Systematic Review
Instrumented Timed Up and Go Test (iTUG)—More Than
Assessing Time to Predict Falls: A Systematic Review
Paulina Ortega-Bastidas 1,2 , Britam Gómez 3 , Pablo Aqueveque 4, * , Soledad Luarte-Martínez 2
and Roberto Cano-de-la-Cuerda 5
1 Health Sciences PhD Programme, International Doctoral School, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos,
28922 Madrid, Spain
2 Kinesiology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Universidad de Concepción, Concepción, 151 Janequeo St.,
Concepcion 4030000, Chile
3 Biomedical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universidad de Santiago de Chile, Libertador Bernardo
O’Higgins Av., Santiago 9170022, Chile
4 Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universidad de Concepción, 219 Edmundo
Larenas St., Concepción 4030000, Chile
5 Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Rehabilitation and Physical Medicine Department,
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, 28922 Madrid, Spain
* Correspondence:; Tel.: +56-41-2661262
Abstract: The Timed Up and Go (TUG) test is a widely used tool for assessing the risk of falls in
older adults. However, to increase the test’s predictive value, the instrumented Timed Up and Go
(iTUG) test has been developed, incorporating different technological approaches. This systematic
review aims to explore the evidence of the technological proposal for the segmentation and analysis
of iTUG in elderlies with or without pathologies. A search was conducted in five major databases,
following PRISMA guidelines. The review included 40 studies that met the eligibility criteria. The
most used technology was inertial sensors (75% of the studies), with healthy elderlies (35%) and
elderlies with Parkinson’s disease (32.5%) being the most analyzed participants. In total, 97.5% of
the studies applied automatic segmentation using rule-based algorithms. The iTUG test offers an
economical and accessible alternative to increase the predictive value of TUG, identifying different
Citation: Ortega-Bastidas, P.; Gómez,
variables, and can be used in clinical, community, and home settings.
B.; Aqueveque, P.; Luarte-Martínez,
S.; Cano-de-la-Cuerda, R.
Keywords: instrumented timed up and go; risk of falls; elderly
Instrumented Timed Up and Go Test
(iTUG)—More Than Assessing Time
to Predict Falls: A Systematic Review.
Sensors 2023, 23, 3426. https:// 1. Introduction
Falls are accidental events in which people lose control of their center of gravity,
Academic Editors: Laura Gastaldi
and Elisa Digo
where the effort to regain balance is insufficient [1]. In total, 25% of the elderly population
suffer at least one fall per year [2], increasing to two falls when the age is greater than
Received: 2 March 2023 70 years [3]. For this reason, the risk of falls (RoF) is a public health issue [4,5], being
Revised: 17 March 2023 considered one of the main causes of serious injuries in elderlies and the third cause of
Accepted: 20 March 2023 death due to unintentional injury [3–5], causing a sedentary life, loss of functional capacity
Published: 24 March 2023
and a decrease in the quality of life [6]. Thus, the clinical guidelines of “The American and
British Geriatric Societies” recommend asking elderlies over 65 years if they have suffered
two or more falls, if they have been injured during a fall or if they perceive any difficulty
Copyright: © 2023 by the authors.
walking or maintaining balance [3]. Therefore, it is important to detect risk factors of falls
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. and balance early, to implement effective and specific preventive clinical strategies [7].
This article is an open access article The main causes of falls are multi-factorial, including extrinsic factors related to the
distributed under the terms and environment, intrinsic factors related to the person, and behavioral factors related to the
conditions of the Creative Commons activity [8]. The most common intrinsic factors are muscle weakness, balance deficits,
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// and gait instability [7]. For this, proposals to identify people with RoF, and measure balance and gait [8]. In clinical practice, different tests and observational scales are used
4.0/). to measure static and dynamic balance, as well as gait in healthy subjects or with motor
impairments [5]. One of the most widely used tests is the Timed Up and Go (TUG), which
measures dynamic balance and functional mobility [9–11].
The TUG test is a simple test that can be applied in several environments. It was
developed in 1991 by Podsiadlo et al. [12] as a timed modification of the ”Get up and Go”
test. It consists of a circuit in which the subject must get up from a chair, walk three meters,
turn around and walk back to the chair to sit on it again (Figure 1). The controlled variable
is the total test duration in seconds, which is then correlated with the RoF [8,12–14]. This
test presents a high inter-rater and intra-rater reliability, with values greater than 95% in the
prediction of RoF in elderlies, people with stroke [15,16] and Parkinson’s disease (PD) [17].
Other advantages of TUG are the simplicity and duration of its application. Additionally, it
requires minimal equipment and allows subjects with functional disabilities to perform
the evaluation. However, one of the limitations is that it cannot objectively determine the
risk in subjects with greater difficulty. Barry et al. [8] mentioned that a limitation in the
predictive value of the TUG test could be explained that it evaluates balance in a general
way, which could be improved with the addition of technological tools for movement
analysis [8,13].
Figure 1. Timed Up and Go test with the different sub-phases after the most complete segmentation.
(1) Standing. (2) Go Walking. (3) Three-meter turning. (4) Return Walking. (5) Pre-sitting turning.
(6) Sitting.
Nowadays, there are proposals in the literature that allow the instrumentation of
TUG through the use of sensors to capture and analyze movement. This variant of the
test is called Instrumented Timed Up and Go (iTUG) [13,18,19]. This instrumentation
makes it possible to identify the postural transitions performed during the test and to
segment TUG into different sub-phases for extraction of specific measures for each of the
identified sub-phases [20,21]. However, in the scientific literature, different technological
and algorithmic proposals have been presented for iTUG segmentation that differs in the
type of technology used, segmentation algorithms and extracted features for applications
of intervention, characterization and RoF prediction [13,18,19,22–24].
Current systematic reviews on the TUG test study the psychometric properties of
the test [25–27], incorporate information on RoF assessment instruments [5] or evaluate
it as an evaluation instrument for a specific intervention [28]. However, to the best of our
knowledge, there are no reviews where the applicability of iTUG in older adults is explored,
describing the technological elements of the different scientific proposals reported in the
literature and the segmentation and feature extraction strategies for its application.
Thus, we present a systematic review that explores the evidence of the technological
proposals for the segmentation and analysis of iTUG in elderlies with or without associated
pathologies, answering the following questions: What are the technological elements used,
the methodological variations, and the main variables extracted in the application of iTUG
in elderlies? What are the clinical applicability and predictive value of iTUG in elderlies?
Sensors 2023, 23, 3426 3 of 31
2. Methods
The present review follows the guidelines of the PRISMA guide for systematic re-
views [29]. The following databases were reviewed: National Library of Medicine, National
Center for Biotechnology Information (NIH),; IEEE Xplore Digital Library,
Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), Elsevier, and Web of Science (WOS).
On 19 April 2022, a first search strategy was evaluated using the command:
(“itug” [All Fields] AND ((“accidental falls” [MeSH Terms] OR (“accidental” [All
Fields] AND “falls” [All Fields]) OR “accidental falls” [All Fields] OR “falling” [All Fields]
OR “falls” [All Fields] OR “fallings” [All Fields]) AND (“risk” [MeSH Terms] OR “risk”
[All Fields]))) AND (y_10[Filter]).
From this strategy, only 37 articles were obtained from the Pubmed database and no
results were obtained in the other databases. Thus, on 19 May 2022, the search command
was modified as follows:
((instrumented AND (y_10[Filter])) AND (((timed up and go AND (y_10[Filter])) OR
(Timed up & go AND (y_10[Filter]))) OR (TUG AND (y_10[Filter ])) AND (y_10[Filter])))
AND (elderly AND (y_10[Filter])) Filters: in the last 10 years.
This last command was used for the rest of the databases, obtaining the final search as
(instrumented) AND ((timed up and go) OR (Timed up & go) OR (TUG)) AND ( elderly),
including studies between the years 2012 and 2022. Three authors tested the last search
command in each database to determine the effectiveness of the search or any difference.
On 31 October 2022, a final search was performed to update the database and identify
new studies that could meet the eligibility criteria.
For the selection of the studies, a conceptual definition of iTUG was determined,
as well as the context in which the proposals were analyzed. Regarding the types of studies
included, no methodological limitations were applied to carry out the selection by level of
evidence. The target population of the studies consisted of elderlies with a mean age equal
to or greater than 65 years with or without associated pathologies. The description of the
eligibility criteria can be observed in detail in Tables 1 and 2.
Criteria Description
iTUG Studies describe iTUG using technological support to enrich the
test (cameras, inertial sensors, environmental sensors, pressure
sensors, optoelectronic systems).
Index, parameters Proposals that, in addition to the total duration traditionally
or variables obtained in TUG, provide other variables or measurements that
allow the identification of motor alterations in the participants.
Context Proposals evaluated in community, clinical or academic settings.
Study methodology Descriptive, experimental, quasi-experimental and proof-of-
concept clinical studies were included that used validated com-
mercial technology or new technologies whose applications were
applied in the elderly population. No methodological limitations
were applied to carry out the screening by the level of evidence.
Participants Elderlies with a mean age equal or greater than 65 years, with or
without associated pathology.
Language Studies published in English or Spanish.
Study year Studies published between 2012 and 2022.
TUG = Timed Up and Go; iTUG = Instrumented Timed Up and Go.
Sensors 2023, 23, 3426 4 of 31
Criteria Description
Index, parameters Proposals that only provided the total value of TUG without
or variables demonstrating any other characteristic extracted, independent of
declaring the use of any technology, were excluded.
Study methodology Other narratives, bibliographic, systematic or scoping reviews
were excluded, as well as “one-page” conference articles, abstracts,
posters, letters to the editor and studies of iTUG psychometric
properties validation.
TUG = Timed Up and Go; iTUG = Instrumented Timed Up and Go.
To avoid bias in the selection and analysis of the studies, the initial registration and
screening of the articles were carried out with COVIDENCE® (Melbourne, Australia). Initial
screening by title and abstract was performed by two authors using a blind methodology,
and differences were discussed in conjunction with a third author to resolve discrepan-
cies. During this selection, scientific studies were considered whose titles contained the
keywords: instrumented, timed up and go, falls or risk of falling elderly or older adults
and the conceptual definition of iTUG or that the description of the technology allowed
to identify an iTUG. If the studies are considered potentially eligible, even if they did not
meet the strategy described above, their extended reading was performed to corroborate
whether or not they met the eligibility criteria in Table 1.
The extended review was also conducted at COVIDENCE® (Melbourne, Australia) by
two authors, whose disagreements were resolved by a third author.
Finally, the information extraction of the final selected articles was performed by two
authors of the study, where the data were recorded and stored in a registration form made
with Excel (Microsoft 365® , Redmond, WA, USA), which considered the following data:
• Authors;
• Year/Country;
• Study methodology;
• Institutions;
• Inclusion criteria;
• Exclusion criteria;
• Participants;
• Age of participants;
• Number of participants;
• Number of analyzed participants;
• Gender distribution;
• Technology/Sensors used;
• iTUG implementation;
• TUG implementation;
• Raw data;
• Index, parameters, and variables extracted;
• Segmentation Algorithm;
• Main outcomes;
• Main results.
Any discrepancy was resolved with the participation of a third reviewer.
3. Results
From the initial search in the different databases, 497 studies were obtained, and
74 were removed because they corresponded to duplicates, leaving a total of 423 studies.
During the title and abstract screening stage, 344 articles were excluded, and 79 entered the
extended review stage to determine their eligibility, eliminating 34 studies. Finally, 5 studies
were excluded in the information extraction stage, and 40 were selected for analysis and
Sensors 2023, 23, 3426 5 of 31
discussion. The detail of the selection process can be seen in the PRISMA diagram from
Figure 2.
The presentation of results are presented according to five sections based on the
information extracted from the selected studies, which include characteristics of the partici-
pants and methodological design of the selected studies; types of technologies, procedures
and instrumentation used in the TUG test; algorithmic procedures for segmentation and
extraction of iTUG features; features extracted from iTUG; and main clinical results from
the selected studies (see Table 3).
Figure 2. Systematic review screening process performed in this studio. Flowchart template extracted
and modify from [30].
Sensors 2023, 23, 3426 6 of 31
Table 3. Extensive description of iTUG methodology of all the studies included in the review.
Table 3. Cont.
Table 3. Cont.
Table 3. Cont.
Table 3. Cont.
Table 3. Cont.
Table 3. Cont.
Table 3. Cont.
Table 3. Cont.
Table 3. Cont.
Table 3. Cont.
Table 3. Cont.
According to the eligibility criteria, the age of the participants had to be greater than or
equal to 65 years (see Figure 3), and the distribution by gender mostly showed a tendency
to a greater number of women than men. Figure 4 illustrates these tendencies.
Figure 3. Distribution of the selected study participant’s ages, indicating the participant’s condition
and the predominant general age range. In the participant’s condition plot, the “Other” category
means elderlies with dementia, hip arthroplasty, diabetes and frail syndrome.
studies with case-control [42], clinical-randomized [39], and pilot [37] methodologies, with
one article each. Finally, two articles did not mention the type of study [40,57].
Figure 4. Proportion in percentages of the participants by sex from the studies selected.
3.3. Types of Technology, Procedure and Instrumentation Used in the Timed Up and Go Tests
The iTUG test has been defined as the use of inertial sensors to achieve the segmenta-
tion of the test and extract characteristics from the identified sub-phases [20,45]. However,
in this review, different technological proposals were found. Table 6 shows the number of
studies by type of technology used to implement the TUG.
Sensors 2023, 23, 3426 20 of 31
Technology Studies
Insoles [22,31,37] 3
Smartphone [32,34,36,46,48,52–54,65] 9
Inertial Sensors [11,18,21,33,39–45,49,55,58–64,67–70] 24
Opto–electronic System [23,55] 2
Xbox Kinect [57] 1
Instrumented Chair [24,50] 2
Several proposals use inertial sensors for the instrumentation of the test [11,18,21,
33,39–45,49,55,58–64,67–70]. Most of the studies use commercial sensors such as the G-
Sensor, BTS G Walk® (BTS Bioengineering, Lombardia, Italy) [39–43,69], whose inertial
unit consists of a sensor with a tri-axial accelerometer and a tri-axial gyroscope, with a
maximum sampling frequency of 1000 Hz. Other commercial sensors used include the Opal
Sensor (APDM wearable technologies, Portland, OR, USA) [39,59], MTX XSens sensors
(49A33G15, Xsens, Enschede, the Netherlands) [44,45,49], Dynaport sensor (McRoberts
technologies, the Hague, the Netherlands) [18,33,55,63,67], which integrates a tri-axial
accelerometer and gyroscope with a sampling frequency of 100 Hz, Shimmer inertial
sensor (Shimmer technologies, Dublin, Ireland) [58], LEGSys and BalanSens (BioSensics,
Boston, MA, USA) [70], mHT (mHealth Technologies, Bologna, Italy) [60,65], PAMSys
inertial sensor (Biosensics, Newton, MA, USA) [62] and the tri-axial inertial sensor (Balance
THETAmetrix, Portsmouth, UK) [21].
On the other hand, some studies mention the use of up to 17 measurement units [11,61],
being able to acquire data from each body segment during iTUG. Other studies propose
the use of six sensors, one in the sternum, one in L3, two in both hips and two in both
thighs [59], or located in L5, two in the front part of the leg below the knee, two in the
lateral part of the arm and one in the sternum [45]. However, most studies propose the
use of a single sensor that is generally located between the lower back between L4 and S1,
depending on the protocol used by the investigators [18,21,33,40–43,55,63,67–69].
Regarding the use of smartphone inertial sensors as technology for iTUG, four studies
mention the use of the iPhone 4 smartphone (Apple Inc., Cupertino, CA, USA), located at
the lower back [34] and on the sternum [52–54]. Two studies used Samsung Galaxy smart-
phones [46,48] located on the lower back. Another study used a Huawei P8 smartphone
(Huawei, Shenzhen, China) positioned on the lower back [32].
On the other hand, three studies included the use of insoles, two of which considered
an insole with 4 FSR (force-sensing resistors), which were positioned to measure the
distribution of force in the foot. Two FSRs were positioned on the heel, one medial and
one lateral, and the other two were located on the first and fifth metatarsals approximately,
in conjunction with a 3D accelerometer attached to the foot [22,31]. A single study included
the eSHOE insole system, which consists of a pair of orthopedic insoles that includes
tri-axial accelerometers, tri-axial magnetometers, and a tri-axial gyroscope, as well as a
pressure sensor on the greater toe, first and fifth metatarsal heads [37]. Two studies have
incorporated the use of a sensorized chair called aTUG (ambiental Timed Up and Go),
which considers an integrated chair with environmental sensors, four force sensors and a
laser bar [24,50].
As mentioned above, the iTUG allows the segmentation of the TUG test into different
sub-phases related to the activities that the participants must perform when executing
the test. In the included literature, differences have been found regarding the number of
sub-phases described in the segmentation. Some proposals have included the segmentation
into three sub-phases, which consider the activities sit to stand, walk and stand to sit [31]
or standing, forward walking and turning [39]. On the other hand, segmentation proposals
Sensors 2023, 23, 3426 21 of 31
have been found in four sub-phases that, in general, analyze the phases sit to stand, walk,
180º turn, and stand to sit [23,33,34,41,63,64,70]. However, segmentation proposals differ at
the moment when a transition or transfer is initiated, for example, sub-phases have been
described as sit-to-walk, walk, first turn [32,36] and turn to sit [32,33,36], or considering the
last sub-phase directly from walking to sitting [55]. Likewise, five sub-phase segmentation
proposals have been found, which describe sit-to-stand, walk-to-stand, turn, walk-to-sit
and sit [24,52–54,68]. In the other five sub-phase proposals, differences have been found
in the last phase of TUG, also describing the turn-to-sit phase [34,62,65]. On the other
hand, the segmentation into six sub-phases of TUG considers sit-to-stand, forward gait,
180° turn, backward gait, turn, and stand-to-sit [11,18,40,43,46,50,61,69]. A single study
proposes segmentation into the following phases: sit-to-stand, gait, turn, stand-to-sit,
the full duration of the last turn to sit, the interval between the end of the last turn and the
start of the stand-to-sit sub-phase [67].
Podsiadlo et al. [12] indicated that the standard procedure of TUG is that the user
must stay sit in a chair without armrests, stand up from the chair, walk forward a dis-
tance of 3 m, turn around a mark or cone in the three meters, walk back and sit down
on the chair. Most of the studies used the conventional procedure described previ-
ously [18,21–24,31–33,36,37,40,41,44,46,48,50,55,58,59,62–65,67–70]. However, some pro-
posals used the extended versions of TUG with a distance of 5 m [11,61], 7 m [43–45,49] and
10 m [11,52–54,61], maintaining the same activities requested in the 3-meter TUG. In addi-
tion, proposals include traditional TUG plus dual tasks during its execution [39,42]. Lastly,
only one study used a 2-meter TUG proposal [57].
Table 7. Algorithms for iTUG segmentation identified from the selected studies.
Other studies that use information from inertial sensors to automatically identify
postural transitions differ from previous proposals with respect to the sensor’s location—
see Silva et al. for the thigh [48], Beyea et al. for the upper body [51], Najafi et al. for the
chest [62] and Mariani et al. for the foot [64].
Regarding studies that use other technologies for the instrumentation of TUG, they
use algorithms created by the same authors, such as Ayena et al. [31] for acceleration and
foot pressure sensors, Tan et al. [57] for Kinect video, Frenken et al. [24] for environmental
sensors (chair with pressure sensors and laser) and Holzreiter et al. [38] for coordinates
of infrared markers for motion capture, the latter being the only one that uses Machine
Learning strategies for the automatic identification of postural transitions.
Finally, it can be observed that nine segmentation strategies automatically identify
seven postural transitions, which allowed twenty-eight studies to segment iTUG into the
six main sub-phases (standing, go walking, first turn, return walking, pre-sitting turn
and sitting). Three segmentation strategies only identified six postural transitions, which
allowed five studies to segment iTUG into five sub-phases, combining the pre-sitting turn
and sitting stage in a single sub-phase. Ayena et al. [31] segmented TUG into two postural
transitions, allowing the identification of the sub-phases of standing, walking and sitting of
the TUG test. Silva et al. [48] only used their segmentation strategy to identify the postural
transitions of the first half of the test (before the return march), which, however, can be
replicated for the return stage. Mariani et al. [64] only identified the turning sub-phases of
the TUG.
The iTUG test can also be used in clinical practice to assess the effects of pharmacology
and physical therapy in people with PD, such as the effects that L-Dopa may have on gait
parameters and freezing on gait (FOG), as well as quantify and measure FOG [40,44].
On the other hand, studies indicated that iTUG could be correlated with scores from
different balance and gait scales, demonstrating that an instrumented scale can reveal
deficits in turnings of people with PD (severe and mild), as well as instrumentation in
stages with or without medication making it possible to predict falls [45,49].
Another study determined the intra-rater, inter-rater, and test-retest reliability of
iTUG in people with PD, proving excellent to good for the total duration and turning
durations [18].
Regarding variables identified for people with PD through the instrumentation of
TUG, studies explored gait speed in the clinic and home and the execution of iTUG at a
fast speed, demonstrating that the related parameters during walking and turning showed
strong correlations with the stage of the disease and that the application of the iTUG
procedure at a fast speed allows the identification of movement deficits in mild to moderate
stages, while the correlation in the parameters of the standing and sitting phases could
determine the level of automation of the movements and the kinematic parameters of iTUG
can have the potential to reflect functioning in movement execution [55,70].
On the other hand, iTUG measurements obtained from trunk angular velocity during
the turning and standing phases adequately reflect dynamic balance in people with PD [60].
In the study carried out with the mTUG through the Kinectic system for Xbox One, it was
possible to determine that the length of the first step can be significantly associated with
the motor analysis scale implemented [57].
In addition, another study detected four phases of the test in groups of people with PD
with and without medication through the use of sensors in the shoe during the execution
of iTUG, where temporal variables proved to be the most relevant ones [64].
Finally, it has been found that iTUG is useful to analyze the gait patterns during
the execution of the test applicable to healthy elderlies or with different gait disorders
analyzing the correlations of the go and return sub-phases [23,46]. In elderlies with a frailty
index greater than 3.95 according to the Fried scale, it was possible to observe that there
are differences in acceleration signals and angular velocities of the trunk, allowing a more
sensitive differentiation between frail and non-frail groups than only the TUG duration
variable, which is traditionally used [52–54]. In elderlies with peripheral neuropathy and
diabetes, the iTUG test allows them to identify and monitor postural transitions [62].
4. Discussion
The TUG test is a common tool for assessing mobility and fall risk in older adults
that uses the time to identify from a global perspective the RoF; however, it is not able,
in general, to incorporate the information of each sub-task performed in the evaluation,
such as standing, walking, turning and sitting. The iTUG is a modified version of TUG
that incorporates wearable sensors to capture additional objective data about gait, balance
and other factors that may contribute to RoF.
This systematic review aimed to examine the currently existing evidence on the
segmentation and analysis proposals of iTUG, the type of technologies used, the variables
acquired and how these measures allow the specific detection of impairments in older
adults with or without associated pathologies.
Previous systematic reviews related to the traditional TUG have been found that
account for the different uses of the test alone. On the one hand, there are reviews in
which TUG has been included as an assessment tool to identify changes in therapeutic
interventions [28] and as an instrument to measure RoF [2,5], showing the applicability
of the test in different clinical contexts. On the other hand, reviews were found that were
related to different psychometric properties of the traditional TUG in different populations
and with good reliability and validity values [25–27], showing that TUG has stable relative
sensitivity when applied to older people in community settings [5], excellent intra-rater
Sensors 2023, 23, 3426 26 of 31
and inter-rater reliability and good construct validity, and is sufficiently sensitive to detect
small changes in basic functional mobility after stroke [16] and adequate reliability and
validity in people with PD [25].
However, it has been shown to have limited ability to predict falls in older people at
high risk [8], as well as inconclusive results in its ability to predict falls after stroke [16].
It has been recommended that its application with other RoF measurement tools could
increase its predictive value [5]. It has also been mentioned that its predictive value
increases when instrumented (iTUG) [8,25]. In addition, we found a systematic review
that addresses the instrumentation through the use of inertial sensors of different scales
used to measure the risk of falls, including TUG, whose results account for the different
characteristics extracted, the positioning of the sensors and the predictive value of each of
them on the risk of falls [71]. However, to our knowledge, no similar systematic reviews
have been found addressing the specific outcomes described in the present review using
iTUG. These results are consistent with what was found in the present review, pointing
out the high number of characteristics and parameters that can be obtained through the
use of technologies. It is important to highlight that although TUG has shown different
conclusions regarding its psychometric properties [4,16,25] both in older people and in
people with stroke and PD, it is a tool that is still considered in clinical guidelines, and is
commonly used, probably because of its easy implementation and because it requires little
equipment [4,8].
The results of this review show the wide variety of devices used for TUG instrumenta-
tion, the type of procedure used, the characteristics of the population and the parameters
that can be obtained from it. It demonstrates that all iTUG proposals, to a greater or lesser
extent, allow the extraction of characteristics and variables of the subject’s performance
during the procedure, increasing the test’s objectivity and providing additional values to
the total time.
During the review, several technological proposals for TUG instrumentation were iden-
tified. However, the largest number of proposals include the use of inertial
sensors [11,18,21,32,33,37,39,46,52–55,59–61,63–65,67–70]. Most proposals used a single
sensor on the lower back, which has been shown to identify specific spatiotemporal charac-
teristics, biomechanical elements of the pelvis and gait events during the execution of TUG,
since it is close to the center of gravity [72–74]. This is important since the reduced use of
sensors simplifies the implementation of iTUG in clinical settings.
On the other hand, it is important to highlight that extended versions of TUG were
found at 5 [11,61], 7 [43–45,49], and 10 meters [11,52–54,61], delivering more information
about gait characteristics together with the features extracted from the different transitions.
It has been reported that iTUG using inertial sensors in its extended 7-meter version for
people with stroke has shown excellent test-retest reliability [75]. However, it is important
to consider new RoF labels for different populations, since most studies have analyzed the
psychometric properties of the 3-meter version.
The different segmentation proposals allow researchers and clinicians to select TUG
sub-phases according to their desired measurement objectives, which have provided a
better analysis of TUG performance, increasing its predictive value. It is interesting to note
that the segmentation of six sub-phases allows the identification of the last turn and the
final stand phase before sitting. With this number of phases, it is possible to identify specific
problems in elderlies with balance or sensory impairments, or the use of compensatory
strategies [11,18,40,43,46,50,61,67,69].
The variables obtained by iTUG can be analyzed from a clinical point of view and
how this information contributes to therapeutic decisions within the rehabilitation process.
For example, in people with PD, it has been shown that they present alterations in the
turning sub-phases, mainly associated with freezing [44]. The analysis of turning during
iTUG segmentation allows healthy subjects to be differentiated from people with different
pathologies so that the variables that can be analyzed during the turn not only provide
information on the effects of aging [13]. This is of great clinical relevance, since iTUG could
Sensors 2023, 23, 3426 27 of 31
but also as a possible diagnostic or predictive tool for RoF, as well as continuous moni-
toring of users during the rehabilitation process and their reintegration into community
settings. The incorporation of technology or instrumentation could not only be applied to
TUG, but could also be incorporated into other assessment scales or tests, which, along
with the development of mobile applications and telemonitoring, could expand access
for users residing in remote areas and therapeutic teams that do not have all the tools
for implementing rehabilitation processes. This opens up the possibility of future lines of
research in the clinical validation processes of technological proposals in different contexts
and populations, the description of their psychometric properties and lines of technological
development and data processing.
5. Conclusions
The iTUG test provides objective evaluations and guides treatment, making it a
valuable tool for assessing the risk of falls in older adults. In this systematic review, the most
used technology was inertial sensors, and healthy elderlies and elderlies with Parkinson’s
disease were the most analyzed participants. The algorithm proposed by Weiss et al.
was the most used for automatic segmentation. The iTUG test offers an economical and
accessible alternative to increase the predictive value of the TUG test, identifying different
variables, and can be used in clinical, community and home settings. The review’s findings
highlight the potential benefits of incorporating technological approaches to increase the
predictive value of TUG and improve RoF assessments.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, P.O.-B., B.G., P.A. and R.C.-d.-l.-C.; methodology, P.O.-B.,
B.G., S.L.-M. and R.C.-d.-l.-C.; software, P.O.-B., B.G. and S.L.-M.; validation, P.A., S.L.-M. and R.C.-d.-
l.-C.; formal analysis, P.O.-B., B.G. and S.L.-M.; investigation, P.O.-B. and B.G.; resources, P.O.-B., P.A.
and R.C.-d.-l.-C.; data curation, P.O.-B., B.G. and S.L.-M.; writing—original draft preparation, P.O.-B.
and B.G.; writing—review and editing, P.A., S.L.-M. and R.C.-d.-l.-C.; visualization, P.O.-B., B.G., P.A.
and R.C.-d.-l.-C.; supervision, P.A. and R.C.-d.-l.-C.; project administration, P.A. and R.C.-d.-l.-C.;
funding acquisition, P.O.-B., P.A. and R.C.-d.-l.-C. All authors have read and agreed to the published
version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research was funded by the Vice-rectory for Research and Development (VRID) of the
Universidad de Concepción, titled “Clinical Validation of a Human Movement Analysis System Based
on Inertial Measurement Sensors in the Chilean population at risk of falls.”, Code: 220.092.003-M.
Universidad de Concepción, Concepción, Chile.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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