi pHTotal values of 7.76–7.90 (TS2, Fig. 8). Additionally, WT5 had an
fied in the YS, five of which (i.e., WT3, WT5, WT6, WT7, and WT10) average δ13CDIC of 0.17 (±0.39) ‰, pCO2 of 547 (±69) μatm, and
were only present during the Nortes cruise, while four WTs (i.e., WT1, Ωaragonite of 3.27 (±0.20). On the other hand, the δ13CDIC of WT6 was
WT2, WT4, and WT8) were only present during the rainy cruise (see lighter than WT5 (− 0.87 ± 0.43‰) with pCO2 of 755 (±92) μatm and
Fig. S1 in Supplementary Material). The PERMANOVA confirmed that Ωaragonite of 2.67 (±0.25; TS2, Fig. 8).
there were statistically significant differences between all groups WT3 was found along the eastern side of the YS, both at the surface
(pseudo-F = 171.9, Pperm = 0.0001) base on the SIMPROF analysis. The and bottom, and notably in coastal stations. Due to the characteristics
spatial distributions of the WTs are shown in Fig. 6. and distribution of this WT, it corresponds to SUW and consequently
During the Nortes cruise, a nearshore-offshore gradient was observed upwelled water. The average temperature of WT3 was 26.45 ± 1.44 ◦ C,
in the biogeochemical characteristics of surface water. Both WT6 and and its salinity and AOU ranged values from 36.26 to 36.85 and
WT5 were observed from the 40-m isobath towards the offshore portion 8.00–48.00 μmol kg− 1, respectively (Fig. 6a and b; TS2; Fig. 7). The DIC
values of the WT were higher compared to those of WT5 and WT6 at the
surface with concentrations between 2234 and 2290 μmol kg− 1 and an
average pHTotal value of 7.69 ± 0.08. The δ13CDIC of WT3 was − 1.55
(±0.43) ‰ and ranged from − 2.21 to − 1.08‰; pCO2 was 1101 (±260)
μatm and the average Ωaragonite value was 1.9 (±0.2; TS2, Fig. 8). Finally,
WT10 was observed over the nearshore, western portion of the YS at
both the surface and bottom, particularly at the most coastal stations
(Fig. 6a). This WT presents the thermohaline characteristics of YSW and
presented the highest DIC concentrations (2346–2470 μmol kg− 1) and
TA values (2386–2460 μmol kg− 1) of all WTs with pHTotal values < 7.5
and AOU values that ranged from 12 to 85 μmol kg− 1 (TS2, Fig. 8). Its
δ13CDIC was also the lightest of all WTs with an average value of − 3.15
(±0.54) ‰. In addition, pCO2 varied from 1499 to 3250 μatm, and
Ωaragonite values ranged between 0.8 and 1.4 (TS2, Fig. 8).
During the Nortes cruise, the biogeochemical conditions at the bot
tom seemed to be relatively homogeneous and were represented by WT7
except for WT3 and WT10, which were distributed near the coast
(Fig. 6a2). Due to its distribution in the T-S diagrams, WT7 exhibited the
thermohaline characteristics of CSW, with low temperatures ranging
Fig. 5. Principal component analysis (PCA), which explained 76.50% of the from 18.43 to 25.73 ◦ C (see Fig. S2 in Supplementary Material) and
variation in the data. The PCA scores were extracted to generate the complete
higher AOU values (49–140 μmol kg− 1) with respect to those of WT5 and
linkage hierarchical clustering analysis shown in Fig. S1, which produced ten
WT6 (TS2, Fig. 7). In addition, WT7 was characterized by high DIC
significantly different clusters that were considered water types (WTs). The WTs
present during the Nortes cruise conducted during the Nortes season in concentrations (2222–2369 μmol kg− 1) and TA (2407–2428 μmol kg− 1)
November 2015: WT3, WT5, WT6, WT7, and WT10. The WTs present during values and low pHTotal values (7.52–7.85). Its δ13CDIC was − 1.28
the rainy cruise conducted during the rainy season in August/September 2016: (±0.61) ‰ with an average pCO2 of 1105 (±284) μatm and Ωaragonite
WT1, WT2, WT4, and WT8. values between 1.0 and 2.2 (TS2, Fig. 8).
L.M. Barranco et al. Continental Shelf Research 244 (2022) 104807
Fig. 6. Maps of the spatial distributions of the water types (WTs) characterized in the Yucatan Shelf (YS) for the oceanographic cruises conducted during a) the Nortes
season in November 2015 (Nortes cruise) and b) the rainy season in August/September 2016 (rainy cruise).
L.M. Barranco et al. Continental Shelf Research 244 (2022) 104807
± 16 μmol kg− 1) was ~25 μmol kg− 1 higher than that of the surface
layer, although no differences were present with respect to pHTotal,
average TA, or δ13CDIC (TS3, Fig. 8). When compared with those of WT2,
the average temperature (22.90 ± 1.36 ◦ C), salinity (36.63 ± 0.40),
AOU (48 ± 13 μmol kg− 1), DIC (2123 ± 30 μmol kg− 1), and TA (2404 ±
8 μmol kg− 1) values of WT4 were higher. The average values for TW4 of
pHTotal, δ13CDIC, pCO2, and Ωaragonite were 8.00 (±0.05), 0.30 (±0.45)
‰, 468 (±74) μatm, and 3.09 (±0.29), respectively. This WT was mainly
observed over the offshore portion of the YS (TS3, Figs. 7 and 8). It is
important to mention that both WTs, WT2, and WT4 were also observed
at the surface, most notably in coastal stations (Fig. 6b1).
Finally, WT8 was observed at the bottom in stations near the edge of
the offshore portion of the YS along the 200-m isobath (Fig. 6b2). Due to
the thermohaline characteristics and distribution of WT8, it corre
sponded to GCW and TACW (Fig. S2). The average temperature of this
WT was 18.30 ± 2.00 ◦ C, and relatively low average DO concentrations
(128 ± 9 μmol kg− 1) and high AOU values (102 ± 14 μmol kg− 1) were
observed (TS3, Fig. 7). The DIC concentration of WT8 ranged from 2149
to 2292 μmol kg− 1, and an average pHTotal value of 7.96 ± 0.09 was
present. The δ13CDIC ranged from − 1.21 to 0.53‰, and the average pCO2
and Ωaragonite values were 521 (±154) μatm and 2.46 (±0.5), respec
tively. However, average TA (2396 ± 12 μmol kg− 1) was similar to those
of the remaining WTs present during the rainy cruise (TS2, Fig. 8).
4. Discussion
L.M. Barranco et al. Continental Shelf Research 244 (2022) 104807
offshore portion of the shelf with an average DIC value of 2114 (±19) μmol kg− and pHTotal (7.69 ± 0.08) values. The presence of SUW over
μmol kg− 1, and WT6 was found along the western side of the shelf with the shelf during the Nortes cruise constituted an additional source of
an average DIC value of 2184 (±23) μmol kg− 1, which resulted in a water with high DIC concentrations in the water column.
difference of 70 μmol kg− 1. During this cruise, the variation in average The presence and absence of SUW can be explained based on the
TA values between these two WTs was only 6 μmol kg− 1 (Fig. 6a1, TS2, position, intensity, and direction of the Loop Current (Jouanno et al.,
Fig. 8). During the rainy cruise, only WT1 was found at the surface from 2018; Varela et al., 2018). The interaction of the Loop Current with the
the 40-m isobath extending towards the offshore portion of the shelf. bathymetry of the shelf is also a key factor that determines the advection
The average DIC and TA values were 2047 (±16) μmol kg− 1 and 2388 of SUW (Enriquez et al., 2013; Jouanno et al., 2018; Merino 1997;
(±11) μmol kg− 1 (TS1), respectively. However, the lowest values for Varela et al., 2018). Based on a climatological analysis of 25 years of
both variables (i.e., ~2020 μmol kg− 1 and ~2380 μmol kg− 1, respec satellite data, Delgado et al. (2019) statistically determined that the
tively) were found in stations towards the eastern portion of the shelf. Loop Current retracts towards its southernmost position from October to
It should be noted that the DIC and TA concentrations registered March and extends and enters the Gulf of Mexico along a northwesterly
during the Nortes cruise were higher than those of the rainy cruise trajectory from May to September. From the average absolute dynamic
(Fig. 8). When considering the advection of water masses, the presence topography (AADT) generated from the AVISO database (http://www.
of SUW during the Nortes cruise explains these differences in the offshore aviso.alitmetry.fr/), it can be observed that the Loop Current extended
portion of the shelf, as the concentrations observed over the nearshore and penetrated the Gulf of Mexico towards its interior in November
portion of the shelf appear to depend on another mechanism, which is 2015 during the Nortes cruise. The Loop Current interacted with the
discussed in section 4.2. shelf during this period, which contributed to the presence of SUW
(Fig. 9a). Meanwhile in August/September 2016 during the rainy cruise,
4.1.2. Subtropical underwater (SUW) or upwelled water the Loop Current appeared retracted and was found towards the Florida
In the YS, SUW has been identified as upwelled water (Merino 1997; Straits (Fig. 9b).
Enriquez et al., 2013) and is distributed along the 25.5 kg m− 3 isopycnal
at ~200 m depth (Portela et al., 2018). The presence of SUW over the 4.1.3. Yucatan Sea Water (YSW)
shelf is attributed to isopycnal rise and the advection generated by the YSW locally acquires its thermohaline properties due to the heating
interaction between the Yucatan Current and the bathymetry of the shelf and evaporation of water in shallow, coastal environments and its sub
near Cabo Catoche (~87◦ W; Enriquez et al., 2010, 2013; Jouanno et al., sequent exchange with the open sea; this water is characterized by
2018; Merino 1997; Varela et al., 2018). Once over the shelf, SUW can temperatures between 26 and 31 ◦ C and salinities of 36.4–36.8 (Enri
either travel westward (Merino 1997) or emerge near the coast due to quez et al., 2013). During the rainy cruise, water with these thermo
wind stress (Jouanno et al., 2018; Pérez-Santos et al., 2010; Reyes- haline characteristics was detected towards the western portion of the
Mendoza et al., 2016; Ruiz-Castillo et al., 2016; Varela et al., 2018). shelf, from the 40-m isobath towards the outer shelf (Figs. 2b and 4). In
These mechanisms are independent but not mutually exclusive fact, this water is CSW that has been modified on its westward path,
(Jouanno et al., 2018). In fact, upwelling in the YS is most intense from which is probably due to the high evaporation rates in the region
June to August when upwelled water is already available over the YS, (Enriquez et al., 2013). The resulting homogenization of DIC concen
after which the easterly winds are capable of advecting colder water trations after normalizing with salinity supports this hypothesis.
near the shore in the western coastal region (Jouanno et al., 2018; During the rainy cruise, YSW was detected based on its thermohaline
Varela et al., 2018; Ruiz-Castillo et al., 2016; Enriquez and Mariño-Tapia (Figs. 2a and 3, Transect 1) and chemical properties (WT10) in the
2014). However, for the rainy cruise, SUW was not recorded over the coastal zone along the western portion of the shelf, both at the surface
shelf (Fig. 2b), but it may be present as residual SUW that modifies its and bottom (Fig. 6a), with average DIC and TA values of 2388 ± 39
thermohaline characteristics once over the shelf. On the other hand, μmol kg− 1 and 2435 ± 25 μmol kg− 1 values, respectively. These high
during the Nortes cruise, SUW was observed over the eastern side of the concentrations may be due to the additional contributions of carbon due
shelf. The presence of SUW can be traced by temperature and salinity to SGD over the YS (Bauer-Gottwein et al., 2011).
from 10 to 200 m depth (Fig. 3) and was also objectively characterized
as WT3 (Fig. 6a). The DIC and TA values for this WT were 2260 (±15)
4.2. Influence of submarine groundwater discharge (SGD)
μmol kg− 1 and 2409 (±19) μmol kg− 1, respectively. Both values were
higher than those of the surface water present over the offshore portion
SGD includes both fresh groundwater and recirculated seawater
of the shelf. This was also reflected in the average AOU (27.64 ± 13)
(Taniguchi et al., 2002). Also can contribute notable amounts of carbon
Fig. 9. Average absolute dynamic topography (AADT; m) of the Yucatan Shelf (YS) and the Loop Current during a) the oceanographic cruise conducted during the
Nortes season in November 2015 (Nortes cruise) and b) the rainy season in August/September 2016 (rainy cruise). The altimetry products were produced and
distributed by AVISO+ (https://www.aviso.altimetry.fr).
L.M. Barranco et al. Continental Shelf Research 244 (2022) 104807
and nutrients to the coastal ocean (Moore 2010; Chaillou et al., 2014).
The flow of groundwater discharge has been associated with fracture
zones (Bauer-Gottwein et al., 2011) and other submarine springs along
the coast of the YS (ArandaCirerol et al., 2006; Valle-Levinson et al.,
2011). Regionally, the most important point discharge areas have been
associated near the Chicxulub crater, which was generated as a result of
an asteroid impact at the end of the Cretaceous period (Pope et al.,
1991). The Ring of Cenotes marks the outer edge of the Chicxulub crater
and intersects the continent and sea in the coastal region, and the closest
station near this area exhibited the highest DIC (2470 μmol kg− 1) and TA
(2450 μmol kg− 1) values were recorded during the Nortes cruise. The
water in this area has been found to have pHTotal, pCO2, and DO values of
7.25, 3250 μatm, and <65 μmol kg− 1, respectively. Salinity values at this
station ranged from 36.48 to 36.51 with practically no variation in the
water column because groundwater in this area can be composed of
either meteoric water or recirculated seawater.
The chemical characteristics of this water agree with those previ
ously reported for the coastal surface water of the west-central Gulf of
Florida with pHTotal, TA, and pCO2 values of 7.78, 2870 μmol kg− 1, and Fig. 10. The DIC vs δ13CDIC relationship for the water types (WTs) character
1193 μatm, respectively (Barrera and Robbins 2017), and with those ized in the Yucatan Shelf (YS) during the two sampling periods.
reported for submarine springs on the eastern coast of the YS with pH
and DIC values of 7.40 and ~3457 μmol kg− 1, respectively (Pain et al., During the Nortes cruise, the isotopic composition of the surface
2020). The groundwater of the YS principally acquires high DIC and TA water was lighter when compared to that of the rainy cruise and with
values due to organic matter remineralization and the dissolution of what has been previously reported for surface ocean waters (Kroopnick
carbonate minerals, as has been previously suggested for similar envi 1985). For example, upwelling water (WT3) showed an isotopic
ronments (Cai et al., 2003; Pain et al., 2020). Thus, groundwater with composition that ranged from − 2.21‰ to − 1.08‰ with high DIC (2260
high DIC and low pH values interacts with karst substrate, which results ± 16 μmol kg− 1) and AOU (27.64 ± 13.38 μmol kg− 1) values, which
in the dissolution of CaCO3 and subsequently increases TA (Cai et al., reflected a predominance of organic matter respiration. The isotopic
2003; Yamanaka 2012; Pain et al., 2020). composition of YSW (WT10), which was distributed in the stations
closest to the coast, varied between − 4.18‰ and − 2.49‰ (Fig. 10),
4.3. Processes that modulate the carbonate system in the Yucatan Shelf which reflects organic carbon oxidation and the dissolution of carbonate
(YS) minerals (Hu and Burdige 2007; Yamanaka 2012, Zeebe & Gladrow
Inputs of CO2 either from the atmosphere or due to organic matter In this sense, the δ13CDIC of fresh groundwater will initially have the
degradation and carbonate dissolution are the main contributors to DIC isotopic composition of the oxidation of organic matter and its associ
in seawater. On the other hand, the removal of DIC from seawater is the ated pH. The values reported for this groundwater vary between − 20‰
result of photosynthesis, carbonate precipitation, and ocean-atmosphere and − 15‰ (Gonfiantini and Zuppi 2003; Yamanaka 2012). On its way to
exchange. The processes and mechanisms that control the amount of DIC the sea, the groundwater interacts with limestone, which results in
in seawater are complex (Zeebe and Wolf-Gladrow 2001; Liu et al., isotopic exchange due to substrate dissolution and the enrichment of 13C
2010a) and their relative contributions are difficult to assess from these in DIC given that the isotopic composition of limestone (0‰–2‰) is
variables alone. The isotopic composition of DIC (δ13CDIC) in seawater is heavier than that of the groundwater flowing through it (Gonfiantini
useful for determining different sources of inorganic carbon in coastal and Zuppi 2003), and mixes with seawater with lower DIC and positive
seas (Liu et al., 2010a). The δ13CDIC values depend on the isotopic δ13C values along its way to the open ocean. From our results, we were
composition of different carbon sources and sinks and the isotopic able to identify a typical ocean showing carbon isotopic compositions
fractionation that occurs as carbon is exchanged between them (Zeebe close to 1‰ and relatively low DIC concentrations (2000–2100 μmol
and Wolf-Gladrow 2001). kg− 1) and seawater showing negative δ13C values of up to − 4‰ and high
The δ13CDIC values in seawater from the YS ranged from − 4.18‰ to DIC concentrations of up to 2500 μmol kg− 1 that are most likely due to
0.87‰ during the Nortes cruise and − 1.21‰–1.25‰ (TS2, TS3) during the oxidation of light organic carbon and the dissolution of
the rainy cruise. The range of values observed in the rainy cruise agrees carbonate-rich host rocks.
with those that have been reported for surface waters from different
ocean basins that collectively range from − 1‰ to 2.2‰ (Kroopnick 4.4. Response of pCO2 and ωaragonite to variations in DIC and TA in the
1985). This variation in isotopic composition mainly corresponds to Yucatan Shelf (YS)
biological regulation due to photosynthesis and organic matter respi
ration. During photosynthesis, organisms discriminate against the heavy The pCO2 is used as an indicator of the ocean-atmosphere CO2 ex
isotope 13C in favor of the lighter 12C, thus favoring an increase in change, and Ωaragonite is used as an indicator of the availability of car
δ13CDIC values in seawater. During organic matter degradation, 12C is bonate ions in the water column. Both pCO2 and Ωaragonite are affected
once again released into the water column, which favors a decrease in due to increases in anthropogenic CO2 emissions (Sabine et al., 2004;
δ13CDIC. This was observed in the YS during the rainy cruise. The isotopic Zeebe et al., 2008). During the Nortes cruise, the pCO2 values, particu
composition of the surface water (WT1) varied from 0.12‰ to 1.25‰, larly those in the coastal zone, ranged between 1400 and 3250 μatm,
which was associated with low DIC concentrations (2020–2097 μmol which were well above the current average global concentration of at
kg− 1) and an average AOU value of 1.0 ± 6 μmol kg− 1. In contrast, mospheric CO2 (~412 ppm as of 2020, NOAA Mauna Loa Observatory).
isotopically lighter values (− 1.21‰–0.60‰) were present in bottom Thus, a portion of the YS releases CO2 into the atmosphere at least
water (WT2, WT4, and WT8) that were associated with higher DIC during this season.
(2033–2292 μmol kg− 1) and AOU (~30.19–122 μmol kg− 1) values, Additionally, the water of the coastal zone had low pHTotal values
which reflects a predominance of organic matter respiration (TS3; (7.25–7.56) and values that were close to or below the saturation ho
Figs. 8 and 10). rizon of Ωaragonite (0.76–1.45; TS2, Fig. 8). These conditions are
L.M. Barranco et al. Continental Shelf Research 244 (2022) 104807
considered stressful for organisms, particularly those that generate cal Acknowledgments
cium carbonate structures. The geochemical characteristics of this
coastal water were attributed to the influence of SGD, in addition to the We thank the cruise staff, especially Dr. Ana Aguilar, for their sup
presence of upwelled water on the eastern side of the YS with average port in collecting samples.
DIC and pHTotal values of 2260 (±15) μmol kg− 1 and 7.69 (±0.08),
which resulted in the high pCO2 and low Ωaragonite values recorded Appendix A. Supplementary data
during this cruise.
In contrast, during the rainy cruise, relatively similar pCO2 Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.
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