Unit 3 Performing SQL Operations from PL
Unit 3 Performing SQL Operations from PL
Unit 3 Performing SQL Operations from PL
2. Set Operators
Set operators combine the results of two queries into one result. INTERSECT returns all distinct
rows selected by both queries. MINUS returns all distinct rows selected by the first query but not
by the second. UNION returns all distinct rows selected by either query. UNION ALL returns all
rows selected by either query, including all duplicates.
3. Row Operators
Row operators return or reference particular rows. ALL retains duplicate rows in the result of a
query or in an aggregate expression. DISTINCT eliminates duplicate rows from the result of a
query or from an aggregate expression. PRIOR refers to the parent row of the current row
returned by a tree-structured query.
emp_id emp.empno%TYPE;
UPDATE emp SET eno=1
WHERE empname = 'Forbs ross'
insert into student values(1,'ram');
savepoint s;
insert into student values(2,'raj');
3.3 Concurrency Control
Concurrency control is a database management systems (DBMS) concept that is used to address
occur with a multi-user system. Concurrency control, when applied to a DBMS, is meant to
coordinate simultaneous transactions while preserving data integrity. The Concurrency is about to
control the multi-user access of Database.
Concurrency control is a very important issue in distributed database system design. This is
because concurrency allows many transactions to be executing simultaneously such that collection
of manipulated data item is left in a consistent state. Database concurrency control permits users
to access a database in a multiprogrammed fashion while preserving the illusion that user is
executing alone on a dedicated system. Besides, it produces the same effect and has the same
output on the database as some serial execution of the same transaction.
In Oracle PL/SQL, a LOCK is a mechanism that prevents destructive interaction between two
simultaneous transactions or sessions trying to access the same database object.
A LOCK can be achieved in two ways:
Implicit locking or Explicit Locking
Oracle server implicitly creates a deadlock situation if a transaction is done on the same table in
different sessions. This default locking mechanism is called implicit or automatic locking.
A lock is held until the transaction is complete; this is referred to as data concurrency.
A key reason for locking is to ensure that all valid processes are always able to access the original
data as it was at the time the query was initiated. This is referred to as read consistency.
With Explicit Locking, a table or partition can be locked using the LOCK TABLE statement in
one of the specified modes. The available lock modes are ROW EXCLUSIVE, SHARE
EXCLUSIVE, EXCLUSIVE, NOWAIT and WAIT. Note that it is preferable to do Explicit
Locking rather than relying on the implicit locking done by default by the Oracle server.
There are two types of Locks
1. Shared lock
2. Exclusive lock
Shared lock:
Shared locks are placed on resources whenever a read operation (select) is performed.
Multiple shared locks can be simultaneously set on a resource.
Exclusive lock:
Exclusive locks are placed on resources whenever a write operation (INSERT, UPDATE And
DELETE) are performed. Only one exclusive lock can be placed on a resource at a time.
i.e. the first user who acquires an exclusive lock will continue to have the sole ownership of the
resource, and no other user can acquire an exclusive lock on that resource
Level of Locks
1. Row level
2. Table level
Row Locks (TX)
A row lock, also called a TX lock, is a lock on a single row of a table. A transaction acquires a
row lock for each row modified by one of the following statements: INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE,
MERGE, and SELECT ... FOR UPDATE. The row lock exists until the transaction commits or
rolls back.
When a transaction obtains a row lock for a row, the transaction also acquires a table lock for the
table in which the row resides. The table lock prevents conflicting DDL operations that would
override data changes in a current transaction.
Row-level locks serve a primary function to prevent multiple transactions from modifying the
same row. Whenever a transaction needs to modify a row, a row lock is acquired by Oracle.
There is no hard limit on the exact number of row locks held by a statement or transaction. Also,
unlike other database platforms, Oracle will never escalate a lock from the row level to a coarser
granular level. This row locking ability provides the DBA with the finest granular level of locking
possible and, as such, provides the best possible data concurrency and performance for
Table Locks (TM)
A transaction automatically acquires a table lock (TM lock) when a table is modified with the
following statements: INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, MERGE, and SELECT ... FOR UPDATE.
These DML operations require table locks to reserve DML access to the table on behalf of a
transaction and to prevent DDL operations that would conflict with the transaction. You can
explicitly obtain a table lock using the LOCK TABLE statement.
Any table lock prevents the acquisition of an exclusive DDL lock on the same table, and thereby
prevents DDL operations that require such locks. For example, a table cannot be altered or dropped
if an uncommitted transaction holds a table lock for it.
Cursor Attributes
Both Implicit cursor and the explicit cursor has certain attributes that can be accessed. These
attributes give more information about the cursor operations. Below are the different cursor
attributes and their usage.
Cursor Description
%FOUND It returns the Boolean result 'TRUE' if the most recent fetch operation fetched a record
successfully, else it will return FALSE.
%NOTFOUND This works oppositely to %FOUND it will return 'TRUE' if the most recent fetch operation
could not able to fetch any record.
%ISOPEN It returns Boolean result 'TRUE' if the given cursor is already opened, else it returns
%ROWCOUNT It returns the numerical value. It gives the actual count of records that got affected by the
DML activity.
c_id customers.id%type;
c_name customerS.No.ame%type;
c_addr customers.address%type;
CURSOR c_customers is
SELECT id, name, address FROM customers;
OPEN c_customers;
FETCH c_customers into c_id, c_name, c_addr;
EXIT WHEN c_customers%notfound;
dbms_output.put_line(c_id || ' ' || c_name || ' ' || c_addr);
CLOSE c_customers;
Cursor FOR Loop statement
"FOR LOOP" statement can be used for working with cursors. We can give the cursor name
instead of range limit in the FOR loop statement so that the loop will work from the first record
of the cursor to the last record of the cursor. The cursor variable, opening of cursor, fetching and
closing of the cursor will be done implicitly by the FOR loop.
CURSOR <cursor_name> IS <SELECT statement>;
FOR I IN <cursor_name>
CURSOR c1 IS SELECT emp_name FROM employee;
FOR lv_emp_name IN c1
Dbms_output.put_line(‘Employee Fetched:‘||lv_emp_name);
Parameterized cursor
Parameterized cursors are static cursors that can accept passed-in parameter values when they are
An explicit cursor may accept a list of parameters. Each time you open the cursor, you can pass
different arguments to the cursor, which results in different result sets.
CURSOR cursor_name (parameter_list)
Example 1:
my_record emp%ROWTYPE;
CURSOR c1 (max_wage NUMBER) IS
SELECT * FROM emp WHERE sal < max_wage;
OPEN c1(2000);
FETCH c1 INTO my_record;
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Name = ' || my_record.ename || ', salary = '
|| my_record.sal);
Example 2:
r_product products%rowtype;
CURSOR c_product (low_price NUMBER, high_price NUMBER)
FROM products
WHERE list_price BETWEEN low_price AND high_price;
-- show mass products
dbms_output.put_line('Mass products: ');
OPEN c_product(50,100);
FETCH c_product INTO r_product;
EXIT WHEN c_product%notfound;
dbms_output.put_line(r_product.product_name || ': ' ||r_product.list_price);
CLOSE c_product;
In this example:
First, declare a cursor that accepts two parameters low price and high price. The cursor
retrieves products whose prices are between the low and high prices.
Second, open the cursor and pass the low and high prices as 50 and 100 respectively.
Then fetch each row in the cursor and show the product’s information, and close the
Third, open the cursor for the second time but with different arguments, 800 for the low
price and 100 for the high price. Then the rest is fetching data, printing out product’s
information, and closing the cursor.