Item Trnx Date Due Date Item Description Period Begin Period End Amount (RM)
Important Note:
Kindly remit the amount payable before the due date to ensure a smooth management of Pangsapuri Vista Lavender.
The management office will take action against owners that fail to settle their outstanding on time by following the Strat Management Act 757(2013)
1. If there is any discrepancy in your account, please contact the management office immediately to clarify on the issue.
2. If we do not receive any enquiry from you within 7 days, the amount will be deemed as correct.
3. All cheque must be crossed and made payable to 'PANGSAPURI VISTA LAVENDER', Kindly indicate your name, unit no. and contact number on
the reverse side of the cheque.
4. For Direct Bank-in /ATM Deposit, kindly email your bank-in slip to jmbvistalavender00@gmail.com for our record.