Restful API Aid

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Application Interface Design

` 433513 – POOA

Document Attributes

Attribute Value
Application ID / MOTS ID: 34172 Pre-Ordering and Order Automation (POOA)
Application Name MOTS ID: 23440 Locations Master Catalog (LMC)

Owner Ron Watson

Owner Contact Information (770) 716-5993, ATTUID: rw1628

Other Attribute

Other Attribute

Revision History

The project ID and, if applicable, CR associated with changes to this interface must be identified.

If this AID supports multiple projects, in the body of the document, make clear which current project is
associated with each change.

The following table lists the revision history of this document:

Author Date Version # PID / CR Revision Description

R. Watson 6/27/2024 .01 Initial draft

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Application Interface Design
` 433513 – POOA

Table of Contents

Description.............................................................................................................................................. 4
Interfacing Application Roles...........................................................................................5
Interface Type..................................................................................................................6
Action Needed.................................................................................................................6
Interface Overview...........................................................................................................7
Stimulus.................................................................................................................................................. 7
Assumptions............................................................................................................................................ 8
Dependencies.......................................................................................................................................... 8
Interface Design Rationale...................................................................................................................... 8
Flow Diagram.......................................................................................................................................... 9
Interface Specification...................................................................................................10
Implementation Specification........................................................................................12
Batch Interface Specification................................................................................................................. 12
Object Oriented Interface Specification................................................................................................. 12
Tag-Based Interface Specification......................................................................................................... 12
SOAP Web Services Interface Specification...........................................................................................12
RESTful Web Services Interface Specification........................................................................................ 12
Publish-Subscribe Messaging/DMaaP Interface Specification.................................................................31
Database Interface Specification........................................................................................................... 31
Other Interface Specifications............................................................................................................... 31
JMS Considerations................................................................................................................................ 31
AFT Discovery Service Considerations................................................................................................... 32
AFT Discovery Service Client Specification............................................................................................ 32
AFT Discovery Entry Specification......................................................................................................... 32
Interface Processing Rules.............................................................................................32
Availability and Performance.........................................................................................32
On-Demand Interface Availability and Performance..............................................................................33
Batch Interface Availability and Performance........................................................................................ 34
Provider Application Scheduled Hours of Operation..............................................................................34
Outage and Error Handling............................................................................................35
Outage Handling................................................................................................................................... 35
Error Handling....................................................................................................................................... 35
Authentication....................................................................................................................................... 35
Authorization......................................................................................................................................... 35
Encryption............................................................................................................................................. 36
Firewalls................................................................................................................................................ 36
Disaster Recovery..........................................................................................................36
Testing Considerations..................................................................................................36
Related Documents.......................................................................................................36
Compliance Interface Agreement..................................................................................37
Parties of Agreement............................................................................................................................. 37
Description of Interface......................................................................................................................... 37
Statement of ASPR compliance responsibilities.....................................................................................37
Identification of sensitive data.............................................................................................................. 37
Acceptance & Approvals................................................................................................38
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Overview............................................................................................................................................... 38
Approvers.............................................................................................................................................. 38

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Application Interface Design
` 433513 – POOA



The Application Interface Design (AID) communicates the selected interface design to stakeholders and to
the design and development team. An Application Interface Design identifies and describes the interface
and the rationale for selecting that approach. Assurance should be given that the capabilities of the
interface will meet the Requirements/Epics/User Stories (Functional and Nonfunctional Requirements) and
architectural concept for this project.

The AID describes an interface between a single Provider application and one or more Consumer
applications. The design specifies what data elements are to be shared between applications and how (i.e.,
by what means) the data is shared.

The AID is produced by the Provider application with contributions from the Consumer application(s). If the
Provider application is outside of Technology Development and the Provider application elects not to
create an AID, a Technology Development project resource must produce the AID. If the Provider
application is covered by a Supplier Management Plan (SMP) where the AID is not required to be delivered,
a Technology Development project resource must produce the AID. The AID includes all transactions in an
interface interaction. For On-Demand interfaces this includes all operations in the Interface Transaction.
(See Definitions).

Application interface design element identifiers are to be used for traceability (e.g. AID-XXX).

As a client POOA will send address-based requests to the LMC tool to autocreate CLLI codes via a Restful
Web Service application programming interface (API). LMC will generate a CLLI code for each successful
request. LMC will assign and return a reference number and a message response in JSON format. POOA
will consume the LMC SOAP web service API to retrieve a response for each completed request.
Mechanically completed requests will return a reference number, assigned CLLI, related Location data,
message code and a message response in JSON format. If the request returns a real time error (i.e. street
name not populated) no reference number will be assigned and LMC will return an error response in JSON
format. This interface will be scalable with the option to add additional clients as well as the ability to add
other request types over time.


Batch: An application-to-application interface where the interaction granularity generally consists

of a large number of transactions that are grouped together and transferred between applications
on a periodic basis. (e.g., hourly, nightly, weekly, monthly).

On-Demand: An application-to-application interface where the interaction granularity is generally

at the transaction level. In some cases the granularity may consist of a small transaction set.
Typically, these interfaces must be executed soon after the occurrence of a business event. In other
words, they are not batched into periodic execution cycles.

Object-Oriented: An application-to-application interface that is implemented with CORBA or EJB


Tag-Based: An application-to-application interface that uses text based messages where the fields
are delimited with tags (e.g., XML, FCIF). Web Services interfaces are not considered Tag-Based
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SOAP Web Services: An On-Demand interface where the design uses SOAP Web Services
Description Language (WSDL) described SOAP.

RESTful Web Services: An On-Demand interface where the design uses RESTful Web Services
architectural principles.

Callback API: APIs where there is a primary API and a separate callback API. An API that uses the
callback pattern consists of what appears to be two separate APIs (1) the primary API implemented
by the API provider and (2) the callback API implemented by the API consumer. These are not two
separate APIs, however. This is one API because the callback API is fundamentally part of the
primary API and it cannot be used independent of the primary API.

Event Notification: A message from an application indicating something of interest happened.

Interface Transaction: A set of messages consisting of a request, an optional associated

response, and optional associated asynchronous callbacks.

Consumer: A role played by an application in an interface. The following describes the application
that plays the Consumer role:
Batch - The application that receives the group of transactions.
On-Demand - The application that receives an Event Notification or initiates an Interface
Transaction. The Consumer role remains constant throughout the Interface Transaction.

Provider: A role played by an application in an interface. The following describes the application
that plays the Provider role:
Batch - The application that constructs and sends the group of transactions.
On-Demand - The application that offers operations to initiate an Interface Transaction. An
exception is Event Notification interfaces. In Event Notification interfaces, the application that
sends the Event Notification is the Provider. The Provider role remains constant throughout
the Interface Transaction.

Interfacing Application Roles

List the names of the Provider and Consumer application(s) here.

Provider (MOTS Acronym / Id) Consumer(s) (MOTS Acronym / Id)

LMC/23440 POOA/34172

Interface Type

Select one interface type:


For On-Demand select one from the following:


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SOAP Web Services

RESTful Web Services

For On-Demand identify message exchange pattern:


Select the infrastructure elements used by this interface if applicable:

JMS (EMBus, AFT Bus, WebSphere MQ, etc.)
AFT Discovery Service
Action Needed

Select one action needed:

Use an existing interface
Modify an existing interface
Develop a new interface
Retire an interface

For On-Demand, list the Repository URLs to the relevant Implementations and MicroServices (mS)
(if the interface is deployed as a MicroService):

Enter the Coordinated Repository link to the SOAP Service, RESTful Web Service, XML Service,
or Other Service.

Enter the mS Catalog link to the MicroService associated with the SOAP Service, RESTful Web
Service, XML Service, or Other Service.

Implementation Name: Enter the interface name here

ACR Implementation URL mS Catalog URL

(Refer to the Job Aid – Coordinated (Refer to the Job Aid – mS Catalog)
Repository (ACR)

For Web Services select all applicable:

WSDL Changes
Message Format Change (e.g. XML Schema, JSON)
No WSDL or Message Format Change

If the interface does not conform to the TSS policy and practices below, list the approved TSS
Exception(s) and API Variance(s).
o API Platform Standard Practice
o SOAP Web Services Standards Practice
o RESTful Web Services Standards Practice
o Messaging & JMS Practice
o XML Standards Practice
(Use Technology Development AID Template instructions)

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TSS Exception / API Variance

Interface Overview

LMC to provide an existing REST API named requestClli.



POOA submits a synchronous CLLI request to LMC

For each successful request, LMC will assign and return a reference number and a message response in
JSON format. POOA will consume the LMC SOAP web service to retrieve a response for each completed
request. Mechanically completed requests will return a reference number, assigned CLLI, related
Location data, a message code and a message response in JSON format. If the request returns a real
time error (i.e. City not populated) no reference number will be assigned and LMC will return an error
response in JSON format.

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No. Assumptions Approach

1 All CLLI requests require Any impacts to this interface
a valid address and the design due to changes in the
decimal fomat latitude agreed upon API version will
and longitude. be handled via a Change
2 Any CLLI request that
fails address validation
will be sent to a work list
for manual completion.
3 LMC will return a real
time response for each
mechanically completed
4 LMC will return a real
time error response for
each request not
satisfying any up front
5 POOA will consume the
LMC SOAP web service to
retrieve a response for
each completed request.


LMC system will be available to accept REST requests.

Interface Design Rationale

LMC must enhance “existing” SOAP Web Service to return the ALC (Accounting Location Code) in the
response to describeLocation2 (cust_lmc_loc_clli_hdr.acct_loc_cd1)

LMC must enhance “existing” REST Web Service to return the ALC (Accounting Location Code) in the
response to requestClli if not already. (cust_lmc_loc_clli_hdr.acct_loc_cd1)

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Flow Diagrams

Submit address-based
request via REST API
Response in
JSON format


API retrieve CLLI for
“completed” request

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Interface Specification

The approved service URL is:


The APIs supported by the service (but not limited to):

# API {resource} HTTP

1. requestClli {serverBaseURL}:PORT/ POST

Table 1 APIs Summary

The table below contain the potential successful responses for Data Patterns APIs. Refer to section
Error/Exception Handling for failure responses.

Code Reason Phrase Description

200 OK The request has succeeded.

201 Created The request has been fulfilled and resulted in a new
resource being created.

202 Accepted The request has been accepted for processing, but the
processing has not been completed.

204 No Content The server has fulfilled the request but does not need
to return an entity-body, and might want to return
updated meta information.

206 Partial Content The server has fulfilled the partial GET request for the

Table 2 APIs Successful Response Codes

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Define the interface specifications or reference existing interface document that includes, but is not
limited to, the following:
 Data content and format (data elements, data types, and lengths)
 Data usage specifications (optional, required, or conditional and the associated conditions)
 Operation names, parameters and synchronicity (request, response or one-way)
 Enumerate data sets, where known.
 Error conditions and associated codes, categories, criticality and messages

Exposed API Interfaces (Required)

Describe the API Interfaces that this microService will expose to clients.
Depending on the technology, this section will have different information.
 REST JSON based APIs use resources and methods like POST, GET, PUT, DELETE.
 SOAP based web services operations are like manage, inquire, validate, etc.

Hierarchy of Resources




Operations on Resources

Base URL: https://
{serverBaseURL}:PORT/LMCRESTREQ/request HTTP
# API Clli/v1/locations Verb
A. Resource Name: locations Description: The location that is being created
1. locations Location POST


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Implementation Specification

Describe the interface implementation specifications applicable to this interface design. Mark sections that
do not apply N/A.
For On-Demand interfaces where the Provider application is not an API One Platform MOTS Application
(see TSS API Platform Standards), reference an approved API Variance against the TSS API Platform
Standards in the Action Needed TSS Exception / API Variance box above. For example, an API Variance is
required when modifying an existing AT&T Resident API to add new operations (new messages) or add
new client(s)/consumer(s). See the TSS API Platform Standards for a complete list.

Batch Interface Specification

 N/A

Object Oriented Interface Specification

 N/A

Tag-Based Interface Specification


SOAP Web Services Interface Specification

 N/A

RESTful Web Services Interface Specification

Put any relevant XML Schema Definition (XSD) in the Coordinated Repository (ACR) using the
Coordinated Repository Job Aid; do not embed in the AID.

RESTful Web Services interfaces must adhere to the RESTful Web Services Standards and, if the
requests or responses are in XML format, the XML Standards:

 Specify resource model of the service, per the RESTful Web Services Standards.
 For each resource specify:
o Resource URI/URI Template
o HTTP Verbs.
o Request/Response headers and message body structures.
o Provide examples for all relevant use cases and for all relevant data formats (e.g., XML,
o Errors and conditions under which they are raised.
o HTTP Status codes returned.

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Resource and Method Definitions

AID-1 Resource Name: <HTTP Method>-<resource name>


Resource URI /[serverBaseURL}:PORT/LMCRESTREQ/requestClli/v1/locations

One line Summary of Short description, ie POST to add a single location

the resource
Full Description of
the resource
including the
Business Function

Supported Request: application/json

Representation Response: application/json

Successful HTTP Select appropriate response code

Response Code 200 – OK
201 – Created
202 – Accepted
204 – No content
Refer to TSS standard for additional options.

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Request Data Details

Data inali
Location Type / ty
(local Length (eg M Description, Conditional
path, URL, or 0:10 O Rules / Additional
Parameter Header) Object ) C Requirements Valid Values
content-length Header Integer Standard HTTP header

content-type Header String Standard HTTP header

location Body Object: 1 M Location object is the parent of

location the request parameters. Refer
to the definition of the location

Object: locations
Description: A location is a request for an add from the POOA Team.

Location (local Data Type / Description, Conditional Rules /

Parameter path, URL, Header) Length Additional Requirements
companyCode /locations/ String Blank

requestId /locations/ String Generated by LMC, not required on


createClliInd /locations/ String Blank

userId /locations/ String blank

userName /locations/ String blank

source /locations/ String blank

systemType /locations/ String blank

statusDesc /locations/ String Blank

useLocateIt /locations/ String Blank

preCheckInd /locations/ String Blank

buildingClli /locations/ String Known Network Site

requestedBy /locations/ String Application or Requestor Name

(Required) for POOA, this will be

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contactNum /locations/ String Requestor phone number. If not

known, set to “9999999999”

typeIdentifier /locations/ String Blank

acceptDateTime /locations/ String Blank

statusDescription /locations/ String Blank

iac /locations/ String Blank

networkSiteClli /locations/ String Known network site

alc /locations/ String Blank

alcType /locations/ String Blank

workgroupId /locations/ String Identifies an application. Value will

be = “POA” for most requests from
POOA (Required)

xpoilD /locations/ String Blank

queryId /locations/ String Blank

asrNumber /locations/ String Blank

clo /locations/ String Blank

ccna /locations/ String Blank

systemId /locations/ String Blank

geoCode /locations/ String Blank

descriptionText /locations/ String Description (Required)

entityLocationType /locations/ String Type of Location (Required) Can be

various values from POOA. Should be
= “CUST-NET” for POOA if requesting
CPE CLLI codes

fmlClli /locations/ String Blank

centrex /locations/ String Blank

locationId /locations/ String Blank

div /locations/ String Blank

dist /locations/ String Blank

hostClli /locations/ String Blank

buildClearGroup /locations/ String Blank

emailAddr /locations/ String Blank

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cmnSmartRing /locations/ String Blank

tirks /locations/ String Blank

servWireCntr /locations/ String Blank

swcSysCode /locations/ String Set to “PKT” if request is for Packet

Switch, else blank.

div /locations/ String Blank

dist /locations/ String Blank

buildingName /locations/ String Blank

taxCode /locations/ String Blank

vertex /locations/ String Blank

workLocationInd /locations/ String “N”

fmlRequiredInd /locations/ String “N”.

alcRequiredInd /locations/ String Blank

vertical /locations/ String Blank

horizontal /locations/ String Blank

elevation /locations/ String Blank

longHemisphere /locations/ String Blank

longDegree /locations/ String Blank

longMinuteAngle /locations/ String Blank

longSecondAngle /locations/ String Blank

longFractionAngle /locations/ String Blank

longlongDecimal /locations/ String Blank

latHemisphere /locations/ String Blank

latDegree /locations/ String Blank

latMinuteAngle /locations/ String Blank

latSecondAngle /locations/ String Blank

latFractionAngle /locations/ String Blank

latlongDecimal /locations/ String Blank

latDecimal /locations/ String Blank

longDecimal /locations/ String Blank

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customerMcn /locations/ String Master Customer Number.

customerName /locations/ String Customer Name

customerStatus /locations/ String Blank

typeOfService /locations/ String Blank

centrex /locations/ String Blank

room /locations/ String room

floor /locations/ String floor

entitySwitch /locations/ String Blank

terminatingEquip /locations/ String Blank

description /locations/ String Blank

addressType /locations/ String “P” (Same value every time,

required) “P” = Physical address

addressCity /locations/ String Required (For POOA, if the request is

being sent with a known building
CLLI/CLLI 8 in the nonsegmented
address field or street name field (if
segmented address sent on the
request) as described below, enter
the value of “CLLI”. This lets the
existing logic know how to treat the

addressCounty /locations/ String Required. If not known set to “N/A”

addressState /locations/ String Required

addressCountry /locations/ String Required (Three character country

code) Example “USA”

addressZipCode /locations/ String Required. If not known, set to

“00000”. No need for international
requests to send the postal/zip code
in the vertex field. Can be sent in
this field. CORBA IDL did not have a
postalCode field.

addressZipCodePlus4 /locations/ String Blank

addressPostalCode /locations/ String Blank

sequenceNum /locations/ String Blank

useNonSegAddr /locations/ String Derived based on input address “Y”,

“N”. (This should be set to “Y” if a
nonsegmented address is sent and
“N” if a segmented address is sent.

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nonSegmentedAddr /locations/ String Blank (Required if useNonSegAddr =

‘Y’. If POOA is sending a request
with a known CLLI 8/Building CLLI
code instead of an address and the
address format sent on the request is
nonsegmented, enter the value of the
CLLI code here. The LMC existing
logic will process the request

sequenceNum /locations/ String Blank

streetNum /locations/ String Required if segmented

directionalPrefix /locations/ String Blank

streetName /locations/ String Required if segmented. If POOA is

sending a request with a known CLLI
8/Building CLLI code instead of an
address and the format sent on the
request is segmented, enter the
value of the CLLI code here. The LMC
existing logic will process the request

streetType /locations/ String Blank

directionalSuffix /locations/ String Blank

intersectionOp /locations/ String Blank

polDivId /locations/ String Blank

country /locations/ String Blank

postalCode /locations/ String Blank. Sent in addressZipCode field.

sequenceNum2 /locations/ String Blank

streetNum2 /locations/ String Blank

directionalPrefix2 /locations/ String Blank

streetName2 /locations/ String Blank (Required only if

intersectionOp is populated on a
segmented address)

streetType2 /locations/ String Blank

directionalSuffix2 /locations/ String Blank

polDivId2 /locations/ String Blank

country2 /locations/ String Blank

postalCode2 /locations/ String Blank

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Request Example for requestclli (NOTE: Dev URL is always available. Current test URL is
and will change every 3 months.

Key = Authentication
Value = Basic “Base64 encoded mechID and PWD” (I will give example.)
Key = Content-Type
Value = application/json

POST https://

=&tirks=&servWireCntr= &swcSysCode=
e=&sequenceNum=&useNonSegAddr=Y&nonSegmentedAddr=325 NORFOLK ST&
sequenceNum=&streetNum=&directionalPrefix=&streetName= &streetType= &directionalSuffix=&

Authorization: Basic Y3BzOmNwczEyMw==
X-MessageId: <messageid_generated>
X-TimeToLive: 600
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json

Request Example for requestclli JSON (Nxx CLLI codes, CUST-NET entity Location type)

POST https://
Authorization: Basic Y3BzOmNwczEyMw==
X-MessageId: <messageid_generated>
X-TimeToLive: 600
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json

"requestId": "",

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"createClliInd": "",
"userId" : "",
"userName": "",
"source": "",
"systemType": "",
"statusDesc": "",
"useLocateIt": "",
"preCheckInd": "",
"buildingClli": "",
"requestedBy": "POOA",
"contactNum": "9999999999",
"typeIdentifier": "",
"acceptDateTime": "",
"statusDescription": "",
"iac": "",
"networkSiteClli": "",
"alc": "",
"alcType": "",
"workgroupId": "POA",
"xpoiID" : "",
"queryId": "",
"asrNumber": "",
"clo": "",
"geoCode": "",
"descriptionText": "TEST",
"entityLocationType": "CUST-NET",
"fmlClli": "",
"centrex": "",
"locationId": "",
"div": "",
"dist": "",
"hostClli": "",
"buildClearGroup": "",
"emailAddr": "",
"cmnSmartRing": "",
"tirks": "",
"servWireCntr": "",
"swcSysCode": "",
"swcDiv": "",
"swcDist": "",
"buildingName": "",
"taxCode": "",
"vertex": " ",
"workLocationInd": "N",
"fmlRequiredInd": "N",
"alcRequiredInd": "",

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"vertical": "",
"horizontal": "",
"elevation": "",
"longHemisphere": "",
"longDegree": "",
"longSecondAngle": "",
"longMinuteAngle": "",
"longFractionAngle": "",
"latHemisphere": "",
"latDegree": "",
"latSecondAngle": "",
"latMinuteAngle": "",
"latFractionAngle": "",
"latDecimal": "",
"longDecimal": "",
"customerMCN": "",
"customerName": "WALMART",
"customerStatus": "",
"typeOfService": "",
"room": "",
"floor": "",
"entitySwitch": "",
"description": "",
"addressType": "P",
"addressCity": "NEWARK",
"addressCounty": "N/A",
"addressState": "NJ",
"addressCountry": "USA",
"addressZipCode": "07103",
"addressZipCodePlus4": "",
"addressPostalCode": "",
"nonSegmentedAddr": "",
"sequenceNum": "",
"useNonSegAddr": "N",
"streetNum": "325",
"directionalPrefix": "",
"streetName": "NORFOLK",
"streetType": "ST",
"directionalSuffix": "",
"intersectionOp": "",
"polDivId": "",
"country": "",
"postalCode": "",
"sequenceNum2": "",
"streetNum2": "",
"directionalPrefix2": "",

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"streetName2": "",
"streetType2": "",
"directionalSuffix2": "",
"polDivId2": "",
"country2": "",
"postalCode2": ""

Request Schema
XML is not a supported format, thus no XML schema is provided. Add JSON Schema when JSON Schema
formally adopted

Response Data Details

Listed below are the key elements included in the response.

Data inali
Location Type / ty
(local Length (eg M Description, Conditional
path, URL, or 0:10 O Rules / Additional
Parameter Header) Object ) C Requirements Valid Values
content-length Header Integer Standard HTTP header

content-type Header String Standard HTTP header

Requests completed mechanically with a clli code in real time will return the data below via
the initial response from LMC. At this point, you only need the requestID for tracking. CUST-
NET (Nxx) example. Hxx codes sent from SCOPE will have an ALC returned in
describeLocation2 call.

HTTP(S)/1.1 200 OK
X-MessageId: <message_id_generated_by_hub>

"clliCode" : "NWRKNJHDN01",
"requestId" : "POA5608972",
"clonesVerifyDate" : "",
"currentValidityInd" : "A",
"standardInd" : "",

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"action" : "",
"lastUpdatedDate" : "",
"mpc" : "JL86H",
"entityLocationType" : "CUST-NET",
"typeId" : "E",
"description" : "WALMART",
"recordCreator" : "ATX",
"acctLocCd1" : "",
"alc" : "",
"fml" : "",
"fmlLt" : "",
"servWireCntr" : "",
"clliExists" : "",
"addressType" : "",
"addressCity" : "",
"addressCounty" : "",
"addressCountry" : "",
"addressPostalCode" : "",
"sequenceNum" : "",
"streetNum" : "",
"directionalPrefix" : "",
"streetName" : "",
"streetType" : "",
"directionalSuffix" : "",
"streetName2" : "",
"sequenceNum2" : "1",
"nonSegmentedAddress" : "",
"polDivId" : "NJ",
"polDivName" : "NEW JERSEY",
"polDivTyp" : "U",
"polSubdName" : "NEWARK",
"localExchangeCompany" : "",
"timeZone" : "",
"lataCode" : "224",
"daylightSavingsInd" : "N",
"vertex" : "0131013166000",
"fmlRequiredInd" : "",
"vertical" : "5016.6094",
"horizontal" : "1431.7751",
"elevation" : "0",
"longHem" : "W",
"longDegree" : "74",
"longMinuteAngle" : "11",
"longSecondAngle" : "13",
"longFractionAngle" : "0",
"latHem" : "N",
"latDegree" : "40",

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"latMinuteAngle" : "44",
"latSecondAngle" : "18",
"latFractionAngle" : "0",
"latDecimal" : "40.738342",
"longDecimal" : "-74.186871",
"locDescription" : "TEST",
"renamedToClli" : "",
"renamedFromClli" : "",
"sharedSwitchToClli" : "",
"sharedSwitchFromClli" : "",
"requestUserId" : "8285",
"requestUserName" : "auto",
"requestSource" : "C",
"requestSystemType" : "T",
"requestRequestedBy" : "POOA",
"requestContactNum" : "9999999999",
"requestAlc" : "",
"requestWorkGroupId" : "POA",
"requestDescriptionText" : "WALMART",
"requestEntityLocationType" : "CUST-NET",
"requestServWireCntr" : "",
"requestWorkLocationInd" : "",
"requestFmlRequiredInd" : "N",
"requestAddressType" : "P",
"requestAddressCity" : "NEWARK",
"requestAddressCounty" : "N/A",
"requestAddressCountry" : "USA",
"requestAddressPostalCode" : "",
"requestStreetNum" : "325",
"requestDirectionalPrefix" : "",
"requestStreetName" : "NORFOLK",
"requestStreetType" : "ST",
"requestDirectionalSuffix" : "",
"requestUseNonSegmentedAddr" : "Y",
"requestNonSegmentedAddress" : "",
"returnCode" : "0",
"returnMessage" : "TRANSACTIONID=O13490146053920L. WS COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY :
"statusCode" : "200"

Requests not completed mechanically in real time (Sent to LMC Worklist for completion) will
return the data below via in the initial response from LMC. At this point, you only need the
requestID for tracking.

HTTP(S)/1.1 200 OK

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X-MessageId: <message_id_generated_by_hub>

"clliCode" : "",
"requestId" : "POA5608973",
"clonesVerifyDate" : "",
"currentValidityInd" : "",
"standardInd" : "",
"action" : "",
"lastUpdatedDate" : "",
"mpc" : "",
"entityLocationType" : "",
"typeId" : "",
"description" : null,
"recordCreator" : null,
"acctLocCd1" : null,
"alc" : null,
"fml" : null,
"fmlLt" : null,
"servWireCntr" : null,
"clliExists" : null,
"addressType" : null,
"addressCity" : null,
"addressCounty" : null,
"addressCountry" : null,
"addressPostalCode" : null,
"sequenceNum" : null,
"streetNum" : null,
"directionalPrefix" : null,
"streetName" : null,
"streetType" : null,
"directionalSuffix" : null,
"streetName2" : null,
"sequenceNum2" : null,
"nonSegmentedAddress" : null,
"polDivId" : null,
"polDivName" : null,
"polDivTyp" : null,
"polSubdName" : null,
"localExchangeCompany" : null,
"timeZone" : null,
"lataCode" : null,
"daylightSavingsInd" : null,
"vertex" : null,
"fmlRequiredInd" : null,
"vertical" : null,
"horizontal" : null,
"elevation" : null,
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"longHem" : null,
"longDegree" : null,
"longMinuteAngle" : null,
"longSecondAngle" : null,
"longFractionAngle" : null,
"latHem" : null,
"latDegree" : null,
"latMinuteAngle" : null,
"latSecondAngle" : null,
"latFractionAngle" : null,
"latDecimal" : null,
"longDecimal" : null,
"locDescription" : null,
"renamedToClli" : null,
"renamedFromClli" : null,
"sharedSwitchToClli" : null,
"sharedSwitchFromClli" : null,
"requestUserId" : null,
"requestUserName" : null,
"requestSource" : null,
"requestSystemType" : null,
"requestRequestedBy" : null,
"requestContactNum" : null,
"requestAlc" : null,
"requestWorkGroupId" : null,
"requestDescriptionText" : null,
"requestEntityLocationType" : null,
"requestServWireCntr" : null,
"requestWorkLocationInd" : null,
"requestFmlRequiredInd" : null,
"requestAddressType" : null,
"requestAddressCity" : null,
"requestAddressCounty" : null,
"requestAddressCountry" : null,
"requestAddressPostalCode" : null,
"requestStreetNum" : null,
"requestDirectionalPrefix" : null,
"requestStreetName" : null,
"requestStreetType" : null,
"requestDirectionalSuffix" : null,
"requestUseNonSegmentedAddr" : null,
"requestNonSegmentedAddress" : null,
"returnCode" : "1",
"returnMessage" : "TransactionID=M16202905080365F. ERROR - CLONES ENTITY WITHOUT
"statusCode" : "200"

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Requests completed mechanically with a clli code in real time will return the data below via
the the LMC SOAP API (describeLocation2) consumed by POOA.

<S:Envelope xmlns:env=""
<ns0:WSResponseHeader xsi:nil="true" xmlns:ns0=""
<ns0:lmcDescribeLocation2Response xmlns:ns0=""
<ns1:ResultMsg>SUCCESS TRANSACTION ID = Q12271297810567Q</ns1:ResultMsg>

Requests encountering an up front error will return a real time error message via the initial
response from LMC. No requestId is returned in this case.

"clliCode" : "",
"requestId" : "",
"clonesVerifyDate" : "",
"currentValidityInd" : "",
"standardInd" : "",
"action" : "",
"lastUpdatedDate" : "",
"mpc" : "",
"entityLocationType" : "",
"typeId" : "",
"description" : null,
"recordCreator" : null,
"acctLocCd1" : null,
"alc" : null,
"fml" : null,
"fmlLt" : null,
"servWireCntr" : null,

Template AT&T Proprietary (Internal Use Only) Page 28 of 40

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"clliExists" : null,
"addressType" : null,
"addressCity" : null,
"addressCounty" : null,
"addressCountry" : null,
"addressPostalCode" : null,
"sequenceNum" : null,
"streetNum" : null,
"directionalPrefix" : null,
"streetName" : null,
"streetType" : null,
"directionalSuffix" : null,
"streetName2" : null,
"sequenceNum2" : null,
"nonSegmentedAddress" : null,
"polDivId" : null,
"polDivName" : null,
"polDivTyp" : null,
"polSubdName" : null,
"localExchangeCompany" : null,
"timeZone" : null,
"lataCode" : null,
"daylightSavingsInd" : null,
"vertex" : null,
"fmlRequiredInd" : null,
"vertical" : null,
"horizontal" : null,
"elevation" : null,
"longHem" : null,
"longDegree" : null,
"longMinuteAngle" : null,
"longSecondAngle" : null,
"longFractionAngle" : null,
"latHem" : null,
"latDegree" : null,
"latMinuteAngle" : null,
"latSecondAngle" : null,
"latFractionAngle" : null,
"latDecimal" : null,
"longDecimal" : null,
"locDescription" : null,
"renamedToClli" : null,
"renamedFromClli" : null,
"sharedSwitchToClli" : null,
"sharedSwitchFromClli" : null,
"requestUserId" : null,
"requestUserName" : null,
"requestSource" : null,
"requestSystemType" : null,
"requestRequestedBy" : null,
"requestContactNum" : null,
"requestAlc" : null,
"requestWorkGroupId" : null,
"requestDescriptionText" : null,
"requestEntityLocationType" : null,
"requestServWireCntr" : null,
"requestWorkLocationInd" : null,
"requestFmlRequiredInd" : null,
"requestAddressType" : null,
"requestAddressCity" : null,
"requestAddressCounty" : null,
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"requestAddressCountry" : null,
"requestAddressPostalCode" : null,
"requestStreetNum" : null,
"requestDirectionalPrefix" : null,
"requestStreetName" : null,
"requestStreetType" : null,
"requestDirectionalSuffix" : null,
"requestUseNonSegmentedAddr" : null,
"requestNonSegmentedAddress" : null,
"returnCode" : "1",
"returnMessage" : "TransactionID=R10549366676727Z. Cannot find \"2900 S DIABLOPPPP
WAY ,TEMPE ,AZ, 07103\" as an address. - return code -0",
"statusCode" : "200"

Requests not completed mechanically but completed from the LMC worklist with a CLLI code
will return the data below via the LMC SOAP API (describeLocation2) consumed by POOA upon

<S:Envelope xmlns:env=""
<ns0:WSResponseHeader xsi:nil="true" xmlns:ns0=""
<ns0:lmcDescribeLocation2Response xmlns:ns0=""
<ns1:ResultMsg>SUCCESS TRANSACTION ID = Q12271297810567Q</ns1:ResultMsg>

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Response Schema
XML is not a supported format, thus no XML schema is provided. Add JSON Schema when JSON Schema
formally adopted

Error/Status Codes:

List the error codes a consumer of the mS can expect. Below are some of the common status and error codes. Consider the success
scenario, clients providing errorouneous input, and internal mS server errors that will apply to this mS API. Refer the mS policy for
additional information about status and error codes. The mS url is:

Success Status Codes:

Code Meaning
200 ok – A generic success message
201 Created – Should be sent in response to an API request for resource creation.
202 Accepted – When the API Request is fulfilled asynchronously.
204 No Content

Client Errors Code (4XX series)

Code Meaning
400 Bad Request – When the caller of the API did not make the API request
401 UnAuthorized – When credential supplied to access the API are invalid.
403 Forbidden – Access to a specific resource is not allowed for this API caller.
404 Not Found

Server Errors Codes (5XX series)

Code Meaning
500 Internal Server Error – The server encountered and internal error or time out;
please retry
503 Service Unavailable – The server is currentl unable to receive requests; pleas

Publish-Subscribe Messaging/DMaaP Interface Specification

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o N/A

Database Interface Specification


Other Interface Specifications


JMS Considerations

o N/A

o N/A

AFT Discovery Service Considerations

AFT Discovery Service Client Specification


AFT Discovery Entry Specification

 N/A

Interface Processing Rules

Describe the appropriate processing rules and/or procedures for the Provider and each Consumer
application involved in the interface. Create separate sub-sections for multiple Consumers where needed.
a) For On-Demand interfaces include transaction rules related to:
 Processing constraints
 Timeout and retry handling rules
 Message priority rules
 Maximum message size
 Maximum concurrent transactions
 Use of wild-cards in parameter values
 Persistent, Non-Persistent messages

b) For Batch interfaces include file, record and transaction rules related to:
 Grouping
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 Sorting/filtering
 Sequencing
 File retention requirements
 Data and the control levels
 File transfer time
 Timeout and retry handling rules
 Processing constraints

Data Quality

This section is in support of improving Data Quality, it is recommended that Data Quality controls be
defined for all interfaces. Refer to the Data Quality Job Aid, and in this section document the Data Quality
controls that should be implemented for this interface. Where applicable, applications should also include
any current data quality processes and controls not captured in the job aid.

Availability and Performance

Define interface availability and performance requirements.

On-Demand Interface Availability and Performance

Create a table for each Consumer application (as shown in the two example tables below) or reference
an external document containing this information. For each interface operation enter availability and
performance requirements in the rows as demonstrated by the red example content).
 Operation Name(s) = name of Operation(s). Include multiple operation names in a single
table if the availability and performance requirements of the operations are identical.
 Operation Hours Days needed = Hours and Days during which the operation is to be in
 Load type = threshold states for the consumer: Baseline, Normal, Peak & Spike where:
o Baseline - low transactional volume during the business day
o Normal - average transactional volume during the business day
o Peak - high transactional volume hour or a high 15 minute period during the
business day
o Spike - extremely high transactional volume 5 minute or 15 minute period during
the business day
 Hours when occurs = scheduled hours when the consumer application expects to be at the
specified Load type.
 Latency = the amount of time consumed by one application component waiting for another
application component to respond. Latency is measured as the total time the originating
application (typically the Consumer) component waits. Include the latency for each Load
 Transactions/hr = number of expected transactions per hour for each specified Load type

Consumer App Name: POOA

Operation Name(s): requestClli
6AM - 8PM
Operation Hours Days Needed: Central Mon - Fri
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Load type Hours when Occurs Latency Transactions/hr

Baseline 6AM - 7AM & 7PM - 8PM 3 sec 500
Normal 7AM - 11AM & 2PM - 7PM 3 sec 1000
Peak 11AM - 2PM 5 sec 5000
Spike 12PM - 12:30PM 15 sec 20000

Consumer App Name: BCD

Operation Name(s): API_ABC; API_XYZ; API_abc
Operation Hours Days Needed: 6AM - 8PM Mon - Fri
Load type Hours when Occurs Latency Transactions/hr
Baseline 6AM - 7AM & 7PM - 8PM 3 sec 1500
Normal 7AM - 11AM & 2PM - 7PM 3 sec 2000
Peak 11AM - 2PM 5 sec 5000
Spike 12PM - 12:30PM 15 sec 25000

Batch Interface Availability and Performance

Enter requirements for each Consumer application in the table below for each interface file. File
naming convention should include date and time for when the data is extracted from the source.

Consumer App Name: POOA

File Name: Ld1.*
Transmission schedule and Frequency: Daily Mon - Fri
Expected volume per transmission 1 mil. records

Consumer App Name: BCD

File Name: File1; File4; File5
Transmission schedule and Frequency: 1.00 am 7 days a week
Expected volume per transmission 20 records

Consumer App Name: BCD

File Name: File6; File7
Transmission schedule and Frequency: 3.00 am Month end
Expected volume per transmission 2000 records

Database Availability

Specify connection details for databases, data router, etc. For database connections include windows
during which data can be evaluated.

Provider Application Scheduled Hours of Operation

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Specify the hours of operation for the Provider application.

Provider App Name: LMC

24x7 except for
Operation Hours Days Available: Mon - Sun
scheduled maintenance

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Outage and Error Handling

Define, or reference documents that describe outage and error handling associated with this interface.
Outage Handling

Describe and rationalize how each Consumer will respond to planned and unplanned outage situations
(i.e., retry, failover and transaction queuing for later processing), include contact information
(distribution list).

Error Handling

Describe and rationalize how each Consumer will respond to each error condition and associated
codes, categories, criticality and messages as described in the Interface Specification section above.


Identify firewalls and define or reference documents that specify Authentication, Authorization and
Encryption security requirements and their implementation as defined by the AT&T Security Policy &
Requirements (ASPR)


Specify the authentication mechanism used.

 SOAP Web Services must use WS-Security Username Token Profile
 RESTful Web Services Inter-Application interfaces must use the HTTP Basic Authentication
Schema (RFC2617) for credentials transmission.


All Providers, even those on the AT&T internal network, must implement authorization.


Identify the Consumers that may call each Operation offered by the Provider.

Operation Name Authorized Consumer

requestCLLI POOA
MOTS ID: 26305


Specify the mechanism used to implement authorization (e.g., LDAP, WebSphere).


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Identify whether data is transmitted over the Internet.

Identify transmitted data elements that are of an Information Classification that requires
encryption when transmitted. See ASPR-0179
Identify transmitted data elements that are of an Information Classification that requires
encryption when at rest and uses a transmission method that places the data at rest
(e.g. persistent messages on a JMS queue). See ASPR-0176. Per the TSS AT&T Encryption
Service Usage Practice, data at rest must be encrypted using the AT&T Encryption Service.
To ensure the interface meets the SPI requirements use the Technology Development
Compliance SPI Job Aid SPI Data Elements are listed here.


Specify the encryption implementation (e.g., https, IIOP/SSL, Connect:Direct Secure+) if

encryption is required per the Requirements section above.

Specify the Certificate Authority if transport encryption (e.g. HTTPS, IIOPS) is used.



Disaster Recovery

Information in MOTS for LMC:

ARM (Application Recovery Manual) is located in MOTS under the IT Application Disaster Recovery and AIA

Testing Considerations

Describe unique, non-obvious considerations that the testing teams should include when developing test
plans and test sets (i.e., unit, assembly, integrated systems tests) for this interface. Do not describe
normal test sets that are expected to be included during the creation of the test plans and test sets.

Related Documents

Reference other supporting documentation (e.g., user guides, industry standard documentation, vendor
Provide links to other plans at your discretion.

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Compliance Interface Agreement


Parties of Agreement

Source MOTS ID Target Application Name MOTS ID


Description of Interface

Provide a description of the interface as related to the business reporting requirements this interface
supports, the source and target applications, technology utilized and a summary of the type of data
contained in the interface.

Statement of ASPR compliance responsibilities

The Application Contacts of the source and target applications of this interface and the Project Manager
are responsible for the implementation of the interface agreement to and confirm that the following has
been completed in accordance to ASPR Policy:
 All parties involved in the movement of data between systems/applications understand the content of the
data being processed and stored
 All parties have identified specific fields that are considered sensitive data, which may include SPI,
 A written documented plan and / or procedure has been approved by the source and destination system
representatives; where the interface includes sensitive data from the source system.
 The source application of the interface has retained documented evidence of approvals from each party.
This evidence should be retained in accordance to Records & Information Management.
 The target application of the interface agrees to accept responsibility for monitoring and enforcement of
all relevant aspects of ASPR Policy regarding the movement and storage of data derived from the
source application.

Identification of sensitive data

Add additional Sensitive Data Types, if needed. If a Sensitive Data Type does not apply to the
interface, Mark “last verification date” as NA and exists in Interface as “N”.

Sensitive Data Type Last Verification Date Exists in Interface (Y/N)

Sensitive Personal Information (SPI) NA N
Sensitive Customer Data (SCD) NA N
Payment Credit Card Industry (PCI) NA N
Restricted Personal Information (RPI / NA N

If any of the sensitive date is marked “Y,” provide a link to the approved Sensitive Business Case.
This will be an accumulative list that will grow as new interfaces are introduced.

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Note: Ensure the Sensitive Business Case is stored in an approved repository and the link is available
to anyone who needs to review the document.

Date Business Case was Sensitive Business Case

<add link>

Acceptance & Approvals


This section is included as a option for capturing approvals. To understand what is required, refer to
tProcess Activity “Design, Commit, Build and Test.”


At a minimum, the Application Contact (source), Application Contact (target) and Application PM (source)
must sign off if there is sensitive data. It is recommended to additionally add the Application PM (target),
Project Security Analyst and Business Tower Owner as approvers. Add additional approvers, as needed.

Version Approved, Approval

ATTUID and Name Role Group/Application
Date and Approval Evidence
bc3337 Barry Cochran Application IT/LMC
? Application POOA
rw1628 Ron Watson Application Accenture/LMC
? Application POOA
N/A Project Security
N/A Business Tower

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