report 1
report 1
report 1
December 2024
The existing 3-Storey Office and Facility Building was designed and
constructed in accordance with the National Building Code of the
Philippines, sometime fifty (50) years ago, with its physical condition of
very good state due to proper maintenance and constructed using old
method of structural engineering design such as Working Stress Design.
With its present state and with no occurrence of structural damages such
cracks, settlements and deflections can give us an idea on how to prolong
the life span of the above-mentioned structure.
In this report, we will discuss the design and construction methods used,
evaluate the actual test results derived from the Rebound Hammer Test and
Coring Test, and will recommend proper rectification works that will be
implemented. Hoping that this technical investigation report will be of
great help in assessing the integrity and stability of the building.
Industrial and office buildings were designed to carry heavy loads as well
as lateral loads particularly earthquake load. Gravity loads include the
actual building itself as well as live load including equipment and other
movable materials. Nowadays, industrial and office buildings were
erected with combination of concrete and steel materials. These materials
were designed meeting the constructions standards and workmanship.
Structural members were designed with a convenient factor of safety that
will ensure stability and life span. To be discussed below are the finding
based on the ocular inspection conducted last November 30, 2024 by the
undersigned Structural Engineer after the occurrence of the most recent
September 22, 2024, 5.70 magnitude earthquake with epicenter near
Balayan, Batangas. Technically the above-mentioned tremors did not
affect the existing structures. No damage such settlement and structural
cracks were evident on the structure.
The structure was built and designed using working stress design. These
methods were efficiently helped the structure to withstand any induced
loads and giving recognition with the quality of materials used fifty (50)
years ago.
Reinforced concrete cross-section analysis
Fig 1. Simply supported beam, with a cut at section XXXX , revealing the internal stress
resultants, FCFC and FTFT and corresponding internal bending moment, MINTMINT which
resists the externally applied loading.
As mentioned earlier, concrete is strong in compression but
comparatively weak in tension, with a tensile capacity of
approximately 1/10th1/10th of its compression capacity. Therefore we
must use reinforcing steel to provide tensile resistance. In fact, when
considering the ultimate moment capacity of a concrete beam, we
conservatively assume the concrete has no tensile capacity whatsoever
and that the section is cracked between the extreme tensile fibre and the
neutral axis.
Fig 2. The red shaded area is the section under consideration in the following discussion on
section analysis.
Figures (c), (d) and (e) represent three possible stress distribution diagrams:
Figure (c) shows a linear stress distribution. As we saw in the previous tutorial, stress
is not linearly proportional to strain in plain concrete. However, for relatively low
levels of strain, we can reasonably approximate stress as being linearly proportional
to strain. This assumption is synonymous with serviceability limit state analysis.
Figure (d) is referred to as the rectangular-parabolic stress block and is observed at
the point of concrete compression failure. The stresses at the outermost (furthest from
the neural axis) fibres have reached their compression
limit (0.85fck/1.5=0.567fck)(0.85fck/1.5=0.567fck).
Figure (e) represents the equivalent rectangular stress block. This stress block is an
approximation of the rectangular-parabolic stress block. It yields almost identical
numerical results while being much easier to manage numerically.
Fig 3. (a) Concrete cross-section, (b) strain distribution and (c-e) three possible
stress distributions.
In all three stress diagrams, the tensile stress is only developed at the
level of the reinforcing steel, i.e. tensile stresses are only developed in
the steel. The concrete in all cases is assumed to be cracked up to the
height of the neutral axis and therefore does not provide any tensile
resistance. This is a fundamental assumption of ultimate limit state
(ULS) section analysis.
x=d1+0.002170.0035x=0.617 d(1)x=x=1+0.00350.00217d0.617d(1)
If the neural axis is in this position when the beam is subject to its
ultimate load, in theory, the concrete will crush in compression, and the
steel will yield in tension simultaneously. This is referred to as
a balanced section design.
The material properties and geometry of the section dictate that for a
ductile failure (steel yielding first), the neutral axis, x≤0.617dx≤0.617d.
However, the Eurocode specifies that x≤0.45dx≤0.45d. This means that
when the steel has yielded, the concrete strain is far enough away from
its ultimate value to allow further rotation of the section to occur.
This allows rotation of the beam to continue after the steel has yielded
but before the concrete crushes in compression. This further rotation is
referred to as plastic rotation or plastic hinge behaviour and allows
redistribution of moments to take place in the structure, provided it has
sufficient structural redundancy.